Alma 2020 Release Notes
- Last updated
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Make the Most of December's Release
Action Items |
New Ex Libris Secure FTP Service - A new built-in secure ftp service is being made available by Ex Libris. You can simply start using it for your integrations, without needing any additional setup or coordination with your IT department. |
Patron Welcome Letter - You can now send welcome letters to new patrons. The letters will be sent when a patron is granted a patron role in your library. |
Auto Reject of Lending Requests Based on Licenses - You can now fine tune your lending resource sharing request processing so that requests will be automatically rejected if the electronic resource’s license does not allow sharing it. |
Improvements to Concurrent Usage Access Rights - Institutions now have strict control over the number of concurrent users accessing a digital resource, and a session period after which the viewing session expires. This can be done by configuring parameters for the concurrent usage access rights policy. |
Upcoming Issues to Note
Improved Control over Creating and Editing Holdings
Starting from January 2021, administrators will have greater control over holdings editing. An inventory operator will be able to edit holdings if the physical inventory role is assigned and if the holdings are created for a permitted scope. Cataloging roles will also provide privileges only to edit Bibliographic and authority records. Recommended actions to be taken by an administrator is to identify all users that should be able to continue to manage holdings and add them to the role of physical inventory management (which can be done as a bulk operation).
PO Line Infrastructure Upgrade
In the upcoming releases, there will be technical upgrades to the PO line infrastructure but will not result in any functional changes.
Analytics Infrastructure Performance Upgrades
Ex Libris is currently implementing performance upgrades to the Alma Analytics infrastructure which will include the Oracle In-Memory Database. These upgrades will greatly improve performance when running analytics reports and are being rolled out gradually. The table below describes the rollout plan. For more information, see the Analytics - Infrastructure Improvements in 2020 document.
Instance |
Will be implemented during |
NA01 |
Completed |
NA02 |
Completed |
NA03 |
Completed |
NA04 |
Completed |
NA05 |
Completed |
NA06 |
Completed |
NA07 |
Completed |
NA91 |
Completed |
EU00 |
Completed |
EU01 |
Completed |
EU02 |
Completed |
EU03 |
Completed |
EU04 |
Completed |
AP01 |
Completed |
CA01 |
Completed |
CN01 |
January 2021 |
Alma Roadmap Highlights
The next version of the Alma Roadmap Highlights document will be published in January 2021.
January Release Sneak Preview
Click here to view the next release sneak preview.
Make the Most of November's Release
Action Items |
Enrich Digital Publishing with File Delivery URL - Institutions are now able to enrich the published digital records with URLs to the actual files, beyond existing URL to the delivery service, allowing external systems to run services requiring direct access to the file, copying the file, extracting full-text and more. |
Upcoming Issues to Note
OAS (Oracle Analytics Server) and DV (Data Visualization)
The OBI that is used with Alma Analytics is being upgraded to OAS (Oracle Analytics Server) which includes DV (Data Visualization). As many in the Ex Libris community are aware, the original plan was to upgrade to OBI 12. However, on January 31, 2020, Oracle released OAS (Oracle Analytics Server) to replace the OBI 12.
To read the OAS Upgrade Q&A, click here.
The following table details the rollout plan for the OAS:
Environment | Freeze Start Date | OAS Go-Live Date |
EU03 |
June 17 |
June 21 |
NA02 |
July 13 |
July 19 |
NA03 |
July 13 |
July 26 (updated from 22.7) |
NA01 |
July 13 |
July 26 |
CA01, AP01 |
August 23 |
August 30 |
NA91 |
August 30 |
September 6 |
EU00, EU01, EU02 |
October 11 |
October 18 |
NA04, NA05, NA06, NA07, CN01 |
November 1 |
November 8 |
You may need to take certain steps prior to migration. See Ensuring Reports are Migrated.
Analytics Infrastructure Performance Upgrades
Ex Libris is currently implementing performance upgrades to the Alma Analytics infrastructure which will include the Oracle In-Memory Database. These upgrades will greatly improve performance when running analytics reports and are being rolled out gradually. The table below describes the rollout plan. For more information, see the Analytics - Infrastructure Improvements in 2020 document.
Instance |
Will be implemented during |
NA01 |
Completed |
NA02 |
Completed |
NA03 |
Completed |
NA04 |
Completed |
NA05 |
Completed |
NA06 |
Completed |
NA07 |
Completed |
NA91 |
Completed |
EU00 |
Completed |
EU01 |
Completed |
EU02 |
Completed |
EU03 |
Completed |
EU04 |
Completed |
AP01 |
Completed |
CA01 |
Completed |
CN01 |
January 2021 |
Go VE Rollout
Go VE, the self-switch process to move from Primo to Primo VE, is being gradually rolled out and made available as part of the November release to all single institutions (which are not part of a Network Zone) who use the Primo Back Office together with Alma. The Go VE button is visible in the Alma menu to General System Administrator users.
For more information, see Introduction to Go VE video (4 minutes) and the Go VE documentation.
As many of you already know, Alma development periodically needs to take a "back seat," and maintenance, cloud infrastructure, and other important tasks need to be handled in order to ensure that Alma meets the highest standards of performance and high availability. The October 2020 release is devoted to such tasks.
We would also like to take this opportunity to update you on the following:
NERS Enhancements Update
The following NERS 2019 enhancements were developed and delivered:
- Enhancing security and management of API keys
- User profile - Add field for last active date
- Automate Borrowing Request Processes
- Option to not show related holdings locations
- Add Pop-Up Notice at Scan in Items
- Link resolver delivers physical holdings for wrong titles for PCI records
- Administration: Expand Repository Advanced Search Options
- Split role user manager in 2: the user manager and the patron manager
- Add ability to customize Purchase Request online form
- Portfolios in an electronic collection/package should inherit data displays from the collection's service
NERS 2020 - Final NERS Enhancement Requests for 2020 are:
- Provide the ability to identify broken links to electronic and digital resources
- Improve Repository Search functionality with free text options for MARC tags and subfields in Advanced Search
- Resource sharing: updates to due dates of borrowing request loans to be reflected in resource sharing and fulfillment
Idea Exchange Statistics
- 292 Ideas have already been Completed
- 69 Ideas have the status Planned
- 20~ Ideas are being considered and have the status Under Review.
- 700~ voters interacted with Alma on Idea Exchange in the last 30 days
Cloud Apps
Can you guess the most popular Cloud App – i.e. the Cloud App with the highest number of downloads?
The HathiTrust Availability Cloud App wins hands down! This Cloud App queries the HathiTrust API to look for availability for each displayed BIB record. A match is based on OCLC, ISBN, and ISSN numbers as cataloged in the record.
Want to know more about Cloud Apps? Check out the Cloud App release blog and the Cloud App documentation.
Alma Education
Alma Webinars
Attendance Statistics for Alma webinars:
- Alma Product Webinars: 3966
- Best of Knowledge Days: 7925
- Best Practices for the Ex Libris Community During COVID-19: 1823
The top Three Most Attended:
- Alma & Primo Best Practices and Q&A in Light of COVID-19 – 911
- Using Alma Analytics to Perform Overlap Analysis & Deselection – 805
- Optimize and Streamline Alma Workflows – 754
Alma What's New Videos
There are now more than 1.65K subscribers to Alma’s What’s New Videos
19 new videos were posted in the first 8 months of 2020, with a total of 23,000~ views
And, the top 3 most viewed are:
- New Alma Metadata Editor – 6,984 views
- Alma New Layout – 3,772 views
- Cloud Apps – 1,236 views
Ex Libris’ GuideMe has given additional support to Alma users in this time of increased need wherever they may be located, bringing just-in-time, step-by-step guidance on important workflows in Alma.
More than 20 GuideMe walkthroughs are currently available (depending on role and permissions) covering topics such as fiscal period management, normalizing bib records, and exporting and importing records for cleanup.
The top three walkthroughs, based on usage data are:
- Rollover Ledgers – the first step in the fiscal-period close process
- Rollover PO Lines – the second step in the fiscal-period close process
- Rollover Resource Sharing Requests – the final step in the fiscal-period close process
Read more about GuideMe on our GuideMe blog here.
Community Zone Update
In collaboration with the Community Zone Management Group, it will not be possible to add or edit the following fields in the Community Zone by members of the community:
- 856 subfield u
- All 9xx fields excluding 906, 999 and 920
These fields will NOT be saved even if edited/added, as a new Normalization Rule, applicable only in the CZ, will prevent this.
A cleanup of these fields from Community Zone records will follow.
- DARA continues to grow and is widely used across all regions.
- 6628 recommendations have been implemented by 714 institutions
- The top 3 most popular recommendations are:
- 50,000~ link local electronic collection to CZ
- 45,000~ unavailable portfolios
- 25,000~ link standalone portfolio to CZ
Statistical Trends Across All Institutions
Physical Loans – across all institutions
- 2020 started very strongly in regard to physical loans
- with close to 5M transactions in January
- dropping significantly from April to June with an average of 500,000 loans per month.
- happily, we can now see a rising trend with 1.5M+ transactions for August
Digital Files – across all institutions
- Stats show a very sharp increase in the number of digital files
- We can see a significant jump from
- 2.6M files in February
- to 4.7M+ in March,
- and 5.3M in August
Electronic Portfolios – across all institutions
- A very steady increase in the 1st 8 months of the year in the growth of electronic portfolios
- Growing from 900,000~ in March,
- To more than 1B in August
Electronic Collections – across all institutions
- A huge increase in the number of electronic collections
- 340,000~ in March
- 1.1M+ in June
- 1.2M+ in August
Patron Requests – across all institutions
- Patron requests decreased sharply
- from 1M+ in February to 150,000~ in April.
- however, the situation has improved; August sees more than 600,000~ requests
Upcoming Issues to Note
OAS (Oracle Analytics Server) and DV (Data Visualization)
The OBI that is used with Alma Analytics is being upgraded to OAS (Oracle Analytics Server) which includes DV (Data Visualization). As many in the Ex Libris community are aware, the original plan was to upgrade to OBI 12. However, on January 31, 2020, Oracle released OAS (Oracle Analytics Server) to replace the OBI 12.
To read the OAS Upgrade Q&A, click here.
The following table details the rollout plan for the OAS:
Environment | Freeze Start Date | OAS Go-Live Date |
EU03 |
June 17 |
June 21 |
NA02 |
July 13 |
July 19 |
NA03 |
July 13 |
July 26 (updated from 22.7) |
NA01 |
July 13 |
July 26 |
CA01, AP01 |
August 23 |
August 30 |
NA91 |
August 30 |
September 6 |
EU00, EU01, EU02 |
October 11 |
October 18 |
NA04, NA05, NA06, NA07, CN01 |
November 1 |
November 8 |
You may need to take certain steps prior to migration. See Ensuring Reports are Migrated.
Analytics Infrastructure Performance Upgrades
Ex Libris is currently implementing performance upgrades to the Alma Analytics infrastructure which will include the Oracle In-Memory Database. These upgrades will greatly improve performance when running analytics reports and are being rolled out gradually. The table below describes the rollout plan. For more information, see the Analytics - Infrastructure Improvements in 2020 document.
Instance |
Will be implemented during |
NA01 |
Completed |
NA02 |
Completed |
NA03 |
Completed |
NA04 |
Completed |
NA05 |
Completed |
NA06 |
Completed |
NA07 |
Completed |
NA91 |
Completed |
EU00 |
Completed |
EU01 |
Completed |
EU02 |
Completed |
EU03 |
Completed |
EU04 |
Completed |
AP01 |
Completed |
CA01 |
Completed |
CN01 |
January 2021 |
Next Release Sneak Preview
Click here to view the next release sneak preview.
Make the Most of September's Release
Action Items |
New Metadata Editor - Ex Libris announces the rollout of the new Metadata Editor. In the current release, the new Metadata Editor contains the Records Management core functionality (the functionality available in the original Metadata Editor plus new features). Template and Rule management will be rolled out in the upcoming releases, giving users enough time to adjust to the changes. Starting from the September release, Alma users can switch back and forth between the new and the original Metadata Editors. |
New Layout Enhancements - Continuing the rollout of the new Alma layout, the new layout is now available for Alma users. Starting from the August release, Alma Administrators can turn the new functionality on (Opt-in). In September release, users who were opted in can switch between the current and the new layout as required. |
New Auxiliary Digital Usage Type - A new Auxiliary Digital Usage Type enables institutions to differentiate between full online availability and files which are auxiliary to other resource types, such as a digital table-of-contents for a physical resource. This content is available in Primo but not indexed as online availability. |
Upcoming Issues to Note
RapidILL Integration
Alma and RapidILL now support a fully integrated end to end process on both the borrower and lender side. A library that is using Alma and RapidILL can experience the full workflow of requesting and receiving as a borrower, or shipping as a lender, using only Alma screens.
As borrower:
- The patron can submit a request through Primo, or the library can place a request via Alma
- The request is automatically forwarded to RapidILL for processing the borrower's request and for finding a lending request. Rapid will automatically reject this action if there is no available resource in Rapid that can fulfill the request
- When the resource is received in Rapid, the Alma request is automatically completed, and an email to the patron with a link to the resource is automatically sent by Alma
- Alma can be configured to require manual forwarding of the email to the patron
- The received resource remains available to the staff use to view or forward again to the patron
As lender:
- When a lending request is created in Rapid it is automatically created in Alma as well.
- The staff can use the Alma Manage Fulfillment Options action to access the requested electronic resource or to request digitization of the physical resource
- The Ship Digitally action can be used to upload the digital file to Alma. Alma will automatically forward the document to RapidX, resulting in the request being fulfilled in Rapid and in Alma
For more information, see RapidILL Based Resource Sharing Workflow.
OAS (Oracle Analytics Server) and DV (Data Visualization)
The OBI that is used with Alma Analytics is being upgraded to OAS (Oracle Analytics Server) which includes DV (Data Visualization). As many in the Ex Libris community are aware, the original plan was to upgrade to OBI 12. However, on January 31, 2020, Oracle released OAS (Oracle Analytics Server) to replace the OBI 12.
To read the OAS Upgrade Q&A, click here.
The following table details the rollout plan for the OAS:
Environment | Freeze Start Date | OAS Go-Live Date |
EU03 |
June 17 |
June 21 |
NA02 |
July 13 |
July 19 |
NA03 |
July 13 |
July 26 (updated from 22.7) |
NA01 |
July 13 |
July 26 |
CA01, AP01 |
August 23 |
August 30 |
NA91 |
August 30 |
September 6 |
EU00, EU01, EU02 |
October 11 |
October 18 |
NA04, NA05, NA06, NA07, CN01 |
November 1 |
November 8 |
You may need to take certain steps prior to migration. See Ensuring Reports are Migrated.
Analytics Infrastructure Performance Upgrades
Ex Libris is currently implementing performance upgrades to the Alma Analytics infrastructure which will include the Oracle In-Memory Database. These upgrades will greatly improve performance when running analytics reports and are being rolled out gradually. The table below describes the rollout plan. For more information, see the Analytics - Infrastructure Improvements in 2020 document.
Instance |
Will be implemented during |
NA01 |
Completed |
NA02 |
Completed |
NA03 |
Completed |
NA04 |
Completed |
NA05 |
Completed |
NA06 |
Completed |
NA07 |
Completed |
NA91 |
Completed |
EU00 |
Completed |
EU01 |
Completed |
EU02 |
Completed |
EU03 |
Completed |
EU04 |
Completed |
AP01 |
Completed |
CA01 |
Completed |
CN01 |
January 2021 |
Make the Most of August's Release
Action Items |
Cloud Apps - Cloud Apps is an open framework that enables developers to write apps that run inside Ex Libris higher education products such as Alma, Primo VE back-office, Esploro, Leganto and Rapido. It adds new features beyond core Ex Libris functionality, which can integrate with other systems, or can provide shortcuts and efficiencies for institution-specific workflows. |
New Layout - Additional improvements related to the New Layout have been made available that include changes to the Configuration menu, Action icons customization and Summary section. |
Upcoming Issues to Note
Sandbox Refresh
As a reminder, premium sandboxes will be updated in August according to Alma's premium sandbox refresh policy.
Security update - Removing HTTP allowed exceptions for Alma
To align with industry standards and avoid security vulnerabilities, Ex Libris is removing its remaining HTTP allowed exception. Alma will require working with HTTPS for all incoming traffic and as result, will redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS traffic. This means that all browser activity will continue working as usual. For more information, see Technical Requirements for Alma and Discovery Implementation.
Support for HTTP will be phased out as follows:
Release | Environment |
June | EU00, EU01, EU02 |
July | NA01, NA02, NA03 |
August | AP01 |
All other instances already support HTTPS only. We are also working to identify non-browser calls coming from specific IPs and are contacting several customers directly asking to change their calls to HTTPS.
For further assistance, open a Salesforce case and reply with the case number.
OAS (Oracle Analytics Server) and DV (Data Visualization)
The OBI that is used with Alma Analytics is being upgraded to OAS (Oracle Analytics Server) which includes DV (Data Visualization). As many in the Ex Libris community are aware, the original plan was to upgrade to OBI 12. However, on January 31, 2020, Oracle released OAS (Oracle Analytics Server) to replace the OBI 12.
To read the OAS Upgrade Q&A, click here.
The following table details the rollout plan for the OAS:
Environment | Freeze Start Date | OAS Go-Live Date |
EU03 |
June 17 |
June 21 |
NA02 |
July 13 |
July 19 |
NA03 |
July 13 |
July 26 (updated from 22.7) |
NA01 |
July 13 |
July 26 |
CA01, AP01 |
August 23 |
August 30 |
NA91 |
August 30 |
September 6 |
EU00, EU01, EU02 |
October 11 |
October 18 |
NA04, NA05, NA06, NA07, CN01 |
November 1 |
November 8 |
You may need to take certain steps prior to migration. See Ensuring Reports are Migrated.
Analytics Infrastructure Performance Upgrades
Ex Libris is currently implementing performance upgrades to the Alma Analytics infrastructure which will include the Oracle In-Memory Database. These upgrades will greatly improve performance when running analytics reports and are being rolled out gradually. The table below describes the rollout plan. For more information, see the Analytics - Infrastructure Improvements in 2020 document.
Instance |
Will be implemented during |
NA01 |
Completed |
NA02 |
Completed |
NA03 |
Completed |
NA04 |
Completed |
NA05 |
Completed |
NA06 |
Completed |
NA07 |
Completed |
NA91 |
Completed |
EU00 |
Completed |
EU01 |
Completed |
EU02 |
Completed |
EU03 |
Completed |
EU04 |
Completed |
AP01 |
Completed |
CA01 |
Completed |
CN01 |
January 2021 |
Next Release Sneak Preview
Select September 2020 Sneak Preview to view the next release sneak preview.
Make the Most of July's Release
Action Items |
User Sets and Advanced Search for Users - The new options to search users in advanced mode allows creating sets based on multiple search attributes. This way, you can use complex conditions to save a list of users as a set for various purposes, such as for sending a notice, running an update etc. |
Push user records from NZ not via SIS - Networks that share user records in the Network Zone can now manage the Network Zone users not only via SIS updates but also by manual or API updates, as well as by running batch user updates in the network using the Update/Notify Users job. |
Scan In Interface - Allow check in of shipped items - You can now set the system to issue a warning if an item that is scanned in is expected to be shipped for resource sharing and not expected to be scanned in. |
Enhancements to Forms - Institutions now have advanced control over the configuration of deposit forms, both staff and patron, including repeatable fields and additional filed types such as check-boxes and many more. |
Enhanced Sorting Support for Collections - Patrons are provided with a rich set of new sort routines for titles under a collection, and Alma staff can configure the default sort routine both for sub-collections and for titles under each collection level. |
Provide the ability to share and contribute GES templates in the CZ - Part II - Do you have a useful general electronic service you created? You can now share it with the community by contributing it to the Community Zone. |
CZ Contribution - Update contributed collections - Part II - Do you have a local electronic collection that will be useful to wider Alma community? You can now contribute additional information associated with your local electronic collection. |
Upcoming Issues to Note
Sandbox Refresh
As a reminder, premium sandboxes will be updated in August according to Alma's premium sandbox refresh policy.
Security update - Removing HTTP allowed exceptions for Alma
To align with industry standards and avoid security vulnerabilities, Ex Libris is removing its remaining HTTP allowed exception. Alma will require working with HTTPS for all incoming traffic and as result, will redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS traffic. This means that all browser activity will continue working as usual. For more information, see Technical Requirements for Alma and Discovery Implementation.
Support for HTTP will be phased out as follows:
Release | Environment |
June | EU00, EU01, EU02 |
July | NA01, NA02, NA03 |
August | AP01 |
All other instances already support HTTPS only. We are also working to identify non-browser calls coming from specific IPs and are contacting several customers directly asking to change their calls to HTTPS.
For further assistance, open a Salesforce case and reply with the case number.
OAS (Oracle Analytics Server) and DV (Data Visualization)
The OBI that is used with Alma Analytics is being upgraded to OAS (Oracle Analytics Server) which includes DV (Data Visualization). As many in the Ex Libris community are aware, the original plan was to upgrade to OBI 12. However, on January 31, 2020, Oracle released OAS (Oracle Analytics Server) to replace the OBI 12.
To read the OAS Upgrade Q&A, click here.
The following table details the rollout plan for the OAS:
Environment | Freeze Start Date | OAS Go-Live Date |
EU03 |
June 17 |
June 21 |
NA02 |
July 13 |
July 19 |
NA03 |
July 13 |
July 26 (updated from 22.7) |
NA01 |
July 13 |
July 26 |
CA01, AP01 |
August 23 |
August 30 |
NA91 |
August 30 |
September 6 |
EU00, EU01, EU02 |
October 11 |
October 18 |
NA04, NA05, NA06, CN01 |
November 1 |
November 8 |
You may need to take certain steps prior to migration. See Ensuring Reports are Migrated.
Analytics Infrastructure Performance Upgrades
Ex Libris is currently implementing performance upgrades to the Alma Analytics infrastructure which will include the Oracle In-Memory Database. These upgrades will greatly improve performance when running analytics reports and are being rolled out gradually. The table below describes the rollout plan. For more information, see the Analytics - Infrastructure Improvements in 2020 document.
Instance |
Will be implemented during |
NA01 |
Completed |
NA02 |
Completed |
NA03 |
Completed |
NA04 |
Completed |
NA05 |
Completed |
NA06 |
Completed |
NA07 |
Completed |
NA91 |
Completed |
EU00 |
Completed |
EU01 |
Completed |
EU02 |
Completed |
EU03 |
Completed |
EU04 |
Completed |
AP01 |
Completed |
CA01 |
Completed |
CN01 |
January 2021 |
Next Release Sneak Preview
Select August 2020 Sneak Preview to view the next release sneak preview.
Make the Most of June's Release
Action Items |
Limit User Managers to Non Restricted Accounts - It is possible to restrict users that have access to user accounts so that they cannot update restricted users accounts. For example, it is possible to set that some users that have a User Manager or Circ Desk Operator role will still not be able to update accounts of library staff. Restricted accounts can be defined as accounts with given user groups or with given user roles. |
Bulk changes to Physical Items using existing jobs - Alma users are able to perform bulk changes on Physical Items directly through the Physical Items search and Items list. The changes will be done for selected records by the user using existing jobs. In addition, the user is able to create an itemized set for those records. |
Ability to change all temporary fields for Physical Items - The Change Physical Items job has been enhanced to enable the user better coverage of temporary location changes, Statistics Notes, Sequences and an improved usability of the parameters screen. |
Upcoming Issues to Note
Security update - Removing HTTP allowed exceptions for Alma
To align with industry standards and avoid security vulnerabilities, Ex Libris is removing its remaining HTTP allowed exception. Alma will require working with HTTPS for all incoming traffic and as result, will redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS traffic. This means that all browser activity will continue working as usual. For more information, see Technical Requirements for Alma and Discovery Implementation.
Support for HTTP will be phased out as follows:
Release | Environment |
June | EU00, EU01, EU02 |
July | NA01, NA02, NA03, AP01 |
All other instances already support HTTPS only. We are also working to identify non browser calls coming from specific IPs and are contacting several customers directly asking to change their calls to HTTPS.
For further assistance, open a Salesforce case and reply with the case number.
Analytics Infrastructure Performance Upgrades
Ex Libris is currently implementing performance upgrades to the Alma Analytics infrastructure. These upgrades will greatly improve performance when running analytics reports and are being rolled out gradually. The table below describes the rollout plan. For more information, see the Analytics - Infrastructure Improvements in 2020 document.
Instance |
Will be implemented during |
NA01 |
June 2020 |
NA02 |
Completed |
NA03 |
June 2020 |
NA04 |
Completed |
NA05 |
July 2020 |
NA06 |
Completed |
NA07 |
July 2020 |
NA91 |
July 2020 |
EU00 |
June 2020 |
EU01 |
June 2020 |
EU02 |
June 2020 |
EU03 |
July 2020 |
EU04 |
July 2020 |
AP01 |
July 2020 |
CA01 |
September 2020 |
CN01 |
January 2021 |
GND Name Authorities Changes
The German National Bibliographic Center DNB (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek) has announced that as of 16 June 2020 the GND (Gemeinsame Normdatei) Name Authorities marked as type N will no longer be supported and will be removed from the GND authority files.
For more information, see GND Name Authorities Changes.
Make the Most of May's Release
Action Items |
New Metadata Editor - The new Metadata Editor is now available for your review in the sandbox. See the Metadata Editor and Rollout Plan sections on the Usability Improvements page for more information. |
Requesting Physical Items - It is now possible to set the system to ignore rota lenders that own only electronic copies of a resource, if the borrowing resource sharing request has been made to specifically request a physical resource. This can be set up by setting the new rs_ignore_electronic_for_physical_request parameter to ‘true’. |
Recent Entities for Digital Resources - Collections and Digital representations are added to the list of “Recent Entities” for quick access. |
Keyboard Shortcuts Enhancements - Users can now turn off Alma generic shortcuts when it overlaps with a special keyboard on language shortcut. Each user can access a special screen via the user menu, UI preferences. |
Upcoming Issues to Note
Security update - Removing HTTP allowed exceptions for Alma and Primo
To align with industry standards and avoid security vulnerabilities, Ex Libris is removing its remaining HTTP allowed exception. Alma will require working with HTTPS for all incoming traffic and as result, will redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS traffic. This means that all browser activity will continue working as usual. For more information, see Technical Requirements for Alma and Discovery Implementation.
Support for HTTP will be phased out as follows:
Release | Environment |
June | EU00, EU01, EU02 |
July | NA01, NA02, NA03, AP01 |
All other instances already support HTTPS only. We are also working to identify non browser calls coming from specific IPs and are contacting several customers directly asking to change their calls to HTTPS.
For further assistance, open a Salesforce case and reply with the case number.
GuideMe Step-by-Step Walkthroughs
In the Alma May release, we are introducing these new GuideMe flows in the Resource Management functional area:
- Export Catalog for Cleanup
- Import Catalog after Cleanup
- Create a Set for a Manual Job
- Save a Query for a Manual Job
- Create Normalization Rule for Local Extensions
- Create Normalization Process for Local Extensions
- Run Job to Add Local Extensions
We highly recommend you take a look at these step-by-step walkthroughs available within the Alma interface (All GuideMe flows on Production). These are easily accessible from the GuideMe menu or the Alma help menu.
If you have an idea for a new workflow to add to our growing library, please submit your suggestions at the Idea Exchange under Alma.
GND Name Authorities Changes
The German National Bibliographic Center DNB (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek) has announced that as of 16 June 2020 the GND (Gemeinsame Normdatei) Name Authorities marked as type N will no longer be supported and will be removed from the GND authority files.
For more information, see GND Name Authorities Changes.
Next Release Sneak Preview
Select June 2020 Sneak Preview to view the next release sneak preview.
Make the Most of March's Release
Action Items |
Option to keep Rapid ILL requests open - If you use Alma to export borrowing requests to Rapid ILL, you can now keep the request active in Alma in order to further track the request in Alma until it is completed in Rapid ILL. |
Claim request based on Average Supply Time - Borrowing libraries that use Alma for peer to peer requests can now automatically send claim messages to lenders that have not fulfilled a request within a defined period of time. In addition, the borrowing libraries can automatically cancel request that they expect to have been fulfilled already. |
Support ability to change to an absolute path in the S/FTP Definition - The S/FTP definitions have been enhanced to support absolute paths in addition to the relative paths already supported. This is needed to support file transfer with specific systems provided by OCLC, which recently changed how they transfer files. |
Upcoming Issues to Note
Security update - Removing HTTP allowed exceptions for Alma and Primo
To align with industry standards and avoid security vulnerabilities, Ex Libris is removing its remaining HTTP allowed exception. Alma will require working with HTTPS for all incoming traffic and as result, will redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS traffic. This means that all browser activity will continue working as usual. For more information, see Technical Requirements for Alma and Discovery Implementation.
Support for HTTP will be phased out as follows:
Release | Environment |
July | NA01, NA02, NA03, AP01 |
April | EU00, EU01, EU02 |
All other instances already support HTTPS only. We are also working to identify non browser calls coming from specific IPs and are contacting several customers directly asking to change their calls to HTTPS.
For further assistance, open a Salesforce case and reply with the case number.
OBI Upgrade and Data Visualization (DV)
Ex Libris is upgrading the Analytics platform from version 11 to 12 of OBIEE. As part of this upgrade, the Data Visualization tool is also being added, which adds great value to the analytics platform. To learn more about both OBI 12 and Data Visualization and how DV interacts with Alma, see Data Visualization (DV) and OBI 12. Please note that Data Visualization (DV) will be deployed in 'Preview Mode', meaning it is available for testing and evaluation but is not yet intended for full production use. We will continue to update you on plans for the general release of Data Visualization (DV) later in 2020.
For more information, visit the FAQ page.
Next Release Sneak Preview
April 2020 is a maintenance release that will not contain any new features.
Make the Most of February's Release
Action Items |
Local Extensions for Community Zone-Linked Bibliographic Records - Are you using the Community Zone? Did you always want to add your own proprietary information to Community Zone Bibliographic records? You can now achieve this by using local extensions. For more information see Working with Local Extension Fields. |
"Quick Printing" Option for Multiple Records - Multi Select Quick printing support was added to the 'Pick From Shelf' task list. |
Sandbox Refresh
As a reminder, premium sandboxes will be updated in February according to Alma's premium sandbox refresh policy.
OBI Upgrade and Data Visualization (DV)
Ex Libris is upgrading the Analytics platform from version 11 to 12 of OBIEE. As part of this upgrade, the Data Visualization tool is also being added, which adds great value to the analytics platform. To learn more about both OBI 12 and Data Visualization and how DV interacts with Alma, see Data Visualization (DV) and OBI 12. Please note that Data Visualization (DV) will be deployed in 'Preview Mode', meaning it is available for testing and evaluation but is not yet intended for full production use. We will continue to update you on plans for the general release of Data Visualization (DV) later in 2020.
As of December 2019, OBI 12 for Alma Analytics and DV is being used by 14 institutions as early adopters. In March 2020, both OBI 12 and DV will be available to NA01, NA02 and NA03 institutions, and during May 2020 to all other institutions. As part of the OBI upgrade from v11 to v12, institutional reports will be migrated. During the migration (a week as per the following schedule) it will not be possible to create new reports that will be migrated to OBI12. This is referred to as the 'freeze period'.
Data Center | Step | Date |
Chicago Data Center (NA01, NA02, NA03, NA91) |
Migration of OBI11 reports to OBI12 (freeze period) | February 22-28 |
OBI12 Go Live | March 1 | |
All other Data Centers | Migration of OBI11 reports to OBI12 (freeze period) | May 2 -8 |
OBI12 Go Live | May 10 (Release Update) |
For more information, visit the FAQ page.
Next Release Sneak Preview
Select March 2020 Sneak Preview to view the next release sneak preview.
Make the Most of January's Release
Action Items |
More Possibilities for the Alma Color Theme - We have added an additional 6 new colors themes for an institution to select. This provides more options to fit your institution brand and separation between environments. The colors comply with accessibility standards for contrast. |
Sandbox Refresh
As a reminder, premium sandboxes will be updated in February according to Alma's premium sandbox refresh policy.
OBI Upgrade and Data Visualization (DV)
Ex Libris is upgrading the Analytics platform from version 11 to 12 of OBIEE. As part of this upgrade, the Data Visualization tool is also being added, which adds great value to the analytics platform. To learn more about both OBI 12 and Data Visualization and how DV interacts with Alma, see Data Visualization (DV) and OBI 12. Please note that Data Visualization (DV) will be deployed in 'Preview Mode', meaning it is available for testing and evaluation but is not yet intended for full production use. We will continue to update you on plans for the general release of Data Visualization (DV) later in 2020.
As of December 2019, OBI 12 for Alma Analytics and DV is being used by 14 institutions as early adopters. In March 2020, both OBI 12 and DV will be available to all NA institutions, and during May 2020 to all other institutions. As part of the OBI upgrade from v11 to v12, institutional reports will be migrated. During the migration (a week as per the following schedule) it will not be possible to create new reports that will be migrated to OBI12. This is referred to as the 'freeze period'.
Data Center | Step | Date |
Chicago Data Center (NA01, NA02, NA03, NA91) |
Migration of OBI11 reports to OBI12 (freeze period) | February 22-28 |
OBI12 Go Live | March 1 | |
All other Data Centers | Migration of OBI11 reports to OBI12 (freeze period) | May 2 -8 |
OBI12 Go Live | May 10 (Release Update) |
For more information, visit the FAQ page.
Cost Usage Subject Area in Alma Analytics Deprecated
- The fields of the Cost Usage subject area that are available when selecting New > Analysis > Cost Usage
- The out-of-the-box reports and dashboards for Cost Usage under /shared/Alma/Cost per Use/Reports and under /shared/Alma/Cost per use via COUNTER reports and acquisitions data
- The folder Cost per use via COUNTER reports and acquisitions data
- Take advantage of the over 30 new out-of-the-box reports in the /shared/Alma/Cost per use via COUNTER reports e-inventory and acquisitions data/Reports folder. These reports use the new Cost Usage of the E-Inventory subject area.
- Use the out-of-the-box Electronic Cost Usage Dashboard (which uses the above reports) located in the /shared/Alma/Cost per use via COUNTER reports e-inventory and acquisitions data/Dashboards folder.
- Make their own customized reports using the Cost Usage dimension of the E-Inventory subject area.
GuideMe Step-by-Step Walkthroughs
Take advantage of our new GuideMe walkthroughs! GuideMe is a help tool layered over Alma, providing step-by-step guidance enabling you to get just-in-time help on selected workflows. These flows are segmented by role displaying flows relevant to your role in your institution. Additional GuideMe flows will be added on an ongoing basis. See GuideMe FAQ for more information.
Next Release Sneak Preview
Select February 2020 Sneak Preview to view the next release sneak preview.
Main Features
Change vendor in order – send order to target vendor
Existing functionality of "Change vendor in order" was enhanced to allow sending the order to the new (target) vendor. When the user selects the source and target vendors, the user is now able to choose from the following options:
- 'Simply' change the vendor name on the order.
- Change the vendor name on the order and also send the order to the new vendor.
When selecting the "Send" option, the new functionality allows users to select whether to immediately send the order to the new vendor or stop the order for review for either one-time or continuous orders.
Additionally, an option to send a cancelation to source vendor is provided. This is relevant only if the orders were already sent to the source vendor. If selected, a cancelation letter will be sent to the source vendor containing all the canceled PO lines (can contain 'one-time' and / or 'continuous' PO lines).
In cases where the user selected to 'Automatically send orders to the new vendor', and there was failure to progress the PO line in the workflow, the PO Line will remain "In Review" with the relevant alerts.
For more information, see Changing Vendors in PO Lines and POs.
Including vendor invoice number in POLs as part of EDI invoicing process
New Advanced Search Option "Owning Library"

An additional search field "Owning Library" was added to Alma advanced search when searching by PO Line. When searching order lines in an institution with multiple libraries, this allows limiting the search to specific libraries.
Patron Welcome Letter
The document, How to configure a letter to not be sent under certain circumstances, shows an example of how this can be done.
Enhanced Staff Audit Capabilities
A new option allows audit of the public IP address of the users that logged into Alma. This new option now appears on the Staff Login Report (Alma Configuration > General > Staff Login Report). This is useful if the institution needs to be able to track from which IP address a staff user logged in for security audit reasons.
The option Excel (User IP Address) was added to the Export option on the Staff Login Report page. Click this option to download an Excel file with the user names, last login times and IP addresses of all logged in users.
If desired, you can prevent the retention of the public IP addresses of users that logged into Alma. Then new entries will not be added to the list, and after a week the list will empty. To do that, enter 0 (zero) in the staff_login_ip_address_retention parameter in the Other Parameters table (Configuration > Other Parameters > User Management).
See Staff Login Report and See Configuring Other Settings (User Management).
On Hold Shelf Letter Reminder
Add a new privilege that controls the view of active balance in the Manage Patron Services screen
- Visibility of the Fines/fees tab in the 'User details' screen.
- Searching by Fines/Fees in the 'Advanced Users' search.
- Presentation of the patron's 'Active balance' in the 'Manage patron services' screen.
Disabling this privilege for a role will prevent a user with this role from viewing a patron's fine/fees. To disable a role privilege, contact ExLibris support.
Add new circulation desk configuration to control the appearance of the 'register new user' button
Deliver Digital Documents

- If the request is attached to an item, use the item’s terms of use, as is currently done in the digitization task list.
- If the request is attached to a holding with items, use the first item that has an is digitizable = true policy. If no items can be digitized, the digitization terms of use are irrelevant, including the fee.
- For general digitization requests where no items exist, digitization fees are not added unless the operator creates an item and attaches it to the request.
Improved Shipping Interfaces
New 'Shipped Digitally' Task
Locate - Electronic Licenses
December 2020 Fulfillment-Resource Sharing URM-106764
An institution is now able to automatically reject lending requests if the electronic resource they have is not allowed for resource sharing as per signed license agreements. This was done by enhancing the existing “Reject request when only electronic available” with the option to add rejection rules based on the license attached to the electronic resource.
Item Level Requesting in an Automated Fulfillment Network (AFN)
Z39.50 Look Up Electronic Inventory
Now the Z39.50 Integration Profile supports the following:
- searching in electronic inventory of the institution,
- In a consortia environment, where electronic inventory can be managed on behalf of the members in the Network Zone, supports searching electronic inventory managed in the Network Zone.
To search in electronic inventory in the IZ, select the new "Enrich with electronic inventory" checkbox in the Actions tab of the Z39.50 integration profile. When chosen, the response includes information about the electronic inventory available in the institution.
In consortia environments that manage electronic inventory on behalf of the members in the Network Zone, select the "Include Results of E-resources Managed in the Network" checkbox to check the Network Zone for electronic inventory available for the Institution Zone. This option is available on Institution Zone-level only. When this option is selected, then when searching in the Institution Zone repository, not only the bibliographic data and inventory availability from the Institution Zone is retrieved, but also the Network's bibliographic data and inventory availability for the specific member (if exist).

In some consortia with many members, the configuration of Z39.50 integration profile is done by the Network and is distributed to all members, in order to reduce redundancy of the configuration by all members. In such cases, when the Z39.50 integration profile is marked as "Managed in Network", the new option "Include results of e-resources managed in the Network" is visible in the Network Zone institution as well. The network can determine whether this profile is distributed to members with this option activated or disabled.
Any member using this profile can decide to opt out and manage the profile locally by selecting Unlink from Network in the profile's row actions.
See Z39.50 Search.
Show Institution Zone-Level Suppress Icons in Network Zone Search
When searching in the Network Zone, the status of bibliographic records and holding records in terms of suppression is now visible. This eliminates the need of the staff to log in to the individual Institution Zone in order to understand the suppression status.
- The Suppress icon is displayed in the Held By tab next to the institution that suppressed the Bib record:
- The Suppress icon is displayed next to the suppressed holding data of a specific institution. In addition, if the bib record is suppressed, the Suppress icon is displayed in the Summary panel.
Add support for manual description with holding in create request
The Create Request API now supports adding a manual description, which together with a Holdings ID can be used instead of an Item barcode.
KERIS ILL Integration
CDI 'Selective Yes/No' read-only in case 'Full text in CDI only' is turned ON in Electronic collection editor
SBN: Support of Authority Record Contribution, Including Links to Other Authorities
- if corresponding linked authority record exist in SBN - contributes the main authority record/update to SBN,
- if corresponding linked authority does not exist in SBN - creates the linked authority record in SBN and then contributes the main authority record/update to SBN.
Modification of a linked field recreates the link in SBN and updates the field in Alma.
Extended Lookup for Authority UNIMARC Classification
New access points were added to the UNIMARC classifications.
Lookup for Authority UNIMARC classification was added to fields 676 and 686:
- Bib 676$a is mapped to Auth 250$a
- Bib 676$c is mapped to Auth 250$j
- Bib 686$a is mapped to Auth 250$a
- Bib 686$c is mapped to Auth 250$j
To implement this functionality over records that already exist, re-indexing of records and authorities should be run.
New Metadata Editor Enhancements
"Go to page" Option on the Pagination Bar
The "Go to page" option was added to all related information tabs in the new MD Editor (versions, related records, etc). This allows users to jump to the desired page.
Notes Accessible from the Notes Icon
Now users can open notes in the MD Editor by clicking the Note icon on the header of the Editing panel. The existing ability to open notes by selecting View Related Data > View Notes remains as well.
Note that the Note icon appears both on the Records List and on the Editing panel's header. However, clicking it in the Editing panel's header opens the View Notes pane, and on the Records List it exists only for indication.
See Menu Bar.
Improved Control Over Relinking of Holdings and Items
To make sure that relinking of holdings and items is only done by authorized users, the following were added to Alma:
- A new role "Physical Inventory Operator – Limited".
- A new privilege "Relink Bib". This privilege was added to "Physical Inventory Operator", "Repository Manager", and the new "Physical Inventory Operator – Limited" roles. Note that all the other roles who had the option to relink as part of other privileges, will lose this capability with the addition of this new privilege.
The new "Physical Inventory Operator – Limited" role has the same privileges as "Physical Inventory Operator", and the new privilege "Relink Bib". However, this new privilege is True for the "Physical Inventory Operator" and "Repository Manager" roles, and it is False for the "Physical Inventory Operator – Limited" role. Thus, the new "Physical Inventory Operator – Limited" role allows limiting the ability to move inventory from one bibliographic record to the other to users with the "Physical Inventory Operator" and "Repository Manager" roles.
See Managing User Roles, Moving Holdings Between Bibliographic Records (Relinking), Relinking Items to Another Bibliographic Record.
View Linked and Unlinked Bibliographic Headings
A new checkbox "Show authorized headings" was added to the "Headings from bibliographic records" tab in the ME Editor. When pressing F3, this allows you to see in the list of bibliographic headings both authorized and non-authorized headings, which allows you to view the full list of headings available.
- When the checkbox is clear, upon pressing F3 the Bibliographic Headings tab shows only unauthorized headings.
- When the checkbox is selected, all bibliographic headings are displayed for the vocabulary of the bibliographic field. If there are several vocabularies defined for the field (by the priority mechanism), the list includes bibliographic headings linked to all of them. Authorized headings have the binocular icon next to them. This indicates which headings are authorized and the type of authorization (
full or
partial). Unauthorized headings appear in the list without an icon.
For authorized headings, clicking the View option opens the right side of the split screen with the bib record(s), linked and unlinked, in one sub-tab, and the linked authority in the other sub-tab. For unauthorized headings, clicking the View option displays the right side of the split screen with the bibliographic record.
See Viewing Bibliographic Records Linked or Available for a Suggested Authority Record.
Relink Holdings of In Process Items to Bibs with Requests

Now you can re-link holdings to target bib, even if there are some item requests on this bib. Previously it was not possible to re-link holdings if the holdings' items had requests on them.
See Moving Holdings Between Bibliographic Records (Relinking).
General Publishing Enhancements
Support for Configuring Two Sets
Now you can configure two sets in the General Publishing profile. The sets can be of any type, and you can choose sets of different types, for example, one set of electronic titles, and one set of physical items.
If the publishing is on the Bibliographic level, the output will include one title, with all the information--Physical / Electronic (Network Zone) / Electronic (Institution Zone)--linked to a single title.
See Publishing and Inventory Enrichment (General Publishing).
Support for Combined Sets
In a consortia where electronic resources are centrally managed in the Network Zone, the member libraries view/search the e-resources that are available for them via the standard Alma staff search result using ‘Search Scope: Combined results’. In order to publish centrally-managed resources as well as the locally-managed resources to member discovery system, Alma now supports publishing a set with combined results in the General Publishing profile. The output includes Electronic Network Zone and Institution Zone records, as well as physical Institution Zone bibliographic records, with their configured normalizations and enrichments.
If the set contains duplications of NZ records and IZ records, then only one bibliographic record is published, including enrichment from both scopes (IZ, NZ). This means that he NZ record is published with all its information - NZ e-inventory, IZ e-inventory, and IZ local extension.
When publishing a combined-results set, the data enrichment may include elements both from the member institution and from the Network. To differentiate between local information and Network Zone information, the "Institution Code Enrichment" field was added to the General Publishing profile, where the institution code can be entered. This institution code is then added to all enriched entities, including all types of inventory and local extensions.
See Publishing and Inventory Enrichment (General Publishing), Combining Institution and Network Zone Search Results.
Letters Configuration Page Enhancements

The columns "Updated By" and "Last Updated" were added to the Letters Configuration page. This helps you troubleshoot issues with letter customization and know which staff user last updated the configuration.
See Configuring Letters.
New Ex Libris Secure FTP Service
Ex Libris now provides out-of-the-box secure FTP capabilities using Ex Libris Secure FTP service for file transfer between Alma and external systems. This is an alternative to using institution's own FTP solutions, although this option remains available (see Configuring S/FTP Connections).
The Ex Libris Secure FTP services provides a separate directory for each customer. This folder contains two sub-directories: Production and Sandbox. You have a Read/Write access to these directories. Alma also has R/W access to these directories.
Limitations to the Ex Libris FTP server directories:
- Max 1GB for the directory
- Data retention period - 30 days
Improvements to Concurrent Usage Access Rights
The functionality of the Concurrent Usage parameter for digital access rights has been improved with the following developments:
- The user session now times out after the number of minutes configured.
- Only the configured number of users can view the representation concurrently.
- A countdown warning message is displayed 60 seconds before the session expires.
- When a user closes a session, the slot opens up for a different user to view the representation.
Allowing starting Course Load jobs via API

- Find the job ID that should be used for submitting the job. GET /almaws/v1/conf/jobs?type=SCHEDULED
- Submit the job:{{POST /almaws/v1/conf/jobs/ {job id}
?op=run}} with the payload: <job/> (no parameters)
Disable PO Line and Invoice Alerts

Some PO line and invoice alerts, as seen on their respective Alerts tabs, can now be disabled. The disabling of the alerts also effects the confirmation message associated with these alerts. The eligible alerts are found on the Manage Acquisitions Alerts page (Configuration Menu > Acquisitions > General > Manage Acquisitions Alerts) in two sections, one for invoice alerts, and one for PO line alerts. It is important to note that if an alert is disabled and purchasing review rules or invoice review rules are set for the alert that is disabled, the rule will not work for any PO lines/invoices that are recalculated or created. If an alert is disabled, alerts on existing PO lines/invoices are maintained until the PO line or invoice is recalculated.
Manually Mark PO Line for Review When Creating from EOD/API
You now have the option to stop PO line for review when the PO line is created via API or EOD. To do so, you must:
- Add a new rule to the Purchasing review rules to stop review of PO lines with the assertion, Manually mark for review. (see Configuring Purchasing Review Rules). Valid values are Y, y, TRUE, True, and affirmative.
- Indicate on the order coming from API/EOD that it should stop for review:
- For API, add the following text to the URL of the create order API: requires_manual_review=true.
- For EOD, Set the Require manual review field to True in the New Order import profile (PO line information tab).
Selector Roles for Rialto Users Only
The Selector role in Alma is now associated to the Rialto roles section. If you are using the Selector role and do not have Rialto enabled, you should replace the Selector role with the Purchase Request Operator/Manager role, which has the same functionalities as the Selector role had previously.
Prevent Closed/Approved Invoices from Being Set to Review
Two new privileges are now available on the Invoice Operator and Invoice Manager roles. The Send back to review privilege defaults to enabled and the Delete invoice line privilege is disabled by default to maintain existing functionality for all customers. To modify, contact Ex Libris customer support. If the Send back to review privilege is disabled, users cannot send closed and approved invoices back to review. Invoices which are waiting for approval still have the option to be sent back to review if they were not yet approved
Display the Waive Reason in the List of Fines and Fees
A new column, Waive Reasons, is now available in the Fee/Fine List on the User Details page. By default, the column is disabled. It can be added from the Column Display Option, and reflects the waive reason(s) of the fine or fee, separated by commas when more than one reason is available.
New Alma Layout Turned On for All Users
Continuing the rollout of the new Alma layout, starting from the November release, the new layout is turned on automatically for Alma users. In the New Alma Layout And Menu Options page (Configuration Menu > General), the last option is automatically selected.
The new layout increases your working area, improves navigation, gives you more options to customize your menus, and facilitates improved user workflows. For a full list of changes, see Layout Improvements.
See video for a short training session.
Alma Administrators can turn the new functionality off for a specific user (Opt-out). In addition, each user can switch between the new and the old layouts, at will. For instructions for the Alma Administrator and users, see Turning On the New Layout for Users.
New Alma Layout Enhancements
As part of the new Alma layout rollout, the following usability improvements were performed:
- The search area and history box on the main toolbar cannot be minimized above a certain length, to make sure that you can enter information even on small window size.
- If the window is not wide enough to accommodate all the menu icons, the top-right toolbar menu items now move to the ellipsis menu. See Layout Improvements.
- Now users can expand/collapse and customize the task list to include in it only specific types of tasks. To customize the list, select
at the right-top.
- The support for the Hebrew language was significantly improved, allowing for a much better user experience. This includes better support for Right-to-Left orientation, correct icon alignment and button placement.
Create A Set API - Saving Sets in Network Zone as a Member
An option to enable institutions that are members of the Network Zone to save sets to the Network Zone while logged into the Institution Zone was added to the Create a Set API. This is possible if all the records included in the set are linked to the NZ.
See Create A Set in the Developer Network.
XSL Transformation as Part of an Integration Profile
In July 2020 release, XSLT converters were introduced to Alma that enable converting data from source system formats to the format required by Alma, when importing users to Alma from SIS systems that use other data formats. Up till now, the ability to define XSLT converters was disabled by default, and activated only with the help of Ex Libris customer support. Now this ability has been enabled to all customers.
Mapping Tables Import
Importing information to a mapping table overrides all of the existing entries in the table.
Excel files can be imported in either *.xlsx or *.xsl formats. Note that the Excel sheet must be in a specific structure. It is recommended that you first export the existing mapping table to get the structure and the existing values, make your changes, and then import the changes back to Alma.
The structure of the Excel file includes the actual codes that are imported back into Alma, in addition to columns of descriptions that help you make sense of the data, but are not imported. The description values can be duplicated. In addition, the Excel file includes additional sheets, which are also not imported back into Alma, that provide you with full lists of codes and values that can be inserted into the Alma dropdowns - you can use these sheets when adding new rows to the Excel file, instead of referring to Alma for these code/value combinations.
There should be no duplicate lines in the codes that are imported back into Alma.
Pagination Improvements on Monitor Jobs Page
Now you can easily decide how many jobs to display on the Monitor Jobs page. You can alternate between 20, 50, or 100 jobs. This allows you to review and sort through all your jobs at a glance. Previously the number of jobs that could be displayed was limited to 50 in the History tab and 20 in the other tabs.
Configuration of Alma Standard Sandbox Instance URL
November 2020 Administration and InfrastructureURM-133834
The parameter standard_sandbox_override_link was made available to customers. This parameter allows you to configure the URL of your Standard Alma Sandbox instance. To configure, enter the full path (including Protocol) of the override link for the standard Sandbox of your institution.
General Hold Request Form Enhancements

The following fields are now available in the Hold Request and Digitization Request forms configuration tables, and can be added to the General Hold/ Request Another Issue and the General Digitization / Digitize Another Issue requests in Primo (for holdings with no items or serial holdings):
- Volume
- Issue
- Part
- Chapter
- Publication date
- Chapter/Article Title
- Chapter/Article Author
- Start Page
- End Page
Policy to Prevent Booking Requests Over Closed Days
November 2020 Fulfillment Idea ExchangeURM-133011
New assertions are now available for the Closed Library Booking Management policy to allow institutions to prevent seats being booked for time periods when the library is closed.
The booking policy now has the following assertions:
- Expand to previous and next open times - Existing assertion that adjusts the start/end time according to the library's opening hours and allows booking over closed library periods. If the start/end date/time needs to be automatically adjusted, Alma ignores the item's maximum booking policy. This is suitable for items that you allow patrons to keep over the library's closed periods.
- Attempt expanding if within maximum allowed booking length - This new assertion will adjust the start/end time according to the library's opening hours and allows booking over closed library periods. If the start/end date/time needs to be automatically adjusted, Alma takes the item's maximum booking policy into account and may shorten the booking window. This is suitable for items that you allow patrons to keep overnight but not for longer periods.
- Only allow booking during open times - This new assertion will adjusts the start/end time according to the library's opening hours and does not allow booking over closed library periods. If the booking window includes any closed times, the start or end dates/times will be automatically adjusted to be the first open period within the requested booking window, also taking into account the item's maximum booking policy. This is suitable for booking items such as library rooms or desks.
In Primo VE, a new error message is displayed for booking requests when the library is closed and a booking cannot be created, additionally, in cases where a user populates identical start/end booking times the system will block the request and notify the user.
Remove Current Rota when Recalculating Rota
You can now remove all partners, recalculate, and create a new rota for a borrowing request, all in one action. You do so by selecting the new Remove and Recalculate Rota Assignment row action on the Resource Sharing Borrowing Requests task list. If request was already sent to a partner and you use this action, the active partner is not removed from the rota and it remains the active partner. Only the rest of the rota is removed.
Integration with NACSIS - Upload Holdings
You can now upload holdings to the NACSIS central catalog.
Activate Collection for Full Text in CDI Only
CDI Information in the Community Zone Update Task List
The Community Zone task list now includes a report on Community Zone electronic collection changes related to CDI. The changes include:
- CDI search activation
- CDI full text linking
- CDI search rights
- CDI full text rights
- CDI type
See Publishing and Inventory Enrichment (General Publishing).
Improved Partial Linking Indication in the Metadata Editor
The presentation of a link between a bibliographic heading with subdivision to an authority record without subdivision (partial linking) in the Metadata Editor was improved to better display the type of different types of linking. Now it more clearly displays partial and full linking.
In the November release, a system job runs that checks if every existing bib heading is fully or partially linked, and updates the the Metadata Editor to provide the correct indication.
See Viewing Linked Names/Subject Headings from a Bibliographic Record.
Synchronize Record with Aleph Central Catalog on Save
Now, when working with Aleph Central Catalog in a Network Zone, you can ensure that any update made by one of the members on a centrally-managed record is synchronized with the Central Catalog record. If the new "Automatically contribute to central catalog" checkbox is selected in the integration profile for Aleph Central Cataloging (Alma configuration > Integration profiles > Aleph system > Action tab), then when saving a NZ record in the Metadata Editor, the record is updated in the Aleph Central Catalog, as well as in the Network Zone.
If this checkbox is not selected, then saving NZ record is not automatically saved in Aleph Central Catalog. To save the record in Central Catalog, the cataloger will activate the "Contribute record to Central Catalog" action (existing functionality).
Only centrally-managed records are updated in the Aleph Central Catalog. For records that are not centrally managed (newly-created records and existing records without the 035 identifier), the cataloger will activate the "Contribute record to Central Catalog" action (existing functionality).
The "Automatic contribute to central catalog" checkbox is only available when all of the below is true:
- The integration profile is defined for the type 'Central Cataloging',
- The Aleph system is selected,
- The institution is a member of a Network Zone.
To delete a centrally-managed record via the Metadata Editor in both the Network Zone and Aleph, the library should set the "Allow Delete" option in the Aleph Central Catalog integration profile to True. If set to True, then when the user attempts to delete a centrally-managed record, then record is deleted in both the Aleph Central Catalog and Alma Network Zone (in both systems, the deletion only takes place if neither of the two systems prevents this deletion).
See Integrating Alma with the Aleph Central Catalog and Navigating the MD Editor Page.
ProQuest Ebook Central Upload Electronic Holdings Improved
- Frequency - Ex Libris moved from full synchronization on a weekly basis to daily incremental processing, which is faster and keeps your collection as up-to-date as possible.
- Subscription Titles - In addition to the activation of ProQuest Ebook Central Owned and DDA titles, the integration now supports the activation of Subscription titles.
- Purchase Model Indication - Each Portfolio will include an indication of ProQuest Ebook Central Purchase Model: Owned, DDA, or Subscription (including the subscription collection names), therefore Ex Libris will no longer:
- Create a Technical-PO Line for Owned titles,
- Associate a PDA profile to DDA titles.
- Title that are missing from the Community Zone at the point of the daily integration will automatically be activated once added to the Community Zone.
Customers that are currently not using the PQ EBC Upload Electronic Holdings integration can enable the integration according to the instructions outlined here.
Customers who are already using the PQ EBC Upload Electronic Holdings integration will be moved to the new integration by Ex Libris. For details, please contact Support.
See Upload Electronic Holdings from ProQuest Ebook Central for Subscriptions/Owned/DDA.
Enhancements to Name and Subject Bib Heading Browsing

Now for cases when a person appears both as a creator and as a subject (i.e., 'Agatha Christie' might be both the subject and an author), you can select between the following methods of mapping the MARC 21 fields 600, 610, 611:
- Names - (existing options) When browsing bibliographic headings using this option, the 6XX fields appear under Names.
- Subjects - (existing options) When browsing bibliographic headings using this option, the 6XX fields are not found.
- Names (without MARC21 600/610/611) - (new option) When browsing using this option, the 6XX fields are not found.
- Subjects (with MARC21 600/610/611) - (new option). When browsing using this option, the 6XX fields appear under Subjects.
- The new options Names (without MARC21 600/610/611) and Subjects (with MARC21 600/610/611) are available only in the new Metadata Editor. For details, see Usability Improvements.
- This feature will be deployed gradually, depending on the semi-annual indexing job planned for November.
Exclude Alexander Street Collections on Automatic Activation
When automatically activating collections on the My Electronic Resources by Provider page (by selecting "Activate All"), now the Alexander Street collections are excluded from activation, due to their regional restrictions. Alexander Street collections can only be activated manually (by selecting the collection and selecting "Activate Selected").
To notify users about this, when users click "Activate All" on the My Electronic Resources by Provider page, the existing Activate Collections popup notification now provides the total number of collections, the number of Alexander Street collections that will not be activated, and the final number of collections to be activated as the result of this action.
Semi-Annual Re-indexing
During November, the semi-annual re-indexing (described in greater detail in Updates) will be run. Features or resolved issues that require re-indexing to be fully functional will be addressed by the November semi-annual re-indexing. See the list below.
- Additional Authority and Bibliographic indexes were added, see Additional Indexes.
Additional Indexes
- Names for content in 700 subfields a-d,g,q
- Personal Name for content in 700 subfields a-d,g,q
- Names for content in 710 subfields a-v,x-z,0,5
- Corporate Name for content in 710 subfields a-v,x-z,0,5
- Names for content in 711 subfields a,c,d,g,n,q
- Meeting Name for content in 711 subfields a,c,d,g,n,q
- Uniform Title for content in 730 subfields a,d,f,g,k-t
- Subject for content in 750 subfields a,g,x,4
- Related Topical Term for content in 750 subfields a,g,x,4
- Subject for content in 751 subfields a,g,x,z,4
- Names for content in 100 subfield g
- Personal Name for content in 100 subfield g
- Names for content in 110 subfield g
- Corporate Name for content in 110 subfield g
- Names for content in 111 subfield g
- Meeting Name for content in 111 subfield g
- Uniform Title for content in 130 subfield g
- Names for content in 400 subfield g
- Personal Name for content in 400 subfield g
- Names for content in 410 subfield g
- Corporate Name for content in 410 subfield g
- Names for content in 411 subfield g
- Meeting Name for content in 411 subfield g
- Uniform Title for content in 430 subfield g
- Names for content in 500 subfield g
- Personal Name for content in 500 subfield g
- Names for content in 510 subfield g
- Corporate Name for content in 510 subfield g
- Names for content in 511 subfield g
- Meeting Name for content in 511 subfield g
- Related Meeting Name for content in 511 subfield g
- Uniform Title for content in 530 subfield g
- Related Uniform Title for content in 530 subfield g
- Notes for content in 672 subfields a,b,f
- Notes for content in 677 subfield a
- Notes for content in 678 subfields a,b
- Notes for content in 680 subfields a,i
- Notes for content in 681 subfields a,i
- Notes for content in 682 subfields a,i
- Notes for content in 688 subfield a
The following Bibliographic indexes were added:
- Creator for content in 110 subfield g
- Creator for content in 111 subfield g
- Creator for content in 700 subfield g
- Creator for content in 710 subfield g
- Creator for content in 711 subfield g
- Creator for content in 880 subfield g where the 880 field is linked to a 110 or 111 or 700 or 710 or 711 field
- Names for content in 700 subfield g
- Names for content in 710 subfield g
- Names for content in 711 subfield g
- Names for content in 751 subfield g
- Names for content in 880 subfield g where the 880 field is linked to a 700 or 710 or 711 or 751 field
- Subjects for content in 690 subfield 2
- Subjects for content in 691 subfield 2
- Subjects for content in 880 subfield 2 where the 880 field is linked to a 690 or 691 field
- Other System Number for content in 800 subfield w
- Other System Number for content in 810 subfield w
- Other System Number for content in 811 subfield w
- Format of Notated Music for content in 348 subfield a
- Format of Notated Music for content in 880 subfield a where the 880 field is linked to a 348 field
- Medium of Performance for content in 382 subfields a,b,d,e,n,p,r,s,t,v
- Medium of Performance for content in 880 subfields a,b,d,e,n,p,r,s,t,v where the 880 field is linked to a 382 field
Enrich Digital Publishing with File Delivery URL
You can now enrich digital bibliographic records records with a file-level delivery URL. To support this enhancement, a new Add File Information checkbox was added to the Digital Inventory Enrichment section when configuring a publishing profile. How you indicate the location of the URL depends on the schema of the record:
- For MARC21 – When the checkbox is selected, the File URL subfield field is displayed where you can indicate the location of the URL.
Add File Information - MARC21
- For Dublin Core – a Repeatable field drop-down list is displayed for you to select the location of the URL.
Add File Information - Dublin Core
- For MODS – the location of the URL is fixed and cannot be configured by the user.
Network Zone Members Can Now Access Reports Created by the Network Zone
The members of a Network Zone can now access the analytics reports created by the Network Zone. To enable this functionality, you must set the following parameters to true:
- In the Network zone: analytics_catalog_available_for_members (Configuration > Analytics > Analytics Network Settings) – to enable Network Zone reports to be available to members.
- In the Network Zone member: analytics_catalog_available_for_my_institution (Configuration > Analytics > Analytics Member Settings) – to enable members to access the Network Zone reports.
When both parameters are set to true, the Network Zone report folder is visible to the member institution, which can access the reports as read-only.
The member institution can edit the report and save it to its institution folder.
DARA Recommendation to Remove Multiple Bibliographic Records with the Same OCLC Number
DARA now identifies if you have multiple bibliographic records with the same OCLC number in the 035$a field.
DARA recommends that you create a set to review bibliographic records to see if there are records in which the system control number should be corrected. Correcting BIB records can be done by running a normalization rule on the set of titles.
Normalization of Community Zone - On Save
October 2020 Resource Management
In collaboration with the CZ Management Group, Ex Libris now prevents the following fields from being added or edited in the CZ by members of the community:- 856 subfield u
- All 9xx fields excluding 906, 999 and 920
The fields are open for editing like any other Bib fields, however, edits to these fields are not saved. A Normalization Rule to the Community Zone (only) was added to prevent the saving of edits to these fields.
Cleanup of the above fields from the Community Zone will follow.
New Alma Layout Enhancements
September 2020 Administration and Infrastructure
Continuing the rollout of the new Alma layout, the new layout is now available for Alma users. Starting from the August release, Alma Administrators can turn the new functionality on (Opt-in). In September release, users who were opted in can switch between the current and the new layout as they please. (For instructions, see Turning On the New Layout for Users.) In the November release, the new layout will become the default.
Ex Libris recommends that all users gain experience with the new Alma layout before the new layout becomes the default, which was moved from September 2020 release to November release.
The layout enhancements introduced in the September release cover the following areas:
- Configuration Area:
- A new home page for the Configuration area was introduced, to better emphasize the switch to the Configuration area.
- The navigation in the configuration area was made clearer. The Cancel/Back button workflow was emphasized for better clarity.
- 'Switching a library' dropdown was visually emphasized and contains a few functional improvements as well.
- Menu Improvements:
- The way tab navigation works with the menu was improved.
- We are working toward having the menu accessible according to WCAG 2.1 standard.
- The menu supports right-to-left alignment.
- Action Icons:
- The Task list was changed to a panel that can be collapsed
New Metadata Editor Enabled
September 2020 Resource Management URM-132477
Ex Libris announces the rollout of the new Metadata Editor. In the current release, the new Metadata Editor contains the Records Management core functionality (the functionality available in the original Metadata Editor plus new features). Template and Rule management will be rolled out in the upcoming releases (see Rollout Plan), giving users enough time to adjust to the changes. Starting from the September release, Alma users can switch back and forth between the new and the original Metadata Editors.
- to the new Metadata Editor, select
on the left-hand side of the top toolbar of the Editor.
- back to the original Metadata Editor, select
Old Editor on the left-hand side of the top toolbar of the Editor.
Ex Libris recommends that all relevant users start familiarizing themselves with the new Metadata Editor prior to its Go-Live, which is planned to take place with the deployment of January 2021 release.
New Metadata Editor - Loading Records from Community Zone
In the new Metadata Editor, this is how you can load records from the Community Zone.
- To check if there are draft records in the Community Zone waiting to be edited, select the Load Community Zone Records button at the bottom of the navigation pane.
- Loading the records might take a few moments, at which time the button changes its text to Loading from Community Zone and is not clickable.
- Once records have been loaded:
- Records loaded from the Community Zone are displayed in the records list. The button changes to Auto-Loading from Community Zone and is not clickable.
- If there were no records to load (or after the last community record was released from the list), the button returns to its initial state Load Community Zone Records, enabling you to come back at a later time and try again.
New Metadata Editor - Editing Cataloger Level Enhancements
In the new Metadata Editor, enhancements were made to editing cataloger levels that allow you to access easily the cataloger level and change it.
Open a bibliographic record in the MD Editor (Resources > Cataloging > Open Metadata Editor).
The MD Editor displays the current cataloging level. Any user assigned this or higher cataloging level can edit the record.
In addition, you can change the cataloging level for the record. You can set any cataloging level equal to or below your cataloging level as the cataloging level for the record.Cataloging Permission Levels in the MD Editor - Select a new cataloging level for the record from the dropdown list.
- Select Save. The current cataloging level of the record is updated to reflect your change.
For your convenience, you can specify the default cataloging level to be displayed in the dropdown, as follows:
To: | Do: |
To always display in the dropdown your cataloging permissions level. | Set the use_record_cataloging_level_by_default customer parameter to False (default). |
To always display in the dropdown the record's current cataloging level. | Set the use_record_cataloging_level_by_default customer parameter to True. When this is set to True, an overt action on your part is required to change the cataloging level to a different cataloging level. If you are making record changes that do not affect the cataloging level, you may prefer this option. See use_record_cataloging_level_by_default for more information. |
To always display in the dropdown the cataloging level you selected most recently for a record. | Set the cataloging_level_user_preferences customer parameter to True. |
New Metadata Editor - Catalog Set Actions
In August release, the Sets tab was added on the Metadata Editor toolbar. Clicking the tab displays the sets sent for cataloging by the Manage Sets page.
Now on this page you can release multiple records from a specific catalog set in a single action. You can reload all set members, including the new ones, and remove these that were excluded from the set. Previously, you could only release records from a catalog set one by one, which could be time-consuming.
Now when right-clicking on a catalog set, the following actions are available:
- Release set - releases all the records and removes the set
- Release displayed records - if you filtered out some records, releases only the visible records.
- Reload set - if changes were done on the bib records elsewhere in Alma, refreshes the records.
See Working with Catalog Sets in the Metadata Editor and Managing Search Queries and Sets.
Activate Collection for Full Text in CDI Only
If you have electronic collections in Alma that are not active but you would like to make the content of the collection marked as available in CDI, you can now do this using the Add CDI-only text activation option. This is relevant for electronic collections that are defined as Full Text Linking in CDI: Link in record.The collection level record is published to CDI in the zero title file with the effect that the collection is set to full text available and is discoverable in CDI
Coverage Percentage of CDI Records
Items that are available for CDI now indicate the coverage percentage of the records in CDI. This indicator also includes the last date of calculation for this statistic. This information only displays if the coverage percentage has been calculated. If the date is not populated, it will not be displayed.
Check Version of a Central Catalog Bibliographic Record
In July 2020 Alma release, the ability was introduced to reload on demand the most recent version of the Bib record that was loaded previously from the Central Catalog (see Reload Bibliographic Records from Central Catalog On Demand). With the September release, bibliographic records in Central Cataloging (Aleph, SBN, CALIS, etc.) will be loaded automatically from the central catalog by the Metadata Editor.
To support users, in this release Alma automatically loads the most recent version of Bib records when opening a Central Catalog record for editing. To enable this, set the reload_record_from_central_catalog customer parameter to True (the default is False).
Create Itemized Set from File: Support for matching ISBNs on 020 and 022 subfield a
Now, when creating an itemized set from ISBNs or ISSNs, you can select whether to match on both valid as well as canceled / invalid fields (020/022 $a and $z) (as before) or to match only on valid fields (020/022 $a).
In the existing functionality, when a set is created from an input file and the input file has ISBN or ISSN as the column header, the identifiers in the input file are also compared to the identifiers which are “Canceled/invalid” (020 z and 022 z). Now you can indicate in the input file's header column that you want to create an itemized set based on the valid ISBNs and ISSNs.
To do that, indicate one of the following header types in the input file's column header:
Content Type | Header | ID Prefix |
All Titles |
99 |
General Publishing Profile - Option to Include Authority Headings
The General Publishing profile now supports the ability to enrich the published data with Authority headings. Any update to the selected authority headings triggers re-publishing of the data. The functionality of updating a record when preferred terms are updated will keep its current functionality.
This is useful, for example, when the name 'Mark Twain' is embedded within a bib record and library would like to publish both 'Mark Twain' and the non-preferred term 'Samuel Clemens'.
The ability to enrich published data with Authority headings is disabled by default. If your institution would like to activate this behavior, please contact Ex Libris customer support.
To support this development, the Authority Enrichment section was added to the General Publishing Profile. Here you can set up your authority enrichment scheme.
See Publishing and Inventory Enrichment (General Publishing).
Moving Information between Electronic Portfolios
Now you can move local administrative information, such as PO-line, license and notes details, between portfolios in different collections, even if these portfolios do not share bibliographic records. Previously, it was only possible if both portfolios shared bibliographic records. This is possible if the portfolios share any of the following:
- The same bibliographic record (the same MMS ID, as before)
- ProQuest Title ID (the 'bkey' - populated in the "Parser" parameter of the portfolio)
- e-ISSN
- e-ISBN
This enables moving portfolio details from a local electronic collection to a Community Zone-activated electronic collection and encourages customers to move a locally-managed electronic collection to a Community Zone-managed electronic collection.
In addition, now you can move the 'Public access model' information between electronic portfolios. To support this, the checkbox "Move public access model" was added to the third step of the Move electronic portfolio information job wizard.
This functionality will be available as part of the September Release Update.
SRU Institution Zone Holding Lookup - Look Up Electronic Inventory Managed in the Network Zone
In a consortia environment, electronic inventory can be managed on behalf of the members in the Network Zone. SRU Institution Zone holding lookup now includes electronic inventory that is managed in the Network Zone on behalf of the Institution Zone.
For this purpose,the SRU Server integration profile was enhanced with a new "Include results of e-resources managed in the Network" option, available in the Institution Zone-level only. When this option is activated, then when searching in the Institution Zone repository, not only the bibliographic data and inventory availability from the Institution Zone is retrieved, but also the Network's bibliographic data and inventory availability for the specific member (if exist).
In some consortia with many members, the configuration of SRU integration profile is done by the Network and is distributed to all members, in order to reduce redundancy of the configuration by all members. In such cases, when the SRU integration profile is marked as "Managed in Network", the new option "Include results of e-resources managed in the Network" is visible in the Network Zone institution as well. The network can determine whether this profile is distributed to members with this option activated or disabled.
Any member using this profile can decide to opt out and manage the profile locally by editing the Network configuration:
See SRU/SRW Search.
New Auxiliary Digital Usage Type
You can now mark digital representations with the Auxiliary usage type. This is primarily used when the digital file is a table of contents for the other representations and so should be excluded from the representation delivery services. It will still appear in the Quick Access section of Primo's full record display.
List View in the New Alma Viewer
You can now display the list of files of a representation in the new Alma Viewer in List View. Click the icons to toggle between List View and Thumbnail View.
Vendor-Controlled PO Line Renewal
To save duplication of work, by simultaneously renewing the vendor subscription and the matching continuous PO line in Alma, you can enable a vendor to automatically update a PO line once the subscription is renewed on the vendor side. At this time, the option is available only for ProQuest renewable subscriptions. In Alma, a new check box is available on the Vendor Details page, System Integration tab, Renew at Vendor System. When enabling this option, you must supply the vendor with your API key to allow the vendor to perform the update to the relevant PO line. For ProQuest RenewMe, the API key is sent to To generate the API key, see the Developer Network. When the check box is selected, a new button appears on the continous Purchase Order Line Details page, Renew at Vendor System. Selecting this button opens a ProQuest RenewMe form, which includes the Alma PO line number. When the renewal process completes (in a separate browser tab), the Alma PO line is updated with the updated List Price, Renewal Date and Renewal Note.
Accrual accounting - Create Invoice from PO for One-Time Orders

Previously, institutions using accrual accounting could not create invoices from a PO. Now, these institutions have the option to create an invoice from a purchase order for one-time orders only.
Currency Exchange Rate Overrides

For institutions that purchase resources with a currency different than the default currency, and have agreements on specific exchange rates with their vendors, you can now define a fixed exchange rate in a new Explicit Exchange Rates code table (Configuration Menu > Acquisitions > Invoices > Explicit Exchange Rates). Any time a transaction is calculated, it will look for an exchange currency value here. For instance, if purchasing a resource in GBP, while your institution default currency is AUD, you can enter that 1 native currency (AUD) = 1.6 GBP and this value will be calculated when ever a transaction which requires a convertion between AUD and GBP will take place. The list of available currencies in the currency table is based on the currencies entered in the Currency Subset table (Configuration Menu > Acquisitions > Currency Subset). All currencies can be added to the new table with an explicit exchange rate except for the institution's default currency.
- If an explicit exchange rate is defined on an invoice, that value is used. The new configuration table is not considered.
- Otherwise, if the fixed currency exists in the new table, the exchange rate is calculated from the value defined in the Explicit Exchange Rates table.
- If the currency is not defined in the new table, the daily exchange rates table is used to calculate the exchange rate (same existing functionality as today).
Example calculations
- Institution default currency is AUD.
- Explicit conversion rates are:
- USD - 0.70 (1 AUD=0.70 USD)
- GBP - 0.55 (1 AUD=0.55 GBP)
- EUR - 0.60 (1 AUD=0.60 EUR)
- CAD - 0.95 (1 AUD=0.95 CAD)
Example 1
The PO line price is in USD
- PO line price - 25 USD
- Fund currency - AUD
- Calculation - 25 USD / 0.7 = 35.71 AUD
Example 2
The PO line price is in USD. The fund currency is in ILS. In this case, the previous functionality performs the conversion from AUD to ILS.
- PO line price - 25 USD
- Fund Currency - ILS
- Calculation - 25 USD / 0.7 = 35.71 AUD. Because there is no ILS in the table rates, the 35.71 AUD is then converted to ILS at the rate of 1 ILS = 0.42 AUD, so 35.71 AUD / 0.42 = 85.02 ILS
The same calculation is performed in the Recalculate Exchange Rate job.
RFID Multi-Scan Function

You can now configure your RFID reader to scan more than one item at a time. When the new check box on the RFID integration profile, Handle Multiple Items, is selected, the integration profile will accept multiple items on the RFID reader.
Once it is enabled, RFID can process the scans, either a single item, or multiple item as follows:
When the RFID button is pressed, the items on the RFID pad will be processed. When processing is complete, a summary confirmation popup will appear, detailing how many items were handled successfully, and presenting any alerts that came up during the scan. If all items are successfully processed, a success message is displayed. If an item requires action, the process is paused until you select Confirm or Cancel. Selecting Cancel only stops processing for the specific item. When multi-scan processing is completed, a summary of the processing is provided. Items that require an action appear under Failed/Canceled Items. Items that do not need action appear under Items Requiring Attention.
You can use the RFID button on the following pages when there is either a single item or multiple items on the RFID pad:
- Scan in items
- Scan in items > change item information - On this tab, multiple items can be processed as stated above with the exception of the following circumstances;
- When a new barcode is created.
- When the RFID integration profile is configured to update items and Update RFID is selected on the tab.
- Manage patron services > Loans tab
- Manage patron services > Returns tab
- Return Items
For Bibliotecha, this is only supported when using staffConnect Link (using the Other type in the integration profile) or D-Tech. For additional assistance with StaffConnect link, contact a list of supported RFID vendors, see Alma - RFID Integration on the Developer Network.
Lender request Manage Fulfillment Option
The Manage Fulfillment Options action can now link directly to the article. If the lending request is for an electronically owned resource and has enough information to create a link to the article (e.g. publication date and pages). This depends on the electronic resource vendor’s platform supporting of article level linking.
Merge Records and Combine Inventory Job Enhancements
Multiple “Merge Records and Combine Inventory” instances can now run simultaneously if each has a separate input file with different record groups. In addition, the performance of this job is improved.
Support for Authentication Forcing in SAML Authentication
Now the SAML authentication of Alma supports authentication forcing when Alma authenticates users via SAML. Typically, when Alma authenticates users via SAML, it does so directly through the institutional IDP, thus providing end users with an SSO experience. As such, SAML-2 ForceAuthN was previously not supported by Alma. For more information on SAML ForceAuthN, see here.
If you want to force authentication when Alma authenticates users via SAML, select the ForceAuthN checkbox in the SAML Integration Profile (Alma Configuration > General > External System > Integration Profiles).
New Analytics Objects Subject Area
The new Analytics Objects subject area is now available. You can use the fields of this subject area to create reports concerning analytics objects, such as scheduled reports and widgets. For more information, see Analytics Objects.
DARA Recommendation to Automate MD Import Profiles
DARA now identifies if you are manually running an MD import and recommends that you configure an MD import profile. Additionally, DARA can identify that you have an MD import profile configured without scheduling and that the vendor has an FTP server. DARA recommends that you configure the MD import profile to access the FTP server and to add scheduling to the profile.

For more information on DARA Recommendations, see DARA – Data Analysis Recommendation Assistant.e
Cloud Apps
Cloud Apps is an open framework that allows developers to write apps that run inside Ex Libris higher education products such as Alma, Primo VE back-office, Esploro, Leganto and Rapido. It adds new features beyond core Ex Libris functionality, which can integrate with other systems, or can provide shortcuts and efficiencies for institution-specific workflows. Once enabled by an institution, Cloud Apps can be searched and installed by end users. Cloud Apps can respond to the context of the user's session, offering additional functionality depending on the current page. Cloud Apps can also be blacklisted or whitelisted.
- Description
- App developer
- Link to the code on Github
- Link to the App in the Ex Libris App Center
- App’s license
- Any external sites the app uses
Metadata Editor Functionality Improvements
Metadata Editor Additional Actions for Records Management
As part of the Metadata Editor improvements initiative, the following functionality was added to the new Metadata Editor in the current release:
New Metadata Editor Menu Option | Functionality |
Record Actions | Show Linkage Information |
Add Note | |
Assign Record to Another Cataloger | |
Release Assignment | |
Suppress from Discovery | |
Contribute Record to Central Catalog | |
Align Record Version with Central Catalog | |
Copy to Catalog | |
Manage Location Information | |
Share with Network | |
Validate in Network | |
Change Authority Placement | |
See Also (For Authority record only) | |
Delete Record |
View Related Data | View Collections |
View in Search | |
View Versions of Original Record |
New Metadata Editor - Catalog Set Improvements
In addition to the above, the visibility of sets in the Metadata Editor was improved. A new tab Sets was added on the Metadata Editor toolbar. Clicking the tab displays the sets sent for cataloging by the Manage Sets page. This tab is displayed only if it has records. The tab displays the count of total sets in it.
Also, now when opening a record from a set and switching to another format, the set name is displayed as a badge in the set header in the Records list. This notifies you that the record being edited belongs to a set. Another badge, also new, displays the set's content type.
In addition, now you can perform filtering in the Metadata Editor by set name or record name. This is useful when you have many catalog sets, or many records under a set.
New Metadata Editor - Community Zone Draft Loading
The following functionality was added to the new Metadata Editor in the current release: Community Zone Draft Loading. The previous behavior of this option is maintained.
This option is now available at the bottom of the Metadata Editor Navigation pane.
Refresh Alma Screens upon Updates of New Metadata Editor
In the new layout of the Metadata Editor, when you click

This covers edits made to bibliographic, authority, and holdings records.
New Metadata Editor - Drill Down in Right-hand Pane
In addition to the above, now when you work with two records in the left-hand pane of the Metadata Editor, then when switching from one record to the other Alma collapses the details of the first record in the right-hand pane and opens the details of the second record. You can expand the collapsed record ,and switch between the two records in the right-hand pane.
For example, when searching for resources in the Metadata Editor, you can select one bib record to view its details in the right-hand pane. If you select a different record, the details of the record will open in the right-hand pane, and the details of the first record will collapse in the right-hand pane. If needed, you can click on the collapsed pane to open it, in which case the currently-opened record will collapse.
New Alma Layout Enabled
Continuing the rollout of the new Alma layout, and starting from the July release, the new layout will be available for Alma users. Alma Administrators can turn the new functionality on for a specific user (Opt-in). Ex Libris will introduce the new layout gradually over several Alma releases (See Rollout Plan), giving users enough time to understand, experience, and get used to the changes. As part of the rollout plan, we encourage as many users as possible to get themselves familiarized with the new layout. For instructions for the Alma Administrator, see Turning On the New Layout for Users.
The new layout increases your working area, improves navigation, gives you more options to customize your menus, and facilitates improved user workflows. For a full list of changes, see Layout Improvements.
New Alma Layout Configuration Menu
In June release, the new Alma layout was introduced. As part of it, the Alma Configurations navigation was integrated to the Main Menu. Now the Alma Configurations navigation was improved to make it clearer that the user is located in Alma Configurations:
- The bar color of the Alma Configuration Menu changes to the default primary color in the user interface to distinguish it from the Alma menu.
- Its icons feature a cog wheel to distinguish them from the regular Alma icons.
- The persistent search bar disappears.
New Alma Layout - Ability to Collapse the Summary Panel
In the new Alma layout, you can now collapse and expand the right-hand Summary panel on demand. This allows you to get more screen real-estate when you need to work in the page.
To collapse the section, select the icon located on the bottom of the Summary panel.
Expanded State | Collapsed State |
![]() |
![]() |
SAML Certificate Expiration Notification Letter
A new letter called SAML Certificate Expiration Notification Letter was introduced to Alma letters list. This letter reminds Alma administrators that their SAML certificate is nearing expiry date and recommends that they consult with their IT department regarding the potential need to replace it. The letter is sent to users with the General Systems Admin role.
The reminder is sent twice. The sending is triggered by a weekly job that checks if the number of months left till expiry is less than two or one month. If so, the reminder is sent. Thus, the reminder is sent approximately 2 months and then 1 month before SAML expiration.
See Letter List.
Patron-facing Column in Letters Configuration
The Patron Facing column in the Letters Configuration table is now available to all institutions. Previously, it was available only for multilingual institutions.
Edit PO Line from View Mode

When reviewing a PO line in view mode, an Edit option is now available. The visibility of the edit button depends on PO line status, PO line assignment. Additionally, the user must have a Purchasing Manager or Purchasing Operator role.
- In Review
- Deferred
- Waiting for renewal (Manual or Auto)
- Waiting for Packaging (Manual or auto)
- Ready
- Sent
- Waiting For Invoice
Portfolio Availability Marked as 'not available' when Activated from the Community Zone via Real Time
Portfolios which are activated from the community zone as a result of orders coming into Alma from OASIS/GOBI via API will enter Alma as not available and require the institution to make the portfolio available in order for it to appear in the discovery system.
Control Access to Item Loan Renewal
Loan renewal options are now controlled by a new privilege, Renew Loan Privilege. The privilege is added by default to the following roles:
- User Administrator
- User Manager
- Circulation Desk Manager
- Circulation Desk Operator
- Circulation Desk Operator - Limited
To maintain current behavior, the role is automatically enabled for existing customers. For new customers, it will only be enabled for circulation desk roles.
On the Manage Patron Services Loans tab, the Renew Selected and Renew All links, as well as the Renew row action, only display if the new privilege is enabled.
If the privilege is disabled, when a loaned item is re-scanned in the Loans tab of the Manage Patron Services page, the loan is not renewed.
CDI: 'In CDI' Label Change
August 2020 Resource Management URM-131710
In order to improve the understanding of the CDI information and labels, the label for In CDI: Yes has been changed to Available for CDI search activation. Additionally, an information icon has been added indicating: This collection can be activated for search independent from its full text activation status.
CDI: Activate For Search - Improved Warning Messages Upon Activation
When activating a collection from the Community Zone which is already Active for Search in CDI in the Institution Zone, the following warning message appears:

CDI: History Tab Changes
Previously, CDI changes recorded in the History tab of the Electronic Collection only included modification dates. The history records will now include changes for the following fields:
- CDI Search activation status
- Do not show as Full Text available in CDI even if active in Alma
- Local Notes
New Indexes for UNIMARC Bibliographic Records
New search indexes were added for UNIMARC Bibliographic records:
- 214 $$a - Place of Publication.
- 214 $$c - Publisher Name.
- 214 $$d - Date of Publication.
Local Control Number as a Local Extension for Community Zone Records
It is now possible to update bibliographic records that are linked to the Community Zone with a local control number as a local extension.
This allows synchronizing bibliographic records that originated in the Community Zone with third-rd party catalogs that depend on a local system number.URM-123286
You can now add a local 035 field as local extension to a record that is linked to the Community Zone. Local fields are marked with the

For details, see Working with Local Extension Fields for Community Zone Records.
In addition, a normalization task was created that generates a local control sequence that is stored in the 035 field when, for example, Edit > Enhance the Record is selected while editing a record in the MD Editor. See Working with Normalization Processes.
UNIMARC Authority Control field 620
August 2020 Resource ManagementURM-129453
The bibliographic record UNIMARC field 620 $$d is now controlled by the Authority field 260 $$d. F3 is now active on the field 620 $$d of the bib record.
Identify Records Matching to Alma Records
Institutions often get a list of record identifiers used in external systems (e.g. in a vendor system). Now you can load this list to Alma and easily check what you already have in Alma and what you don't have in Alma, in order to facilitate your purchasing decisions.
To enable this, the Create Itemized Set job was modified. This job adds members to a set based on an input file of identifiers (see Creating Itemized Sets). Now the report produced by this job includes the following options:
- Download a file of records for which a match was not found with Alma records
- Download a file of records matching Alma records
See Identify Records Matching to Alma Records Based on Itemized Set.
Search for Titles by Call Number Range
The range operators <, >, <=, >= were added to Advanced search when searching for Titles (All Titles, Physical Titles, Electronic Titles, Digital Titles). These operators were added to the below bib call number indexes:
Index | MARC 21 fields | UNIMARC fields | CNMARC fields |
NLM-type call number | 096 a,z | ||
Dewey Decimal Class Number | 082 a, 092 a | 676 a | 676 a |
Other classification number | 084 a | 686 a, 69X | 686 a, 69X |
LC call number | 050 a, 055 a, 090 a | 680 a | 680 a |
UDC | 080 a | 675 a | 675 a |
CLC Classification Number | 690 a | ||
CAS Classification Number | 692 a | ||
RUC Classification Number | 694 a | ||
Other Domestic Classification Number | 696 a |
These operators add the ability to search for ranges of call numbers on bibliographic record level. This can be useful, for example, if you want to find all titles belonging to a specific subject or range of subjects.
For example, you can search for a range of call numbers across the Dewey Decimal Class Number index:
Currently, sorting the results of range searches by any type of call number is not supported.
Viewing one of the titles that came up in the search, we see that its Dewey Decimal Class Number, displayed in 082 field $$ a, is included in the specified range.
Alma Link Resolver - ISTEX Full Text Service
Alma link resolver can now check ISTEX for the existence of an article, based on OpenURL DOI. If the article is available at ISTEX, the patron will receive a link to the full text.
To enable article lookup at ISTEX, activate Community Zone collection ISTEX.
Alma Viewer Now Supports High-Resolution Images
Expand Pane for Better Display of Full Text in New Alma Viewer
Purchase Request Form Alert

When a patron in Primo enters an ISBN or EISBN number in a blank Purchase Request form, an alert now displays indicating whether a holdings for the resource exists in the library. Primo displays a message that a holdings does not exist for the identifier placed by the patron, which may be because the resource does not exist, because there is a location, bibliographic record, or holdings that is suppressed from discovery, or because, for electronic resources, the electronic portfolio is not active. This is also relevant for network and multi-campus.
Activating GOBI Real Time Orders Sent from the Relevant Portfolio in the Community Zone

For orders originating from GOBI, Alma will attempt to locate the relevant portfolio located within a Community Zone collection using the vendor proprietary identifier number or the ISBN/ISSN and activate it within the relevant collection in the institution, for this functionality to work it is important that the relevant collection will be activated from the Community Zone in the institution. In cases where Alma does not find a matching portfolio in the relevant Community Zone collection or if the relevant collection was not activated in the institution, a stand-alone portfolio will be created in Alma will not be linked to a Community Zone portfolio. See GOBI vendors list for list of Community Zone collections which supports this functionality.
Move Invoice Owner from an Institution to a Library

You can now change the owner for an invoice after it is edited. The values for the Owner list depend on the owner of the linked PO line/s, user role scope, library availability for vendor, and vendor account and funds. When saving the invoice, if the invoice owner is the institution but all the PO lines associated with the invoice lines are owned by a single library, a confirmation message displays that allows you to confirm or cancel your changes.
Platform Field Added to the SUSHI Account Details

When configuring a SUSHI account for COUNTER 5, The SUSHI Account Details page now includes a Platform field. This field should be populated for vendors that require a platform code for successful harvesting of usage data. Note that the platform code is case sensitive. Only one platform code can be used per SUSHI account.
Advanced Search for Users

You can now search for users by combining search criteria, using Alma advanced search. This is available only to users with the roles and privileges to search for users.
- User group - Equals, Is Empty, Not Equals, Is Not Empty - equals and not equals options display a multiple choice drop-down list.
- Create date - Equals, Before, After
- Birth date - Equals, Before, After, Is Empty
- Expiration date - Equals, Before, After, Is Empty
- Purge date - Equals, Before, After, Is Empty
- Last activity date - Equals, Before, After, Is Empty
- Statistical category - Equals, Is Empty, Not Equals, Is Not Empty - equals and not equals options display a multiple choice drop-down list.
- Note - Contains Keywords, Contains Phrase - this option is also available on the simple search
- Has note type - Equals, Not equals - displays a multiple choice drop-down list.
- Has block type - Equals, Not Equals - displays a multiple choice drop-down list with block types.
- Has Identifier type - Equals, Not equals - displays a multiple choice drop-down list.
- Fine/fee total sum - <, <=, >, >=
- Campus - Equals, Is Empty, Not Equals, Is Not Empty - equals and not equals options display a multiple choice drop-down list.
New options for existing search criteria in advanced search options are:
- Email - Equals, Is Empty
- First Name - Contains Keywords, Contains Phrase, Is Empty
- Identifiers - Equals
- Job Category - Equals, Is Empty, Not Equals, Is Not Empty - equals and not equals options display a multiple choice drop-down list.
- Last Name - Contains Keywords, Contains Phrase, Is Empty
- Middle Name - Contains Keywords, Contains Phrase, Is Empty
- Primary Identifier - Equals
XSL Transformation as Part of an Integration Profile
Now when importing users to Alma from SIS systems that use other data formats than Alma, you can convert data format from the source system formats to the format required by Alma. Previously, the conversion had to be done outside of Alma, and demanded specific technical knowledge and resources from institutions.
- Define an XSLT converter to be used by Alma
- Apply the XSLT converter to an Integration Profile that defines the way data is imported into Alma
- Manage XSLT converters in Alma:
- Share converters between institutions
- Preview results on a demo file
- Validate converters
- SIS import
- SIS synchronization
Notification on Last Community Zone Update
A notification about the date of the most recent Community Zone update was added to the Help menu located in the Main Menu Icons.
Institutions that work with the Community Zone expect that Community Zone resources will be up-to-date to the most recent Community Zone update. To this effect, the Synchronize Changes from CZ job runs daily in each institution updating authorities and resources from the Community Zone to the local institution.
However, if the number of updates in the Community Zone is very large, the job cannot complete on the same day. Every day the job attempts to close the gap. Thus, in cases of very large Community Zone updates, a delay of a few days might occur in the synchronization of CZ and the local institution. However, when customers do not see the relevant resources updated in their institutions on the day of the Community Zone update, or on the next day, the discrepancy might cause alarm.
The new notification in the Help menu lets you know the date of the last Community Zone update that was implemented in your system. If the date indicated is not today's date, the reason you do not see some Community Zone updates in your system is due to this delay. You need to wait for the following runs of the job to update your resources.
See Synchronize Changes from CZ and The Alma User Interface.
New Alma Layout Enabled
Continuing the rollout of the new Alma layout, starting from the July release, the new layout will be available for Alma users in the sandbox. For a full list of changes, see Layout Improvements.

Creation of Several Itemized Sets From File in Parallel
When creating itemized sets, one of the options to add records to a set is uploading a file that contains the identifiers (MMS ID, ISSN, ISBN, and so forth). The Add Members to Set job runs and creates a set from the file. Previously, only one instance of the job could be run simultaneously. Now any number of instances of this job can run in parallel.
Skipped Job Status
The status of jobs that need to be skipped was changed to 'Skipped'. Previously, the status of these jobs was indicated as 'Failed', which was misleading.
- Another instance of the job is currently running, and the job does not allow multiple instances.
- The job is dependent on the completion of another job, and that job is still running.
Dependent Job Waiting
The below dependent jobs now wait till the completion of the job they are depended on with the status 'Pending', and start running after that job completion:
- Authorities - Link BIB Headings
- Authorities - Preferred Term Correction
- Authorities - Handle Local Authority Record Updates
- MMS - Build Record Relations
External Users with Internal Authentication
For institutions whose Student Information System (SIS) does not offer authentication services, it is now possible to create users as external in Alma, but assign passwords for them directly in Alma. In this case, all the user information, such as name, ID, etc, is managed from the SIS, but the passwords are stored in Alma and managed by the Ex Libris Identity Service.
Support Sending SHA-256 Logout Requests
July 2020 Administration and InfrastructureURM-97939
Previously, SAML logout requests were always signed with SHA1 (also called SHA128) signature. Now the default for logout requests is to be signed with SHA2 (also called SHA256).
New profiles are now signed with SHA2, but this can be changed to SHA1, if needed.
Existing profiles continue to be signed with the SHA1 signature, but this can be changed to SHA2, if needed.
See SAML-Based Single Sign-On/Sign-Off.
Request Anonymization and Anonymization Rules

You can now define rules for all anonymization types, not just loans. The anonymization job, which runs once daily, is Fulfillment - Handle Historical Archiving. The rules are found in the Fulfillment Jobs Configuration page (Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > General > Fulfillment Jobs Configuration) next to each anonymization type. This is now the only place the anonymization rules are accessed. The link to Loan Anonymization Rules is no longer available on the Fulfillment Configuration menu.
As previously, checking requests anonymize both borrowing and lending requests. However, rules can be applied only to borrowing requests.
Option to Exclude the Grace Period When Calculating Fee

Previously, when calculating fees, when the grace period ended, fines were immediately implemented and set for the entire period including the grace period. Now, the grace period can be set to not be included in the fine period at all. In the policy, currently, you can now configure new periods. Each of the prior periods now has a second period with excluded from day. When that period is selected, the fee calculations are the same, but they are based on the end time of the grace period instead of the due date.
Digitization Request File Upload Limit
For attachment digitization requests, the file size limit was increased from 10 MB to 25 MB.
ISO 18626 - Return Information
When using the ISO 18626 resource sharing partner type, return information is now supported. The lending partner can select Send ReturnInfo on the Resource Sharing Partner page to include the information for the originating lending library instead of the resource sharing library. The ISIL code of the lending library is then included in the resource sharing request, if it is populated. The ISIL code is presented on the Resource Sharing Borrowing Task List as Return Information. It is also available in the XML for the ResourceSharingReturnSlipLetter. The field appears in the letter when populated. If the letter is customized, you must manually add the field to the XML in order for it to be populated.
Check-In for Shipped Items in the Scan In Interface

You can now set a message to warn the users if they are going to complete a lending process when scanning items. On the Scan In Messages Configuration page, the Complete lending request message, which defaults to none (no message), can be set to Popup message. When this is set, if an item is scanned in and is part of a Resource Sharing Request that is linked to a lending request in status Shipped Physically, the warning message will require a Confirm or Cancel action. This way the user cannot accidentally complete the lending request. If the message is set to Feedback message, rather than Popup, the feedback will tell them that the request will be completed, but the scan in action cannot be canceled.
Export Renew Allowed Indication in API to ILLiad
The ILLiad API now supports sending the Renewals Allowed field in a resource sharing request. The 'RenewalsAllowed' indication will be set according to the lending workflow profile that is attached to the ILLiad partner. If one of the following is enabled then Alma will send "RenewalsAllowed": true
- Patron renewal
- Staff renewal
If both patron and staff renewal are disabled then Alma will send "RenewalsAllowed": false.
Distribute Users from the Network Zone
Networks that share their user list in the Network Zone can create and update the network zone users manually using the Alma Manage Users menu, the API or the Update/Notify Users job. This is in addition to the previously only option to manage the Network Zone users using SIS feeds.
- The update/notify users job
Using an API
Manually updating the user in the User Edit form
Order Indication for Electronic Resources Ordered from NZ
In a Collaborative Network where electronic resources are managed centrally in the Network Zone and the orders are managed in the individual Institution Zones, institutions can order electronic collections or portfolios managed in the NZ.

Saving Local Sets in Network Zone

Now the Institution Zone staff can create a local set of bibliographic records in the Institution Zone and then save the set in the Network Zone.
This is useful in use cases where a set can only be built in the Institution Zone because the query uses search criteria from either localized fields in the bibliographic record or from the inventory (holdings, items, portfolio, etc.) However, you cannot run normalization rules on Network Zone bibliographic records from within the Institution Zone, since non-localized fields in the Network Zone bib records cannot be changed from within an Institution Zone.
The current development allows the Institution Zone staff to save a local set of bibliographic records to the Network Zone, where they can then perform any actions with the set, such as running normalization on the bib records.
To support this functionality, the Save in Network action was added to the Manage Sets page (Admin > Manage Jobs and Sets > Manage Sets). Choosing this action saves a local set of bibliographic records to the Network Zone. See Saving Sets in Network Zone.
The new action runs a job that creates a set in the NZ containing only the records linked to the Network out of all records. See Save Set in Network Report.
Sharing and Contributing General Electronic Services in the Community Zone
Users now can contribute their General Electronic Services to the Community Zone, where other institutions can copy and use these services.
See Sharing General Electronic Services in the Community Zone and Community Zone Contribution Guidelines.
The ability to share general electronic services in the Community Zone will become available a few days after the July installation.
Improvements to Electronic Collections Contributions
Electronic collection contribution was enhanced as follows:
- Now you can contribute to additional fields, including static and dynamic URLs.
- Now you can update additional fields of your contributed electronic collections and share your updates with the community.
Additional Electronic Collection Fields that You Can Contribute
The following additional fields can now be contributed:
Collection | Service | Portfolio |
URL type:
Updating Your Contributed Electronic Collections
If you are the contributor to the electronic collection, now you can update additional fields and share these updates with the Community Zone. Your changes are submitted to a job that runs overnight to update the electronic collection, its portfolios, services, and bibliographic records in the Community Zone. This job copies the information from the override fields to the main fields and then removes the override values. This synchronizes your electronic collection with the Community Zone.
- In the Institution tab of the electronic collection, enter the new values in the override fields, and select Update in Community.
This updates the Community Zone with the new values. - In the confirmation message that appears, click Yes.
See Updating Community Zone Contributed Electronic Collections.
Contributing Static and Dynamic URLs
Now Alma supports the contribution of portfolio Static/Dynamic URL and service Dynamic URL, in addition to the existing contribution of parser parameter URL. This way, you see in the Community Zone the exact URL that you contributed.
Override Fields of Community Zone Electronic Collections
All activated Electronic Community Zone Electronic collections are edited with your own information. Your edits are only local, no changes are made to the Community Zone record.
When editing the collection, you make your edits in the override fields. Any later updates to this electronic collection will update only the main values so that you know what the updates were. Your local override values remain unchanged.
The following additional fields can now be edited:
Collection | Service | Portfolio |
URL type:
Audio Visual Media type Added to the Physical Material Type Description Table
The Physical Material Type Description table now includes an Audio visual media option.
Additional Elements in Related Record for Physical Inventory
July 2020 Resource Management
For a child record, Alma now supports displaying a specific item when cataloging a specific issue, part or pages. Previously, Alma supported displaying specific items of the parent record only when cataloging a specific year, volume or barcode.
The following item specifications are now supported:
Item Specifications |
Value in
$g (MARC21 / KORMARC) $v (Unimarc / CNMARC)
Item Field |
Issue | iss: | Enum B |
Part | pt: | Enum C |
Pages | p: | pages |
MARC 21 example:
For the below record, two related holdings are shown:
The link in the child record is cataloged in field 773, including the new label iss: (issue):
After the filtering, only the holdings with the specific item pointed is shown:
UNIMARC example:
The parent record with many items in different years, volumes and issues:
The link in the child record is cataloged as follows, including the new label iss: (issue):
The child record shows in the repository search only the holdings referred to by this field:
MARC 21 Updates
The following MARC 21 updates (for bibliographic, authority, holdings, classification, and community information formats) have been added to Alma in the July 2020 release:
- Update No. 27 (November 2018)
- Update No. 28 (May 2019)
- MARC21 Holdings
- Update No. 28 (May 2019)
- MARC21 Authority
- Update No. 26, April 2018
- Update No. 28, May 2019
Refer to for additional details regarding these MARC 21 changes.
Reload Bibliographic Records from Central Catalog On Demand
Users working on Bibliographic records in Central Cataloging (Aleph, SBN, CALIS, etc.) need to ensure that they view and update the most recent version of a Bibliographic record.

The Reload Record from Central Catalog option is available only when both below criteria are met:
- if you have configured a Central Catalog integration profile,
- when working on Bibliographic records.
Align Record Version with SBN
Now users working in SBN can align the local record version with the SBN record version, without making any additional changes to the local version. Since now the date is the same, SBN accepts the record contribution.

See Integrating the SBN Italian Union Catalogue and MD Editor Menu and Toolbar Options.
Public Access Model on the Portfolio Editor
July 2020 Resource Management
Access Model defines how end-users can access the electronic resources. The access model has always been indicated in the PO line, but now it is also displayed in a new field Public access model that was added to the Acquisition tab of the portfolio editor. This field presets the active access model associated with the portfolio, as inherited from the PO line that created the portfolio. Any updates to the access model on the PO line are reflected in the Public access model field of the portfolio editor. See Editing a Portfolio Using the Electronic Portfolio Editor.
You can also change the value of the Public access model field directly on the portfolio editor, and this determines the active access model of the portfolio. However, changing the access model value on the portfolio does not update the access model on the PO line.
In case a PO line of type 'License Upgrade' was added to the portfolio as an additional PO line, the Public Access Model field on the portfolio displays the access model associated with the license-upgrade order.
The Include access model in portfolio public note checkbox, which previously controlled the presentation of the access model on the portfolio's Public Note field in the Alma Link Resolver, was now removed from the New Order API integration profile. See Real-Time Ordering.
To control the presentation of the access model to patrons via Alma Link Resolver, institutions now can use a designated configuration located under Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Other settings. Select the checkbox Enable Display of Access Model to display in Primo the access model information located on the portfolio.
Primo VE will support this configuration in a future release.
The new Enable Display of Access Model option is disabled by default. Institutions that previously had the Include access model in portfolio public note check box enabled in their integration profile, will need to select the Enable Display of Access Model option in the new configuration screen. See Configuring Other Settings.
Manage Selected Physical Items
Following the changes made in June 2020 release, the actions that previously were displayed as links of the page actions, were now added to the Physical Items list, to enable you to perform actions on multiple physical items in bulk. In addition, when you select items from the list, the item counter above the list now provides an indication of the number of items selected.
Due to changes required in the definition of columns, the default display will be restored as part of July release deployment. If display customization was applied, it will need to be redone.

Some of the actions that can be performed, such as running a job and creating/adding to the itemized set, can only be performed if you possess the required permissions.
See Working with the List of Items.
Improvements to Electronic Collection and Portfolio Deletion
The process of electronic collection and portfolio deletion was made more user-friendly. Now the options to edit records (add, edit or delete) are disabled on electronic collections, portfolios and services once these resources are marked for deletion. In addition, now you are blocked from attaching a stand-alone portfolio to a collection that is marked for deletion (unless the portfolio has some available services). URM-127197
Using Community Zone Electronic Collections in Import Profiles
Now Import Profiles can work with electronic collections activated from the Community Zone. This means that when importing to an CZ collection, and local portfolios do not exist, the CZ portfolios are imported.
For that purpose, a new checkbox "Use Community Zone portfolios" was added to the Inventory Information tab of the Import Profile Details page (Resources > Import > Manage Import Profiles or Acquisitions > Import > Manage Import Profiles). When selected, then upon import, Alma now attempts to match each bibliographic record against the bibliographic records that have portfolios that are part of the collection activated from CZ.
- If a matching bibliographic record is found, Alma imports the relevant portfolio.
- Note that Alma does not activate this portfolio. You can activate this portfolio at any time. To activate upon import, click the "Activate resource" checkbox at the bottom of the Inventory Information tab.
- If a matching bibliographic record is found, its information is taken from the Community Zone. The information filled in the fields below ("Extract portfolio information from field", "Extract access URL from field", "Extract interface name from field", "Extract internal description note from field", "Extract authentication note from field", "Extract public note from field", "Extract library from field") are ignored.
- If a matching bibliographic record is not found - Alma creates a local portfolio that is associated to the CZ collection.
- If multiple bibliographic records are found as a match in the CZ under the specific collection – no import takes place. The record is reported in the "Resolve import issues" list.
The "Use Community Zone portfolios" checkbox appears only when both the below conditions are true:
- The selected inventory operations are Electronic or Mixed.
- Portfolio type is Part of Electronic Collection.
Enhancements to Forms
Several enhancements have been added to the Alma Forms feature (Configuration > Resources > Metadata Configuration > MARC21 Bibliographic or Qualified Dublin Core > Forms tab) when selecting Add fields:
- The Checkbox field type was added.
- The Repeatable field was added to the field types (when configured) to allow the user to add multiple instances of the field. This is available only for Patron Deposit forms.
- For date fields, if configured to be mandatory, the Default Value field is set to the current date.
Enhanced Sorting Support for Collections

You can now configure the default sorting for titles and sub-collections in Primo VE, using a richer set of title-level sort routines.
- To configure the default sorting of titles in a collection, select an option from the Sort titles by drop-down list (Resources > Manage Collections > Edit Collection > Discovery Tab):
Sort Titles By
- To configure the default sorting of sub-collections in a collection, select an option from the Sort by drop-down list (Resources > Manage Collections > Edit Collection > Sub-collections tab):
Sort By
DARA Recommendation to Identify Missing Items
DARA now identifies items that have been missing for a significant amount of time and recommends that you handle them.

By default, DARA identifies items missing for more than 12 months. You can customize DARA to produce recommendations that better suit the needs of your institution. For more information, see DARA – Data Analysis Recommendation Assistant.
Sort Request Facets
All facets on the Manage Purchase Requests page, including Requester, are now sorted in alphabetical order.
Access Model Field in POLine
In the January 2020 release notes, a new option was introduced to track the access model for concurrent users, which is reflected on the PO line and portfolio (see Create Order API - Improved Matching and Creation of Portfolios to Work with Community Zone). The access model is now stored in the new Access Model field on the PO line for electronic orders. The access model also appears in the portfolio. If you modify the access model on the PO line to be different than the access model on the portfolio, the portfolio will be updated. The access model can also be changed in the Update PO Line Information job.
Material Type Added to Primo Purchase Request Form
The default material type option was removed from the purchase request form in Alma. To set the default material type of a new purchase request form in both Alma and Primo, a new Purchase Request Material Types configuration table was added, possible values of the new configuration table are Physical or Electronic request types. This replaces the customer parameter that previously controlled the default, purchase_request_preferred_material_type_default.
CDI Provider Coverage Field
The Provider coverage field is now available on the CDI tab of the Electronic collection editor. When this read-only field is set to Yes, the collection is indexed with data received directly from the provider. When set to No, a feed from the provider is not available, but at least 80% of the content of the collection is covered in CDI by data received from other providers. The field also displays in the Electronic collection result list, in Institution, Network and Community tabs, below the In CDI field, for any electronic collection where In CDI = Yes.
Semi-Annual Re-indexing
During June, the semi-annual re-indexing (described in greater detail in Updates) will be run. Features or resolved issues that require re-indexing to be fully functional will be addressed by the June semi-annual re-indexing. See the list below.
- Authority Control of Additional Fields in UNIMARC.
- Advanced search query options were expanded to include additional query options for Electronic Portfolios and Electronic Collections.
- The following similar Arabic letters are now treated as the same letter by authority search:
ى – ي - ئ
ه - ة - ۀ
و - ؤ
ك – گ – ک
ف - ڤ
ز - ژ
ب - پ
ج - چ
ق - ڨ
Authority Control of Additional Fields in UNIMARC
Authority control of the following fields was added to Alma, following their addition to the 3rd edition of the UNIMARC Authority format:
Tags | Search Index |
Uniform Title (X31, X32) | |
231 a-w | Uniform Title |
232 a-w | Uniform Title |
431 a-w | Uniform Title |
432 a-w | Uniform Title |
531 a-w | Related Uniform Title |
532 a-w | Related Uniform Title |
Name-Title (X41, X42) | |
241 a-t | Name Title |
242 a-t | Name Title |
441 a-t | Name Title |
442 a-t | Name Title |
541 a-t | Name Title |
542 a-t | Name Title |
These fields fully support the Alma authority control workflows, including linking, Preferred Term Correction, and F3.
The following table identifies the search indexes to which the new UNIMARC authority tags are mapped.
Search Index | Tags |
Uniform Title |
231 a-w
232 a-w
431 a-w
432 a-w
Related Title |
531 a-w
532 a-w
Name Title |
241 a-t
242 a-t
441 a-t
442 a-t
541 a-t
542 a-t |
UNIMARC: Field 610 is Not Controlled by Authority
For UNIMARC bibliographic records, field 610 (Uncontrolled subject terms) is no longer controlled by authority. This means that F3 search on the field 71X no longer shows the results from field 610, and there is no linking and preferred term correction for field 610.
To support field 610, a new source code option Uncontrolled subject terms was added to the bib headings list in the Metadata Editor available for browsing bibliographic headings. When this source code is selected, the "Vocabulary" option is not displayed because it is not controlled by authority.
If your institution uses UNIMARC and would like to activate this behavior, please contact Ex Libris customer support.
Additional Localized Values in Originating System Table
The following values were added to the Import Profile Originating System code table (Configuration Menu > Resources > Record Import > Originating Systems for MD Records).
Code | Description |
RIALTO | Rialto |
BRILL | Brill Online Primary Sources |
EASTVIEW | East View Information Services |
THIEME | Thieme Verlag |
BLOOMSBURY | Bloomsbury |
CRL | Center for Research Libraries |
DE_GRUYTER | De Gruyter |
HST | Henry Stewart Talks |
INGRAM | Ingram |
KYOBO | Kyobo |
SYMPHONY | Symphony |
ULS | United Library Services |
Advanced Search Options Expanded

Find | Conditions | Conditions | Conditions |
Electronic Portfolio | Electronic Collection | ||
Electronic Collection | Electronic Collection | ||
General Publishing - Structured Coverage Information
Previously, Ex Libris provided the coverage and embargo information of electronic holdings in a textual human-readable format, for example: "Available from 1982 volume: 1 issue: 1. Most recent 4 year(s) not available", in multiple languages. Now, this information can be published in its raw format This enhancement is useful for integrating with 3rd-party systems that use the coverage and embargo information to calculate the availability of electronic titles.
- From Year
- To Year
- From Month
- To Month
- From Day
- To Day
- From Volume
- To Volume
- From Issue
- To Issue
- Embargo Operator
- Embargo Number of Years
- Embargo Number of Months
The new portfolio coverage-related fields and sections were added to the Electronic Inventory Enrichment section of the Publishing Profile Details page.
Field | Description | |||||||||||||||
Portfolio Coverage Information | ||||||||||||||||
Repeatable field |
Enter a field number into which to put the coverage information in the output record (one that is not used by the bibliographic record); this field is mandatory. For example, if you enter 950, the output will contain <datafield tag="950" ind1=" " ind2=" "> ... </datafield>, with the information you enter in this area in subfields of this field. |
Portfolio id subfield | For each piece of coverage information that you want to be included in the output file, enter the subfield in which you want it to appear. See rows below for the coverage information you can add. | |||||||||||||||
From Year subfield |
The Coverage and Embargo information is exported according to the selection made in the "Which coverage statement will be applied?" option in the portfolio editor's Coverage tab:
Rows that consist of date elements only (year/month/day) are consolidated into the minimum-possible representation of date range(s) that cover all the date ranges for this specific portfolio. This means that the exported date ranges completely cover the true availability of the portfolio. The simplification process does not occur for date-information rows that has Volume and/or Issue specified, they are published as-is. The embargo date range(s) are calculated and published separately in the Embargo section. |
Until Year subfield | ||||||||||||||||
From Month subfield | ||||||||||||||||
Until Month subfield | ||||||||||||||||
From Day subfield | ||||||||||||||||
Until Day subfield | ||||||||||||||||
From Volume subfield | ||||||||||||||||
Until Volume subfield | ||||||||||||||||
From Issue subfield | ||||||||||||||||
Until Issue subfield | ||||||||||||||||
Portfolio Embargo Information | ||||||||||||||||
Repeatable field |
Enter a field number into which to put the embargo information in the output record; this field is mandatory. For example, if you enter 950, the output will contain <datafield tag="950" ind1=" " ind2=" "> ... </datafield>, with the information you enter in this area in subfields of this field. |
Portfolio ID subfield | For each piece of embargo information that you want to be included in the output file, enter the subfield in which you want it to appear. | |||||||||||||||
Operator subfield |
See above. In the Embargo section of the output file, the "Operator" field exports the below operators. Since '<' and '>" characters are special characters in XML, using them within the XML content might cause errors in the output. Thus, these characters are encoded in the XML output as follows:
Number of Years subfield | The number of years/months included/excluded (based on the selected operator) from the portfolio coverage. | |||||||||||||||
Number of Months subfield |
See Publishing and Inventory Enrichment (General Publishing)
Portfolios Display Service and Collection Data

Alma now displays certain electronic service and collections information as read-only information in the Portfolio Editor. This is useful for users viewing the electronic portfolio, since this service and collections information may be relevant to their needs. Now, these users do not have to open the Service Editor or Collection Editor to access this information, but can see all the relevant information in one place.
The following service and collection parameters are now displayed in the Portfolio Editor:
Portfolio tab | Service parameters | Collection parameters |
General tab |
Linking tab |
Notes tab |
Change Physical Items job - Ability to Change all Temporary fields for Physical Items
The Change Physical Items job has been enhanced with the following:
- Additional parameters were added, which allow setting and clearing all parameters related to temporary location changes. The parameters correspond to the options available on the Physical Item Editor tabs that can be accessed by doing a repository search for physical items and selecting Edit for one of the items in the search results list. For the full list of fields, see Updating Item-Level Information.
- Configurable "Statistics Notes 1/2/3" parameters were added. See Configuring Statistics Notes for information about configuring fixed dropdown lists of options for statistics notes.
- The parameters that pertain to permanent and temporary locations were divided to separate sections to enable better visibility and clearer workflows.
- The page layout visually reflects the dependencies between the different parameters.
- Sequence-related parameters are supported.

Manage Selected Physical Items
On the Physical Items list, the Manage Selected dropdown was added that holds some of the actions that can be performed on multiple physical items in bulk.

These actions can only be performed if you possess the required permissions.
Contribution Possible for Miscellaneous Books Collection
Now portfolio contributions can be made to the additional electronic collection:
- Miscellaneous eBooks
Display Institution Name in New Alma Viewer and Deposit Interface
You can now configure your institution name to appear in the New Alma Viewer and Deposit interface. To configure this feature, set the value of the repDeliveryViewer.Alma parameter (Configuration > Fulfillment > Digital Fulfillment > Alma Viewer Labels) to the institution name. Note that for new institutions that have not configured an institution name for the original Alma Viewer, the word Alma appears by default.
Display Terms of Use and Copyrights in Alma Viewer

You can now configure the Alma viewer to display Terms of Use and Copyright information in the Descriptive Information pane in the Alma Viewer. This information is taken from MARC fields 540 $3 $a $f $u and 542 $3 $f $u respectively. To support this new feature, two new rows were added to the Delivery Profiles Metadata table for MARC records. Enable these rows to display the Terms of Use and Copyright information.
Customize the New Alma Viewer and Deposit Interface with Primo Studio
You can now customize the New Alma Viewer and the Deposit Interface using Primo Studio.
- For Primo VE users:
To customize the New Alma Viewer using Primo Studio:
- Select the new Customization tab from the Alma Viewer configuration page (Configuration > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Viewer Services > Alma Viewer).
- Select a Primo View, a Representation ID, and select Generate Link.
Customization Tab
- Select the Open Primo Studio link.
Primo Studio opens, allowing you to customize the Alma Viewer. Create a customization package and upload it to Alma.
For more information on using Primo Studio, see Using Primo Studio.
To customize the Deposit Interface using Primo Studio:- Select the new Patron Deposit Customization link (Configuration > Resources > Deposit).
- Select a Primo view and select Generate Link. The Open Primo Studio link appears.
Patron Deposit Customization
- Select the Open Primo Studio link.
Primo Studio opens, allowing you to customize the Deposit Interface. Create a customization package and upload it to Alma.
For more information on using Primo Studio, see Using Primo Studio.
- For standard Primo users:
To customize the Deposit Interface and the New Alma Viewer using Primo Studio:
From the Primo Studio section on the Alma Viewer and Deposit Customization page (Configuration > General > Alma Viewer and Deposit Customization):
Primo Studio- To configure the deposit interface using Primo Studio, click Customize Deposit.
- To configure the Alma viewer using Primo Studio, enter a representation ID, and select Customize Alma Viewer.
Primo Studio opens, allowing you to customize the Deposit Interface. Create a customization package and upload it to Alma from the Upload Package section.
For more information on using Primo Studio, see Using Primo Studio.
Enhancements to Forms
Several enhancements have been added to the Alma Forms feature:
- You can now configure vocabularies that allow you to define the possible values for the form fields from Configuration > Resources > Controlled Vocabulary Registry - Forms. For more information, see Controlled Vocabulary Registry - Forms.
- The following field types can now be added to forms (Configuration > Resources > Metadata Configuration > MARC21 Bibliographic or Qualified Dublin Core > Forms tab) when selecting Add fields. This replaces the Type field within the form:
- Combo box Multi-select – a drop-down list of checkboxes. Multiple checkboxes can be selected.
- Combo box single-select – a drop-down list of checkboxes. Only one can be selected.
- Radio Button – multiple radio buttons are displayed. Only one can be selected.
- Text Box – replaces the text (single line) field type.
Form Field Types - The following fields were added to the field types:
- Tooltip – a tooltip message to display
- Language – the languages the institution accepts as a thesis or dissertation language
- Vocabulary – the vocabulary of possible values for the combo box and radio button fields
Form FieldsFor more information, see Working with Forms. - The following enhancements were added to the Configuring Deposit Profiles page (Resources > Deposits > Manage Deposit Profiles):
- You can now select multiple access rights policies. Depositors can select which policy they want to apply to the deposit.
- The Public Instructions field is now translatable.
- The User Group field was redesigned as a drop-down list and allows for multiple selections.
- The following fields were added:
- Maximum number of files – the maximum number of files that can be deposited per deposit
- Maximum file size (each, in MB) – the maximum size of the files allowed in the deposit
- Allowed extensions – the extensions of the files allowed in the deposit
Configuring Deposit Profiles
Select Order of Holdings, Availability, and Requests in Get It

Previously, when showing a holdings' availability in Get It, the sequence of the text was hard-coded (x copy, y available, z requests).

- Resequence the existing labels, for example “x available, x requests, x copies”.
- Add a descriptive text before, after or between each one of the labels, for example “x available, resources, x requests, x copies”.
- Remove labels which are not needed, for example "x available, x copies”
The new label is formatted as: {{copies_labels}}, {{available_labels}}, {{requests_labels}}. All content within the curly brackets cannot be changed or translated because they represent other existing labels. Text can be added before, after or between each pair of curly brackets. If needed, there is also the option to remove one of the labels so it will not be displayed in the Get It.
The following labels are used to populate the information within the 3 curly brackets of the new label:
- Brackets within the new label: {{copies_labels}} will be populated with information from these existing labels:
- for a single copy
- if there are multiple copies
- Brackets within the new label: {{available_labels}} will be populated with information from this existing labels: If you have configured Time to reshelve, the following labels may replace it:
- c.uresolver.getit2.item_list.status.SOME_HOLDING_ITEMS_AWAITING_RESHELVING,
- c.uresolver.getit2.item_list.status.ALL_HOLDING_ITEMS_AWAITING_RESHELVING.
- Brackets within the new label: {{requests_labels}} will be populated with information from these existing labels:
- if there is a single request
- If there are multiple requests
- if there are no requests
- A new label was added for zero requests.
- The numbers were added to the existing labels. For instance, now instead of copies, the default label is {0} copies.
Hold Request Loan Indicator
If you create a hold request, the Loan Audit Trail now includes a Hold Loan field to indicate if the loan originated from a hold request. This will be reportable in Analytics in a future release.
Request Notes in Pick from Shelf List

On the Pick from Shelf list, if one or more request notes exist, they are now displayed aggregated together with a "|" (pipe symbol) in between each request. Only notes for active requests that are being picked by the current circulation desk are displayed. The notes of the active request are presented in the Pick Up Requested Resources page in no specific order. If you click the link for the request queue, all requests are displayed along with a new column that displays the request notes.
RFID Support for Scanning Multiple Items

Institutions that have RFID readers at their circulation desks now have the option to perform a single scan for multiple items positioned on the RFID reader. The support for scanning multiple items is available in all the relevant pages that allow RFID scans. The multi-item scan is being enhanced for RFID readers connecting directly to Alma, and is not related to integration of self-check machines with Alma via the SIP2 protocol. This functionality is now in the testing phase and is dependent on the RFID hardware and vendor. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ability to scan multiple items may be helpful for institutions to minimize staff’s contact with physical items, if your institution would like to become an early tester and activate the multi-item scan functionality in your sandbox and/or production environments, please contact Ex Libris support.
Searching for Resource Sharing Requests from Persistent Search Bar
You can now search for resource sharing requests from the persistent search bar on the top of the application. All existing search options also remain available. The default search option for the resource sharing requests is External Request ID.

Limit User Manager Role by Account Type

You can now attach an attribute to the User Manager role, as well as other roles that can manage user information, such as Circulation Desk operators, to limit the user from editing users that have specific roles or user groups.
By default, this value is not selected.
- General System Administrator
- User Administrator
- User Manager
- Circulation Desk Manager
- Circulation Desk Operator
- Circulation Desk Operator - Limited
- Repository Manager
User record types that are considered restricted, and therefore cannot be updated by users that have the Can't edit restricted users, can be defined by their user group or by their roles. In other words, it is possible to define that user records that have a specific user group will be considered restricted, and/or to define that user records that have a defined role will be considered restricted. Any user record that is assigned either one of the restricted user groups, or one of the restricted roles will not be updateable by users that have the Can't edit restricted users attribute activated on their above mentioned roles.
A new configuration page, Users Restricted for Editing, is available on the User Management configuration menu to define which user roles and groups will be restricted for editing by those users that have the Can't edit restricted users check box selected.
DARA Recommendation to Configure New Alma Viewer
DARA identifies that you have not yet configured the new Alma Viewer and recommends that you do so.

For more information, see DARA – Data Analysis Recommendation Assistant.
'Printouts Queue' Link Visibility
This change continues the change made in the May release, in which the following user roles were added:
- The Printout Queue Operator - can access the Printouts Queue, but can see only the letters they have printed (which means they do not have access to the Printed By filter).
- The Printout Queue Manager - can access the Printouts Queue, and can see all the letters there. Has access to the Printed By filter.
Up till the current release, all system users could access the Printouts Queue link (Admin > Printing). Starting from the current release, only these two user roles will be granted access to the Printouts Queue link. To support this, the below changes take place:
- The Printout Queue Operator role is automatically added to all the users who have printed to the Printout Queue within the previous 30 days.
- The Printout Queue link becomes hidden for all users without one of the above roles.
To manage this change, Ex Libris recommends that you do the following to enable access to the Printout Queue to all users who needs this access:
- To grant access to the Printouts Queue link only to specific users, make sure to add one of the above roles to all users that need to receive access to the link.
- To grant access to the link to new users, add the new Printout Queue Operator role to a Role Profile. This will make the link available for all users which are created with the relevant job category or user group, and a corresponding role assignment rule for the Role Profile in place. For details about Role Profiles, see Configuring Role Profiles.
See Printouts Queue.
PO Lines in the Recent Entities List
PO lines now appear in the Recent Entities list.
The Recent Entities list that was introduced in the March release now lists the Purchase Order lines which were added, updated, and deleted within the last 7 days by the user. The addition of the Purchase Order line to Recent Entities is a helpful way to find the POL the user recently accessed, even if they do not remember its identifying number.
Below is a detailed list of cases in which PO Lines appear in the Recent Entities list:
Entity Type: | Included in the Recent Entities List when: | Not included in the Recent Entities List when: |
PO Lines
The following information is provided in My Recent Entities pane for each PO Line:
Entity Type: | Information Displayed | Example |
PO Line
Outbound and Inbound Files Encryption
Now it is possible to encrypt files uploaded to Alma and have Alma encrypt files it created. The encryption is based on the OpenPGP standard and uses Private/Public Key encryption provided by the institution to encrypt the files. The encrypted files have the .gpg file prefix.
The current development complements file security in Alma, which supports FTP and SFTP protocols for file encryption during transfer. This development allows encrypting files before being placed on the FTP server. This development is useful for institutions that would like to add another layer of security to sensitive data, such as patron information.
See Developer Network.
Primo Publishing (Single & Network) - Change in Authority Synchronization Frequency
Ex libris has conducted an analysis of the Primo Publishing process with the intention of increasing its overall throughput, stability and performance, and has decided to optimize the Authority synchronization and change it to run once every 24 hours. The Primo Publishing frequency will remain the same. For example, if your Primo Publishing process runs every 6 hours, then the authority synchronization will happen at the fourth run.
Ability to create/update the vendor details on a purchase order line using APIs
An option to create and/or update the fields within the Vendor Details section have been added to the Update PO Line and Create PO Line APIs.
See Rest PO Line in the Developer Network.
Monthly Run Option for SUSHI Harvesting Job

The SUSHI Harvesting job can now be run on a monthly schedule, in addition to the weekly scheduling option. The monthly schedule offers four predefined optional dates across the month. This will save institutions from trying to harvest usage data each week, which can result in redundant failures in case reports are not ready yet.
Ability to Activate Portfolio from CZ using Create Order API

The functionality, which was originally introduced in the January release, is designed for orders originating from OASIS. It is now available for 11 providers (see complete list).
See Real-Time Ordering.
New Metadata Editor
The new Metadata Editor is now available for your review in the sandbox. See the Metadata Editor and Rollout Plan sections on the Usability Improvements page for more information.
View Community Zone Portfolio Linking Information

In order to assist with the decision of activating Community Zone portfolios, you can now view portfolio linking information from search results in the Community Zone tab. Previously in order to view the linking information of a Community Zone portfolio, you had to activate the portfolio. See Linking Information on the Searching in Alma page for more information.
UTF-8 Special Character Handling
Alma offers a new method of handling UTF-8 special characters (with diacritics). UTF-8 special characters may be represented in both the composed or decomposed version of the character in bibliographic or authority records. Now, you have the option to configure your system with normalize on save always to save the composed version of special characters. This may be especially useful to implement to avoid the use case where multiple records are changed due to their conversion to composed representation. Such records are marked for preferred-term correction (PTC) and cause heading updates (the only difference is the composed/decomposed nature of a special character).
For more information, see UTF-8 Special Character Handling in Alma.docx
Statistical Notes

In advanced search for Physical titles and Physical items, you can now search for statistical notes. See Searching for Statistical Notes for more information.
MARC 21 and UNIMARC Updates
The following MARC 21 holdings and authority configuration profile updates have been completed:
- MARC 21 Holdings – Update No. 28 (May 2019)
- MARC 21 Authority – Update No. 26 (April 2018) and Update No. 28 (May 2019)
- 135 $a/1 Special Material Designation
- New codes: d – computer disc, type unspecified, e – computer disc cartridge, type unspecified, k – computer card, s – standalone device
- Renamed: j – magnetic disk, r – online
- New field 214
- New subfield 2 for the following fields: 200, 225, 510, 532, 541
- The following new subfields for the 602 field: c, d, o
- The following new subfield for the 604 field: 2
- The following new subfield for the 623 field: 3
- 101
- Repeatable
- New indicator 2 – Source of code
- # – ISO 639–2 language code
- 7 – Source specified in subfield 2
- New subfield 2 – System Code (NR)
- The following new subfields for the 123 field: q, r, s, t, 2
- The following new fields: 180, 370, 822
- The following new X23 fields: 223, 423, 523, 723
API Usage Subject Area
May 2020 Analytics URM-120254The new API Usage subject area is now available. You can use the fields of this subject area to create reports that display usage of Alma Analytics by API. For more information, see API Usage.
Add Roles from Profiles For Widgets and Dashboards
May 2020 Analytics URM-94013When creating Analytics Widgets and dashboards (Configuration Menu > Analytics > Analytics Objects List or Analytics > Analytics Objects > Analytics Objects List) you can now select a profile of roles to assign to the widget or dashboard.
Improved Performance For Alma Analytics
Ex Libris is currently implementing performance upgrades to the Alma Analytics infrastructure. These upgrades will greatly improve performance when running analytics reports. These upgrades will be rolled out gradually. For the May release, the upgrades will be made available to NA02.
Normalization of Generic XML to Alma XML
May 2020 Digital Resource Management URM-120462 URM-117924Alma now supports XSL transformer rules to convert generic XML files in a DCMI schema to an XML format recognized by Alma. This enables a RESTful API to load the file into Alma. For example, you can load an ETD Admin file with a SWORD API into Alma in ETD-DCAP format.
Recent Entities for Digital Resources
May 2020 Digital Resource Management URM-120637- Digital Collections
- Digital Representations
- Digital Files
- Digital Deposits
For more information, see Recent Entities List.
Material Type Mapping
May 2020 Digital Resource Management URM-120462 URM-117783You can now map Alma material types to DCMI types that you configure. The DCMI types that you configure are available in the Material Type drop-down lists wherever they exist in Alma. Additionally, when the DCMI types that you configure are the value in the dc:type or dcterms:type fields in a DC bibliographic record, Alma will display the record with the mapped Alma material type. To support this feature, a new mapping table is available at Configuration > Resources > Cataloging > DCMI Material Type Mapping:
Related Digital Records
May 2020 Digital Resource Management
Related digital records are now indicated when clicking View It.
To support this feature, the new Disable Related Record Services for Digital configuration option is now available (Configuration > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Related Records).
Clear this option to allow the related records indication for digital records to be displayed
Multiple Viewers Available for Staff Delivery
May 2020 Digital Resource Management URM-88411Library staff can now select which viewer is used to display a digital file. To support this feature, a new Delivery section was added to the Digital Representation Resource Editor that displays the available viewers. Unavailable viewers are marked as Disabled.
Option for Locate of Electronic Resources
You can now set a policy to not send a borrowing request to a lender that has only an electronic version of the requested resource, if the request has been requested for a physical format. When the new parameter, rs_ignore_electronic_for_physical_request, is set to true, the borrowing locate process for physical requests ignores lenders’ electronic inventory, as shown in the table below. Lenders which have the requested resource only in electronic form are then removed from the rota by the locate process.
If the Allow other formats check box is selected, when creating a new borrowing request, electronic resources are allowed, regardless of the value in the parameter.
The below table describes how the locate process runs with regard to the possible combinations of the Ignore Electronic and Digital Resources option in the locate profile and the new rs_ignore_electronic_for_physical_request parameter
Allow other formats is not selected | Allow other formats is selected | ||
rs_ignore_electronic_for_physical_request = false | Ignore Electronic and Digital Resources is not selected in Locate Profile Details | Allow electronic regardless of format | Allow electronic regardless of format |
locate profile ignore electronic is selected in LocateProfile Details | ignore electronic regardless of format | ignore electronic regardless of format | |
rs_ignore_electronic_for_physical_request = true | locate profile ignore electronic is not selected in Locate Profile Details | ignore electronic if physical / physical non-returnable | Allow electronic regardless of format |
locate profile ignore electronic is selected in Locate Profile Details | ignore electronic regardless of format | ignore electronic regardless of format |
Control the presentation of related holdings in Primo

New configuration options are available for the Get It display, these options provide institutions the control of whether or not to present related holdings for patrons using Primo/PrimoVE. A more granular option provides the institutions with the option to present related records only for serials or only for monograph titles.
'Printouts Queue' Link Visibility
May 2020 Administration and Infrastructure URM-115013
Now you can grant access to the Printouts Queue link (Admin > Printing) only to specific users. To support this, two new user roles were added:
- The Printout Queue Operator - can access the Printouts Queue, but can see only the letters they have printed (which means they do not have access to the Printed By filter).
- The Printout Queue Manager - can access the Printouts Queue, and can see all the letters there. Have access to the Printed By filter.
The change in Alma will be implemented gradually, over the May and June releases, as follows:
- In May release: No change in behavior. All users can still access the Printouts Queue link.
- In June release:
- The Printout Queue link becomes hidden for all users without one of the above roles.
- The Printout Queue Operator role is automatically added to all the users who have printed to the Printout Queue within the previous 30 days.
To manage this change, Ex Libris recommends that you do the following within the duration of the May release:
- If grant access to the Printouts Queue link to existing users, make sure to add one of the above roles to all users that need to receive access to the link.
- To grant access to the link to new users, add the new Printout Queue Operator role to a Role Profile. This will make the link available for all users created with the relevant job category or user group, and a corresponding role-assignment rule for the Role Profile in place. For details about Role Profiles, see Configuring Role Profiles.
In addition, in the May release the retention period for items in the Printout Queue will be increased from 7 days to 30 days, after which the Alma cleaning job will clean the items. There is currently no way for customers to control the retention period.
See Managing User Roles.
Keyboard Shortcuts Enhancements
May 2020 Administration and Infrastructure URM-85963Now you can view the full list on the Shortcut Customization page (User menu > Shortcut Customization).
You can also disable global Alma keyboard shortcuts. You may want to do that in cases when your language requires usage of the same keyboard keys for typing accents or diacritics. Note that you can disable the Alma shortcuts, but cannot define other Alma shortcuts for the same action.
See Global Alma Hot Keys.
Sorting Tables Alphabetically in All Languages
May 2020 Administration and InfrastructureURM-30968Continuing the enhancements introduced in March 2020, now you can sort additional tables alphabetically in Alma, regardless of the language of the data in the table. The data is sorted according to the alphabet of the selected language.
This was implemented in the following tables within Alma:
- Bulk Change Due Dates table – Material Type column
- Add Non-Repository Citation table - Material Type column
- Edit Reading List Citation - Material Type column
- Resource Sharing Borrowing Request table - Languages column
- Manage Course Information table - Academic Department column
New SAML Certificate
May 2020 Administration and Infrastructure URM-120835
The current DigiCert SAML Certificate will expire in January 2021. If your institution uses this certificate, Ex Libris recommends that you consult with the IT dept. in your institution, and if required, replace the certificate for Alma and/or Primo VE. If replacing the certificate, this must be done in coordination with your IDP. For more information, see Replacing a Signed Certificate.
If your institution uses ADFS, Ex Libris highly recommends that you replace the certificate to avoid any complications.
Note: No immediate action is needed. Replacing the certificate can be done at any time till its expiry on January 5, 2021.
DARA Recommendations for My Electronic Resources by Provider
The My Electronic Resources by Provider feature in Alma allows you to view your subscriptions with providers and their availability status in Alma and activate any resources that you access but have not activated. DARA can now determine if the feature is relevant for your institution, but is not in use, and recommend that you use it.

For more information, see DARA – Data Analysis Recommendation Assistant.
For more information on the My Electronic Resources by Provider feature in Alma, see My Electronic Resources by Provider.
Viewing Your Recent Documents
The Recent Entities, part of My Activity Center, is a system-level interface that lists all the entities you have added, updated, and deleted within the last 7 days. You can scroll through the list and select an entity to resume your work, or you can view the entity in view-only mode. The Recent Entities list is a helpful way to find the records you have recently accessed, even if you do not remember their names. It also allows you to easily view your recent changes to your records. At any moment you can open and close the Recent Entities list, and then resume your ongoing work without interrupting its context.
From the Recent Entities pane you can:
- Open the entity in a view-only mode or in edit mode.
- Search for a certain entity in the list.
- Narrow down the list to a specific type of repository entity, such as physical items, or to entities accessed on a specific day.
- Dismiss entities from the list.
See Recent Entities List.
Preferred Material Type in Purchase Requests

You can now select a material type for purchase requests in Alma. The field previously called Requested Format has been renamed to Material Type and moved to the Resource Information section. In addition to the Physical and Electronic options that appeared previously, a new option is available, Default. When selected, the Default option determines the Material Type value for the PO line based on the customer parameter, purchase_request_preferred_material_type_default. When the parameter is P (for physical), the material type is determined by the default value in the Physical Material Type Descriptions table. When the parameter is E (for electronic), the material type is taken from an internal table of electronic types, and is Book. The table of electronic material types is internal and cannot be modified. If you choose an option other than Default, a new field, Choose Type, allows you to specify the exact material type needed. This selection options for the Choose Type field are dependent on the selection in the Material Type field, so that the list will include only Electronic or Physical material types, accordingly.
SUSHI Performance Improvements

The SUSHI harvest process now contains new performance enhancements. Additionally, the Missing Data tab has been renamed to the Monthly Usage Data tab. The errors on this tab are now further refined to help you troubleshoot connection issues. The yellow icon (

Link Resolver Get It Services – Prevent Services for Wrong Titles

When an OpenURL does not contain any identifiers, the link resolver matches a bibliographic record based on the OpenURL title. At times the match is inaccurate and can result in Get It services for the wrong title. You can now configure Alma to limit the link resolver to display Get It services for titles that were matched only based on identifiers. See Using Standard Identifiers for more information.
Import Local Extensions to Community Zone Records
It is now possible to add local extensions via the import process. This is a continuation of functionality that was released in February that enables the addition of local extensions to Community Zone records. This capability is enabled through new configuration options in the Repository, Update Inventory, and New Order import profiles under Match Actions. See Community Zone linked records handling and Support for local extensions for bibliographic records linked to the Alma CZ for more information.
UNIMARC 463 Related Records
Similar to UNIMARC 461, Alma now supports UNIMARC 463 for related records. See display_specific_related_items and Using the UNIMARC Linking Fields for Related Records for more information.
Bibliographic MMS ID Appears in Additional Search Results and Various Resource Editors/Lists
The bibliographic MMS ID now appears in search results for physical items, electronic collections, and portfolios. In addition, the MMS ID appears in the header information for the following resource editors/lists: Physical Item Editor, List of Holdings, List of Items, Electronic Collection Editor, Electronic Portfolio Editor, and the Electronic Service Editor. See below for examples.

New Alma Viewer

The newly designed Alma Viewer is now available to view digital resources. To enable the new viewer, select the Use New Viewer checkbox in the Alma Viewer configuration (Configuration > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Viewer Services > Alma Viewer):

- (URM-120778) Full-Text Display – the new viewer can display a full text file along with the digital one. To hide the full text file, select the Hide fulltext check box in the Alma Viewer configuration (Configuration > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Viewer Services > Alma Viewer).
Full Text Display
- (URM-117479) File-level Delivery – when selecting Share Displayed File for a file in the new viewer, the link opens to the selected file of the representation.
Share Displayed FileIn addition, you can now deliver a file from the search results when searching for a digital file:Deliver Digital File
- (URM-120744) Embedded Image in Primo VE – you can configure the new Alma Viewer to appear in Primo VE in a new Quick Access section. You are able to view the files of the representation, download the files, and open them in the full viewer.
Embedded Image in Primo VEYou can configure display logic rules with the new Representation Quick Access service to control the Quick Access display.
- (URM-120706) Hide Representations with Obtrusive Copyrights from Quick Access – You can create a display logic rule (Configuration > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Display Logic Rules) that hides representations with obtrusive copyrights from the Quick Access section of Primo VE.
An upcoming Alma release will support full customization of the new Alma viewer through Primo Studio.
Access Rights Template URL for Remote Repositories
You can now configure a unique URL, separate from the delivery URL, to check access rights for remote repositories. To support this enhancement, the Access Rights Template field was added to the Delivery tab of the Remote Digital Repository Details page (Configuration > Resources > Record Import > Remote Digital Repositories). It replaces the Check Access Rights checkbox.

Enhancements to In Parallel Digitization Workflow
The following workflow was added for digitization requests that are configured to be processed in parallel to the digitization workflow (Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > Copyright Management > Digitization and Copyright Rules):
- While the request is being processed, the representation is marked as inactive.
- If the request is approved, the representation is marked as active.
- If the request is rejected, the representation is deleted.
Pop-up Messages in the Scan In Interface

You can now configure how pop-up messages will display in the Scan In Interface. All messages can be configured to appear as a pop-up message, a feedback message, or to not appear at all. This is defined in the Scan In Messages Configuration table. Additionally, a yellow icon is added to the list of scanned items for patron request of types Booking Requests, Physical Requests, and Patron Digitization Requests to draw the scanning operator's attention that some items have a patron request associated with them.
Keep Rapid ILL Requests Open
You can now define whether the Rapid ILL API will close a request that it operates on. When the Close request when exported check box is selected on the Resource Sharing Partner page, the request is closed when exported, as it has done previously, and the request status is updated to Exported to 3rd party. This is the default. When the check box is not selected, the request remains active after it is exported to Rapid, and the request status is updated to Sent to partner. This allows the request to remain viewable in Primo even though it has been exported. Requests that are left open must be manually closed.
Claim Resource Sharing Request

For peer-to-peer resource sharing partners, you can now trigger an automatic claim letter when a configured period of time is reached. For example, when the Automatic Claim check box is selected and the Time to Claim (days) field is set to 7, if a request was sent 7 days ago and the request's status is still Sent, a claim letter is automatically triggered and the request status is set to Claimed.
You can also configure an option to send a cancel message and continue through the rota.
In case of an Email/SLNP partner, the letter is sent by email.
For ISO requests, the notice is sent in a General Message. The text in the message can be configured.
Publishing Profile Templates for Rapid ILL
Setting up a new integration with Rapid ILL requires defining sets of lendable and non-lendable resources, as well as publishing profiles that expose that information to Rapid ILL via OAI.
SAML User Updates
You can now map SAML assertions to a user's fields according to an uploaded XSL file. The file is uploaded in the XSL configuration file field in the Self Registration section of the SAML integration profile.

DARA Enhancements
DARA was enhanced with the following changes:
- The Mark as Done and Dismiss actions were replaced by the new Remove action
- The Let's Do It button was replaced by a button with an action specific to the recommendation, such as Create SUSHI account and View Title in Search.
- The Show Me Why button was renamed to More Info. The recommendation description was shortened to make it more focused and the some of the information was moved to the More Info page.
- A new job marks recommendations as implemented even when they are handled outside of the DARA workflow.

Cancel All on Printing Queue
The Printout Queue page now has an option to cancel multiple printouts by selecting all the printouts you want to cancel and selecting Cancel Selected.
See Printouts Queue.
Export to Excel Enhancements on Job Reports
When exporting the events list of a job report, Alma now limits the number of rows to 10 thousands rows. Rows above this number are not exported. To export specific rows of the job report, use the controls on the report page.
Sorting Tables Alphabetically in All Languages
Now you can sort tables alphabetically in Alma, regardless of the language of the data in the table. The data is sorted according to the alphabet of the selected language.
- User roles table – Type/Group columns
- User list table – Name/Account Type/Record Type columns
- Funds and Ledgers table – Type/Status columns
- Import Profiles table - Profile Type column
- Resolve Import Validation Errors table - Profile Type column
- License table - Status column
- Process List table - Business Entity column
- Terms of Use and Policies table – Type column
- Policy Management table – Policy Type column
New Letter Type on Letter Configuration
A new letter "Change Rapido Request Terms Letter" was added to the list of configurable letters available in Alma. This letter is part of new resource-sharing abilities that are currently being developed. Ignore it for now.
See Letter List.
Absolute and Relative Paths in the S/FTP Definition
Alma now supports the ability to indicate both an absolute and a relative path to the input directory in the S/FTP import protocol when creating import profiles to third-party systems.
Real Time Ordering - Purchase Type License Upgrade as an Additional PO Line
PO lines with a Purchase Type of License Upgrade created via New Order API will be associated to the relevant portfolio as an additional PO line. Previously, PO lines with a Purchase Type of License Upgrade were associated to the relevant portfolio as a main PO line. Now, the main PO line reflects the original PO line that initiated the order, while the PO line with a purchase type of License Upgrade complements the main PO line.
Suppress Access to PO Line Summary Information
You can now disable access to review a PO line and view in-depth acquisitions information for users with the roles of Repository Manager, Physical Inventory Operator, or Electronic Inventory Operator. To do so, contact Ex Libris customer support.
Improved Claiming Functionality for Continuous PO Lines

Entering PO Line Number in Item Editor
When entering the PO line number in the Item Editor page, the number is now validated, even when typing the number instead of selecting it from the pick list.
Search Indexes for Specific OCLC Numbers
For simple and advanced titles searches (All titles, Physical titles, Electronic titles, and Digital titles), the following search indexes were added: OCLC Control Number (019), OCLC Control Number (035a), OCLC Control Number (035a+z), and OCLC Control Number (035z).

Local Extensions for Community Zone Bibliographic Records
All institutions can now create and maintain local extensions to Community Zone bibliographic records in order to record their own proprietary information.
Suppress Bibliographic Record from External Search
You can configure Alma to suppress bibliographic records from external searches. To perform this configuration, first configure the SRU or Z39.50 integration profiles to suppress searches of records with the Suppress from External Search tag:
- Z39.50 – Records that are tagged as Suppress Records from Publish/Delivery are also suppressed from external searches even if they do not have the Suppress from External Search tag.
- SRU – Only records tagged as Suppress from External Search are suppressed from external searches.
You can tag records to be suppressed from external searches in the following areas:
- From the Metadata Editor – select Suppress from External Searches (Tools > Management Tags) for a record.
Suppress from External Searches - MD Editor
- In the Set Management Tags tab of import profiles (all types except Update Inventory, Authority, Initial Authority) for records imported using the profile:
Suppress Records from External Searches - Import Profile
- From the new Set Management Tags job:
Set Management Tags
In addition, it is possible to search for bibliographic records that are suppressed from external search:
Enhanced Configuration of Deposit Status Update Letter
February 2020 Digital Resource Management SF: 00709117 URM-115572
You can now customize the Deposit Status Update Letter using the same workflow as other Alma letters from Configuration > General > Letters > Letters Configuration. This allows you to configure additional elements of the letter, including a reason for the letter, a delivery URL, and a note.
For more information, see Configuring Alma Letters.
Improved Performance For Alma Analytics
Ex Libris is currently implementing performance upgrades to the Alma Analytics infrastructure. These upgrades will greatly improve performance when running analytics reports. These upgrades will be rolled out gradually. For the February release, the upgrades will be made available to NA04.
Last Patron Activity Date
February 2020 Administration and Infrastructure NERS Enhancement (ID #5631)
Idea Exchange URM-84167
You can now view the last activity date for specific activities in the Last Patron Activity Date field of the User Details Page. The field is display only and will be available for analytics in an upcoming release. Due to privacy concerns, data will only be collected from activation of this new feature onward. If the option is disabled, all data collected in this field will be deleted for all users. When enabled, this field is updated when any of the following activities are executed:
- Placing a request of any type - hold, booking, digitization, acquisition, resource sharing
- Borrowing an item (all workflows, including self-check / API)
- Returning an item (all workflows, including self-check / API)
- Loan renewal (except automatic renewal), or renewal request (for resource sharing loans)
- Update of user information from Primo
The following activities do NOT update the Last Patron Activity Date field:
- Using the Pay button on the Manage Patron Services page
- Canceling a request in Alma or Primo
- Patron Purchase Request sent from Primo - this will be added in a later release
To enable this option, select yes in the new Record Last Patron Activity Date page (Configuration > User Management > General).
See Managing Users and Configuring Last Patron Activity Date.
Absolute and Relative Paths in the S/FTP Definition
Alma now supports the ability to indicate both an absolute and a relative path to the input directory in the S/FTP import protocol when creating import profiles to third-party systems. See Managing Export Profiles.
UPDATE: This feature has been temporarily disabled. It will be reinstated in the future. For now, indicate the output path to the FTP as a relative path: do not preface the path with the '/' sign.
Quick Printing Option for Multiple Records
When printing call slips for multiple items, you can select several items and print slips for all of them in one action with the Quick Print functionality. The quick print functionality aggregates all the slips into a single PDF (within a popup window) and allows the operator to either send these to a designated printer or save the created PDF to a file. See Pickup at Shelf.
DARA Recommends Local Standalone Portfolios to Link to the Community Zone
Based on ISSN / ISBN matching, DARA now recommends local standalone portfolios for linking to the Community Zone. Linking to the Community Zone enables you to receive updates automatically without the need to update the portfolio manually.

DARA Recommends Linking Local Electronic Collections to the Community Zone
Based on the electronic collection name, DARA now recommends local electronic collections for linking to the Community Zone. Linking to the Community Zone enables you to receive updates automatically without the need to update manually.

Library Filter Added to Recommendations List
A new Library filter was added to the List of Recommendations that you can use to filter the list by library. This feature is relevant for recommendations such as Unavailable Portfolios, Missing Items, and Local Electronic Collections.
New Columns Added to DARA Export File
The following columns were added to the Excel file that is produced when you export recommendations using the Export icon:
- Entity Type – for example: Electronic Service, Physical Item, Electronic portfolio
- Entity ID – for example: the Electronic Service ID, the Item PID, or the Electronic portfolio PID
- Additional Info – for example: the columns of the analytics report or the Access type, Authentication note, and Public note of the electronic collection
DARA Now Recommends Configuring Description Templates
DARA now identifies that you have not configured description templates, which are used to generate descriptions for physical items based on ENUM/CHRON information, and directs you to configure them.

Role Configuration for DARA Recommendations
You can now configure DARA Recommendations on the new Configuring DARA Recommendations page (Configuration > General > General Configuration > DARA Recommendations):

Bulk Dismissal of DARA Recommendations
You can now dismiss several recommendations at one time by selecting the recommendations and clicking Dismiss selected.
Create Order API - Improved Matching and Creation of Portfolios to work with Community Zone
January 2020 Resource Management URM-118756
When the New Order API runs, Alma now uses the vendor proprietary identifier number or the ISBN/ISSN to search and match the incoming order to an existing portfolio in an electronic collection. If no match is found Alma will attempt to activate the relevant portfolios from the collection in the Community Zone.
New Purchase Type License Upgrade Available for Purchase Order Lines
A New purchase type License Upgrade is available for Purchase Order lines, this will enable institutions to record purchases which reflect license upgrades purchase model. Additionally, a PO line can now be created without a fund and price for scenarios such as described above where a License upgrade has no charge and needs to be recorded in the system. The option to set a PO line as no charge is compatible with the following acquisition methods: Purchase, Approval Plan, and Purchase at Vendor System. When selecting any of these values in the Acquisition Method of the PO line, the No Charge check box appears. When this check box is selected, the Funding and Pricing sections are hidden.
COUNTER Release 5
As COUNTER Release 5 is a new functionality for both Alma as well as for multiple vendors which supports this and other which will support this in the future, there may be several issues which can raise during the initial adjustment period. Below you can find a few scenarios and their possible solution. At any case if you are unable to work as expected with a certain vendor it is recommended to approach the vendor as well as contact ExLibris support so that both parties can try and investigate.
Possible Issues/Solutions:
- Issue: I cannot harvest from a specific vendor.
Possible solution: Determine if the "test connection" functionality works as expected (at the level of the SUSHI account). If not, confirm that the following credentials are configured correctly:
- Vendor URL, it is recommended to use certified SUSHI vendors from the "quick pick" list, if one does not exists and you manage to configure a new vendor and harvest the data successfully, please help other members of the community by contributing this vendor as a certified SUSHI vendor.
- Customer ID
- Requester ID
- User name / Password
- API key (for vendors which support this type of connection)
Possible solution: If the Test Connection works as expected, manually harvest each report configured on the account (each report has a "harvest now" row action). Possible analysis to provide to ExLibris support or the vendor: use the URL below, substituting the vendor-supplied information to see if the report is presented. If the report cannot be retrieved, an error is displayed in the Exception section with details from the vendor (for example: Requestor is Not Authorized to Access Usage for Institution).
If the report is retrieved, save the downloaded report in JSON format and manually upload it to Alma. If the manual upload fails, this may be a phrasing issue either at Alma or the vendor. The URL format is: https://<Vendor_SUSHI_Harvest_URL>/reports/<report_type>?customer_id=XXXXX& api_key=XXXXX&begin_date=YYYY-MM-DD&end_date=YYYY-MM-DD. To form the URL, use the credentials supplied by the vendor, and omit redundant or superfluous parameters (for example, when API_key is not needed).
- Issue: Alma cannot "Save" newly created account.
Possible workaround: This issue may occur for vendors which use an API key as an identifier. This is caused by a wrong structure of the vendor's "Reports" API which Alma calls to check if the configured reports on the vendor accounts are supported by the vendor. To solve this, create an account and configure the reports, save it, edit it again and add the API key.
For any issue with COUNTER 5, please contact ExLibris support.
Phrase Search in the Simple Search Box

Alma now supports phrase search in the simple search box. All entities and index types that have the option to use phrase search in Alma's advanced search also have this capability with simple search when using double quotation marks to identify the phrase. See Performing a Simple Search for more information.
BIBFRAME Added to the Export Bibliographic Records Job
Alma now supports exporting bibliographic records in the BIBFRAME and RDA/RDF output formats. See Export Bibliographic Records for more information.
Community Zone Set Management
In addition to the Community Zone set management announcements made in the December release (see Community Zone Set Management), the January release adds the following Community Zone sets features:
- Cataloging an authority record set of Community Zone records
- Exporting a set of Community Zone records (with Export Authority Records or Export Bibliographic Records)
- Creating or updating a set of Community Zone records via API (see Rest APIs – Configuration and Administration in the Developer Network)
Alma-Based Authority Management
Alma now supports contribution of authorities that are managed in an Alma institution. For an institution that manages local authority records and publishes them to the Community Zone, there is now the option to have the Alma community contribute to these authority records (like the National Library of Israel (NLI) implementation). If you are an institution that 1) currently manages an authority file locally, 2) publishes it to the Community Zone, and 3) wants to have other authorized members of the Alma community contribute changes to this authority file, contact Ex Libris to analyze the feasibility of your request. If your authority requirements match the criteria for this functionality, Ex Libris will work with you to implement this capability. See Working with NLI Integrated Authority Records for an example of how this is feature is used, and see Alma-Based Authority Management for more information.
Download Original File in Universal Viewer
You can now download a file from the Universal Viewer in the original format in which it was uploaded to Alma. To download the original file, select the download icon.
Deposit Interface Customization

You can now customize the Deposit user interface. To support this feature, a new configuration page was created at Configuration > General > User Interface Settings > Alma Viewer and Deposit Customization:
- Upload a customization package created in Primo Studio
- Upload a logo image file
- Enter a URL that is opened when you select the logo
Network Zone Import with Local Extensions
For Network Zone member institutions, import can now be used for adding / managing local extensions in the Network Zone. See Adding Local Extensions Using Import for more information.
Fulfillment Network Pickup Locations
Leganto Configuration Menu
All Leganto configuration links that previously appeared in the Leganto sub-section of the Fulfillment tab in the Alma configuration menu are now moved to a single Leganto tab on the configuration menu (for those institutions that are configured for Leganto). The Settings mapping table now appears in each of the Legano tab's sub-sections. Only those customer parameters that are pertinent for that section are displayed in each link.
More Possibilities for the Alma Color Theme

Adding to the existing 11 color schemes on the Branding Management Page (Configuration Menu > General > User Interface Settings > Alma Logo and Color Scheme), you can now select from the following new colors: Denim Blue, Pine Green, Teal Green, Cerise, Violet, and Brown.

Cloud Passwords
In the next step of the move to Ex Libris Identity Service, which launched in January 2019, we are removing all passwords from the Alma database. See the Ex Libris Identity Service in the Developer Network.
- Add a "forgot password" link to Primo which will be useful also for users without password. See the Knowledge Article, How to add a 'Forgot My Password' link to the login page in the new UI when using Alma for authentication.
- Create a list of the relevant users using an Analytics report and send them an email using the Update/Notify Users job (with a link to page where they can create a new password). See Editing/Messaging Users in Bulk.
- Do nothing. The patrons who cannot login will approach a librarian who will set a new password for them.
Use Additional Page Range in the Book Extract Type
December 2020 Fulfillment - Course Reserves URM-134863
You can now add a second page range for citations of type Book Extract. When start_page2 and end_page2 are configured in the Citation Field Mapping table (Leganto > UI > Citation Field Mapping), they are automatically added to the add/edit item form. When enabled, the second page range fields appear automatically.

The start-end page will be in one line for all forms.
In the Citation full display, if a second page range exists, it is displayed as follows:
Additional support for the second page range is as follows:
- Leganto Primo Mapping table - You can add map from Primo to start_page2 and end_page2.
- Brief Citation Format - For new customers and those using the default configuration of the Brief Citation, the second page range is displayed by default, if it exists. You can also edit the format.
- Bibliographic Mapping Rules - Both page ranges are available in the rule.
- Drools - Currently, the drools checks for pages. It now checks for p.
- API - The second page range is under the first page range.
- Reading List Citation, Copyright Attributes tab - The second page range automatically populates in the second set of Required Pages fields.
Update a Set of Courses with the Course Bulk Update Job
December 2020 Fulfillment - Course Reserves URM-127780
This enhancement allows you to configure and run the new Course Bulk Update job (Admin > Manage Jobs and Sets > Run a Job > Courses > Courses Bulk Update). This job enables you to perform the following actions on a set of courses:
- Update course information (such as processing and academic department, instructors, start and end dates, and so forth).
- Delete all courses in the set.
- Disassociate all courses in the set from their reading lists.
For more details, see Course Bulk Update Job.
Before you configure and run the Course Bulk Update job, you must create a set of courses using the new Courses content type on the Set Details page (Admin > Manage Jobs and Sets > Manage Sets).
For more details, see Managing Search Queries and Sets.
Control the Locate Citation Process with New Configuration
You can now configure Leganto to locate citations based on any or all the fields indicated in the Locate Citations By Fields mapping table (Fulfillment Configuration > Courses > Locate Citation By Fields), using the new resource_locate_mode field in the Other Settings table (Fulfillment Configuration > General > Other Settings).
- If you set the value of the resource_locate_mode field to "OR", then Leganto will locate citations based on any of the fields in the Locate Citations By Fields mapping table.
- If you set the value of the resource_locate_mode field to "AND", then Leganto will locate citations based on all of the fields in the Locate Citations By Fields mapping table.

Create Reading Lists by Importing a CSV or XLS File

You can now create reading lists by importing a .txt or .csv file, using a new integration profile job called Reading List Loader. You can view a sample file here.
- Add a new integration profile by navigating to the Integration Profile List page (Configuration Menu > General > External Systems > Integration Profiles) and selecting Add Integration Profile).
- In the Integration Profile screen, select "Reading List Loader" from the Integration Type dropdown.
- In the S/FTP Connection Type dropdown, select a connection type.
- Fill in the remaining required fields and click Next.
- In the Reading List Import screen, enter the Input File Path. This is the path to the .csv or .xls input file on the ftp server.
- Select to run the job in Report Mode if you wish. If selected, the job will not create reading lists, but will rather simulate the creation and produce a job report as if reading lists were created.
Reading List Import - Select Input File Path
- If there are data files you wish to associate to the citations in the upload, you must put them into a folder named files, and put the folder into the same location as the input file.
files folder and input fileFor each citation in the .csv or .txt input file to which you wish to associate a data file from the files folder, the value of the file_name field in the .csv/.txt file must be identical to the name of the data file that you wish to associate to the citation.File_name fieldIf there is a problem reading/uploading a file, the upload process will continue and only that file will fail to attach.
- Click Save to save the integration profile.
- In the Integration Profile List screen, select the integration profile you have created and select the Actions tab. Click Run to run the job.
- Missing columns
- Rows with a corrupted row length (tab count is less than the required amount)
- Reading list code already exists
- The list is not in one block.
- The section is not in one block.
- Any of the following mandatory fields are missing for any rows:
- Reading list code
- Reading list name
- Section name
- Citation secondary type
- Citation status
- Citation title. If type is a book chapter, then the chapter title is mandatory.
- The same list code appears more than once in the file across random rows.
Empty lists are considered valid. Therefore if there are reading list names and codes but no section or citations, this is considered valid. In addition, if there are reading list names and codes and section names, with no citations, this is considered valid.
When the job runs, a reading list set (type-itemized) is created with all list IDs created during the job. The set will be visible (type "Public"). The set name will be ReadingListLoader_<JOB_ID>.
Once the job has run, you can view the results of the job by finding the integration profile in the Integration Profile List screen and selecting Job History from the ellipsis menu. The Job History screen appears for this job.
For each Job ID, you can select View from the ellipsis menu to view the results for each job.
In the example above, a total of four reading lists were creating without warnings, 11 reading lists were created with warnings/errors, and one file was not found. You can click on each category of event to view details on the events.
The following is an example of the events report for the lists created without warnings/errors.
The following is an example of the events report for the lists created with warnings.
For each warning/error that the job produces, there will be a reference to the list and row number in the input file.
Once the job has finished running, you can also perform updates on the created set, including deleting the set, using the Reading List Bulk Update job (see Reading List Bulk Update).
View Changes Made by Jobs

In the Recent Changes tab of the Edit Reading List page in Alma, you can now view the changes made by certain jobs to the reading list or to citations within the reading list. In the past, only manual changes appeared in this tab.

- Reading List Citation Update Task
- Reading List Bulk Update
- Roll Over
- Activate/Deactivate Courses
If notifications are enabled, the changes also appear in the notifications dialog in Leganto, for students and instructors.
If email notifications are configured, the student/instructor also receive notifications via email.
APIs for Course Enrollment
Three new APIs have been added. These enable viewing enrolled users in a course, enrolling users in a course, and un-enrolling users from a course.
Endpoint for "View Enrolled users in course" API:GET /almaws/v1/courses/{course_id}/usersThe response is a list of students enrolled in this course.
Endpoint for "Enroll users to course":POST /almaws/v1/courses/{course_id}?op=enroll_user&user_ids=id1, id2,…The parameters entered are:
op - the only supported value is enroll_user
user_ids: a list of 1 or more Alma user IDs separated by a comma
Endpoint for "Un-enroll users from course" API:DELETE /almaws/v1/courses/{course_id}/users/{user_id}
For more information on these APIs, see the Developers Network.
Search for Citations by Keyword
September 2020 Fulfillment Course Reserves NERS Enhancement (ID #6805) URM-130189
For simple Alma searches only, the Keyword option has been added to Citation searches to allow staff to search for specified keywords in citations' metadata (such as Author, MMS ID, Title, and so forth). When selecting the Citations type of search, Keyword is now the default selection. For more information, see Searching in Alma.
Citation searches by keyword do not support the use of Boolean operators (such as AND or OR), and if these operators are specified, they will be treated as keywords.
When special characters (such as hyphen, dash, slash, and so forth) are specified as search terms, the search will return results that both include and exclude the special characters.
Improved Search for Courses in Alma
September 2020 Fulfillment - Course Reserves NERS Enhancement (ID #6870) URM-125310
Previously, staff users could search for courses only from the Course's page (Fulfillment > Course Reserves > Courses). With this enhancement, staff users can now use Alma's simple and advanced searches to search for courses by selecting Courses and specifying All or any of the following supported search fields: Course Code, Course Code (Include Section), Course Name, Course Notes, Instructor Name, Searchable ID, Section, and Year. For more information, see Searching in Alma.
After searching for courses using Alma's Repository Search or the Courses page, staff can now filter course search results by selecting any of the following facets:
- Course Status
- Associated Lists:
- Exist (number of courses)
- None (number of courses)
- Processing Department
- Academic Department
- Campus
- Year
- Terms list
For more information, see Managing Courses.
New Task List Filters

Four new filters have been added to the Task List.
- Reading list - Unassigned - being prepared -- Selecting this filter will open the Reading List Task List on the Unassigned tab, with the reading lists filtered by publication status = Active and Status = Being Prepared.
- Reading list - Unassigned - being processed -- Selecting this filter will open the Reading List Task List on the Unassigned tab, with the reading lists filtered by publication status = Active and status = Being Processed.
Two new citations filters have been added:
- Citations - Being prepared -- Selecting this filter will open the Edit Citation screen, with the citations filtered by citation status = Being Prepared. These are citations that faculty have not yet sent for library review. This filter applies to historical citations as well as new ones.
- Citations - In process -- Selecting this filter will open the Edit Citation screen, with the citations filtered by citation status = In Process. These are citations that were sent to library review (and display the status "Sent" in Leganto).

Reusing Already Digitized Files Between Citations
Librarians can now search for and copy files between citations to avoid the need to digitize files that have already been digitized. Select Attach Existing File from a citation's actions list.

Instructor Personal Copy Management
May 2020 Fulfillment - Course Reserves
Alma now includes enhanced workflows to enable instructors to lend their personal copies of items to the library for circulation. This allows the library to catalog instructor-owned copies, track which instructor owns the item, and easily re-use previous items in subsequent terms.
When enabled, library staff can indicate that an item is a personal copy when creating a Brief Citation (Add Citation > Add Brief) and enter the instructor’s name. Alma will store information about all instructor-owned copies using dedicated personal copy locations. Locations in the library are automatically created when the instructors' copies are cataloged, with one location per instructor. All items deposited by the instructor will be created in that same location.
Personal copy locations indicate that the items are owned by the instructor, and also allow the library to track items that are not physically in the library at that time, but rather, in the instructor’s possession. All personal copy locations and the items in them will be suppressed. When the instructor lends the item to the library, the item can be moved to a temporary location representing a non-personal copy location in the library, where it will circulate according to standard fulfillment rules. For example, library staff may move the item to the temporary location of “Course Reserves” with a due back date of the end of the term. The item will temporarily circulate as part of the library collection, but with the instructor’s name stored as the permanent location, indicating the person to which the item should be returned at the end of the term.
When the item is moved back to its permanent location, which is the personal copy location, it will automatically be suppressed. The item can then be returned to the instructor, but the record does not need to be deleted and can be easily re-used in subsequent terms by following the workflow above.
To enable this feature, configure the following parameters:
Personal copy library: To enable the personal_copy_library flag (Fulfillment > General > Other Settings) you must enter a library code as the parameter value, such as MAIN. This code corresponds to the library where the personal copy locations will be created.
Personal copy fulfillment unit: To enable the personal_copy_fu flag, you must enter a fulfillment unit code as the parameter value. Fulfillment terms for items in the instructor-owned locations are determined by the rules set in this Fulfillment Unit. Keep in mind that the intended workflow is that items in an instructor location are not currently part of the library collection and are physically stored with the instructor.
For more information on adding citations to a reading list, see Contributing Instructor Resources to a Reading List.
Managing Purchase Requests Created From Citations
March 2020 Fulfillment - Course Reserves
The Course Information table has been added to the Purchase Request form, displaying basic information about the course.
The following facets have been added to the Manage Purchase Requests screen (Acquisitions > Manage Purchase Requests):
Processing department
Academic department
Course year
Course term
Citation tag
The following search criteria have been added:
Course Code
Course Instructor
For more information on managing purchase requests, see Managing Purchase Requests.
For more information on the Leganto purchasing and acquisition workflow, watch the Leganto Purchasing and Acquisition Workflow training video.
Automate Reading List Status While Course Active or Inactive
March 2020 Fulfillment - Course Reserves
From the Activate/Deactivate Courses section, staff can now automate the reading list status for a course while it is either Active or Inactive. For example, staff can set a reading list status to be Being Prepared while a course is active, and to change to Archived when a course has been deactivated (when it has ended) (Fulfillment > General > Fulfillment Jobs Configuration).
For more information on activating/deactivating schedule jobs, see Viewing Scheduled Jobs and navigate to Activate/Deactivate Courses in the Scheduled Jobs table.
Publisher Parameter Checks All Publishers When Submitting Copyrights
March 2020 Fulfillment - Course Reserves SF:
Leganto now allows you to set the parameter publisher to check against all publishers when you submit a copyright request (Fulfillment > Copyright Management > Digitization and Copyright Rules).
All publishers are stored in the Copyright Publishers table (Fulfillment > Copyright Management > Leganto Copyright Settings).
For more information about adding a digitization and copyright rule, see Configuring Leganto Copyright-Related Procedures.
For more information about adding all publishers at once, see Adding a Digitization and Copyright Rule and navigate to Publisher in the Digitization and Copyright Rule Clause Types table.
Rollover Newer List
January 2020 Fulfillment - Course Reserves SF: 00712048 00742202 00745287 00754472 URM-117274
You can now roll over a course with single list creation mode. Additionally, a new check box was added to course loader, On Rollover copy only newest list. This avoids duplicated lists during rollover if, for some reason, multiple lists are associated to your course.
Suppress eBooks in the CDI Tab
You now have the option to suppress/unsuppress collections in the CDI tab, even when they are not marked as In CDI: Yes. The CDI tab is now shown for all CDI users. When In CDI is not Yes, limited information will be displayed in the CDI tab. If there are portfolios, the Suppress option is available. Otherwise, a message is displayed to indicate that there is nothing to display. For multi-campus installations, the suppress option is displayed in the Group section (also with limited information).
Additional Enhancements
- December 2020 Analytics
New events are created for invoices and invoice lines. Upon Create, Edit, Save and Delete of invoice/invoice lines, an event is triggered. These events can be viewed in Alma Analytics in the Events subject area.
- December 2020 Fulfillment URM-XXXXX
When using the auto complete field in the Manage Patron Services (MPS) screen, only relevant users which actions can be performed on will be displayed. All non relevant users, i.e. of type "Contact" are disabled from appearing in the auto complete field of the MPS screen only. Other search fields in Alma pages will not be affected by this particular search configuration. - December 2020 Fulfillment SF: 00881069
Booking requests are now included in SIP2 Patron Information Response (64) holdItemsCount and holdItems. This enhancement will make it easier for libraries to manage seat reservations using self-check.
- December 2020 Resource Management URM-128337
The new CDI Collection ID filter (which has a single option of Equals) is now available for advanced searches in Alma. - December 2020 Resource Management URM-130708
To improve the response time of the "Manage Electronic Resource Activation" screen, the column "URL" was removed from the table which contains the resources which requires activation. To view the URL for a selected resource, users have the ability to click on the ellipsis (action) menu for the selected resource and choose "View URL". If the full list is exported to Excel, the URL information is included. - December 2020 Administration and Infrastructure URM-134925
Alma's patron-facing emails now generate HTML that complies with the WCAG 2.1 level A and level AA accessibility guidelines. - December 2020 Administration and Infrastructure URM-91527
Keyboard-only navigation is now possible within the Editing pane of the Metadata Editor and within the Navigation pane header. All content and functions can be accessed by keyboard only (no mouse). This is in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). - December 2020 Analytics
Idea Exchange URM-120435
The ISBN valid and ISSN valid fields were added to the shared "Bibliographic Details" folder.- For MARC 21, ISBN valid contains only 020 subfield a and ISSN valid contains only 022 subfield a.
- For UNIMARC, The ISBN valid contains only 010 subfield a and ISSN valid contains only 011 subfield a.
- December 2020 Analytics URM-135897
The Invoice-Creation From field was added to Funds Expenditure > Invoice Line. It contains the source from which the invoice was created. - December 2020 Analytics URM-113499
The Reclaim Interval (Days) field was added to the PO Line dimension in every subject area where it appears (Funds Expenditure, Physical Items, Purchase Requests, E-Inventory). It contains the interval number of days that Alma will send reclaim letters after the initial claim letter is sent. - December 2020 Analytics URM-36800
The PO Approval Date field was added to the PO Line dimension and the the PO Line Approver dimension was added in every subject area where the PO Line dimension appears (Funds Expenditure, Physical Items, Purchase Requests, E-Inventory). - December 2020 Analytics URM-105862
The following fields were added to Borrowing Requests > Borrowing Request Details:- Chapter Title
- Issue
- Pages
- Volume
- December 2020 Analytics URM-137923
The Rapido Indicator field was added to Borrowing Requests > Borrowing Request Details and Lending Requests > Lending Request Details. It indicates if the request originated from Rapido. - December 2020 Analytics URM-137369
The Valid ISBN and Valid ISSN fields were added to the Bibliographic Details folder in every subject area in which it appears. They display the contents of subfield a for MARC 21 bibliographic fields 020 and 022 respectively. Note that for existing records there will be no data in these fields unless the record is saved again or the database is reindexed. For newly cataloged records, there will immediately be data in analytics. - December 2020 Analytics URM-134475
The following fields were added to E-Inventory > Electronic Collections:- CDI Provider Coverage
- CDI Activation Required
- CDI Type
- December 2020 Analytics
Idea ExchangeURM-116127
The following fields were added to Funds Expenditure > PO License:- Licensor Name
- Licensing Agent Name
- November 2020 Digital Resource Management URM-135326
The delivery URL parameter mode=quickaccess is now available to allow libraries to embed the new Alma viewer in their own webpages or discovery interface. - November 2020 Analytics URM-132177
The following fields were added to E-Inventory > Portfolio:- CDI Available for Groups – The group codes available for the specific collection, service, or portfolio for CDI.
- CDI Available for Group Members – The members of the groups in the Available For Groups field for CDI.
- November 2020 Analytics URM-134443
The following fields were added to E-Inventory > Cost Usage > Portfolio and Collection Measures:- No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository + In CDI) – The number of collections in both the repository and CDI
- No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository + Not In CDI) – The number of collections in the repository, but not in CDI
- November 2020 Analytics URM-129194
The following fields were added to indicate the Rapid ILL Lending and Borrowing Institutions and Libraries:- In Borrowing Requests > Borrowing Request Details: Lending Institution and Lending Library
- In Lending Requests > Lending Request Details: Borrowing Institution and Borrowing Library
- November 2020 Analytics URM-133962
The PO Line Creation Date dimension was added to the following subject areas that have the PO Line dimension. It contains fields relating to the PO line creation date.- E-Inventory (Portfolio PO Line Creation Date, Electronic Collection PO Line Creation Date, and Cost Usage PO Line Creation Date)
- Funds Expenditure
- Physical Items
- Purchase Requests
- November 2020 Analytics URM-135946
In the Events subject area, the Event Date and Time field (added in August 2020) was moved from the Event Keys dimension to the Event Date dimension.Note that any report created with this field in the old location must be updated for the report to work.
- November 2020 Analytics URM-133976
The following fields were added to the E-Inventory subject area:- In the Portfolio URL Information dimension:
- Portfolio Dynamic URL (override)
- Portfolio Static URL (override)
- Portfolio URL Type (override)
- In the Service URL Information dimension:
- Service Dynamic URL (override)
- Service Is Free (override)
- Service Linking Level (override)
- In the Electronic Collection dimension:
- Electronic Collection Aggregator (override)
- Electronic Collection Interface Name (override)
- In the Portfolio URL Information dimension:
- November 2020 Analytics URM-138778
The following spelling changes were made to values and field names in Lending Requests > Physical Item Details and Requests > Physical Item Details:New Spelling Previous Spelling Process Type field, the value Hold Shelf: Hold Shelf HOLDSHELF Lifecycle field, the value Active: Active ACTIVE The following field names were changed: Base Status Base status Item Policy Item policy Material Type Material type Process Type Process type Provenance Code Provenance code - November 2020 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing URM-132479
Previously, when a borrower canceled a request, the information was submitted to Rapid, but Rapid did not feed the information back to Alma. This now functions as expected. - November 2020 APIs URM-96578
BARE Authority URI enrichment is now supported. - November 2020 Resource Management URM-132291
The Not Equals operator is no longer available for CDI electronic collection searches. - November 2020 Fulfillment URM-107051
The temporary customer parameter, temp_asrs_report_temporary_change, was removed. Previously, this parameter controlled whether Alma updated the ASRS about temporary location changes. Now, a temporary item removal from, or addition to, remote storage does not update the Dematic database. - November 2020 Fulfillment URM-118580
You can now allow other libraries to handle personal delivery for that library's items. This will take into account the scan-in library's ability to handle personal delivery (having a primary circulation desk that supports personal delivery). To enable this option, select the Allow other libraries to handle personal delivery check box on the library's Organization Unit Details page. See Editing a Library. - November 2020 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing URM-118669
Previously, when locate at lender side by metadata found more than one bibliographic record, it returned a failure without considering the Ignore Electronic option. So if there were two bibliographic records, one holds a physical resource and the other holds an electronic resource, the locate failed. This was fixed. When Ignore Electronic is set to true, Alma now searches only for records that have physical items and calculates the locate result accordingly. To enable this functionality, set the temp_rs_locate_use_ignore_on_bib_search parameter to true. - November 2020 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing URM-135044
The Send action on a resource sharing borrowing request is now hidden after the request is sent to the active partner, in order to prevent mistakes that might disconnect the current request or create a new one when sent to an integration system.
- September 2020 Fulfillment URM-122164
When a loan is not renewed because the patron is expiring, the reason is now reflected in the report as "Patron card will expire." - September 2020 Analytics URM-133555
The Only P and Only E tabs were added to the Title Overlap Analysis dashboard. These tabs display reports of records that have only one type of inventory and do not perform an overlap analysis. Additionally, the Overlap Any Inventory tab was added that displays reports of records that have any overlap between physical, digital, or electronic items. - September 2020 Analytics URM-123722
An out-of-the-box dashboard and reports are now available for the API Usage subject area. For more information, see Out-of-the-Box Reports. - September 2020 Analytics URM-126968
The following fields were added to the Portfolio and Electronic Collection dimensions of the E-Inventory subject area and to the Bibliographic Details folder for all subject areas in which it appears:- Managed by Provider – indicates if the electronic resource is managed by the provider
- Provider Name – the name of the provider
- September 2020 Analytics URM-130646
The following new options were added to the Find Overlap By drop-down list in the Title level overlap analysis dashboard by which you can determine the overlap:- ISBN single (normalized)
- ISSN single (normalized)
- OCLC Control Number single (035a)
- September 2020 APIs URM-128798
You can now get the list of users that were not successfully updated when the integration profile of type Users was run via the API. For more information, see the Developer Network. - September 2020 APIs URM-133328
All portfolios activated from the Community Zone through the PO line API are not available. - September 2020 APIs URM-130027
A new field, last_patron_activity_date, is now available in the GET User API.
- August 2020 Acquisitions SF: 00803718 URM-124693
When selecting an invoice from a location other than the Invoice Task List, the available action is now View rather than Edit. - August 2020 Fulfillment URM-131046
Editing a requested item will no longer trigger a printing of a new resource request slip.
Also, previously, if an active request was deactivated as a result of a requested item becoming unavailable, when the item became available again and was scanned in to be placed on the hold shelf a resource request slip was sometimes not printed. Now the slip will print correctly in this circumstance. - August 2020 Resource Management URM-131497
The following search indexes in the advanced search have been added or changed as follows:- CDI Suppress Full Text – was added to find suppressed collections
- In CDI - the operator has changed
- CDI activation required - the operator has changed
For all of these indexes, the operator is: "Equals" with two values: "Yes", "No". - August 2020 Resource Management URM-130797
The CDI facets were removed from the Community tab because Active for search regards the local level only. - August 2020 Digital Resource Management URM-122138
The MMS ID is now displayed for digital titles and files on several pages in Alma, such as for repository search results, the Digital Resource Editor, and the Collection Resource Editor:MMS ID in Repository Search ResultsMMS ID in Collection Resource Editor - August 2020 Digital Resource Management URM-132046
For new institutions that have not configured an institution name for the original Alma Viewer, the institution name will now be hidden in the New Alma Viewer and Deposit interface by default. To configure the institution name to appear, set the value of the repDeliveryViewer.Alma parameter (Configuration > Fulfillment > Digital Fulfillment > Alma Viewer Labels) to the institution name. - August 2020 Analytics
Idea Exchange URM-100794
The following fields were added to Holding Details > Physical Items and the Bibliographic Details dimension:- Holding Details:
- HOL 008 MARC – the contents of the 008 field of the MARC holdings record
- HOL LDR MARC – the contents of the LDR field of the MARC holdings record
- Bibliographic Details:
- BIB 008 MARC – the contents of the 008 field of the MARC bibliographic record
- BIB LDR MARC – the contents of the LDR field of the MARC bibliographic record
- Government Publication – the government publication type (for MARC 21 this is based on MARC 008 pos. 28)
- Form of Item – the form of the item (for MARC 21 this is based on MARC 008 pos. 23)
In August, the above fields appear in the "Bibliographic Details" and "Holding Details" folder and the data will be populated for new records. In September, the data will be populated in these fields for new and updated records. During November and December, the historical data will gradually be populated and will be completed in January. - Holding Details:
- August 2020 Analytics URM-128555
The Event Date and Time field was added to Events > Event Keys. It contains the event date with the time stamp.This Event Date and Time field will have data for events that occur from this release and later. - August 2020 Analytics URM-123269
The Bibliographic IDs dimension was added to the Titles subject area. It contains the following fields that display one number per row for each MMS ID:- ISBN single (Normalized)
- ISSN single (Normalized)
- OCLC Control Number single (035a)
- August 2020 APIs URM-127019
All existing electronic APIs now support the additional override fields that were added to the various electronic resources (collection, service, portfolio). - August 2020 APIs URM-127018
The GET Items API now has an option to filter by receive-date and expected-receive-date. - August 2020 APIs URM-81887
When querying an import profile via API, the job ID of the scheduled job related to this profile is now included in the response.
- July 2020 Acquisitions SF: 00564392 00636479 URM-1073543
A new filter, Equals, is available for the PO line pickup form. This means that the vendor code/name must be a 100% match for the name in the search box, including case sensitivity. - July 2020 Acquisitions URM-124875
A new field, redistribute_funds, was added to the Update PO Line API. When the field is true, Alma now splits the new price per fund according to its percentage in the order (similar to the redistribute lines in the PO Line details). When the field is false, which is the default, the previous functionality is maintained. The field is sent as a parameter on the URL (redistribute_funds=true) and relevant only for Update PO Line (PUT). - July 2020 Acquisitions URM-107815
Performance has been improved for the Received Items List. As a result, the PO line list on the page is now sorted by creation date, from newest to oldest. - July 2020 Acquisitions SF: 00532439 URM-93421
You can now define the address From value for conversation emails as either the current user's email or the library's email. Set the conversation_send_from_logged_in_user_address parameter to true to use the current user's email, or false for the library's email. - July 2020 Administration and Infrastructure
The footer bearing the Ex Libris logo was introduced on Alma pages. - July 2020 Fulfillment SF: 00818602 URM-127879
Users with the Circulation Desk Operator role can now access the Advanced Tools section of the main Fulfillment menu. See User Roles - Descriptions and Accessible Components. - July 2020 Fulfillment SF: 00811064 00833669 00835370 00840241 URM-128191
The Requests - Recalculate After Inventory Update job now processes inventory changes only for the last seven days. See Viewing Scheduled Jobs. - July 2020 Fulfillment URM-130244
You can now add the External ID of the resource sharing request to the fulfillment request slip. - July 2020 Fulfillment SF: 00643324 00646605 URM-110856
Previously, for resource sharing borrowing requests, locating a resource at partner configured with Locate Profile of type ‘Z39.50’ failed if the title or author of the borrowing request contained the '&' sign. Now, the '&' sign can be removed before the locate process is executed. The rs_z39_locate_replace_amp parameter defines what will be substituted in place of the '&' sign. When set to NONE, which is the default, the '&' sign remains in place and is not removed. When set to AND, it is replaced with " AND ". When set to BLANK, it is replaced with a space. See Configuring Other Settings (Fulfillment). - July 2020 Fulfillment SF: 00638391 00640030 00790183 00795599 URM-105798
In resource sharing requests, Resource sharing physical shipment and Resource sharing digital shipment are now available in the configurable request statuses on the Request Pickup Configuration page. - July 2020 Fulfillment SF: 00797108 URM-127819
Previously, on the Courtesy Letter, the renew status appeared on the notification to the patron with the default text instead of a customized description. This was fixed. - July 2020 Analytics URM-126083
The Monthly Usage Data out-of-the-box report was added to the Usage Via COUNTER Reports - Release 5 folder. It is based on the information displayed in the Monthly Usage Data tab of Alma (Acquisitions > Import > Load Usage Data) and displays for each platform what data was and was not loaded for each month. - July 2020 Analytics URM-123854
The following fields for linked records were added to the Bibliographic Details dimension in every subject area in which it appears:- Link ID – the link ID
- Linked to CZ – indicates if the record is linked to the Community Zone
- Linked to NZ – indicates if the record is linked to the Network Zone
- July 2020 Analytics URM-123102
The Chinese Classifications (Taiwan) folder was added under the Other Classifications folder in the subject areas in which it appears. You can use the fields of this folder to create reports relating to the classification system used for Chinese in Taiwan. - July 2020 Analytics URM-113534
The following fields were added to the Fulfillment subject area regarding requests:- Loan Details > Is Hold Request Loan – indicates if the loan was initiated by a hold request
- Loans > Loans (Not In House) from Hold Request – the number of not in house loans that came from a hold request
- Loans > Loans (Not In House) from Booking Request – the number of not in house loans that came from a booking request
- July 2020 Analytics SF: 00816223 URM-128988
The Creation Date and Time and the Modification Date and Time fields were added to Purchase Requests > Purchase Request Details. These fields expand on the existing Creation Date and Modification Date fields by displaying the time together with the date. - July 2020 Analytics URM-127735
The Portfolio Details for Consortia dimension in the E-Inventory subject area was renamed to Portfolio Details for Consortia Members to clarify that it is to be used by the network members. - July 2020 Analytics SF: 00824333 00824805 00833645 URM-125121 URM-128695
The following fields were added to E-Inventory > Electronic Collections to support the new Central Discovery Index (CDI):- No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository + In CDI)
- No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository + Not In CDI)
- In CDI
- Active for Fulltext In CDI
- Active for Search In CDI
- CDI Full Text Linking
- CDI Full Text Rights
- CDI Newspapers
- CDI Number of Records
- CDI Resource Types
- CDI Search Rights
- CDI Update Frequency
- CDI Provider Package Code
- CDI - Subscribe to only some titles in this collection
- CDI - Do not show as full text available even if active in Alma
- CDI Local Note
- July 2020 Analytics SF: 00626259 00686799 00708175 URM-122878
Idea Exchange Database usage is now included in usage statistics in the E-Inventory subject area.
- July 2020 Analytics URM-125527
For UNIMARC records, Bibliographic Details > Publication Date is now taken as follows:- the bibliographic details publication date comes from 210 subfield d (no change from current behavior)
- If there is no 210 subfield d, the publication date comes from field 214 subfield d.
- if both fields do not exist, the publication date comes from field 100 subfield a pos. 9-12
This feature will be available in August after the re-indexing job runs. - July 2020 APIs URM-128239
When creating a patron digitization request using API, it is now possible to define also the following fields (relevant for partial digitization request): Volume, Issue, Part, Publication Date. See - July 2020 APIs URM-127091
The Update user API now supports the option to recalculated user roles based on role assignment rules. - July 2020 APIs URM-123124
The create purchase request API now supports defining of the requested material type. When purchase request is approved (in UI or using the API), the corresponding PO line will be created accordingly. - July 2020 APIs URM-128502
The User Request API now includes managed by code and description. - July 2020 APIs URM-128152
The Invoice export XML now includes the number of attachments.
- June 2020 Acquisitions SF: 00693223 URM-116258 URM-128045
The Vendor field in Import profile of type Update Inventory is now mandatory. - June 2020 Acquisitions SF: 00792980 URM-124863
Users with the PHYSICAL_INVENTORY_MANAGE privilege can now edit the holdings record from the Receive New Material page. - June 2020 Acquisitions URM-121177
The COUNTER 5 report types were added to the existing report type filter on the SUSHI Account list. Additionally, a new filter was added for the COUNTER release. - June 2020 Acquisitions SF: 00684631 00722807 00798105 00799762 00802108 00808311 00810525 00817615 00817616 URM-112449
The new barcode field on the Scan-In Change Item Information page is now cleared between one scan-in operation and another. - June 2020 Resource Management URM-128585
Based on customer feedback, the following changes were made to clarify search activation:- Previously, a number of collections had the In CDI flag set to No. This indicates that the collection cannot be activated for search separately from the search activations. However the collections could still be indexed in CDI. Now, the In CDI = No flag will not be displayed. The In CDI = Yes stays as it was to indicate collections that can be activated for search separately from the full text activation.
- The In CDI = Yes flag now includes a tool-tip on mouse-over to provide more information about that status.
- June 2020 Resource Management URM-119751
Support for SFX shared holdings is now available with CDI. - June 2020 Resource Management URM-119751
The CDI activation required indicator is now available for customers that are using the EasyActive setting to databases that are not activated by default because they require a subscription. This applies for cases such as Scopus and Web of Science. The indicator appears for collections that are marked as in CDI: Yes and that are not free for search. The indicator appears in two places:- The CDI tab of the electronic collection editor
- The results list of an electronic collection search
A new filter is now available on the advanced search. CDI activation required has options for Equal or Not Equals Yes.
- June 2020 Fulfillment URM-125115
In the Scan In Items page, every scan operation now adds a new row to the scanned items list. - June 2020 Fulfillment SF: 00582843 00595624 00744976 00745688 00752320 00752428 00146355 447078 URM-46346
The Fine fee payment receipt letter now uses the value of payment method from the Payment Method configuration page. - June 2020 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00747822 URM-120755
When receiving an item to fulfill a borrowing resource-sharing request, if the borrowing request has no external identifier yet (e.g. for a BLDSS partner) and the generate_resource_sharing_temp_barcode parameter is set to true, the temporary barcode is now taken from the stub item's barcode. - June 2020 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00729018 URM-118754
Suppressed holdings are ignored now for the purpose of considering self ownership in Logic Rules. For example, if a customer sets a logic rule to hide the resource sharing request link when Ownership=true, and a record has only suppressed holding records with items, the link is still displayed. The self ownership condition was not actually taking into account the suppressed location, but now also the availability check may be affected. - June 2020 Analytics URM-100653
The Modified By and Creator fields were added to Funds Expenditure > Vendor. - June 2020 Analytics URM-106974
The Num of Research Assets (Active) and Num of Research Asset Files fields were added to Titles > Title Measures. - June 2020 APIs URM-122178
A new API allows retrieving the attachments under a specific invoice, GET /acq/invoices/{invoice_id}/attachments/{attachment id}. For more information, see the Developer Network. - June 2020 APIs URM-120626
You can now create a request using API for pickup in a different institution. This is relevant for fulfillment networks. Additionally, managed by information is now available in the user request API. - June 2020 DARA URM-119920
DARA now supports R5 COUNTER Reports for SUSHI Vendors for the Automate Usage Data and Load Usage Data recommendation types. For more information, see DARA – Data Analysis Recommendation Assistant.
- May 2020 Resource Management URM-123783
The controlled vocabulary of subfield 4 for the following fields in the GND Authority metadata configuration was updated: 500, 510, 511, 550, and 551. - May 2020 Resource Management URM-123941
The Bibliographic Alignment Configuration and the Authority Alignment Configuration section in the SBN integration configuration profile is no longer under construction. In addition, the job reports are now ready for bibliographic and authority alignment (see SBN Job Report for Bibliographic and Authority Alignment). - May 2020 Resource Management URM-118204
The Alma import profile crosswalk conversion for DANMARC to MARC 21 was enhanced. See Source format for more information. - May 2020 Fulfillment SF: 00477529 00514344 00524344 00554469 00597712 00614459 00705363 00721465 00754884 00811039 00435898 URM-76929
On the In Process Items page, the order of the filters has changed for acquisition departments. - May 2020 Fulfillment URM-123499
On the request form in Get It, once a patron clicks on the Submit button, the button is disabled so that it cannot be clicked twice. - May 2020 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing URM-110927
When creating a digitization request because of an AFN request for a digital copy, the following fields should be added in the note:- Article\Chapter Title
- Volume
- Issue
- Chapter
- Pages
- Year
Note: If any of these values exist, the digitization request is created as a general digitization request with the Partial Digitization attribute enabled.
- May 2020 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing URM-118863
A new field is now available on the PUSH API transaction for ILLiad, The CitedIn field differentiates between a request imported from Alma and a request submitted directly to ILLiad. When coming from Alma, the CitedIn field contains Sent from Alma. - May 2020 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing URM-96121
For the resource sharing real time item level requesting process, the barcode is now populated in the lending request regardless of the request format and whether the lender has activated the Locate By Barcode option. - May 2020 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing / Collaborative Networks SF: 00694833 URM-115937
The user's selection for Activity Status on the Resource Sharing task lists is now always retained for the user. Previously, the value was only retained during a given session. Additionally, when attempting to show all completed tasks in the task lists, an error message now displays to indicate that you must enter a search term when selecting an activity status other than Active. - May 2020 Analytics URM-101763
The No. of Available Portfolios and No. of Unavailable Portfolios fields were added to E-Inventory > Portfolio. - May 2020 Analytics SF: 00626259 00686799 00708175 URM-120737
You can now create reports for electronic collections without portfolios from the E-Inventory subject area in Alma Analytics. To support this enhancement the No. of Electronic Collections Without Portfolios (In Repository) field was added to E-Inventory > Electronic Collection. - May 2020 Analytics URM-123493
The following new out-of-the-box reports were added to shared/Alma/Titles/Reports:- Titles with physical inventory received in the last month
- Titles with electronic inventory activated in the last month
- May 2020 Analytics URM-122020
The following fields relating to place of publication were added to the Bibliographic details shared dimension for every subject area in which it appears.- Place of Publication - Country
- Place of Publication - State
- Place of Publication - City
- May 2020 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00754378 00756448 00793632 00824171 URM-120430
The following letters are now listed in the letter list. The first four can only be activated or deactivated:- AssignToLetter
- UserRegistrationLetter
- ProcessCreationLetter
- InvoicePaymentLetter
- ExportUserLetter - this letter will not have an option to generate a preview.
- May 2020 Administration and Infrastructure
Idea Exchange URM-106010
The City and Postal Code from a user's physical address are now visible in the Contact Information page. - May 2020 APIs SF: 00178286 URM-51134
The GET ITEMS API (GET /almaws/v1/bibs/{mms_id}/holdings/{holding_id}/items) has the following new options.New query parameters. Dates have the format YYYY-MM-DD.- create_date_from, create_date_to - filter based on item creation date
- modify_date_from, modify_date_to - filter based on item modification date
- view - the currently supported value: label. When this parameter is retrieved, label information for each item will be returned - in the same way view=label works for a single item.
- May 2020 APIs URM-111752
You can now download log files in the Developer Network, with one line per API request, including date/time, IP address, the API called, the request method and response code. To enable the log file, in the Developer Network, go to Build my APIs > Reports > History, enter the configuration for a specific API-key, and select Save detailed log files. - May 2020 APIs SF: 00745740 URM-121943
The GET Fees API now includes external_transaction_id. - May 2020 APIs URM-122111
The Get-Printouts API now supports filtering by specific printer IDs. For more information, see the Developer Network.
- March 2020 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing / Collaborative Networks SF: 00694833 URM-115937
The user's selection for Activity Status on the Resource Sharing task lists is now always retained for the user. Previously, the value was only retained during a given session. Additionally, when attempting to show all completed tasks in the task lists, an error message now displays to indicate that you must enter a search term when selecting an activity status other than Active.
Due to technical issues, this feature was not released in the March release. It will be deployed in an upcoming release. - March 2020 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing / Collaborative Networks URM-117678
You can no longer create broker partners in a Network Zone institution. NCIP, BLDSS, RapidILL, and INNReachAPI must be created only in a member institution. - March 2020 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing URM-121879
You can now configure whether the Distribute Central Resource Sharing Configuration job will distribute the value in the Shared Barcodes field on the Resource Sharing Partner page. To maintain the value locally, which is the existing behavior, set the customer parameter, rs_override_local_partner_shared_barcodes, to false. This is the default. When the parameter is set to true, the Shared Barcodes field is disabled at the local institution level and can only be updated by the network. - March 2020 Analytics
NERS Enhancement (ID #5631) URM-120275
The Last Activity Date field was added to every place that user details appear. It indicates the last date that a patron was active (for example, made a request or borrowed, renewed, or returned an item). - March 2020 Analytics SF: 00632314 00661797 URM-118502
The following fields were added to the Fulfillment subject area. They provide information concerning the institution at which an item was loaned when it is not the institution that owns the item:- Loan Details > Loaned at Another Institution
- Loan Details > Loaned at Institution Name
- Loan Circulation Desk > Loaned at Institution Circulation Desk
- March 2020 Analytics URM-100390
The following fields were added to the Physical Items subject area under Physical Item Details and Fund Information > Fund Measures. They allow you to create reports according to the type of request.- Num of Requests (Booking)
- Num of Requests (Digitization)
- Num of Requests (General Hold)
- Num of Requests (Physical Item)
- Num of Requests (Total)
- March 2020 Analytics URM-89274
The Shipping Date and Shipping Date (Calendar) fields were added to Borrowing Requests > Borrowing Request Details. They indicate the date the lender shipped the item to the borrower. - March 2020 Administration and Infrastructure URM-121580
A new Alma extension is available that helps you automatically print letters and slips from the Alma print queues. With this new print deamon extension, there is no need to use email based printing. It also automatically updates itself when new versions are available for easy management and upkeep. The application can be found at and in the Ex Libris Developer Network App Center. - March 2020 APIs URM-113760
Additional fields have been added to the Create and Update Vendor and Create PO Lines APIs. For more information, see Rest PO Line and Rest Vendor in the Developer Network
- February 2020 Resource Management URM-120792
The controlled vocabulary for 043 $c and 075 $b were updated in the GND Authority metadata configuration. The 043 $c was updated to address a new country code and 075 $b was updated to correct a typo. - February 2020 Digital Resource Management URM-105562
The Originating System ID field for remote digital repositories was renamed to Originating Record ID when adding digital representations. This field is already indexed and searchable.Originating Record ID - February 2020 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00708054 URM-118587
You can now reactivate a borrowing request for all partner types. In order to reactivate the request, the following conditions must be met:- The user must have the Reactivate privilege.
- The request is in a final status (for the complete list of final statuses, see Workflow Actions).
- The requester is an active user.
- If an active partner exists, the workflow profile for the partner must include Reactivated.
- February 2020 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00624287 00630819 URM-111738
On the Receive Items page, the Location field no longer changes when a new due date is entered. The field now changes only when the item creation rule is triggered. - February 2020 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00524851 URM-118564
You can now control the behavior of resource sharing requests that fail to send a message to the partner. To eliminate the need to manually dismiss the notes, set the rs_failure_note_need_dismiss to false. When the parameter is set to true, which is the default, the existing behavior (notes requiring manual dismissal) is retained. See Configuring Other Settings (Fulfillment). - February 2020 APIs URM-120274
The GET-Representations API now includes a new parameter, originating_record_id, which enables filtering remote representations by the unique ID of the object in the remote repository. - February 2020 APIs
NERS Enhancement (ID #6430) URM-111751
In order to better view the details of a low traffic API, the Traffic History report on the Developer Network API dashboard now includes options to select a date range and select a specific API key when API key is selected in the Group By drop-down list. See the Developer Network. - February 2020 APIs URM-119485
Two new Printouts APIs allow you to communicate with the Online Print Queue. You can check for new printouts using the GET API. The POST API marks the files printed. For more information, see the Developer Network. - February 2020 APIs URM-1225
You can now manage purchase order requests via APIs. This includes options to get, update, approve or reject purchase requests, or fetch a purchase request list. For more information, see the Developer Network. - February 2020 Analytics URM-119228
The new Funds Overview for Fiscal Period report was added to the Acquisitions folder and dashboard. It includes the new Fund Transaction fields that were added for the January release. - February 2020 Analytics URM-118444
The following fields were added to Titles > Title Measures:- Number of Titles with Physical Items (Active)
- Number of Titles with Physical Items or Holdings Records (Active)
- Number of Titles with Holdings Records and No Items (Active)
- Number of Titles with Electronic Portfolios (Active)
- Number of Titles with Electronic Collections (Active)
- Number of Titles with Digital Representations (Active)
- February 2020 Analytics
Idea Exchange URM-117084
The Electronic Resource Collection Overlap folder under Shared/Alma was removed, because the information in this folder is now available in the Titles with Multiple Portfolios report located under /shared/Alma/Cost per use via COUNTER reports e-inventory and acquisitions data/Reports. - February 2020 Analytics URM-114165
The Return After Lost field was added to to Fulfillment > Loan. It indicates the number of items returned with the Lost process status. - February 2020 Analytics URM-100652
The new Fund Rules dimension was added to the Fund Expenditure subject area. It includes the following fields:- Expenditures prior to fiscal period (days)
- Fiscal period end encumbrance grace period (days)
- Encumbrances prior to fiscal period (days)
- Fiscal period end expenditure grace period (days)
- Overencumbrance allowed
- Overencumbrance limit percent
- Overencumbrance warning percent
- Overexpenditure allowed
- Overexpenditure limit sum
- Overexpenditure warning sum
- Override Rules Information (Yes/No)
- Transfers prior to fiscal period (days)
- January 2020 Acquisitions SF: 00730306 URM-118240
You can now update a vendor with the PUT API with an existing EDI code. - January 2020 Digital Resource Management URM-73558
Alma now supports the auto-generation of thumbnail files for the jpeg2000 format. - January 2020 Fulfillment SF: 00753133 00449565 00724914 00380383 00595649 00696222 00718324 00364224 00722572 00714969 00740348 00756284 00363006 00733243 00547021 URM-67685
The performance of the Send Courtesy Notices and Handle Loan Renewals job is improved. Additionally, loans for a single user are now aggregated into one letter. If there are more than 100 loans, they will be split into an additional letter. - January 2020 Fulfillment SF: 00710105 00732714 URM-114505
Merge users now includes options to migrate purchase requests, and data from Primo VE and Leganto from the source to the target user. - January 2020 Fulfillment SF: 00506433 00508143 URM-85957
The Export Users job now allows you to rerun failed jobs. Jobs that failed due to a server restart will rerun automatically. All other failed jobs can be rerun from the Jobs History list. - January 2020 Fulfillment / Collaborative NetworksURM-109947
The Pick From Shelf Task List and the Request Monitor now include the Fulfillment Network Institution Code and the Fulfillment Network Borrowing ID in order to facilitate troubleshooting between network fulfillment institutions. These fields can also now be searched using persistent search bar. - January 2020 Fulfillment Resource Sharing SF: 00685289 00753932 URM-110728
The Distribute Central Resource Sharing Configuration job now correctly updates rota template members. Additionally, partners with inactive status will also be added to the rota template. Known issue: Inactive partners appear as active in the Rota Template, but will not be considered when running the Sending Rules. - January 2020 Administration and Infrastructure URM-106693
For customers who do not have an Alma premium sandbox, the Standard Sandbox link has been added to the Help Menu to allow them to access their sandboxes from Alma.Standard Sandbox Link on Help MenuIf your sandbox cannot be located after selecting the link, please open a Support case and provide the URL for your sandbox.
- January 2020 Administration and Infrastructure URM-110134
Previously, the DARA icon, which provides a shortcut to the Manage Recommendations page (Admin > Recommendations > Manage Recommendations), displayed when any recommendations were available. With this enhancement, the icon will also display the number of recommendations that are available.DARA Icon with Count Indicator - January 2020 Administration and Infrastructure URM-47080
The list of preferred languages in the user record are now sorted by the language the user is in and not by the English text or English code. See an example of this change below.Language Sort - January 2020 Analytics URM-116987
The following shared reports were added:- Acquisitions:
- POLs which have a renewal date in the next three months (next quarter) with bibliographic and POL information
- Expenditure trends for physical and electronic resources for last 8 full quarters
- Serial Issues Claims Report (Items with material type issue and expected receiving date greater than seven days that have not been received)
- Non-Serial Issues Claims Report (Items without material type issue and expected receiving date greater than seven days that have not been received)
- Usage via Alma Link Resolver:
- Alma Link Resolver Usage Requests for the last complete 24 months
- Alma Link Resolver Usage Requests from Primo and not Primo for the last complete 24 months
- Usage via COUNTER reports:
- COUNTER report loading analysis for the last complete 24 months
- Titles:
- Deleted Records Report
- Events:
- Events of type Physical Item went into transit and transited in less than 24 hours for the last year
- E-Inventory:
- Portfolios with portfolio library unit different than electronic collection library unit
- Acquisitions:
- January 2020 Analytics URM-115090
In the Usage by title report (shared/Alma/Usage/Reports) the month labels at the bottom of the graph were moved to be vertical instead of horizontal to be more readable. - January 2020 Analytics URM-114282
The name of the Library Name field in reports and prompts located under shared/Alma/Inventory/Reports was changed to Library (Active). - January 2020 Analytics URM-111515
The Cost Usage subject area and its related features are deprecated. This includes:- The fields of the Cost Usage subject area that are available when selecting New > Analysis > Cost Usage
- The out-of-the-box reports and dashboards for Cost Usage under /shared/Alma/Cost per Use/Reports and under /shared/Alma/Cost per use via COUNTER reports and acquisitions data
- The folder Cost per use via COUNTER reports and acquisitions data
All reports that use this subject area no longer work.Institutions that use reports from the Cost Usage subject area can do the following:- Take advantage of the over 30 new out-of-the-box reports in the /shared/Alma/Cost per use via COUNTER reports e-inventory and acquisitions data/Reports folder. These reports use the new Cost Usage of the E-Inventory subject area.
- Use the out-of-the-box Electronic Cost Usage Dashboard (which uses the above reports) located in the /shared/Alma/Cost per use via COUNTER reports e-inventory and acquisitions data/Dashboards folder.
- Make their own customized reports using the Cost Usage dimension of the E-Inventory subject area.
- January 2020 Analytics URM-112031
The Week Number and Start of Week fields were added to all Date dimensions in Alma Analytics. In addition, all Date dimensions were aligned to include the same fields. - January 2020 Analytics SF: 00689762 00714049 URM-110362
The Author (Contributor) field was added to the Bibliographic Details folder for all subject areas in which it appears. For MARC21 the data for this field comes from MARC fields 700, 710, and 711, and for CNMARC it comes from the 702, 711, and 712 fields. - January 2020 Analytics URM-89956
The Uniform Resource Identifier field was added to the Bibliographic Details folder for all subject areas in which it appears. The data for this field comes from MARC field 856, subfield u. - January 2020 Analytics
Idea Exchange
NERS Enhancement (ID #5619) URM-100251
The following fields containing the OCLC control number were added to the Bibliographic Details folder for all subject areas in which it appears. The data for these fields comes from MARC fields 019 and 035.- OCLC Control Number (019)
- OCLC Control Number (035a)
- OCLC Control Number (035a+z)
- OCLC Control Number (035z)
- January 2020 Analytics URM-108703
The following fields were added to Fund Expenditure > Fund Transaction:- Transaction Cash Balance: Allocated Balance – Expenditure Balance
- Transaction Available Balance: Allocated Balance – Expenditure Balance - Encumbered Balance
- % remaining (Considering expended and encumbered): (Available Balance / Allocated Balance) * 100
- % remaining (Considering only expended): (Cash Balance / Allocated Balance) * 100
- January 2020 Analytics SF: 00524082 URM-97665
The user detail fields in the Requester subject area are now anonymized. For more information about the anonymization of Analytics reports, see Anonymizing Analytics Report Details. - January 2020 Analytics URM-109751
The Call Number Prefix field was added to Physical Items > Holding Details. The data for this fields comes from MARC field 852, subfield k. - January 2020 Analytics URM-117087
The shared Electronic Resource Collection Overlap folder under Shared/Alma will be deleted for the February release. The information in this folder is included in the Titles with multiple portfolios report located under /shared/Alma/Cost per use via COUNTER reports e-inventory and acquisitions data/Reports.
- December 2020 Fulfillment - Course Reserves URM-139307
The DCS API now treats the Book Extract material type as a book instead of a journal. - December 2020 Leganto URM-129256
You can now display an item's chapter number in the brief display on the Edit Reading List page in Alma (Fulfillment > Course Reserves > Reading Lists). By default, the Chapter Number field is not displayed. For more information, see Configure Record List Appearance.Edit Reading List Page in Alma - December 2020 Fulfillment - Course Reserves / Analytics URM-136368
The names of the following fields were changed:- In Course Reserves:
- Leganto Num of Read It was changed to Leganto Num of Marked as Done
- Leganto Student Usage/Student Usage folder:
- Number of Read it was changed to Number of Marked as Done
- Students that Read It was changed to Students that Marked as Done
- In Course Reserves:
- December 2020 Fulfillment - Course Reserves / Analytics URM-135299
Previously, Leganto Analytics could not display information about courses without reading lists. Now information about courses without reading lists can be displayed. To support this the Associated with Reading List field was added to Course Reserves > Courses that indicates if the course is associated with a reading list. -
November 2020 Fulfillment Course Reserves
When performing a simple search for courses in Alma, you can now search by the Course ID. For more information, see Course Search Fields.Search by Course ID -
November 2020 Fulfillment Course Reserves
In the Course Terms code table (Fulfillment Configuration > Courses > Course Terms), a new FALL course term code has been added.Fall course term code -
November 2020 Fulfillment Course Reserves
When you duplicate a list that is associated with a course in Leganto (via the Reading List menu) or in Alma (via the Reading List Task List), the new (duplicated) list will not be associated with that course. However, when duplicating a list via the Courses page in Alma, or via the API, the associated course will be duplicated as well. -
November 2020 Fulfillment - Course Reserves / Analytics URM-125937
The Section Locked field was added to the Reading List Section dimension in the Course Reserves, Leganto Student Usage, and Leganto Instructor Usage Events subject areas. -
November 2020 Fulfillment - Course Reserves / Analytics URM-136357
The Course ID field was added to Course Reserves > Course. -
November 2020 Fulfillment - Course Reserves / Analytics URM-134522
The Citation File Size (KB) and Citation Thumbnail File Size (KB) fields were added to Course Reserves > Reading List Citation and Leganto Student Usage > Citations.In addition, the Total File Size Used out-of-the-box report is now available to display the total file size used, which includes the citation file and citation thumbnail file sizes.
September 2020 Fulfillment Course ReservesURM-133961
A flag has been added to control whether the requester note in the purchase request form is auto-generated from the course information. This flag resides in the Other Settings table, found in Fulfillment Configuration > General > Other Settings. The requester note contains information about the course, instructor, number of copies, and number of participants and is pulled to PO lines and orders. For more information, see Purchase Requests.This flag is set to "false" by default. To enable the auto-generation of the requester note, you must set the flag to "true".
September 2020 Fulfillment Course Reserves URM-132220
When an instructor makes a digitization copyright request in Leganto, their name now appears in the Requester column of the In Process Items table in Alma.Requester for digitization copyright request -
September 2020 Fulfillment Course Reserves URM-132124
In the Reading List Citation Update job, you can now select to embed or unembed the PDF files attached to the citations. You can also select to embed the PDF files in read-only mode, such that they cannot be downloaded. For more information on running manual jobs, see Running Manual Jobs on Defined Sets.Embedding options in Reading List Citation Update job -
September 2020 Fulfillment Course Reserves
Now, when editing the Copyright Attributes of a citation, if you enter a page range in the Required Pages fields and the Resource Total Pages field has no value, then you must enter a value in the Resource Total Pages field. If you do not enter a page range in the Required Pages fields, the Resource Total Pages field can remain empty.Resource Total Pages field mandatory -
September 2020 Fulfillment Course Reserves URM-134090
To support cases when multiple courses use the same reading list, the Activate/Deactivate Courses job (Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > Fulfillment Jobs Configuration) is performed on the reading list as follows:- On activation – The specified action is performed only when the first course becomes active.
- On deactivation – The specified action is performed only when the last course becomes inactive.
Activate/Deactivate Courses Job in FulfillmentFor more information, see Configuring Fulfillment Jobs.
- September 2020 Fulfillment - Course Reserves / Analytics URM-130007
Reading Lists without citations are now displayed in the Course Reserves subject area. -
August 2020 Fulfillment - Course ReservesURM-75225
NERS Enhancement (ID #6863)
Two new material types have been made available for selection when creating a citation: Book Extract and Conference Paper. This corresponds to two new entries in the Citation Material Type table, found in the Fulfillment Configuration > Courses menu.New Book Extract, Conference Paper Types - May 2020 Fulfillment - Course ReservesURM-75225
Excel exports from the Edit Citations screen now include the Course Code, Course Term, No. of Participants, and Academic Department columns. - May 2020 Fulfillment - Course ReservesURM-120552
Previously, when a librarian issued a digitization request for an item on a reading list, the email notification the librarian received with the digitized file lacked some of the information needed to associate the file with the correct citation. The following information is now included in the email notification so that librarians will know which citation to associate this file with:- Name of the reading list
- Citation ID
- Creator of the request (the person who submitted the request).
- May 2020 Fulfillment - Course ReservesURM-118898
When working with the DCS, instructors can now make digitization requests for citations on reading lists that are not associated with a course or courses. For more information, see Integrating with the UK's Digtal Content Store (DCS). - May 2020 Fulfillment - Course Reserves URM-114084
In the Edit Citations screen, Alma now provides a link to reading lists in each citation in Alma. - May 2020 Fulfillment - Course Reserves / Analytics URM-113404
In the the Course Reserves subject area, the Leganto Citation Library Discussions field was added to Reading List Citation dimension and the Leganto List Library Discussions field was added to Reading List dimension. They display the library discussions. - January 2020 Fulfillment - Course Reserves / Analytics URM-80996
The Number of Student Suggestions field was added to Reading Lists dimension of the Leganto Student Usage, Leganto Instructor Usage Events, and Course Reserves subject areas.
Resolved Issues
- December 2020 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00890015 00903339 URM-142198
Relinking items in temp locations caused the items to disappear when the original holding was deleted. This was fixed. - December 2020 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00907142 00907479 00907493 URM-142849
UResolver did not work for Bulk parsers. This was fixed. - December 2020 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00892259 00906434 00906439 00906441 00906448 00906455 00906452 00906453 00906457 00906479 00906491 00906517 00906555 00906533 00906561 00906568 00906592 00906597 00906606 00906634 00906678 00906688 00906871 00906878 00906930 00907112 00907156 URM-142684
Duplicate records were created after running certain jobs. This was fixed. - December 2020 Release Update Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00906548 URM-142721
Pinned Quick-Links disappeared after editing an invoice line of a POL. This was fixed.
- November 2020 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00895561 00895616 00895620 00895621 00895637 00896428 00896485 URM-140423
The Searching Profile did not work. This was fixed. - November 2020 Release Update Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00895577 00895726 URM-140412
In the new layout of Alma, the RFID did not work. This was fixed. - November 2020 Release Update Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00872330 00878583 00896005 URM-137862
In the new layout of Alma, viewing results in Digitization requests was not working. This was fixed. - November 2020 Release Update Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00895604 00896461 00895588 00895702 00895464 00895669 00895743 00896865 00896448 00896150 00895758 00897390 00895739 00895629 00897159 00896462 00896283 00895653 00895611 00895670 URM-140183
In the new layout of Alma, the Premium Sandbox did not open correctly if there were integration Profiles. This was fixed. - November 2020 Release Update Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00895501 URM-140393
The persistent search box did not display search history when clicking onto the search box. This was fixed.
- September 2020 Release Update Analytics SF: 00877007 URM-136964
The column Electronic Collection Type was not displaying properly. This was fixed. - September 2020 Release Update Acquisitions SF: 00852361 URM-132441
Several PO line labels/messages were overridden with new labels. This was fixed. - September 2020 Release Update Acquisitions SF: 00878083 URM-137150
Previously, electronic material type data was retrieved randomly, with the order even changed between releases. Now, the display order is constant, with the value, Book, always displaying first. - September 2020 Release Update Administration and Infrastructure URM-135098
Internal notes used to copy from network institution to institution members were internal, even though users and their segments in institution members should be external. This was fixed. - September 2020 Release Update Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00873257 URM-136880
Changes to centrally managed users would not distribute to IZ if no identifier was configured for Cross Consortia Identifiers other than the Primary Identifier. This was fixed and no additional Identifier is needed for it to properly distribute the user. - September 2020 Release Update Fulfillment SF: 00856691 URM-133108
The Check Availability calendar was not being translated. This was fixed. - September 2020 Release Update Fulfillment SF: 00526574 00543813 00785654 00809107 00820110 00858407 00872723 URM-91066
Resource Request Monitoring: The last item on the first page was duplicated and displayed as the first item on the second page. This was fixed. - September 2020 Release Update Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00861382 URM-136254
The selected "Automatically print slip" in the Return action for a borrowing request was not saved in the session. This was fixed.
- August 2020 Release Update Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00864689 URM-134771
The deposit forms editor displayed an error message for missing mandatory fields. This was fixed. - August 2020 Release Update Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00865984 URM-134846
The process of updating centralized managed users from NZ to IZ used to delete identifiers on the IZ user. This was fixed. - August 2020 Release Update Fulfillment SF: 00866671 URM-134995
In Lending Request, we were unable to fulfill digitization requests for electronic records. This was fixed. - August 2020 Release Update Resource Management URM-132975
You can now activate for full text in CDI electronic collections of both type aggregator/selective AND type database, but still have the bib record suppressed in the Institution Zone and for multi-campus environments. This is available for both FullyFlexible and EasyActive customers. - August 2020 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00865641 00866740 URM-134947
Collection became Inactive following August Release. This was fixed. - August 2020 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00856824 URM-133796
Primo VE ViewIt and GetIt and link resolver delivery options were very slow. The performance has been improved. - August 2020 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00865201 URM-134767
Viewit link was missing after reloading record. This was fixed.
- July 2020 Release Update Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00852614 00852620 URM-131994
When network_users_unique_identifiers CP was set to PARTIAL/FULL, it was not possible to create a linked user from a different institution. This was fixed. - July 2020 Release Update Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00858089 00858275 00858446 00858458 00858541 00858554 00858880 00858968 URM-133276
URL-based widgets were not working. This was fixed. - July 2020 Release Update Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00851144 00851573 00852490 00856577 URM-132957
The Manage Patron Services search mechanism was searching within User Notes, retrieving irrelevant results. This was fixed. - July 2020 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00858194 URM-133252
Service Override Parameters were missing from Portfolios. This was fixed. - July 2020 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00858010 00858073 00858103 00858120 00858600 00858643 URM-133204
There was a linking issue on standalone portfolios with static URLs. This was fixed. - July 2020 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00857991 00858129 00858133 00858140 00858157 00858151 00858173 00858160 00858164 0085815 00858179 00858183 00858186 00858191 00858192 00858201 00858202 00858222 00858214 00858215 00858224 00858226 00858230 00858231 00858245 00858236 00858242 00858249 00858255 00858316 00858320 00858327 00858335 00858349 URM-133224
Several target URLs were built incorrectly from the parser parameters. This was fixed. - July 2020 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00858088 00858091 00858169 00858690 00858704 00858802 00859160 URM-133376
Linking was not working when a Portfolio had a Parser Program in Portfolio Level and the same Parser Program as the Service. This was fixed.
- June 2020 Release Update Administration and Infrastructure
The User Restriction parameter restricted operators even on inactive user roles. This was fixed. - June 2020 Release Update Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00849299 00849317 00849324 00849388 00849399 00849807 00850147URM-131633
Users with Circulation Desks Manager/Operator roles could not add segments to users. This was fixed. - June 2020 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00849256 00849258 00849264 00849277 00849368URM-131610
In some cases, the Expired Hold Shelf page was not loading properly. This was fixed. - June 2020 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00849136 00849143 00849153URM-131572
When saving records that contain Hebrew fields, the following error would occasionally appear: 'Subfield "" is not listed in profile for field XXX, Space character expected after $$'. This was fixed. - June 2020 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00849141 00849142URM-131562
The Arabic Authorities were not displayed correctly in F3 Search. This was fixed.
- May 2020 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00793677URM-127363
A 240 field was added to authorize publishing fields that are available to be published in case of a link. To use this function, run a republish, either full or a set. - May 2020 Release Update Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00838131 00838223 00838321URM-129571
Users with a SAML profile could not open the Local/LDAP link to their premium sandbox. This was fixed. - May 2020 Release Update Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00838226 00838263 00838304URM-129583
The persistent search bar was not appearing as designed. This was fixed.
- March 2020 Release Update Analytics SF: 00808024 00809948 URM-125153
The user identifiers Identifier1 and Identifier2 did not work as expected. This was fixed. - March 2020 Release Update Resource Sharing URM-125743
When running the Update BLDSS Requests job, requests were created a day after the job ran. This was fixed. - March 2020 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00818975 00818977 00818980 00818984 00818987 00818992 00818998 00819011 URM-126372
Publishing to Primo job, configured with Linked-Data enrichment, reported errors for some records. This was fixed. - March 2020 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00792532 00808405 00809422 00809619 00809832 00810074 00810223 00810334 00810932 00810962 00811395 00811621 00811854 00812239 00812339 00812434 00812514 00813828 00814206 00814255 00814340 00815346 00816694 00816880 00817237 00818408 00818424 URM-125152
New Order Import ended with status 'Failed'. PO lines and bibs were created, but PO lines did not advance from 'In Review' status due to 'Exception: Cause: {1}' message. This was fixed. - March 2020 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00816820URM-126036
Updating author information when contributing records to SBN failed in some cases. This was fixed. - March 2020 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00819310 URM-126509
Publishing Platform job report did not match the actual exported files. This was fixed. - March 2020 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00819923 00820064 00820240 00820246 00820281 00820592URM-126513
The New Order Import profiles were creating unexpected items. This was fixed.
- February 2020 Release Update Acquisitions SF: 00807839 00807977 00809090 URM-124747
Users with roles Fund Manager and Ledger Manager could view/edit PO lines from other sub-libraries. This was fixed. - February 2020 Release Update Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00808037 00808053 URM-124768
When multiple SAML profiles were configured, login failed in some cases. This was fixed. - February 2020 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00807920 00808116 00808118 00808124 00808564 00808682 URM-124758
When running the "Change Holding Information" job and the holdings did not match the normalization rule, the holdings were changed anyway. This was fixed. - February 2020 Release Update Digital Resource Management SF: 00808289 URM-124821
In some case, icon indicators for Electronic Portfolios and Electronic Collections in Community Tab Search Results was not displayed as expected. This was fixed. - February 2020 Release Update Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00808782 URM-124823
In some cases, on physical titles search results, after clicking the NZ icon, the NZ and CZ tabs disappeared. This was fixed. - February 2020 Release Update Resource Management URM-124735
Authority changes caused relinking of irrelevant bibs. This was fixed. - February 2020 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00788636 00807876 URM-121274
In the Metadata Editor, when clicking F3 on various fields, no matches were found. This was fixed. - February 2020 Release Update Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00807849 00807903 00808385 00808404 00808466 00808507 00808539 URM-124756
When a printer was defined as Printout Queue, and Quick Print was active, the "Overdue and Lost Item" job failed, providing false reports when sending emails. This was fixed.
- January 2020 Release Update Fulfillment SF: 00797183 00797572 00797586 URM-122985
A fund indexing error occurred when searching for certain funds. This was fixed. - January 2020 Release Update Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00696703URM-120699
Linked users were not found using Self Check. This was fixed. - January 2020 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00734680URM-118865
Blocks on user records were deleted during user synchronization. This was fixed. - January 2020 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00725563 URM-121060
A subfield in UNIMARC was not published correctly to Primo Central. This was fixed. - January 2020 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00754006 00793216 URM-120107
The Z39.50 protocol was not working properly. This was fixed. - January 2020 Release Update Fulfillment SF: 00797743 URM-123132
The Send Resource Sharing overdue messages to borrower job fails during lending requests with multiple barcodes. This was fixed. - January 2020 Release Update Fulfillment URM-121877
The customer parameter temp_set_attribute_in_uresolver was not set to true for all customers. This was fixed. - January 2020 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00797333 URM-122956
The Expand function was not set as the default in the authority browse list. This was fixed. - January 2020 Release Update Administration and Infrastructure URM-123027
The statistics gathering rate was too low. This was fixed.
- December 2020 Acquisitions SF: 00879128 URM-137899
Acquisition Method was not included in Export POs Job that were recently added to the code table. This was fixed. - December 2020 Acquisitions SF: 00847836 URM-138990
Error messages as events alerts were added to the events table when cancelling a PO line with interested user and the main could not be sent. This was fixed and if the mail cannot be sent it will not add an error to the event. - December 2020 Acquisitions SF: 00148640 00792804 URM-45643
When disabling a row in the 'Physical Material Type Descriptions' page, the entry still appeared in the material type drop-down in the PO Line Summary. This was fixed. - December 2020 Acquisitions SF: 00514071 00519355 00523257 00455995 URM-78676
When a POL set uses workflow=”All (except Closed)”, you can only see the first page of results. Trying to move to another page gets “No records found”, and exporting to Excel, gives empty Excel file. This was fixed by the move to the SOLR. - December 2020 Acquisitions SF: 00880223 URM-138381
Export Order (PO) Job” established a separate FTP connection to the customer FTP server for each PO-XML generated and did not close it after the file transfer. This was fixed. Now after the file transfer is completed, the FTP connection is closed. - December 2020 Acquisitions SF: 00875864 URM-139130
Creating a POL with PO line type License Upgrade, receives error that 'PO line creation has failed' but still creates the PO line. This was fixed. Now when ordering a title that is linked to the CZ from the network. The bibliography will be imported from CZ and the order will take place. - December 2020 Acquisitions SF: 00526164 00738834 00851533 URM-90496
Misleading error message: 'Fund ... belongs to the previous fiscal period for which transactions are not allowed.', when the issue was with the fund 'Available For'. This was fixed by creating a more generic message: 'Fund {0} is not valid for this invoice. Please check that the fund belongs to a correct fiscal period and that it is active and available to the invoice's library.' - December 2020 Acquisitions SF: 00794689 URM-123531
The increase/decrease percentage of the encumbrance when the PO lines are copied to the new fiscal period. The percentage decrease of the encumbrance is NOT possible when the PO lines are copied to the new fiscal period. The following error message appears: 'The field FPC Factor (%) may only contain a numeric value greater than Zero.' This was fixed. - December 2020 Acquisitions SF: 00860563 URM-137242
After customizing Country Codes code-table it wasn't possible to change the country code on vendor address. This was fixed. - December 2020 Acquisitions SF: 00853323 00852487 00843669 00815421 00845426 00845550 00799010 00856305 00833030 00868391 00901199 00832014 00835279 00811095 00878020 00825310 00813037 URM-121203
Due to a limit of requests per second in SchlarlyIQ caused the requests to fail. This was fixed. - December 2020 Acquisitions SF: 00814648 00884946 00867829 00851530 00814986 00860493 00830545 00816450 00866661 00862446 00815066 URM-127417
Reports for some vendors are being treated as separate reports and are summed in Analytics (rather than the latest overwriting previous versions), resulting in inaccurate data. This was fixed. - December 2020 Acquisitions SF: 00905045 00904539 00904463 00903938 00903572 00903541 00903042 00902963 00902247 00902230 00902151 00901834 00901759 00901584 00901294 00899148 00899144 00898826 00898048 00897809 00897309 00896796 00896673 00896400 00896382 00895638 00894696 00894263 00891422 00891360 00891356 00891342 00890892 00890474 00890390 00890335 00889992 00889983 00889837 00888924 00888675 00888446 00888314 00887889 00887335 00880775 00885066 00884477 00883552 00883108 00882747 00876540 00873511 00870995 00869615 00868730 00883069 URM-137989
Upon clicking the Edit button in the POL details, a POL is assigned to a user only if the status of the POL is REVIEW or DEFER. - December 2020 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00858727 URM-135528
In some cases, when a staff updated a user segment, previously created by an SIS job, the creator of the segment was wrongly changed to the logged staff user. This was fixed. - December 2020 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00873479 URM-136940
Error message for failed setting of user name according to regex customer parameter has been updated to be more informative. - December 2020 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00825934 URM-137485
The 'user_expiry_date_has_passed' message was displayed to patrons in English when it should be translated. This was fixed. - December 2020 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00629020 URM-96534
"When removing values from auto complete field, the onChange operation was not executed. This was fixed. - December 2020 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00813167 URM-126881
Row actions list disappeared in 'Monitor and view imports'. This was fixed. - December 2020 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00845071 00841860 URM-130855
Bulk Fine Waiving: 'User Group' and 'Waive fines types' menus displayed incorrectly if small or large font sizes were chosen for 'Display Density'. This was fixed - December 2020 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00870370 URM-136269
New Layout: selecting current location upon login dis not always work on Safari. This was fixed. - December 2020 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00884652 00866072 URM-136389
"When the old MDE was open, the new layout's quick links shortcuts (for example, Alt+Ctrl+1) did not work. This was fixed. - December 2020 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00876660 00895489 00896191 URM-137273
"When using browser print function in new Alma layout, the printouts were either scrambled or partial. This was fixed. - December 2020 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00878723 URM-137507
New Alma Layout: the dropdown in 'View Network Resources' on Borrowing request was empty. This was fixed. - December 2020 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00877371 00884045 URM-137961
"New Alma layout: experienced right-hand vertical scroll bar accessibility and visibility issues. This was fixed, scroller colors updated. - December 2020 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00896917 00873757 00890146 URM-138090
"New Alma layout: Resource Locate function was broken when going via task list widget. This was fixed, Resource Locate function works also via task list widget. - December 2020 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00879056 URM-138407
New MDEditor: new MDE was stuck in half screen mode. This was fixed - December 2020 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00889569 URM-139645
Alma menu items appeared on the printout. This was fixed. - December 2020 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00891181 URM-140707
"In some cases, the footer of the Alma page covers up the action menu on the last item in the Manage Purchase Requests workbench. This was fixed. - December 2020 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00884656 URM-141120
New UI/layout: Expand menu and Collapse menu not translatable. This is fixed - December 2020 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00835348 URM-130474
Failed to register to consortia' error appeared when trying to enable digital resources sharing within the consortium. This was fixed. - December 2020 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00876350 00830396 URM-137952
New Alma Viewer: 'Menu' button appeared when only one language was enabled. This was fixed, the button is hidden when only one language is available. - December 2020 Analytics SF: 00622887 00791102 URM-101539
In Analytics, in the Fulfillment subject area under the Loan Details folder, the Loan Note field contained no data even when the loan had a note. This was fixed. - December 2020 Analytics