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    Primo VE 2024 Release Notes

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    Additional Information:

    • Click here to view the CDI-related updates at the bottom of this page.

    • Click here to view the monthly release and maintenance schedules.


    Quicklinks is a convenient and efficient way for users to access full-text documents from within the search results using a single click. In the February release, we added the auto_switch_quicklinks customer parameter to the Discovery Customer Settings page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Other > Customer Settings) to encourage the use of this efficient and cost-free feature and to allow customers an opportunity to opt out of the automatic enablement of Quicklinks prior to the May release.

    For customers who opted out prior to the May release and want to enable Quicklinks, set the Display Quick Links checkbox on the View Configuration page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views) For more information, see Discovery Customer Settings.

    With the May release, the Display Quick Links checkbox on the View Configuration page is hidden unless you set the auto_switch_quicklinks customer parameter to false.

    What's New in May?

    To download the slides for this presentation, select PDF.

    August Sneak Preview

    • Bulk Export of Records to RIS, BIBTEX, and CSV

    What's New in February?

    To download the slides for this presentation, select PDF.

    May Sneak Preview

    • Linked Data: Person Entity and Info Card – Display related persons information on linked data.

    • Search of Local Authority Records.


    Linked Open Data - Discovery of Person Entity

    May 2024 URM-207351
    (Updated June 26, 2024) With the integration of Linked Open Data (LOD), Primo VE can now associate records with LOD, specifically persons (such as authors and historical figures) and display this information in the UI. The person entities are based on LoC (Library of Congress) and are enriched with Wikidata.

    • In this phase, person entities are linked only to local records that are linked to LCNAMES authorities.

    • The information gathered from the LoC and Wikidata is updated once weekly.

    • Currently, this functionality is supported in English only.

    To support this functionality, the following changes were made to the UI:

    • Autocomplete Person – Person entity suggestions are now provided for search terms entered for simple and advanced searches. Selecting a suggestion opens the associated Person page.

      Person entity suggestions in simple search.

      Autocomplete in Simple Search
    • Person Info Card – Displays the person's information in the Recommendations panel on the Full Display page if the record is associated with a linked person entity. Selecting the person's name in the card opens the Person page. A title may be associated with more than one person entity. The order of the cards in the Related Persons section is based on the following priority: 1) Creator, 2) Contributor, and 3) Subject. In the following example, the book is linked with the author and the person about which the book was written.

      Person Info Cards in Recommendation panel on Full Display page.

      Person Info Card - Right Panel of Full Display
    • Person page – Displays the person's information on a full page. In addition to the person's information, this page also includes the following sections, which enable users to discover titles associated with that person: Titles in Library Written by Person, Titles in Library Written about Person, and People Associated with Person.

      Person Page with George Washington's information.

      Person Page

    For more information, see Searching for Linked Open Data - Person Entity.

    Analytics - Person Entity Discovery

    To support this functionality, the following actions have been added to the Action Usage subject area:

    Group Subgroup Action Description


    Related Persons

    Click on the link to Wikipedia

    On the Person page, the user selected the person's link.

    Click on "Show more" on a related person

    In the Person Info Card, the user selected the Show more link to expand the card.

    Related person section appeared

    In the Full Display, the Person Info Card appeared.

    Click on the link from info card to full person page

    In the Person Info Card, the user selected the person's link.

    Click on the link from autocomplete to full person page

    The user selected the person's autocomplete suggestion.

    Configuration Options

    This functionality is disabled by default. Refer to the following table to enable this functionality and configure related options.

    Element Description

    Discovery Customer Settings page (Configuration > Discovery > Other > Customer Settings)

    The following parameters were added to this table to support the discovery of person entities:

    • enable_person_entity_info_card – Set this parameter to true to enable the Person Info Card on the Full Display page.

    • enable_person_entity_autocomplete – Set this parameter to true to enable autocomplete for person entities.

    For additional information, see Discovery Customer Settings.

    Person Entity Labels code table (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels)

    The following codes have been added to support the Person page:

    • nui.personEntity.titlesBy – Titles in the Library By {person name}

    • nui.personEntity.titlesWrittenAbout – Titles in the Library Written About {person name}

    • nui.personEntity.relatedPeople – People Associated With {person name}

    • nui.personEntity.showAllTitlesBy – See All Titles

    • nui.personEntity.showAllWrittenAbout – See All Titles

    • nui.personEntity.wikipedia – See more in Wikipedia

    • nui.personEntity.back – Back

    • nui.personEntity.backtoPersonPage – Back to Person Page

    • nui.personEntity.showingAllTitlesBy – Showing List of Titles by {person name}

    • nui.personEntity.showingTitlesWritttenAbout – Showing List of Titles about {person name}

    The following codes have been added to support the Person Info Card on the Full Display page:

    • nui.personEntity.birthDate – Born

    • nui.personEntity.deathDate – Died

    • nui.personEntity.showMore – Show more

    • nui.personEntity.showLess – Show less

    • nui.personEntity.RelatedPersonsTitle – Related Persons

    • nui.personEntity.occupation – Occupation

    • nui.personEntity.fieldOfWork – Field Of Work

    • nui.personEntity.source – Source

    • nui.personEntity.sourceText – Library of Congress Name Authority and Wikidata

    Aria Labels code table (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels)

    The following codes have been added to support accessibility for the Person page:

    • nui.aria.personEntity.wikipedia – Link To Wikipedia

    • nui.aria.personEntity.showAllTitlesBy – Link To Show All Titles By

    • nui.aria.personEntity.showAllWrittenAbout – Link To Show All Titles Written About

    The following codes have been added to support accessibility for the Person Info Card:

    • nui.aria.personEntity.showMore – Show more

    • nui.aria.personEntity.showLess – Show less

    • nui.aria.personEntity.imageInfo – Information about license and image

    May 2024 URM-114601
    Previously, the HAN proxy was not supported for use with links returned from CDI, preventing users from viewing full text when a proxy was necessary for an electronic resource. With this enhancement, you can now apply a HAN proxy to CDI links to enable on-campus users to view full text.

    Configuration Options

    This functionality is disabled by default. Refer to the following table to enable this functionality and configure related options:

    Element Description

    Central Index and Proxy Set-up page (Configuration > Discovery > Other > Central Index and proxy set-up)

    This page has not been updated, but now you can specify a HAN proxy in the CDI Proxy field. For additional information, see Configuring Central Index and Proxy Settings for Primo VE.

    CDI HAN Proxy settings in Primo VE.

    Use Proxy Configuration in Primo VE

    The Use proxy only if the user is off-campus option is not supported and should not be selected for HAN proxies.

    Integration Profile List page (Configuration > General > External Systems > Integration Profiles)

    This Alma configuration is not new, but it configures your resolver proxy (such as HAN or EZproxy). For more information, see Resolver Proxies.

    HAN proxy settings in Alma.

    Proxy Resolver Configuration in Alma

    Support Discovery of Local Authority Records

    May 2024 URM-98287
    You can now expose local authority records to users. When enabled, the new Authorities Search page enables users to search for and view authority records, find different names and relations between authorities, as well as find bibliographic records that are associated with a particular authority record. For more details, see Configuring Authority Search for Primo VE.

    • This functionality requires re-indexing and will be ready after the upcoming Alma semi-annual indexing, which is scheduled to occur between May and June in the production environments (which may vary from region to region). If you want to test this feature earlier in your sandbox environment, please reach out to Support for re-indexing.

    • Currently, we support only local authorities (not Library of Congress or Mesh).

    Authority Search page with search field selector.

    New Authority Search Page

    Brief Results:

    After performing an Authority Search, the following authority types appear like resource types in other types of searches (such as library searches):

    Type of Authority

    MARC Field Mapping

    Uniform title 130 $a-- $x
    Subject term 150 $a
    Personal name 100 $a $d
    Meeting name 111 $a $d
    Geographic term 151 $a -- $x -- $y
    Genre/Form subdivision 185 $v
    General subdivision 180 $x
    Corporate name 110 $a

    In the following example, the search results include all matching authority types:

    Results of Authority Search using Keywords (All Fields) option.

    Authority Search - Keywords (All Fields)

    Selecting the Search for records with this term link in the Authority Search results, returns results that include all titles that use the selected authority.

    Full Display:

    Selecting an item's title in the Authority Search results, opens the Authority Details page, which displays the following information:

    Authority Details Page for Uniform Title.

    Authority Details Page

    Analytics - Discovery of Local Authority Records

    To support this functionality, the following action has been added to the Action Usage subject area:

    Group Subgroup Action Description



    Authority search

    The user performed an Authority Search.

    Configuration Options

    This functionality is disabled by default. Refer to the following table to enable this functionality and configure related options.

    Element Description

    View Configuration page (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views)

    This functionality is disabled by default. To enable this functionality. perform the following steps on the Links Menu tab:

    1. Edit the row containing the AuthoritySearch code and specify which of the following types of authorities that users can search for specifically:

      • Keyword (any field)
      • Personal Name
      • Corporate Name
      • Meeting Name
      • Name
      • Subject
      • Geographic Term
      • Genre/Form Term
      • Uniform Title
    2. Activate the row containing the AuthoritySearch code.

    For additional information, see Configuring Discovery Views for Primo VE.

    (new) Authority Search Labels code table (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels)

    The following codes have been added to support Authority Searches:

    • nui.authority.searchfor – Search for
    • – Keyword (all fields)
    • – Personal Name
    • – Corporate Name
    • – Meeting Name
    • – Name
    • – Subject
    • – Geographic Term
    • – Genre/Form Term
    • – UniformTitle
    • nui.authority.type.personalname – PERSONAL NAME
    • nui.authority.type.corporatename – CORPORATE NAME
    • nui.authority.type.meetingname – MEETING NAME
    • nui.authority.type.topic – SUBJECT TERM
    • nui.authority.type.geographic – GEOGRAPHIC TERM
    • nui.authority.type.genreform – GENRE/FORM SUBDIVISION
    • nui.authority.type.subdivision – GENERAL SUBDIVISION
    • nui.authority.type.title – UNIFORM TITLE
    • nui.authority.complexreference – Complex reference
    • nui.authority.seefromtracing – See from Tracing
    • nui.authority.seealsofrom – Related terms
    • nui.authority.sourcedatafound – Source data found
    • nui.authority.sourcedatanotfound – Source data not found
    • nui.authority.historicaldata – Historical/bibliographic data
    • nui.authority.note – Note
    • nui.authority.linkedentry – Heading linked entry
    • nui.authority.otherid – Other standard identifier
    • nui.authority.source_id – Source
    • nui.authority.viewrecords – Search for records with this term
    • nui.authority.back – Back to Authority result list
    • nui.authority.heading – Heading

    Add "Exclude CDI Resource Types" Option to CDI Scopes

    May 2024 URM-186643
    Currently, you have the ability to limit CDI searches to records of selected CDI resource types (maximum of five selections). With this enhancement, you can now exclude records of selected resource types (maximum of 5 selections). When the new option is configured, records matching all CDI resource types are returned except for those matching any of the excluded CDI resource types. For more information, see Adding a Search Profile.

    Configuration Options

    To support this functionality, the Exclude resource types option has been added to the Define CDI Search Scope - Resource Types page, which is accessed by editing a CDI search profile on the Search Profiles page (Configuration > Discovery > Search Configuration > Search Profiles).

    Added the Exclude resource types option to the Define CDI Search Scope - Resource Types page.

    Exclude Resource Type Option in Search Profile Configuration

    For more information, see Defining Specialized Search Scopes for CDI.

    Translate Letter Names for Patron Opt-In/Out in My Library Card

    May 2024 URM-211923
    Libraries that enable patrons to use Primo VE to select letters for opt-in/out can now configure and translate the letter names.

    Primo Letter Opt In/Out.

    Primo Letter Opt In/Out

    The Library Notices Opt In Display code table (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Library Card Configurations > Library Notices Opt In Display) has been added to support this functionality. For more details, see Configuring Display Labels for Library Notices Opt-In for Primo VE.

    For additional configuration information, see Configuring Library Notices Opt-In.

    May 2024
    The following improvements have been made to the Showcase Carousel:

    • Embed Showcase Carousel in Primo VE URM-214618 – Since this functionality is not limited to external sites, we have provided an example of how to embed the Showcase Carousel in Primo VE sites. For more information, see Primo Showcase - How to Embed in the Ex Libris Developer Network.

    • Increase Maximum Number of Items URM-215556 – The maximum number of carousel items has increased from 10 to 20 items.

    • URM-218706 SF: 07092487
      Local Thumbnail Support – The carousel now supports local thumbnails (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Thumbnail configuration). Previously, thumbnails were limited to the out-of-the-box thumbnails from Syndetics, Google, and Alma-D.
    • URM-216413 SF: 07043093, 07046861, 07047901, 07123257
      Accessibility Improvements – The following accessibility improvements were made to the Showcase carousel: titles hierarchy, increased space between navigation bullets to 8px, and fixed the order of navigation arrows.

    CDI Subject Normalization and New Keyword Field

    February 2024 URM-199834 URM-203586
    Following customers feedback that the subject terms in Primo VE were inconsistent, not normalized, duplicative, and lead to user confusion, we undertook a project to vastly improve the quality of CDI subject terms. Subject terms are being received in CDI in various formats and styles from providers and aggregators. To address the reported issues, incoming subject terms are now mapped to a controlled vocabulary, which is based primarily on LCSH and MeSH. The outcome of this mapping is the following:

    • Subject field (Normalized) – This indexed field includes only subjects that match the CDI controlled vocabulary. They are deduplicated and normalized.

    • Keyword field – This new field includes all subjects that could not be mapped against the CDI controlled vocabulary. These subjects are considered keywords, which are also indexed and searchable.

    For more details, see Using Normalized Subject Headings from CDI.

    When disabled, the existing Subject field for display, search, and facets is used.

    Configuration Options

    This functionality is disabled by default. Refer to the following table to enable this functionality and related options.

    Element Description

    Views Wizard - General tab (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views)

    The new Use normalized CDI subjects checkbox enables CDI's normalized Subject index in your view. This functionality is disabled by default.

    Views Wizard - Brief Record Display tab (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views)

    The new Keyword field can be configured to appear in the Brief Display lines.

    Views Wizard - Full Record Services tab (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views)

    The new Keywords field can be configured to appear in the Details section in the Full Display.

    Full Display Labels code table (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels)

    The following code was added to support the customization of this label in the Full Display (English only):

    • fulldisplay.keyword – Keywords

    Embed Primo VE Showcase Widgets on Any Website (Idea Exchange)

    February 2024 URM-183810
    This enhancement enables you to embed a visual carousel of records tailored to the library’s specifications, helping libraries promote their content in other websites. The Primo VE Showcase utilizes Primo VE searches with pre-filters, conditions, and facets to dynamically display results. For example, it can show new books about a specific subject that were added to the catalog in the last 7 days, using a subject filter and date facet. As new records are added that match your search query's parameters, they automatically appear on your website.

    Discovery Showcase carousel.

    Discovery Showcase Example

    For more information regarding the configuration of the carousel widget, see Primo Showcase – How to Embed in the Ex Libris Developers Network.

    Configuration Options

    The Discovery Showcase Allowed Domains page (Configuration > Discovery > Other > Discovery Showcase Allowed Domains) enables external domains to embed a showcase widget that displays a carousel of library records within an external domain. For more details, see Adding Domains for Discovery Showcase.

    Discovery Showcase carousel enabled in Primo VE.

    Discovery Showcase Allowed Domains Page

    Shared Digital Resource Improvements (Idea Exchange)

    February 2024 URM-203450
    Previously, when Digital Resource Sharing was enabled for your IZ, the following digital objects were shared with all institutions in the network:

    • Alma-D records stored in your Alma repository and in your remote digital repositories.

    • All records that you imported from external data sources (which are also considered digital objects but are not managed in Alma).

    With this enhancement, you can now indicate whether you want to share digital records that were loaded from external data sources with other institutions.

    Configuration Options

    When Digital Resource Sharing is enabled in Alma, external records are no longer shared by default with other institutions. If you want to share these records with other institutions, set the new shareExternalResources customer parameter to true on the Discovery Customer Settings page (Configuration > Discovery > Other > Customer Settings). These records appear in searches using the Entire Network scope as long as it exists in each member of the consortium.

    Changing the value of the shareExternalResources parameter requires you to re-index or reload the data.

    Support Configuration of Displayed Holdings Level in Get It (NERS # 8141)

    February 2024 URM-194854
    Currently, the holdings level in the Get It section works as follows:

    • If there are only items in one location, the Location Items page opens by default for the location in Get It.

      Location Items page opened by default for the location in Get It.

      Example of Location Items Page
    • If there are items in more than one location, the Locations page opens by default in Get It, which requires users to select the location first.

      Locations page opened by default in Get It.

      Example with Multiple Locations on Locations Page

    With this enhancement, you can configure whether to display the Locations page by default when there is only one location available.

    Locations page opened by default when only one location was available.

    New Default for Locations Page

    Configuration Options

    This functionality is disabled by default. To enable this functionality, set the new display_location_level_in_getIt_single_location parameter to true on the Discovery Customer Settings page (Configuration > Discovery > Other > Customer Settings).

    February 2024 URM-206897
    When remote registration is enabled in a fulfillment network, the Register button appears in Get It to allow users from an institution to register to get access to services from another institution. Prior to this enhancement, users had no knowledge that their personal information was passed to the other institution during registration. With this enhancement, users will now be notified and given an option to confirm or cancel the registration request.

    Option to confirm or cancel the registration request.

    Registration Consent Notification in Get It

    Configuration Options

    This functionality is enabled automatically as part of the remote registration functionality. The following table lists additional options associated with this functionality.

    Element Description

    Fulfillment Customer Parameters page in Alma (Configuration > Fulfillment > General > Other Settings)

    Ensure that the uresolver_remote_register parameter is set to Manual to display the Register button.

    Get it service labels code table (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels)

    The following codes have been added to support the customization and translation of the labels displayed in the Registration Consent dialog box:

    • nui.fulldisplay.otherLocations.registerConfirmation – By registering you agree that your user information will be shared with the {{otherInstitution}}

    • nui.fulldisplay.otherLocations.registerConfirm – Confirm

    • nui.fulldisplay.otherLocations.registerCancel – Cancel

    These labels are configured in the patron's institution.

    Aria Labels Code table (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels)

    The following codes have been added support accessibility for this feature:

    • nui.aria.fulldisplay.otherLocations.registerConfirm – Click confirm to approve registration

    • nui.aria.fulldisplay.otherLocations.registerCancel – Click Cancel to go back

    These labels are configured in the patron's institution.

    Display SMS Wanted Field in My Library Card (Idea Exchange)

    February 2024 URM-197457
    You now have the option to display the SMS Wanted checkbox in My Library Card > Personal Details by setting the new display_sms_wanted parameter to true on the Discovery Customer Settings page (Configuration > Discovery > Other > Customer Settings). When enabled, this checkbox is selected only if the preference to receive SMS is enabled in the user's details in Alma. By default, the SMS Wanted checkbox is hidden.

    SMS Wanted checkbox under Personal Details section.

    SMS Wanted Checkbox Displayed in My Library Card

    February 2024 URM-210293
    Make your end users’ search and discovery experience smooth and seamless with Quicklinks, which automatically embeds direct links to PDF and HTML full-text documents within the search results. With over 40 content providers supplying direct links and over 1.5 billion articles supported by Quicklinks, users can spend less time navigating to full text and devote more time exploring the valuable resources available to your patrons. Hundreds of institutions are already using Quicklinks, seamlessly exposing links to their patrons. 

    With the May release, our plan is to enable Quicklinks automatically for all customers, but you have the option to opt out of its automatic enablement.

    Quicklinks Enabled in View.

    Quicklinks Enabled in View

    For more details regarding Quicklinks, see Quicklinks in Primo and Primo VE.

    Configuration Options

    The Quicklinks feature is disabled by default, but it will be enabled automatically if you do not opt out prior to the May release. If you decide to opt out, you can enable it manually any time after the May release.

    If you have enabled the Quicklinks feature in a view, you will continue to display Quicklinks after the May release.

    To opt out of automatic enablement:
    Set the new auto_switch_quicklinks parameter to false on the Discovery Customer Settings page (Configuration > Discovery > Other > Customer Settings). The default value is true. If you have enabled Quicklinks in a view, you will continue to receive Quicklinks regardless of this setting.
    To enable Quicklinks before and after the May release:
    Select the Display Quick Links option in the General tab on the View Configuration page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views).

    Support HTML Coding in Additional Labels (NERS #8134)

    February 2024 URM-195782 (Updated February 21, 2024)
    Support for HTML coding for labels varies between codes in Primo VE, and in some cases, there is very little support. With this release, the working group has selected a set of codes and fields that allow HTML coding, including the <href> tag for linking. HTML support has been added to the following codes/fields:

    Code Table/Field Description

    View It Labels code table (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels)

    • c.uresolver.availableOnline.service_is_temporary_unavailable

    Error Messages Labels code table (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels)



    Resource Sharing Labels code table (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels)

    • almaResourceSharing.header

    • almaResourceSharing.article


    • almaResourceSharing.formatPhysical

    • almaResourceSharing.formatNoneReturnable

    • almaResourceSharing.formatDigital

    Citation Labels code table (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels)

    • citation.labels.disclaimer

    Collection Discovery Labels (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels)

    • nui.colldiscovery.lobby.description

    Rapido Labels code table (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels)


    Description field in the General tab on the Collection Resources Editor page (Resources > Manage Inventory > Manage Collections)

    Defines the description for the collection. To translate the description, select the Globe icon next to the field.

    Public Note field in the Services tab on the Service Details page (Configuration > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > General Electronic Services)

    Defines a public note for the General Electronic Service. To translate the public note, select the Globe icon next to the field.

    Additional Enhancements

    • July 2024 URM-219112
      Local Authority Search - Support Linkable URLs in Metadata – The Local Authority Search feature has been enhanced to allow URLs included in the metadata to be linkable in the authority record's details. For additional information, see Configuring Authority Search for Primo VE.
    • July 2024 URM-208901 SF: 06882452, 06933224
      Support Translation of Personal Details Error Messages – To allow translation and customization of the error messages that appear in My Library Card > Personal Details, the following codes have been added to the Library card Labels code table: 
      Code Description Comment
      nui.details.phoneError Phone Number field must be numeric  Appears after entering an invalid phone number.
      nui.details.emailError Email Address field must have a valid form Appears after entering an invalid email address.
      nui.details.zipError Postal Code field must be between 0-16 characters, and must include only digits. Appears after entering an invalid zip code.
    • July 2024 URM-191439 SF: 06720930
      Improved UNIMARC Mapping of the 5XX and 7XX Fields – The following changes have been made to the mapping rules to improve the mapping of the UNIMARC 5XX and 7XX fields to the display fields Creator and Contributor.
      Display Field Old Mapping New Mapping


      The following entries include the output delimiters/characters between subfields:

      702 #1 $$a, $$b <$$c> $$d <$$f>
      702 #0  $$a <$$c> $$d <$$f>
      712 01 $$a <$$c> : $$b
      712 02 $$a <$$c> : $$b
      712 12 $$a : $$b : <$$c> <$$d>, $$f, $$e


      The following UNIMARC entry in Alma:

      702 #0 $$a Corti $$b Laura $$c testc $$d testd $$f testf

      Returns the following output for the Contributor in Primo VE:

      Corti <testc> testd <testf>

      The following entries include the output delimiters/characters between subfields:

      702 #1 $$a, $$b, $$d <$$f ; $$c> <$$4>
      702 #0  $$a, $$b $$d <$$f ; $$c> <$$4>
      712 00 $$a $$b $$c <$$g $$h> <$$4>
      712 01 $$a $$b <$$c> <$$4>
      712 02 $$a $$b <$$c> <$$4>
      712 12 $$a $$b : <$$c> : <$$d>, $$f, $$e <$$4>


      The following UNIMARC entry in Alma:

      702 #0 $$a Corti $$b Laura $$c testc $$d testd $$f testf $$4 070

      Returns the following output for the Contributor in Primo VE:

      Corti, Laura, testd <testf ; test c> <Author>


      The following entries include the output delimiters/characters between subfields:

      700 #1 $$a, $$b <$$c> $$d <$$f>
      700 #0 $$a <$$c> $$d <$$f>
      701 #1 $$a, $$b <$$c> $$d <$$f>
      701 #0 $$a <$$c> $$d <$$f>
      710 01 $$a <$$c> : $$b
      710 02 $$a <$$c> : $$b
      710 12 $$a : $$b : <$$c> <$$d>, $$f, $$e
      711 01 $$a <$$c> : $$b
      711 02 $$a <$$c> : $$b
      711 12 $$a : $$b : <$$c> <$$d>, $$f, $$e
      716 ## $$a <$$c>, $$f
      720 ## $$a <$$c> <$$d>, $$f
      721 ## $$a <$$c> <$$d>, $$f


      The following UNIMARC entry in Alma:

      700 #1 $$a Corti $$b Laura $$c testc $$d testd $$f testf

      Returns the following output for the Creator in Primo VE:

      Corti, Laura <testc> testd <testf>

      The following entries include the output delimiters/characters between subfields:

      700 #1 $$a, $$b, $$d <$$f ; $$c> <$$4>
      700 #0 $$a $$d  <$$f ; $$c> <$$4>
      701 #1 $$a $$b $$d <$$f ; $$c> <$$4>
      701 #0 $$a $$d <$$f ; $$c> <$$4>
      710 01 $$a <$$c> : $$b <$$4>
      710 02 $$a <$$c> : $$b <$$4>
      710 12 $$a $$b <$$c ; $$d ; $$f; $$e> <$$4>
      711 01 $$a : <$$c> : $$b <$$4>
      711 02 $$a : <$$c> : $$b <$$4>
      711 12 $$a : $$b : <$$c; $$d; $$f ;$$e> <$$4>
      716 ## $$a <$$c>, $$f
      720 ## $$a <$$c> <$$d>, $$f
      721 ## $$a <$$c> <$$d>, $$f


      The following UNIMARC entry in Alma:

      700 #1 $$a Corti $$b Laura $$c testc $$d testd $$f testf $$4 070

      Returns the following output for the Creator in Primo VE:

      Corti, Laura, testd, <testf ; testc> <Author>

      For more information regarding mapping, see Mapping to the Display, Facets, and Search Sections in the Primo VE Record.

    • July 2024
      Ongoing Accessibility Improvements for July – With this release, the following fixes have been made to improve accessibility:
      • Alt-text was missing from Beacon image.
      • Borrowing requests incorrectly announced "scan request" in aria-live region.
      • NVDA did not recognize top-level collection titles as headings. Note that the HTML structure has changed.
      • On the Person page, headings were out of order, and <H4> was used instead of <H3> under the Related Persons section.
    • July 2024 URM-201925 SF: 06844727
      Support New WorldCat V2 API – OCLC will be deprecating the API that Primo VE currently uses to enable users to search WordCat. The new WorldCat V2 adapter is being added to the Search Profiles > Other Indexes, and is currently under construction for future use.
    • June 2024
      Support Normalization of Language for Local Fields – Previously, the normalize_discovery_lang normalization function was unable to display the language for local display fields. With this enhancement, you can now use this function in a normalization rule for local fields as long as you use the new add prefix to list action and select the Use Translations checkbox on the Define a Local Field page (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Manage display and local fields).


      rule "Primo VE - Lds63"
              MARC is "041"."h"
              set TEMP"2" to MARC."041"."h"
              lower case (TEMP"2")
              return list using regex (TEMP"1",TEMP"2","[a-z]{3}")
              normalize discovery lang (TEMP"1")
              add prefix to list (TEMP"1","lang.")
              create pnx."display"."lds63" with list TEMP"1"

      For more information, see Adding a Local Field and Configuring Normalization Rules for Display and Local Fields.

    • June 2024 
      Update APAC Synonym List - Languages and Locations – The synonyms file was updated to include the attached terms for the APAC region.
    • May 2024 URM-186978
      Bibliographic Call Number Browsing Improvements - Indexing – Previously, only the first part of the bibliographic call number (subfields $$a or $$h) was used for searching and browsing. After the semi-annual indexing, the value of the $$b subfield will be indexed from the following fields to determine the results for bibliographic call number searches:
      Call Number Search Field

      LC call number

      050, 055, 090

      Universal Decimal Class Number


      Dewey Decimal Class Number

      082, 092

      Other Classification Number


      This is useful for librarians who want to search for the entire call number, not just the classification part.

    • May 2024 URM-206877 SF: 06935497
      Support Subject Indexing of MARC 689 Field for German Region – For use with the German region, normalization rules were added to support the search and display of the MARC 689 field. For more details, see Working with German MARC and the 689 Field in Alma.
      689 $D 6XX Synonym


      600 – Subject Added Entry – Personal Name


      610 - Subject Added Entry – Corporate Name


      611 - Subject Added Entry –Meeting Name


      650 - Subject Added Entry – Topical Term


      651 - Subject Added Entry – Geographic Name


      630 – Uniform Title

    • May 2024 URM-214236
      Linked Data - Add Dedup Local Key for Work URI – As part of the BIBFRAME (Bibliographic Framework) integration in Alma, you can now create a complete key to Dedup records that include BIBFRAME's Work URI. To support this functionality, the match/F50 key can now be added as a key to a Dedup complete key on the Edit Dedup/FRBR Complete Key page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Other > Dedup/FRBR Complete Key Combination). For more information, see Configuring the Dedup and FRBR Complete Keys in Primo VE and Understanding the Dedup and FRBR Processes (Primo VE).
    • May 2024 URM-206027
      Split Configuration for Hypertext Linking Using Exact and Only – With the addition of the Use "Equals exact phrase" for hypertext linking (for Title, Author and Subject only) option in the May 2023 release, the Equals exact phrase operator did not provide enough flexibility. With this enhancement, you can now specify separately whether exact phrase searches are used for Subject, Author, and Title searches.

      To support this functionality, the Use "Equals exact phrase" for hypertext linking (for Title, Author and Subject only) field has been split into three checkboxes (Title, Author, and Subject) in the Edit Search Operator dialog box, which accessed from the Advanced Search Configuration tab on the View Configuration page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views). By default, all three checkboxes are selected. For more information, see Changing the Supported Search Profile Slots for Search Operators.

      Added new checkboxes for Equals Exact Phrase operator.

      New Checkboxes for Equals Exact Phrase Operator
    • May 2024 URM-215015
      New Linking Template for InfoBase – The following template has been added to the Custom linking for Central Index databases page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Other > Custom linking for Central Index databases) to support InfoBase collections other than the Films on Demand collection. For more information, see Configuring the Central Index Linking Templates for Primo VE.
      Provider Template Name Syntax Instructions

      InfoBase Publishers, Inc.

      infobase_pub_linking (All InfoBase collections except for Films on Demand){customerID}&itemid={{control/addsrcrecordid}}&articleId={{control/sourcerecordid}}

      Search for template infobase_pub_linking and in the template replace {customerID} with aid code as provided by InfoBase.

    • May 2024 URM-184112 SF: 06423020, 06615241
      Analytics Improvements – In Alma Analytics, staff accounts in the Network Zone can access all of their member institutions' data, but they could not do so in Primo VE Analytics. With this enhancement, the NZ can view their member institutions' data in Primo VE Analytics for all Subject Usage areas.
    • May 2024
      Monthly Refresh of CSL Styles – With this release, we will begin updating the CSL style repository monthly to ensure that CSL styles are updated more often to reflect changes to styles.
    • May 2024 PRM-47751
      EndNote Icon for Primo Export Options – The EndNote icon has been updated to eliminate multiple <path> elements and style attributes that required CSS manipulations to maintain it.
    • April 2024 URM-214008 SF: 06935497
      Enrich MARC 689 Subject Terms with Non-Preferred Headings – MARC 689 subject terms are now enriched with authority non-preferred headings for Primo VE search.
    • April 2024 URM-211127 SF: 06953322
      Extend DEI Exclude List to Keywords Display Field – Previously, the DEI - List of Terms to Exclude from Subject Heading page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Other > DEI - List of terms to exclude from Subject Heading) enabled you to exclude terms from Subject fields that appear in the full display, brief results, and facets. With this enhancement, these terms are also omitted from the Keywords field in the full display and brief results. For more information, see Configuring the DEI Exclude List for Primo VE.
    • April 2024 URM-203390 SF: 06793657
      Provide Tooltip for Magnifying Glass in Search Bar – The following code has been added to the Aria Labels code table to provide a tooltip and enable you to customize/translate its display text:
      Code Description


    • April 2024 URM-182633 SF: 06574737
      Improve Character Conversion for Arabic Searches – The following character conversion has been added to the non_cjk_unicode_normalization.txt file to improve Arabic search results: u0643 (ك) -> u06A9 (ک).
    • April 2024 URM-191437
      Support Customization of Password Update Labels in My Library Card – Previously, customers were unable to customize/translate the labels associated with password updates in My Library Card. The following codes have been added to the Library card Labels code table (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels) to allow the customization/translation of the associated labels:
      Code Description
      310030 Invalid old password input
      310031 New password is mandatory
      310032 New password must not be the same as old password
      310099 There was a problem updating the user details, please contact your library staff.
      500038 New password must be at least 8 characters long and must not include the user-name or any commonly used password.
    • March 2024 URM-208694
      Support Testing of UNIMARC Normalization Rules for External Sources – To fully support the ability to import UNIMARC records from external sources into Primo VE, we now allow you to test the normalization rules during configuration. To support this functionality, the Unimarc option has been added to the Testing Normalization of non-Alma Primo VE records page (Configuration > Discovery > Loading External Data Sources > Test Normalization Rules):

      Unimarc option on the Testing Normalization of non-Alma Primo VE records page.

      Testing Normalization of Non-Alma Primo VE Records

      For more information, see Testing Normalization Rules for External Data Sources.

    • February 2024 URM-204293
      Resource Types Filter Bar - Additional UX Improvements – Added the following improvements to the Resource Type Filter Bar:
      • When hovering over unselected resources, the cursor now indicates that the resource is selectable.
      • For RTL languages, the icons and text for the More field's menu now support the RTL direction.
      • For the Hebrew interface, the more field is now aligned properly.
    • February 2024 URM-201509
      Updates to Japanese Conversion File – The following changes were made to the Japanese conversion file:
      • Removed the following conversion:
        836F 846F # 药 to 葯
      • Added the following conversions:
        846F 85AC # 葯 to 薬
        836F 85AC # 药 to 薬
    • February 2024 URM-199493
      Support Search by ID for Webhook Searches – Search in Webhook records was not supported by ID (it was possible to search for example by Title). From now on, it will be possible to search by ID as well. We may also add a note here that in order to support it, the customer should allow search by rid on the external data used in the search webhook. This was developed to fix issues with permalinks for the search of Webhook records.

      To support this functionality, you need to allow search by rid on the external data used in the search Webhook.

    • February 2024 URM-193381
      Suppress Indexing of Private Information – Previously, private information contained in 561 fields with the first indicator set to 0 were indexed and searchable. With this enhancement, you can prevent this information from being indexed by setting the new Exclude when first indicator equals 0 checkbox per private field in the Primo VE Customized Holdings for Search mapping table (Configuration Menu > Discovery > GetIt Configuration > Holdings Search Configuration). For more information, see Configuring Holdings Search for Primo VE.

      Exclude when first indicator equals 0 checkbox per private field in the Primo VE Customized Holdings for Search mapping table.

      New Checkbox on Holdings Search Configuration Page
    • February 2024 URM-186044
      Collection Discovery Optimization – In order to optimize thumbnails appearance in the Collection Discovery records, we changed the call to include retrieval of the thumbnail from OPR together with the delivery information.
    • February 2024 URM-185292
      Update Key Calculation – Added the Japanese title 年報 to the REMOVE_COMMON_WORDS OTB list to prevent false dedup.
    • January 2024 URM-206152 SF: 06341903, 06858172
      Support Translation of Library Notices – In the initial release of the ability to opt in/out of library notices from My Library Card, the notices did not reflect the interface language. With this update, the library notices are now translated based on interface language. For more details, see Additional Library Card Configurations for Primo VE.

      Library Notice Options under Personal Details.

      Library Notices in My Library Card
    • January 2024 URM-205169 SF: 06858191, 06890848
      Default Sort for Newspaper Search – Previously, the default_sort_newspaper_by_date_newest parameter was added to allow the sort of featured newspapers by date newest. With this enhancement, the setting of this parameter is extended to all Newspaper Searches to sort by date newest instead of relevance.
    • January 2024 URM-209601 SF: 06931395
      Synonyms File Update – The terms antiracist/anti-racist have been added to the out-of-the-box Synonyms file.
    • January 2024 URM-204133 SF: 06858503
      TSVCC Conversion File Update – The TSVCC conversion files was updated to include the following character mappings:
      Map To Group

      U+752F 甯 | U+5BD7 寗

      U+5BE7 寧 | U+5B81 宁 | U+5BD5 寕 | U+5BDC 寜 | U+F95F 寧 | U+F9AA 寧

      U+894D 襍 | U+3C77 㱷 | U+4316 䌖

      U+96DC 雜 | U+6742 杂 | U+96D1 雑

    • January 2024 URM-194948 SF: 06760773
      Enable Customization of Maximum Exceeded Views Message – You can now use the following code in the Library Card Labels code table to customize/translate the Maximum number of views exceeded message, which appears after a user attempts to download an item too many times from My Library Card > Requests:
      Code Description/Translation


      Maximum number of views exceeded

    Resolved Issues

    • July 2024 URM-209024 SF: 07206502 (Added July 10, 2024)
      When the Order of Viewit Services field was set to Digital, Electronic on the Other Settings page (Configuration > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Other Settings), General Electronic Services were listed at the top of View It. Regardless of this setting, all General Electronic Services will now display in the Additional Services section, which will appear on top of View It.
    • July 2024 URM-209024 SF: 06934794, 07023480, 07089534 
      While using the Dedup Test Tool > Compare > Keys Match, the following error message was returned: Records are not connected in DB. This has been fixed.
    • July 2024 URM-215762 SF: 07046507
      For more information, see Ongoing Accessibility Improvements for July.
    • July 2024 PRM-47806 SF: 06637129
      Aria label contained invalid characters in the actions div. This has been fixed.
    • July 2024 URM-140950 SF: 05395451, 06971198
      Problem in RIS format - TY was not always first. This has been fixed.
    • July 2024 URM-142631 SF: 07122724, 06916890, 05332130, 05325760, 05300065
      Services Page records were missing addata/ristype in PNX, which caused RIS TY field to be missing. This has been fixed.
    • July 2024 URM-170351 SF: 07150449
      For BibTex exports, the Keywords field included an unwanted comma. This has been fixed.
    • July 2024 URM-178660 SF: 06419010, 06622551
      prima_facet_local_subject_dispaly_690 was indexed without an underscore and was not searchable. This has been fixed.
    • July 2024 URM-191263 SF: 06673644
      An incorrect number of results were returned after choosing values from lds32 facet. This has been fixed.
    • July 2024 URM-195407 SF: 06752668, 07013531
      Discovery Interface Label c.uresolver.viewit.public_notes appeared as raw code when in Alma and View It. This has been fixed.
    • July 2024 URM-203545 SF: 06822550, 06823531, 06947051, 06967509
      Additional Services described in the GES configuration did not display in Primo VE. This has been fixed.
    • July 2024 URM-207402 SF: 06898118, 06898133
      Campus pickup location did not appear on the 1st place for the user with campus affiliation. This has been fixed.
    • July 2024 URM-208932 SF: 06900385, 06975786, 07108245
      Selecting facets in a different order returned different results. This has been fixed.
    • July 2024 URM-211191 SF: 06929925
      Saved searches job finished successfully but did not send email to patrons. This has been fixed.
    • July 2024 URM-215760 SF: 07025712, 07067103
      Primo VE - brief availability link for CDI fulltext_multiple - preferred link. This has been fixed.
    • July 2024 URM-217434 SF: 07061826
      For more information, see Ongoing Accessibility Improvements for July.
    • July 2024 URM-217671 SF: 07056783
      For more information, see Ongoing Accessibility Improvements for July.
    • July 2024 URM-218984 SF: 06354798, 06272247, 05332305, 05323742, 05316099
      Multiple authors and page indications on CSL citations were not getting GitHub Locale translation for non-English languages. This has been fixed.
    • July 2024 URM-221420 SF: 07123114
      When display_location_level_in_getIt_single_location = true, using Back to Items from request form did not display any items. This has been fixed.
    • July 2024 URM-221563 SF: 07130044, 07130186
      Social (OIDC) authentication failed when accessing Chinese resources. This has been fixed.
    • July 2024 URM-221944 SF: 07160828, 07158258, 07157169, 07145497, 07143886, 07136869
      The autocomplete suggestions for Person entities disappeared too quickly. This has been fixed.
    • July 2024 URM-221999 SF: 07131527
      Record title did not appear in map link from openURL page. This has been fixed.
    • July 2024 URM-222063 SF: 07143262
      For more information, see Ongoing Accessibility Improvements for July.
    • July 2024 URM-222208 SF: 07140577
      Virtual Browse displayed the Alma-D thumbnail after digital inventory had been deleted. This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 URM-224133 SF: 07171408, 07175175, 07175205, 07206696 (Added July 11, 2024)
      Primo VE Analytics encountered an internal infrastructure issue, resulting in approximately 30% of the beacons not being properly registered in Analytics. This issue occurred starting from 17/04/2024 and was isolated to Data Center 05 (AP01/02). On 13/06/2024, our teams successfully resolved the issue, restoring the Analytics to its normal operation. As a precautionary measure, we have implemented an alert system to promptly notify us in case this issue occurs again. Regrettably, data from 17/04/2024 cannot be recovered.
    • June 2024 URM-224988 SF: 07196274, 07193661, 07192813, 07188423, 07187404 (Added June 26, 2024)
      After selecting a new color in Primo Studio's preview pane and updating the theme, the pane was refreshed, but the color was not changed. This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 URM-224559 SF: 07178224 (Added June 5, 2024)
      Emailing an item from the Loans or Requests tab in My Library Card used the NZ's MMS ID instead of the institution's MMS ID, triggering an internal server error. This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 URM-223576 SF: 07175671, 07173968, 07171250, 07162978, 07160916, 07159036, 07156532 (Added June 5, 2024)
      Quicklinks were not being proxied. This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 URM-218460 SF: 06678871, 07102313, 07123240 (Added May 20, 2024)
      Redeployed New UI Central package with new or updated contents was not overwriting previously deployed version. This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 URM-135324 SF: 05320656, 05411326, 06252769, 06960663
      For more information, see Support normalize_discovery_lang function for Local Fields. This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 URM-175945 SF: 06416553
      For more information, see Update APAC Synonym List - Languages and Locations. This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 
      The book covers for related records on the Person Info page were displaying only Syndetics thumbnails. This has been fixed to use the same logic for the display of thumbnails on other pages.
    • June 2024 URM-215804 SF: 06712309
      A network institution could not make an electronic resource available for a specific group within a member's IZ because resources could be made available only at the entire member IZ-level. This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 URM-209555 SF: 06941037, 07055512, 07076238
      Updated the Twitter logo and name under the share options to reflect its new name X.
    • June 2024 URM-211248 SF: 06976296, 06978026, 06978152
      The View Online section did not appear for some users. This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 URM-212406 SF: 06721633, 07101861
      The start and end page fields were not automatically populated for digitization requests. This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 URM-218085 SF: 07085174
      Author names with an apostrophe displayed with a \ character in all citation styles. This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 URM-159162 SF: 05312628, 06249665, 06273808, 06422177
      Adding Indicators for Unrelated Bound-With Records is displaying only one related record in Primo VE. This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 URM-216899 SF: 07047574
      Resource Recommender did not return recommendations if the associated tag included letters with diacritics (such as å). This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 URM-217667 SF: 06652450
      Usage information for OpenURL and OpenURL FT actions was not visible in Analytics. This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 URM-215433 SF: 07029351
      The Course indicator was not displaying reliably when it applied to multiple records in the same FRBR group. This has been fixed by adding a parameter to the Discovery Customer Settings page (Configuration > Discovery > Other > Customer Settings) that groups versions by owner group. When sort_by_owner_group is set to true, FRBR groups are sorted by owner, starting with the current IZ, NZ, and then other IZs.
    • June 2024 URM-218074 SF: 07097387
      When you apply a custom facet for a local field followed by one of the OTB facets (such as Language), the following error was returned: An unexpected error has occurred. This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 URM-213116 SF: 07011045
      In some cases, Rapido records were not included in the topic facet count for blended searches. This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 URM-206995 SF: 06865741
      Sage collection records did not display in the IZ scope. This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 URM-217610 SF: 06790163
      Usage information for Additional Link to source and Additional openURL actions was not visible in Analytics. This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 URM-213225 SF: 06962369
      After submitting a request and going back to the filtered items by year, all items were displayed. This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 URM-195907 SF: 06772970, 07016100
      The label for the unrelated relation Bound-With contained additional subfields g and 5 (not just t). This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 URM-216699 SF: 06623808, 07041879, 07101397, 07147510
      In some cases, the Topic facet count was incorrect for blended searches using normalized CDI subjects. This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 URM-169235 SF: 06236469, 06379094, 06379115, 06653916, 06841132, 06873991
      Ghost records appeared in search results after deleting records with a Discovery Import Profile. This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 URM-221563 SF: X07130044, 07130186
      Social (OIDC) authentication failed when accessing Chinese resources. This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 URM-211166 SF: 06975423, 07043117
      The number of results was not displayed when coming from deep link or other link. This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 URM-222062 SF: 07146345
      For the Person Info Card, the display of related people was inconsistent. This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 URM-221944 SF: 07136869, 07143886, 07145497
      The auto-complete suggestions for person entities flashed and disappeared. This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 URM-213206 SF: 06987867, 07003348, 07008358, 07018903, 07085425
      The 'Newspapers Search Filter by Availability' configuration only worked when searches included the CentralIndex search profile. This has been fixed.
    • June 2024 URM-218064 SF: 06614966, 06985277
      The Author facet count was sometimes incorrect for blended searches. This has been fixed.
    • May 2024 URM-221518 SF: 07122663, 07124616, 07126068, 07129295, 07130184, 07130576, 07133048, 07133968, 07138756, 07139692 (Added May 7, 2024)
      Resource Sharing Requests were not populating article title field from third party OpenURLs. This has been fixed.
    • May 2024 URM-216413 SF: 06795439
      Keyboard navigation between simple and advanced search made users navigate backwards. This has been fixed.
    • May 2024 URM-218706 SF: 05329628, 06231287, 06671122, 06675455, 06777533, 06861399, 06862863, 07020963, 07054595
      Not all collection thumbnails were displayed in Collection Discovery. This has been fixed as follows:
         For the top-level collection tile:
           1- take from Discovery tab (1 to 4)
           2- take from general (top of the frame) - and also up to three others from sub-collections (not items)
           3- If none of the above defined, take up to four from sub-collections only (not items)
         For the sub-collection tile:
           1- take from Discovery tab (1 to 4)
           2- take from general (top of the frame ) and also up to three others from (1) sub-collections or (2) items if they have a thumbnail.
           3- If none of the above defined, take up to four from (1) sub-collections or (2) items if they have a thumbnail.
    • May 2024 URM-163277 SF: 05329057, 06771982, 06965354, 07031655
      Preferred language was missing Discovery import profiles. This has been fixed. 
    • May 2024 URM-169418 SF: 06268364, 06361103
      frbr/k3 was not built from fields 246 or 247. This has been fixed.
    • May 2024 URM-183061 SF: 06530631, 06563298
      Article with both Get It and View It related records did not show View It section. This has been fixed.
    • May 2024 URM-196839 SF: 06777407
      Inconsistent order of links in View It section for Alma external records. This has been fixed.
    • May 2024 URM-204660 SF: 06856511, 07005678
      Search with a boolean operator and incomplete parentheses sends 'null' query to CDI. This has been fixed.
    • May 2024 URM-206558 SF: 06889348
      Preferred Alma-P in dedup not always respected within FRBR versions list. This has been fixed.
    • May 2024 URM-209344 SF: 06055178, 06349485, 06394708, 06956928, 07032848, 07060983
      The out-of-the-box APA 7th style had no initial for names with full stop and no indentation for 2nd line. This has been fixed.
    • May 2024 URM-210960 SF: 06959392
      Pin to favorites did not work for local records. This has been fixed.
    • May 2024 URM-213151 SF: 06985589
      Saved searches email sent in English instead of user-defined language. This has been fixed. The language is now determined as follows:
           1. The language chosen by the user in Primo UI (My Library Card > Personal Details > Default interface language)
           2. If no language was set in My Library Card, we use the user preferred language as set in the user's profile in Alma.
           3. If there are no discovery label translations for the language set in Alma, we use the default English.
    • May 2024 URM-213481 SF: 07003880
      Certain saved searches did not produce alert emails, while others did. This has been fixed.
    • May 2024 URM-213871 SF: 06994442
      Primo search API returned CDI records in local scope when expand_my_results_when_no_results option was set to true. This has been fixed.
    • May 2024 URM-214322 SF: 07025927
      The source record was not aligned to the left in the Hebrew interface. This has been fixed.
    • May 2024 URM-214758 SF: 07018745, 07023052
      An Alma digital representation was not appearing in collection. This has been fixed.
    • May 2024 URM-214759 SF: 07023656
      Journal Search pages were missing the &lang parameter in the URL, which caused the QR link to go to the default language page. This has been fixed.
    • May 2024 URM-214795 SF: 07027569
      Dedup record did not display thumbnail of Alma-D record with inactive representations. This has been fixed.
    • May 2024 URM-215033 SF: 06962636
      Email letter sent with view-specific subject label instead arrived with a default subject label. This has been fixed.
    • May 2024 URM-215117 SF: 07028086
      When the expand_my_results_when_no_results customer parameter was set to true, an error was returned for Collection Discovery searches if no results were found. This has been fixed.
    • May 2024 URM-215194 SF: 07039628
      Searches were failed when CDI searches were sent without escape characters. This has been fixed.
    • May 2024 URM-215252 SF: 06996984
      As part of the delimiter, the characters %#%# were added to the Related title in the brief display. This has been fixed.
    • May 2024 URM-215827 SF: 07046480, 07058568
      Citations displayed double quotation marks instead of single quotes for articles. This has been fixed.
    • May 2024 URM-215893 SF: 07043666, 07048506
      The bx Recommender sent users to the English interface after search began in the French interface. This has been fixed.
    • May 2024 URM-216712 SF: 07054086
      Unable to define the fifth mapping condition on the Edit Secondary Resource Type page. This has been fixed.
    • May 2024 URM-216862 SF: 07052468
      When the expand_my_results_when_no_results parameter was set to true, no full text results were removed after enabling the Search in Full text option. This has been fixed.
    • May 2024 URM-218085 SF: 07085174
      Author name with apostrophe displayed with a \ character in all citation styles. This has been fixed.
    • April 2024 URM-145011 SF: 00894673
      Get it was showing information when it was considered private (for example MARC 561, first indicator = 0). This has been fixed by providing an option to hide holding information based on its indicators in the Holdings Display Configuration mapping table (Configuration Menu > Discovery > GetIt Configuration > Holdings Display Configuration). To support this option, the first column now enables you to check five positions: 3 for the field and 2 for its indicators. For example, to hide 561 fields with the first indicator set to 0, add the following rows to the configuration:
      If there are only three positions configured in the table, the indicators are ignored (as was done previously).
    • April 2024 PRM-46063 SF: 5329628, 6231287, 6671122, 6675455, 6777533, 6861399, 6862863, 7020963, 7054595
      Not all collection thumbnails were displayed in Collection Discovery. This has been fixed.
    • April 2024 URM-191437 SF: 5316792, 6969846
      For long searches on mobile devices, search scopes overwrote the search string. This has been fixed.
    • April 2024 URM-191437 SF: 6663726, 6790924
      Password update labels in My Library Card were not configurable or translatable. This has been fixed. For more information, see Support Customization of Password Update Labels in My Library Card.
    • April 2024 URM-179307 SF: 06436519
      RSS feeds were not updated with newer records. This has been fixed.
    • April 2024 URM-183709 SF: 06347070
      Codes/Numbers displayed instead of Locations names for Library or Location facets. This has been fixed.
    • April 2024 URM-188156 SF: 06496116
      Resource Sharing Request form incorrectly populated Article or Chapter Title field for Books and Journals. This has been fixed.
    • April 2024 URM-206813
      OpenID Connect Login failed. This has been fixed.
    • April 2024 URM-209249
      XML discovery import profile ends with Remote host terminating the handshake for large run. This has been fixed.
    • April 2024 URM-210909 SF: 06925054
      Alma-D thumbnails were not displayed for featured results. This has been fixed.
    • April 2024 URM-211189 SF: 06962420, 07024578
      No facets appeared when a search was triggered from AutoComplete. This has been fixed.
    • April 2024 URM-212547
      In Union View, when the user was logged in on another tab, the user got redirected from the login page to the search page and not to the user's current state. This has been fixed.
    • April 2024 URM-212764 SF: 06948638
      For Rapid ILL, the eissn was not used for the issn field on the Resource Sharing form when issn value was not present. This has been fixed.
    • April 2024 URM-213983
      For Resource Recommender, tag values with a colon were not found. This has been fixed.
    • April 2024 URM-214801 SF: 07053895
      The incorrect name for the library appeared in My Library Card. This has been fixed.
    • April 2024 URM-215123
      After giving patron consent in GetIt Other, patron was returned to GetIt. This has been fixed so that the page stays on the Get it from other tab with the selected institution expanded.
    • March 2024 PRM-47453 SF: 06795439
      When toggling between Advanced Search and Simple Search, focus was not returned to the search criteria on the Advanced Search page to enable tab navigation of the search criteria fields. This has been fixed.
    • March 2024 URM-145666 SF: 5299039, 6304845, 6985451
      On the Define a Local Field page, the name of the Updated by column has been changed to Activated by to indicate that the normalization rules method has been activated and has replaced the field mapping method. To return to field mapping, you must delete the local field and reconfigure its mapping.
    • March 2024 URM-185820 SF: 6625286, 6637782
      The institution's Online payment API stopped working and returned an error. This has been fixed.
    • March 2024 URM-189244 SF: 6381350, 6625753, 6699676, 6700105, 6732062, 6752560, 6896418
      The is(exact) advanced search returned records that did not contain the exact phrase. This has been fixed, but it requires a re-indexing.
    • March 2024 URM-189620 SF: 6309022, 6658612
      The How to Get It section showed scrolling diamonds for suppressed holdings. This has been fixed.
    • March 2024 URM-189868 SF: 6582328
      On the Manage Display and Local fields page, error messages were truncated while editing fields. This has been fixed.
    • March 2024 URM-199609 SF: 5312933, 6614966, 6666133, 6985277
      For blended searches, the Author facet did not include CDI results in its count. This has been fixed.
    • March 2024 URM-209250 SF: 6935788
      In Advanced Search, the code for Series displayed instead of its description. This has been fixed.
    • March 2024 URM-209833 SF: 6883526
      Intermittent failures of New UI package components: custom1.css and custom.js. This has been fixed.
    • March 2024 URM-210410 SF: 6952174
      Browse search acts differently when selecting facet values using the checkbox instead of selecting it directly. This has been fixed.
    • March 2024 URM-210503 SF: 6945572
      HTML tags for Labels displayed in tab titles. This has been fixed.
    • March 2024 URM-210559 SF: 6623808, 7008342, 7009590, 7035352
      For blended searches, the Subject facet has incorrect counts and duplicate facet values. This has been fixed, but you must contact Support to enable discovery facet indexing without normalization.
    • March 2024 URM-210862 SF: 6305668, 6312696
      Primo VE was removing parentheses from all searches (including simple searches). To resolve this issue, the primo_ve_remove_parentheses_from_query customer parameter now applies only to 'field exact' searches.
    • March 2024 URM-210881 SF: 6950411
      Alma-D default thumbnail was displayed over other thumbnails. This has been fixed.
    • March 2024 URM-211406 SF: 6963892
      Journal Search did not show initial text when no categories were enabled.. This has been fixed.
    • March 2024 URM-211492 SF: 6976787
      Search in Primo VE did not display results after authentication. This has been fixed.
    • March 2024 URM-211591 SF: 6960433, 7021086
      With enhanced Resource Recommender search, the up keyword could not be found. This has been fixed by adding the word up to the stop words list.
    • March 2024 URM-212481 SF: 6971760
      Holding call numbers containing a period were not searchable in Hebrew UI. This has been fixed.
    • March 2024 URM-212565 SF: 6942269, 6987867, 7018903, 7019382
      The expand my results toggle was not working correctly in Newspaper Search. This has been fixed.
    • March 2024 URM-212725 SF: 7001131
      The FRBR group thumbnail in collection discovery was switched to a FRBR member. This has been fixed.
    • March 2024 URM-213157 SF: 6709681
      In some cases, Newspaper Search permalinks returned an incorrect record. This has been fixed.
    • February 2024 URM-166444 SF: 5305760, 6948648 (Updated February 11, 2024)
      Local resource types using regular expressions evaluate only the first occurrence of the field. This has been fixed by allowing the MARC control field to be repeatable when calculating the primary and secondary resource types.
    • February 2024 URM-181656 SF: 6541518, 6672305, 6675351
      In My Library Card, the institution name was not aligned with the consortium's configuration. This has been fixed.
    • February 2024 URM-191236 SF: 6311212, 6659383
      Titles with quotations (\u0022) within a word returned no records with and without quotations. This has been fixed by normalizing quotation marks with an apostrophe. This fix requires re-indexing.
    • February 2024 URM-191711 SF: 6679332
      Inconsistent display of GES Interlibary Loan Article links. This has been fixed.
    • February 2024 URM-199778 SF: 6810668
      Place of publication type 2 dedup key is mapped incorrectly. This has been fixed by applying the dedup key match by field 210 instead of field 200.
    • February 2024 URM-207402 SF: 6898118, 6898133 (Updated January 24, 2024)
      The user's campus affiliation did not appear first in the list of pickup locations in Get It. This has been fixed by sorting pickup locations as follows:
           - If there are campuses, they are sorted alphabetically, and within each campus, the libraries are also sorted alphabetically.
           - If there are only libraries, they are sorted alphabetically.
           - If users are associated with a specific campus, their campus appears first in the list, and all other locations are sorted alphabetically after it.
           - Personal delivery locations are sorted last if the alphabetical_sort_pickup_inst_lib parameter is set to true.
    • February 2024 URM-209285 SF: 6936623, 6965966
      From Union View Sign in, selecting Cancel goes back to discovery/null page. This has been fixed.
    • February 2024 URM-209439 SF: 6947266, 6952048, 6966715
      For Resource Recommender, Japanese searches were not working. This has been fixed.
    • February 2024 URM-209541 SF: 6945232
      There was an issue with no results when using multiple locked filters. This has been fixed.
    • February 2024 URM-210250 SF: 6957229, 6961278
      The Copy Permalink to Clipboard export action did not work in the Safari Browser. This has been fixed.
    • February 2024 URM-212323 SF: 6982256
      RSS publishing profile could not be deleted. This has been fixed.
    • January 2024 PRM-47576 SF: 06863332
      In some cases, the controlled vocabulary expansion was cut-off in the UI. This has been fixed.
    • January 2024 URM-210250 SF: 6957229, 6961278
      The Copy Permalink to Clipboard action did not work while using the Safari Browser. This has been fixed.
    • January 2024 URM-209139 SF: 6452235, 6873109, 6881265
      In some cases, the Author Browse Search returned no results. This has been fixed.
    • January 2024 URM-207629 SF: 6911558, 6914134, 6930187, 6963629
      A series of UNIMARC records could be searched only in dedicated index series, but Basic search did not return them. This has been fixed.
    • January 2024 URM-207544 SF: 6863489
      The generic thumbnail displayed instead of the preferred FRBR record's thumbnail. This has been fixed.
    • January 2024 URM-207252 SF: 6766846
      In some cases, a cancelled sign-in request returned users back to the search results page. This has been fixed.
    • January 2024 URM-202181 SF: 5317587
      In some cases, Author Browse Search items with only 1 or 2 records incorrectly returned No Results Found. This has been fixed.
    • January 2024 URM-197000 SF: 6712413, 6751466
      The Display related services for monographs option in Alma had to be selected to display related records for serials. This has been fixed.
    • January 2024 URM-195948 SF: 6708467, 6751287
      Citations for local Alma book chapter records were not displaying correctly. This has been fixed.
    • January 2024 URM-195907 SF: 6772970
      The label for unrelated relation Bound-With incorrectly included the following additional subfields: g and 5. This has been fixed.
    • January 2024 URM-195770 SF: 6293336
      The multilingual term to be displayed in two UI languages did not work in Subjects facet. This has been fixed.
    • January 2024 URM-190039 SF: 6451698, 6852184
      Unused top-level facets should be removed from Primo VE. This has been fixed by deleting the following codes from the Top Level Facets code table:
           - facets.facet.tlevel.online_resource
           - facets.facet.tlevel.cited_articles
           - facets.facet.tlevel.available
    • January 2024 URM-188914 SF: 6659656
      Record was not searchable after an item was suppressed. This has been fixed.
    • January 2024 URM-182449 SF: 6563852
      Saved search alert emails contained Newspaper articles after being disabled in Primo VE. This has been fixed.
    • January 2024 URM-181947 SF: 6421284, 6744719
      Analytics was missing usage in Link Resolver Usage Subject Area for Google Scholar. This has been fixed.
    • January 2024 URM-181656 SF: 6541518, 6672305, 6675351
      In My Library Card, the Institution name was not aligned with configuration. This has been fixed.
    • January 2024 URM-181644 SF: 6553130, 6804925
      It was not possible to make a Search Profile based on selection of Resource Type Audio. This has been fixed.
    • January 2024 URM-172755 SF: 6326984
      Newspaper records were not searchable from My Favorites. This has been fixed.
    • January 2024 URM-167957 SF: 6280174, 6709940, 6878408
      The Location items filter would sometimes return to the Locations tab when there was more than one sublocation with matching filters. This has been fixed.
    • January 2024 URM-143830 SF: 5314921
      Search results were not properly sorted by date. This has been fixed.
    • January 2024 URM-117266 SF: 5309566, 5320757, 5326843, 6314072, 6717157, 6796293, 6907653
      When using various types of quotation marks within searches, different results were returned. This has been fixed to return the same results regardless of the type of quotation mark used in the query.

    CDI-Related Updates

    This section lists the fixes and enhancements associated with CDI by their release date to ensure that Primo/VE customers are aware of the availability of these updates during and between releases of Primo/VE. When available, CDI updates are released on the first Wednesday of the month.

    Unless otherwise specified, these updates apply to both Primo and Primo VE environments.

    2024 Updates

    July 3, 2024

    • CDI-28196 SF: 07059944
      DOIs containing a colon returned zero results in regular search. This has been fixed.
    • CDI-28315, CDI-28495, CDI-28547 SF: 07089628, 07028498, 06636794
      Updated CDI's English text analyzer to include the following synonyms:
           - Nietzche / Nietzsche
           - kidnaper / kidnapper
           - kidnaped / kidnapped
           - kidnaping / kidnapping
           - intro / introduction

    June 5, 2024

    • CDI-28171 SF: 07046556
      For Primo clients who have enabled Additional Links, a standard direct link is no longer offered as an additional link when a special template link exists for the same collection. The special template link is preferred.
    • CDI-23485 SF: 06281571, 06813336
      In some cases, the Citation Trail service failed to return "Cited In" results due to a improperly formatted element in the referring record id. This was fixed.
    • CDI-27968 SF: 06954640
      A subset of internal "inverted" crossref records used by the Citation Trail service to identify "CitedBy" relationships was returned with Primo search results. This was fixed.

    April 3, 2024

    • CDI-27929 SF: 07009838
      In some cases, the collection name for hybrid-linking collections was not included in the PNX display/source field. This has been fixed.

    February 7, 2024

    • CDI-27653 SF: 06930984
      The mapping for CDI content type Poem was changed from book to text_resource.
    • CDI-27584 SF: 06950632
      In some cases, the journal title was duplicated in the article title field in Primo search results. This has been fixed.
    • CDI-27476 SF: 06912176
      In some cases, subtitles were not concatenated with article and journal titles resulting in incorrect citations. This has been fixed by updating the PNX to include the subtitle in the addata/atitle, jtitle, title and btitle fields.
    • CDI-27252 SF: 06882439
      Artstor thumbnail images were not displayed in some Primo Search results. This has been fixed.
    • CDI-27828 SF: 06953512
      The publication date format for resource types article and magazine article were updated to display as YYYY-MM in the display/creationdate and display/ispartof PNX fields.
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