Leganto 2023 Release Notes
Click New User Experience to find more information about a significant development that will enhance your users' experience.
Click here to view the monthly release and maintenance schedules.
Click here to watch the Leganto What's New videos, another great resource for learning about the Leganto release.
The Leganto What's New videos highlight some of the main features of the Leganto releases.
These videos enable you to view more details about the features that are most relevant to you.
January 2024 Sneak Preview
- Accessibility fixes for new UI
December 2023 Sneak Preview
- In-product help for new UI
- Overlay view for images and YouTube videos
- Filter for past, current, and upcoming courses in Leganto
Issues to Note
New UI Filter for Release Notes
There are now categories for Leganto (New and Classic UI) and Leganto New UI, which can be used as filters when reviewing release notes.
November 2023 Sneak Preview
- NERS: Message for students when no list is expected
- Student usage overview dashboard
- New UI: Configure list templates in Alma
- New UI: Branding
November 2023 Sneak Preview
- NERS: Message for students when no list is expected
- Student usage overview dashboard
- New UI: Configure list templates in Alma
- New UI: Branding
Download September Instructor Highlights as a PDF | Download September Full Release Notes as a PDF
Issues to Note
Enhancements Screenshots
Beginning with the September release, the screenshots presented in the release notes refer to the new UI. Unless otherwise noted, additional enhancements apply to both the classic UI and the new UI.
Change to Monthly Release Notes Distribution
Beginning in November, we will discontinue creating and distributing PDF versions of our release notes. This decision reflects our ongoing efforts to streamline our processes and focus on more efficient information sharing. While we will no longer provide PDFs, you can still access all the latest updates, enhancements, and resolved issues through our online platform.
We understand the significance of staying informed about our product developments. We are committed to ensuring that this transition does not impact the quality and accessibility of our information.
We appreciate your understanding and continued support as we improve our release notes distribution. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact our dedicated support team.
Download August Instructor Highlights as a PDF | Download August Full Release Notes as a PDF
September 2023 Sneak Preview
Access to the new UI for all customers
Download July Instructor Highlights as a PDF | Download July Full Release Notes as a PDF
August 2023 Sneak Preview
- Leganto will offer DCS (UK copyright system) support for lists with multiple courses.
Download June Instructor Highlights as a PDF | Download June Full Release Notes as a PDF
July 2023 Sneak Preview
New User Experience release for early adopters
Download May Instructor Highlights as a PDF | Download May Full Release Notes as a PDF
June 2023 Sneak Preview
New option for resource locate - locate items by ISBN or by Title and Author combination
Download April Instructor Highlights as a PDF | Download April Full Release Notes as a PDF
May 2023 Sneak Preview
Ability for Librarians to execute DOI enrichment for multiple items
Download March Instructor Highlights as a PDF | Download March Full Release Notes as a PDF
April 2023 Sneak Preview
- NERS 7747: Suggest alternative citation versions to Instructors
- Customize the approval, reject reasons for copyrights
- Option to add a circulation desk in the copyright managing_department
Download February Instructor Highlights as a PDF | Download February Full Release Notes as a PDF
March 2023 Sneak Preview
- Citation metadata enrichment by DOI
- Link to predefined searches in Find lists
- Synchronize courses job for libraries with DCS integration
Download January Instructor Highlights as a PDF | Download January Full Release Notes as a PDF
February 2023 Sneak Preview
- Search by list ID in the list search in Alma
- Customize the mapping of UNIMARC to Leganto fields
Main Features
Set Citation Status According to Material Type
It is now possible to set a default citation status according to the material type of the citation. This development gives libraries more control over which citations will be sent to the library for review, and which citations can complete automatically. To configure, first add the code or codes of the material types that you would like to have set automatically to the citation_by_material_type (Configuration > Leganto > List Management > Course Reserves Automatic Statuses) parameter. Then configure the status you would like those materials types to have when they are added to Leganto lists in citation_by_material_type_status (Configuration > Leganto > List Management > Course Reserves Automatic Statuses). The list of material type codes is available in (Configuration > Fulfillment > Courses > Citation Material Type)
Multiple types can be added to the citation_by_material_type parameter when divided by commas.
For more information, see Configuring Default Statuses for Citations/Reading Lists.
In-Product Help
Institutions can now display and customize the online help available within the New UI (Configuration > Leganto > Features > Help pages - New UI). Institutions can edit, remove, or add topics. For each topic, you can customize the links that are displayed for written help and videos, and each can be customized per user role and by language.
Out-of-the-box links for videos will be available in a future release for institutions that have not yet added custom links.
By default, each article links to the corresponding article in the Leganto English online help. Each article opens in a new tab.
For more information, see Getting Help.
Overlay View for Images and YouTube Videos
When adding images to a list, to protect copyright images, a thumbnail image is included in both the brief and full display views along with View and Download buttons.
When adding YouTube videos to a list, the YouTube video includes both Watch and View online buttons in the brief and full display views.
When selecting View for an image or Watch for a YouTube video, the image/video is overlaid in Leganto.
NERS: Uploaded Files Can Be Visible to Students Regardless of Citation Status

Previously, a citation with an uploaded file had to have the citation status of Complete for a student to see a file, which sometimes resulted in unintended lack of access to resources. The library can now control whether students can see files that are not in the Complete status, as long as the copyright has been approved. When the parameter display_not_complete_files (Configuration > Leganto > List Management > Copyright Settings) is set to true (default: false), files become available to students once the copyright status is approved rather than needing to wait for the citation status to be Complete.
For more information, see Configuring Leganto Copyright-Related Procedures.
NERS: Improved Student Message for Courses Where No List is Expected

Previously, when a course did not have a reading list, a student accessing Leganto from the LMS would see a message that there was not a reading list for the course. However, some courses may have been marked as No list expected in Alma, which was not shared with the student. Now, when a student accesses a course from an LMS link and the course has the checkbox No list expected checked, the student receives a message indicating that this course will not have a list, so the student knows not to expect a list at a later date. If the institution wants to customize the out-of-the-box message, change the Description for Code label error.1 (Configuration > Leganto > General > Labels - New UI).
This feature is only available for the new UI.
For more information, see Indicating that Courses Deliberately Have No Reading List.
Templates Redesigned for the New UI
This feature is only relevant for the new UI.
The New UI for Leganto now provides easy and flexible templates for creating sections when building new reading lists. The new templates also give the library new options for adding, updating and removing or disabling templates. The new UI now includes four out-of-the box section templates (Configuration > Leganto > List Management > Templates). The Resources and Weeks templates are enabled by default.
The new UI supports two types of templates. The Numbered pattern type creates sections with the text of the Description field, followed by a number, up to the desired number of sections. For example, the out-of-the-box weekly template creates sections titled Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, etc. Alternatively, the Defined list templates create one section per section names defined in the Description field. For example, the out-of-the-box Priority template creates two sections, entitled Required and Optional. Using these two types of sections, the library can define specific section names, similar to what is supported in the classic UI, as well as more flexible templates to accommodate varying needs across courses.
When defining or customizing a template, you can set the Default number of sections to include for a Numbered pattern template. For a Defined list template, multiple section headings can be added to the Description field, separated by a semicolon (;). The library can disable or enable templates.
When adding sections to a new list, list creators can select a section template to help organize the list. For the Numbered pattern templates, they can adjust the number of sections if needed.
The Create new list wizard includes a Preview section to preview how the sections will be displayed on the list. The list creator can view different options before selecting Create list.
For more information, see Adding Sections from a Template.
New UI Branding
This feature is only relevant for the new UI.
You can now configure the color scheme for Leganto's new UI (Configuration > Leganto > UI > Branding) from the Branding Management Color Theme section. When you choose the primary color, the secondary color is auto-selected. The two colors are designed to match each other and to meet accessibility standards. You can view a preview of the color scheme before selecting Save.
For more information, see Configuring Leganto Branding/Customization.
New Leganto Student Usage Analytics Dashboard
A new data visualization analytics dashboard that displays reports on student usage is now available. It is located in the Leganto Analytics catalog under Leganto > Data Visualization > Leganto usage tracking.
The dashboard contains two tabs:
- Course Usage Overview – an overview of student usage:
Course Usage Overview Tab
The tab displays information regarding how students used the reading lists, such as the number of reading lists with active users and the number of students impacted. You can filter the results according to Course Year, Course Term, as well as other criteria. For more information, see Leganto Student Usage Dashboard.
- Weekly Usage – data concerning weekly student usage. You can filter the results with the Date filter and the Academic Department Description filter.
Weekly Usage tab
The tab displays the following reports:
- Weekly usage overview – active reading lists and active students per start of week
- Course usage per week – number of courses per start of week
- Student usage per week – active students per start of week
Additional tabs will be added in future releases.
Leganto's New User Experience is Now Available to All Customers
All customers can now begin testing and using the new user experience. The new user experience represents over two years of research and over a year of development, and we cannot wait for you to try it out. You can test the new UI while still using the classic UI.
See our Getting Started Guide for more information about accessing and beginning to use the new user experience.
When you are ready to switch completely to the new user experience, change the parameter leganto_new_ui (Configuration > Leganto > General Settings > Settings) to true. Once set to true, all links to Leganto, including LTI links and shareable links, point to the new UI for all users.
We also have a Frequently Asked Questions page and a Known Issues page, which you can use to check the status of upcoming developments.
Many thanks to our customer community for supporting us through this project, and a very special thanks to our 15 early adopters for spending the past three months working with the new UI and sharing their feedback with us.
We want to highlight a few new features that were added to the new UI.
Formatting Notes for Students
Easily add bold, italic, and, underlined formatting and links when adding notes for students (formerly public notes).
This feature is only available on the new UI.
My Collection has been renamed to Favorites. You can now view the availability information from the brief view of the Favorites screen. You can add Favorites to lists from the Favorites menu and use the Quick Cite feature. You can also export items to a list from the Bulk actions menu.
This feature is only available on the new UI.
You can now export Analytics reports from Leganto. Additionally, analytics reports now include the number of loans for physical items.
This feature is only available on the new UI.
You can now configure (Configuration > Leganto > List Management > File Upload Copyright Options) that instructors must check a File Upload Copyright option when uploading a file. To present the copyright options without a pre-selected default, configure the File Upload Copyright options such that none of the options are enabled.
This feature is only available on the new UI.
Filter By Status
You can now filter reading lists by item status.
This feature is only available on the new UI.
Citation ID
When opening an item's full details, the citation ID is added to the URL. When closing the item, the URL reverts back to the list ID.
UK Digital Content Store (DCS) Support for Lists Linked to Multiple Courses
The integration between Leganto and the UK CLA Digital Content Store (DCS) now supports lists linked to multiple courses. Items submitted to the DCS that are associated with multiple courses are sent to the DCS as individual requests, one for each course. The requests are associated if a new course is associated with an existing request. When an item is linked to multiple courses, the DCS Status in Alma remains Request in progress until Alma receives a collective approval/rejection for all requests submitted for the item. The synchronization job between the DCS and Alma can be scheduled to run up to four times a day to update DCS request statuses. The DCS request statuses are updated using the current synchronization job between the DCS and Alma, which can be scheduled to run.
Currently, when an item is associated with one course, the Alma citation menu presents the Associate to DCS action. This action searches the DCS for the same course and returns all the scans that exist for the course. You can then find the scan you want to match. The Associate to DCS action is not available from the Alma citation menu when an item is associated with more than one course. You can submit a DCS request from Alma from the Copyright tab by filling in the copyright information or by creating a digitization request if you also need an internal request.
Currently, when a list is associated with one or more courses and one of the citations has a DCS request, users cannot add/remove the course. The option to add/remove a course will be available in a future release.
If there is a DCS failure when extracting a citation, the Citation Alerts tab contains a Details column that includes the course code.
If multiple notes are received for the request, the value assigned to the Note field is multiple. You may need to check the DCS for more information.
For more information, see Integrating with the UKs Digital Content Store (DCS).
Search for Citations Within a Reading List
- Keyword (default selection) — When selected, this option searches the following citations' metadata fields for a match:
- Additional Person Name, Author, Book Author, Book Title, Chapter Author
- Chapter Title, Citation ID, DOI, Edition, Editor
- ISBN, ISSN, Issue, Journal Title, LCCN
- MMS ID, OCLC Number, Pages, Place of Publication, Publication Date
- Publisher, Resource Note, Source, Title, and Volume
Keyword searches for citations do not support the use of Boolean operators (such as AND or OR), and if these operators are specified, they are treated as keywords.
When special characters (such as hyphen, dash, slash, and so forth) are specified as search terms, the search will return results that both include and exclude the special characters.
- Citation ID
- Creator — The citation author's name. Note: Additional person names are not included in the search.
- MMS Id
- Title — Citation title
For more information, see Managing Reading Lists.
Filter Approval Requests by Date Range
For more information, see Digitization Approval Requests.
Option to Connect Citations to Library Resources by Title and Author Combination
Leganto now provides more flexibility for matching citations to library inventory using the Resource Locate process. The Resource Locate process runs automatically as citations are added to reading lists, manually on demand, or in bulk using a job. It is now possible to specify that a combination of both the title and author fields be used to identify matching resources in the library collection. The library can now configure, for example, that Leganto checks for a match using first ISBN/ISSN, and if a match is not found, check for a match using title AND author. Both the title and author must match the repository record for the citation to link to the bibliographic record.
To configure, enable the new parameter Title_Author in the Locate Citation by Fields table (Configuration > Fulfillment > Courses > Locate Citation by Fields). When the parameter resource_locate_mode (Configuration > Fulfillment > General > Other Settings) is set to OR, Leganto checks against all enabled fields in the order configured in the table.
For more information, see Match by Fields.
Enrich Multiple Citations Using DOI
Leganto can now automatically enrich citations containing a DOI with additional metadata in bulk by checking Enrich by DOI in the Reading List Citation Update Task job (Admin > Manage Jobs and Sets > Run a Job). The default setting for this checkbox is unchecked.
For more information, see Enriching Citation Metadata.
Find Matching Bibliographic Records for Multiple Citations - Run Resource Locate on Citation Sets
It is now possible to locate a set of citations by using the new Reading List Citation Process and Enrich job (Admin > Manage Jobs and Sets > Run a Job). Perform locate on type is not included in this new version of the Process and Enrich Citations job (Fulfillment > Advanced Tools - Reading Lists > Process and Enrich Citations). When Resource locate repository is checked (this checkbox is unchecked by default), you can choose to either manually handle citations when multiple matches are found or use the first matching resource for a specific inventory type. When Use first matching resource of a specific inventory type, if exists (otherwise handle manually) is selected, drop-down lists for Physical, Electronic, and Digital are displayed. The default priority selections for these drop-down lists are set according to your priority settings in resource_locate_multiple_matches_priority (Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > General > Other Settings).
The Process and Enrich Citations job (Fulfillment > Advanced Tools - Reading Lists > Process and Enrich Citations) is still available for use.
You can use the Reading List Citation Process and Enrich job to perform a resource locate on a specific set by selecting a specific facet, such as the new Not located facet, which returns all citations that do not have a Resource located status.
Easily Identify Citations that are Not Located
The Resource Locate facet (Fulfillment > Course Reserves > Citations) now includes a Not Located facet which accounts for all resources with the statuses Multiple Resources Located, Locate Not Run, No Resources Located, Locate Failed, and Information Incomplete.
For more information, see Reading List Citation Process and Enrich and Manual Jobs on Defined Sets.
Control When a Citation is Hidden from Students
It is now possible to hide citations with specific citation statuses from students. When the parameter hide_uncompleted_citations (Configuration > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) is set to a specific status or multiple statuses divided by comma BeingPrepared, Complete, Declined, Inactive, InProcess, ReadyForProcessing, or a code from the Additional Reading List Citation Statuses code table, citations with those specified statuses are hidden from students. True/false values are still supported. When the parameter value is set to true, citations that do not have a status of Complete are hidden. When the parameter value is set to false, the citation appears regardless of its status.
For more information, see Hiding Incomplete Citations from Students.
NERS: Offer Citation Replacement for an Existing Citation

Leganto now supports replacing citations in bulk. For example, this feature can be used to replace citations with newer editions or to replace physical citations with electronic citations. The library can configure whether citations are replaced immediately, or whether the replacement appears to instructors as a suggestion.
Citations with a Copyright Status of Approved cannot be replaced.
If your institution would like to have replacements presented to instructors as suggestions, set the parameter replacement_suggestion_auto_replace (Configuration > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) to false. This is the default.
From the Edit Citation screen, select the citation or citations to be replaced. Then choose Suggest Replacement.
Library staff are directed to the Repository Search, where they can search for and select the new item that they want to use as the replacement.

After selecting Confirm, suggestions are added to each of the citations in Leganto. Additionally, a system tag New Edition Available is added to each citation.
Instructors receive an alert letting them know about new suggestions. They can select the alert to filter the list to see items with new edition suggestions.
Selecting the item opens the full view, which includes the details of the suggested replacement. Instructors can choose to replace the item, which re-links the citation to the new MMS ID, updating the inventory and the citation metadata. Other existing information about the citation, including usage information, tags, and notes, is preserved. Alternatively, the instructor can choose to decline the suggestion, which removes the information about the new edition and the tag.
Alternatively, if your institution would like to have citations replaced immediately, rather than sent to instructors for approval, set the parameter replacement_suggestion_auto_replace (Configuration > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) to true. Once library staff has selected a new item to use as a replacement, they are presented with a confirmation screen.
After selecting Confirm, all the citations that were selected for replacement are linked with the MMS ID of the item chosen as the replacement item. The citation metadata and inventory update, but tags, notes, and usage information are preserved.
Automatically Publish Lists to Students Without Library Review
It is now possible to have new reading lists published automatically, immediately after they are created, eliminating the need to publish reading lists individually and ensuring that all reading lists are visible to students. This feature is disabled by default.
To enable, change the parameter auto_publish_on_create (Configuration > Leganto > List Management > Publishing) to Yes. When enabled, all new reading lists created in Leganto are immediately published according to the publish_default_mode on the Leganto Publishing Configuration page.
Only lists created in Leganto are published by default, including lists created using the NEW LIST button on the My Lists page or using the Create button on the Quick Start screen. Lists that are created by other means, including the Reading List Loader integration profile, the API, or using the Alma interface are not published automatically.
For more information, see Configuring Reading List Publication Options.
Customize Copyright Approval and Reject Reasons
You can now customize the copyright approval and reject reasons (Fulfillment > Resource Requests > Approval Requests List).
Copyright approval reasons list
Copyright rejection reasons list
You can customize the approval and reject reasons using the Configuration > Fulfillment > Copyright Management > Copyright approval reasons and Configuration > Fulfillment Copyright Management > Copyright reject reasons tables. You can edit any of the existing reasons or use the Add Row button to add new reasons. The reasons can now be translated to the Alma display language.
For more information, see Customizing Copyright Approval and Reject Reasons.
DOI Enrichment of Citation Metadata
Leganto can now automatically enrich citations containing a DOI with additional metadata. For example, a user can now only enter a DOI in the blank form and the citation metadata is enriched with additional information from CrossRef.
For institutions whose AUGMENTATION profile (Configuration > General > External Systems > Integration Profiles) is configured to work with CrossRef, when a citation containing a DOI is added, any missing metadata is automatically added to the citation.

In a future release, you will be able to perform a bulk DOI enrichment using a job.
For more information, see Enriching Citation Metadata.
Share a Link to a Predefined Find Lists Search
Leganto now enables you to share sharable links for predefined searches from the Find Lists form. Select the copy icon next to the Find Lists header to generate a sharable link to a predefined search.
The following fields are supported for predefined searches:
course_status | "all", "active" or "inactive" |
faculty | "" |
publication | "all", "published", or "draft" |
subject | "" |
course_code | "" |
course_instructors | "" |
course_title | "" |
description | "" |
list_title | "" |
term | "" |
year | "" |
The only fields that appear for a predefined search are fields that the user has permission to view.
Additionally, you can manually generate or edit a URL. Append a question mark (?) to your URL, then specify which fields to search for and their search criteria. For example, Find_lists_ sharable_link?list_title=art searches for lists with the word art in the List Title.
You can search for multiple fields at once by adding an ampersand (&) between each field. For example, Find_lists_ sharable_link?list_title=art&year=2022 searches for lists with the word art in the List Title, published in the Year 2022.
For more information, see Sharing a Link to a Predefined Find Lists Search.
For CLA Users (UK): Course Synchronization Between Leganto and the DCS
Librarians who have courses in the DCS that do not match the Leganto courses, can now override the course in the DCS with information from Leganto. When the integration profile Digital content store is active, the option to update DCS courses is now available from the Course Bulk Update job (Admin > Manage Jobs and Sets > Run a Job). When Update course in DCS is checked in the Course Bulk Update job, librarians can now update their DCS courses in bulk to match their Alma courses.
The following parameters are all automatically updated in the DCS course based on the values in Alma:
- Course name
- Number of weeks
- Number of participants
- Processing department
- Instructor name
- Instructor email
- Course status
- Active - sets the DCS course to Active
- Archived - sets the DCS course to Archived
- Inactive - sets the DCS course to Archived
The job event now includes a Failed to update DCS event.
For more information, see Course Synchronization Between Leganto and the DCS.
Search for Reading List by List ID

You can now search Reading lists by List ID in Alma.
List ID searches are not currently included in All searches. This option will be available in a later release.
For more information, see Reading List Search Fields.
Customize UNIMARC Mapping for Leganto Fields
You can now customize the UNIMARC BIB mapping for Leganto fields.
To customize the mapping, from the Bibliographic Mapping Rules page (Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > Courses > Bibliographic Mapping Rules) customize the test rule. You can then test the Bibliographic Mapping Rule on the Test BIB to Citation Normalization page (Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > Courses > Test BIB to Citation Normalization). When you are done, copy your changes to the production rule on the Bibliographic Mapping Rules page (and optionally test them again on the Testing BIB to Citation Normalization screen).
As part of this enhancement, some changes were made to the UNIMARC mapping to conform to the IFLA reference standards.
For more information, see Mapping Bibliographic Record Fields to Citation Fields.
NERS: Indication for Courses that Deliberately Have No Reading List

Reading lists can still be added to courses with the No list expected checkbox checked. Additionally, existing lists are not removed when the No list expected checkbox is checked.
In the Courses table (Fulfillment > Course Reserves > Courses), the No list expected column indicates which courses have the No list expected checkbox checked.
The No list expected column is hidden by default. To show the No list expected column, select the column from the Manage column display list.
If the librarian selects the Leganto create list - reminder email action for a course that has the No list expected checkbox checked, the librarian can still send the reminder email, but an alert appears indicating that This course is marked as 'No list expected'.
When duplicating a course that has the No list expected checkbox checked, the No list expected checkbox is checked on the duplicated course.
When rolling over a course that has the No list expected checkbox checked, the No list expected checkbox is checked on the rolled over course.
The Course Bulk Update job (Admin > Manage Jobs and Sets > Run a Job) now includes the condition Excluded courses marked as 'No list expected' when the Leganto create list - reminder email checkbox is checked. This enables you to not send the Leganto create list reminder email to instructors whose courses intentionally do not include reading lists when the Course Bulk Update job runs.
The No list expected indication will be added to Analytics in the February release.
For more information, see Working with Courses
Additional Enhancements
- December 2023 Fulfillment - Course Reserves URM-191244
When configured, archived lists can be included in the Demand in other lists calculation that enables library staff to see which reading lists or courses utilize the same resource when reviewing and processing citations. When the parameter demand_in_other_lists_include archived_lists (Configuration > Fulfillment > General > Other Settings) is set to true (default false), archived lists are included in the Demand in other lists calculation and are displayed in the This Record In Other Lists table. When set to false, citations associated with at least one archived list are excluded from the the Demand in other lists calculation.Demand in other lists indicationFor more information, see Configuring Other Settings (Fulfillment).
- December 2023 Leganto New UI URM-191230
When adding an item to a list from Favorites, the Add from favorites list includes an indication for items that are already included in the list.Exists in list indicationFor more information, see Adding Favorites to a List.
- December 2023 Leganto URM-162807
Idea Exchange
Leganto now displays the service unavailable message for electronic services. When Display service temporarily unavailable message is set to Yes (Electronic collection > Edit Service action > Electronic Service Editor Activation tab), you can now customize the Service unavailability display message that is displayed in Leganto when a link is unavailable.When customizing this message, a note is displayed in Leganto followed by the text Service temporarily unavailable due to [your customized text].Service unavailable display messageService unavailable message in LegantoFor more information, see Service Unavailability Reason.
- December 2023 Leganto New UI URM-202161
When an instructor selects an LTI link for a course that does not have a reading list, they are presented with the Quick Start screen, prompting them to create a list, reuse an existing list, or send a list to the library, according to configuration. Now, if the option to reuse an existing list (rollover) is enabled, you can configure whether to include or exclude the Link course to this list option. The Link course to this list option associates the current course with the existing copy of a list, rather than make a duplicate copy. The option only appears for lists for which the user is an owner or collaborator. A new parameter value (link) can be configured for the parameter cms_entry_actions (Configuration > Leganto > LTI > Settings). When the parameter value for the parameter cms_entry_actions is enabled (disabled by default) and is set to all, or link and rollover, the Link course to this list button is included as an option for reusing lists. When a combination of one or more parameter values (course, file, rollover) excludes the value link, the Link course to this list button is not presented as an option for reusing lists.Link course to this listFor more information, see Configuring Leganto UI Elements.
- December 2023 Leganto New UI URM-204814
For institutions or users who are configured to use the new UI, the LMS Editor Button integration in the learning management system (LMS) now displays the new UI. This development is relevant only for institutions that have integrated Leganto with the LMS using LTI 1.3 and have configured the Editor Button integration.View All appsFor more information, see Developer Network.
- December 2023 Leganto New UI URM-204813
For institutions or users who are configured to use the new UI, the Link Selection integration in the learning management system will now display the new UI. This development is relevant only for institutions who have integrated Leganto with the LMS using LTI 1.3 and have configured the Link Selection integration.Select sections/itemsFor more information, see Developer Network.
- December 2023 Leganto New UI URM-204816
The new UI now supports user self registration. When a user accesses Leganto using an LTI link and does not have a corresponding user in Alma, if first name, last name, or email address are set as mandatory fields (Configuration > User Management > User Details > User Registration Form), but they are not supplied by the LMS, the user is prompted to enter these details to register before accessing the list. Otherwise, the user is created automatically, and directed to the list.For more information, see Configuring Patron Registration Forms.
- December 2023 Leganto New UI URM-199584
The new UI now supports funded CCC licenses. When an item is licensed by a CCC-funded agreement, the link and price the institution pays are displayed to the instructor in the item brief view and on the Links & availability tab on full display and the brief view.Full display - The CCC chargeBrief view - The CCC chargeFor more information, see Enabling Integration with the CCC.
- December 2023 Leganto New UI URM-204812
The new UI now supports manually creating courses from LTI. When the cms_entry_actions (Configuration > Leganto > LTI > Settings) parameter value is set to all or course, and the parameter create_course_automatically (Configuration > Leganto > LTI > Settings) is set to true, and the parameter default_processing_department (Configuration > Leganto > General > Settings) is set, instructors accessing an LTI link for a course that does not yet exist in Alma can now create the course manually in the new UI. When logging in to your LMS, instructors are prompted to create a list from scratch or from an existing list, according to configuration. After making a selection, instructors are then prompted to fill in or confirm the course details. After the course information is entered, the course is created in Alma and the instructor moves to the next screen.Create new listConfirm course details screenFor more information, see Creating Courses Manually from an LTI Link.
- December 2023 Leganto New UI URM-199589
When Course dates (Configuration > Leganto > Features > Find List Settings) is enabled (default disabled), lists in Leganto can be filtered by Past, Current, or Upcoming course dates.Filter lists by Course datesLists without courses are excluded from the Course dates filter.For more information, see Filtering Lists By Course Dates.
- December 2023 Leganto New UI URM-199127
The new UI now supports archived and recently deleted lists. Instructors can now filter lists in Leganto by recently deleted, and when configured, by archived lists (archived_lists (Configuration > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) is set to true). Recently deleted and archived lists are excluded from the lists view by default.Archived and Deleted list filterDeleted lists can be restored in Leganto. When restoring a deleted list, the list is restored with a Draft publication status.
Deleted listArchived lists can be unarchived in Leganto.
Archived listWhen unarchiving a list, the list is restored with a Draft publication status.
Unarchive listFor more information, see Deleting a List and Archiving a List.
- December 2023 Leganto New UI URM-207700
Based on customer feedback, when browzine_api_key and browzine_client_id (Configuration > Leganto > General > External Integrations) are configured, the Read article (BrowZine) link is now available for users from the brief view as well as the full view.Read article from brief viewFor more information, see Enabling Third Iron's LibKey Functionality.
- December 2023 Leganto New UI URM-205908
The instructor-facing analytics reports in Leganto now includes a tooltip with more information about the Number of loans column. The analytics reports will display when the parameter list_analysis (Configuration > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) is configured.Analytics - Number of loansFor more information, see Viewing Student Usage.
- December 2023 Leganto URM-205156
From the November release, guest users experiencing difficulty logging into Primo VE can use the Leganto Sign in for more options link rather than the Primo VE login form. From the December release, when display_primo_ve_login (Configuration > Leganto > Discovery > Primo Settings) is set to false (default true), you can hide the Primo VE login banner so that only the Leganto sign in option is displayed.Leganto sign in linkFor more information, see Configuring Availability for Citations Grouped in Leganto and Primo.
- December 2023 Leganto URM-206701
Several fixes were made in the classic UI and in the new UI to support accessibility. Additional accessibility fixes will be available in the new UI in the January release. - November 2023 Leganto URM-199524
Leganto's existing functionality for Parent lists has been renamed Sample lists, to better reflect that the reading list can be used as a sample set of resources for other lists. Sample lists make it easy for instructors to re-use all or some of the resources from a list that has been marked as a Sample list. For example, the library might make a list of recommended materials on a certain topic as a starting point for instructors, or an academic department might create a list of resources that will form the basis for all sections of a course. This list can be marked as a Sample list which can be easily discovered and shared. Instructors can copy Sample lists, or copy sections or items from Sample lists to their own lists.
All references to Parent labels were removed and replaced with Sample.Sample listFor more information, see Marking a List as a Sample List.
- November 2023 Analytics URM-199524
The value for the Reading List Type field (Course Reserves > Reading Lists) was changed from Parent to Sample List to better indicate that the reading list is used as a sample set of resources for other lists. - November 2023 Leganto URM-202209
In the Classic UI, HTML tags are now supported in the file component Description (code citation.edit.drag.file.or. Configuration > Leganto > General > Labels - Classic UI). This is already supported in the new UI.Bold formatted labelFor more information, see Uploading a File.
- November 2023 Leganto URM-182602
When exporting citations with multiple authors to RIS format, each author now exports to a separate AU field. Additionally, editors are exported to a separate ED field.Multiple authors in a RIS fileFor more information, see Exporting or Printing a List and Exporting Items in Bulk.
- November 2023 Leganto New UI URM-204405
The NERS development "Offer Citation Replacement for an Existing Citation," which was originally released in April 2023, is now available in the new UI. If replacement_suggestion_auto_replace (Configuration > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) is set to false, when relevant, a banner is displayed indicating that there are new editions available for the list.The banner is only displayed for Librarians, Leganto Course Operators, and List Owners.
Show editionsInstructors can select the banner to see items with new edition suggestions.
Instructors can also filter to see items with new editions using the New Edition Available tag.
New Edition Available Filter TagsThe details of the Replacement suggestions are viewable from the Suggestions pane and the Related items tab on the Full details of an item.
Replacement suggestions in the Suggestions paneSelecting the suggested item opens the full suggestion, which includes the details of the original item and a link to the original item. From either the Suggestions pane or the Related items tab of the original item, instructors can choose to replace the item, which re-links the citation to the new MMS ID, updating the citation metadata. Other existing information about the citation, including usage information, tags, and notes, is preserved. The instructor can instead choose Add to list, which keeps the original item and adds the suggestion as an additional resource on the list. Alternatively, the instructor can choose to decline the suggestion, which removes the suggestion and the tag.
Option to Replace Item, Add to list, or Decline replacementFor more information, see Offering a Citation Replacement for an Existing Citation.
- November 2023 Leganto New UI URM-194731
When the parameter select_all_items (Configuration > Leganto > UI > Section Menu) is set to Yes (default), the section action list now includes a Select all items/Deselect all items action to either select all items or deselect all items in a section.Select all items section actionDeselect all items section actionFor more information, see Editing Items in Bulk.
- November 2023 Leganto New UI URM-190756
Items can now be copied and moved in bulk. Items are added to the bottom of the selected section.Copy and move bulk actionsThese bulk action options are only available when less than 10 items are selected.
These actions can only be applied for lists that are not locked and lists you own.
For more information, see Editing Items in Bulk.
- November 2023 Leganto New UI URM-190755
When an item is not available, various messages are displayed to the user indicating why an item is not available or not viewable.Link unavailable messageThe following labels can be configured (Configuration > Leganto > General > Labels - NUI):
- list.noAccess.archvied
- list.noAccess.visibilityDate.end
- list.noAccess.guest
- list.noAccess.draft
- list.noAccess.notSubscribed
- list.noAccess.visibilityDate.start
For more information, see Availability Messages in Leganto.
- November 2023 Leganto New UI URM-199603
Leganto course operators can now set items as complete from the item action list in Leganto.Set complete item actionFor more information, see Setting Items as Complete.
- November 2023 Leganto New UI URM-199583
Leganto can now enrich citations with additional metadata based on the ISBN. When adding a manual entry and entering an ISBN, the metadata now auto-populates based on bibliographic records in the library's inventory.Manual entry metadataFor more information, see Adding an Item Manually.
- November 2023 Leganto New UI URM-199579
Based on customer feedback, the text for a private note is now displayed when hovering over the noteicon on the brief view.
Note text when hovering over a noteFor more information, see Private Notes.
- November 2023 Leganto New UI URM-199832
Based on customer feedback, the banner for draft lists now includes an option to View list as student.View draft list as student - November 2023 Leganto New UI URM-204513
Based on customer feedback, search terms are now highlighted when searching a list.Highlighted search termsFor more information, see Searching Lists and Items.
- November 2023 Leganto New UI URM-201844
Based on customer feedback, when selecting More details, the default tab is now the Links & availability tab. The Related items tab is now listed last.When viewing other formats & editions or suggestions from the replace suggestion functionality, the default tab displayed is the Related items tab.
Default tab - Links & availability - November 2023 Leganto New UI URM-194721
Based on customer feedback, in quick edit mode, the digitization and copyright options no longer appear when these options are not applicable. These options are still displayed as disabled in the full view.Full details Item actionsFor more information, see Submitting Digitization/Copyright Clearance Requests to the Library.
- November 2023 Leganto New UI URM-203445
Based on customer feedback, the default Sort direction when using the list Sort items within sections action now defaults to Ascending.Default sort section directionFor more information, see Ordering Items Within a Section.
- November 2023 Leganto New UI URM-199569
Based on customer feedback, a confirmation message is now displayed when deleting a file from the Edit item pane.Delete file confirmation messageFor more information, see Managing an Item's Files.
- November 2023 Leganto New UI URM-203295
Based on customer feedback, the Order citation in sections action is now only available from the Full list view. - November 2023 Leganto New UI URM-204273
Based on customer feedback, when a list is sent to the library, the details of who sent the list and when the list was sent now appear in the List info. These details are available after a list is published and are only visible to list administrators. These details update if an item is added to a published list.Last sent to library detailsFor more information, see Sending to Library.
- September 2023 Leganto URM-183737
You can now configure which material types can be marked as personal copies. When instructor_personal_copy_exclusions is configured (Configuration > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) with any of the codes listed in the Reading List Citation Secondary Types table (Configuration > Fulfillment > Courses > Citation Material Type), those citation types do not have the option to be set as Personal copy.Personal copy - September 2023 Leganto URM-183347
Cite It is now optimized for ProQuest One topic pages. - September 2023 Fulfillment - Course Reserves URM-1886373
To support bulk updates of URLS, when SourceURL is configured (Configuration > Leganto > General > Field Normalization), when Update source URL is checked, you can now update citation URLs in bulk when the Reading List Citation Update Task job (Admin > Manage Jobs and Sets > Monitor Jobs) runs.The Update source URL checkbox is hidden when the Delete citations checkbox is checked.
Bulk update Source URLUpdate source URLFor more information, see Manual Jobs on Defined Sets.
- September 2023 Leganto URM-196162
Leganto holds a static CDI link for the citation. Previously, if the CDI linking information changed, such as a change to the Collection ID, the link broke. It is now possible to update URLs from CDI in bulk. If Update URLs from CDI is checked when the Reading List Citation Update Task (Admin > Manage Jobs and Sets > Monitor Jobs) job runs, those links are now updated on Leganto lists.In cases where a hidden link changed, when the update job runs, the list link will no longer be hidden after receiving the update.
Link to updateFor more information, see Manual Jobs on Defined Sets.
- September 2023 Leganto URM-181927
When Expiration Days (Configuration > Leganto > LTI > Course Management System Roles) is set for a role, if a user with that role accesses Leganto after the expiration date, Leganto automatically extends that expiration date to enable those user roles to continue accessing Leganto.Expiration DaysFor more information, see Mapping CMS Roles to Instructors in Leganto.
- September 2023 Leganto URM-191311
When accessing Leganto from an LMS, if browser settings are set to block third-party cookies, the OPEN NEW TAB button is now only displayed until it is selected. After selecting the button, the page must be refreshed for the button to be available again.Open Leganto in a new tabFor more information, see Displaying Leganto in a New Tab.
- September 2023 Leganto URM-198831
Since the embedded file type handling table is no longer in use, the table was removed from Leganto. - August 2023 Leganto URM-191133
Leganto now displays availability information filtered by library view based on your Primo settings. When the parameter filter_holdings_by_library_view (Configuration > Leganto > Discovery > Primo Settings) is set to true (default false), when a holding is available at a location that is disabled (Configuration > Discovery > GetIt Configuration > Primo View to Libraries), Leganto will no longer display availability for those holdings.This feature only applies to Primo VE.
For more information, see Configuring Leganto UI Elements.
- August 2023 Leganto URM-197253
For security purposes, LTI 1.3 users need to update the following URLs in their LTI integration profile (Configuration > Leganto > LTI > Integration Profiles) TOOL CONFIGURATION DETAILS:- Public Keyset URL
- Access Token URL
- Authorization Request URL
For more information, see Minor LTI 1.3 Changes.
- August 2023 Leganto URM-196958
When creating a list without sections using the API, a default section is created. For more information, see the Developer Network. - August 2023 Fulfillment - Course Reserves URM-190725
It is now possible to use the customization wheel to add the Course ID to the Alma courses table display. Additionally, this column is included in the Excel file export. The ID column is hidden by default.Course ID - July 2023 Leganto URM-192517
For institutions whose AUGMENTATION profile (Configuration > General > External Systems > Integration Profiles) is configured to work with CrossRef so that citations containing a DOI with additional metadata can be enriched automatically when a citation containing a DOI is added, the DOI URL (http://dx/doi.org) is now supported. - July 2023 Analytics URM-XXX
As a reminder, the language field was added as an optional metadata field in the June release. In July, the Language field was also added to the following locations. It displays the language of the citation:- Course Reserves > Citation Metadata Details
- Leganto Instructor Usage > Citation Metadata Details
- Leganto Student Usage > Citation Metadata Details
- June 2023 Leganto URM-168477
You can now use the Leganto API to update reading lists that are not associated with course, i.e. EXLIBRIS_DEFAULT_COURSE, using the following URL:http://enviornment/almaws/v1/courses/default/reading-lists/
For more information, see Developer Network - Courses.
- June 2023 Leganto
Idea Exchange URM-130015
You can now specify the language for a citation.To enable, add a bibliographic mapping rule (Configuration > Fulfillment > Courses > Bibliographic Mapping Rules), the Primo mapping (Configuration > Leganto > Discovery > Primo Mapping) or Summon mapping.
Drools configurationAdditionally, enable the language citation field mapping (Configuration > Leganto > UI > Citation Field Mapping) for relevant material types.
Language citation mappingThe language field then appears in the metadata and on the Item form.
Language field for metadataItem language fieldThere is no out-of-the-box configuration for this feature.
This feature will be available in analytics in a future release. - June 2023 Analytics URM-156638
The Leganto List Last Published By field was added to Course Reserves > Reading Lists. It displays the last publisher of the reading list. - May 2023 Leganto URM-189418
The possible values of the cite_it_filter configuration (Configuration > Leganto > List Management > Course Reserves Automatic Statuses) were changed to blocked and allowed, as requested by the DEI focus group, and set values are automatically updated. - May 2023 Leganto URM-182463
Leganto no longer tries to locate resources that are added to a reading list using the Rialto search scope in Leganto.For more information, see Enabling the Rialto Search Scope.
- April 2023 Leganto SF: 05333132 URM-149389
You can now set the default digitization department for digitization requests initiated from Leganto to be a circulation desk rather than a digitization department. When Supports Digitization is enabled for a Circulation Desk (Fulfillment > Circulation Desks), a code is created for the Digitization Departments (Configuration > Fulfillment > Digital Fulfillment > Digitization Departments), and the managing_department parameter (Configuration > Leganto > List Management > Copyright Settings) can now be set to use that code for the circulation desk.Supports Digitization enabled for a circulation deskAuto-generated circulation desk codeManaging department circulation desk code -
For more information, see Configuring Leganto Copyright-Related Procedures.
- April 2023 Fulfillment - Course Reserves SF: 06572598
Idea Exchange URM-162845
You can now use the Leganto API to update citation tags. Use the following PUT method, containing a URL with the course ID, reading list, reading list ID, citation, citation ID, and the word tags. The body must include the tags you want the citation to include. For example:If the body <citation_tag> is empty, all tags are removed from the citation.
For more information, see Developer Network - Courses.
- April 2023 Analytics URM-185848
The below fields were added to the following out-of-the-box Leganto Analytics reports:- Leganto Instructors Usage - Lists KPIs:
- Course start date – the date the course started
- Course end date – the date the course ended
- Total items – the total number of citations
- List title – the name of the list
- Report2: Leganto Instructors Usage - Citation Usage:
- Citation title – the title of the citation
- Section Id – the ID of the section
- Due date – the due date of the citation
- Leganto Instructors Usage - Lists KPIs:
- March 2023 Leganto URM-184652
When the mark_as_broken (Configuration > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) is set to all, the Mark as broken link now appears even when a citation only contains hidden links, so that students can report when links are missing.Mark as brokenFor more information, see Enabling Broken Link Reporting.
- March 2023 Leganto SF: 06412395URM-175466
The asgmt.file.copyright.not.approved.msg.instructor label (Configuration > Leganto > General Labels) for configuring the assignment dashboard copyright statement now supports HTML.An HTML-formatted assignment dashboard copyright statement - March 2023 Leganto URM-141712
You can now set the order of copyright options and enable the default setting for the File Upload Copyright Options (Configuration > Leganto > List Management > File Upload Copyright Options).When no order is set, the order appears according to the order in the Mapping Table.
Set the File Upload Copyright Options order and defaultUpload a File Copyright Options order as per configurationFor more information, see Configuring File Upload for My Collection or as Citations.
- March 2023 Analytics URM-185060
The Total Full text Access column was added to the Leganto Instructors Usage - Lists KPIs and Leganto Instructors Usage - Citation Usage out-of-the-box reports. This new column displays the sum of the Number of Full Text Views and Number of Files Downloaded fields from Leganto Student Usage > Student Usage. - February 2023 Leganto URM-169233
Libraries that are reusing reading lists can now reset the request for a review date, making it easier to monitor submitted reading lists. The Reading List Bulk Update job (Admin > Manage Jobs and Sets > Run a Job) Reset options now includes an option to Reset request for review.Reset request for reviewWhen the Reset request for review option is checked, the Current Request for Review, Review Requester, and Initial Request for Review columns on a reading list are reset.Reset columns on the Reading Lists Task ListFor more information, see Manual Jobs on Defined Sets.
- February 2023 Fulfillment - Course Reserves URM-180468
For Norwegian customers, files available from Bolk now only display to students when permitted according to the permissions set in Leganto. For example:- Files for citations which are not marked as complete do not display to students
- Files only display when access to materials is allowed according to the publishing visibility
- February 2023 Fulfillment - Course Reserves URM-180928
The No List Expected field was added to the Course dimension in the Leganto Student Usage, Leganto Instructor Usage Events, Course Reserves, and Requests subject areas. (Possible values: Checked and Unchecked). It indicates if the No List Expected checkbox is selected on the course record in Alma or not. For more information on this checkbox, see Indicating that Courses Deliberately Have No Reading List. - January 2023 Leganto URM-176226
Idea Exchange
Previously, when selecting the Reset X after searching for items within a list, the search term cleared, but the results remained. Now when selecting the Reset X after searching for items within a list, the search term clears and the results are reset.Reset search - January 2023 Leganto URM-179656
To describe the attribute more accurately and match the analytics term, the Publication Status attribute was changed to Publication List Visibility.Publication List Visibility label - January 2023 Leganto SF: 06528866 URM-181231
When exporting a file to RIS, the Y1 field now only includes the YYYY digits so that when the RIS is imported, the publication year populates as expected. - January 2023 Fulfillment - Course Reserves URM-175007
The Reading List Type field was added to the Reading Lists dimension in the Leganto Student Usage, Leganto Instructor Usage Events, and Course Reserves subject areas. It indicates if the reading list is designated as the master list. Possible values are Master and blank (no value).The Master label will be changed to Parent in February. - January 2023 Fulfillment - Course Reserves SF: 06481498 URM-178971
The Start Page 2 and End Page 2 fields were added to the Citation Metadata Details dimension of the Leganto Student Usage, Leganto Instructor Usage Events, and Course Reserves subject areas. They display an additional start and end page.The Number of Pages field now displays the number of pages between the Start Page and End Page fields and the Start Page 2 and End Page 2 fields.In addition, the names of the Article Number of Pages, Article Start Page, and Article End Page were changed to Number of Pages, Start Page, and End Page.
- January 2023 Fulfillment - Course Reserves URM-179659
The following field names were changed in Analytics for better clarity and consistency:New Name Old Name Location Course Created By Course Creator - Course Reserves > Courses
- Leganto Student Usage > Reading Lists
- Leganto Instructor Usage > Courses
- Requests > Request for Course
Reading List Created By Reading List Creator - Course Reserves > Reading Lists
- Leganto Student Usage > Reading Lists
- Leganto Instructor Usage > Reading Lists
Number of Suggestions Leganto List Num of Student Suggestions - Course Reserves > Reading Lists
- Leganto Student Usage > Reading Lists
- Leganto Instructor Usage > Reading Lists
Section Created By Section Creator - Course Reserves > Leganto Reading List Sections
- Leganto Student Usage > Reading List Sections
- Leganto Instructor Usage > Reading List Sections
Citation Created By Citation Creator - Course Reserves > Reading List Citations
- Leganto Student Usage > Citations
- Leganto Instructor Usage > Citations
- Purchase Requests > Reading List Citations
Number of Files Downloaded Number of Files Download Leganto Student Usage > Student Usage Number of Student Comments Students Discussions Leganto Student Usage > Student Usage
Resolved Issues
- December 2023 Leganto URM-2028221 SF: 06920750
In some cases, thumbnail images were not displayed in Leganto. This was fixed. - December 2023 Leganto New UI URM-207746 SF: 06918619
Previously, the calendar week start day was Sunday rather than Monday. This was fixed. - December 2023 Leganto New UI URM-207571 SF: 06904269
Previously, the Add tags label were all controlled by a single label. These labels are now controlled by two separate labels (Configuration > Leganto > General > Labels - New UI section.add_tag for section tags and citation.add_tags for citation tags). - December 2023 Leganto URM-207464 SF: 06897267
In some cases, the Author and Publisher metadata was missing when using Cite It! This was fixed. - December 2023 Analytics URM-207445 SF: 05331127
The Usage for Reading Lists was not registered as Leganto usage in the Link Resolver subject area. This was fixed. - December 2023 Leganto New UI URM-207229 SF: 06894237 06895851 06903192
Some search scopes were displayed even though they were disabled. This was fixed. - December 2023 Leganto New UI URM-206785 SF: 06887303 06934064 06938959
In some cases, after adding an item, an incorrect question was displayed for the instructor. This was fixed. - December 2023 Leganto New UI URM-206744 SF: 06887292
Previously the Add tag option appeared even when there were no tags to add. This was fixed. - December 2023 Leganto URM-206179 SF: 06777498 06880112
Previously, when performing a RIS import, the located resource was not displayed in the Links & Availability. This was fixed. - December 2023 Leganto URM-204746 SF: 06840458
In some cases, the incorrect processing department operator was assigned to the Reading List. This was fixed. - December 2023 Leganto URM-199772 SF: 06814632
The Highlighticon remained selected when switching from the My notes tab to the Class discussion tab. This was fixed.
- December 2023 Analytics URM-196793 SF: 06780952
In some cases, last year's usage data changed after the course was rolled over. This was fixed. - December 2023 Leganto URM-196652 SF: 06780638
There was a refreshing issue when deleting notes/comments on PDF annotations. This was fixed. - December 2023 Leganto URM-193182 SF: 06740404
A tooltip now explains why the Highlighticon is disabled on the Class discussion tab of an annotation.
- December 2023 Leganto URM-190713 SF: 06686189
In some cases, Cite it! did not generate purchase request tags. This was fixed. - December 2023 Leganto URM-186928 SF: 06616429
In some cases, an error was generated when creating an itemized set type for courses from an Excel file. This was fixed. - November 2023 Leganto URM-207711 SF: 06916356
In some cases, some of the File Upload Copyright option text was not visible. This was fixed. - November 2023 New UI URM-206411 SF: 06885411
Previously, the new UI displayed the PDF in a new tab even when pdf_use_leganto_viewer (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) was set to false. This was fixed. - November 2023 New UI URM-206270 SF: 06871041
In cases where no lists existed and a new list was added, the list was not visible on the Lists page until the page was refreshed. This was fixed. - November 2023 Leganto New UI URM-206214 SF: 06871188 06898247
In some cases, translations were not applied to the Library search scope. This was fixed. - November 2023 Leganto URM-205943 SF: 06838758
In some cases, digitization requests were approved even when the total percentage exceeded the total copyright percentage amount allowed. This was fixed. - November 2023 Leganto URM-204801 SF: 06858494
The Advanced search button appeared when it should have been hidden. This was fixed. - November 2023 Leganto New UI URM-204390 SF: 06908348
When uploading a folder from the Upload files, the files were not displayed in the Upload files screen. This was fixed. - November 2023 Leganto URM-203507 SF: 06839580
In some cases, when using Cite It!, Summon links were receiving the citation_primo_url (Configuration Menu > Leganto > List Management > Course Reserves Automatic Statuses) status rather than cite_it_filter. This was fixed. - November 2023 Leganto URM-203329 SF: 06847326
For Primo VE users, in cases where the banner does not properly display the sign in link for guest users, when display_primo_ve_login (Configuration > Leganto > Discovery > Primo Settings) is set to false, a Sign in for more options link is now displayed instead of the banner. - November 2023 Leganto URM-202932 SF: 06847150
In some cases, the customer label did not appear for the File upload copyright options. This was fixed. - November 2023 Leganto URM-202205 SF: 06916910
Previously, exporting lists and sections to RefWorks did not work. This was fixed. - November 2023 Leganto URM-201026 SF: 06757180
A null value was added to the XML of the Leganto Detailed Notifications Email letter. This was fixed. - November 2023 Leganto URM-200985 SF: 06834020
The citation.necessity.Mandatory (Configuration > Leganto > General > Labels - Classic UI) label was removed as it is no longer relevant. - November 2023 Leganto URM-199551 SF: 06557429
Previously, the parameter require_date_range (Configuration Menu > Leganto > List Management > Copyright Settings) settings did not work correctly. This was fixed. - November 2023 Leganto URM-199546 SF: 06815543
The iframe_height (Configuration > Leganto > LTI > Settings) free text description was updated to include a more direct URL on the Developer Network. - November 2023 Leganto URM-180832 SF: 06521864
When sorting citations by the Created By date, citations were instead sorted by the Modified By date. This was fixed. - October 2023 Leganto URM-206874 SF: 06873955
When using the Enrich citations with DOI feature, metadata that was already present was added a second time. This was fixed. - October 2023 Leganto URM-206885 SF: 06890374
The citation displayed the code rather than the Hide link label for hiding links. This was fixed. - September 2023 Leganto URM-198859 SF: 06823261 URM-199433
When automatically enriching data using the DOI, the DOI URL format was not correct. This was fixed. - September 2023 Leganto URM-198859 SF: 06803495
In some cases, the Primo Mapping Concat option did not concat subfields. This was fixed. - September 2023 Leganto URM-198555 SF: 06812405
Some help videos pointed to the wrong place. This was fixed. - September 2023 Leganto URM-198503 SF: 06764265 06815513
Previously, the Resource Locate process did not run when an item was manually added to a list and Title_Author was enabled in the Locate Citation by Fields table (Configuration > Fulfillment > Courses > Locate Citation by Fields). This was fixed. - September 2023 Leganto URM-198337 SF: 06807751
When adding an article using a DOI number, the Publication date was incorrect. This was fixed. - September 2023 Leganto URM-196907 SF: 06731958
In some cases, changes to a course Name were not saved. This was fixed. - September 2023 Leganto URM-196482 SF: 06769624
When rolling over a list, if the rollover copyright status was set to Copy, the Grace Period After End Date information was not included in the rolled over list. This was fixed. - September 2023 Leganto URM-196068 SF: 06476206
In some cases, the Reading List Citation Process and Enrich job (Admin > Manage Jobs and Sets > Run a Job) located types that should not have been located. This was fixed. - September 2023 Leganto URM-194921 SF: 06759323
For some styles, Quick Cite generated citations with double quotes (" ") rather than single quotes (' '). This was fixed. - September 2023 Leganto URM-194789 SF: 06706429
In some cases, the Reading List Citation Process and Enrich (Admin > Manage Jobs and Sets > Run a Job) Job Report indicated Resource locate match found even in cases where the resource was not located. This was fixed. - September 2023 Leganto URM-191470 SF: 06717650
Previously, the My list Sort by: Title was sorted according to Alma titles. Now, when the parameter list_name_sort_natural_order (Configuration > Leganto > List Management > Settings) is set to true, the titles sort according to the Leganto list sort. When the parameter is set to false, the titles are sorted according to the Alma list sort. - September 2023 Leganto URM-189731 SF: 06597964
In some cases, Owners were not added to reading lists courses. This was fixed. - September 2023 Leganto URM-139784 SF: 05331127
Leganto sources were excluded from the Alma Link Resolver Usage report. This was fixed. - August 2023 Release Update Leganto
There are no issues for the August Release Update. - August 2023 Leganto URM-197620 SF: 06771585
When adding an E record that also has a P record related to the record, the message indicated that the item was available at more locations rather than just one location. This was fixed. - August 2023 Leganto URM-197324 SF: 06696021
When opening a Find Lists share link, Leganto did not open a full search query results. This was fixed. - August 2023 Leganto URM-197240 SF: 06793923
Leganto did not return Rapido results when enabled in the Primo View. This was fixed. - August 2023 Leganto URM-196993 SF: 06784918 06792641 06792653 06796541
In some cases, the Section menu was cut off. This was fixed. - August 2023 Leganto URM-196856 SF: 06782004
After locking a section, the menu option drop down did not immediately appear. This was fixed. - August 2023 Leganto URM-196236 SF: 06757414
When updating the citation status from Alma, the modification date did not change. This was fixed. - August 2023 Leganto URM-194914 SF: 06755465
In some cases, physical items were hidden in student view. This was fixed. - August 2023 Leganto URM-194906 SF: 06757180
The Notifications - instructors (Configuration > Leganto > Features) table did not include the "You have joined a new reading list as a collaborator" message. This was fixed. - August 2023 Leganto URM-194811 SF: 06757762
It was not possible to run the Activate/Deactivate courses job using the API. This was fixed. - August 2023 Leganto URM-191651 SF: 06726695
In some cases, the DCS Synchronize job did not update the DCS Status to Approved. This was fixed. - August 2023 Leganto URM-139784 SF: 05331127
Leganto sources were excluded from the Alma Link Resolver Usage report. This was fixed. - July 2023 Leganto URM-195202 SF: 06757525
Previously, the Year, Month, and Day labels were missing from the blank form. This was fixed. - July 2023 Leganto URM-195102 SF: 05321084
In some cases, the Student View included information that should not have been viewable to the student. This was fixed. - July 2023 Leganto URM-195039 SF: 06749610
Previously, the Other Formats & Editions section was displayed for electronic items. This was fixed. - July 2023 Leganto URM-193302 SF: 06696021
When sharing a link to a predefined Find Lists search, the Simple/Advanced Search button did not work. This was fixed. - July 2023 Leganto URM-192501 SF: 06740203
In some cases, you were able to add an item to a locked list. This was fixed. - July 2023 Leganto URM-192374 SF: 06748050
In some cases, Analytics was missing from Leganto. This was fixed. - July 2023 Leganto URM-192175 URM-192168 URM-191431 SF: 06736463 06698900 06698908 06719324
When using the Enrich by DOI feature, fields were missing from the item. This was fixed. - July 2023 Leganto URM-192065 SF: 06722839
Previously, when the Citation's Total Pages value for a Digitization Request was too complicated to be normalized properly, the Resource Total Pages showed 0 rather than returning an unmodified value so that digitization staff can resolve it manually. This was fixed. - July 2023 Leganto URM-191921 SF: 06729082
Previously, the Your search did not match any physical resource in the library. In order to request the resource from other libraries, please sign in. message was not translated to the selected language. This was fixed. - July 2023 Analytics URM-186922
The Leganto dashboards failed after a new prompt was added to them. This was fixed. - June 2023 Leganto URM-192579 SF: 06737644
The Section drop down list did not display properly. This was fixed. - June 2023 Leganto URM-192579 SF: 06738200
When using the Expanded Reading List style, the chapter author and book title were missing from Word exports. This was fixed. - June 2023 Leganto URM-191939 SF: 06676661
For citations without an MMS ID, when adding the Place of Publication - Country field to the Analytics report, none of the results were displayed. This was fixed. - June 2023 Leganto URM-190028 SF: 06689131
Previously, the API did not return Library-Internal or Instructor-Library tags. This was fixed. - June 2023 Leganto URM-189579 SF: 06670751
Previously, the UNIMARC rule for additionalPersonName did not work. This was fixed. - June 2023 Leganto URM-189289 SF: 06647910
In some cases, when manually selecting a list action (delete, archive, purge) and running a bulk action, an error occurred. This was fixed. - June 2023 Leganto URM-188815 SF: 06662101
All references to Master labels were removed and replaced with Parent. - June 2023 Leganto URM-164274 SF: 05304877
The End Page field was missing from Book Extract types. This was fixed. - June 2023 Leganto URM-152788 SF: 05435574 05723098
In some cases, reading lists were not associated with the correct course in Analytics. This was fixed for future data but not for historical data. - May 2023 Leganto URM-190824 SF: 06699651
Citations added from Summon's direct link from ProQuest included a placeholder parameter that caused the link to break. This was fixed. - May 2023 Leganto URM-189613 SF: 06680750
When using the QuickCite APA style, the first letter of the author's first name was missing. This was fixed. - May 2023 Leganto URM-189253 SF: 06659552
Previously, when adding citations from EBSCO, a + was appended to the URL rather than the identifying institution. This was fixed. - May 2023 Leganto URM-188306 SF: 06659649
When importing .lgn files to a reading list, the attributes were not reset. This was fixed. - May 2023 Leganto URM-163390 SF: 05321084 06704551
In some cases, when using the View list as a student feature, the view did not properly represent the actual student view. This was fixed. - April 2023 Leganto SF: 06660440
Citations added from external resources did not include the Links & Availability. This was fixed.
URM-189273 - April 2023 Fulfillment - Course Reserves SF: 06655246
In some cases, courses did not appear in Alma, but they did appear in Analytics. This was fixed.
URM-188182 - April 2023 Leganto SF: 06653039
Previously, retrieving course information from Primo using an MMSID was very slow. The speed has been increased.
URM-187968 - April 2023 Leganto SF: 06630050
The option to Add tags to item was missing from the Student View. This was fixed.
URM-187265 - April 2023 Leganto SF: 06526087
In some cases, the Leganto Physical item location did not match Primo’s Get it. This was fixed.
URM-186822 - April 2023 Leganto SF: 06629253
When adding a course From date but not a To date, the To date was incorrectly populated with today's date rather than remaining blank. This was fixed.URM-186582 - April 2023 Leganto SF: 06558701 06558710 06559233 06620758 06656576 06665869 06668218
In some cases, reading lists with items that are physically available took a significant amount of time to load. This was fixed. URM-183148 - April 2023 Leganto SF: 06471606
Previously, the maximum file size error message did not display the unit of MB. This was fixed.URM-178192 - April 2023 Leganto SF: 06328038
In some cases, refreshing issues caused inconsistent search results when opening a reading list from a Primo record. This was fixed.
URM-170791 - March 2023 Leganto SF: 06499977
Quick Cite did not always display the additional person’s name appropriately. This was fixed.
URM-187142 - March 2023 Leganto SF: 06602672
Previously, when new_refworks and refworks_sso (Configuration > Leganto > General > External Integrations) were both set to true, exporting citations to RefWorks failed. This was fixed.
URM-186937 - March 2023 Leganto SF: 06625570
When adding a citation using the blank form, the Year field was empty when the citation was sent to the DCS. This was fixed.
URM-186250 - March 2023 Leganto SF: 06597799
When PDF files were set to ReadOnly, the Make File Downloadable menu item displayed an error. This was fixed.
URM-185024 - March 2023 Leganto SF: 06586029
In some cases, users were unable to delete the last item in a Collection. This was fixed.
URM-183445 - March 2023 Leganto SF: 06546785
Previously, digitization requests for reading lists attached to multiple courses did not account for the total amount of students in all the courses for copyright clearance purposes. This was fixed.
URM-182764 - March 2023 Leganto SF: 06527750
Electronic resources with an assigned inventory management group did not appear as available in the repository. This was fixed.
URM-181580 - March 2023 Leganto SF: 06520255
Previously, the reading list requestor fields did not update after publishing a list sent to the library. This was fixed.
URM-180970 - March 2023 Leganto SF: 06275257
Previously, posting instructor notes on a reading list using the API did not post the note to Alma and overwrote existing library notes. This was fixed.
URM-169643 - February 2023 Release Update Leganto
There are no issues for the February Release Update. - February 2023 Leganto SF: 06353681
The Citations Alternate Suggestions job did not list any Electronic Resources in the job report. This was fixed.
URM-183731 - February 2023 Leganto SF: 06617691
The hide toggle button was missing for physical items. This was fixed.
URM-185232 - February 2023 Leganto SF: 06619985
Citations added from an EBSCO search did not perform resource locating or create link resolver or article links. This was fixed.
URM-185788 - February 2023 Leganto SF: 06595787
Previously, the LTI system role mapping ignored the Enabled/Disabled parameter. This was fixed.
URM-183787 - February 2023 Leganto SF: 06575653
Previously, the field volume was not compatible with the Type Book citation. This was fixed.
URM-183666 - February 2023 Leganto SF: 06589661
In some cases, when items were added using Cite It! and connected to the libraries' holdings, the original URL was not added as a Note. This was fixed.
URM-183632 - February 2023 Leganto SF: 06557709
In some cases, Leganto citations pointed to the wrong resource/source. This was fixed.
URM-183629 - February 2023 Leganto SF: 06578156
In some cases, the Resource locate no match found. displayed on the Process and Enrich Citations in Bulk job report even when the resource was located. This was fixed.
URM-182938 - February 2023 Fulfillment - Course Reserves SF: 06474685
In some cases, data from deleted citations showed in analytics even though it should not have. This was fixed.
URM-182661 - February 2023 Leganto SF: 06550768
In some cases, the Recent Changes tab indicated that there was no content even though there was content. This was fixed. URM-181862 - February 2023 Leganto SF: 06506969
Previously, when a citation's digitization request was automatically approved and sent to the DCS, the citation status did not update to the value assigned in the parameter citation_copyright_approved. This was fixed. - January 2023 Leganto SF: 06530718
Previously, there was no option to translate the CiteIt! Grab here to drag this window text. You can now add a translation for citeit.greb.here (Configuration > Leganto > General > Labels). URM-181065 - January 2023 Leganto SF: 06539784
The list status label citiation.status.BeingProcessed was missing from the Labels Code Table (Configuration > Leganto > General > Labels). This was fixed. URM-182141 - January 2023 Leganto SF: 06535083
Instructor-Library tags did not appear on new citations until refreshing the page. This was fixed. URM-181788 - January 2023 Leganto SF: 06530290
In some cases, permalinks from rolled over courses did not open the correct links when the course was published. This was fixed.URM-181741 - January 2023 Leganto SF: 06518583
Citations with many tags did not include a scrollbar. This was fixed.URM-181729 - January 2023 Leganto SF: 06544357
Citations with many tags did not include a scrollbar. This was fixed. URM-181460 - January 2023 Leganto SF: 06499977 06561578
When using Quick Cite for citations using the Harvard CSL style, the references listed the second author as an editor. This was fixed. URM-180318 - January 2023 Leganto SF: 06483272
In some cases, completed citations appeared in the Ready for Processing task list. This was fixed.URM-180251 - January 2023 Leganto SF: 06503914
In Canvas, in some cases, PDFs were partially cut off by the right side panel. This was fixed.URM-180091 - January 2023 Leganto SF: 06482028
In some cases, when running the Course Bulk Update Job to remove a list association, some courses that should have still been associated with the reading list were missing. This was fixed. URM-179448 - January 2023 Leganto SF: 0646569
Previously, the Leganto UI language did not update until the page was refreshed. This was fixed.URM-177939 - January 2023 Leganto SF: 05329002 06287393
CDI records for videos that use direct links included the citation metadata but not the link to the video. This was fixed.URM-171341 - January 2023 Leganto SF: 05318981
Previously, the citation Status was changed from Complete to Being prepared when a list was duplicated. This was fixed.URM-157160 - January 2023 Leganto SF: 06530290
Previously, when rolling over a list, the default was that shareable link pointed to the newest published list. Now, if permalink_goto_newest (General > Settings) is false, the shareable link points to the original list. The default for this parameter is true. URM-183601