Acquisition |
General |
Currency Subset |
V |
V |
Legal Deposit Reports |
V |
V |
Survey Question Multiple Choice |
V |
V |
Fund Types |
V |
V |
Fund and Ledger Fiscal Period |
V |
V |
Receiving Department Validations |
V |
V |
Other Settings |
V |
V |
Invoices |
Disapproval Reasons |
V |
V |
Invoice Review Rules |
V |
Depends on the Shared Vendor Accounts setup |
Invoice Amount Threshold |
V |
V |
Payment Method |
V |
V |
Invoice Approval Rules |
V |
Depends on the Shared Vendor Accounts setup |
VAT Codes |
V |
V |
Licenses |
Discovery Interface Labels Customized |
V |
V |
License Term Controlled Vocabulary |
V |
V |
License Review Status |
V |
V |
Sections Order |
V |
V |
License Storage Location |
V |
V |
Purchase Orders |
1st Reporting Codes |
V |
V |
2nd Reporting Codes |
V |
V |
3rd Reporting Codes |
V |
V |
4th Reporting Codes |
V |
V |
5th Reporting Codes |
V |
V |
Acquisition Method |
V |
V |
EDI Vendor Note Fields |
V |
V |
PO Line Price Threshold |
V |
V |
PO Line Cancellation Reasons |
V |
V |
PO Line Deferral Reasons |
V |
V |
Shipping Method |
V |
V |
PO Line Types |
V |
V |
Purchasing Review Rules |
V |
Depends on the Shared Vendor Accounts setup |
Purchase Requests |
Purchase Request Material Types |
V |
V |
Purchase Request Reject Reasons |
V |
V |
Analytics |
General Configuration |
Analytics Citation Attribute Types |
V |
V |
Analytics User Statistics |
V |
V |
Analytics Member Settings |
V |
V |
Analytics Network Settings |
V |
V |
Discovery |
Authentication |
Restricted User Groups (Central Index / Ebsco) |
V |
V |
Display Configuration |
Hypertext Linking Definitions |
V |
V |
Labels |
V |
X |
GetIt Configuration |
Digitization Request |
V |
X |
Purchase Request |
V |
X |
Hold and Booking Request |
V |
X |
Primo View to Libraries |
V |
X |
Library Card Configurations |
Loans Brief Display |
V |
V |
Personal Details Configuration |
V |
X |
Loans Detailed Display |
V |
V |
Payment Link Configuration |
V |
V |
Loading External Data Sources |
Dublin Core type to Discovery Type mapping |
V |
X |
Other |
Captcha configuration |
V |
X |
Exclude Process Types from Discovery Indexing |
V |
X |
Custom linking for Central Index databases |
V |
V |
Customer Settings |
V |
V |
Discovery Showcase Allowed Domains |
V |
X |
Manage Display and Local Fields |
V |
X |
Primo VE Deep Search Configuration |
V |
X |
Search Configuration |
Boolean Operators |
V |
X |
Fulfillment |
Copyright Management |
Access Right Rules |
X |
X |
Copyright approval reasons |
V |
V |
Citation Default Copyright Status |
V |
V |
Copyright reject reasons |
V |
V |
Copyright Publishers |
V |
V |
Digitization and Copyright Rules |
X |
X |
Courses |
Academic Departments |
V |
V |
Additional Reading List Statuses |
V |
V |
Citation Attributes Types |
V |
V |
Course Terms |
V |
V |
Notification types |
V |
V |
Tags |
V |
V |
Additional List Subjects |
V |
V |
Citation Attributes |
V |
V |
Citation Material Type |
V |
V |
List Subjects |
V |
V |
Reading List Statuses |
V |
V |
Additional Reading List Citation Statuses |
V |
V |
Citation Attributes To Citation Attributes Types |
V |
V |
Citation Processing Rules |
X |
X |
Locate Citation by Fields |
V |
V |
Tag Mapping |
V |
V |
Digital Fulfillment |
Electronic Document Delivery Rules |
X |
X |
Viewer Labels |
V |
V |
Viewer Share Buttons |
V |
V |
Discovery Interface Display Logic |
Booking Request Form Customization |
V |
V |
Display Logic Rules |
X |
X |
Primo View to Libraries |
V |
V |
Currency Symbols |
V |
V |
Hold Request Form Customization |
V |
V |
Purchase Request Form Customization |
V |
V |
Digitization Request Form Customization |
V |
V |
Labels |
V |
V |
General Electronic Service |
V |
X |
General |
Article Form Mandatory Fields |
V |
V |
Book Form Mandatory Fields |
V |
V |
Other Settings |
V |
V |
Library Management |
Reshelve Without Transit Rules |
X |
X |
SIP2 Bin Configuration Rules |
X |
X |
Transit Time Rules |
X |
X |
(New for February)
Opening Hours |
V |
(for Calendar only) |
Patron Configurations |
Loan Limit Rules |
X |
X |
User Block Description |
V |
V |
Patron Limits |
V |
V |
User Demerits |
V |
V |
User Block Definitions |
V |
V |
User Groups |
V |
V |
Physical Fulfillment |
Auto Loan Renewal Rules |
X |
X |
Loan Status Name |
V |
V |
Request Task Name |
V |
V |
Item Policy |
Institution Level
Library Level
V |
Request Cancellation Reasons |
V |
V |
Self Check Messages |
V |
V |
Loan Recalls Configuration |
V |
V |
Request Pickup Configuration Rules |
X |
X |
Resource Sharing |
Additional Requested Media |
V |
V |
Borrowing Request Statuses |
V |
V |
ISO General Messages |
V |
V |
Library Mapping |
V |
V |
Requested Media Definition |
V |
V |
Shipping Cost Lender Rules |
X |
X |
Automatic Locate Reject Reasons |
V |
V |
Borrowing Requests Inactive Filters |
V |
V |
Item Policy Exceptions |
V |
V |
Patron Query Templates |
V |
V |
Resource Languages |
V |
V |
Automatic Renew Reject Reasons |
V |
V |
Brief Audit Fields |
V |
V |
Levels of Service |
V |
V |
Request Form Type by Genre |
V |
V |
Shipping Cost Borrower Rules |
X |
X |
General |
External Systems |
Allowed Emails |
V |
V |
Allowed S/FTP connections |
V |
V |
General Configuration |
CRM Contacts |
V |
V |
Institution Languages |
V |
V |
Configuration for Job Related Recommendations (DARA) |
V |
V |
Institution Notifications |
V |
V |
Country Names |
V |
V |
Other Settings |
V |
V |
Network Groups |
Fulfillment Member |
V |
V |
User Interface Settings |
Identity Service Labels |
V |
V |
Social Login Labels |
V |
V |
Widgets |
Primo Widget Search Fields |
V |
V |
Primo Widget Search Precision |
V |
V |
Resources |
Cataloging |
Author Number Lists |
V |
V |
MARC21 / KORMARC - Browse Bib Headings Names / Subjects |
V |
V |
Cataloger Permission Level |
V |
V |
DCMI Material Type Mapping |
V |
V |
Collection Retention |
Bibliographic Collection Retention definition |
V |
V |
Item Retention Reason |
V |
V |
Deposit |
Deposit Decline Reasons |
V |
V |
Patron Deposit Templates |
V |
V |
Deposit Return Reasons |
V |
V |
Patron Deposit Labels |
V |
V |
General |
Authority Control Rules |
X |
X |
Call Number Parsing |
V |
V |
Medium Type |
V |
V |
Physical Material Type Descriptions |
V |
V |
Reminder Types |
V |
V |
Authority Control Task List Types |
V |
V |
Description Templates Rules |
X |
X |
Multi Step Match Configuration |
V |
V |
Provenance Code |
V |
V |
Representation Label Templates Rules |
X |
X |
Brief Levels |
V |
V |
E Task Statuses |
V |
V |
Other Settings |
V |
V |
Reminder Statuses |
V |
V |
Record Export |
Institution NUC symbol |
V |
V |
Map Holdings fields into Bib record OCLC |
V |
V |
Institution OCLC symbol |
V |
V |
Originating Systems for MD records |
V |
V |
Map Holdings fields into Bib record Libraries Australia |
V |
V |
Search Configuration |
Additional Staff Search Fields |
V |
V |
Customize Indexes Labels |
V |
V |
Search Indexes |
V |
V |
User Management |
Collaborative Networks |
Linked Account Rules |
X |
X |
Searchable Identifiers |
V |
V |
Linked Account Shared Fields |
V |
V |
Restricted Users |
V |
V |
General |
Contact Information Pop-Up |
V |
V |
Other Settings |
V |
V |
User Notifications Types |
V |
V |
Patron Charges |
Fines/Fees Behavior |
V |
V |
Reasons for Waiving Fine/Fee |
V |
V |
Roles and Registration |
User Registration Rules |
X |
X |
User Details |
Category Types |
V |
V |
Library Notices Opt In |
V |
V |
User Name Display |
V |
V |
User Titles |
V |
V |
Genders |
V |
V |
Statistical Categories |
V |
V |
User Record Type/Job Category |
V |
V |
Job Categories |
V |
V |
User Groups |
V |
V |
User Record Type/User Group |
V |
V |