Alma 2019 Release Notes
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Make the Most of December's Release
Action Items |
Merge Patrons - You can now merge duplicate user records that have been created for the same patron, resulting in a single, deduplicated user record. |
Other System Number Export - We have added to file created by Export Physical Items job the Other System Number. The field might hold one or more numbers that can be used by you to identify the item. |
Validation for ISBN, ISSN, ISMN, IAN, and UPC - We added a new validation task enabling to validate identifying number either when importing or editing. It will help to improve the quality of the metadata resulting in better matching between records. |
Upcoming Issues to Note
- The sandbox release date for the January 2020 release has been moved to December 15, 2019.
- For those institutions that have an additional Alma or Primo VE Premium Sandbox environment that was allocated as part of the transition to the new Premium Sandbox Policy, please note that this additional environment will be deactivated as planned as part the upcoming January 2020 release. Your primary Premium Sandbox environment will remain active and will be refreshed as planned in February 2020 as part of the semi annual sandbox refresh. For more details see here.
- Please note that in Alma Analytics, the Cost Usage subject area and its related features will be deprecated in January 2020. This includes:
- The fields of the Cost Usage subject area that are available when selecting New > Analysis > Cost Usage
- The out-of-the-box reports and dashboards for Cost Usage under /shared/Alma/Cost per Use/Reports and under /shared/Alma/Cost per use via COUNTER reports and acquisitions data
- The folder Cost per use via COUNTER reports and acquisitions data
When the Cost Usage subject area is deprecated, all reports that use this subject area will no longer work.Institutions that use reports from the Cost Usage subject area can do the following:- Take advantage of the over 30 new out-of-the-box reports in the /shared/Alma/Cost per use via COUNTER reports e-inventory and acquisitions data/Reports folder. These reports use the new Cost Usage of the E-Inventory subject area.
- Use the out-of-the-box Electronic Cost Usage Dashboard (which uses the above reports) located in the /shared/Alma/Cost per use via COUNTER reports e-inventory and acquisitions data/Dashboards folder.
- Make their own customized reports using the Cost Usage dimension of the E-Inventory subject area.
Password Migration Period to IDP
As previously announced, the password migration period to the Ex Libris Identity Service ends on December 31, 2019. In January 2020, all internal user passwords will be deleted from Alma. As a result, internal users that did not log in during the migration process, will be required to create a new password. For more information, please see here.
GuideMe Step-by-Step Walk-Thrus
Starting December 4, 2019, take advantage of our new GuideMe walk-thrus in your Sandbox! GuideMe is a help tool layered over Alma, providing step-by-step guidance enabling you to get just-in-time help on selected workflows. In the January 2020 release, these flows will be segmented by role displaying flows relevant to your role in your institution. Additional GuideMe flows will be added on an ongoing basis.
Pickup Locations for Patron Requests in Primo
In an upcoming release, the calculations of a pickup location for a Primo patron request will be modified for institutions that are part of more than one fulfillment network.
As an example, institutions A and B are a fulfillment network, while institutions A and C are a separate fulfillment network:
Currently, when a patron from institution B finds a title in institution A, the pickup locations presented are from all three institutions because A is the owner of the item and A is in networks with both B and C.
With the modification, rather than displaying all possible pickup locations based on the item owner, Alma will also utilize the Primo login institution, institution B, and only display the pickup locations that can serve both item owner (A) and login institution (B), in this scenario, A and B.
NLI Authority Reload to Community Zone
On December 1st, the NLI Authorities will be reloaded to the Alma Community Zone. Throughout this process all other Community Zone Authority updates will not be distributed to Institutions. A backwards synchronization for all other Authorities will run as soon as this reload process has completed.
Please note that until the completion of this reload local cataloging and updates to local titles and authorities is possible, but these cannot be pushed to the Community Zone.
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Download a PDF of the Release Notes and Resolved Issues
Make the Most of November's Release
Action Items |
ProQuest Ebook Central Integration Group Setting - If your institution manages distributed access to Electronic Resources and you have multiple ProQuest Ebook Central accounts, you can now setup automatic upload of Ebook Central holdings per account. For more information, see here. |
Authority Control Rules - Take control over Authority Control! You can now define the rules to determine when bibliographic records will be linked to authority records and better manage the Authority Control task list. |
Search Profile and Search Resources - Include the Network Zone and/or the Institution Zone in your Search Resources profiles for better user experience when searching and retrieving records using the MDEditor. |
New Link Resolver Service for Unpaywall Open Access articles - Provide your end-user with Open Access articles using Unpaywall service. |
Upcoming Issues to Note
- The sandbox release date for the January 2020 release has been moved to December 15, 2019.
- For those institutions that have an additional Alma or Primo VE Premium Sandbox environment that was allocated as part of the transition to the new Premium Sandbox Policy, please note that this additional environment will be deactivated as planned as part the upcoming January 2020 release. Your primary Premium Sandbox environment will remain active and will be refreshed as planned in February 2020 as part of the semi annual sandbox refresh. For more details see here.
- Please note that in Alma Analytics, the Cost Usage subject area and its related features will be deprecated in January 2020. This includes:
- The fields of the Cost Usage subject area that are available when selecting New > Analysis > Cost Usage
- The out-of-the-box reports and dashboards for Cost Usage under /shared/Alma/Cost per Use/Reports and under /shared/Alma/Cost per use via COUNTER reports and acquisitions data
- The folder Cost per use via COUNTER reports and acquisitions data
When the Cost Usage subject area is deprecated, all reports that use this subject area will no longer work.Institutions that use reports from the Cost Usage subject area can do the following:- Take advantage of the over 30 new out-of-the-box reports in the /shared/Alma/Cost per use via COUNTER reports e-inventory and acquisitions data/Reports folder. These reports use the new Cost Usage of the E-Inventory subject area.
- Use the out-of-the-box Electronic Cost Usage Dashboard (which uses the above reports) located in the /shared/Alma/Cost per use via COUNTER reports e-inventory and acquisitions data/Dashboards folder.
- Make their own customized reports using the Cost Usage dimension of the E-Inventory subject area.
GuideMe Step-by-Step Walk-Thrus
Starting December 4, 2019, take advantage of our new GuideMe walk-thrus in your Sandbox! GuideMe is a help tool layered over Alma, providing step-by-step guidance enabling you to get just-in-time help on selected workflows. In the January 2020 release, these flows will be segmented by role displaying flows relevant to your role in your institution. Additional GuideMe flows will be added on an ongoing basis.
Password Migration Period to IDP
As previously announced, the password migration period to the Ex Libris Identity Service ends on December 31, 2019. In January 2020, all internal user passwords will be deleted from Alma. As a result, internal users that did not log in during the migration process, will be required to create a new password. For more information, please see here.
Next Release Sneak Preview
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We'd also like to take this opportunity to update you on the following:
NERS Enhancements Updates
The NERS 2018 commitment enhancements have been completed and rolled out.
The NERS 2019 commitment includes 11 enhancements in all functional areas:
- Provide an option to view URL in CZ portfolios
- Enhancing security and management of API keys
- User profile - Add field for last active date
- Automate Borrowing Request Processes
- Option to not show related holdings locations
- Add Pop-Up Notice at Scan in Items
- Link resolver delivers physical holdings for wrong titles for PCI records
- Administration: Expand Repository Advanced Search Options
- Split role user manager in 2: the user manager and the patron manager
- Add ability to customize Purchase Request online form
- Portfolios in an electronic collection/package should inherit data displays from the collection's service
DARA – Data Analysis Recommendation Assistant - was introduced as part of the March, 2019 release. It has attracted wide attention and interest on the part of the Alma community.
What are the top 3 most popular recommendations?
- 9,222 unavailable portfolios
- 4,523 load usage data
- 1,333 automatic usage data
In addition, we can report that:
- 2640 recommendations have been implemented by 359 institutions
What's New Videos
There are now more than 1,000 subscribers to Alma’s What’s New Videos.
What were the top viewed videos of 2019?
Idea Exchange
- 204 Ideas have already been Completed
- 82 Ideas have the status Planned
- ~20 Ideas are being considered and have the status Under Review
- ~250 people interacted with Alma on Idea Exchange in the last 30 days
Be sure to post your great idea and/or vote for other great ideas.
RapidILL and Alma
Further to the RapidILL acquisition which was announced in June, work has already started to strengthen the integration between RapidILL and Alma. Stay tuned for upcoming Q4 support of RapidILL APIs that will make the Alma/RapidILL borrower requesting workflow more streamlined, as requests will be pushed from Alma into RapidILL without requiring any library mediation.
If set up, the new integration will check if the requested resource (i.e. article) is lendable via RapidILL. If yes, the request will be pushed into RapidILL, where a new borrowing request will be automatically managed in RapidILL. If the resource cannot be obtained via RapidILL then the request will automatically continue on to the next potential lender in the rota.
Alma Analytics
In October Ex Libris is completing the upgrade of Analytics on the higher education platform from version 11 to version 12 of OBI. In addition to OBI analytics, the Data Visualization tool (DV) will also be an integral part of Alma. A select group of early testing partners has begun evaluation, with general release scheduled for Q1 2020. We'll continue to update you on this upgrade in the next months. Stay tuned.
Extensive documentation and demos (blogs and YouTube videos) are available at Data Visualization (DV) and OBI12 in Alma.
Counter Release 5
The support of COUNTER release 5 in Alma will be made available in early 2020. Release 5 proposes the following improvements (see also COUNTER 5 Code of Practice Release 5) :
- Fewer standard reports. 36 reports in R4 have been reduced to less than half that number in R5.
- Fewer metric types. 25 metric types in R4 have also been reduced by half in R5, largely through the elimination of format-specific metrics.
- Changing how year-of-publication reporting is managed by eliminating the notion of a range of years and requiring reporting to be at the year-of-publication level.
- Removing the requirement for including titles with zero usage, thus controlling the size of reports.
- Removing inconsistencies between tabular and SUSHI versions of the same reports.
- And more…
Security Changes
In April, 2019, Ex Libris announced security changes that impact accessing and integrating with its Higher Education Platform: Deprecation of Obsolete TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 Versions.
To avoid security vulnerabilities and to align with industry standards, Ex Libris is removing its support for TLS 1.0 and 1.1. This will be for Alma, Primo, Leganto and Esploro as part of the Ex Libris Higher Education Platform. This took place on all sandbox environments in April 2019 and started on production environments in May 2019.
For mor edetails about TLS and actions that should be taken see Ex Libris Higher Education Platform - deprecation of TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1.
A Few Interesting Alma Statistics (across all regions)
- 400+ institutions use self-check machines
- 400+ institutions are processing SUSHI files
- 300+ institutions are sharing anonymized data (for benchmark analytics)
- 200+ institutions participate in analytics usage tracking
- While most institutions use LC Names, other popular Authority files are GND, BARE, NLI, FRBNF, HK and RAMEAU
- 380+ institutions use local authorities
- 60+ institutions link a photograph to user records
- 9 institutions use demerits for patron fulfillment blocks
- 8M+ loan requests in the last calendar year
- 1M+ Resource Sharing requests in the last calendar year
- 640M+ Electronic portfolios were activated in the last calendar year
- 11M+ Electronic collections were activated in the last calendar year
Upcoming Issues to Note
- The sandbox release date for the January 2020 release has been moved to December 15, 2019.
- Please note that in Alma Analytics, the Cost Usage subject area and its related features will be deprecated in January 2020. This includes:
- The fields of the Cost Usage subject area that are available when selecting New > Analysis > Cost Usage
- The out-of-the-box reports and dashboards for Cost Usage under /shared/Alma/Cost per Use/Reports and under /shared/Alma/Cost per use via COUNTER reports and acquisitions data
- The folder Cost per use via COUNTER reports and acquisitions data
When the Cost Usage subject area is deprecated, all reports that use this subject area will no longer work.Institutions that use reports from the Cost Usage subject area can do the following:- Take advantage of the over 30 new out-of-the-box reports in the /shared/Alma/Cost per use via COUNTER reports e-inventory and acquisitions data/Reports folder. These reports use the new Cost Usage of the E-Inventory subject area.
- Use the out-of-the-box Electronic Cost Usage Dashboard (which uses the above reports) located in the /shared/Alma/Cost per use via COUNTER reports e-inventory and acquisitions data/Dashboards folder.
- Make their own customized reports using the Cost Usage dimension of the E-Inventory subject area.
Next Release Sneak Preview
Select here to view the next release sneak preview.
Make the Most of September's Release
Action Items |
Number of Requests - For titles that have items where the Enumeration A and Chronology I are empty, the number of requests now appear on the holdings level. For titles that have items with Enumeration A and Chronology I, the number of requests now appear on the item level. |
Linking Refinement - For all institutions that use Names and Subjects authority priorities, a record that is linked to a lower priority vocabulary can now be re-evaluated during the Authorities - Link BIB Headings job run to be linked to a higher priority vocabulary. |
ETD-MS Format Now Supported - The ETD-MS metadata schema is now supported in Alma, enabling you to deposit, catalog, publish, and deliver digital content cataloged in ETD-MS. |
Group Digital Files by Subfield 8 Linking Number When Importing Digital Records - When importing digital MARC bibliographic records, you can now group the digital files into representations by the 856 $8 linking number. |
Manage Letter Examples - The Letter Examples tab of the Letter Configuration page now supports the ability to browse latest server-side examples and to download/add to the examples list. These examples are subject to the retention policy of the institution. The XML files saved in the system will be retained for 7 days and will be removed by the weekly cleanup job. The XML examples added to the XML list from the system are persistent and will not be cleaned by the weekly job. Any identifying information should be removed from these examples. |
Ship Digital Content - A new action, Ship Item Digitally, is available on the lending request task list. It is available whenever the Ship Item action is also visible. This allows you to add files to the lending request that are already in your possession. Once the files are uploaded and the page saved, the request is changed either to Shipped Digitally or Request Completed depending on whether the Complete the request check box is selected on the Shipping Digitally page. |
Online Print Queue - You can now send letters to an online print queue for later printing and print aggregation. |
Quick Printing - Quick Printing allows you to dictate that all printouts going to a specific printer should automatically print. When using quick printing, the printing window immediately displays when the letter is generated. |
Visibility of Operator Information in History Tabs - A new privilege, View Operator Details, now allows you to restrict who can view Alma users' details in any of the Audit/History tabs across the system. By default, there is no change to the existing functionality. You can turn on a default set of restrictions using the new page, Manage Operator Details Visibility. |
User Passwords in the Identity Service - The Ex Libris Identity Service now includes an indication for users that have a password. The Identity Service field appears at the top of the Manage Users page. You can turn on a default set of restrictions using the new page, Manage Operator Details Visibility. |
SAML User Creation - You can now create an Alma user when a user is authenticated with SAML but does not have an existing Alma user. This eliminates the need to create user accounts in advance from a SIS or FTP file download. This option is supported for Primo VE. |
For information on Primo VE new release features, see the Primo VE September 2019 Release Notes.
Upcoming Issues to Note
Please note that in Alma Analytics, the Cost Usage subject area and its related features will be deprecated in January 2020. This includes:
- The fields of the Cost Usage subject area that are available when selecting New > Analysis > Cost Usage
- The out-of-the-box reports and dashboards for Cost Usage under /shared/Alma/Cost per Use/Reports and under /shared/Alma/Cost per use via COUNTER reports and acquisitions data
- The folder Cost per use via COUNTER reports and acquisitions data
- Take advantage of the over 30 new out-of-the-box reports in the /shared/Alma/Cost per use via COUNTER reports e-inventory and acquisitions data/Reports folder. These reports use the new Cost Usage of the E-Inventory subject area.
- Use the out-of-the-box Electronic Cost Usage Dashboard (which uses the above reports) located in the /shared/Alma/Cost per use via COUNTER reports e-inventory and acquisitions data/Dashboards folder.
- Make their own customized reports using the Cost Usage dimension of the E-Inventory subject area.
Next Release Sneak Preview
October 2019 is a maintenance release that will not contain any new features.
Make the Most of August's Release
Action Items |
Reshelving Items - You can now clearly mark items that have been returned but not yet reshelved, so that the patrons and staff know when to expect the returned items to be available on the shelf. |
MODS Metadata Schema - We have expanded the set of metadata standards for cataloging digital records to include MODS, allowing institutions to deposit, catalog, publish and deliver digital content using MODS. |
My Electronic Resources by Provider - Check the status of your ProQuest subscriptions using the new My Electronic Resources by Provider. |
For information on Primo VE new release features, see the Primo VE August 2019 Release Notes.
Sandbox Refresh
As a reminder, premium sandboxes will update this month according to Alma's premium sandbox refresh policy.
2020 Release Schedule
In addition to in the help menu in Alma, the 2020 release schedule is here.
Next Release Sneak Preview
Select here to view the next release sneak preview.
Make the Most of July's Release
Action Items |
View It Show All – You can now configure the Link Resolver View It menu to show more than 25 services. |
Define user notes as Pop up notes - Using user notes at the circulation desk can be made more efficient with the new option to make the user notes pop up when the patron is identified at the circulation desk. |
Skip Location Improvements - You can set up Alma to more efficiently manage requests on multiple copy titles, by setting the system up to prefer available copies that are closer to the requested pickup location. |
For information on Primo VE new release features, see the Primo VE July 2019 Release Notes.
Upcoming Issues to Note
As a reminder, premium sandboxes will update in August according to Alma's premium sandbox refresh policy.
Next Release Sneak Preview
Select here to view the next release sneak preview.
Make the Most of June's Release
Action Items |
Collection Translation – Institutions will be able to showcase translated collection data, according to the user-defined language. |
Expand MARC Metadata Fields Displayed in Alma Viewers – Institutions delivering content cataloged in MARC will have the flexibility to display any MARC field in the viewer. In addition, Primo VE users will have a centralized configuration page for fields to be displayed in Primo full view and the viewer. |
Unique Item Barcodes for Fulfillment Networks - If you are part of a fulfillment network, depending on your setup, you may be able to skip selecting an institution when you scan an item from another institution. This option can be enabled if item barcodes are unique across the fulfillment network. |
New Options for Closed Library Due Date Management - When due dates are automatically changed by the system to a library open date, you can now set the system to maintain the calculated due hour and change only the date. |
For information on Primo VE new release features, see the Primo VE June 2019 Release Notes.
Upcoming Issues of Note
- As noted in May, in July the GET bibliographic record API and the SRU API will return calculated summary information in the AVA field $$v instead of $$h.
- SF: 00387371 00450507 00517286 00639019 00689391 URM-85109
Until this release, in the MD Editor, Browse Shelf Listing > call number sorting sorted the 852 holdings field in the alphabetic order of the subfields: h, i, j, k, l, m. This did not take into account that $k is the call number prefix. As of this release and when enabled by Ex Libris, selecting call number sorting with sort the call numbers in the order k, h, i, j, l, m. This change will be applied in the July re-indexing to all customers who do not open a case with Support before July 1st to request otherwise. Note that the display text of call numbers has always taken the $k subfield into account and appeared first.
We'd also like to take this opportunity to update you on the following:
NERS Updates
The following is an overview of NERS Enhancements that have already been implemented or will be implemented in the coming months.

- Associating multiple printers to a department/circulation desk. Delivery: January 2019 release.
- Online print queues, which allows reports to be maintained on the platform. Delivery: Early access for NERS representatives in the June 2019 release.
- Automatic printing through the browser. This is an additional development that was not part of the original NERS enhancement. Delivery: Early access for NERS representatives in Q3 2019.

DARA (Data Analysis Recommendation Assistant) was introduced as part of the March release. It attracted wide attention and interest on the part of the Alma community.
Statistics show that for more than 300 institutions at least one recommendation was generated. ~72% of the recommendations were for loading SUSHI, and ~27% were recommendations for automating manual workflows. More than 100 of these recommendations were implemented.
Switching SAML Certificates
The original SAML Signed Certificate will expire in October. Replace the certificate for Alma and/or Primo VE, as determined by your institution's IT department. If replacing the certificate, this must be done in coordination with your IDP. For more information, please see Replacing a Signed Certificate.
Upcoming Issues of Note
- In July, the GET bibliographic record API and the SRU API will return calculated summary information in the AVA field $$v instead of $$h.
Alma Statistics (as of April 1, 2019)
- We have more than 1.2 billion bibliographic records across all regions.
- Over 1.7 billion API calls in the last three months, with the following top three regions:
- EU – 766+ million
- APAC – 498+ million
- NA – 444+ million
- More than 93 million loans across all regions.
- More than 6 million requests across all regions.
Idea Exchange Statistics
- 76 ideas have a Planned status.
- 170 ideas have already been completed.
- Approximately 300 people interacted with Alma on Idea Exchange in the last 30 days.
What's New Videos
- There are 950+ subscribers to Alma’s What’s New Videos.
- The current top video, Add SUSHI Account to Vendor via Search, has about 660 views.
- The Improved Feedback Messages video has about 570 views.
- The Check Availability and Pricing at Select External Vendors video has about 440 views.
Stay Tuned and Watch This Space!
Ex Libris and the Alma Product Working Group are in the process of testing a great new initiative for giving easy access to known issues in Alma. Plans are to release this to the wider Alma community in the coming months.
The Alma Development team is in the process of a major infrastructure update to a next generation business intelligence analytics tool. More details will be available soon.
Make the Most of April's Release
Action Items |
Portfolio Loader and Extended Export Group Settings – Libraries using distributed access to Electronic Resources can now use the Portfolio Loader to set Available For group settings. |
Additional ID for Hold Request Management – You can now make use of an additional sequence based number to uniquely identify requests. The system generated additional ID may be added to your pick from shelf and hold shelf slips by configuring the slips’ XSL. You can also add as a visible attribute of the request on the Pick From Shelf and Hold Shelf task lists. |
Link Network Zone Users to Institution Zone Users – This new job is recommended for institutions that share their user management in a single Network Zone managed list. The job runs routine health check procedures to verify the coherence and completeness of the consortial users network. |
For information on Primo VE new release features, see the Primo VE April 2019 Release Notes.
Make the Most of March's Release
Action Items |
OASIS Availability, Pricing, and Ordering – You can now configure OASIS as a target for checking pricing and availability from within Alma. It is also possible to push a PO line from Alma into OASIS without leaving the Alma interface. |
Managing Vendor Accounts at the Library Level – With this release, it is possible to assign Vendor Account Manager roles, allowing the assigned operator to manage only vendor accounts. The role can be assigned at the scope of a specific library. |
Include an Item Description in the Subject of the PO Line Claim Letter – Claim letters can be enhanced to include more information about the claimed resource in the email subject. |
Configure Images for Collection Discovery Lobby – You can significantly improve showcasing their special collections by manually selecting high quality images to be displayed in Primo VE’s collection discovery lobby. |
XSL Indication Rules Added to Support Dublin Core – If you are cataloging in Dublin Core, you can filter your Dublin Core records with the same advanced capabilities that are available for MARC records, using XSL indication rules. |
General Electronic Service Availability Rules – General electronic services that are displayed in the Get It tab can now be configured to appear only for specific libraries/locations or for specific item types. |
Asynchronous BLDSS Requests – It is now possible to use the BLDSS APIs for sending resource sharing requests to BLDSS without first running a successful locate. |
Delete Completed Resource Sharing Requests – With this release, you can set the system to remove old and completed resource sharing requests. |
Perform Locate Based on Electronic Coverage – Fulfilling article resource sharing requests with document delivery is easier now, with the option to set the system to display accurate electronic resource availability on the lender side, based on local coverage for the electronic resource. |
For information on Primo VE new release features, see the Primo VE March 2019 Release Notes.
Reading List Set Changes
In the February release notes, we announced that a significant infrastructure change will be applied to reading lists that will greatly improve the reading list search function. This change was initially announced in the March release notes, but there were issues with it and it has been removed from the March release. It will be reinstated in one of the upcoming releases.
General Publishing – Full Publishing Improvements and New Republish Action
As part of our continued efforts to improve performance and efficiency, we are implementing changes to the general publishing process. These changes will ensure that your publishing jobs will complete more quickly and within predictable timelines. The main effect of this improvement is that as of the April release, the General Publishing infrastructure will work in an incremental mode.
We recommend that you plan to test existing full publishing processes on your sandbox environments after the new function is released in April. Note the following:
- General publishing jobs that publish to an FTP server will have an option to include all records. This option will allow including the full set of records in the published FTP files. Existing FTP publishing profiles that were previously configured as full will have this option turned on by default.
- In cases where enriched information needs to be recalculated after enrichment configuration changes (such as a change in library name or update of normalization rules or enrichment options), records will not be republished with the new data. A new republish full index option will be available to force the records to be republished with the new data.
- OAI publishing profiles will always work in incremental mode and will also include deleted records. If the target to which you are publishing cannot process record deletions, you can use FTP publishing with the option to include all records described above. Another option is to use the new republish full index action to republish the whole set as new (this option will have the same result as the current full publishing mode).
Make the Most of February's Release
Action Items |
Upload Electronic Holdings from Springer – Does your institution subscribe to Springer electronic collections? You can now automatically manage your Springer electronic holdings subscription using the new Upload Electronic Holdings from Springer functionality. |
OCLC and Libraries Australia Symbol Handling – The symbol mapping table for OCLC and Libraries Australia was expanded to include location, which enables you to group the publishing of specific collections based on their holdings and better reflect availability for these collections. |
Physical Item-Level General Electronic Services – General Electronic Services (GES) can now be conditioned on item and holdings information—for example, you can show a service only if there is physical inventory in a specific library, with a specific material type. |
Perform Locate Based on Electronic Coverage – You can now determine whether to optimize how Alma matches lending requests with your electronic inventory. If you've activated this feature, Alma suggests electronic inventory to fulfill a lending request only if the inventory's coverage matches the lending request's specific issue information. |
For information on Primo VE new release features, see the Primo VE February 2019 Release Notes.
Reading List Set Changes
In the March release, a significant infrastructure change will be applied to reading lists. This change will greatly improve the reading list search function, for example, by allowing you to use facets for the list. All logical reading list sets that made use of the Course Start Date and Course End Date fields in their set definitions will be affected. Although you will be able to continue use your existing sets, it is recommended that you recreate your logical sets following the March release.
Transport Layer Security (TLS) Support
TLS is a cryptographic protocol that provides authentication and data encryption between different endpoints (for example, the user’s desktop and the application server). Various vulnerabilities (such as POODLE and DROWN) have been found in TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1 in recent years.
To avoid security vulnerabilities and to align with industry standards, Ex Libris is removing its support for TLS 1.0 and 1.1 in Alma, Leganto, and Primo. This will occur on all sandbox environments as of the March release (February 17th, 2019) and on all production environments as of the May release (May 5th, 2019). Effective May 6, 2019, Ex Libris will support only TLS 1.2 or later.
You can find additional information on TLS at:
Make the Most of January's Release
Action Items |
Note Field Added to the Primo Purchase Request – If you enable patrons to place purchase requests directly from Primo, you will be glad to know that you can now set up their request forms so they can add additional information in a note field on the Primo request form. |
Delete Interested Users in Closed PO Lines – You can now manage privacy concerns more efficiently by setting up Alma to detach interested users from PO lines that have been closed or canceled. |
Support Streaming Video and Audio for Alma Viewer – This major milestone will provide patrons with an advanced viewing experience whereby video or audio content can be streamed using adaptive bitrate streaming, and video files that can’t be rendered by the browser to MPEG-4 can be converted. |
Block File Download – This feature will provide you with further flexibility in controlling access rights to your content by providing basic access to content, but without the ability to download or print. |
Support Excel as an Alma Digital Import Physical Source Format – You are now provided with an additional efficient method for importing metadata for digital content into Alma. |
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Publishing to PubMed – Changes to FTP Configuration
Last month we announced that as a result of discussions with PubMed and at PubMed's request, the publishing to PubMed process will be modified to use a default FTP configuration configured by Ex Libris in conjunction with PubMed. Although this change was carefully tested end to end by Ex Libris and PubMed, it will not take place with the January release as previously announced, but rather later in the year. As we get closer to its release, we will provide pre-release instructions in the monthly release notes.
Widgets for Analytics Reports
Transport Layer Security (TLS) Support
To avoid security vulnerabilities and to align with industry standards, Ex Libris is removing its support for TLS 1.0 and 1.1 in both Alma and Primo. This will occur on all sandbox environments as of the March release (February 17th, 2019) and on all production environments as of the May release (May 5th, 2019). Effective May 6, 2019, Ex Libris will support only TLS 1.2 or later.
You can find additional information on TLS at:
Main Features
DARA Now Identifies Digital Files Requiring Conversion
DARA identifies when you have files that are incompatible with HTML5 formats and cannot be viewed using native viewers in Alma. DARA recommends that you run the Media Conversion job on files of formats wmv, avi, m4v or mp4v and convert them to MPEG-4 or HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) formats.
License Distribution Enhancements
When a Network Zone institution shares a license with its member institutions, in addition to the information from the Summary and License Terms tab being copied to the members, the Network Zone institution can now select options to share the information found on the Notes and Attachments tabs. The Network Zone institution can choose to share one or both of these in the new Distribution section of the License Details page. When Notes or Attachments information has been shared to the member institutions, if the Network Zone institution edits the Distribution fields and removes one or both options, the data that was previously copied to the member institution is retained. Additionally, any changes made by the Network Zone institution will be reflected in the member institution's History tab.
PO Line Reclaims
December 2019 Acquisitions URM-117673
A field is now available on the PO Line Details and Vendor Account Details pages to establish a defined interval for resending a claim. When the Reclaim Interval (days) field is populated in the PO Line Details, Alma will send reclaim letters at the defined interval after the initial claim letter is sent. If the field is not populated, the previous behavior continues and a reclaim letter will not be sent. When this field is populated on the Vendor Account Details page it is copied to the corresponding field in the PO line page when the specific vendor account is selected, any change on the Reclaim Interval (days) field in the PO line details page will take effect and will be the actual value, this is consistent with other fields which are copied from the vendor account upon creation of a PO line.
Top Trending Book Dashboard Widget
A new Top Trending Book dashboard widget presents a list of the top 10 physical and electronic books that have been added to library's collections within various Alma institutions (on average) as an indication of trends around the libraries. The widget can be fine-tuned in order to present specific classifications taken from the library of congress. In case one of the trending titles is part of your institution's collection, the widget will provide indication and direct you to it.
Portfolio-Level Facets, Sorting, Filters, and Display Options

New facets, additional sorting options, filters, and display options were added for portfolio-level search results.

Other System Number Export
When you run the Export Physical Items job, the file created from the export now includes the 035 $a contents in the column labeled Other System Number. See Export Physical Items for more information.
Validation for ISBN, ISSN, ISMN, IAN, and UPC
You can now configure validation in specific fields/subfields for ISBNs, ISSNs, ISMNs, IANs, and UPCs. See Editing Validation Processes for more information.
DANMARC to MARC 21 Import
When importing DANMARC bibliographic records, there is now the option to crosswalk them to the MARC 21 bibliographic format. See Source Format in the Import Profile Details - Profile Details Fields table in the Creating/Editing an Import Profile: General Profile Information section.
Authentication for SRU/SRW Search Queries
You can now set up authentication in the SRU Server integration profile so that a user name and password are required for SRU/SRW search queries. See Configuring an SRU Server Type Integration Profile for more information.
Community Zone Set Management
Several new options are available that expand set management capabilities into the Community Zone. This includes:
- Creating logical sets of bibliographic or authority records (Save Query) from Community Zone search results
- Itemizing a set of Community Zone records.
- Combining sets of Community Zone records.
- Cataloging a set of Community Zone records (available for bibliographic records, initially, and authority records in a future release).
- Filtering a set of Community Zone bibliographic records
Later releases will allow the ability to export the set of Community Zone records.
Semi-Annual Reindexing
During December, the semi-annual reindexing (described in greater detail in Updates) will be run. Features or resolved issues that require reindexing to be fully functional will be addressed by the December semi-annual reindexing. See the list below.
- UNIMARC / CNMARC Repository Search Results Display.
- The UNIMARC 607 subfields a, j, and x-z are now searchable under the Subjects general index. Note that when the 607 $2 has the text lc, it is also searchable under the Subjects (LC) index (previously existing functionality).
- For the UNIMARC field 452 (Other Edition in Another Medium), the ISSN cataloged in subfield $x and ISBN cataloged in subfield $y are searchable under the ISSN and ISBN indexes respectively, in addition to the Keywords index.
New Suppress from Discovery Jobs for DC and MODS Record Formats
The following jobs are now available (Admin > Run a Job) to suppress from discovery bibliographic records in DC and MODS formats:
- Suppress Bib records from discovery - DC
- Suppress Bib records from discovery - DCAP01
- Suppress Bib records from discovery - DCAP02
- Suppress Bib records from discovery - MODS
Upload Files to Digital Representations from S3
The Add Digital Representations flow now provides an option to upload digital files directly to Amazon S3 storage, with no size limitations. To support this feature, the Folder option is now available on the Representation Details page. To upload the file, select Folder and enter the location of the file.

Full-Text Extraction Now Supported for Additional Formats
Alma now supports full-text extraction for the following additional file formats:
- Office
- OpenDocument
- text/* mime types (strip text/html)
- Epub
Loan Statistics in Physical Title Search Results

In the Other Details tab of physical title and all title search results, the following new loan statistics are available:
- Number of loans
- Number of in house use
- Year-to-date loans
- Last in house use date
- Last Loan Date
Generate Performance Tracking File
There is now an option to generate a performance tracking file. If Alma has performance issues such as long search times, select the Help icon and then select Generate Performance Tracking File to download a data file. Open a support issue and attach the file to the issue. The information in the file can help the support team resolve the issue.

Cloud Passwords
In January 2020, Ex Libris will be removing all passwords from the Alma database. This is the next step of the move to Ex Libris Identity Service which started in January 2019. See the Ex Libris Identity Service in the Developer Network.
This will only affect users that have not logged in since the beginning of 2019. However, if you have Primo/PDS which hasn't been upgraded for some time, there could be active users which still have passwords in the Alma database. This will only be users whose passwords are not strong enough to be written into the Identity Service automatically.
Institutions that want to prepare for the upcoming password removal can do one of the following:
- Add a "forgot password" link to Primo which will be useful also for users without password. See the Knowledge Article, How to add a 'Forgot My Password' link to the login page in the new UI when using Alma for authentication.
- Create a list of the relevant users using an Analytics report and send them an email using the Update/Notify Users job (with a link to page where they can create a new password). See Editing/Messaging Users in Bulk.
- Do nothing. The patrons who cannot login will approach a librarian who will set a new password for them.
Merge Patrons

A user with appropriate privileges can now merge one patron record into another patron record. You can select which segments to merge (contacts, identifiers, notes, blocks, demerits, statistics, attachments and proxy for). All fulfillment activities are merged (loans, requests, fines/fees and interested users) to the new user as well as purchase requests and user data from Primo VE and Leganto. Esploro users cannot be merged. To enable this feature, contact Ex Libris customer support.
DARA Now Identifies Highly Requested Titles
Using an Alma Analytics report, DARA can now identify highly requested titles in your institution. This allows you to take steps to reduce patron waiting time for these items, such as modifying their terms of use, moving them to a short loan location, and purchasing additional copies of the items.
DARA Now Recommends Linking Local Electronic Portfolios to the Community Zone
DARA now identifies when you have local portfolios in your electronic collections that are available in the community zone and recommends that you link them. Linking to the community zone enables you to receive updates automatically, without the need to update the portfolios manually.
Authority Contribution – Copy Option
For institutions that are authorized to contribute authority records to the Community Zone, there is a new Record View page action (Copy to Community) that enables you to easily copy an authority record to the MD Editor, edit and save it, and contribute the saved record to the Community Zone and an external authority system such as GND, BARE, or NLI. The Copy to Community action appears when you select a title to view from your Authorities search results on the Community tab. See Copy to Community for more information.
Simplifying Authority Control Management
URM-96669You now have greater control in determining when linking bibliographic records to authority records should be done and when linking should be skipped. Using the Link BIB Headings Rules, you have the flexibility to define in which cases linking upon save and automatic linking (as part of the link bibliographic headings job) is skipped for bibliographic headings. The process of managing the bibliographic headings records that appear in the Authority Control Task List as a result of the linking job can be streamlined by implementing tags to identify certain types of records. See Authority Control Rules for more information.
Institution Zone and Network Zone included as Search Resources in Search Profile

When using the Resource Management Search Resources option (previously Search External Resources), you can now include your Institution Zone and Network Zone (where applicable) in the search options. This is in addition to the Community Zone and external resources that you have configured for your system. See Configuring Search Profiles and Searching Resources for more information.
Local Authority Management – Catalog Set / Filter Set Actions
For better management of local authority records, the following new options are now available:
- Catalog Set – A set of local authorities records can be opened in the MD Editor for cataloging.
- Filter Set – You can filter a set of local authority records using indication rules to create a subset of records with only the records that pass the indication rules conditions.
For more information, see the table Actions Menu Options - Logical Set.
ProQuest Ebook Central Integration – Group Setting
For institutions that manage distributed access to electronic resources, multiple integration profiles for ProQuest Ebook Central upload electronic holdings can be enabled in one institution, supporting institutions that have multiple ProQuest accounts. For more information, see Group parameter in the Upload Electronic Holdings Section table.
Group Settings Logged in the History Tab
For institutions that manage distributed access to electronic resources, changes to settings on the Group Settings tab for electronic collections, electronic services, and electronic portfolios are now logged in the History tab. See the History tab information in the following tables: Electronic Portfolio Editor Page and Electronic Collection Editor Tabs and Fields.
New Link Resolver Service for Unpaywall Open Access Articles

There is a new link resolver service for Unpaywall Open Access articles. See Using the OpenURL Link Resolver Electronic Services Page and enable_open_access_services_from_unpaywall_api for more information.
OpenID Connect
Alma now supports OpenID Connect (OIDC) as a standard for user authentication. See OpenID Connect for more information.
Provenance ID Added to Digital Representations
The Provenance ID field was added to digital representations. To support this feature, the following enhancements were made:
- The Representation Provenance ID and File Provenance ID fields were added to the Representation parameters section for the Remote Representation Migration job.
Representation Provenance ID and File Provenance ID
- The Provenance ID field is available when viewing representations that were migrated from a remote repository:
Provenance ID
- The Provenance ID field is now searchable in the Advanced Search on the representation and file levels.
New Add Titles to Collection and Remove Titles from Collection Jobs
The new Add Titles to Collection and Remove Titles from Collection jobs are now available. You can use these jobs to add and remove a set of titles to and from a collection. For more information, see Running Manual Jobs on Defined Sets.
Email Delay Option

You can now add a Delay for hold notification (minutes) on either the Circulation Desk - General Information or Library Details pages. When a hold notification is set to be sent to a patron, Alma waits for the delay to complete, then checks to see if the request is still active and if so, sends the hold notification to the patron. If the value is populated for both the circulation desk and the library, the value in the circulation desk is used.
Add Bulk Actions to Reading Room Loans
When in the Active Hold Shelf of a reading room location, the Held by Patron and On Shelf (not final) tabs now include an option to select multiple items and then select either Receive from Patron or Loan to Patron.
Restrict Requests by Patron's Campus

Request, loan and booking fulfillment unit rules now have the option to define a rule that applies only to patrons of a given campus to enable limiting resources to students of the same campus only. The Patron Affiliated Campus rule appears in the input parameters of the Fulfillment Unit Rules Editor.
Sort Options on Resource Sharing Requests Task Lists

You can now sort the resource sharing task lists, either ascending or descending by title, creation date, update date, or last interest date.
Push Requests to ILLiad
November 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing URM-102789
Alma can now create borrowing requests in ILLiad via the Create a transaction request API. To configure the partner for this, create or edit a resource sharing partner with the Profile Type of NCIP and a System Type of ILLiad. The Export to Third Party section of the Parameters tab now includes:
- The Export to third party field, including options to not export (No), export Using email and export Using API.
- When Using API is selected, an API key field is available. Populate this value with an API key that is supplied by ILLiad.
- When Using API is selected, a URL field is available. Populate this value with a URL that is supplied by ILLiad.
- The Export request ID name tag field to be used to send the Alma generated external request ID to ILLiad. ILLiad will use this request ID for further NCIP communications with Alma. Using this option allows you to continue receiving updates using NCIP and update the request. The value of this tag must be coordinated with ILLiad. Enter the name of the tag to populate with the external request ID.
- Select the Close request when exported to close the resource sharing request when exporting it to ILLiad.
Push Borrowing Requests to RapidILL
Alma can now automatically create borrowing requests in RapidILL using the InsertRequest RapidILL API.
You can configure a dedicated RapidILL partner. When the partner is configured, Alma automatically exports borrowing requests that have been assigned to the RapidILL partner, and creates an equivalent borrowing request in RapidILL. The Alma request is automatically closed with a status of Exported to Third Party. The request is then managed in the RapidILL system. The export action takes place when the Send action is triggered (manually or automatically) for the request with the active RapidILL partner.
If the request cannot be fulfilled by RapidILL, such as if the requested resource is not available for lending in RapidILL, the Send action is rejected and the request automatically moves on to the next partner on the rota. If there are no other partners that can fulfill the request, it is canceled.
This allows you to set RapidILL as a partner in the rota, so that all requests are automatically exported for fulfillment via RapidILL, unless the request cannot be fulfilled by RapidILL.
To configure the partner, create a resource sharing partner with the Profile Type of RapidILL. On the Parameters tab of the partner, the following fields are mandatory:
- URL - defaults to, which is the RapidILL production server. The test server is accessible at
- User Name
- Password
- Requesting Rapid Code
- Requesting Branch Name - if your institution has multiple RapidILL branches, each branch needs a different partner.
The values for configuring these fields are supplied by RapidILL.
Optional fields:
- Send requester information - Whether requester information is included in the API.
- Supports ADD address (disabled by default): Determines whether alternative email/address entered by patron are sent in the API. This defines whether the RapidILL request will send the resource to the requesting library email or to the patron email.
Create Purchase Requests from Borrowing Requests
On the Resource Sharing Borrowing Requests Task List, you can now:
- Terminate an active request (cancelling current supplier) and use the request information for creating a purchase request.
- Use the request information for creating a purchase request without cancelling the existing borrowing request.
These actions are available for all requests, including requests that are already completed.
For Fulfillment Services Operators and Fulfillment Services Manager roles, a new action is available from the row action menu, Purchase Request. The privilege for this role is enabled by default for customers who go live starting with the November release. For existing customers, please contact Ex Libris customer support to have the privilege enabled.
When clicking the row action menu, if the request is inactive, you are taken directly to a purchase request form. If the borrowing request is active, a window is displayed to select whether to cancel the borrowing request or keep the borrowing request active alongside the purchase request.
- If resource sharing request was canceled, the Requester field of the purchase request is populated with the requester from the original borrowing resource sharing request.
- If resource sharing request was inactive or kept active, the Requester field of the purchase request is populated with the user ID of the current user.
APIs to Support ISO 18626 Partners
It is now possible to configure resource sharing partners of type ISO 18626 via the API .
New Purchase Requests Dashboard and Reports
A new out-of-the-box dashboard and several out-of-the-box reports were added for the Purchase Requests subject area. For a list of the reports, see Out-of-the-Box Reports. For more information, see Purchase Requests in Alma Analytics.
Date Fields Added with Calendar Picker
For date fields that include both date and time, an additional field was added with only the date with (Calendar) in the field name. This enables a Calendar Picker to be used when manually filtering by a date. For example, in the Physical Items subject area:

Title (Complete) Added to Bibliographic Details

The Title (Complete) field was added to the shared Bibliographic Details dimension in every subject area in which it appears. It includes the information from MARC field 245, subfields $p, $n, $s, $k, $f, $g.
COUNTER Release 5 in Usage Data Subject Area
The Usage Via COUNTER Reports - Release 5 dashboard and reports are now available in Alma Analytics. To support this new development, the following enhancements were implemented:
- An entire new folder called Usage Data Details - Release 5 with over 60 new measures was added. For more information, see Usage Data Details - Release 5.
Usage Data Details - Release 5 Folder
- A new folder of default reports and dashboard under Shared/Alma/Usage via COUNTER reports - Release 5 was added. For more information, see Out-of-the-Box Reports.
Usage via COUNTER Reports - Release 5 Reports
Enhancing Select Fulfillment Jobs' Performance
Performance has been enhanced for the following fulfillment jobs:
- Cancel physical titles requests
- Cancel physical items requests
- Change loan to claimed returned
- Close lost loans
- Create physical item work orders
Alma Letter Configuration
The following letter configuration links have been removed from the General Configuration menu:
- Letter emails
- Letter Activity
- Letter Retention
- Notification Template
- XML To Letter Admin
- Customize Letters
Languages in Letter Preview
The Letter Preview window that is available from the Letter Details page now includes a drop-down box for languages to preview the letter in the selected language. The list includes the configured languages for your system.

Letter Name and Description Translated in Letter Configuration
The Letter Configuration page now shows the Letter and Description columns in the user's language.
Self-Check Patron ID Automatic Identification Rules
A new field is now available on the Self Check Integration Profile. When the Allow Fulfillment Network Users (supported for fully unique identifiers only) field is set to Yes and the network_users_unique_identifiers parameter is set to Full, Alma searches for the user locally, then in fulfillment network members. The search stops when a match is found and the linked account is created automatically. When the network_users_unique_identifiers parameter is set to None, or the Allow Fulfillment Network Users (supported for fully unique identifiers only) field is set to No, Alma searches only local users in response to SIP2 messages.
Transport Layer Security (TLS) Support
November 2019
TLS is a cryptographic protocol that provides authentication and data encryption between different endpoints (for example, the user’s desktop and the application server). Various vulnerabilities (such as POODLE and DROWN) have been found in TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1 in recent years.
As announced in release notes earlier this year, to avoid security vulnerabilities and to align with industry standards, Ex Libris is removing its support for TLS 1.0 and 1.1 in Alma production environments and will support only TLS 1.2 or later. The rollout which was communicated began on some environments in May and will be concluded in December 2019.
You can find additional information on TLS at:
DARA Now Suggests Recommendations to Configure Integration Profiles to Upload Electronic Holdings
DARA can now determine if you have electronic collections that were not uploaded with an integration profile from vendors that support automatic upload of electronic holdings. DARA recommends that you configure the integration profile, for supported vendors. One recommendation is produced for each supported vendor.
New Option in Data Sharing Profile
The Data Sharing Profile now has a new option, Selection and Collection Development, that enables you to include your anonymized inventory information together with similar data from other participating institutions to enable the development of new, robust analytical features related to Selection and Collection Development, which can then be used to add additional value to Alma and the community. For more information, see Data Sharing Profile.
IDs and Other Information in Search Results
Various IDs are now being displayed in the search results. See the table below for details.
Type of Search Results Page | ID Added |
Physical Items | Item ID |
Physical Items | Holdings ID |
Electronic Collection | (Electronic) Collection ID |
Electronic Portfolios | Portfolio ID |
Electronic Portfolios | Service ID |
Electronic Portfolios | (Electronic) Collection ID |
Digital Files | File ID |
Digital Files | Representation ID |
Collection | Collection ID |
Authorities | MMS ID |
Number of Requests
For titles that have items where the Enumeration A and Chronology I are empty, the number of requests now appear on the holdings level; and for titles that have items with Enumeration A and Chronology I, the number of requests now appear on the item level. See Held By Details and Working with the List of Items for more information.
Linking Refinement
For all institutions that use Names and Subjects authority priorities, a record that is linked to a lower priority vocabulary can now be re-evaluated during the Authorities - Link BIB Headings job run to be linked to a higher priority vocabulary. See Enabled Linking Refinements for more information.
ETD-MS Format Now Supported
The ETD-MS metadata schema is now supported in Alma, enabling you to deposit, catalog, publish, and deliver digital content cataloged in ETD-MS.
- In the Record Format field, when adding a representation (Resources > Add Digital Representation).
- In the Source Format and Target Format fields, when configuring import profiles (Resources > Manage Import Profiles).
- In the Output Format field, when configuring a Publishing Profile (Resources > Publishing Profiles).
- In the Bibliographic record formats to include field, when running the Export Digital Titles job (Admin > Run a Job).
Group Digital Files by Subfield 8 Linking Number When Importing Digital Records
When importing digital MARC bibliographic records, you can now group the digital files into representations by the 856 $8 linking number. To support this feature, the new Subfield $8 Linking Number option was added to the Group files by field when creating a digital import profile.

Forms Now Support Normalization Processes
You can now associate a metadata form with a normalization process like you can with digital import profiles. To support this feature the Correct the data using field was added to the Form fields.

Manage Letter Examples

The Letter Examples tab of the Letter Configuration page now supports the ability to browse latest server side examples and download/add to examples list. These examples are subject to the retention policy of the institution. The XML files saved in the system will be retained for 7 days and will be removed by the weekly cleanup job. The XML examples added to the XML list from the system are persistent and will not be cleaned by the weekly job. Any identifying information should be removed from these examples.
See Testing Letter Output and Viewing the Source XML.
Ship Digital Content

Online Print Queue

You can now send letters to an online print queue for later printing, and print aggregation.
Quick Printing

Quick Printing allows you to dictate that all printouts going to a specific printer should automatically print. When using quick printing, the printing window immediately displays when the letter is generated.
Visibility of Operator Information in History Tabs
A new privilege, View Operator Details, now allows you to restrict who can view Alma users' details in any of the History tabs (and some other pages) across the system. By default, there is no change to the existing functionality. You can turn on a default set of restrictions using the new page, Manage Operator Details Visibility. For more information, see Configuring Users' Ability to View Operator Details. For more granular control of which users can view operator details, contact Ex Libris customer support.
- Operator information in all pages only appears to managers and administrators; regular operators cannot see this information.
- By default, all managers and operators can view operator information on any page that contains this information (assuming that they can see the page). You can configure Alma such that only managers or administrators relevant to specific areas of Alma can view operator information on the pages that appear in these areas. For example, a user who is an Invoice Manager (but no other manager or administrator) can view operator details in all acquisitions areas, but not in fulfillment or user management areas.
- New privileges VIEW_OPERATOR_DETAILS_ACQ, VIEW_OPERATOR_DETAILS_FULFILLMENT, VIEW_OPERATOR_DETAILS_REPOSITORY, and VIEW_OPERATOR_DETAILS_USER_MANAGEMENT were added to (ACQ) Acquisitions Administrator, Fiscal Period Manager, Fund Manager, Invoice Manager, Ledger Manager, License Manager, Purchase Request Manager, Purchasing Manager, Trial Manager, Vendor Account Manager, Vendor Manager, (FUL) Fulfillment Administrator, Circulation Desk Manager, Course Reserves Manager, Fulfillment Services Manager, Resource Sharing Partners Manager, (RES) Catalog Administrator, Catalog Manager, Deposit Manager, Repository Administrator, Repository Manager, (UM) User Administrator, User Manager. All of these privileges are on, by default, for all of these roles. When you configure restricted access to operator details, the non-relevant privileges are turned off for the relevant roles.
- The Audit tab was changed to the History tab on the Resource Sharing Borrowing Requests and Resource Sharing Lending Requests Task List pages.
User Passwords in the Identity Service
The Ex Libris Identity Service now includes an indication for users that have a password stored within the Identity Service. The Identity Service field appears at the top of the Manage Users page.

SAML User Creation

You can now create an Alma user when a user is authenticated with SAML but does not have an existing Alma user. This eliminates the need to create user accounts in advance from a SIS or FTP file download. This option is supported for Primo VE.
Display of All 035 $a Contents in Search Results

The All titles, Physical titles, Electronic titles, and Digital titles repository search results now display all 035 $a content. This is handled as part of the existing Record number search results and the new multiple values icon (

Expanded Resource Description

The resource description in the headings information for the Record View, List of Items, List of Holdings, the Physical Item Editor, and single holdings was expanded. Also, the resource description was expanded in the MD Editor holdings record header. The resource description now includes the a, n, p, h, b, f, g, k, and s subfields of the MARC 21 / KORMARC 245 field and the a through i subfields of the UNIMARC 200 field. See below for some examples.

Publishing Additional Fields to Primo from the Authority Record
For Institution Zone and Network Zone publishing to Primo, you can now configure your publishing profile to enrich the published record with any field from the authority record that the bibliographic record is linked to. See Publishing to Primo for more information.
Upon Import - Restrict Creation of the Electronic Inventory For New Bibliographic Records
Number of Requests
The number of requests now appear 1) on the Holdings tab on the 'Held By' Details page for monographs and 2) in a new column on the List of Items page for serials. See Held By Details and Working with the List of Items for more information.
UNIMARC / CNMARC Repository Search Results Display
Formatting the subject content in the repository search results for the UNIMARC / CNMARC 600 $a and $b was changed. Since these fields contain first name and family name, the content now appears in search results as one subject entity, instead of two subject entities. See an example of this change below. Note that this change requires a reindexing to be fully implemented. Contact Ex Libris support if you are interested in this change before the next scheduled reindexing.

MARC 21 Authority Metadata Configuration
The following changes were made to the configuration for MARC 21 Authority (Configuration Menu > Resources > Cataloging > Metadata Configuration > MARC21 Authority):
- 008 field – In position 9, the | value (No attempt to code) was added.
- LDR field – Position 18 and 19 and now defined separately. Position 18 is described as Punctuation policy and position 19 is described as Undefined.
Browse Shelf Listing
In the Browse Shelf Listing's Call Number Level drop-down list of options, the Alternative call number option was changed to Item call number. This change also appears in the Level column of the Browse Shelf Listing's results.

COUNTER Platform
To improve cost-per-use reporting in Analytics for COUNTER reports, a new COUNTER Platform feature was implemented in the following areas of Alma: Electronic Collection Editor, Electronic Portfolio Editor, Repository Search Results, Search Configuration, Add Local Electronic Collection, Add Local Portfolio, and Electronic Service Editor. With this feature, you can specify a specific platform for electronic collections and/or electronic portfolios for Alma Analytics usage data and cost-per-use reports. The purpose of this feature is to address the issue that arises where, as a result of the same resource appearing in different COUNTER reports for different platforms, multiple platforms appear in the usage data and cost-per-use reports as shown in the following examples:

- COUNTER Platform (Electronic Collection Editor / Adding a Local Electronic Collection)
- Electronic collection COUNTER Platform (Electroninc Portfolio Editor)
- COUNTER Platform (Electronic Portfolio Editor)
- iepa_counterPlatform and portfolio_counterPlatform (Search Index)
- Portfolio Loader
Publishing Information
There is a new option under Resources (Resources > Publishing > Publishing Information) for accessing the information that is published by the following types of publishing jobs: General Publishing, Primo, Summon, OCLC, Primo Central, Summon Central, Libraries Australia, and Google Scholar. Enter a resource ID, such as a title ID, to view the details of what was published for that entity. For more information, see Publishing Information.
Physical Material Type Descriptions
There are new physical material type descriptions that you can configure to appear in the Physical Item Editor. The new physical material type descriptions are:
- Standard record, shellac record = An old-style 78rpm record made of a molding material that we now call a thermoplastic in which shellac was greatly extended by assorted neutral filler materials, among them the carbon black which gives the black look to most records.
- Vertical-cut disc, Path? record = The vertical cut recording process is an early method of audio recording by which a stylus cuts a vertical groove into a phonograph record. This is in contrast to the lateral recording system which uses a stylus that cuts side-to-side across a record.
- Cardboard record, flexi disc = A cardboard record was a type of cheaply made phonograph record made of plastic-coated thin paperboard. These discs were usually small, had poor audio quality compared to vinyl or acetate discs, and were often only marginally playable due to their light weight, slick surface, and tendency to warp like a taco shell.
- Magnetic tape = Magnetic tape is a medium for magnetic recording, made of a thin, magnetizable coating on a long, narrow strip of plastic film. It was developed in Germany in 1928, based on magnetic wire recording. Devices that record and play back audio and video using magnetic tape are tape recorders and video tape recorders respectively.
- Piano roll = A piano roll is a music storage medium used to operate a player piano, piano player or reproducing piano. A piano roll is a continuous roll of paper with perforations (holes) punched into it. The perforations represent note control data. The roll moves over a reading system known as a 'tracker bar' and the playing cycle for each musical note is triggered when a perforation crosses the bar and is read.
- Phonograph cylinder = Phonograph cylinders are the earliest commercial medium for recording and reproducing sound. Commonly known simply as "records" in their era of greatest popularity (c. 1896–1915), these hollow cylindrical objects have an audio recording engraved on the outside surface, which can be reproduced when they are played on a mechanical cylinder phonograph.
My Electronic Resources by Provider
The My Electronic Resources by Provider feature gives you the ability to easily view your subscriptions with providers and their availability status in Alma. With it, you can also activate any resources that you subscribe to but have not activated. See My Electronic Resources by Provider for more information.
MODS Metadata Schema Now Supported
The MODS metadata schema is now supported in Alma, enabling you to deposit, catalog, publish, and deliver digital content cataloged in MODS. Note that to have this schema available, you must submit a request to Ex Libris support.
- In the new MD Editor for MODS.
- In the Record Format field, when adding a representation (Resources > Add Digital Representation).
- In the Source Format field, when configuring import profiles (Resources > Manage Import Profiles).
- In the Output Format field, when configuring a Publishing Profile (Resources > Publishing Profiles).
- In the Bibliographic record formats to include field, when running the Export Digital Titles job (Admin > Run a Job).
Using the Circulation Desk IP for RFID Integrations
When adding/editing an RFID integration profile, you can now add IP configuration if Other is selected in the System field. A new check box, Item Information Update, is also available to indicate whether the vendor writes to the tag or only updates the security bit. When Item Information Update is selected, links display for RFID Material Type Definition, RFID Item Policy Definition, and Mapping of RFID Fields to Alma Fields.
Reshelving Items

Time to reshelve (hours) is now available on the Organization Unit Details (when configuring a library), Circulation Desk, and Reshelve Without Transit Rules Editor pages. When configured, items that are marked as reshelf or reshelf without transit, will be displayed as Awaiting Shelving, instead of Item in Place, for the period of time configured. The item is considered as available, but appears as being reshelved in Alma and Primo so students and librarians know not to search for it on the shelf. Alma removes the 'Awaiting Reshelving' indication when the configured time since the item return has passed.
Merge Patron Records

A user with appropriate privileges can now merge one or more user records into another user record. You can select which segments to merge (contacts, identifiers, notes, blocks, demerits, statistics, attachments and proxy for). All fulfillment activities are merged (loans, requests, fines/fees and interested users) to the new user. To enable this feature, contact Ex Libris customer support.
Letter Customization Tool

New, streamlined pages are now available for Letters Configuration and Components Configuration. In the near future, they will replace the previous Letter Emails, Letter Activity, Letter Retention, Notification Template, and Customize Letters pages. Until then, a change made in the new pages will also appear in the old pages, and vice versa.
DARA Enhanced to Suggest Recommendations for Unavailable Electronic Portfolios and Validate Order Information for API Orders
DARA can now offer the following recommendations:
- Unavailable Portfolios – Using an Alma Analytics report, DARA can identify unavailable electronic portfolios and recommend that you activate them.
- Validate Order Information for Orders Created by API – DARA identifies when you have the New Order Integration profile configured in your institution and you have PO lines created by an API, but you did not select any of the Validation of Order Information options for the New Order API integration profile. These options prevent the API from creating new orders without proper funding.
New Vendor for Availability and Pricing
Availability and pricing is now available for Askews and Holts on the Check Availability and Pricing page. Because Askews and Holts only supports item search by ISBN, availability and pricing for Askews and Holts is only available when ISBN is part of the search.
Add Items to the Claim Task List
The Claim Task List now includes a new collapsible section, Claiming Information. This section, which is only available for physical PO lines, lists the items or holdings and their claim status. For physical one time orders, the list displays all unreceived items linked to this PO Line. The Go to inventory link displays the item editor. For physical continuous orders, the list displays all unreceived items that are under the holdings linking to this PO line, based on the prediction pattern. In this case, if there are items, the Go to inventory link goes to the the item editor, otherwise it goes to the holdings item lists.
Override URL for SUSHI Vendors
The Vendor SUSHI Account page now includes an Override URL in addition to the Vendor URL. Either the Override URL or the Vendor URL must be populated. If the Vendor URL for a SUSHI account changes in the list of SUSHI-certified vendors, the Vendor URL is updated. The Override URL is not changed by the update. When the SUSHI harvest job runs, the Override URL is checked first, and then the Vendor URL if the Override URL doesn't connect successfully.
Link Resolver View It - Show All Option

The Link Resolver View It (which presents context-sensitive electronic services) can now show more than 25 services using a new Show All option. See View It and enable_view_it_show_all_results for more information.
Fields Added to Electronic Inventory Enrichment

The published data for electronic inventory enrichment was extended to include the following information: URL Type, Proxy Selected, Proxy Enabled, Authentication Note, and Internal Description. These publishing changes are available when using the General Profile for publishing. See Publishing and Inventory Enrichment (General Publishing) for more information.
Advanced Search Options for Subjects Index

For an All titles searches using the Subjects index, the following matching criteria were added to the Advanced search options: Is Empty, Not Contains Keywords, Not Equals, Not Contains Phrase, and Is Not Empty. Note that this requires reindexing and will be fully functional with the completion of the July reindexing. See Performing an Advanced Search for more information.
Semi-Annual Reindexing
During July, the semi-annual reindexing (described in greater detail here) will be run. Previously and in this release, features were announced that require reindexing to be fully functional. The July semi-annual reindexing addresses this requirement. The following list highlights the functions announced that require the July reindexing:
- In the MD Editor, Browse Shelf Listing > call number sorting previously sorted the 852 holdings field in the alphabetic order of the subfields as follows: h, i, j, k, l, m. This did not take into account that $k is the call number prefix. As of the July production release and when enabled by Ex Libris, selecting call number sorting sorts the call numbers in the following order: k, h, i, j, l, m. This change will be applied as part of the July re-indexing to all customers who do not open a case with Support before July 1st to request otherwise. Note that the display text of call numbers has always taken $k into account and appeared first.
- The sort of call numbers for the type NLM and SUDOC was improved. The change is relevant for the sort of physical items in the repository search and for browse shelf listing.
- The MARC 21 775 $x and $z are now indexed under the ISSN and ISBN indexes, and the MARC 21 775 $u, $x, $y and $z are now indexed under the Standard number index.
- Specific to the UNIMARC - Parallel Data Punctuation Display, when a UNIMARC subfield such as 200 $f or 200 $g starts with and equals sign (=), its regular (ISBD) punctuation is ignored, and the equals sign (=) prefix is used instead.
- Specific to Resource Type definitions of MARC 21 bibliographic records:
- The Textual - Component Part resource type was canceled.
- The Book chapter - Electronic and Book chapter - Physical resource types were changed to Monographic component part - Electronic and Monographic component part - Physical, respectively.
- The Journal article - Electronic and Journal article - Physical resource types were changed to Serial component part - Electronic and Serial component part - Physical, respectively.
- For the CNMARC field 200 (title), display elements are now created according to the original cataloging order of the subfields. In addition, the appropriate punctuation is added between the subfields.
- See Authority Search Indexes.
- See Normalized Apostrophe in Alma Repository Search.
- The values for Network Number in Analytics is now taken from the search field instead of the display field. This corrects the issue where Analytics sometimes removed leading zeros for Network Number.
- See UDC Sorting for Browse Bibliographic Headings.
- Subfields of MARC 21, UNIMARC, and CNMARC authority record fields used to create display, sorting, and search elements, were extracted in alphabetical order rather than in cataloging order. This was fixed. As a result, additional bibliographic record elements were created. For MARC 21 display elements, this includes 5XX note fields (excluding 59X, 520 and 505), 59X local note fields, and 69X local subjects. For MARC 21 search elements, this includes 59X local notes, 9XX local fields, 09X local call numbers, and 69X local subjects. For UNIMARC and CNMARC, the display elements include 69X local subjects. Search elements include 69X Other Classification Number, 3XX notes, 9XX local fields, and 69X local subjects.
- The display of the correct language in Analytics was fixed for CNMARC records when there are multiple 101 fields.
- See Local Param Subfield Delimiters.
- When a holdings record is saved and indexed, its call number type is now determined according to the first 852 field instead of the last. Note that Alma supports only one 852 field per holdings record. With this change, if for some reason there is more than one 852 field, the call number type is derived from the first 852 field.
Agency Search Indexes for Authority Records
The following indexes were added for Authorities searches in Alma's repository search:
- 040 $a – Original Cataloging Agency, MARC 21 and GND
- 040 $d – Modifying Agency, MARC 21 and GND
- 801 $b, second indicator 0 – Original Cataloging Agency, UNIMARC and CNMARC
- 801 $b, second indicator 2 – Modifying Agency, UNIMARC and CNMARC
Agency and Language Search Indexes for Bibliographic Records
The following indexes were added for bibliographic record searches in Alma's repository search:
- 040 $b – Language of cataloging, MARC 21 (KORMARC)
- 100 $a, positions 22-24 – Language of cataloging, UNIMARC and CNMARC
- 801 $b, second indicator 0 – Original Cataloging Agency, UNIMARC and CNMARC
Normalized Apostrophe in Alma Repository Search
The various UNICODE forms of an apostrophe are now normalized to the standard ASCII apostrophe for Alma Repository Search when searching text fields such as Subject and Title. This functionality is supported for only the default searching language configured for your system. See Regarding the search string on the Searching in Alma page for more information. Note that this change requires reindexing and that it will be fully functional after the completion of the semi-annual reindexing in July.
UDC Sorting for Browse Bibliographic Headings
The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) bibliographic headings are now sorted according to the UDC standard ( in the browse bibliographic headings component of Alma. This change requires reindexing and will be fully functional with the completion of the semi-annual reindexing that is scheduled to run in July. See Browsing Bibliographic Headings for more information.
New Bibliographic and Authority Search Indexes
New indexes were created for bibliographic and authority records for MARC 21/KORMARC, UNIMARC, and CNMARC. With these changes, new search terms were added to the simple and advanced staff search options. See MARC 21 Search Indexes, UNIMARC Search Indexes, CNMARC Search Indexes, and Configuring Search for more information. This change requires reindexing and will be fully functional with the completion of the semi-annual reindexing that is scheduled to run in July.
Authority Search Indexes
The following new indexes were added for Authority search:
- Genre form (auth_genre_form)
This is for MARC 21 only. Previously, the 155, 455, and 555 fields were mapped to the Subject search index. Now, these fields are instead mapped to the Genre form index.
- LCCN prefix (lccn_prefix)
This is for MARC 21 only. The alphabetic characters that begin the 010 $a such as no, sh, or sj are indexed. With this index, you can restrict an authorities subject search to a certain type. The following is the list of search values provided for this search index:
- n - Name or subject authority record keyed by LC
- nb - Name or subject authority record originating in the British Library
- nr - Name or subject authority record originating in the Research Libraries Information Network (RLIN)
- no - Name or subject authority record originating in the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
- sh - LCSH subject authority record distributed by LC
- sj - Juvenile subject authority keyed by LC and distributed in the LC Annotated Children's Cataloging Program
- sp - Subject authority proposal record in the LC catalog. (When it is approved, the record is distributed with the prefix sh.)
The LC Control No. Prefix search option can be used to access this index.
Authority Priorities
Alma now supports authority priorities for bibliographic records with a second indicator of 7. See Authority Priorities for more information.
UNIMARC Authority X41 and X42 Fields
The following UNIMARC authority fields were added to support the Alma authority control workflow for linking, preferred term correction, and F3 for UNIMARC:
Local Portfolio Language
You can now specify the portfolio language when creating new portfolios. Previously, English (eng) was specified by default. The language information can be entered on the New Portfolio page (when creating a new portfolio) or from the Portfolio Loader spreadsheet and is placed in the new bibliographic record's 008 (positions 35-37) for MARC 21 / KORMARC and the 101 0# $a for UNIMARC / CNMARC. Once entered, the language information is part of the export data when you use the Extended Export feature. See Managing Electronic Resources and Portfolio Loader for more information.
Thumbnail Selection for Digital Titles
You can now select the thumbnail that appears for digital titles in the search results and Digital Resource Editor. To support this feature, a new Properties tab now appears in the Digital Resource Editor:

- Select the folder icon next to the Thumbnail Upload field and select an image from your system.
- Select Thumbnail Selection and select a digital file from the representation.
- Select Use Default Thumbnail to use the first file of the representation as the the thumbnail.
OAI Testing Added to Remote Repository Configuration
You can now test the OAI connection when configuring remote repositories. You no longer have to create an import profile to run this test.
- The Authentication checkbox was added to the general Information tab of the Remote Digital Repository Details page. When selected, the Username and Password fields appear that allow you to add OAI authentication information.
OAI Authentication
- The Test and Save button was added to each tab of the Remote Digital Repository Details page. When selecting this button, the OAI Test page appears that allows you to test the OAI connection.
OAI Test Page
Limit Access Rights According to Concurrent Users
You can now limit access rights to digital representations according to the number of concurrent users within a specific time frame. To support this feature, Concurrent Users is now available as an access rights parameter:

ViewIt Now Displays List of Representations
You can now configure the ViewIt action to group the list of services by representations with links to the available viewers. Previously, representations were grouped by viewer. For example:

Temporary Locations for Dematic Remote Storage
A temporary item removal from or addition to remote storage will no longer update the Dematic database.
- The previous current location is storage and the current location is not storage, or they are not the same remote storage.
- The permanent location is not storage.
The Item Add message will now only be sent when the item's current location is changed from a non-storage location to a storage location and the previous permanent location was not a storage location (or not the same storage location).
By default, this new feature is disabled. In order to enable it, you must set the temp_asrs_report_temporary_change parameter to false. The temporary parameter will be deleted in a coming release and this behavior will be the standard behavior.
Select Request Locations

When a hold request is created and the holdings to fulfill the request is not available in the selected pickup location, Alma now matches the holdings to the request using additional parameters as follows:
- Alma attempts to locate a holdings belonging to another library on the same campus as the pickup location.
- If no holdings is found on the same campus, more than one holdings exists in different locations on the campus, or if no campuses have been defined, Alma checks the Transit Time Rules. If a rule exists for this holdings and the new check box, Use for Hold Request Pickup Calculation, is selected, Alma chooses this holdings. The check box is displayed only when the From Library and To Library fields are configured and the Material Type field is Any. By default, the check box is not selected. See Adding a Transit Time Rule.
- If more than one holdings has a transit time rule, then the holding with the shortest transit time is selected.
- Holdings in remote storage with the Prefer Over Other Locations check box selected (see Adding a Remote Storage Facility).
- Holdings whose owning library matches the requested pickup library.
- Holdings on the same campus.
- All other holdings that can fulfill the request but are not at this campus or if no campuses have been defined, the locations will be sorted by their transit time to the pickup location, if a transit time rule between the pickup location library and the location holding library has been defined and if the rule supports Hold Request Pickup Calculation.
- Holdings in remote storage that do not have the Prefer Over Other Locations check box selected.
- Holdings that were previously assigned and changed by the Skip Location action.
The same logic is automatically applied if the Skip Location action is used, automatically selecting the first location as per the sorting method described above.
Hourly Options for Booking Requests

A new booking policy in the Terms of Use, Booking Resolution, allows you to define the allowed resolution of your booking request. The policy has four values:
- Minutes - The booking will be defined by date, hour, and minutes.
- Hours - The booking will be defined by date and hour.
- Days - The booking will be defined by date only.
- Days plus overnight - The end time of the booking will be defined to the next opening time of the library.
The default value is Minutes, which maintains the previous functionality.
When a booking request is created in Alma or Primo, the start and end time fields are now dependent on the value in this policy. If the value is Minutes, time fields are displayed with hours and minutes. If the value is Days or Days plus overnight, the time fields are hidden. If the value is Hours, time fields are displayed with hours and minutes but a warning message indicates that only hours should be selected.
If multiple items exist for the same title with different booking resolutions (due to different terms of use), the least specific resolution is used.
Support for ISO 18626 Protocol
Alma now supports the new ISO ILL protocol. When adding or editing resource sharing partners, ISO 18626 appears under the list of Profile Types.
Reactivate Resource Sharing Requests

For completed, peer to peer resource sharing requests, a new row action, Reactivate Request, is now available on the Resource Sharing Task List. This action may be used to reactivate a request that has been mistakenly marked as completed. The option is available on both the borrowing and lending request task list. It is also possible to send a general message to the peer partner at the time the request is reactivated.
For borrowing requests, a temporary item is recreated using the previous barcode with the process status set to In resource sharing. The library and location of the item are set to the same values as when the item was initially created. If the item is not yet on loan, a hold request is reinitiated. You can reinitiate the loan manually. If no loan is initiated, the request status is Request Reactivated.
For lending requests, the shipped item's process status is set to In resource sharing and the item is relinked. The request status is Request Reactivated. If the item is in another process, an error is displayed.
For both borrowing and lending, the request's original external ID is maintained.
This option is enabled for Fulfillment Services Managers. To enable for Fulfillment Services Operators, contact Ex Libris support. Note that activating an option on the Workflow Profile is also required.
Default User Group for Fulfillment Network Locate
You can now define a default user group which will be used for the locate process and rules calculation for fulfillment network partners.
Preferred Name Display

When Preferred First Name, Preferred Middle Name, or Preferred Last Name, are populated on the User Details page, they now replace the main First Name, Middle Name and Last Name fields in all places that the name appears within Alma, for example, letters, Manage Patron Services, and the Active Hold Shelf. The Active Hold Shelf also has an option to sort based on the requester preferred name. If this sort option is selected, but no preferred name is available, the main name is used instead.
- Preferred - As described above, when chosen, any preferred user name fields that are entered will display instead of the main name fields.
- Main - The main names are displayed, which is the prior behavior.
- Both - The preferred name displays in parentheses after the main name.
The preferred names can also be set in SIS or the API. See API Docs in the Developer Network. The uploaded values of the preferred names can be manually overridden in the Alma interface.
If one preferred name field is entered but not the others, whatever value is in the main name fields will be automatically populated in the other preferred name fields. So, for instance, if Preferred First Name is entered, the values of Middle Name and Last Name will be filled into their corresponding preferred name field. The preferred name values that are automatically updated can be modified by SIS or API, as well as manually via the Alma interface.
Pop-Up User Notes

User notes can now be defined to appear as pop-up notes in Manage Patron Services so that the librarian can inform the patron of any important messages. When a user note is created, a new check-box is available, Pop up note. When selected, the note will display as a pop-up window when the operator enters Manage Patron Users. If a block message also exists for the user, both messages will display in the same pop-up window.
Deliver Analytics Report with FTP
You can now configure scheduled analytics reports to be placed on an FTP server. This can be useful, for example, if you want to make the report available to other departments in your institution.

Mandatory System Field for New Order API Integration Profile
The System field is now mandatory for the New Order API integration profile. The field values include:
- Basware
- Homegrown
- Multiple
- OASIS ProQuest
- Other
Add VAT Code to Invoice Creation
The VAT code can now be added to a new invoice when creating the invoice from EDI or an Excel upload. When using an Excel upload, the VAT code is not mandatory. When using EDI, the new Use VAT Code field, on the EDI Information tab of the Vendor Details page, must be selected. If your institution does not have the VAT Codes table populated, the field is disabled.
Add VAT Type Options for EDI Invoices
When creating an EDI invoice, you can now select the VAT Type of invoices coming from this vendor in EDI. When calculating VAT in the invoice, Alma checks the value in this field, which defaults to Line Exclusive.
- Exclusive - The total price of the invoice excludes the VAT. The VAT calculation is the Total line amount = Total price + VAT. So, for example, if the total invoice price is 100 USD and the VAT is 10% exclusive, the price is 100 USD and the VAT is 10 USD. The total line amount is 110 USD.
- Line Exclusive - The Total price of the invoice includes the VAT while the total line amount does not. Alma calculates the VAT for each invoice line and adds the amount to the lines.
- Inclusive - The total price of the invoice includes the VAT. The VAT calculation is Total Amount - (Total Amount / (1 + VAT Percentage) ). So, for example, if the total price is 100 USD, and the VAT is 10%, VAT = 100 - (100 /(1.1) ) = 9.9. The price is 90.1 and the VAT amount is 9.9.
Type-Ahead for Funds and Vendors in Purchase Requests
Type-ahead functionality is now available for the Fund and Vendor fields in Purchase Requests.
Free Text Note in ORDERS EDI Message
You can now add additional PO Line fields to the ORDERS EDI file. The available fields are shown in the EDI Vendor Note Fields table. The options are:
- Fund Description
- PO Line Type
- Receiving Note
- Rush
- Reporting Code
- Secondary Reporting Code
- Tertiary Reporting Code
Reload SUSHI File
It is now possible to reload a COUNTER report from the Load Usage Data list for invalid and partially loaded SUSHI files. The data related to the existing report, as determined by file_id, is deleted and the load process is rerun.
A Reload row action now appears for rows on the Load Usage Data list. The action is visible only for Invalid and Partially Loaded SUSHI files. When the user confirms the reload, the data of the existing file is deleted and the data is sent again.
Add Error Description and Resolution to File Upload Data
COUNTER reports that end with load errors now include error messages with a recommended solution, and an action, if available.
Icon Indicators for Electronic Portfolios and Electronic Collections in Community Tab Search Results

Icon indicators that show the status of electronic collections (activated/not activated, available/not available) were added to the Community tab in the Electronic portfolios and Electronic titles search results. With these indicators, you can now more easily identify portfolios that are part of active collections. See Record Lists for more information.
List of Items Table
The List of Items tables now have the following filters: Year, Volume, Description, and Receive Date. See Working with the List of Items for more information.
Original Cataloging Agency
With simple and advanced search, you may now search for bibliographic, all titles records using Original Cataloging Agency for your search criteria. For more information, see Configuring Search and MARC 21 Search Indexes.
3XX Authority Control Fields
Alma now offers full authority control for the 380, 385, 386, and 388 fields, including F3 linking from the MD Editor, publishing to Primo with headings enrichment, search by non-preferred terms and preferred-term correction.
Duplicate Title Analysis Report
Two new columns were added to the Duplicate Title Analysis report, Resource Type and Held By (for the Network Zone only). See Using Duplicate Title Analysis for more information.
Distributed Electronic Resource Management – Support for Upload Electronic Holdings
Distributed electronic resource management support is now available for the Elsevier, Ovid, and Springer Upload Electronic Holdings integration profiles. With these new options, you can create mutliple integration profiles of the same type and schedule them to run at the same time. For more information, see Upload Electronic Holdings from Elsevier, Upload Electronic Holdings from Ovid, and Upload Electronic Holdings from Springer.
Link Users for Network Zone
Unique Item Barcodes for Fulfillment Networks
You can now define a fulfillment network as having unique item barcodes. Depending on the setup, you may be able to bypass the owning institution selection step.
- FULL - Use this option if barcodes are unique across all members of the fulfillment network and are not duplicated. The Item Owner drop-down list does not appear on the Manage Patron Services, Return Items, or Scan In pages. Alma searches for the barcode, first locally, then in all other institutions. The search completes as soon as the barcode is matched and the processing continues automatically.
- NONE - Barcodes are not unique. All previous behavior is retained.
New Options for Closed Library Due Date Management

The Closed Library Due Date Management policy includes the following new values to support keeping the original time and change only the date if the due date falls on a closed day:
- Move to next open day (same hour) - When Alma calculates a loan due date that falls on a closed day (loan, recall, or renew), the due date is set to the next open date with the original due date time.
- Move to previous open day (same hour) - Alma sets the due date to the previous open date with the original time.
NetPunkt System Integration – OpenReceipt
With the Netpunkt integration, Alma is now able to take OpenReceipt messages from the Netpunkt Danish ILL system and create resource sharing borrowing requests in Alma. See Integrating Alma with the Netpunkt ILL System for more information.
Collection Translations
You can now translate the name and description of collections when you have multiple languages configured. The translated name and description appear when you select the language from a drop-down list. To support this feature, the Translation Information icon appears next to the Name and Description fields when editing collections.

Expand MARC Metadata Fields Displayed in Alma Viewers
The list of MARC metadata fields that can appear in the Alma viewers has been expanded (Configuration > Fulfillment > Digital Fulfillment > Delivery Profiles Metadata). For more information, see Configuring Delivery Profiles Metadata.

Spanish Online Help
Spanish online help pages are now available when selecting help in Alma while using the Spanish interface.
Alma Known Issues Fix Schedule
The Alma Known Issues Fix Schedule lists known issues that are planned to be corrected in upcoming releases. This feature enables libraries to have a clear view of upcoming corrections. The list includes a description and case numbers and has a number of filters to allow for easy review.
Facets on the Edit Citations and Reading Lists Task List Pages
Facets were added in place of filters on the Edit Citations and Reading Lists Task List pages for all customers.
On the Reading Lists Task List page, the Processing Department, Status, Publication Status, and List Modification Date filters were changed to facets. List Creation Date and Request for Review (date) were added as facets. Alerts remains as a filter.
Published was added as an option for the publication status facet on both pages. Published matches all publication options other than Archived or Deleted. In addition, the processing department Undefined matches any reading list that does not have an associated course.
Summary of the new Reading Lists Task List Page Facets/Filters:
- The page includes the facets Processing Department, Status, Publication Status, List creation date, List modification date, and Request for review, as well as the filter Alerts.
- The status Processing matches any reading list that is not marked as Complete, including Inactive or Declined.
- For publication status, Published matches all reading lists that are not Draft, Archived, or Deleted, and Active (which is selected by default) matches all reading lists that are not Archived or Deleted.
- The processing department Undefined matches any reading list that does not have an associated course.
Summary of the new Edit Citations Facets/Filters:
- The page includes the facets: Course Status, Processing Department, List Status, List Assigned To, Publication Status, Section Tags, Citation Status, Resource Locate, Citation Tags, Material Type, Copyright Status, License Type, Alerts.
- For citation status, Not Complete matches any citation whose status is not Complete.
- For publication status, Published matches all reading lists that are not Draft, Archived, or Deleted.
- The processing department Undefined matches any reading list that does not have an associated course.
Limit DARA Recommendation Types
You can now limit the types of recommendations that DARA displays. This is useful if you know that certain types of recommendations are not relevant for your institution.

Automatic Price When Creating PO Line from Review Results in Check Availability and Pricing
Creating a PO line from the Check Pricing and Availability page now automatically copies the price and currency of the relevant item into the PO line. If the PO line is created in another currency, an exchange rate is calculated using the current date as an exchange rate date. In addition, the vendor information is automatically copied into the new PO Line.
Change Funds in Invoice Lines
It is now possible to select one, many, or all invoice lines on the Invoice Details page and add or replace funds for the selected invoice lines.

Retry SUSHI Harvesting
When the SUSHI Harvesting job receives a response that indicates that the report will be available at a later time, Alma now automatically retries a random amount of time later. If the error persists, Alma retries a number of such iterations, increasing the retry interval each time, until the attempt is successful or reaches a maximum number of retries.
Global Success Rates in the Usage Data Loader
The Usage Data Loader page now includes a column that indicates the global success rate of the report type for that month. The number is a link to the relevant SUSHI Account Details page.
New SUSHI Vendor
The Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association is now available as a SUSHI vendor. It supports reports types:
- JR1
- JR2
- JR5
- BR3
- PR1
Authority Search Results
Two additional fields appear in authority search results, Vocabulary and Originating System ID. These fields are available for all vocabularies. In addition, Ranking is now available as a sort option for the results.
General Publishing Profile Duplicate Action
For general publishing profiles, there is a new Duplicate action that can be used to duplicate an existing profile. See Working with an Existing General Publishing Profile for more information.
To address the changes made by PubMed to its FTP processing (from multiple FTPs to a single FTP), the Alma PubMed publishing profile now handles the new PubMed process. See the PubMed Publishing Profile Configuration Options table for more information.
General Publishing – Full Publishing Improvements and New Republish Action
As part of our continued efforts to improve performance and efficiency, additional changes were implemented for the general publishing process. As described in the March release, these changes ensure that your publishing jobs are completed more quickly and within predictable timelines. The main improvement is that the General Publishing infrastructure works in an incremental mode. This is the new standard processing mode. Republish and Include all records each time file is published replace the previously available publishing mode options. See below and the Publishing and Inventory Enrichment (General Publishing) section for more information.
- General publishing jobs that publish to an FTP server have an option to include all records. This option enables including the full set of records in the published FTP files. Existing FTP publishing profiles that were previously configured as Full have this option turned on by default.
- When enriched information needs to be recalculated after enrichment configuration changes (such as a change in Library name or update of normalization rules or enrichment options), records that were not modified since the last run are not published with the new data. To republish the entire set with the new data, a new republishing option, Rebuild Entire Index, is available.
- OAI publishing profiles always work in incremental mode and also include deleted records. However, it is still possible to harvest the full set of records using OIA, which includes the deleted records. To do this, do not specify a From Date parameter on the OAI request. If the target to which you are publishing cannot process record deletions, use FTP publishing with the option to include all records described above. Alternately, use the new Republish option, Rebuild Entire Index, to republish the whole set as new. This option has the same result as the previously available (prior to April 2019) Full publishing mode.
Importing Different Inventory Types
When you import records with a single match, you can now configure the import profile to use inventory type as a criteria for a match. This enables you to maintain separate bibliographic records for electronic and physical inventory types of the same title. See Single match - match only record with the same inventory type (electronic/physical) for more information.
Receiving Number and Weeding Number Item Sequences
To better manage the physical inventory receiving and weeding workflows Alma now provides two new optional item level sequences :
- Receiving Sequence - Upon receiving workflow, generate a 'Receiving' sequence number that is stored as part of the item.
- Weeding Sequence - When weeding items, generate 'Weeding' sequence number that is stored as part of the item.
Both sequences will be added to Analytics in a future release.
New item sequences are now available for receiving and weeding. With this addition, the Inventory Number feature configuration (previously Configuration Menu > Resources > General > Inventory Number) was expanded to include receiving and weeding, and was renamed Item Sequences (Configuration Menu > Resources > General > Item Sequences). The Receive label will be changed to Receiving in a future release. See Configuring Physical Item Sequences and Managing Physical Resources for more information.
Local Authority Record Edit Option

When you use F3 in the MD Editor and view a local authority record, there is a new action Edit to edit the local authority record. Edit is also available when viewing a local authority record using Browse Bibliographic Headings. See Viewing and Linking to an Authority Record for more information.
Portfolio Loader and Extended Export Group Settings
Additional ID for Hold Request Management

A new ID, Additional ID, is now available for requests in order to assist with hold shelf sorting. It can be added in the following places:
- Pick from shelf task list - The ID is hidden by default and can be added in the manage column display menu.
- Pick from shelf slips
- Hold shelf slips
- Hold shelf email to the patron
- Circulation desk - When defining the circulation desk, Additional ID appears as one of the values on the Hold shelf sorting drop-down list.
- Active and Expired Hold Shelf task lists - The Additional ID is hidden by default and can be added in the manage column display menu. The Sort by option includes Additional ID. When selected, the whole list is sorted based on this ID. Otherwise, the Additional ID is used as a secondary sort to the primary sort order. So if two or more records have the same primary value, those records then sort on the Additional ID value.
The ID can be added to the XSL files of the above mentioned email and printouts.
Link Network Zone Users to Institution Zone Users
A new scheduled job is available for Network Zone institutions from the Configuration Menu > User Management > General > User Jobs Configuration page of the Network Zone. This maintenance job is recommended for institutions that use the centrally managed users option on their Network Zone. The job runs routine health check procedures to verify the coherence and completeness of the zone's user network.
Local Param Subfield Delimiters
For local holdings fields that are added as local parameter fields (local param) in Alma Analytics, subfields can be maintained. When enabled for your institution, fields/subfields appear in Alma Analytics with the Alma subfield delimiter (either $$ or ‡) used to delimit the subfield content. This is in addition to the previously available capability for bibliographic fields. See Local Param for more information.
Update Library Opening Hours

DARA – Data Analysis Recommendation Assistant

OASIS Availability, Pricing, and Ordering
The Check Availability and Pricing tool that was introduced in January 2019 is now available without intervention required from Ex Libris Support. The page enables Purchase Request Operators/Managers and Purchasing Operators/Managers to search ProQuest OASIS (Online Acquisitions and Selection Information System) for resources, view pricing information for the retrieved records, and—for purchasing operator/managers—place orders. The orders can now be placed simultaneously in Alma and OASIS in two new ways.
- From the Check Availability and Pricing page, selecting the View in External Vendor button takes you directly to OASIS where you can create an order. If the API is configured, the order in OASIS creates an accompanying PO line in Alma.
- From the Check Availability and Pricing page, selecting the Create Order button creates an Alma PO line. Once the PO line details are updated, the order can be sent directly to OASIS by selecting the Integrate with OASIS button on the Purchase Order Line Details page.
Include an Item Description in the Subject of the PO Line Claim Letter
The subject of the PO Line Claim letter (letter code: POLineClaimLetter) can now be configured. For all PO line types, the PO line number and title can be included in the email subject. If the PO line type is physical continuous, the item description can also included. For non-predicted continuous orders, the expected received date can be included.
Managing Vendor Accounts at the Library Level
It is now possible to assign users a Vendor Account Manager role, allowing them to manage only the vendor accounts and not the entire vendor record. Vendor account management can be limited to the library level.
Restore Record Version Privilege
A new privilege, Restore Record Version, was created for the Cataloger, Catalog Manager, Catalog Administrator, and Cataloger Extended roles to restrict the ability to restore a previous version of a record in the MD Editor. By default, the Restore Record Version privilege is enabled for these roles—that is, no change to the existing functionality. See View Versions for more information. Contact Ex Libris Support if you want to implement this privilege/restriction for one or more of these roles.
SBN Authority Options
Additional authority search options are available for SBN. See Searching for SBN Authority Records for more information. The Manage Location Information feature was added for authority records. See Sending Location Information and Updating the UNIMARC 899 Field in Alma for more information.
Related Record Physical Inventory for UNIMARC
Similar to the MARC 21 implementation, Alma supports the use of specific item information for UNIMARC. With this capability, you can control the display of specific holdings/items as indicated in the related record. This physical inventory information appears in the Primo Get It tab and in Alma repository search results (for an All Titles search) when configured. See display_specific_related_items for the Alma configuration information.
Alternative Call Number Label
The alternative call number label was changed to item call number throughout Alma.
006 Field in the MD Editor
The MD Editor form for the 006 field now correctly displays the options that correspond to the form of material that you select from the Add form of material for 006 pop-up that appears when you create the 006 field. See the example below.

Publishing Bibliographic Records in MODS Format
You can now publish bibliographic records in MODS format. To support this feature, the option to select MODS is now available from the Output format drop-down list when configuring publishing profiles (Resources > Publishing > Publishing Profiles).

Configure Images for Collection Discovery Lobby
You can now manually select a group of images to appear in the Collection Discovery Lobby of your discovery interface. This feature is currently enabled for Primo VE users, including the option to View in Discovery from the Alma configuration page. The feature will expanded to standard Primo users in the future. To support this feature, a new Discovery tab was added to the Collection Resource Editor (Resources > Manage Collections > Edit Collection):

Improve Display of Multiple Values with the Same Label in Digital Viewers
The display of multiple values with the same label in the metadata of digital viewers was enhanced.
- For the Alma Viewer only – you can configure the Alma Viewer to hide repeated uses of the same label for each value under the label. Now the label appears once with the all of the values listed under it. To support this feature, the new Hide Repeated Labels check box was added to the configuration page for the Alma Viewer (Configuration > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Viewer Services > Alma Viewer).
Hide Repeated Labels CheckboxSelect the check box to hide repeated labels and display the label once with the all of the values listed under it.Hide Repeated Labels
- For all digital viewers – add a delimiter to a list of metadata with repeated labels. To support this feature, the new Delimiter for Grouping Repeated Delivery Metadata field was added to Configuration > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Other Settings.
Delimiter for Grouping Delivery Metadata with Repeated LabelsEnter a delimiter in this field to display metadata with the same label separated by the delimiter.Separate a List of Metadata with a Delimiter
XSL Indication Rules Added to Support Dublin Core
XSL indication rules were added to support bibliographic records in Dublin Core format. To support this feature, XSL indication rules are available for Dublin Core records in the following locations:
- In the MD Editor, under rules:
MD Editor Indication Rules
- In the MD Editor under the File > New menu:
MD Editor New Indication Rule
- In the Filter out the data using drop-down list of the Normalization and Validation tab, when configuring digital import profiles:
Digital Import Profile Indication Rules
- In the Indication Rule drop-down list, when filtering sets of digital titles:
Filter Set Indication Rules
- In the Filter Records drop-down list, when configuring publishing profiles:
Publishing Profile Indication Rules
General Electronic Service Availability Rules

Library and location parameters are now available to be added to the availability rules for item and title level general electronic services. Additionally, the following parameters are available for item-level general electronic services so that the item metadata can be used to determine if the service is displayed:
- material_type
- item_policy - values are populated from the institution's Item Policy table. See Configuring Item Policies.
- process_type
- base_status - values are Item not in place and Item in place
Locate Physical Items with Metadata
The locate process for resource sharing requests is optimized for resource sharing partners that share a Network Zone when the request was placed following a search in the Network Zone discovery system. The new Allow locate by metadata field, configurable on the Partner page, enables the locate process to be successful even if the request between partners that share a Network Zone was not placed from the shared Network Zone discovery system. In this case, the locate process will use the request’s metadata to find a match in the partner’s catalog.
Tipasa NCIP Integration
It is now possible to integrate Alma with Tipasa as a broker. The Tipasa integration is similar to the other broker integrations in Alma. The following messages are supported by this integration:
- Accept Item – When physical item is received
- Check In Item – When physical item is sent back to the lender
- Create User Fiscal Transaction – For creating a request fee
- Check Out Item – When item is shipped to the borrower
- Check In Item – When item is received back from the borrower
Perform Locate Based on Electronic Coverage
The Manage Fulfillment Options row action on the Lending Resource Sharing task list displays the local resources that the lender can use to fulfill the lending request. If you set the rs_uresolver_locate parameter parameter to true, Alma suggests electronic services only if the coverage-related information (volume, issue and publication date) on the resource sharing request matches the coverage of the local electronic resource. See Configuring Other Settings (Fulfillment).
Asynchronous BLDSS Requests

You may now send an asynchronous resource sharing request to the British Library using the BLDSS API without a successful locate result. If a match is unsuccessful because the locate process fails or if the locate process was not run, the request can now be sent. To allow this, you must select the Allow Asynchronous Request check box on the BLDSS Parameters tab of the Partner page. The check box is selected by default for new customers going live in March 2019 or later.
Delete Completed Resource Sharing Requests
A new weekly job, Resource Sharing Completed Request Cleanup, allows you to remove requests from the resource sharing task list based on the request status and the number of days since the request reached a final status.
Final statuses for borrowing requests are:
- Canceled by partner
- Canceled by patron
- Canceled by staff
- Digitally received by library
- Expired
- Request completed - This is the final status before removal, and may be manually set.
Final statuses for lending requests are:
- Shipped digitally
- Request completed - This is the final status before removal, and may be manually set.
Any request that is in one of the statuses above and is in the range of the request age (base on the request modification date) will have its status changed to Deleted. Deleted requests will not appear in the active and completed task lists. After the request is deleted, it is viewable only in analytics.
Related Portfolios

In the Electronic Portfolio Editor, a new Related Portfolios tab was added. From this tab, you can view and work with the other portfolios that are linked to the same bibliographic record. This provides an easy way to check what coverage may be available for the title across providers in addition to the coverage identified for the portfolio that you are editing. See Editing a Portfolio Using the Electronic Portfolio Editor for more information.
Upload Electronic Holdings from Springer
A new integration profile was added to Alma for automatically uploading holdings files from Springer for the following electronic collections: SpringerLink Journals - AutoHoldings and SpringerLink Books - AutoHoldings. See Upload Electronic Holdings from Springer for more information.
OCLC and Libraries Australia Symbol Handling
The symbol mapping table for OCLC and Libraries Australia was expanded to include location. With this addition, you can publish the symbol for a library and location level in addition to the existing library and institution levels. The symbol that is published is determined by the symbol configuration that you have stored in Alma. See Initial Publishing Activities with OCLC and Libraries Australia Publishing Profile for more information.
Enhancements to Digital Uploader
Several enhancements were implemented for the Alma Digital Uploader, including the following:
- The user interface of the Alma Digital Uploader was aligned with Alma's look and feel.
- The Status column was added to the Ingest Details page.
- Metadata files added to the ingest are validated. Invalid files are not uploaded and are colored in red.
- Metadata files are marked with an identifying image.

Copy Function Added to Remote Repository Configuration
The Duplicate row action was added to the list of remote repositories (Configuration > Resources > Record Import > Remote Digital Repositories). It copies the remote repository configuration (including transformer rules and delivery configurations) with the following changes:
- The Remote Repository Name field is Copy of <original name>
- The Remote Repository Code field is <orig code>_<current unixtime>
- The Status field is set to Inactive
Display Logic Rule Enhancements
On the Discovery Interface Display Logic page, two new row actions, Edit and Duplicate, are now available for rules. A selected group of rules can also be activated with the Activate Selected action. See Configuring Display Logic Rules.
Physical Item-Level General Electronic Services
You can now define general electronic services at the item level, which adds the service on each item line. Item data can now be sent in the open URL. A new Item Level radio button is available on the Service Details page when Get It or None is selected in the Display Location field. When Item Level is set to yes, the link appears next to each item that matches the input rules and does not appear on the holdings level.
When a service is defined as item-level, data from the holdings and item records can be sent in the open URL.
When selecting the if exists service value in the display logic rules, item-level services do not appear on the list.
- This enhancement applies to Primo. The functionality will be added for Primo VE in an upcoming release.
- Availability rules will be available in the March 2019 release.
Retroactively Anonymize Old Requests
The existing Anonymization job now retroactively anonymizes existing completed requests (which were not yet anonymized) when the should_anonymize_requests customer parameter is set to true.
Perform Locate Based on Electronic Coverage
The locate process was enhanced to check the rota members' electronic resources' coverage. If the borrower resource sharing request is submitted with volume/issue information and the locate profiles are not set to ignore electronic resources, Alma runs the locate action on the request's rota using the volume/issue information. This is similar to how the Alma link resolver finds services in the lender's catalog. The locate process includes only partners for which the matching electronic resource has coverage information that matches the volume/issue information on the borrower request.
- When Ignore Physical Resources is not selected and Ignore Electronic and Digital Resources is selected, Alma performs the locate process only for physical resources based on the bibliographic record.
- When Ignore Physical Resources is selected and Ignore Electronic and Digital Resources is not selected, Alma performs the locate process only for electronic resources, similar to how the link resolver works, using the request's volume/issue information and the lender's coverage data.
- When Ignore Physical Resources and Ignore Electronic and Digital Resources are both unselected, Alma performs the locate process for physical resources based on the bibliographic record, and for electronic resources similar to how the link resolver works, using the request's volume/issue information and the lender's coverage data. The electronic locate check is performed first.
In order to make the locate process for electronic resources consider coverage information similar to how the Alma link resolver would find services, you must set the rs_uresolver_locate parameter to true (See Configuring Other Settings (Fulfillment)).
Convert Borrowing Requests to Patron Physical Item Requests

When a borrowing request is created and a local resource matches the request, if the operator chooses to create a request, the borrowing request data automatically populates the relevant fields in the request and gives the operator the option to cancel the borrowing request.
- Volume
- Issue
- Article
- Part
- Chapter
- Pages
User Preferred Name

The Alma user profile was expanded to include parameters for a user's preferred name. The API and SIS options for creating and updating users also include the user's preferred name. These parameters are indexed and searchable with the Users search option. System notifications and letters that incorporate name information can be updated to use a user's preferred name. In a future release, display options will be provided. For more information, see Preferred first / middle / last names on the Managing Users page and the Ex Libris Developer Network for API and SIS details.
Keep Up with Alma Widget
As of the February release, all Alma users see a new widget, Keep Up With Alma, in the top left-hand corner of the Alma dashboard. This widget highlights new Alma features and will help you keep up with Alma’s many new developments, drawing your attention to important aspects of current functionality. Note that you can move the widget to a different part of your dashboard or remove it from your dashboard entirely at any time.

New Premium Sandbox Policy
As previously announced, Ex Libris is updating the premium sandbox policy for all of the products that run on the cloud platform (Alma, Primo VE, Leganto, and Esploro) and upgrading the premium sandbox environment’s underlying technology. For detailed information on the new policy, see Ex Libris New Premium Sandbox Policy: Frequently Asked Questions.

Currencies Without the Decimal Point
For currencies such as the Japanese Yen that need to be presented without a decimal point, there is a new customer parameter to enable this formatting. See truncate_decimal_fraction_amount for more information.
Check Availability and Pricing
A new tool enables purchasing operators to search Proquest OASIS (Online Acquisitions and Selection Information System) for resources, and to view pricing information for the retrieved records. In order to activate this feature, please contact Ex Libris support.
Removal of Item Search in Amazon
Item Search in Amazon was removed from the menu following issues with the Amazon integration. Ex Libris will re-evaluate possible enhancements of existing acquisitions workflows by integrating with Amazon APIs for a later redeployment.
Note Field Added to the Primo Purchase Request
The Primo (and not Primo VE) Purchase Request form now contains an optional Requester Note field. For existing customers, it is disabled by default and can be enabled in the Purchase Request Form Customization. This field previously existed in the Alma purchase request form only.
Delete Interested Users in Closed PO Lines
You can now control deletion for interested users in all closed and canceled PO lines. Set the po_line_remove_interested_users to true to allow the entries to be deleted. A new system job, PO Line - Delete interested users, runs weekly to delete users that are linked to closed or canceled PO lines.
Price Note Added to the Invoice Line
A new field, Price Note, is now available on the invoice line. The note appears on the Invoice Line Details page, in the Invoice Line List, and when the invoice lines are exported to a spreadsheet. The column is hidden by default in the Invoice Line List and can be added using the Manage Column Display button. The Price Note may also be imported when loading an invoice from an Excel file or by the RESTful API.

Copy Full URL for Public Trials
The full URL for a trial can now be copied to the clipboard so the user can use it outside of Alma without the need to copy the partial URL and add the server name.

Ordering a Centrally Managed Electronic Resource
You can now place an order on electronic resources that are managed centrally in the Network Zone even if they do not have a license of type Negotiation.
The functionality can be divided between those orders of centrally managed electronic resources that have a license negotiation, and those that do not have a license negotiation.
Orders with a license negotiation
- If the license negotiation specifies that the resource is negotiated for the member, the order is created in the Institution Zone with all the negotiation information.
- If a license negotiation exists for the resource, but the resource was not negotiated for the member:
- The user is prompted with the following message, "Please note that this resource has a negotiated license on the Network Zone and your institution is not part of it. Do you want to create a local order?"
- The member can place an order, which is created in the Institution Zone and linked to the centrally managed resource. The member can then create a local license and associate it to a local order.
Orders without a license negotiation
- If the resource is available for the member, as defined by the group configuration, it can be ordered with the Order action. The order is created locally and linked to the Network Zone resource.
- You can create a local license in the Institution Zone and associate it with the locally created order.
On the License Details page, in the Inventory tab, a new section, Resources from the Network, shows electronic collections and portfolios. This section is available for orders with or without a license negotiation.
The local license can include terms of use that are viewable by the end user via the link resolver in the Primo View It tab. This action is available for orders with or without a license negotiation.
Support Streaming Video and Audio for Alma Viewer
The Alma Viewer now supports streaming video and audio. You can convert existing digital representations to streaming format using the new Media Conversion Job. The job creates a new representation for the converted format that Alma can use to display streaming video and audio.

Block File Download
You can now configure access rights to allow the display of digital files in the Alma Viewer, but block patrons from downloading the files from the viewer. To support this feature, the Allow View and Allow Download check boxes were added to the Access Rights Rule page. When the Allow Download check box is cleared, downloading the file is unavailable from the viewer and the Download, Save As, and Print buttons do not appear.

Support Excel as an Alma Digital Import Physical Source Format
Excel is now supported as a physical source format for non-remote digital import profiles.

Display Logic Rule Enhancements

The display logic user interface was enhanced, offering more flexibility in defining display logic rules.
The following syntax is applicable to the display logic rules: Hide service <service> with Interface/collection With Value <interface/collection >if exists service <service>. It is now possible to include multiple values for each place holder <>. The With Value field pick up list was replaced with a multiple select drop-down list. The field also now has auto-complete functionality, which allows you to begin typing a string that appears in any of the values.
As an example of the new syntax, a display logic rule displays as follows: Hide service Full Text with Interface with value CCC Get It Now if exists service Full Text. The full text service of CCC Get It Now is hidden if there is any other full text available.
Note that the next release will also include the ability to edit or duplicate a display logic rule and a more efficient way to order the display logic rules.
Multiple Printers for Circulation Desks and Work Order Departments

You can now assign more than one printer to a circulation desk or work order department, allowing each operator to select a printer individually from one of the defined printers. There is now a Default Printer option and a new Additional Printers multiple selection field in the Printing Information section of the circulation desk, and in the General Details section of the Work Order Department. When multiple printers are defined and the Currently At location is selected, the available printers are now also displayed in the drop-down list. Once the user has selected a printer, the selection is saved between sessions. If only one printer exists for a location, it is not necessary to select a printer. If the user has not selected a printer, the default printer is used.
Process Type for Lost and Paid

When an on loan item's status is changed to Lost and the last lost or replacement fee is closed, the loan status can now be changed to Lost and paid and the loan is closed. For this to happen, the close_paid_lost_loan parameter must be set to true. If the parameter is set to false, the previous behavior is enforced. The parameter defaults to false for existing customers and to true for new installations.
Preferred ID Based Services
To improve the Link Resolver linking hit rates, electronic services that use the provider's ID as the linking mechanism will now be presented as the first option in the Link Resolver View It& page regardless of the sort order defined in the Online Service Order.
The electronic services which use the provider ID as a linking mechanism are ProQuest and Gale.
To disable this option, on the Online Services Order page, set the Prefer ID based Linking services field to No.
Complete Reported Lost Item to Partner Borrowing Requests
A borrowing request whose status is Report lost item to partner or Report damaged item to partner can now be changed to Completed by using the Change Status action. When the status is changed, the temporary item is removed and the loan is closed. A lending request whose status is Lost and Fee Communicated may now be changed to Completed using the Change Status action.
Support Conditional Message
An ISO message can now be sent from a lender to a borrower to await a reply on certain lending conditions before fulfilling the request. In the Lending Request Task List, the new Conditional row action appears in the actions menu. The link appears only when the item is not yet shipped and only for ISO partners that are defined in the Borrowing Workflow Profile as supporting the Conditional action. When the status of the request is Conditional, a new Date for Reply field also appears on the task list.
Ex Libris Identity Service
As a result of working with the Authentication Focus Group, Ex Libris decided to introduce the Ex Libris Identity Service, based on a dedicated identity management solution. This service replaces the internal authentication method previously used by live Alma customers, and all existing customers will be migrated to this service. After migration, all passwords for internal Alma users will be stored in the Ex Libris Identity Service, to be hosted by Ex Libris in its data centers. For more information on this new service, see
This change is transparent to most users logging in to Alma or Ex Libris discovery systems. All Alma operators are prompted to change their passwords at first login after the Ex Libris Identity Service is implemented (according to the deployment schedule below), even if their passwords meet requirements. Patrons who attempt to log in to Ex Libris discovery systems with passwords that do not meet requirements are prompted to change their passwords (and the new passwords cannot be previously used passwords).
The following password considerations are now in place:
- The password strength cannot be configured. The password must be 8 characters long and cannot contain the user name. The password_regex parameter is no longer considered.
- The password does not have an expiry date. The days_password_change parameter is no longer considered.
- The password locks for 30 minutes after five unsuccessful login attempts.
You can customize the Change Password dialog box that such users will encounter on the Internal Login Messages page in Alma (Configuration menu > General > User Interface Settings > Identity Service Labels). You can view the results of your changes by going to the following URL, which presents the Change Password dialog box: https://<your Alma domain>/view/changePw?userId=<primaryIdOfAnInternalUser>&institutionCode=<inst code>&backUrl=<Primo’s URL> (for example,
When a staff user enters a wrong user and password combination on the Alma login page, the error message now includes a Forgot password? link. It will link to the reset password page. In order to display a Forgot Password option in Primo/PrimoVE, a configuration update is required. For more information, see the knowledge article, How to add a 'Forgot My Password' link to the login page in the new UI when using Alma for authentication.
The Reset Password Letter is sent to an individual user by selecting the Reset your password for the identity service option in the Send message drop-down list on the User Details page. The letter is sent to a group of users by running the Update/Notify Users job and selecting the Identity Service mail option in the Send notification to user drop-down list on the job parameters page.
The following deployment schedule applies to the Identity Service:
Date | Deployment |
Dec 23rd, 2018 | Enable the Identity Service on Alma sandbox environments |
Jan 13th, 2019 | Enable the Identity Service on APAC Alma Production environments |
Jan 20th , 2019 | Enable the Identity Service on EU Alma Production environments |
Jan 27th , 2019 | Enable the Identity Service on NA Alma Production environments |
Dates of Release Updates (Formerly Called Hot Fixes) in Alma UI
Hot fixes are now known as release updates. The dates of all scheduled release updates now appear in the Alma UI when viewing the Alma release schedule.
Translating Notifications
You can now translate the recent changes (in Leganto, these are notifications) in the System Event Types code table. See Translating Notifications.
Mapping Bibliographic Record Fields to Citation Fields
You can now configure and normalize the information that is taken from a bibliographic record and copied to a citation when a) a repository citation is created or b) a resource locate succeeds for the citation. For more information, see Mapping Bibliographic Record Fields to Citation Fields.
Changes to the Course Loading Integration Profile
The following changes were made to the course loading integration profile:
- You can select the status Rolled Over for rolled over reading lists.
- New setting: On rollover list creation mode - Multiple (create a new list for each course) or Single (if the list already exists, attach it to the new course).
Course Loading Integration Profile Rollover: Increased Performance and Reading List Name Suffixes
June 2019 Release Update Fulfillment - Course Reserves SF: 00690351 00690649 00690885 URM-110651
The course loading integration profile was taking a long time to run for when performing a rollover. Part of the issue was found to be the way that suffixes were added to the names of the rolled over reading lists.
This was fixed by adding a new field (On rollover reading list name suffix) to enable you to enter the suffix that you would like to add to new reading lists. For example, if you enter -201906 as the suffix, then a reading list with the name History will be rolled over to a reading list with the name History-201906. If you leave this field empty, the name of the new reading list is the same as the name as the old reading list. See Configuring Course Loading.
Citation Tasks
March 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves URM-93637
Citations is a new top-level category for citation-related tasks. Some reading list tasks were moved to this new category. Some tasks are relevant only to Leganto customers; these tasks do not appear for non-Leganto customers. When you select any citation task, the Edit Citation page appears with the relevant tab and/or filter pre-selected (see Managing Citations).
The new tasks are as follows:
- Citations - Copyright waiting for approval.
- Citations - Marked as broken
Leganto only. Formerly known as Reading List - Citation with broken links.
- Citations - Ready for processing
- Citations - Assigned to Me - have new notes
Leganto only. Formerly known as Reading List - Assigned to Me - Citation with new note.
- Citations - Unassigned - have new notes
Leganto only. Formerly known as Reading List - Unassigned - Citation with new note.
Enhancements to Handling Multiple Matches During Resource Locate
Until now, when Alma found multiple matches during a resource locate (for citations added using the Process and Enrich Citations in Bulk job or when saving a citation added by an instructor in Leganto), Alma did not attach any of the matches that it found to the citation. The job report indicated that multiple matches were found. A librarian could then manually match the citation to a repository entity.
You can now use resource_locate_multiple_matches and resource_locate_multiple_matches_priority (see Configuring Other Settings) to configure how Alma handles multiple matches:
- resource_locate_multiple_matches is set to manual by default, which is the current behavior. Set to first_by_inventory_type and also set the next parameter to have Alma attach the citation to the first entity found according to priority type (see next field).
- When you select first_by_inventory_type for resource_locate_multiple_matches, set the priorities for matching in resource_locate_multiple_matching_priority using the values E (electronic), P (physical), and/or D (digital). in priority order, separated by commas. For example, E, P indicates first priority electronic, second priority physical, and not to consider digital matches.
The Process and Enrich Citations in Bulk page was enhanced to support these options and in a few other ways. The old course date fields were combined to use a single date range picker, and the other previous fields were slightly moved and renamed (but otherwise remain the same).
To support the new multiple match handling feature, the field When multiple matches are found was added. Select either Handle manually or Use first matching resource. If you select Use first matching sequence, select the priorities from the drop-down lists for the three resource types.
Additional Enhancements
- December 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00693367 00620961 00574922 00708569 00587052 00237107 00664426 00700910 00524721 00556963 00544153 00646812 00545012 00641376 00613451 00666228 URM-63478 URM-110755
The PO line history now has two radio buttons which differentiate between the history of PO line changes and transaction changes (modifying fund, modifying price (redistribute), adding invoice line (modifying)). This change also applies retroactively on all PO lines history (for PO lines created prior to this development and modified by a system job, some operators names may appear as actual users and not System). In the PO line changes filter, transaction item data was removed (as it is no longer relevant because of the designated Transaction changes radio button). - December 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00176106 00065047 00315181 00459513 00083525 00219614 00347686 00170590 00205828 00353165 00523375 00165544 00418046 URM-33303
Orders and queries are now sent to the email address in their relevant email fields. The preferred address is only used if there is no email address of the relevant type. - December 2019 Acquisitions URM-111694
Because of multiple report types, the duplication check in COUNTER R5 reports now includes only the name and subscriber. - December 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00638782 URM-109094
On the Manage Patron Services page, when sorting the list of items by location (library), Alma now displays the item's actual location rather than the location that was relevant at the time of the loan. - December 2019 Fulfillment
Idea Exchange URM-109876
The Courtesy Notices now includes the last renew status and date in its XML. This can be used to notify the patron why the last automatic renew failed. - December 2019 Analytics URM-117086
The Electronic Resource Collection Overlap folder located under Shared/Alma will be deprecated in a future release. This information is instead available in the Titles with Multiple Portfolios report located in the /shared Folders/Alma/Cost per use via COUNTER reports e-inventory and acquisitions data/Reports folder and is part of the Electronic Cost Usage dashboard. - December 2019 Analytics URM-116788
The Overlap E and E report was added to the Title Level Overlap Analysis dashboard located under /shared Folders/Alma/Titles. It displays titles with multiple copies of the same electronic portfolio.In addition, the Loan Date prompt was removed from the Overlap E and D report, as it is not relevant. - December 2019 Analytics URM-116785
The Cost Per Use subject area is now marked as "to be deprecated". For more information, see the Upcoming Issues to Note section of the release notes. - December 2019 Analytics URM-101501
The following fields were added to E-Inventory > Cost Usage > Portfolio and Collection Measures:- No. of Electronic Collections (Deleted + In Repository)
- No. of Electronic Collections (Deleted)
- No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository Linked to CZ)
- No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository Not Linked to CZ)
- December 2019 Analytics URM-101325
The Invoice - Currency and Invoice Line - Currency fields were added to Funds Expenditure > Invoice Line. They indicate the currency used in the invoice and invoice line. - December 2019 Analytics URM-91972
The In Temp Location at Time of Loan field was added to Fulfillment > Loan Details. In indicates if the item was in a temporary location at the time of the loan. - December 2019 Analytics SF: 00181283 00377351 URM-73329
The Portfolio Additional PO Lines field was added to E-Inventory > Portfolio and the Electronic Collection Additional PO Lines field was added to E-Inventory > Electronic Collection. These fields display the additional PO lines for the portfolio and electronic collection. - December 2019 Analytics URM-85303
The Receiving Operator dimension was added to the Physical Items subject area. It contains fields related to the receiving operator. - December 2019 Analytics SF: 00514679 00531487 00653213 00157268 00007454 URM-41061
The Renewal Circulation Desk dimension was added to the Fulfillment subject area. It contains fields related to the renewal circulation desk. - December 2019 Analytics URM-101652
The /shared/Alma/Physical Item Usage for Weeding (to be deprecated) folder was removed. - December 2019 Analytics URM-117090
The Fulfillment - Number of renewals in the last year by Patron Group report was moved to the Alma/Fulfillment/Reports folder from the /shared/Alma/Cost per use via COUNTER reports and acquisitions data folder and was renamed to Number of renewals in the last year by Patron Group. - December 2019 Analytics URM-105879
Alma Analytics now supports COUNTER version 5. To support this enhancement, the following fields were added to E-Inventory > Cost Usage > Cost Usage measures:- Usage TR_J1
- Estimated Usage TR_J1
- Usage TR_B1
- Estimated Usage TR_B1
- Usage DR
- Estimated Usage DR
- December 2019 Analytics URM-85956
The Subject Area Contents (to be deprecated) folder, previously located under /shared/Alma, was removed. - December 2019 APIs URM-115406
The Create Request API now has an option for the pickup location to be Personal Delivery. - December 2019 APIs SF: 00624824 URM-105762
In the Create/Update Bib Record APIs and the Create/Update Authority Record APIs, you can now block the creation of a new record if a matching one already exists. In all four APIs if check_match is true, the APIs will check for matching records, and if such exists, return the list of their IDs in an error message.
- November 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00680738 URM-114472
A new privilege is now available for the License Viewer role which allows the user to view the attachments tab. To enable this privilege, please contact Ex Libris customer support. - November 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00544631 URM-90835
Creating a PO line without a fund now triggers a warning and a confirmation window to verify. - November 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00644733 URM-113131
In Allocated Funds, in the list of transactions, the time has been removed from the Time in Date column, which has been renamed to Date. - November 2019 Acquisitions URM-114804
After contributing a SUSHI vendor to the community zone, you are now returned to the SUSHI vendor list. - November 2019 APIs URM-90139
Using the Configuration API, you can now retrieve a list of integration profiles based on name, code, or description. You can also retrieve a specific integration profile. For more information, see the Developer Network. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00623685 0645032 URM-106427
Support for incremental publishing of UNIMARC records to OCLC is now available. See Publishing to OCLC for more information. - November 2019 Resource Management URM-92942
When working with SBN authority records, Alma now supports modifying the name/author information in the 7XX fields. See Integrating the SBN Italian Union Catalogue for more information. - November 2019 Resource Management URM-112356
The electronic collection modification date in the Community Zone is now updated when changes are made by Content Operations to the electronic collection, its service level, and its content (portfolios). Previously, the modification date only represented changes to the electronic collection descriptive information such as electronic collection name and/or description. Additionally, the electronic collection modification date is now updated when service-level changes and portfolio-level changes (additions/deletions) are made. This includes parser parameter, threshold, and target service changes. - November 2019 Resource Management
The following changes/updates were made to the GND Authority metadata configuration:- Subfield 0 was added to the 024 field
- A controlled vocabulary list was added to subfield u of the 670 field
- The URIs in subfield 0 and 4 of the following fields now have https instead of http: 260, 372 (currently not in use/configurable), 380, 382, 500, 510, 511, 530, 550, 551, 682 and 885
These changes affect records created or updated on or after 15 October 2019.
See Working with the GND Authority Profile for more information.
- November 2019 Digital Resource Management URM-112198
The SWORD Deposit API now supports a metadata file with a generic name (metadata.xml). It no longer must be schema specific. For more information, see the Developer's Network. - November 2019 Analytics URM-115421
The Fund Fiscal Period folder (E-Inventory > Cost Usage) was renamed Fiscal Period and the fields within it no longer contain the word Fund to better reflect the functionality of these fields. - November 2019 Analytics URM-109509
The IdP Service In Use field was added to the shared User Details dimension in every subject area in which it appears. It indicates if an identity provider service is in use. - November 2019 Analytics SF: 00653707 00712285 URM-106691
The Preferred First Name, Preferred Middle Name, and Preferred Last Name fields were added in all dimensions where the First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name fields appear. They contain the preferred name of the user. - November 2019 Analytics URM-104298
The Receive Number, Weeding Number, and Weeding Date fields were added to Physical Items > Physical Item Details. - November 2019 Analytics URM-103804
The following additions were made to Alma Analytics:- The Other Classifications folder was added to the following subject areas. Currently, it includes the Chinese Classifications dimension.
- E-Inventory
- Fulfillment
- Funds Expenditure
- Link Resolver Usage
- Digital Usage
- Digital Inventory
- Purchase Requests
- The Chinese Classifications field was added to the shared Bibliographic Details dimension in every subject area in which it appears.
- The Other Classifications folder was added to the following subject areas. Currently, it includes the Chinese Classifications dimension.
- September 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00679100 URM-111327
When saving an invoice line, the hour will be set to 12PM so the difference between the hours will not affect the date. To enable this option please contact Ex Libris customer support. - September 2019 Acquisitions URM-107354
On the Invoice Line page, the PO Line pickup field now searches by default on the exact vendor code (case sensitive) instead of searching on similar codes. The search matches on vendor code and vendor name. - September 2019 Acquisitions URM-107815
In order to improve performance, the Received Items list now sorts the PO line items by creation date from newest to oldest, instead of by alphabetical order. - September 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00634808 00685211 00352190 URM-109055
The Trials - Start and Notify Participants job now sends a reminder email to participants one time on the day specified in the Remind Participants Before Trial Ends field. - September 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00671838 URM-108755
When creating a new PO line from a template, when the template vendor is inactive, the vendor will not be added to the PO line. - September 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00654194 URM-105681
The Vendor record now includes an option to delete pending attachments. - September 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00655561 URM-105414
The field "035" sub field "a" is now available for the receiving slip in the <consortial_identifier> name, under the <notification_data> tag. Please add the tag to your XSL file. - September 2019 Resource Management URM-108844
For the Publish bibliographic records to Summon job, the scheduling options were expanded to include additional options for publishing every six hours. - September 2019 Resource Management URM-113541
The infrastructure behind normalization rules and drools was upgraded. Note that with this change, certain rule syntax is not supported. Specifically, using an uneven number of backslashes is no longer supported. For example, the phrases \z or \\\z are not supported. Problematic rules that existed on the production and premium sandbox environments were proactively adjusted by Ex Libris, so there are no expected issues in those environments. There may, however, be issues with rules that use an invalid syntax on the standard or old (unrefreshed) premium sandboxes. See Normalization Rule Syntax for more information. - September 2019 Resource Management URM-111446
When importing authority records, the records that are skipped when a matching originating system and originating system ID are found are counted in the Metadata Import job report in the Number of records not added or Number of records overlaid record counts. - September 2019 Fulfillment URM-106403
Alma DLF API for network now includes both NZ mms id/Inst code and IZ mms id/inst code for loans/requests. In the below example the responding institution is IZ_INST, and the record is linked to a NZ record on NZ_INST.
A shared NZ record will be returned with:<ils:ils_institution_code>IZ_INST</ils:ils_institution_code>
<ils:ils_institution_name>Alma University</ils:ils_institution_name>
<ils:nz_mms_id>1232456789</ils:nz_mms_id>And a local record with<ils:ils_institution_code>IZ_INST</ils:ils_institution_code>
<ils:ils_institution_name>Alma University</ils:ils_institution_name>
<ils:mms_id>1232456789</ils:mms_id> - September 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00632074 00660631 URM-101746
Pagination was added to the Fulfillment Activities list in the History tab of the physical item editor. - September 2019 Fulfillment URM-111795
On the Patron Services page, when selecting Change Due Date for multiple loans, a new warning status indicator (a yellow icon) now appears if the due date was adjusted because of a closed library or patron expiration date. This is in addition to the existing success and failure status icons. Additionally, if the due date is successfully changed for only a portion of the loans, two information boxes now appear; one that lists the count of successful transactions, and one that lists the count of failed transactions. - September 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00663937 00694029 URM-108226
For SIP2 patron information requests, the Overdue Items request was aligned with the Charged Items request as follows:- Alma now returns only the overdue items when requested, without the charged items.
- When the BP or BQ message elements are requested, Alma returns only the requested items.
- September 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing / Collaborative Networks URM-109397
When a hold request that is created via the Automated Fulfillment Network (AFN) is canceled, the cancelation message is now sent only to the borrowing institution, and only if the rota is exhausted, instead of being sent directly to the requester. - September 2019 Analytics URM-83059
The new Purchase Requests subject area was added to Alma Analytics. Using the fields of this subject area you can create reports concerning purchase requests and answer the following business questions:- How many purchase requests were made in a time range?
- How many purchase requests were assigned to a user?
- How many purchase requests have a PO line?
- How many purchase requests were made per status?
For more information, see Purchase Requests. - September 2019 Analytics URM-111074
The Overlap P and P report was added to the out-of-the-box reports for the Titles subject area. It displays repeated bibliographic records that have physical inventory. You select from a prompt to have the overlap determined by the normalized title or by a combination of the normalized title and the author key. - September 2019 Analytics URM-109210
The Last Loan Date (In House) and Last Loan Date (Not In House) prompts were added to the following out-of-the-box reports for the Titles subject area. You can use these prompts to filter the report for titles not loaned for a specific time period. The default value is 5 years.- Overlap P and E
- Overlap P and D
- Overlap E and D
- Overlap P and E and D
- September 2019 Analytics URM-109852
The Digital File Size Allotment prompt was added to the Total digital space usage report in the Digital Inventory folder. This prompt allows you to filter the report according to digital space allotted. - September 2019 Analytics URM-109197
The Library Code (Active) and Library Name (Active) fields were added to the following locations. They display only libraries that were not deleted.- Borrowing Requests > Library Unit
- Cost Usage > Library Unit
- Digital Inventory > Representation Library Unit
- E-Inventory > Electronic Collection Library Unit
- E-Inventory > Portfolio Library Unit
- Fines and Fees > Executed by Unit
- Fines and Fees > Owning Library
- Funds Expenditure > Library Unit
- Lending Requests > Library Unit
- Licenses > License Library Unit
- Physical Items > Library Unit
- Physical Items Historical Events > Item Permanent Location
- Physical Items Historical Events > Physical Item Details (Current)
- Physical Items Historical Events > Source Location
- Physical Items Historical Events > Temporary Location
- Physical Items Historical Events > Transit From Library
- Physical Items Historical Events > Transit to Library
- Requests > Move Request Details
- Requests > Owning Library
- Requests > Physical Item Details
- September 2019 Analytics URM-39449
The Non-transactional value was added to the Transaction Item Type field (Funds Expenditure > Fund Transaction Details). It indicates that the PO lines do not have a transaction because no funds are associated with them. - September 2019 Analytics URM-103803
The Other Classifications dimension was added to the Physical Items and Titles subject areas. Currently, it includes the Chinese Classifications fields. - September 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00570243 URM-105640
A new parameter was added to control the operator information displayed in information pop-up windows. When display_full_user_name_in_more_info is set to true, the full user name is displayed. When set to false, the primary ID is shown. See Configuring Other Settings. - September 2019 APIs URM-95141
The Locations API now allows updating locations, including the fulfillment unit, so that a location's fulfillment unit can be changed automatically at a specific hour before or after a vacation period. - September 2019 APIs URM-91620
The expected due date is now available in the item API.
- August 2019 Acquisitions URM-38760
The real-time charts on the Trial Analysis page have been updated.There is a known issue that the numbers at the top of each bar can sometimes be overlapping when the encumbrance and/or expenditure balances are very small. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00605382 URM-104068
When a portfolio is activated for the first time in the institution zone (directly from the portfolio list of actions, not the Electronic Resource Activation Tasklist ), the history tab and the Information icon for the portfolio on the Electronic Portfolio Editor page now identifies the operator who activated the portfolio. Previously, the history tab was empty and the Information icon only provided date and role information. - August 2019 Resource Management URM-110325
Every [day-of-the-week] options are now available for the ProQuest Ebook Central Upload Electronic Holdings configuration profile to schedule the job to run on a weekly basis. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00683070 00420703 URM-108982 URM-108984 URM-107982
When entering record content in the MD Editor and entering special characters such as accents, Eszetts and umlauts, the MD Editor suggestions can be sensitive to these characters with a new parameter. For example, with the new parameter set:- When typing content with ß, such as Großbritannien, the MD Editor suggestions display only results that contain ß; and when typing values with ss, such as Grossbritannien, the MD Editor suggestions display only results that contain ss.
- When typing content with the umlaut character, such as Münich, the MD Editor suggestions display only results that contain the umlaut character; and if you type Munich, you get suggestions without the umlaut character.
- When you type content with a hyphen such as Baden-Baden, only results that contain a hyphen appear. If, for example, you type Baden Baden without the hyphen, only results that do not contain a hyphen appear.
- August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00672115 00673816 URM-108543
The Edit and Add record to editing list action buttons are now available on the Authority tab when viewing a Network Zone record from Browse Bibliographic Headings when logged into a member institution. - August 2019 Resource Management URM-102119
Integration with CALIS is now supported. See Integrating Alma with CALIS for more information. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00632128 URM-103889
In addition to Ctrl+Alt+E (which does something different on German keyboards), you can now press Ctrl+Alt+W to enhance a record in the MD Editor. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00511062 00517261 00520282 00525045 00551990 00659871 URM-87807
The Alma RSS publishing profile has a new option for publishing RSS feeds in RSS 2.0 XML. See RSS version 2.0 for more information. - August 2019 Digital Resource Management URM-109943
When configuring transformer rules for remote digital repositories (Configuration > Resources > Record Import > Remote Digital Repositories > Add rule), you can now configure linking parameters to be encoded in the delivery URL during source field normalization.URL Encoding - August 2019 Digital Resource Management URM-110105
For new customers, ViewIt now groups the list of services by representations instead of by viewer, by default. - August 2019 Digital Resource Management URM-106960
Alma now supports the SWORD API for non-DC terms. - August 2019 Digital Resource Management URM-109370
When importing bibliographic records, titles can now be assigned to collections by External System with External ID for non-MARC records. - August 2019 Fulfillment
Idea Exchange URM-105376
In the digitization process, a new confirmation message displays when neither a file nor a URL was supplied. - August 2019 Administration and Infrastructure / Fulfillment
Idea Exchange URM-91629 URM-92480
Campus, Expiration Date, and Blocks are now available to appear in the user information pop-up window. See Configuring User Information for Pop-ups. - August 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00553262 00683732 00688821 URM-97721
Set disable_from_address to true to disable a librarian's ability to change the From: address when sending an email (General Message) to a user. A librarian can send a General Message when editing a user. See Configuring Other Settings. - August 2019 Administration and Infrastructure URM-108047
User identifiers Wikidata and VIAF were added. These were added to support Esploro but are available to all institutions. - August 2019 Analytics URM-108322
The following fields were added to the Institution dimension in all subject areas for which it appears:- Institution Timezone – the timezone of the institution
- Data Available As Of – when the data became available to analytics
- Data Updated As Of – when the data was taken from Alma
- August 2019 Analytics URM-107911
Enhancements were implemented in the Fulfillment subject area changes for loans that were renewed with the auto renewal process “Notifications - Send Courtesy Notices and Handle Loan Renewals”. The enhancements improve the performance of the nightly ETL, which was delayed for all sites when some sites had processed a very high number of auto renewals.Before this change, regardless of the renewal method:- The Last Renewal Date field in the Last Renewal Date folder displayed the last renewal date.
- The Renewal Date field in the Renewal Date folder displayed the renewal date.
After this change:- When the renewal type is Auto Renewal, the Renewal Date field is empty, so there is only one line for all of the auto renewals, and the Number of Auto Renewals field in this line displays the total number of auto renewals. Note that the Last Renewal Date field did not change and displays the date for both loans that are both type auto renewal and not auto renewal. There is no Last Auto Renewal Date field.
- When the renewal type is not auto renewal, there is no change.
The following is an example of the functionality before the change:Before the ChangeThe following is an example of the functionality after the change:After the Change - August 2019 Analytics URM-105067
The Vendor Access Provider field was added to E-Inventory > Portfolio PO Line and to Funds Expenditure > PO Line. It displays the access provider of the vendor. - August 2019 Analytics URM-102476 URM-102477
The following fields were added to the E-Inventory subject area. You can use them to match the journal title in Alma to the COUNTER report data and create useful reports when the same resource appears in different COUNTER reports for different platforms.- Portfolio COUNTER Platform (in the Portfolio dimension) – the platform of the portfolio
- Electronic Collection COUNTER Platform (in the Electronic Collection dimension) – the platform of the collection
- COUNTER Platform (defined in E-Resource of UI Alma) (in Cost Usage > Cost Usage Details) – the platform for calculating cost usage, defined in the Alma e-resource
In addition, the Normalized Platform (from COUNTER report) field was added to Cost Usage > Cost Usage Details. It contains the normalized name of the platform. - August 2019 APIs URM-102475
Add COUNTER platform to the API that creates an electronic collection. - August 2019 APIs URM-91620
The expected due date is now available in the item API. - August 2019 APIs URM-90073
When Summon Over Alma is installed, the is_selective parameter is added to the electronic collection output for GET and can be added or updated with POST and PUT APIs. - August 2019 APIs URM-109009
Request time is now available for the Get-Request and GET-requested-resources (task lists) APIs, including the exact time (HH:MM:SS) the request was placed. - August 2019 APIs URM-110104
When using the Delete-Bib API to delete a record in the Network Zone institution, the linked records in member institutions are now deleted as well. If the enable_deletion_of_linked_nz_record_without_inventory parameter is set to false (see Configuring Other Settings (Resource Management)), an error message is displayed and the Network Zone record is not deleted.
- July 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00459685 00464335 00467323 00468155 00479656 00490607 00555835 00556933 00570764 00572855 00604925 00608129 00610150 00640345 00665227 00216925 00223930 00228366 00239562 00394246 00397599 00418044 00449015 URM-50344
You can now activate a database PO line via a trial. When you select Activate from the Manage Trials page, you now receive a message requiring you to un-suppress the BIB record. After confirming, you are taken to the Electronic Collection Editor page. Enter the Level URL in the Additional tab and select Save. - July 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00583022 URM-95897
In the Query to requester letter, the receiver's/user's first and last name is now included in the XML. For example, <h3>@@dear@@  <xsl:value-of select="last_name"/></h3>. - July 2019 Acquisitions / API URM-103187
A new parameter, update_inventory, is available on the PO Line API. When the parameter is true, which is the default, the API updates the material type for the PO line inventory. When the parameter is false, the inventory is not updated by the API. - July 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00549259 URM-101692
The Libraries field on the Vendor Account Details page is now mandatory. - July 2019 Resource Management URM-94082
In the MD Editor, the Add Local Field (Edit > Add Local Field) was relabeled to Add Local Extension (Edit > Add Local Extension) to more clearly identify this function. See Add Local Extension for more information. - July 2019 Resource Management URM-101212
The display of series statements in repository search results and other places was modified. For the details regarding these changes, see Series Statements. This change requires reindexing and will be fully functional with the completion of the semi-annual reindexing in July. - July 2019 Resource Management URM-107387
When authority priorities are configured and the system finds a mutli-match for the first priority, it does not go on to the second/next priority to evaluate the bibliographic and authority records for a match. Instead, the multi-match is reported in the Authority Control Task List. Note that previously, when the system found a multi-match on the first priority, it would continue to the second priority and so forth to attempt to identify a single match. See Authority Priorities for more information. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00579331 URM-97547
A new action is available for indication rules: recordHasDuplicateFields "{fields}". Also a new normalization rule is available: correctDuplicateFields "{fields}" . See List of Actions for more information. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00613840 00624400 URM-99266
The scheduled job Authorities - Preferred Term Correction will now run daily at 04:00 A.M. instead of 03:00 A.M. to enable the previous job Authorities - Link BIB Headings enough time to complete. - July 2019 Resource Management URM-105526
If a bibliographic record has either 022a or 776x Alma puts the only ISSN in both the print identifer and online identifier fields. (The same is also true for the ISBN.) This was fixed. The e-ISSN is mapped to the online identifier and the print ISSN is mapped to the print identifier with no duplication. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00650373 00651623 URM-105543
A weekly scheduling option was added to the existing monthly scheduling option for the Springer Upload Electronic Holdings job. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00450587 00559468 00575039 00613906 00433542 URM-106409 / URM-110805
A new row action, Rerun, was added to the Import Job Details page for Repository, New Order, and Update Inventory profile type import jobs that use the Upload file or FTP import protocol, and specify XML or Binary for the physical source format. For situations where an import job failed (such as Failed in Commit after calling NZ) that is not due to a data error, this new action enables you to easily run the import job again with the file that is specified in the row from which you select Rerun. See Viewing File Details for more information. - July 2019 Resource Management URM-106519
As previously announced in May and June, the GET bibliographic record API and the SRU API now return calculated summary information in the AVA field $$v instead of $$h. See API Docs > Retrieve Bib in the Developer Network for more information. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00651640 URM-106683
In cases where the OpenURL contains rft.aufirst and rft.aulast elements indicating who the first author is, but the CTO does not list that author first, there is a fix for this. Contact Support to implement this fix (set the parameter) for your system. - July 2019 Digital Resource Management URM-107470
Normalization rules for general publishing profiles now support DC and MODS. - July 2019 Digital Resource Management SF:00558235 URM-97929
Pure (the Elsevier repository platform) is now available as a remote repository system type. - July 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00633727 URM-103738
Two new XML fields are now available for the Remote Storage Export XML: <xb:institutioncode>, <xb:institution>. The new fields contain the destination institution information - code and name respectively. The new fields appear only when relevant. In addition, the existing XML <xb:library> field now contains the library name of the destination library even if the library is in another institution.Customers who use the XSD file of this XML should download the new XSD version from the Developer Network and replace their old copy of the XSD file with the new one. - July 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00633644 URM-102049
On a borrowing request, the Patron Request Cost and Patron Receive Cost fields are now disabled after a patron pays them. See Manually Adding a Borrowing Request. - July 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00531553 00531927 00531980 00569081 00581187 URM-90737
All details of a resource sharing request's resource information are now added to the xml of the FulOutgoingEmailLetter, and can be used by customizing the xsl. The path is: notification_data -> request_display. - July 2019 Administration and Infrastructure URM-81860
When editing general electronic services, public name and public note now support multiple languages using the translate information icon. - July 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00647095 URM-105286
When uploading patron data via SIS, you can now clear a resource library that was incorrectly set. - July 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00649543 URM-105284
Attachments of the General Email Message letters sent as part of Letter Retention job can now be purged through the Letters Purge with Retention job. The letter type for these letters is ILL_EMAIL_TO_USER. - July 2019 Administration and Infrastructure URM-105937
The rows in job reports are now limited to 10,000 records. - July 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00592330 URM-97069
When you delete users with fines of less than 1.00, a warning will now appear to confirm that you want to delete the users and waive the fines. - July 2019 Administration and Infrastructure URM-106538
The identifier LCNAF (Library of Congress Name Authority File Number) was added to the User Identifier Types code table. This identifier is relevant for Esploro users. - July 2019 Analytics URM-105115
The name of the Display Alternative Call Number field was changed to Item Call Number and the name of the Alternative Call Number Type field was changed to Item Call Number Type in Physical Items > Physical Item Details. - July 2019 Analytics URM-105064
The new Digital Inventory shared folder was added with the Total Digital Space Usage out-of-the-box report. This report displays your digital space used and remaining. - July 2019 Analytics URM-104207
Alma Analytics fields in Fines and Fees > Transaction Date are no longer marked as to be deprecated. - July 2019 Analytics URM-102851
The out-of-the-box Industry Standard Reports were enhanced by adding to the top of the reports the date the report was run and the value selected from the prompt. - July 2019 Analytics URM-102930
The shared DARA folder was added that contains reports used by DARA. - July 2019 Analytics URM-37327
The Original Cataloging Agency and Language of Cataloging fields were added to the Bibliographic Details dimension in all subject areas in which it appears. - July 2019 APIs URM-103487
Create and Update Authority APIs now include the same validations as the BIB APIs. - July 2019 APIs URM-80288
An interested user can now be added to the PO Line Creation via the POST PO Line and PUT PO Line APIs. - July 2019 APIs URM-107269
The APIs for updating and creating Bib and Holdings records now support output as JSON (using the application/xml Accept: application/json). Note that the request still must be in XML (Content-type: application/xml). - July 2019 APIs URM-107333
The field ils:total_fines_with_currency was added to the My Account API, after the list of actions. It uses the CurrencySymbol code table, if configured, for example: <ils:total_fines_with_currency>184.50 €</ils:total_fines_with_currency> .
- June 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00673131 URM-105398
A fund with Overencumbrance Allowed or Overexpenditure Allowed set to No can no longer have a negative available balance. See Adding a Ledger. - June 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00377838 00378478 URM-69424
A new notification option is available when adding interested users on the PO Line. Selecting Notify upon cancelation notifies the user when the order is canceled. See Manually Creating a PO Line. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00549566 00575004 00603823 URM-93490
The parameter export_portfolio_file_name_contains_id addresses the issue that occurs when running the export electronic portfolio job with KBART files and the file name contains diacritics. See export_portfolio_file_name_contains_id for more information. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00454729 URM-95895
New syntax was added for working with merge rules. See the table in the Rule Syntax section for more information. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00496028 00557618 00643853 URM-94971
You can ask Ex Libris to configure your institution so that, when you search using Contains exact phrase starting with, the index over which you search is considered to be a single phrase, instead of multiple phrases separated by spaces. See Search with Exact Phrase for more information. - June 2019 Fulfillment / Collaborative Networks SF: 00673131 URM-105090
The full Network Groups section is now visible for Network Zone institutions. For Network Zone members or standalone institutions, the section is visible, but the Fulfillment Network Groups link is hidden. - June 2019 Analytics URM-102448
A new out-of-the-box report, Top 10 Users Running Analytics Reports in the Last 365 Days, was added to the Analytics Usage Tracking subject area. It list the 10 users who have ran the most reports in the last 365 days. - June 2019 Analytics SF: 00618411 URM-101824
The Last Loan Date (in house) and Last Loan Date (Not in house) fields were added to Physical Items > Physical Item Details. These fields are available only for loans that were handled in Alma and do not include migrated loans. - June 2019 Analytics URM-101802
A new out-of-the-box widget, Analytics Usage Tracking ETL Information, is available. It displays the date the last time the ETL job ran. Note that you must copy the widget to your institution's directory before configuring the widget. - June 2019 Analytics SF: 00584648 00609790 URM-98602
The following fields were added to the Physical Items > Holdings Details:- Creation Date
- Creator
- Modification Date
- Modified by
- These fields already exist in the Bibliographic Details folder.
- Currently, these fields have data only from new records. During the month of July, historical data will be added to these fields.
- June 2019 Analytics URM-94574
The Delivery Type field was added to Digital Usage > Digital Usage Details. The following are the possible values of this field:- ALMA – Alma Viewer
- IIIF – manifest request
- JSON – representation json request
- UV – Universal Viewer
- IABR – Internet Archive Book Reader Viewer
- June 2019 Analytics SF: 00010789 URM-35244
The following fields were added to the Bibiographic Details folder in all subject areas in which it appears:- Bibliographic Source of Acquisition Note – the name of the people or organization that is the source of the material (from MARC field 541 $a).
- Bibliographic Acquisition Accession Number Note – the identification code assigned to materials acquired in a single and separate transfer of custody (from MARC field 541 $e).
Currently, these fields have data only from new records. During the month of July, historical data will be added to these fields. - June 2019 Analytics URM-77434
The following fields were added to Course Reserves > Reading List:- Leganto List Num of Library Discussions
- Leganto List Library Discussion Last Update
In addition, the Leganto Num of Library Discussions field in the Reading List Citation folder was renamed to Leganto Citation Num of Library Discussions. - June 2019 Digital Resource Management URM-103816
When entering a value in the Delimiter for Grouping Repeated Delivery Metadata field (Configuration > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Other Settings), the option to Hide Repeated Labels in the Alma Viewer (Configuration > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Viewer Services > Alma Viewer) does not appear.For more information, see Configure a Delimiter for Grouping Delivery Metadata with Repeated Labels. - June 2019 APIs URM-102352
The Last Renew Date and Last Renew Status fields are now available in the GET-Loan API. - June 2019 APIs URM-101641
The API to update invoices is now available. - June 2019 APIs URM-91276
For the GET Departments API, you now have the option not to retrieve operators by choosing a view that is not Full. Full (which is the default) includes retrieving operators. - June 2019 APIs URM-104323
The GET Fees API can be called with status=CLOSED to read fines which have been paid, waived etc.
- April 2019 Acquisitions URM-90678
In the SUSHI Subscribers table, the Description and Code columns are now read only. When deleting a subscriber, a confirmation message appears to indicate that deleting a subscriber can cause an inconsistency with the loaded usage data. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00479307 00497015 00497212 00529555 00530724 00564508 00579627 00598194 00371370 00014585 URM-22253
The following tooltips were added to the configuration pages below:- Exclude Process Types from Publishing (Configuration Menu > Resources > Record Export > Exclude Process Types from Publishing) – In order to apply changes in the mapping table on existing data, a set of the relevant physical titles must be republished
- Edit Physical Location (Configuration Menu > (Select Library) > Fulfillment > Locations > Physical Locations) – If the "Suppress from Discovery" has been changed, a set of physical titles related to this location must be republished
- PubMed Publishing Profile Details (Resources > Publishing > Publishing Profiles > Publish electronic record to PubMed) – The "Name Abbreviation" is provided by LinkOut. You May use the "Get From LinkOut" button to try and retrieve your name abbreviation automatically from the LinkOut server based on your Provider ID. In case the LinkOut server is not responsive you can manually enter the name abbreviation you were provided with - please be aware that it is case sensitive and should be entered exactly as LinkOut provided it.
- April 2019 Resource Management URM-104403
Continuing with the feature added in March (see Related Record Physical Inventory for UNIMARC in the March release notes), the related holdings that appear for search results in a Physical Titles search are now filtered by subfield g, if display_specific_related_items is set to true. - April 2019 Acquisitions / Resource Management URM-96935
In cases where PO line / Additional PO line information is not available in the portfolio to send for data enrichment when running a publishing job, Alma now checks the electronic collection that the portfolio is linked to for PO line / Additional PO line data and publishes that information when it is available in the electronic collection. - April 2019 Acquisitions / Resource Management SF: 00641098 URM-98066
New optional condition options were added to the New Order import profile that allow more control over the suppress/synchronize options. See Import Profile Details - Set Management Tags Fields for more information. - April 2019 Resource Management / Collaborative Networks SF: 00601804 URM-99033
When working in the Network Zone, the Link to Community action is now available for a local electronic collection. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00621366 URM-103269
In the MARC 21 Bibliographic metadata configuration profile, the subfields p, q, and r were added to the 041 field configuration. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00508413 00223042 00238095 00314734 URM-63461
A new customer parameter, enable_deletion_of_linked_nz_record_without_inventory, was added. See enable_deletion_of_linked_nz_record_without_inventory for more information. - April 2019 Digital Resource Management SF: 00616390 00626983 00640222 URM-103942
The Enable Delivery Login checkbox (Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Other Settings), which was removed in February was restored. This checkbox determine if the delivery login link from the Alma Viewer and from digital services in the link resolver is displayed. For more information, see Enable Delivery Login. - April 2019 Fulfillment URM-96471
The SIP2 Renew All message (65) now sends the Borrowing Activity Letter (letter code: FulUserBorrwingActivityLetter) to the patron. - April 2019 Fulfillment URM-74873
The defaults for the User Registration policy, One month expiry alert, are now:- Name: One Day Expiry Alert
- Description: One day expiry default
- Unit of measurement: none
- April 2019 Fulfillment URM-86737
You can now choose to display only one block of each type when a user has multiple blocks of the same type. This is controlled by the new customer parameter, blocks_display_remove_duplicates. When false, which is the default, all blocks are displayed. When true, duplicate blocks are removed from the following displays:- The blocks list in the Primo My account page.
- The pop-up window that displays blocks when attempting to loan or renew an item for a blocked user.
- The failure message that displays when attempting to create a request for a blocked user, in both Alma and Primo.
- April 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing URM-88820
The RequestItem NCIP message now supports ArticleTitle and ArticleAuthor. - April 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing
Idea Exchange URM-82353
The cancelation reason and cancelation note are now included on the resource sharing request history tab. - April 2019 Analytics URM-102651
The Expenditure trends for physical and electronic resources tab was added to the Acquisitions Analyics dashboard. It reports on expenditures for physical and electronic resources for the previous 10 years starting from the last closed fiscal year. - April 2019 Analytics URM-96399
The rules for creating the Normalized Source field (Link Resolver Usage > OpenURL Context Details) from the Source field have been enhanced. For more information, see Link Resolver Usage. - April 2019 Analytics SF: 00640795 URM-90961
The Price Note field was added to Funds Expenditure > Invoice Line. - April 2019 Analytics URM-70085
The Open URL field was added to Link Resolver Usage > Open URL Context Details. It contains the entire OpenURL. - April 2019 Analytics SF: 00598512 URM-72172
The following fields were added:- To Funds Expenditure > Invoice Line:
- Invoice-Owner Name
- Invoice-Owner Code
- To Funds Expenditure, Physical Items, E-Inventory > Fund Ledger:
- Fund Ledger Owner Name
- Fund Ledger Owner Code
- To Funds Expenditure > Invoice Line:
- April 2019 APIs URM-101507
You can now delete records through the e-collections API. - April 2019 APIs URM-93099
You can now create a single portfolio with both perpetual and current access with the API. - April 2019 APIs URM-81888
The 100 ID limit for itemized sets has been expanded to 1000 in the create-itemized-set API. - April 2019 APIs URM-102730
The create invoice line API now checks the invoice status before creating an invoice line. If the status is Closed, Waiting to be Sent or Ready to be Paid, the invoice line is not created. - April 2019 APIs URM-102640
The create invoice API now checks invoice_not_unique . If it is set to false and another invoice exists with the same number and vendor, the invoice is not created. - April 2019 APIs URM-100624
A new API is available that cancels a purchase request. - April 2019 APIs URM-90073
When summon_over_alma is set to true, the is_selective parameter is added to the electronic collection output for GET and can be added or updated with POST and PUT APIs. - April 2019 APIs URM-39188
work_order_type and work_order_at were added to the GET-Item API for information about the item's process type. - April 2019 Administration and Infrastructure URM-100973
Several ID types were added to the User Identifier Types code table, including ORCID, ISNI, Scopus ID, ResearchID, arXiv ID, eRA ID, Pubmed author ID, and Pivot ID. As Ex Libris customer support if you would like these ID types enabled or disabled for your institution.
- March 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00579997 URM-97058
The Negotiation Details tab in a negotiation license now has a View row action. See Centrally Managed Licenses for Electronic Resources in a Network Zone. - March 2019 Acquisitions URM-97413
The Order Line and Order Line Type labels are now PO Line and PO Line Type throughout the Acquisitions area. - March 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00466693 00225755 00378333 URM-60900
For an integration profile of type Finance, when an action is set to Active, the file path is now mandatory. See Financial Systems. - March 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00589116 URM-57906
When clicking a closed PO line's invoice line number, the invoice line will now open in view mode. - March 2019 Resource Management URM-85064
When bibliographic record linking (to authority records) is done by ID, preferred term correction now works for cases where there is no language indication in the bibliographic record and multiple preferred term options exist due to multilingual differences. As part of the preferred term correction process, the language indication in addition to the preferred term is copied to the bibliographic record. For MARC 21, the language indication is copied to $9; and for UNIMARC, it is copied to $7 positions 0-1. See Working with Multilingual Authority Records for more information. - March 2019 Resource Management SF: 00536407 00553953 URM-96762
Specific to the 3rd edition (2012) of the UNIMARC Authority format, the following UNIMARC authority fields were added to Alma: 231, 431, 531, 731, 232, 432, 532, and 732. These can now be accessed and customized in the UNIMARC Authority metadata configuration profile (Configuration Menu > Resources > Cataloging > Metadata Configuration). The filter in the UNIMARC Authority metadata configuration was updated to include these fields in the filtering groups. - March 2019 Resource Management SF: 00427448 URM-76366
When displaying related record information in the MD Editor, the PO line title is used when it is available. When no PO line title is available, the display of related record information remains the same. - March 2019 Resource Management SF: 00484176 URM-83085
The HAN resolver proxy type was added as an integration proxy option. See Resolver Proxies for more information. - March 2019 Resource Management SF: 00574999 00602976 00625884 00636754 URM-98050
There is a new report type available for the Authority Control Task List called Preferred term correction – Multiple matching AUT headings with same Originating System ID (ambiguous). See Using the Authority Control Task List for more information. - March 2019 Resource Management SF: 00537868 URM-92635
Government Document was added as an Electronic Material Type. See Electronic Material types for more information. - March 2019 Resource Management URM-98298
The UNIMARC authority metadata configuration profile was updated to include the following 340 subfields: b, c, d, f, and p. - March 2019 Digital Resource Management URM-102111)
The Terms of Use configuration page was renamed Terms and Conditions (Configuration > Resources > Deposit > Terms and Conditions). - March 2019 Fulfillment URM-100364
When uploading a file for a link digitization request, the file size limit is now 25 MB instead of 10 MB. The previous limitation of 10 MB is still effective when sending attachments. See Attaching Digitized Items to Be Sent to a Patron. - March 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00464191 URM-91657
When uploading a file for an attachment digitization request, if the attachment is greater than 10 MB, a message is displayed—Total attachments size exceeds max allowed size—and the processing of the request stops. See Attaching Digitized Items to Be Sent to a Patron. - March 2019 Fulfillment
Idea Exchange: URM-99906
When returning an item on the Return Items page, if the next step is a locally managed work order, the next step now displays both the next step and the work order type—for example, Manage Locally - Preservation. See Scanning Items. - March 2019 Fulfillment / Collaborative Networks SF: 00583648 URM-97941
When a loan is made at another institution in a fulfillment network, the Loaned at library and Loaned at desk fields now contain the details of the borrowing institution. - March 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00549460 URM-98126
The loan status labels and renewal messages that appear on the Primo My Account page can now be configured on the Labels page, Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Labels. - March 2019 Fulfillment URM-99886
When you are at a location which has multiple printers, you can now check which printer you are currently connected to by hovering with the mouse above the Currently At icon. - March 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00552602 00609995 URM-92288
Resource sharing request fields are now available in the XML for the General Message Email Letter (letter code: GeneralMessageEmailLetter). You can configure the XSL of the letter to add the details. The path is: notification_data -> request_display. - March 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing
Idea Exchange: SF: 00379525 URM-72485
The due date for recalling borrowing requests will now be updated to the last closing hour of the request library, before the original recall due date. - March 2019 Analytics URM-93841
In Fulfillment > Loan, the Loan field was replaced by the following fields to allow you to create more detailed reports:- Num of Loans (In house + Not In House)
- Num of Loans (In House)
- Num of Loans (Not In House)
- March 2019 Analytics URM-84026
The Collection Name and Collection ID fields were added to the shared Bibliographic Details dimension in all subject areas in which it appears. These fields allow you to display in a report all of the collections to which a title belongs. - March 2019 Analytics SF: 00625631 URM-76839
The Citation Alerts field was added to Course Reserves > Reading List Citation. It list the alerts for the citation. - March 2019 Analytics URM-37721
The following fields were added to the shared PO Line dimension in every subject area in which it appears:- PO Line Owner Library Code
- PO Line Owner Library Name
- PO Line Identifier
- PO Line Vendor Title Number
- PO Line Manual Packaging
- PO Line Routing During Receiving
- PO Line Binding During Receiving
- PO Line Title
For a video describing this enhancement, see Analytics: New Fields in the PO Line Folder. - March 2019 Analytics URM-102711
The Service Details dimension with the Service ID field was added to the E-Inventory subject area. - March 2019 Analytics SF: 00607284 00607365 (URM-98950)
Analytics objects can now be scheduled for 8 AM. - March 2019 Analytics SF: 00627392 00629050 (URM-101115)
The IED field was added to Digital Inventory > Representation Details. - March 2019 Analytics SF: 00616442 (URM-100154)
The Related Record field was added to Funds Expenditure > Fund Transaction Details. It indicates the related resource sharing record. - March 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00542509 URM-90300
The Export Users by Condition job now includes a new daily scheduling option. - March 2019 APIs URM-95717
An option was added to the Request Options API to calculate display logic rules. Note that this is optional (opt-in) and applies only to print resources. - March 2019 APIs URM-88744
You can now set the Update or Create BIB API to fail if warnings are issued.
- February 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00551215 URM-24444
The following fields were added to the OrderNow.xml to include bibliographic details:- notification_data/line_title
- notification_data/mms_id
- notification_data/ckb_id
- notification_data/publication_date
- notification_data/publication_place
- notification_data/publisher
The fields must be added to the XSL in order to add them to the letter. - February 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00449574 00556178 00152700 00152771 00062120 00091402 URM-12552
Changing the bib reference on a PO line now updates the ISBN/ISSN from the new bibliographic record. - February 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00606299 00618265 URM-98446
The URL column was added back to the Excel export on the Manage Activation Task List page. - February 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00512090 URM-97953
When deleting a vendor, the vendor information is now removed from the licensor field. - February 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00595794 URM-97565
To address a performance issue, when receiving is completed from the Continuous tab of the Receive New Material page, the user now returns to the list of PO lines on the Continuous tab rather than opening the Manage Items page. - February 2019 Resource Management SF: 00553823 URM-98659
The publishing of deleted records was enhanced for publishing enriched bibliographic records when using the General Publishing profile. Previously, deleted bibliographic records were published with only a d in position 5 of the LDR to indicate a deleted record. When holdings enrichment is configured for bibliographic records in the General Publishing profile, the deleted bibliographic records that are published now also contain related holdings data. For example, the 852 $a is added to the published deleted bibliographic record with identifying data from the related holdings record's 852 $b. - February 2019 Resource Management URM-84996
There is a new condition syntax option, containsScript, for normalization and indication rules that can be used to check for a specific language. See the Conditions section for more information. - February 2019 Digital Resource Management URM-97621
The following enhancements were implemented in the MD Editor:- A new keyboard shortcut is now available for Tool > Dublin Core > XML/ Form View: Ctrl+Alt+X
- The following existing keyboard shortcuts located under Tools > MARC and Tools > DC are now displayed in the MD Editor:
- Add representation: Alt+R
- View in search: Ctrl+Alt+V
- February 2019 Digital Resource Management URM-99644 SF:00630009
Digital import profiles with Dublin Core source format metadata files now support any prefix (including default) being bound to the (instead of only dc). - February 2019 Digital Resource Management URM-9889
When configuring remote digital repositories (Configuration > Resources > Record Import > Remote Digital Repositories), the Other option is now available from the Remote System Type drop-down list to accommodate unlisted repositories. - February 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00457256 00476255 00485745 00529412 00554078 00608264 00429289 URM-73552
It is now possible to change the item information of an item that is on a hold shelf or on loan. The error message which previously blocked these actions was replaced with a warning pop-up that allows the user to continue with the change. - February 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing
Idea Exchange: URM-94677
A new cancellation reason, Item is already available, is now available. It appears in all request cancellation drop-down lists. - February 2019 Analytics URM-101452
The Cost Usage folder was added to the E-Inventory subject area. It enables you to create reports that display the cost per use for electronic resources. For more information, see Cost Usage. - February 2019 Analytics URM-94944
The reports and dashboards located under Shared/Alma/Physical Item Usage for Weeding were deprecated. Their functionality is now available with the Physical Item Usage for Weeding report located under /shared/Alma/Inventory/Reports. In addition, the new report was added to the Physical Items dashboard located at /shared/Alma/Inventory/Dashboards. - February 2019 Analytics URM-94675
The Actual Shipped Format field was added to Lending Requests > Lending Request Details. - February 2019 Analytics URM-92173
The Fund Fiscal Period Filter field was added to Physical Items > Fund Information > Fund Fiscal Period and to Funds Expenditure > Fiscal Period. It indicates the filter on the fiscal period (Current fiscal period, Previous fiscal period, or Two fiscal periods ago). - February 2019 Analytics URM-99147
As previously reported in the December and January release notes, you can no longer configure scheduled reports, links to reports, and widgets for out-of-the-box Alma Analytics reports from the Alma directory. They can be configured only from your institutional directory. For more information, see Widgets for Analytics Reports. - February 2019 Analytics URM-97852
The Campuses Name and Participants field was added to Leganto Student Usage > Courses and Course Reserves > Course. It displays the name of the campus with the participants in the course. - February 2019 Analytics URM-99502
The Last Loan Date (In House) and Last Loan Date (Not In House) fields were added to Titles > Title Details. - February 2019 Analytics URM-100188
The Fiscal Period Start End field was added to the following locations:- E-inventory > Cost Usage > Fund Fiscal Period
- Funds Expenditure > Fiscal Period
- Physical Items > Fund Information > Fund Fiscal Period
- February 2019 Analytics URM-94373
In all of the tabs of the the Title level overlap analysis dashboard, there is now an option to find title overlap by Title Author Combined and Normalized. - February 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00466061 URM-81661
When available, a user's photo now appears in the user menu of the persistent menu. There may be a slight delay between when the page loads and the picture appears.User Menu - February 2019 Administration and Infrastructure URM-81835 URM-90660
All messages now appear in floating message panes on the side of the page. Messages are now coded by color and icon to indicate when they are a success, error, or information message. See Messages.For more information, see the video Improved Feedback Messages (1:55). - February 2019 Administration and Infrastructure URM-53988
On any page that has one or more hot keys that start with Alt+, press the Alt key to see the elements that are selected and their corresponding keys. Also, use the hot keys Alt+1, Alt+2, ... Alt+N to open the nth tab on any page that has tabs. For this feature, press the Alt key, enter the number (multiple digits are supported, so you can enter Alt+10, for example), and release the Alt key to open the numbered tab.User Details with Hot Keys HighlightedFor more information see the video Navigate Between Tabs and Display Shortcuts Using the Alt Key (1:16). - February 2019 Administration and Infrastructure URM-18554 SF:00493114 00494607 00200531 00223023
The PO line information section of the Conversation Letter is now configurable in the user's preferred language. - February 2019 Acquisitions / APIs URM-90657
The Create PO Line API now supports adding multiple New Order integration profiles as well as sending the profile ID as a parameter in the API (for example, profile_code). - February 2019 Acquisitions / APIs SF: 00521548 URM-98800
The GET PO Lines API can now search by more than one acquisition_method. List the codes separated by a comma—for example: GET /acq/po-lines?acquisition_method=GIFT,EXCHANGE.
- January 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00541435 00543592 URM-91491
Two new fields, Subscription dates range and Additional information, are now available in the ERP invoice export XML. Both fields are under the <invoice_line> tag. - January 2019 Acquisitions URM-100862
Anonymous answers are now included in the statistics calculation of a public trial. - January 2019 Resource Management SF: 00465903 00501033 00501180 00556888 00575293 00577544 00422286 00468629 00164947 00182230 00362562 00396319 00422286 URM-93866 URM-81318
The total counts in your search results are now precise and not approximate. - January 2019 Resource Management SF: 00425709 00595338 URM-92362 URM-99057
The Browse Bibliographic Headings functionality now handles Spanish language characters as follows (if you have configured Spanish language support):Letter Search Sort Ñ/ñ Searching for Ñ/ñ does not retrieve results for N/n and the reverse. Sorted after n. Ç/ç Searching for Ç/ç does not retrieve results of C/c and the reverse. Sorted after c. L·L/l·l Searched for as if it were the digraph ll. Sorted as ll. Alma's handling of special characters is relevant for searching in the institution zone only. - January 2019 Resource Management URM-91904
To support Japanese language functionality for Repository Search, Browse Bibliographic Headings, and Browse Authority Headings, Alma performs the following (if you have configured Japanese language support):- Punctuation removal
- Normalization between Hiragana and Katakana
- Iterated character normalization
- Normalization of variant Kanji characters
- January 2019 Resource Management
Idea Exchange: SF: 00608223 URM-98584
The following new match profiles are now available for repository import profiles:- Title Statement Extended Fuzzy Non-Serial Match Method (key: com.exlibris.repository.mms.match.TitleStatementExtendedCDLMatchingProfile)
- Title Statement Extended Fuzzy Serial Match Method (key: com.exlibris.repository.mms.match.TitleStatementExtendedCDLSeMatchingProfile)
These profiles have the same functionality as the Extended Fuzzy Non-Serial Match Method and Extended Fuzzy Serial Match Method profiles, except that when matching against the title, the new profiles match only by 245 abknp and not by 245 abknp, 245a, 210a, 246a, (which the Extended Fuzzy Non-Serial Match Method and Extended Fuzzy Serial Match Method profiles do).For more information, see Match Methods – Explanations and Examples. - January 2019 Resource Management SF: 00575576 URM-95883
Until now, when an item was in a temporary location, the enrichment fields were not published in the publishing output file when using the Primo publishing profile. From now on, any subfields that are added to the enrichment section are published with the record even if the item is in a temporary location. - January 2019 Resource Management / Collaborative Networks SF: 00522037 URM-89792
A new parameter, Ignore resource type during matching, was added to the Link a set of records to the Network Zone job. See Link a Set of Records to the Network Zone on the Running Manual Jobs on Defined Sets page for more information. - January 2019 Digital Resource Management URM-95851
You can now add custom headers when running the Remote Representation Migration and the Generate Representation from Existing Bib jobs. These headers are necessary when creating representations from remote repositories that have access right restrictions based on IP restrictions and authentication. To support this feature, the Add HTTPS Request Header link was added that allows you to add a name and value to the header.Add Custom HeadersFor more information, see the Remote Representation Migration and the Generate Representation from Existing Bib jobs. - January 2019 Fulfillment URM-98326
When an item is scanned in a location other than its owning library and is being reshelved due to the Reshelve Without Transit rule, the destination field in the scan-in result now includes the owning library in addition to the location. For example, Reshelve to Main - Stacks (STACK). - January 2019 Fulfillment
Idea Exchange URM-94678
On the Requests Monitoring page, the values of the pickup location and owning library facets will be now sorted alphabetically. - January 2019 Fulfillment
Idea Exchange URM-96652
The Active resource sharing request limit policy now ignores active requests which were already returned from the patron to the library, but were not yet returned to the lender. See Adding Fulfillment Policies. - January 2019 Analytics URM-92003
The PO Line Inventory Library Code field was added to Funds Expenditure > PO Line. It displays the code of the library of the ordered inventory. - January 2019 Analytics URM-96412
The Title Author Combined and Normalized field was added to the Bibliographic Details folder in every subject area in which it appears. It displays 100 characters of the normalized title and the first four letters of the author. - January 2019 Analytics SF: 00587917 URM-97893
In the Acquisitions dashboard, the Transaction Date Fiscal Year prompt was changed to Fiscal Year Description. - January 2019 Analytics URM-95500
The following fields were added to Funds Expenditure > Fund Transactions and are useful for viewing trends and statistics on print as compared to electronic PO lines and expenditures.- Transaction Expenditure Amount of type Electronic Format
- Transaction Expenditure Amount of type General Format
- Transaction Expenditure Amount of type Physical Format
- Number of POLs of type Electronic Format
- Number of POLs of type General Format
- Number of POLs of type Physical Format
For a video explaining this feature, see Analyze Fund Expenditures by Physical or Electronic Types. - January 2019 Analytics URM-90553
The Courtesy Notification Sent field was added to the Loan Details folder of the Fines and Fees and Fulfillment subject areas. It indicates whether a courtesy letter was sent to the patron concerning an overdue loan. This field contains data only from the beginning of July 2018. - January 2019 Analytics URM-97211
The name of the Acquisitions - Expenditure Per Reporting Code of PO Line with prompt for transaction date range report located at: /shared/Alma/Industry Standard Reports/DBS was changed to Acquisitions - Expenditure Per LC Subject with prompt for transaction date range. - January 2019 Analytics URM-97211
The Invoice Line - Additional Information field was added to Funds Expenditure > Invoice Line. - January 2019 Administration and Infrastructure URM-53989
You can now navigate up or down rows in a list using the up or down arrow keys. Pressing down from the last row opens the next page (if there is one). Pressing up from the first row opens the previous page (if there is one).For more information, see the video Navigate Lists in Alma Using the Up and Down Arrow Keys (1:05). - January 2019 Administration and Infrastructure URM-100401
Alma is now translated into Japanese. - January 2019 APIs
Idea Exchange SF: 00173742 URM-53275
It is now possible to submit a purchase request using an API. This enables the institution to seamlessly integrate with internal systems.
- December 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves / Analytics URM-78741
The Reading List Citation Create Date dimension was added to the Course Reserves subject area. It contains fields related to the citation creation date. - December 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves URM-113293
The button for translating a course name was removed as it was not in use. - December 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves SF: 00698425 00700616 00718937 URM-117003
When adding a patron user as a list owner, a new parameter controls the assignment of the instructor role. The parameter, instructor_role_expiration_months, found in the Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > General > Other Settings page, controls how many months the role is active. When the parameter is set to 0, there is no expiration. - December 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves SF: 00681864 URM-109988
On the Course Loader integration profile, a new field is now available. Select On Rollover Include Archived Lists to include archived lists when the coourse is rolled over. - November 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves / Analytics URM-115309
The following enhancements were implemented for Leganto Analytics:- The Active Citations and Active Sections fields were added to Leganto Student Usage > Student Usage.
- The Reading Lists without Usage report was added to the out-of-the-box Leganto Analytics reports.
- The following columns were removed from the Leganto Instructors Usage - Lists KPIs report:
- Number Register Students
- Student Engagement %
- September 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves URM-111312
You can now submit a DCS request even before the course has been added to the DCS. After creating the course in the DCS, you can then manage any requests created for that course. - September 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves
NERS Enhancement (ID #6268) URM-108416
When you change any of the citation information listed in the Match by Fields table (see Configuring Citation Matching Criteria), a new resource locate is performed. In Alma, you are prompted to perform the resource locate (or cancel). If the citation was previously located, and the new locate process does not find a match, the citation is detached from the repository. If your institution is implementing Leganto, see Configuring Repository Locate Workflow for information about configuring this workflow. If the citation is detached from the repository, citation_detached_from_repository is triggered; see Configuring Default Statuses for Citations/Reading Lists) - August 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves SF: 00629342 00636801 00637272 00673661 URM-102559
In any persistent or secondary search, unlike other searches, a search for course code, course name, reading list code, or reading list name a) also searches for special characters (such as commas and dashes), and b) is limited to a search string of 40 characters, regardless of the size of the entity being searched. - July 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves
Idea Exchange SF: 00482532 URM-104008
Academic Department, Terms List, Course Year, List Assigned To, and Assigned Date (the most recent date that the list was assigned to an operator) were added as facets to the Reading Lists Task List. These fields are all columns on the page, as well. - July 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves / Analytics SF: 00491061 URM-79678
The Citation ID field was added to Leganto Instructor Usage Events > Citation Metadata Details. - July 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves / Analytics URM-105650
Searchable ID fields 4-10 were added to Course Reserves > Courses in Analytics. - June 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves URM-105741
You can now attach a CCC (PPU) license to a citation even if you have previously assigned some other license, such as Creative Commons. Note that, as before, you must delete a CCC license before you can add any other type of license. - June 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves SF: 00559464 URM-103462
When editing a reading list, you can now change the order of the citations in the list using the Sort by field. You can sort the citations by citation title (ascending), author (ascending), last modified/created, or call number. If you are implementing Leganto, you can select to sort by instructor order, which is the order that the instructor sorted the citations. - June 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves SF: 00629314 URM-103391
The default search field for the secondary search on the Courses page (Fulfillment > Course Reserves > Courses) is now All, by default. - June 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves SF: 00592509 URM-101949
You can configure rl_auto_assign to determine whether a reading list is automatically assigned to the librarian that works on it. See Configuring Other Settings. - June 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves / APIs URM-99625
You can now use status=ACTIVE|INACTIVE|ALL with the Get-Courses API. - June 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves URM-96012
When cancelling a citation digitization on the Manage Resource Options page (see Managing Citation Fulfillment Options), the confirmation dialog box presents a new option Keep citation's copyright information (if this is a DCS request, the option is Keep citation's DCS request). Select this option to preserve any copyright record / request / DCS request that was made simultaneous with the digitization request. Clear this option to also remove the copyright record or request. - May 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves URM-109965
The option On rollover list creation mode was added for using the course loading integration profile to perform a rollover. Select Multiple to create a new list for each course or Single to attach a list to the new course if the list already exists. See Configuring Course Loading. - April 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves SF: 00618142 URM-99411
You can now add additional reading list subjects. See Configuring List Subjects. - April 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves / Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00621397 URM-99993
The new user role, Course Reserves Viewer, provides read-only access to reading lists and citations in Alma.In addition, the View It row action was added for electronic citations on the Edit Citations page. Select this action to view the citation.
- April 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves / Anaytics SF: 00601707 00620663 00622046 00622576 00625702 URM-102485 URM-92477
Additional support for reading lists associated with multiple courses:- When rolling over courses using the course loading integration profile, if you roll over multiple courses associated with the same reading list, the new reading list is associated with all of the new courses.
- (Leganto only) Instructors can now roll over reading lists associated with multiple courses.
- The Reading List Bulk Update job now removes the course association from reading lists associated with multiple courses.
- The Citation Alternate Suggestions job now finds all reading lists associated with the course, including reading lists associated with multiple courses.
- Alma Analytics now displays all of the course information for a reading list with multiple courses.
- April 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves / Analytics SF: 00467428 URM-83599
The following event types can now be displayed by the Event Type field in Leganto Instructor Usage > Instructor Usage Events:- Remove citation
- Add section
- Remove section
- April 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves SF: 00640637 URM-103787
40 additional lines were added to the Course Terms code table. See Configuring Course Terms. - March 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves URM-96323
Multiple Courses for Reading Lists: 1) When course instructors are automatically added as reading list owners, all course's owners are now added, instead of just the first course's. 2) The Instructors pane in Leganto now shows instructors from all courses, not just the first one. 3) The Bulk Citation Enrichment job now finds all reading lists associated with a course (not just the reading lists for which the course was the first course associated with the list). 4) In the Find Lists tab of Leganto, searching by academic department now searches for all academic departments of all courses associated with the list, not just the first. 5) When scanning in an item and associating the item with a reading list, the due date for the item is now taken from the reading list instead of the first course associated with the list. - March 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves URM-95604
The resource locate process and the check CLA permissions action now use both ISBN and ISBN-13 for matching. In addition, when relevant, these processes remove invalid characters from these fields. - March 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves SF: 00525246 URM-88446 URM-97164 URM-101751
An orange dot in the Alerts tab on the Edit Citations and Edit Reading List pages indicates that there are alerts for the citation.Edit Reading List - February 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves SF: 00501401 URM-81597 URM-98086
You can now remove a specific type of alert when removing alerts on the Edit Citations or Edit Reading List pages. See Removing Alerts. - January 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves SF: 00518177 00606545 URM-91857 URM-98086
Starting from this release, new citation titles include bibliographic record field 245 subfields a, n, p, h, b, f, g, k, and s. Note that subfield c is not included. - January 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves URM-85391
You can now delete any alert directly from the Alerts tab on the Edit Reading List or Edit Citations pages.
Resolved Issues
- December 2019 Release Update Analytics SF: URM-121151
In the Fulfillment Fines and Fees, the Preferred Phone Number was not visible. This was fixed. - December 2019 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00588974 00700974 00747779 00512844 00592611 00657770 00668671 00672942 00686934 00695571 00701643 00705632 00709552 00717888 00727851 00741759 00742802 00742834 00744609 00745381 00745648 00745921 00747722 00747788 00751219 00751422 00751430 00752217 00752336 00752517 00752830 00752966 00753599 00753643 00753713 00753783 00753786 00753915 00753963 00753967 00753987 00753991 00754000 00754022 00754145 00754148 00754214 00754313 00754314 00754342 00754370 00754376 00754393 00754411 00754509 00754513 00754813 00754852 00754900 00755162 00755583 00756137 00756174 00758441 00758588 00759105 00759137 00759357 00759379 00769401 00785660 00787489 00787735 URM-97071
When the Upload electronic holdings - ELSEVIER job was set up as a scheduled job, it did not process files. This was fixed. - December 2019 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00723339 URM-118326
Previously, when sending an ASRS message, sending batch requests for multiple copies of a title in the same batch sometimes caused an error. This was fixed. To enable this, please contact Ex Libris customer support. - December 2019 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00788636 URM-121274
No match with authorities using F3 in MD Editor. This was fixed. - December 2019 Release Update Fulfillment SF: 00787445 URM-121032
The Activity report could not be sent to a user with fines but without loans. This was fixed. - December 2019 Release Update Fulfillment SF: 00788560 00788498 00788851 00788609 00788837 00788564 00788569 00788591 00788511 00788831 00788830 0078856 00788533 00788883 00788615 00788870 00788562 00788906 00788503 00788800 00788643 00788514 URM-121241
Items in temporary locations do not display in Get It Primo. This was fixed.
- December 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00600690 00610928 00601862 00615517 URM-97555
A new order import fails with 'File failed to process additional services' when there is a holdings records mapping in the profile and a repetitive data field in the import. This was fixed. Only a bibliographic record will be created without a PO line and a holding. - December 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00720142 URM-116410
The error message, 'Amount should not be empty when adding a fund to the PO line', was not translated. This was fixed. - December 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00693513 00710689 URM-114602
The Usage Data Operator role was missing from Alma Configuration. This was fixed. - December 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00725725 00723747 00724397 00724195 00740903 00727756 00725735 00740560 00727312 00731216 00727234 00724246 URM-115402
The Quick Print link on a success message was always triggered. This was fixed. - December 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00637222 URM-107249
In some cases, item History tab missed some entries. In order to fix it, the following job will be run during the next months, gradually: 'Updating items HdeMetadata History'. - December 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00017525 00669132 00017525 00669132 URM-26359
Punctuation marks were displayed on 'Medium Type' label of repository search. This was fixed. - December 2019 Analytics SF: 00598763 URM-99250
Exporting from Analytics was limited to 250k rows. This was upped to 500k rows. - December 2019 Analytics SF: 00673682 URM-113549
In the Course Reverse SA, a reading list that is not related to course (it is related to default course) could not be reported. This was fixed. - December 2019 Analytics SF: 00581790 00590646 URM-99023
Fiscal periods were sorted alphabetically by ID. So, for instance, '10' sorted before '9'. Now the sort is done numerically. - December 2019 API SF: 00693736 URM-111406
The Retrieve User Requests per Item API returned an error when used with status=history to retrieve closed requests. This was fixed. - December 2019 API SF: 00694234 URM-111861
The Get-Bib API with expand=e_avail returned portfolios which were moved or deleted in some cases. This was fixed. - December 2019 API SF: 00714469 URM-117092
The Retrieve Item and label printing information API returned issue_level_description With incorrect XML encoding. This was fixed. - December 2019 API SF: 00720739 URM-117462
The Update-Bib API was slow when processing many items. Performance was improved. - December 2019 API URM-117480
Webhooks for Job-finish were missing the Institution code. This was fixed. - December 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00585261 00453292 00479859 00447529 00581237 00587813 00597122 00518382 00515478 00645660 00670382 00552327 00479498 00706298 00652995 00524665 00588933 00436518 00457109 00515725 00669106 00701885 00650287 00553713 URM-78047
When the Primo View It and Get It pages were called at the same time, in some cases, the View It page sometimes returned 'No full text Available' instead of returning a result. This was fixed. To enable this option, contact Ex Libris customer support. - December 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00724084 URM-116931
The fines and fees report failed whenever there was a fine with no create date. This was fixed. Now the report will not fail. Instead, the create date will be empty in the report. - December 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00597003 00584633 00695119 00678126 00691657 00703845 00572017 00594557 00608642 00625556 00646217 00693799 00660465 00591390 00704946 00657748 00617914 00639102 00642305 URM-94825
You could not find external users by searching for their email address. This was fixed. - December 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00643461 00668366 00643479 00682242 00646096 URM-103981
When creating a new user from the Manage Patron Services page, in some cases the user's password was not written to the new IdP until the user was updated. This was fixed. - December 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00680099 URM-109772
Sync SIS users failed in the case of faulty data of user selected letters. This was fixed. - December 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00593516 00085117 00052345 URM-30933
When receiving a continuous PO line for other departments, Alma will now calculate a PO line's next step and put the item in transit, if needed. This requires the customer parameter po_line_calc_co_next_step_on_receive to be true. - December 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00698624 00620024 URM-101061
Performance was improved for searching for electronic collections in the Online Services Order page. - December 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00657270 00689502 00732168 00685905 URM-109962
If the Lost and Paid new functionality is enabled, the behavior is: If Close Lost Loans job has already processed this loan, the item withdrawal is allowed and succeeds. If Close Lost Loans job has not yet processed this loan, but loan is LOST and PAID (all relevant fines/fees have been paid), the item withdrawal is allowed and succeeds. - December 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00686255 URM-111665
In the Citation Linker Services page, if the word tabs was sent in an attribute's value, an error occurred. This was fixed. Please note that if tabs is a parameter of the URL, an error will still occur. - December 2019 Fulfillment URM-111928
The completion status of the Bulk Change Due Dates job was Completed Successfully, even when some records failed. Now, if some records fail, the job's completion status is Completed with Warnings. - December 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00736478 URM-113656
When an item was in a temporary location it was possible to request it even if No Requesting from Available Holding was defined and the item was in place. This was fixed. - December 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00710298 00720219 URM-116386
The request delete process was improved to handle data corruption within the request. - December 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00724004 00732577 00733687 URM-116638
Performance improvements were done for the calculation of the On Shelf request policy. This should improve the loading time of the Primo Get It window. - December 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00738581 00713050 URM-117276
Previously, if a lost and paid loan was returned and refunded, multiple refunds took place. This was fixed. Now, only a single refund occurs. - December 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00732577 URM-119338
The On Shelf Request policy was sometimes calculated wrongly when there were items in temporary locations. This was fixed. - December 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00708736 00690581 00733638 URM-116635
On the Primo Get It page, the order of locations was changed despite the fact that the configuration has not changed. This was fixed. - December 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00669999 00681991 URM-117375
A digitization request could not be successfully canceled if the digitization process had ended but was still in the Await Approval status. This was fixed. - December 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00718319 00741405 00704697 00722805 00723609 00717712 00702056 00653664 URM-110443
Display Logic Rules sometimes hid a full text service rule. This was fixed. To fix existing rules with this problem, please contact Ex Libris customer support. - December 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00349240 00657740 00658609 00235134 URM-67225
In the Primo resource sharing request form for citation type Book, the Chapter field was not populated. This was fixed, the rft.atitle is now mapped to Chapter. - December 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00695884 URM-111657
The requestability check was failing when there was an electronic resource in the fulfillment network locate process. This was fixed. - December 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00671818 URM-112609
When customer parameter rs_fail_locate_multiple_resources is false and Locate by Metadata finds multiple resources one of which is electronic, the system might have chosen the electronic one and responded with an empty IE value. This was fixed. Alma now ignores the electronic item in such cases. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00687698 00687666 URM-118128
There was a security vulnerability issue in the search area. This was fixed. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00679932 URM-112992
Japanese - Preferred Term Sorting will now sort by Unicode value. For this correction, please contact Ex Libris customer support for reindexing. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00689140 URM-115578
Statistics Note 3 is not searchable in Physical Items > Keywords. This was fixed. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00560475 URM-93219
Itemized sets from Analytics reports were producing errors with Coverage Information. This was fixed. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00540971 URM-110038
User with appropriate roles has no action buttons when viewing the results of a physical items set. This has been fixed. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00627832 URM-107768
There will be two rft.stitle attributes in the context object. One comes from 245 and one from 210. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00728024 00642432 00724230 00728706 URM-109910
The user history table will now be updated when adding a new user or updating an existing user. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00673400 00700703 00700508 00717998 URM-112969
When invalid Holdings records (field 852 does not contain $$b and $$c) were processed by the Change Physical Items job, locations were not changed as expected. This issue has been fixed. In such cases, Alma will automatically correct them and create $$b / $$c with the target. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00648548 URM-107867
Some queries that are part of the Get It workflow caused exceptions due to many holdings and items involved. This was fixed. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00660631 URM-111473
In some cases where the history of an item included many rows, the Physical item Editor page load was very slow. This was fixed. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00727912 00680740 00707958 URM-114404
Running Relink to another bib record and Change Holding caused an item to move to the previous bib record. This has been fixed. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00704072 URM-116538
When the Inventory Date in the Physical Item Editor was prior to 01.01.1900, the Inventory Date was not saved. This was fixed. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00583998 00624959 00548131 00722359 URM-93246
If an electronic collection in the Community Zone that was activated using an Excel file was validated offline, the analyzed file created in the job report could not be opened if the input was '.xlsx'. Additionally, if the file name contained an & symbol, an error occurred. These were fixed. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00671153 URM-108166
The Relink to another bibliographic record button was visible when the View action was selected for a portfolio from the Portfolio List of an electronic title. This was fixed. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00736647 00743509 00711611 URM-115707
The PUT /electronic/e-collections/collection_id/e-services/service_id API created records which cannot be edited if the service was linked to the Community Zone. This was fixed. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00744204 00755053 URM-119804
Clicking on Unpaywall on the View It page opened the pdf embedded in the Primo page. This was fixed. The pdf now opens in another page. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00702639 URM-115221
Running a publishing job using Republish > Subset triggered a failed job if the set name ended with space. This was fixed. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00706693 00694303 URM-112751
General publishing profiles with the FTP publishing protocol should not compress files if Disable file compression is checked OR if Physical format is Binary. However, files were being compressed unless Disable file compression was checked AND Physical format was Binary. This was fixed. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00716994 URM-116869
If a publishing error exists in Publish bibliographic records from Network Zone to Primo, the IDs displayed are Institution Zone IDs instead of Network Zone IDs. This was fixed and now the Network Zone IDs are displayed If a publishing error exists in this job. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00613478 URM-112665
A local call number duplication check was added, with 905$s added to MARC21& Kormarc options. In order to enable this feature, contact Ex Libris customer support. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00457470 00669321 00380400 00634818 00559471 00629754 00528741 URM-73354
Text inside of angle brackets (< >) was not displayed in the Metadata Editor F3/ View and in Browse Bib headings. This was fixed. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00633321 URM-112489
When a member institution performed Merge & Combine of two network records from the Metadata Editor, the primary local (linked/cached) record was not updated with the new (merged) bib value, whereas the record in the network zone was properly updated. This was fixed. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00711365 00662917 URM-116808
In the Browse Shelf Listing, the call number drop-down was not translated. This was fixed. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00743597 00632691 00477263 URM-105149
When a MARC21 bibliographic field was corrected from an authority record by the Preferred term Correction job, if the authority record had a subfield 9, the subfield was added to the bibliographic field even when the authority record came from a vocabulary that was not multilingual. This was fixed. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00502225 00516220 00532244 00490036 URM-83866
Some authority records were not available using F3 > View, and could not be linked using Select. These were fixed. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00685024 URM-109645
In MARC21, when copying the preferred term from authority field 130, the non filing indicator (second indicator) of the authority heading is now copied to the non filing indicator of the BIB record, and then used to create the normalized value of the BIB record. When using the F3 mechanism or running the preferred term correction job in order to copying the authority field 130 to a BIB record, the following indicator of the BIB field is updated as follows - 130, 630, 730 - 1st indicator 830 - 2nd indicator. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00684032 00654865 00602976 00717202 00629017 00691879 URM-116448
When linking an authority via F3, in some cases where the value contained non alpha-numeric characters, the normalized value used to find the correct preferred term in the authority record was generated incorrectly and an error was displayed. This was fixed. Now the normalized value is generated correctly and the preferred term is found. - December 2019 Resource Management URM-109793
A Select all checkbox was added to the Resolve Import Issues page. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00610924 URM-109892
In MD Import, the ISBN (exact subfield match)/024/035 match method found matches between 020$$z of the imported record and 020$$a of the existing record, as did the ISSN (exact subfield match)/024/035 match method with 022 fields, correspondingly. This was fixed. Matches are now found only between the same subfields. - December 2019 Resource Management SF: 00675666 URM-110203
The import profile for bibliographic records provided no match method for UNIMARC and CNMARC field 073 (EAN). This was fixed. - December 2019 Digital Resource Management SF: 00698862 URM-112282
When running the the media conversion job on a logical set set of files, some files fail, but then succeed when running the job on the set again. This was fixed.
- November 2019 Release Update API SF: URM-118925
The Get-Analytics-Report API was missing namespace when retrieving the 2nd page of the report. This was fixed. - November 2019 Release Update User Management SF: 00746200 00749731 00749732 00749736 00749745 00750548 00751005 00751106 00751132 00751205 00751992 URM-119494
The First Name field became mandatory by default even if it was removed from the Public/Staff User Mandatory Fields configuration. This was fixed. - November 2019 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00749729 00751063 URM-119493
When searching external resources based on a record that is being edited, the OCLC prefix will now be automatically removed. - November 2019 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00715452 URM-116970
When selecting a GND authority in F3, $$9 would be incorrectly removed. This was fixed. - November 2019 Release Update Resource Management SF: URM-118918
When opening a GND/BARE authority record that was not up to date, it did not display the message asking to reload the up to date version. This was fixed. - November 2019 Release Update Fulfillment SF: 00751886 URM-119752
The Attach to request button disappeared in the row action. This was fixed.
- November 2019 Analytics SF: 00622887 URM-101539
In Analytics, in the Fulfillment subject area under the Loan Details folder, the Loan Note field contained no data even when the loan had a note. This was fixed. - November 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves SF: 00633268 00650354 00702102 00702106 URM-105263
An error appeared when adding a Network Zone item to a reading list. This was fixed. - November 2019 Analytics SF: 00654719 00633640 00654656 00632700 00721014 URM-107119
Adding the Portfolio URL Type field to a report causes the portfolio URL to appear incorrectly. This was fixed. - November 2019 Analytics SF: 00654361 URM-111386
Deleted/archived was added as a possible value for the Leganto Publication List Visibility field. - November 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00590990 URM-102353
Renewal reminder field was not saved to PO Line template. This was fixed and now the renewal reminder is part of the PO line template. - November 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00618926 00694448 URM-111989
There was a problem with the indexing of the vendors. This was fixed. - November 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00686375 URM-113247
Label changed from Order lines to PO Lines to align other acquisition pages. - November 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00652405 URM-109998
Previously, the electronic resource editor allowed a user to enter free text into the PO Line field. This has been corrected, and only existing PO Lines can be saved in that field. - November 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00698981 URM-111558
When exporting a PO line's invoice lines list to Excel, the subscription from date and subscription end date are now populated. - November 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00571428 00712691 URM-94740
An error was displayed when selecting the Amendments tab of a license. This was fixed. - November 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00710006 00686458 00666128 00732123 00699674 URM-113553
The Electronic Activation job created extra collections due to a problem caused from restarts on the server. This was fixed. - November 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00676281 URM-110625
When executing the new PO Line - Claiming job (Process Automation), the status for some PO Lines was not set to Claimed, so they were not added to the claim list. This was fixed. - November 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00673267 00712680 00686704 00650575 00690182 URM-107257
When creating an invoice line with a negative expenditure, and a poline attached, if the calculation of the disencumbrance is negative or zero, the disencumbrance will not be created. - November 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00725601 00660235 00666341 00722750 URM-108173
In import EOD process, there was an issue in the fund balance calculation. This was fixed. - November 2019 Acquisitions SF:
When refreshing the page for some reason, the unsaved fields will not be deleted. - November 2019 Acquisitions SF:
In case of missing or wrong credentials, there will be an error message. - November 2019 APIs SF: 00706335 URM-108394
The request-options API returned results more than once. We now dedupe the GES codes if there is one that is in both GetIt and ViewIt. - November 2019 APIs SF: 00722604 00703508 URM-114343
The Pick-from-shelf API (/task-lists/requested-resources) ignored copies when 2 holding records share the same call-no. This was fixed. - November 2019 APIs SF: 00684540 00510675 URM-115241
Update/Create Vendor APIs: it was mandatory it have at least one preferred emails. It is now possible to have the vendor without any preferred emails. - November 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00230064 00363496 00578159 00201016 00549248 00462294 URM-56767
It was not possible to decimal amount in Fines/Fees Notification Profile. This was fixed. - November 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00693454 00660163 URM-106316
Due to faulty value of fine currency the displayed Active Balance wasn't accurate, this was fixed by updating the currency value to correct one. - November 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00582602 00405979 URM-75385
For users, First Name, Last Name, and Email Address were not mandatory when other fields were configured as mandatory. This was fixed, and now they are always mandatory. - November 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00589457 URM-97072
Proxy Of tab in User Details didn't support pagination for more than one page of proxies of. This was fixed. - November 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00729996 00671358 URM-108002
'Force password change on next login' failed with the new IdP. This was fixed. - November 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00699956 URM-112450
For customer who use case-insensitive user identifiers, the SIS failed to identify an input of of a user as a duplicate when the case in the additional-identifier wasn’t the same of it’s duplicate. This was fixed. - November 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00696699 URM-113682
Expired library cards cannot be renewed on the Patron Services page if the patron is part of a user group with a defined renewal fee. This was fixed. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00673006 URM-108210
When Holding does not have subfield 'c' in field 852, the item editor failed to save the new location. This was fixed. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00696578 URM-113570
Running Export Bibliographic job in French results in error when choosing set on some rare cases. This was fixed. - November 2019 Resource Management SF:
For member institution when adding a reminder on Network title from menu RM -> Reminders -> Network tab -> Add reminder and the title contains non Latin or diacritic characters. The reminder successfully added. 'successfully added' message appears with incorrect display of the special characters. Issue has been fixed. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00702938 URM-115189
In some cases a slow loading for Manage Deleted Repository searches occurs. Issue has been fixed. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00699766 00696051 00701041 00702606 00695740 00693601 00694971 URM-108076
Item availability appeared incorrectly when 'chronology I' includes multiple years, for example, '2010-12' . This was fixed. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00723554 00674138 00717807, URM-108837
Oops error occurs for Add location to PO Line and Internal error occurs changing the location in the PO Line. Issue has been fixed. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00678384 URM-112143
Subfield $t with value “0” (zero) is redundantly added to field 852 of the holdings record (created for the target – preferred – bib record) when merging two bib records via the “Merge Records & Combine Inventory” action in the MD Editor. This has been corrected. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00696528 URM-112907
Analytics displayed truncated values for internal notes, Description and location storage id fields of physical items (internal notes 1,2 and 3, Description, Location_Storage_Id). This was fixed and these fields are now displayed correctly, up to a length of 4000 characters. The change will be applied *gradually* during December and January. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00698666 URM-113090
When trying to relink itemless holdings to different bibliographic record, in some cases an error message appears. This was fixed. - November 2019 Resource Management SF:
Items that have some value, appeared twice in the physical item list. This was fixed. - November 2019 Resource Management SF:
Avoid duplicates in the flatting table by merges in the save flow. add distinct to the selected queries. override existing bib instead of create new one in each contribution. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00513704 00712102 URM-107855
Some portfolios have Bulk::BULK in their parser parameters, that was not expected. A data corrector was added to fix these portfolios. It will appear in debug mode, in 'Alma DB Status' page and it's called'getLocalPortfolioWithParseBulkBulk'. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00563992 00653886 00700960 URM-97131
In the RSS publishing job, in rare cases the Max Days parameter in the RSS publishing profile was ignored by the job. This was fixed. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00671194 URM-113821
'Publish your Local Holdings Records (LHRs) to OCLC' publishing job: holdings records are published as “updated” when, in fact, nothing has changed for these holdings records. This issue occurs when the bibliographic records to which the holdings records are attached were published as new, have no historical records (such as being created and never edited again), and have changed. This was fixed. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00683070 00701007 00420703 URM-108982
In the MD Editor when using suggestions that included the Eszett character in 260 $a or 264 $a, the result did not sort correctly. This was fixed. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00420703 URM-108984
In the MD Editor when using suggestions that included the hyphen character in 260 $a or 264 $a, the result did not sort correctly. This was fixed. - November 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00594131 URM-97548
The Send Requests to Remote Storage job sometimes exported at the same time multiple requests which were attached to the same item. Now, if multiple requests are in the 'Waiting for remote storage' status and they are all waiting for the same item, the export job will only export one of them, the rest will remain in the waiting status. The job report will list these requests under the failed requests event. The job will attempt to export these requests again on its next runs. Only when the 1st request completes and the item becomes available again, the job will export the next request on the item. - November 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00582085 URM-112083
Export Physical Items job: The first four columns of the csv output file - MMS Record ID, HOL Record ID, Item PID, and Barcode - are now enclosed in single quotes, to prevent corruption of long numbers when the file is opened by Excel. - November 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00576039 00690916 00522280 00534267 00690192 00710169 00578636 00717951 00716931 00638837 00582873 00532675 00511470 00532836 00511961 00612883 00600236 00604804 00541661 00576313 00565728 00583305 00605430 00567327 00675477 00679993 00669433 00514093 00700906 00701279 00700688 00525091 00611113 URM-86865
Sometimes null value is displayed in search index dropdown. This was fixed. - November 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00665722 URM-110126
Export to Excel - no possible to choose 'all fields' if the columns display is not customized. This was fixed. - November 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00652697 URM-108789
'Search bibliographic records matching this value' Created a Wrong Query. This was fixed. - November 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00583137 00573733 00571629 00577708 00578111 00608408 URM-94989
When you open related records in NZ tab, and then search on IZ you get error and ui corrupted. This was fixed. - November 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00575442 URM-97702
When using Browse Bibliographic Headings, it presents an incorrect display of series. This was fixed. - November 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00656682 00632391 00646131 00656681 00658200 00619787 00658285 URM-109060
Previously, when creating an item level request from Primo, the Material Type and Loan Period request attributes were automatically selected with the requested item's attributes. Now, the optional values for these fields include also the 'Empty' value which is now the default value. - November 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00627889 URM-106881
When using the IE/Edge browser, the ViewIt portfolio directs to a blank page. This was fixed. - November 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00663795 URM-107630
The page load time has been improved for the Resource Sharing Lending Requests task list. - November 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00695132 00693028 00653241 00724246 URM-108049
In some cases, the FulHoldShelfRequestSlipLetter was sent twice to the printer. This was fixed. - November 2019 Fulfillment SF:
Performance improvements were done in the Patron Services-Loans page. - November 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00683416 URM-111398
When an item was returned via a self-check machine and the check-in was rejected/fails, for instance because the item could not be returned at this location, Alma responded with a screen message (AF) indicating the reason for that, but the title identifier (AJ) was missing. This was fixed. The title identifier (AJ) now returns even in case of an error. - November 2019 Fulfillment SF:
The Course Activation Job sometimes failed. This was fixed. - November 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00692965 00691870 00702571 00690896 URM-112232
Setting Expiry Date for user throught Update/Notify Job will from now on assign the end of day to the date. - November 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00634501 URM-112581
The 'Request/Process Type' field In the 'Manage In Process Items' page was not translated. This was fixed. - November 2019 Fulfillment SF:
The Course Activation Job failed if there existed any course with end date = 31-DEC-9999. This was fixed. - November 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00694029 URM-111838
A performance improvement was introduced to the re-loan checks for Self Check. - November 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00694029 URM-112746
In some cases, when a self check machine sent a series of 63 messages, an error occurred. This was fixed. - November 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00670083 00643356 00683892 URM-106877
In some cases, when a self check machine sent a 64 message, an error occurred. This was fixed. - November 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00657570 URM-108504
Previously if a request was cancelled while it was in status 'Waiting for remote storage', the request was sometimes exported by the Send Requests to Remote Storage job event though it was cancelled. In this case, the exported request was missing the Barcode, MMSID, and item ID XML fields. Now cancelled requests are not exported by the job. - November 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00686404 URM-112032
The count of request on the item, in some scenarios, is not equal to the number of actual requests which appears after clicking on the request number. This was fixed. - November 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00653309 URM-107021
Previously, the locate job did not check if the location of the item is suppressed or not, so items from suppressed locations were retrieved. This was fixed. - November 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00667231 URM-110379
The barcode field displayed in the lending request is now displayed in the lending requests task list as well, under Requested Barcode. In addition, it was added to the excel report when exporting the list, and to the slip report (xml/excel). - November 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00685196 URM-110427
Previously, when a lending request received a negative conditional reply, the attached move request was not canceled. This was fixed. - November 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00686288 URM-110429
Previously, when a lending request is received a positive conditional reply, the status was changed to Created lending request, even when a move request was already created and attached to the lending request. This was fixed and now, if there's a move request, the status will be changed to Being proceeded. - November 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00670566 URM-114121
A validation error message that appeared when a BLDSS request was sent did not contain the status message that was received in the response from BL. This was fixed, the status message is now added to the History of the request. - November 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00711746 URM-114495
Previously, the list of the blocks the user has were displayed in the user popup, in the Blocks field. Now, instead, there's an indication weather the user has active blocks or not. - November 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00709245 00731881 URM-117304
In some cases, Fulfillment Services Managers and Fulfillment Services Operators could not reactivate resource sharing requests. This was fixed. - November 2019 Fulfillment SF:
Borrowing requests created by the open receipt service will be created with the status: 'Request sent to partner'. - November 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00732766 00728611 00722133 URM-118179
Change in xml made a regression. This was fixed. - November 2019 Fulfillment SF:
Export Bibliographic Records Finish Job notification email message has incorrect instructions. This has been fixed and now the message indicates that he exported file(s) can be found at 'Admin > Manage export'. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00681838 URM-112305
When flipping fields by using a normalization rule, the field's indicators were not flipped. This was fixed. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00159498 00535286 00110864 00513516 00647341 URM-39242
Some bibliographic records had a future creation date. These records were fixed. You can ask Ex Libris to run a data corrector if you experience this problem in the future. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00567767 URM-93555
Adding controlled vocabulary values did not work properly when adding fields from a template. This was fixed. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00653246 URM-105990
Deleting a bib network record from the MD Editor, by a member institution took a long time (sometimes as long as 30 seconds). This has been corrected. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00681242 00686352 URM-109422
There were no possible values for field 006's positions in the MARC21 bibliographic profile. This issue was fixed according to the MARC standards. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00674818 URM-109559
In the MD Editor, when using F3 to browse MESH subject authority records with hyphenated text, they were found only without the hyphen. (Example text: 'Evidence-based medicine' can be found only without hyphen.) This was fixed. Note that since the customer uses the German search and browse settings, when browsing a local (or NZ) authority, hyphens are stripped and are not replaced by space (e.g Evidence-based medicine is treated as 'Evidencebased medicine' The behavior described for searching for authorities which contain umlauts is the expected behavior when using the German settings. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00687149 URM-109996
In the MD Editor when testing a normalization rule that modifies the holding fields 866, 867 and 868 fields with the MD Editor's Preview feature the record's 853 fields will sometimes be highlighted as though they were affected by the normalization rule (even though they shouldn't be). Issue has been fixed. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00696292 URM-111887
In the MDEditor the 'Refine Search' when searching external resources is not translated. Issue has been fixed. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00701365 URM-112648
In the MARC21 bibliographic profile, position 03 was missing from field 006 for 'Serial/Integrating resource' (s) form of material. this was fixed. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00687655 URM-113799
When doing a crosswalk for Unimarc bibliographic records to Marc21 records, In field 606 only sub fields y and z were converted to field 650 sub fields. This has been fixed and now all sub fields are converted. - November 2019 Resource Management SF:
When editing an authority record from Bib > F3 the record is opened as Bib instead of Authority. This was fixed. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00706029 URM-112858
An Error has occurred while trying to load authority view in the MD Editor for NZ records with local extension fields edited by IZ. This was fixed. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00654399 URM-105903
The following fixes were made in the MARC21 authority profile, according to the MARC standards: 1) In field 008, position 9, the value '|' was added. 2) In the LDR field, position 18, the field's description and values were updated. 3) In the LDR field, position 19 was added. These changes apply to customers that have not configured the LDR. For customers that have configured the LDR, the fix will take place from November 2019. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00659343 URM-109184
Bib heading appears as if they are linked to a wrong Authority in the MD Editor for NZ records with local extension fields edited by IZ. This was fixed. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00681274 URM-115239
Doing F3 on a Chinese name would not find the correct LCNAMES authority. This was fixed. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00593476 00648644 URM-99420
Updates for Bibliographic Marc21 Crosswalk to Unimarc. Map Marc21 710 to Unimarc 712. Set 2nd indicator to 2. Map Marc21 246 to Unimarc 517. Copy 1st indicator as is. Set 2nd indicator to blank. Sub field mapping: $$a to $$a, $$b to $$e Map Marc21 852 to Unimarc 852 as is. Map Marc21 541 to Unimarc 345. Sub field mapping: $$a to $$a. Map Marc21 650 to Unimarc 606. Sub field mapping: $$0 to $$3 copy the value of 650 $$0 to 606 $$3 Currently, $3 is also mapped to $3. This has been changed so that MARC21 650 $3 will not be mapped at all. - November 2019 Resource Management SF: 00584992 00584695 URM-96542
Duplicate records appeared after updating from the central catalog. This was fixed. - November 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00656217 00668227 00590725 00648393 00697253 00655322 URM-107613
The Exlibris footer sometimes appeared in the middle of the page. This was fixed. - November 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00210326 00568180 00696281 00483886 00705243 00689444 00365765 URM-107950
Physical Items Sort Routines list was not translated according to the interface langue of the customer. A fix was implemented for new customers and customer which did not customize the sort routines. Customers which already customized the sort routines: In order to have the list fully translated, please restore for the Physical Items Sort Routines. - November 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00461784 URM-80906
The scroll-bar for drop-down lists is not displayed properly. This was fixed. - November 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00611194 URM-100185
Alma Release Schedule display overlaps Help menu. This was fixed. - November 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00671675 URM-113157
'Tasks' List is not Alphabetical. This was fixed. - November 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00643584 00646138 00639708 URM-106331
Setting the language of reset password form is now possible. - November 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00744730 URM-119029
When exporting the letter list to Excel, the Enabled column was not included in the download. This was fixed. - Enabled
- October 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00724098 00725343 00725348 00725349 00725540 00725568 00725604 00725651 00725655 00727004 00727081 00727105 00727126 00727436 00727587 00727613 00727648 00728000 00728836 00729524 00730071URM-XXX
When a department was in the library level and statuses were in the institution level, the statuses were not displayed in the receiving workbench. This was fixed. - October 2019 API SF: 00724597 URM-XXX
The Alma Course API call with search query for academic_department or section did not work. This was fixed.
- September 2019 Release Update Fulfillment SF: 00724290 URM-116792
The "Notifications - Send Courtesy Notices and Handle Loan Renewals" job was sending multiple emails or emails without due dates. This was fixed. - September 2019 Release Update Fulfillment SF: 00723509 00723844 00724463 URM-116763
Automatic printing on an email printer was not working. This was fixed. - September 2019 Release Update Fulfillment SF: 00723473 00723840 00724012 00724049 00724213 URM-116764
Errors appeared in the SIP patron information response message. This was fixed. - September 2019 Release Update Fulfillment SF: 00614301 URM-101497
When requesting an ASRS remote storage item, sometimes the request appeared in Alma with a status of Request Communicated to Remote Storage, even though the communication with the ASRS server failed. If the communication failed, Alma canceled the request with the cancellation reason of "Failed to communicate with remote storage". This was fixed. - September 2019 Release Update Analytics SF: 00723818 00724033 00724098 URM-116781
The “Keep in Department” drop-down on the Receive New Material page did not contain configured work order types. This was fixed. - September 2019 Release Update Analytics SF: 00723353 URM-116685
The Receive items list showed all items belonging only to one library, even though the locations were from were different libraries. This was fixed. - September 2019 Release Update Analytics SF: 00718409 00718484 00718681 00721482 00721696 00722307 URM-115793
When a Fund was used in PO Line or invoice line, it was not added correctly to the Recently used. This was fixed. - September 2019 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00723604 URM-116742
In some cases, Display of holdings and items information from Institutions was not working properly on the Networkzone. This was fixed. - September 2019 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00708955 URM-115040
Navigating from the Job events screen to viewing details of failed items in Aleph Bridge Integration job took more than one minute to load. This has been improved.
- September 2019 Analytics SF: 00642524 URM-111522
In Analytics, in the Digital Inventory subject area, when adding the Rep Creation Year from the Representation Creation Date folder, the numbers were inflated. This was fixed. - September 2019 Analytics SF: 00688406 URM-111480
In Analytics, in the E-Inventory Collection PO dimension, the field Additional Order Reference was missing. It was added. - September 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00653656 URM-108206
In some cases of invalid BR2 COUNTER files, validation did not work correctly and returned an error. This was fixed. - September 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00650964 URM-108029
The Associated PO lines tab wrongly calculated the number of records when some of the PO lines did not have an mms_id. This was fixed. - September 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00695120 00669052 00562949 00638045 URM-93032
When loading PO Lines from a file to create a PO Lines set, the PO Line reference number was case sensitive and some PO Lines were not found. This was fixed, and now Add Members to Set is case insensitive. - September 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00090792 00239644 00403543 00403906 00505760 00697313 00514477 00517670 URM-37026
Pagination did not work on the Associated PO lines list page. This was fixed. - September 2019 Acquisitions/Resource Management SF: 00570609 00572071 00556744 URM-92843
In some cases, adding a PO line for an item using the Physical Item Editor failed. This was fixed. Now, the PO line parameter only appears in the Physical Item Editor after basic, required information is entered and you select Save and Edit. - September 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00518908 00583378 00594362 URM-95709
When creating a new invoice and selecting Save and create invoice lines, duplicate Adjustment lines were created. This was fixed. - September 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00652945 00700251 URM-107859
A user could not customize the License Printout Letter fields.This was fixed. - September 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00649557 URM-105816
There was no warning when deleting a license term which existed in an active license. Now an error appears if the licences term is used in any license (not only active licenses, because deleted license can be reactivated). - September 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00619808 URM-104056
Searching for non-English titles that contained diacritics not working as expected on the Receive Items page. This was fixed. - September 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00648063 00650554 00599063 URM-104410
E-books unexpectedly appeared in the Claim list. This was fixed. - September 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00685211 00352190 00634808 URM-109055
The field Remind participants before trial ends was not used by the Trials - Start and Notify Participants job. This was fixed. Note that the job must be run in the correct scope. - September 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00620952 URM-108059
An error message appeared when adding a fund to a PO line. This was fixed. - September 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00671838 URM-108755
When creating a PO line using a template for a vendor that is now inactive, the inactive vendor is added to the PO line. This was fixed, and this vendor is no longer added. - September 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00588091 00632407 00630128 URM-105243
The SUSHI Harvesting job for DB1 from ProQuest failed. This was fixed. - September 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00631387 URM-103731
When a loan due date was changed, in some cases the patron expiry date was not taken into consideration. This allowed a new due date which exceeded the patron expiry date. This was fixed. The report of the Due Date Correction after Calendar Change job was updated to note when this happens (the report of the Bulk Change Due Dates job already contains this information). In addition, when a due date is changed, if the new calculated due date is in the past (this may happen for due date adjustments due to patron expiry or closed library), the action fails and an error message appears. If the action was performed by a job (Bulk Change Due Dates job \ Due Date Correction after Calendar Change job), the job report includes the list of these failed loans. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00654688 00690749 00659700 00658144 00659086 URM-106211
The Delete portfolios job did not work for an itemized set of titles. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00639448 URM-103875
When viewing the portfolio title, More Actions > Test Access does not work; the Test Access button when editing the portfolio worked. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00453168 URM-80679
After moving items to another holdings (using the Items List) or relinking items to another bibliographic record, the original holdings continued to appear. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00681832 URM-109011
If C is a Chinese character, and A an ASCII character, for the two ""center dot"" punctuation that are used in CJK bibliographic records (KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT (U+30FB. e3 83 bb)) and (MIDDLE DOT (U+00B7. c2 b7)), C?A and C·A were incorrectly transliterated to ""C ,A"" and A?A and A·A were incorrectly transliterated to ""A,A"". They should have been transliterated to "", "". This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00696707 URM-111892
Process types under Old and New Values in the History tab were not translated in Physical Item editor. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00689209 00712854 00711748 00692833 URM-111715
Translation for filters has been added to the items list for Year, Volume, Description, and Receive date. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00633005 URM-110880
The List of Items page was not correctly refreshed after making changes to items, such as binding or removing. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00683763 00683951 00694766 URM-109463
Since the May release, various inventory actions (returning items, saving holdings) sporadically resulted in an error. These were fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00704605 00640849 00619378 URM-102254
In some cases, when the number of items associated with same holdings record was large, some operations on a single item (such as duplicate, move an item to different holdings record, add an item from items list, etc.) took a long time. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management URM-100970
For quick cataloging (Resources > Add Physical Item > Citation Type Book, the Editor field in the form was not mapped to the bibliographic record. This field is now mapped to subfield $a of field 700 (MARC21 format) in the newly created record. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00082497 00678051, URM-16989
In the Portfolio Editor, 'Portfolio availability' was misspelled. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management URM-110324
Upload electronic holdings no longer deletes portfolios with attached PO lines. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00677912 URM-109643
Extended export to Excel of a journal could fail if there were too many notes on one of the portfolios. This was fixed, and now a new Excel column is created for each note assuming this does not make the export over the maximum number of columns for Excel (256). - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00673160 URM-109065
When activating a collection using an Excel file, the analysis file had a .8 extension which could not be opened. This was fixed, and has now the file has a .xlsx extension. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00672009 URM-108878
Deactivating a portfolio did not update the modification date. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00674411 URM-108828
In Electronic Collection Editor, when adding Level URL (override) or Level URL and saving, the field value is added to all of the collections, which was incorrect. This was fixed, and the URL is not copied to the other collections. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00488818 URM-104764
In the Upload Electronic Holdings job, when a vendor's file had a title with two lines to represent multiple coverage records, and one of the lines had an embargo, the job did not recognize the second line as a match to the title, so the coverage and embargo in the second line were not saved. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00614304 URM-100378
In the local portfolio creator and editor, the interface name field allowed a user to save any text as an interface name, even if the text did not match any existing interface. This field is now validated when it is saved, so that only an existing interface name can be saved for a local portfolio or collection. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00583998 00624959 00548131 URM-93246
If an electronic collection in the Community Zone that was activated using an Excel file is validated offline, the analyzed file created in the job report could not be opened if the input was '.xlsx'. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00213495 00235182 00201173 00228378 00526813 00179021 00200842 00222511 00212440 00390669 00221305 00171657 00219705 00209820 URM-50261
Selecting Activate All to activate all portfolios from a community collection now triggers a background job Portfolios activation job for a large (> 200) number of portfolios. - September 2019 Fulfillment URM-112406
When publishing to Primo with headings enrichment, in some cases some of the headings were not published with their linked authority information. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00696112 00682271 00690217 00708312 URM-111553
Records with invalid content caused publishing jobs to fail when they could not be converted to the output format binary MARC (when the publishing profile had 'Include all records each time file is published' selected.). This was fixed to catch and log the bad records. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00708894 00683005 URM-111387
In some cases, the number of unpublished records displayed in the General Publishing job report did not match the actual number of unpublished published records. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00668017 00210323 00210326 00568180 00483886 00171118 00692974 00365765 00521879 00656895 URM-111805
The terms 'List of Items' and 'Process Type' in the List of Items screen were not translatable. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00678864 URM-110151
In the search results for All Titles and Physical Titles, Alternate Title appeared as a non-bold link under the main title (alternate graphic representation of field 245 in MARC21/KORMARC; non-Latin field 200 in Unimarc/CNMARC) and contained only subfields $a and $b from field 245 in MARC21/KORMARC and subfields a,e,h,i from non-Latin field 200 in Unimarc/CNMARC. This was fixed. Now Alternate Title contains subfields a,n,p,h,b,c,f,g,k,s from the alternate graphic representation of field 245 for MARC21/KORMARC, and subfields a-i from non-Latin field 200 in Unimarc/CNMARC. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00668017 00210323 00210326 00699868 00568180 00483886 00171118 00692974 00365765 00521879 00656895 URM-51076
In the Items List and the Physical Items search results pages, Process Type was not translated properly. In addition, when changing the process type from empty to (non-English) Missing using Toggle Missing Status, this action disappeared from the row actions list. These were fixed. - September 2019 Administration and Infrastrucure SF: 00556966 URM-92138
A search term link to jump to the persistent search box did not work in Firefox. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management/Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00665351 URM-111407
When managing the members of an itemized set, you could not click through to the electronic collection or service. This was fixed. - September 2019 Alma-Summon Integration SF: 00627766 00658398 URM-104143
Alma included ISBNs from the 020$z subfield – canceled/invalid ISBN – in the institution holdings file sent to Summon Index. This led to false positive full-text availability status on records with this same ISBN. This was fixed. - September 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00643132 00697125 URM-108165
When scanning an item, the destination field (for example, On Hold Shelf) was not translated. This was fixed. - September 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00653241 URM-108049
In some cases, the FulHoldShelfRequestSlipLetter was sent twice to the printer. This was fixed. - September 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00619246 URM-101856
The Overdue and Lost Item job sometimes handled incorrectly the Days after status date parameter. This was fixed. - September 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00632074 00660631 URM-101746
Pagination was added to the Fulfillment Activities list in the History tab of the physical item editor. - September 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00613660 00672831 00530524 00624409 00704809 00602267 00648069 00680367 00546090 00553349 URM-90197
Sometimes a duplicate loan to the same patron appeared. This was fixed. - September 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00663937 00694029 URM-108226
In a SIP2 patron information request from a Bibliotheca kiosk, the Overdue Items request was not aligned with the Charged Items request. This was fixed, and now 1. Alma returns only the overdue items without the charged items, and 2. When BP or BQ message elements are requested, Alma returns only the requested items. - September 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00668356 00640255 00572380 00555060 00687723 00572424 URM-92949
An error appeared when trying to update the Discovery Interface Labels code table. This was fixed. - September 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00380383 00696222 00449565 00363006 00364224 00547021 00595649 URM-67685
The performance of the Send Courtesy Notices and Handle Loan Renewals job was improved. In addition, loans of the same user are always aggregated into one letter. - September 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00665745 00660577 URM-110094
When a borrowing request was rejected from the borrowing request task list and the status of the request was not 'Request sent to partner' after the rejection, an error message appeared indicating that the request was not rejected. This was fixed and the error no longer appears. - September 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing URM-109397
When a hold request that was created using AFN was cancelled, the cancellation message was sent directly to the requester. This was fixed and now the message is sent only to the borrowing institution, only if the rota is exhausted. - September 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00614301 URM-101497
When requesting an ASRS remote storage item, sometimes the request appeared in Alma with a status of Request Communicated to Remote Storage, even though the communication with the ASRS server failed. Now, if the communication fails, Alma cancels the request with cancellation reason: Failed to communicate with remote storage. - September 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00708066 URM-115587
The user popup was not displayed from borrowing request edit page when the user had identifiers and a preferred identifier is configured. This was fixed. - September 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing URM-115103
The Ship Item and Ship Item Digitally row actions appeared inactive lending requests. This was fixed. - September 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00678378 00633040 00681920 00672594 00629748 00666686 URM-110868
The due date of a resource sharing borrowing request loaned item will now consider the opening hours of the Resource Sharing library when renewing the request. - September 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00641700 URM-109888
A resource sharing borrowing request in Returned by Patron status is no longer counted towards the patron's active resource sharing request limit. - September 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00649197 00706090 00658366 URM-109080
When a borrowing request was received in a different format than the requested format, if the operator had entered charges, they were overridden. This was fixed. - September 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00548468 00683448 URM-95518
A resource sharing request could not be renewed if there was another request in title level. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00641847 URM-109130
If there were several holdings with the same location but different call numbers, the Z39 results showed only the first holdings. All holdings with the same location now appear sorted by call number. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00472436 00479980 00477696 00494725 00569572 URM-81549
Umlauts did not always appear correctly in Internet Explorer 11. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management/Collaborative Networks SF: 00457480 00378347 00591318 URM-69745
When running an MD import with the Using NZ type profile, when creating a new cached record, the 001 field of the cached record was set with the institution mms_id. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00709191 00714030 00715014 00714983 URM-115074
In the MD Editor, there was an intermittent error where the institution icon for a draft record was blue before the record was saved. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00659346 URM-106806
When typing in Japanese, spaces were not added automatically after subfield codes. This caused a problem when sending the record to Happiness transliteration system. Spaces are now added before sending the record to Happiness. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00665317 URM-105728
In the MD Editor, selecting Update from Bib updated the holding record 852 subfield $$h with the bibliographic record 090 subfield $$a instead of 050 subfield $$a. This was fixed. Now first priority of the Call Number Mapping is used. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00551854 URM-101726
In the MD Editor, the cursor jumped after deleting Hebrew characters. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00154885 00657028 00678417 00687799 URM-62238
When importing records, new records were created with Ex Libris as the creator. This caused the Creator to change when the record was edited, and this created a discrepancy between the Creator and the creation date. This was fixed, and now new records are created with System as the creator during import. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00644993 00664999 URM-107843
In the MD Editor, when using F3 to create a new UNIMARC authority record for a specific UNIMARC bibliographic record 7XX field, indicator values were not copied from the bibliographic field. This was fixed. In addition, in some cases the tag of the preferred term field in the new authority record was created incorrectly with four digits. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00679933 URM-109966
When displaying the record view of authorities with two 100 fields, the second one was displayed in the title instead of the first. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00648222 URM-107564
In the MD Editor, some subfields are control subfields and their value should not have been considered in the following operations: looking up authorities in F3 (subfield is ignored), selecting authorities from F3 (subfield is preserved after selection), while trying perform linking after save (subfield not part of the normalized value), after Preferred Term Correction (subfield is preserved). - September 2019 Resource Management/Collaborative Networks SF: 00652697 00220667 URM-105823
Local vocabularies of the Network Zone appeared incorrectly in the member institutions. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management/Collaborative Networks SF: 00402379 URM-83220
An authority record in the Network Zone appeared in the Network Zone as Vocabulary = HKCAN (correctly), whereas in a member institution's Network tab the vocabulary appeared as BARE. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00666021 URM-109163
Some users received an error when viewing Import Profile History. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00651886 URM-106094
When importing the same record twice, with different items and holdings mapping, in an import job, the report counter was wrong. This was fixed. - September 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00634443 URM-102319
When a user edited an import profile, Modified by User was not updated. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00634794 URM-105946
When a 410 field for a series existed with subfield $a and $i, they did not appear correctly in browse headings. The angular parentheses appeared, but the article was omitted. There was no punctuation between subfield $a and subfield $i. This was fixed. This fix will take effect after a full inventory indexing. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00625885 URM-108535
In the MD Editor when editing a CNMARC record, the form for the 193 field gave incorrect options for several positions. This was fixed. - September 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00491878 00626536 URM-84938
Dates were not translated in the Alma welcome message and release information. This was fixed. - September 2019 Administration and Infrastructure URM-111517
On the Customize Letters page, the XSL editor tooltip was covering other text. This was fixed. - September 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00572099 URM-96099
In the Home screen widget, there was no scroll bar for the drop-down list in Internet Explorer. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00580065 00467609 00501855 URM-82279
In the MD Editor, Shift + F2 returns you to the Alma home page, and Ctrl + Alt + F changes focus to the search bar. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00207837 00466156 00350341 URM-57173
In the MD Editor, Alt+B now executes the back button, as expected. Alt+Shift+B places the focus on the bibliographic tree. - September 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00342201 00033984 00643587 URM-27492
When viewing the New Order Import Profile, the reporting code did not appear. This was fixed. - September 2019 Resource Management SF: 00634501 00690185 URM-105279
In the Summary section of the Physical Item Editor, Process type was not translated. This was fixed. - September 2019 APIs SF: 00673034 URM-111567
In the POST invoice line API, the price and quantity are now populated from the PO line and overridden with the price and quantity in the payload, when available.
- August 2019 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00714652 URM-115223
In the md editor, it was not possible for institutions with translation to open the form editor for position 007 (ctrl+F). This was fixed. - August 2019 Release Update Resource Management URM-114575
The RSS link attribute is now encoded for validation. - August 2019 Release Update Resource Management URM-114992
The August change for the child/parent and related record enrichment has been reverted. - August 2019 Release Update Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00714279 00714848 00715183 URM-115076
Previously, after scanning each item, the user needed to click the barcode field before scanning in the next item. The cursor is now positioned in the barcode field after scanning. - August 2019 Release Update Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00711890 URM-114931
When an item's current status was Item in place (awaiting reshelving until [date/time]), the item could not be requested for Resource Sharing. This was fixed.
- August 2019 Administration and Infrastructure URM-47847
Validating file rows when creating an itemized set was slow. The performance was improved. - August 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00321093 URM-66343
The Language facet in the repository search results did not correctly account for special characters when sorting the list of languages. This was fixed. - August 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00543688 00653987 00633483 00650851 00650953 00651424 00651934 00654559 00656487 00657120 00661789 00668749 00700154 URM-104960
The sandbox link in the Help menu did not support SAML. This was fixed. - August 2019 Analytics SF: 00577249 00577273 00642850 00570789 00576528 00577251 URM-95543
In Analytics, holdings records without items were not updated when there was a change in the Physical Items subject area. This was fixed. - August 2019 Analytics SF: 00516457 URM-95700
In Analytics, running a report on more than one fiscal year produced incorrect expenditure values. This was fixed. - August 2019 Analytics SF: 00681305 00682688 00686141 00686272 00686322 00673216 00679741 00685419 URM-109281
In Analytics, duplicate portfolios were returned after adding the field Availability. This was fixed. - August 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00619185 URM-103101
A user with the Physical Inventory Operator role was able to view and edit funds, even though the user did not have the Update Funds privilege. This was fixed. - August 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00669359 URM-108167
In the MD Editor, a user with the Purchasing Operator or Purchasing Manager role did not have access to the action Tools > MARC Bibliographic > Create PO Line & Exit. This was fixed. - August 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00668826 00654532 00658372 00661555 URM-109308
In the PO Line Claim Letter, Subject and newSubject were not translated. This was fixed. - August 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00605253 URM-105291
The BCC field was removed from the PO line cancellation letter code table. - August 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00643291 00642816 URM-103755
Import profiles uploaded Excel file data incorrectly. This was fixed. - August 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00653809 URM-108300
For a PO that had more than 1000 PO lines, the PO Summary page could not be loaded. This was fixed. - August 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00359712 00608648 00359712 00360583 URM-105858
When an invoice was set to Ready to be Paid, the assignment was not removed and the invoice could only be updated by the assignee. This was fixed, and now the invoice can be edited by any Invoice Manager. - August 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00674345 URM-108790
The VAT code drop-down list displayed enabled and disabled values. This was fixed, and now the drop-down list displays only enabled values. - August 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00613855 URM-102446
The Manage License Terms table was not sorted properly. It is now sorted by description in alphabetical order. - August 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00613857 URM-104532
In the Manage License Terms page the label Walk-In User was changed to Walk In User. - August 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00653563 00680738 URM-105684
A user with the License Viewer role could edit all fields when selecting the license name in the license list. This was fixed and now the license is opened in view mode. - August 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00598833 00590949 00655051 URM-97814
A 404 error appeared after completing a trial form for the first time. This is fixed. - August 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00665067 00655803 URM-105748
The question type Scale of Satisfaction in a trial survey form contained Very Satisfied and Very Dissatisfied. These were removed, as they are not required in the new UI. - August 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00659471 URM-108457
When a question in a trial survey form had a special charter (&, {, and so forth), the form could not be opened. This was fixed. - August 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00651410 URM-95743
After rolling over a ledger, the allocated transaction appeared without the amount. This was fixed. - August 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00628691 URM-103224
The connection to the S/FTP server failed when using the Authentication API Key. This was fixed. - August 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00649740 URM-108360
The password reset letter was not sent to a user when the user had two identical email addresses. This was fixed. - August 2019 APIs SF: 00577276 URM-96106
When using the GET Items Per Bib API, the total number of items was incorrect when it was higher than 500. This was fixed. - August 2019 APIs SF: 00617248 URM-106443
When Create Bib API was sent with the validate=true parameter, the API failed if the Marc21BibFindMatchesValidationTask was defined. This was fixed. - August 2019 APIs SF: 00679615 00673130 00691267 00708257 00685119 00688923 00701118 00685378 00668621 00673559 00674875 00681436 URM-108368
Importing calendar hours removed the institution's standard operating hours. This was fixed. - August 2019 APIs SF: 00577276 00678599 URM-108778
The GET Items for Bib Record API only fetched the first 500 items. This was fixed. - August 2019 APIs SF: 00686186 URM-109831
The GET Item By Barcode API failed to find items in some cases. This was fixed. - August 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00133537 00466927 00651279 00659374 00083353 00675463 00158923 00656841 00099067 00179665 00505364 00674040 00689326 00449765 00446452 00225938 00400365 00625953 00133539 URM-35945
Searching for a hyphenated last name did not return any auto-complete results in the Manage Patron Services page. This was fixed. - August 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00486727 00600790 URM-87070
A user role exported to Excel from the User Details page did not include the Active column. This was fixed. - August 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00616658 URM-103496
In some cases, when running the Update/Notify User job on a logical set, the count and the affected users were different than as shown by the set results. This was fixed. - August 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00643461 00668366 00643479 00682242 00646096 URM-103981
When creating a new user from the Manage Patron Services page, in some cases the user's password was not written to the new IdP until the user was updated. This was fixed. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00644701 URM-104590
Multi-matches were found when the incoming record had multiple ISBNs and the record in Alma also had multiple ISBNs, but there was only one record in Alma. This was fixed. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00682690 00662917 URM-109384
Not all occurrences of the Alternative Call Number label were changed to Item Call Number as previously announced. This was fixed. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00641959 URM-106526
In the Shelf report job, in some cases the match with a barcode was wrong. This was fixed. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00638002 URM-106582
When marking an item missing on the Pick from Shelf page and switching back and forth between other desks, a random item was also marked missing. This was fixed. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00633567 URM-108077
In the MD Editor, re-linking a holdings record did not get picked up when republishing and was not recorded in the history. This was fixed. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00686934 00678767 00657516 00706270 00652087 00696816 00650217 00663396 00690695 00708309 00649476 00649030 00666128 00668811 00680377 00652262 00702117 00696490 00699386 00655074 00650111 00650317 00689768 00663011 00673579 00701641 00655102 00691449 00679458 00649192 00655469 00694865 00654523 00691675 00693264 00654182 00662689 00649420 00680551 00648989 00701686 URM-105313
The SPRINGER Upload Electronic Holdings job was unable to download vendor files for institutions with reserved and special characters in their institution token. This was fixed. In addition, the job events report included unnecessary warnings. The warnings were refined so that they no longer appear when irrelevant. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00671153 URM-108166
The Relink to another bibliographic record button was visible when the View action was selected for a portfolio from the Portfolio List of an electronic title. This was fixed. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00614295 URM-108841
Portfolios of a non-activated services appeared in a Summon holdings file. This was fixed. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00702871 00674530 URM-108843
Selecting the Republish Modes radio button caused the publishing profiles list to reset the pagination and republish an unintended publishing profile. This was fixed. - August 2019 Administration and Infrastructure / Collaborative Networks SF: 00673824 URM-108573
When using a non-English UI to search records in the Network Zone, some information appeared in English. This was fixed. - August 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00566101 00516484 00566101 URM-90057
When changing from the simple search to the advanced search without executing any search and then changing back to a simple search that does not have an advanced option, the drop-down became stuck and could no longer be changed. This was fixed. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00576090 URM-98606
When creating an itemized set from an input file with the 035 Field header, records that contain the identifier from the file in field 773 $w (related record) were erroneously added to the set. This was fixed, and now the identifiers from an input file whose header is 035 Field are now matched only against field 035$a. - August 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00657475 00651212 00657610 00653610 URM-105481
The Add Members to Set job was slow. Its performance was improved. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00652582 URM-109520
When selecting Add All for an All Titles set, the itemized set did not work. This was fixed. - August 2019 APIs SF: 00651791 URM-109145
The DLF API response included a user that was missing a user identifier. This was fixed, and a user is no longer returned if it is missing a user identifier. - August 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00461263 URM-81387
In the new Primo UI, the Get it tab headers were not aligned in Internet Explorer. This was fixed. - August 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00635190 URM-108550
In some cases, when creating an item, the title level request was not recalculated. This was fixed. - August 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00666669 URM-108788
Two blocks set at the same time did not correctly accumulate the expiration dates (so that one begins after the other one ends). This was fixed. - August 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00656745 00498988 00662812 00532705 URM-84659
After entering the Manage Patron Users page by selecting the user name and Go, the user was not added to the Recents list. This was fixed. - August 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00630200 00626522 URM-101873
When a circulation desk supported both digitization and other work order types, the In Process Items page sometimes did not display the button for switching from the digitization work order to the other work orders. This was fixed. In addition, the text on this button was unclear, so it was changed to Other Departments. - August 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00668414 00674807 00655906 00674815 00566005 00574878 URM-94010
When the overdue block due date was set to a date in the future when no calendar was defined for the library, then, when returning an overdue item, an error appeared and the action was blocked. This was fixed. Now, the overdue block due date is set to the latest date possible, which is the last day for which the library has an entry. - August 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00476132 00690750 URM-81879
On the Active Hold Shelf page for reading room desks, the Edit, Update Expiry, and View Audit Trial actions were removed. - August 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00661592 00622638 URM-103721
When an item was received in the Acquisition department, if the title had a patron type request, the item was not added to fulfill the request. This was fixed. - August 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00427359 URM-79293
Renewing a lending resource sharing request that was supplied to a partner using SLNP returned the message Sent message successfully, even though nothing was sent. This was fixed. - August 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00484094 00546158 URM-83780
When a barcode of a temporary resource sharing item was modified using the item editor page, the barcode was not updated in the borrowing request. This was fixed. - August 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00530505 00661485 URM-93451
In the Resource Sharing Receive Slip Letter, the cost_to_patron field was not populated as expected. This was fixed. - August 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00564633 URM-93848
The DOI/PMID augmentation of borrowing requests did not always add the publication date and ISSN to the request. This was fixed. - August 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00595320 URM-98119
When a borrowing request with a fulfillment network partner received a reject message from the partner, and no other partner existed in the rota, the borrowing request was rejected but a cancelation letter was not sent to the requester. This was fixed. - August 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00678812 00605162 00689998 URM-100736
When using the barcode scanner, some barcodes were attached to incorrect requests. Now a progress bar appears when the current scanning process needs to complete before the next scan can take place. - August 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00613922 URM-101496
In some cases, shipping items caused an error because the request was not found. This was fixed. - August 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00674721 00649059 URM-107942
The digital shipping request that was created automatically for lending requests did not have the note with the details from the lending request (title, pages, etc.). This was fixed. - August 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00642580 00643308 URM-108003
The cancelation reason for a borrowing request did not always appear in the Ful Cancel Request Letter. This was fixed. - August 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00678408 URM-109621
When creating borrowing requests for articles, if the title and journal title were the same, the title and publication date were deleted from the request. This was fixed. - August 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00686248 URM-110428
When a borrowing request was rejected because of a conditional message, a cancelation letter was not sent to the requester. This was fixed. - August 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00682706 URM-109592
The Send Overdue Message job incorrectly changed requests with Lost and Lost and Fee Communicated statuses. This was fixed. - August 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00488254 00639910 URM-83729
Borrowing requests in Hebrew had unrecognized characters when exported to ILLIAD. This was fixed. - August 2019 Analytics SF: 00675832 URM-108777
In Analytics, The 010 field could not be used for local param in bibliographic details. This was fixed. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00527082 00502554 URM-87199
When browsing bibliographic headings, selecting Browse, Next, or Prev did not reset the scroll bar. This was fixed. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00079706 URM-100150
For a MARC21 Bibliographic profile, the 983 field now includes all subfields (0-9 and a-z). - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00530750 00526121 00662571 URM-103672
When creating a PO line, the holdings 852 field contained unordered subfields. This was fixed. The 852 subfields are now sorted in alphabetic order. If you want this alphabetic sort disabled, contact Support. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: URM-105605
In the MD Editor, in the pop-up list for the 006 field, the list was not sorted. This was fixed, and the list also displays the code and value. - August 2019 Resource Management, Collaborative Networks SF: 00647043 URM-106593
In the MD Editor, subfield 6 for Network Zone records appeared as duplicated for certain fields. This was fixed. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00665809 URM-107865
Author number generation based on Lee Jai Chul did not map the term 김태형 correctly. This was fixed. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00673281 URM-108160
In the MD Editor, when adding a new 007 field to a MARC21 bibliographic record, a pop-up window appeared and the drop-down list in it was not translated to the UI language. This was fixed. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00612523 URM-108183
In the MD Editor, for a MARC 21 bibliographic field, when LDR pos. 6 = m (Computer File), the 008 pos. 23 drop-down menu was missing the values # and |. This was fixed. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00636754 URM-108655
In the MD Editor, when using F3 to find matching headings for field 730 with second indicator 2 and selecting any headings from bibliographic records, the following error message appeared: The authority record has no relevant preferred term. The bibliographic record was not updated. This was fixed and now the record is updated with the value from the selected heading. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00640476 URM-108872
In the MD Editor, Browse Bibliographic Headings opened the repository search with one of the filters preselected to the wrong condition. This was fixed. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00654399 URM-105903
There were some issues with the MARC21 authority profile. The following fixes were made according to the MARC standards: 1) In field 008, position 9, the value | was added. 2) In the LDR field, position 18, the field's description and values were updated. 3) In the LDR field, position 19 was added. These changes apply to customers that have not configured the LDR. For customers that have configured the LDR, another fix will be forthcoming. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00677882 URM-109021
Searching for all bibliographic records associated with an authority record did not retrieve the relevant records when the authority record included more than one 1XX field. This was fixed. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00628382 URM-109556
The preferred term correction job caused the link to the authority record to disappear when there was more than one 880 field linked to this authority. This was fixed. - August 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00632577 URM-107110
The number of records imported when using an Excel file was rounded down to a number divisible by 50. This was fixed. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00645408 URM-108171
In the MD Editor, when a user imported a record from an External Resource and copied the 001 field into a data field, if the system number was 8 characters or less, a carat (^) appeared in the new field after normalization. This was fixed. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00645476 URM-108737
For UNIMARC bibliographic records, the 325 field was missing subfields in the profile. This was fixed. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00699016 URM-111824
In the MD Editor, when pressing F3 from a 5XX field of a GND authority, if there was more than one subfield 4, selecting an authority record caused a duplication of the subfields. This was fixed. - August 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00530591 00532448 00531353 00531226 00531377 00530655 00531801 00531570 00539060 00531791 00531148 00627569 00530765 00531793 00530808 00530821 00531220 00570469 00531210 00531758 00531282 00530766 00530825 00661721 00531245 00538380 URM-89038
Some workflows resulted in a blank screen. Now an error screen appears with information about the error. You can close the screen and try again (if it was a connectivity issue) or try another action. - August 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00504818 URM-87324
When jumping to another repository search page by entering the page number while the page was scrolled down, the destination page was loaded scrolled down, instead of at the top of the page. This was fixed. - August 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00651962 URM-108738
When a location had an ampersand in the name, there was an issue with the location drop-down list. This was fixed. - August 2019 Resource Management SF: 00660404 URM-106834
In the MD Editor, diacritics did not appear properly for translations. This was fixed.
- July 2019 Release Update Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00584633 00572017 00591390 00594557 00597003 00608642 00617914 00625556 00639102 00642305 00646217 00657748 00660465 00678126 00691657 00693799 00695119 URM-94825
A user could not find external users by searching for their email address. This was fixed. - July 2019 Release Update Resource Management / Collaborative Networks SF: 00585413 00574627 URM-97062
In the MD Editor, when selecting Merge Records and Combine Inventory, a user at a member institution could not merge and combine two Network Zone records that were NOT cached (linked) locally to this member institution. This was fixed. - July 2019 Release Update Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00666189 00673623 00674027 00674373 00674992 00675596 00678366 00678376 00678493 00679329 00679336 00679384 00679837 URM-108851
In some cases the Holdings ID was not sent to the lender, resulting in a lending request that was not located, even though more than one MMS matched the search. This was fixed. - July 2019 Release Update Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00670566 00671684 URM-111849
In some cases, sending a digital request to BLDSS failed. This was fixed. - July 2019 Release Update Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00702703 URM-112946
A locate profile could not connect to a partner to perform the locate, so the partner stayed in the rota and the request was sent to the first partner in the rota. This was fixed. - July 2019 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00701028 URM-113257
The incorrect material type was returned in some cases. This was fixed. - July 2019 Release Update Analytics SF: 00704425 00704433 00704470 00704992 URM-113368
There were errors in the Analytics reports since the July release. This was fixed. - July 2019 Release Update Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00704915 URM-113455
User names did not appear when the display name configurations were invalid. This was fixed, and user names will appear in these cases. Note that if all parameters in the configuration are invalid, nothing will appear. - July 2019 Release Update Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00704551 00704691 00705046 00705253 URM-113464
The export users jobs (and the GET user API) failed for users with blocks that did not have a create date. This was fixed. - July 2019 Release Update Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00705219 00705233 00705605 URM-113532
A resource sharing requests for a digital resource sent a cancellation letter to the requester. This was fixed and the letter is no longer sent.
- July 2019 Analytics SF: 00620126 00622079 00622268 00626477 00646510 00634238 00616394 00613713 00648733 00617391 00627647 URM-98714
Creating a report from an Analytics set did not work properly. This was fixed. - July 2019 Analytics SF: 00616356 URM-106968
In Analytics, in the User subject area, in the Note folder, User Viewable did not contain the correct value. This was fixed. - July 2019 Analytics SF: 00616329 URM-106969
In Analytics, in the E-Inventory subject area, in the Portfolio folder, Is Free did not have the correct value. This was fixed. - July 2019 Analytics SF: 00206593 00659631 URM-57018
In Analytics, data was not returned for roles in the Events subject area. This was fixed. - July 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00630648 URM-101465
When editing import profiles, on the mapping tab, the vendor mapping listed only the first 20 vendor accounts. This was fixed. - July 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00649294 00683669 URM-105751
Trying to save a continuous PO line that did not have a payment acquisition method and was in status Waiting for Manual Renewal resulted in an error. This was fixed. - July 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00657913 URM-106364
When receiving new material, the sort order was incorrect. This was fixed. - July 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00651289 URM-105814
When sending the Query to requester letter the email address of the first letter was reused when sending the second and subsequent queries to requester for different records when managing purchase requests. This was fixed. - July 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00503678 00635723 00621431 00625170 URM-87451
The interested In letter was sent twice: once when activating a resource using the Update Inventory import profile and again after selecting Done in the resource activation task list. This was fixed, and now the letter is sent only once. - July 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00452820 URM-79233
The History tab for PO lines presented a Has New Contents icon even when there were no contents. This was fixed. - July 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00636958 URM-102945
On the Process Items page, selecting all items did not affect all pages, and checked items did not remain checked when navigating to the next page. This was fixed. - July 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00190116 00659854 URM-57330
The Additional Information column for Invoice Line Details was empty when exported to Excel. This was fixed. - July 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00582217 URM-106257
Invoice approval rules with multiple values in any input parameter did not work. This was fixed. - July 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00658196 URM-107699
When deleting a vendor that is also a licensor, the vendor code remained in the license list for the related licenses. This was fixed. - July 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00239174 00513965 URM-63658
When receiving items, the filter on the Manage Items page only contained options that corresponded to items currently visible on the page, not all options. This was fixed. - July 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00663075 00664985 00671490 URM-108877
When releasing a record from In Process Items, the notification listed the title of the first record on the list, not the records that were released. This was fixed. - July 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00618218 URM-100546
When receiving items on the receiving page the Barcode generation skipped every second number in the sequence. This was fixed. - July 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00623683 URM-100473
When changing the fund of a PO line that had an expenditure and a disencumbrance, a redundant disencumbrance was created. This was fixed. - July 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00612503 00661393 00618926 00203940 00694448 URM-63432
Vendors whose names include diacritic marks do not appear in the search results. This was fixed. - July 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00475077 URM-82739
Harvesting from a SUSHI vendor was not supported when the requester was null (or only whitespaces). This was fixed. - July 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00657631 00632355 00648850 00638948 00641444 00621094 URM-101931
SUSHI harvesting for MR1 did not work. This was fixed. - July 2019 APIs SF: 00598680 URM-100379
The Social Login invite letter was sent with a wrong URL when produced using the Create User API. This was fixed. - July 2019 APIs SF: 00671732 URM-108181
Requests to BLDSS with unusual characters failed. This was fixed. - July 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00539446 URM-91598
Notes containing special characters did not appear in the Patron Services page. This was fixed. - July 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00487912 00650276 URM-87354
On the Manage Patron Services page, when selecting Submit Request, then selecting Enter without entering anything, and then selecting a recent title, the relevant buttons did not appear. This was fixed. - July 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00570649 00573212 00223926 00043789 URM-29191
The Payment Reference Number link for Fine/Fees Receipt sometimes displayed the wrong user’s payment information. This was fixed. - July 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00606663 00549489 URM-93422
The Purge Users job changed the Expiry Date of the users to the job run date if the Expiry Date had passed. This was fixed. - July 2019 Administration and Infrastructure / Fulfillment SF: 00640979 URM-107589
You could not add the Fulfillment Services Operator role using the Update/Notify Users job. This was fixed. - July 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00693056 URM-111200
Since the June 2019 release, when selecting Add from Profiles from a user's record, the Role filter was not sticky during a session. This was fixed. - July 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00572515 00647801 URM-104185
On the Address Details page of a user, the Address Line 1 was always mandatory even when it was not configured. This was fixed. - July 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00592330 URM-97069
You could delete users who had fines of less than 1.00 without any warning. Now a warning appear asking if you want to delete the users (and waive the fines). - July 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00684633 00632345 URM-103739
On Manage Patron Services page, system users appeared in the auto-complete search incorrectly. This was fixed. - July 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00578865 00698901 00693010 URM-104683
User records sometimes loaded slowly. The response time was increased. - July 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00597003 00584633 00695119 00678126 00691657 00572017 00594557 00608642 00625556 00646217 00693799 00660465 00591390 00657748 00617914 00639102 00642305 URM-94825
You could not find External Users by searching for their email address. This was fixed. - July 2019 Collaborative Networks SF: 00639665 00558465 00544774 URM-92079
Community Zone resources activated in a member institution were not reflected in the Network Zone. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00659503 URM-106712
A shelf report from a set that included diacritics in the title resulted in an error. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00626645 URM-102441
Changing your library location after withdrawing an item automatically withdrew another item from the same holdings. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00643910 00646774 00671378 00659461 00644849 00636816 00671378 00659461 URM-105833
In rare cases, it was possible to delete items that were loaned. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00648081 URM-106835
On the Network tab of the List of Reminders, only the institution name filter worked. All filters now work. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00648244 URM-107799
Some items that were deleted still had the status Loan. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00634002 00695907 URM-105281
Sometimes an All Titles search for a bibliographic record with a relation failed with an internal error. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00649800 URM-105058
Alt-S did not select the Save button on the Physical Item Editor page in all tabs. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00671306 00570580 00630691 00608246 URM-102996
Holdings and items records did not fully load for bibliographic records with special characters in the 010 field. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00562675 00649076 URM-105367
A user with the Electronic Inventory Operator role (and not Electronic Inventory Operator Extended) could delete an electronic collection. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00500875 URM-82673
Searching for publishing profiles was case-sensitive. It is now case-insensitive. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00644997 00656861 URM-107651
For a UNIMARC record, 011$$a and $$f did not appear properly and was not published as expected to Google Scholar and Primo Central. This was fixed, and now both subfields appear correctly. This fix will appear after the full re-indexing. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00642533 00659833 00642374 00666727 00669411 URM-106219
The Network Publishing job failed in some cases starting with the March release. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00689279 00687735 URM-111229
When using Publishing to Primo with heading enrichment, if the authority heading included subfield zero the subfield was removed. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00624485 URM-102557
The unique titles report in Overlap and Collection Analysis was sometimes missing titles that should have been included. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00603450 URM-98948
The Withdraw Item job did not update the status of the item. This was fixed. - July 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00663795 URM-107750
Some searches took a long time. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00550280 URM-93244
Subfield $9 of local fields (9XX) was not searchable. This was fixed. This fix will appear after the full re-indexing. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00529724 00614541 00482361 URM-95570
In CNMARC records, The order of the field 200 subfields was incorrect in the search results. This was fixed, and now this field is created according to the original cataloging order of the subfields with the appropriate punctuation is added between the subfields. This fix will appear after the full re-indexing. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00622193 URM-101486
Restoring the search Index government_document_number did not restore the out-of-the-box value. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00543414 URM-91670
When headings were created from MARC 21 bibliographic fields 222 (Key Title) and 242 (Translation of Title by Cataloging Agency), the non-filing text was not removed (as was done for the main title field, 245), which prevented it from being found when browsing bibliographic headings. This was fixed. Now, for example, if you a record has 222#4 $a The American Society, this record appears for Title when browsing by American Society. This fix will appear after the full re-indexing. - July 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00474157 URM-81737
Holdings availability for Primo was slow when there were many holdings. The performance was improved. - July 2019 Fulfillment / Collaborative Networks SF: 00573219 00671530 URM-99427
The local fines and fees of a linked account users in a Fulfillment Network would sometimes disappear. This was fixed. - July 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00507714 00595295 URM-93944
The user information pop-up window in the borrowing request page did not display the user details as configured in the Contact Information Popup mapping table. This was fixed. - July 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00637649 URM-108563
If a work order request destination was a circulation desk, Alma incorrectly required it to have a hold shelf. This was fixed. - July 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00474310 00474157 URM-97917
The Primo Get-It pane loading time was slow during authentication. The loading time was improved and additional improvements are being worked on. - July 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00617285 00659303 00646533 URM-101249
Editing an item in the Item Editor page sometimes failed with an Updating DNX Failed error. This was fixed. - July 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00430029 00498775 00660096 00633649 00446671 URM-78400
On the Manage In Process Items page, the All option was not always first in the filters. This was fixed. - July 2019 Fulfillment / Collaborative Networks SF: 00666269 URM-107402
When adding or editing a Fulfillment Unit rule with the parameter Location, the drop-down list sometimes showed the locations for the wrong Fulfillment Unit. This was fixed. - July 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00657607 00621162 URM-105231
BCC and CC were not working for Fulfillment letters. This was fixed. - July 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00624238 URM-106055
When calculating the due date of loans for resource sharing borrowed items, after taking the delivery delay into consideration the due date was sometimes in the past. This was fixed and now the due date is never earlier than the current time. - July 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00656410 00662870 00663990 00671515 00652601 URM-105683
When close_paid_lost_loan was set to true, it was impossible to return an item in Lost and Paid status after the Anonymization job ran. This was fixed. - July 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00666412 00536537 URM-101734
When a title level request was fulfilled without an item ID associated with the request before being fulfilled (in other words, the item was never put on the hold shelf, or moved or sent in any way before being checked out), the item ID did not appear in the request history. This was fixed. - July 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00655489 URM-105884
On the Monitor Requests page, when a request was not yet activated, the material type in the facet was Undefined. This was fixed and the correct material type now appears. - July 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00656622 URM-107258
A non-preferred remote storage item was given preference over a local item. This was fixed. And now a non-preferred remote storage location is given the lowest priority for selection, even if it is in the same library as the pickup location. - July 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00666140 URM-107530
When searching for requests by patron identifiers, barcode was not matched when searching All. This was fixed. - July 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00549949 URM-96214
When creating a booking request, if the selected start time was equal to the library's opening time or the selected end time was equal to the library’s closing time, the selected time was automatically changed to the previous or next open time. This was fixed. - July 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00430105 URM-82676
On the Patron Services page, in the Returns tab, in the Owned By Library column, the library was wrong for items that were already returned to the partner. This was fixed. - July 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00647864 URM-104743
When creating a borrowing request owned by an itemless library, if the request was in a digital format and a copyright status was selected an error occurred. This was fixed. - July 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00531849 00531877 URM-93956
The note included with a lending request that was shipped digitally was missing some request information. This was fixed, and the note now includes, the chapter title for book format and the journal title for article format. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00521032 00525192 00530594 00552218 00610378 00654826 00629308 00557591 00643870 00610510 00559313 00597257 00649215 00575481 00621583 00574800 00635159 00570398 00581054 00617006 00573527 00521788 URM-88274
Invalid characters in the XML file caused errors when when creating MARC records. This was fixed and now the invalid characters are removed. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00669550 00643446 URM-105800
When a user edited a holdings record, selected Expand from Template, and selected a template that is a prediction pattern (such as Serial prediction quarterly months), subfield 8 was always 0 but should have been 1. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00633134 URM-107069
In the MD Editor, MARC 21 field 775 (Other Edition Entry) subfields x and z were not indexed in ISSN and ISBN, respectively. In addition, subfields u, x, y, and z were not indexed under Standard Number. This was fixed. This fix will appear after the full re-indexing. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00632691 00477263 URM-105149
When using F3 to correct a MARC21 bibliographic field from an authority record. If the authority record had a subfield 9, the subfield was added to the bibliographic field even when the authority record came from a vocabulary that is not multilingual. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00574305 00394242 00574305 URM-96075
The Suppress from Discovery checkbox in the Metadata Editor was selected even when the record was not suppressed. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00634794 00669321 00572816 URM-98573
In the MD Editor, when browsing a UNIMARC heading for a field 225 that contained angle brackets, the text in double angle brackets did not appear. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00688297 00624748 00693999 00688669 00680714 00688344 00641234 URM-104089
Community Zone normalization rules were not accessible in a non-English UI. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00658381 00633122 URM-106269
In the MD Editor, when editing a record using Browse Bibliographic Headings, the navigation pane did not display the record. This was fixed, and now Alma refreshes the pane and adds the edited record to the list. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00387371 00689391 00450507 00517286 00639019 URM-85109
When enabled by Ex Libris, for Browse Shelf Listing > call number sorting, the normalized call number, used for sorting, is now created from the 852 holdings field in the order k, h, i, j, l, m instead of h, i, j, k, l, m (that is, subfield $k – call number prefix – is first). This change will be applied to all customers who don't request otherwise in the July re-indexing. - July 2019 Resource Management / Analytics SF: 00577682 URM-95552
Analytics sometimes removed leading 0s for Network Number, which resulted in display and duplication problems. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management URM-107432
In the MD Editor, selecting F3 for field 500 included authority records with 075 $$b.n (NAMES), which was incorrect. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00630562 URM-103457
When importing UNIMARC bibliographic records using the ISSN match method (exact subfield match), records that had position 6 of the LDR as l - Electronic Resources and position 7 as s - Serial were not matched correctly by the ISSN. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management URM-92218
When importing a single record from a file and a match was found, and the profile was configured not to import when a match was found, the resulting message was unclear. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00625571 00635797 URM-100481
When importing records, in the Events report the following message sometimes appeared: Cannot retrieve data for XXX. This message is a transient, internal message, and so is not useful and no longer appears. Instead, more relevant messages appear (when relevant). - July 2019 Resource Management / Collaborative Networks SF: 00520109 URM-106970
When working with a Network Zone, when importing a new record with Use NZ, the central control number was correct but the local counter increased and was searchable. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00642889 URM-105864
In UNIMARC records, 423 field subfield 1 starting by 001 did not link to the system control number. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management URM-106377
Contributing Marca records failed because the TIPO authority element in 810 was AU instead of RE. Also, the Citazione field should have been taken from the $9 subfield. These issues were fixed. - July 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00483394 00509600 URM-87146
There was a display issue with the autocomplete options on the Patron Identification page. This was fixed. - July 2019 Fulfillment / Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00622216 00623763 00607786 00657219 00658387 00654426 00624457 00630642 00650865 00622715 00621943 00639015 URM-100056
In some cases, Alma performed slowly and displayed a blank screen, especially for fulfillment activities. We took several steps to address this (without being able to identify the root cause: 1) These activities now display an error message with information about the event. 2) You can continue with your flow in the meantime. - July 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00619804 URM-105635
When using split_values_in_display_license, the license label and content were split into two different labels but had the same name, so they could not be configured separately. This was fixed, and now the first tag is firstRow and the second tag is secondRow. - July 2019 Resource Management / Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00665931 URM-107200
An HTTP Error 404 was received in several instances, such as the Manage Vendor page, when looking up an electronic collection by title, or managing student users. This was fixed. - July 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00656217 00668227 00648393 00697253 00655322 URM-107613
The Exlibris footer sometimes appeared in the middle of the page. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management / Collaborative Networks SF: 00574627 00585413 URM-97062
In the MD Editor, when selecting Merge Records and Combine Inventory, a user at a member institution could not merge and combine two Network Zone records that were NOT cached (linked) locally to this member institution. This was fixed. - July 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00652302 00690656 URM-111488
A letter's Content text area did not resize when configuring the UI font size to be small. This was fixed. - July 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00634501 00690185 URM-105279
In the Summary section of the Physical Item Editor, Process type was not translated. This was fixed. - July 2019 Resource Management SF: 00435157 URM-76369
Australia noted slow upload times in production. This was fixed. - July 2019 Administration and Infrastructure URM-106563
On the Manage Recommendations page, if you dismiss an item without selecting a reason, the reason appeared as null. This was fixed. - July 2019 DARA SF: 00660791 URM-106405
In DARA, SUSHI recommendations were generated when the existing SUSHI account already existed. This was fixed.
- June 2019 Release Update Resource Management / Collaborative Networks SF: 00547647 00639814 00646859 00650119 00651681 00659886 00663934 00665221 00665299 00676221 URM-108767
In collaborative networks and in multi-campus environments, full text service was set to Inactive even when the portfolios existed in the holdings file for Primo Central and Google Scholar. This was fixed. - June 2019 Release Update Resource Management / Collaborative Networks SF: 00642533 00670765 00673562 00680782 00691083 URM-108815
A few issues have been detected while the Publish bibliographic records from Network Zone to Primo job ran. These were fixed. - June 2019 Release Update Fulfillment SF: 00692596 URM-111077
Since the June release, when loaning or returning items at the circulation desk with the optical reader device, you had to select OK for the loan or return to execute. This was fixed. - June 2019 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00692856 00692871 00692929 00692943 URM-111102
Generating an accession number resulted in an error message if one of the cells did not have a prefix. This was fixed. - June 2019 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00692959 00693018 URM-111186
Since the June release, when an item had process type Missing, the field Toggle Missing Status did not appear when the UI was set to a language other than English. This was fixed.
- June 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00615961 00630152 00604191 00617370 00599151 URM-99540
If pol_handle_childless_bib was enabled, then when canceling a PO line the records was suppressed even if there were other item/s and/or holding/s linked to that record. This was fixed. - June 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00568733 URM-93664
When creating an invoice from a PO, an error message sometimes appeared. This was fixed. - June 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00577717 URM-96811
When creating an invoice from a PO, the prepaid amount currency was not taken from the PO by default. This was fixed. - June 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00595595 URM-97361
The pagination of the History of Resources list in the Inventory tab when editing a resource did not work. This was fixed. - June 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00636465 URM-104862
The message Preffered email is missing, no mail will be sent was misspelled. This was fixed. - June 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00613115 URM-99256
An electronic collection URL is limited to 255 characters. It was changed to 1,000 characters. - June 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00608069 URM-98595
The funding percent rounded to 0.0% after entering a list price value of 0.01 when creating a PO line from a template that already included a fund. This was fixed. - June 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00636390 00651410 URM-103894
When rolling over ledgers, transaction amounts were not saved. This was fixed. - June 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00602234 URM-104072
There were encumbrance transactions that were not associated to PO lines. This was fixed by deleting them. - June 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00446508 00594825 00633105 URM-79189
Selecting Delete for the Rollover Ledgers job crashed the page when there were more than twenty job reports on the page. This was fixed. - June 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00628691 URM-103224
The connection to the S/FTP server failed when using the Authentication API Key. This was fixed. - June 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00573405 00639282 00632986 URM-98209
Prediction patterns with combined issues did not work as expected if the combined enumeration level had 3 or more digits. This was fixed. - June 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00524752 00404030 00483197 00628024 URM-72822
The Name search on the Profiles List page did not work as expected. This was fixed. - June 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00464630 00408671 00582343 URM-82015
After a user was changed from external to internal using the Update/Notify Users job, the user's identifiers could not be edited or deleted. This was fixed. - June 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00546592 URM-92973
The Digital Inventory Operator role was not available to select for the Update/Notify Users job. This was fixed. - June 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00567348 00610008 00615348 00650030 URM-103529
Several lists and text strings were not translated in the User Details and Patron Services pages. These were fixed. - June 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00511262 00519952 00571274 00525677 URM-89569
The search field drop-down in the persistent search had some usability issues. The following changes were made. 1) The contents of the box are now pre-selected when the filed is given focus. 2) The field appears with a slightly larger border when in focus. 3) You cannot drag and drop text from the search term field. - June 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00658965 URM-106077
When searching in Alma, locally defined index labels in the simple search were not translated. This was fixed. - June 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00481172 URM-83385
You could not export the list on the Resource Request Monitoring page to Excel when using the Microsoft Edge browser. This was fixed. - June 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00563469 00539591 URM-93601
The persistent search bar appeared but was not functional until all of the home page's widgets were loaded, which sometimes took a while. The search bar is now functional without waiting for the widgets to load. - June 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00601315 URM-99021
Padding was displayed within a word when performing a search that included a stop word. This was fixed. - June 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00588714 URM-99030
The date range calendar did not appear correctly in the Chinese UI. This was fixed. - June 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00612882 URM-99439
Search result highlighting was obscuring some of the text around the highlighting. This was fixed. - June 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00210323 00210326 00568180 00483886 00171118 00365765 00521879 00656895 URM-51076
A regression issue was found with the following bug fix. It was reverted.
- June 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00634501 URM-104849
In the Approval Requests List, The contents of the Digitization Type and Warning columns were not translated. This was fixed. - June 2019 Analytics SF: 00624998 00525448 URM-99150
If two or more COUNTER reports had the same identifier for different titles, then only one of those titles appeared in Alma Analytics Usage Data for that identifier. This was fixed. - June 2019 Analytics SF: 00612889 URM-100819
The Titles subject area did not included holdings that did not have active physical items. This was fixed. - June 2019 Analytics SF: 00636846 URM-103872
In Analytics, a View Display Error occurred when creating a MAX(RCOUNT(1)) column. This was fixed. - June 2019 APIs URM-88572
The Create-Vendor API didn't validate that the EDI code has not been used in the Vendor for this organization unit. It will now validate and return an error in case of a duplicate. - June 2019 APIs SF: 00626639 URM-104246
For the GET Item API, inventory_number and inventory_price did not return if they had no value. This was fixed, and now they return as empty fields. - June 2019 APIs SF: 00649918 URM-105063
The users API was not able to retrieve users by their email-address when the user record's email was in capital letters. This was fixed. - June 2019 Fulfillment URM-101108
Sometimes when paying a fine the currency appeared as null. This was fixed. - June 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00613660 00672831 00530524 00624409 00602267 00648069 00546090 00553349 URM-90197
Sometimes a duplicate loan to the same patron appeared. This was fixed - June 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00579745 URM-99629
When an item was in a digitization process, it was possible to loan the item to a patron without a block message. This was fixed. Now an Item is Requested block appears. - June 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00651785 URM-109102
The SIP2 patron information message did not work when the patron fine limits (Max Cash) included a comma. This was fixed. - June 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00525426 URM-90003
In Managing Patron Services, after an item from another institution was scanned, the barcode was not cleared from the text box. This was fixed. - June 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00583569 00634938 00584119 00628711 00618246 00544903 00631207 URM-96022
If the auto-renew job encountered a conflict due to a loan being concurrently modified by a different process (for example, a patron renewed a loan manually through Primo at the exact same time that the auto renew job tried to renew the loan), this sometimes caused the job to fail. This was fixed. - June 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00632290 URM-104722
Selecting Toggle Missing Status for a physical item did not trigger a recalculation of the fulfillment request. This was fixed. - June 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00529918 00551194 URM-93351
When updating a borrowing request and changing its title, the title of the fulfillment request attached to the borrowing request was not updated. This was fixed. - June 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00544465 URM-93447
The Owner drop-down list in the lending request form listed libraries that were not resource sharing libraries. This was fixed. - June 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00625289 URM-104086
In some cases event names received from BL appeared multiple times in the facet list. This was fixed. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00639250 URM-104050
In the Physical information tab of search results, in some cases the Items and Holdings links did not appear. This was fixed. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00572090 URM-98249
Item availability appeared incorrectly when chronology I was enclosed in brackets ([ ]) or in parentheses, for example, [year] or (year). This was fixed. - June 2019 Resource Management URM-100307
When removing the material type from a PO line, the material type of the item reverted to the default value instead of staying empty. This was fixed. - June 2019 Resource Management URM-102343
When running the Withdraw Items job with Suppress holdings, suppress bib that has no other holdings from publishing enabled, a bibliographic record that had non-suppressed holdings was mistakenly suppressed. This was fixed. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00160682 00239387 00562675 00649076 URM-47760
A user with the Electronic Inventory Operator role could delete portfolios, but should not have been able to. This was fixed, and now the Electronic Inventory Operator Extended role is required, as expected. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00644604 00626796 00600825 URM-102813
A Community Zone portfolio linked to a local bibliographic record displayed the Network Zone icon instead of the Community Zone. This was fixed. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00642558 URM-104495
The Report to Ex Libris button did not work from the list of portfolios in the Electronic Collection Editor. This was fixed. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00648026 URM-104557
There was an error when trying to link an electronic collection with a long name to the Community Zone. This was fixed. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00485602 00543059 00640847 URM-104118
In Primo publishing, in some cases, the PLK fields were not published due to technical issue. This was fixed. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00646508 URM-105029
Alma has improved the reliability of publishing large files using FTP in the general publishing profile. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00682648 URM-109680
When an FTP publishing profile was configured to Include all records each time file is published, the job ran in incremental mode but the published file included all the records. In this case, the report was confusing, because it mentioned how many records were handled by the job, but not how many records were published to the FTP file. A new counter was added to the report to indicate how many records were published to the file. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00631100 URM-101392
The Save and Re-index job unexpectedly changed the timestamp in the MARC 005 field. This was fixed. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00575433 URM-95686
In the MD Editor, when using F3 and selecting the Headings from bibliographic records tab, the results were not displayed correctly for series fields 800, 810, and 811. The headings that appeared came from other fields (for example, 700). This was fixed. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00576444 URM-96225
When the parameter handle_773_8_relation_as_relation was set to true, not all expected relations were created. This was fixed. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00644316 URM-94972
The Delete Bibliographic Records job caused sporadic errors. This was fixed, although note that the average duration of the job is now longer. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00501388 00387797 00572108 00435632 URM-72981
In the MD Editor, when selecting Generate Accession Number, the list of prefixes is not in alphabetic order. This was fixed. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00574722 URM-96931
Subfield 3 was added to the 250 field in the MARC 21 Bibliographic metadata configuration profile. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00585578 URM-97046
The MD Editor did not recognize subfield u in the MARC 21 field 561. This was fixed. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00578170 URM-97661
Subfield p was added to the 542 field in the MARC 21 Bibliographic metadata configuration profile. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00573843 URM-99390
For the 100, 400, 500, and 700 fields, the incorrect first indicator value of 2 was replaced with the correct value of 3 in the MARC 21 Authority metadata configuration profile. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00637653 URM-105144
In the MD Editor, in the Sort Subfield Task, saving a bibliographic normalization corrupted the heading and the link to the authority was lost. This was fixed. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00653150 00520308 URM-90838
A bibliographic heading that linked to the preferred term was not updated when correcting the punctuation (since this runs the Authorities - preferred term correction job). This was fixed, and now the same job makes corrections even if the heading is linked to the preferred authority heading. Please note that the job runtime is expected to be increased. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00520308 URM-90839
When correcting bibliographic headings from authority records, when the authority headings contained a period as a part of the heading (for example in a person’s initials), an additional (duplicate) period was added. This was fixed. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00620242 URM-102881
In the MD Editor, the # sign was missing for posistions 8 and 17 in LDR CNMARC. This was added. - June 2019 Resource Management URM-101186
In the list report types for the Authority Control Task List, the content of subfield 6 no longer appears in the BIB Heading Before and BIB Heading After columns for the Preferred Term Correction - BIB heading updated report type. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00629897 00667186 00504073 00500239 00602332 URM-99168
An error was reported for a specific case when running the Update Inventory import profile. It was fixed. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00568222 URM-98186
The MARC 21 field 084 did not support subfield q. This was fixed. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00628224 URM-104029
MARC field 384 was incorrectly non-repeatable. This was fixed. - June 2019 Resource Management / Collaborative Networks SF: 00655474 00640249 00657521 URM-105046
For member institutions implementing a Network Zone, local fields added to a network bibliographic record were reflected mistakenly in Analytics with the prefix Local. This was fixed. The fix will be fully deployed for corrupted fields during the semi-annual indexing planned for July. - June 2019 Resource Management / Collaborative Networks SF: 00648287 URM-105182
In the MD Editor, copying a Network Zone record to the local catalog sometimes took a long time, and no feedback was provided during the process. This was fixed. - June 2019 Resource Management SF: 00547647 00639814 00646859 00650119 00651681 00659886 00663934 00665221 00665299 00676221 URM-108767
In collaborative networks and in multi-campus environments, the full-text service was set to Inactive even when the portfolios existed in the holdings file for Primo Central and Google Scholar. This was fixed. - June 2019 DARA URM-105247
Recommendations did not appear in the Tasks List to some users due to privilege issues. This was fixed.
- May 2019 Fulfillment - Course Reserves SF: 00563441 URM-92703
(URM-92703) For non-Leganto customers, the Edit Reading List page was not paginated and was slow to load. This was fixed.
- April 2019 Release Update Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00659975 00665080 URM-106724
The BLDSS update job sometimes failed due to technical issues. This was fixed. - April 2019 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00420703 URM-107042
In the MD Editor, suggestions with umlauts for 260$$a / 264$$a are not sorted correctly. This was fixed. Now, when a letter with an accent (umlaut) is entered, the suggestions that appear are values that contain the accent. If this behavior is not already enabled for your institution, contact Ex Libris support to enable it. - April 2019 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00672643 00672657 00672659 00672662 00672665 URM-108095
When editing a bibliographic record in the MD Editor, multiple 880 linking fields were created. This was fixed. - April 2019 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00672712 URM-108106
Since the April 2019 release, when publishing to Primo, fields 100 and 600 headings enrichment was wrong: $LY appeared instead of $9Y, and field 100 was sometimes wrongly enriched with second indicator 7. This was fixed. - April 2019 Release Update Analytics SF: 00672623 00672950 00672985 00673076 00673904 URM-108145
In Alma Analytics, reports failed when using the Modified By field of of bibliographic details. This was fixed. - April 2019 Release Update Resource Management SF: 00672928 URM-108147
When updating an item that contain an RFID, the message was incorrect. This was fixed. - April 2019 Release Update Fulfillment SF: 00673231 00673638 URM-108168
Placing an item in a work order using the Scan in Items page (by selecting Work Order from the row actions list after scanning in an item) failed. This was fixed. - April 2019 APIs SF: 00528327 URM-106866
In the Update Bibliographic Records API, the override_lock=false parameter did not work. This was fixed.
- April 2019 Resource Management URM-103677
Titles now appear instead of IDs in feedback messages like the ones you receive when you update an item record and save it. - April 2019 APIs / Collaborative Networks SF: 00585377 URM-103151
When using an API to create or update records in the Network Zone, local fields are no longer added to the record. Local fields are removed before the record is saved. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00227289 00402710 URM-62427
Linking no longer breaks when you use F3 and select and save an authority record for records that previously had fields that were unable to link to an authority record because of a multimatch (where multiple authority records match on the preferred term without subdivision and the field has subdivision subfields). - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00197425 00202639 URM-56102
When using Scan in Items to change a permanent location for a holdings with one remaining item, the Alma internal process for handling this change was updated. Previously, the version history, PO line, and notes were lost/not maintained with the creation of the new holdings record for the location change. Now, instead, the existing holdings record is maintained with these details, and only the location in the holdings record is changed. - April 2019 APIs URM-95997
An incorrect error messages appeared for the GET Holdings API when the holdings ID was invalid or related to a deleted record. The message was fixed. - April 2019 APIs SF: 00502189 URM-88837
The Retrieve Set API did not work well for an itemized set of PO lines. This was fixed. - April 2019 APIs SF: 00520209 URM-89510
The Update Electronic Collection API did not update the Free field. This was fixed. - April 2019 APIs SF: 00617023 URM-102934
The GET Locations and GET Location APIs did not return the suppress_from_publishing field (true/false). This was fixed. Use this field and the Update Holdings API to change a suppressed holdings in this location to Suppressed. - April 2019 APIs SF: 00647367 URM-104214
The Create User API returned an error when trying to create a user with a password but without a primary_id. This was fixed. - April 2019 APIs, Fulfillment - Resource Sharing, Collaborative Networks SF: URM-96971
If the API call to one of the fulfillment network members failed, the entire action failed and the institutions list was empty. This was fixed and now Alma ignores the failed institution rather than fail the entire action. - April 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00347686 URM-100554
All emails sent to the vendor from the Communication tab used the vendor's claim address (address type = Claim). This was fixed. - April 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00474875 00474207 URM-85216
When searching for PO lines by identifier, the autocomplete field did not work when entering a normalized value, such as an ISBN without dashes. This was fixed, and now you can search by entering either the original or normalized value. - April 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00493898 URM-96779
When a purchase request with an ISBN was matched to a bibliographic record with other fields indexed as ISBN (776 z for example), the purchase request ISBN was overridden by the record's other ISBN. This was fixed. - April 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00503678 00635723 00621431 00625170 URM-87451
The interested In letter was sent twice: once when activating a resource using the Update Inventory import profile and again after selecting Done in the resource activation task list. This was fixed, and now the letter is sent only once. - April 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00528411 00567133 00501238 00529634 00580404 00539352 URM-88278
As a result of migration, the Task List had many Order Lines with Claims whose Expected Receipt Date was in the future. These lines were fixed and they no longer appear in the Task List. - April 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00533908 URM-90061
When linking an item or a holdings to a physical PO line, the PO line could have items or holdings under a library that did not have an Acquire For relationship with the library that owned the PO line. This was fixed, and now only PO lines that are owned by allowed libraries appear in the drop-down list. - April 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00539252 00559607 00575792 00414428 URM-53011
On the acquisition jobs configuration page, the option As soon as possible did not work. It was removed. - April 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00546361 URM-91817
The Update Inventory import profile did not properly implement the advanced mapping policy (such as update barcodes). This was fixed. - April 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00564997 URM-98215
Changing the Available For field in a ledger caused the Available For of the related funds to be blank. This was fixed. - April 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00567746 00168909 00637948 00119929 00515675 00501162 00551227 00552013 00429088 URM-40967
When using a template to create a PO line, if the template was created from a different type of inventory (electronic or physical), an error appeared. This was fixed. - April 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00573904 URM-96867
The fund for Do not prorate in the vendor EDI settings used the previous fiscal period, which resulted in an error. This was fixed, and now the fund with the same code is taken from the current fiscal period. - April 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00583318 00528420 URM-89036
When adding a local portfolio, and selecting a vendor interface (Interface Name), selecting any page of interfaces always displayed the first page. This was fixed. - April 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00587699 00589341 00582168 00595208 URM-96492
When attempting to view PO line items from a title search, there was an error. This was fixed. - April 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00611329 URM-101614
When a vendor manager that did not have permission to view invoices selected the Invoice tab from the vendor page, a failure occurred. This was fixed, and now an error message appears. - April 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00613855 URM-102446
The Manage License Terms table was not sorted properly. It is now sorted by description in lexicographical order. - April 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00619137 00481866 00491980 URM-82937
An error occurred when loading MR1 reports using SUSHI harvest. This was fixed. - April 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00626515 URM-102879
The Cancellation note in the PO Line Cancellation Letter was truncated after the first period. This was fixed. - April 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00634341 00632686 00660767 URM-101944
When rolling over PO lines, the roll over job failed due to over encumbrance, even when Check Over Encumbrance was not selected. This was fixed, and the job no longer fails in this case. - April 2019 Acquisitions SF: 00640692 00612476 00616265 00655983 URM-100583
The PO Line - Receive All job sometimes completed with errors or a failure when run on a large number of items. This was fixed. - April 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00040821 URM-29338
If the block message which appeared in the Patron Services pages for blocked users did not include a block note, the message ended with two consecutive periods (. .) instead of one. This was fixed. - April 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00452059 00547569 URM-78583
Searching for electronic collections and electronic services whose Free setting was not defined did not not work properly. This was fixed. - April 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00506372 URM-82511
User information did not display properly in the User Information pop-up. This was fixed. - April 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00517580 00550328 00584813 URM-87407
For physical item searches, searching by Last Shelf Report Date did not work. This option was removed. Note that you can view the list of items processed in the last shelf report job in the job report. - April 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00529100 00598543 00514355 00597394 00487579 URM-87475
Exporting a long list of electronic collections after a search caused Alma to freeze. This was fixed. - April 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00553883 00639619 URM-92015
The request type in the facet on the Resources Request Monitoring screen appeared as Undefined in other languages. This was fixed. - April 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00563909 URM-93590
Selecting F2 opened the Main Menu but did not put the browser focus on the menu. This was fixed. - April 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00574586 URM-96141
Search result thumbnails were broken when the image's alt parameter contained special characters. This was fixed. - April 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00609610 URM-103018
A password of 8 spaces was accepted. Passwords are now trimmed of whitespace characters. - April 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00636564 URM-102622
Selecting Add and then Close to add an address in User Details screen resulted in an error. This was fixed. - April 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00638547 00642056 00638332 00647279 URM-103670
If a barcode was associated with both an active and deleted physical item ID, that physical item record was not added to a set when a set of physical items was created from a barcode list. This was fixed. - April 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00641210 URM-104078
When searching in a CJK language, searching for keywords only found records with adjacent terms. This was fixed. - April 2019 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00648137 00647465 00644343 URM-104224
Alt + number shortcuts worked only on Google Chrome. The shortcuts now also work on Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Edge. - April 2019 Analytics SF: 00601387 URM-100963
In Analytics, sometimes dragging a field to a report caused rows to drop. This was fixed. - April 2019 Analytics SF: 00622887 URM-101539
In Analytics, in the Fulfillment subject area under the Loan Details folder, the Loan Note field contained no data even when the loan had a note. This was fixed. - April 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00185168 00523270 00520613 URM-93037
When attaching a file and note to a digitization request, the note did not appear in the Digitization Notification letter. This was fixed. - April 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00481579 URM-82958
The FulPlaceOnHoldShelf notification was not sent. This was fixed. - April 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00534521 URM-102954
The rejection reason was not properly translated in LenderRejectEmailLetter. This was fixed. - April 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00542556 URM-91622
When a user had a read-only Fulfillment Administrator role, Copyright Declaration in Digital Fulfillment was not visible, but if the user also has the read-only Acquisitions Administrator role, Copyright Declaration became visible. This was fixed, and visibility depends only on the Fulfillment Administrator role. - April 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00556694 00517518 00616313 00593623 URM-88967
For some users, the choose location popup did not appear when logging in to Alma when force_location_selection_on_login was set to true. This was fixed. - April 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00563244 00578852 00525692 00576068 URM-89895
In Get It, when selecting c.uresolver.getit2.digitize_different, the form opened with the Partial check box not selected even when uresolver_partial_digitization_default_value was set to true. This was fixed. - April 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00571811 URM-97727
Duplicate transactions were created when waiving fines and fees using the purge users job. This was fixed. Also, duplicate transactions added before this fix were removed. - April 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00575139 URM-97369
The auto-renew loan job report sometimes contained the wrong reason for a loan not being auto-renewed. This was fixed. - April 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00576501 00635176 00619961 URM-99931
You could not copy text from the On Hold pop-up. This was fixed. - April 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00587673 URM-97051
A user with the Circulation Desk Operator – Limited role was unable to manage patrons in a fulfillment network. This was fixed. - April 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00595150 00581369 00600112 URM-96195
Sometimes when circulation desk configurations were changed, when connecting to Alma from a different computer, the new configurations were not reflected. This was fixed. - April 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00600887 URM-98327
When a requested item was scanned in to the hold shelf, the patron received a Hold Shelf notification each time the item was scanned in. This was fixed and now the letter is sent only once. - April 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00604498 URM-97750
When creating a document delivery request for a located electronic resource lending request, if the resource was owned by the institution, and not a library, institution departments could manage the request but not the resource sharing circulation desk, even if the desk supported digitization. This was fixed, and now the request can be handled by the resource sharing circulation desk as well as institution departments. As before, if the resource is owned by a library, the library departments can also manage the request. - April 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00614572 00625804 00613312 00644502 00614321 00608023 00627141 00644850 00630596 URM-99844
When viewing the patron's list of loans and sorting by Loan Status, when the Loan Status Name code table was customized, some loans were duplicated or missing. This was fixed. - April 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00638087 00633682 00628777 URM-103772
The general digitization request option appeared in GetIt even when the user was not logged in. This was fixed. - April 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00643461 00643479 00646096 URM-103981
When creating a new user from the Manage Patron Services page, in some cases the user's password was not written to the new IdP until the user was updated. This was fixed. - April 2019 Fulfillment SF: 00647017 URM-103470
In the Attachments tab of the User Details page, you could not view attachments of type NOTIFICATION_SMS. This was fixed. - April 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: URM-106351
After a locate job, partners were rejected in the rota even when the locate was successful. This was fixed. - April 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00531861 00637426 URM-94687
Trying to change the status of a completed lending request to Request Completed resulted in an error. This was fixed. - April 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00591012 00638169 URM-99022
For an SLNP resource sharing partner, if a shipped message was delayed and arrived after the material was already physically received, and the temporary ILL item was placed on the hold shelf for the patron, then the item barcode was removed from the borrowing resource sharing request. This was fixed and the barcode is no longer removed. - April 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00602142 URM-98715
When trying to locate a digital or electronic resource and the partner had a holding code, then the locate failed. This was fixed, and now the process does not check the partner's holding code. - April 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00616988 00619664 00642487 URM-99437
When an item was lost on the borrowing request and then later found and returned to the lender scanning the item on the Scan In or Return Item pages caused the request status to be Shipped Physically with multiple barcodes instead of Returned by partner. This was fixed. - April 2019 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00629860 URM-101799
A renewal request sent to an itemless library was not processed correctly. This was fixed. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: URM-92040
When creating a new MARC21 bibliographic record and an item using the Quick Cataloging form (Resources > Add Physical Item), the data entered in Series title number was mapped to the obsolete field 440, instead of field 490 (first indicator '0') subfield $a. This was fixed. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: URM-97632
In the MD Editor, clearer visual feedback for fields with errors was added in the following cases: when saving the record, the alert now specifies the field with the error; when removing focus from the field with the error. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00498835 URM-90550
During crosswalk of bibliographic records from UNIMARC to MARC21, UNIMARC field 606 subfields $z and $y were converted incorrectly to MARC21 650 field subfields $z and $y. 606 $z was converted to 650 $z and 606 $y was converted to 650 $y. This was fixed, and now 606 $z is converted to 650 $z and 606 $y is converted to 650 $y. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00512876 URM-96850
When trying to change the bibliographic record, selecting the portfolio list resulted in an error. This link should not have appeared in this case. Now the portfolio list only appears directly from the search page. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00558618 00549546 URM-91989
When trying to delete a normalization rule, if the name of the rule was contained in the name of another rule that was used in a normalization process, the rule could not be deleted. This was fixed. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00559349 00639573 00584533 00508119 URM-93126
In the MD Editor, pressing F9 to add a subfield did not work in the Microsoft Edge browser. This was fixed. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00564554 00571206 URM-95868
In the MD Editor, in the Form Editor for control fields (006,007), the empty form fields were not filled automatically with ‘#’ (– undefined). This was fixed. The # is now added after editing and saving the control field. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00566966 00560046 URM-94641
A tooltip Open in a new window now appears for all links in GetIt and ViewIt that open a new window. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00571286 URM-96463
When moving an item with a loan from one holdings to another, the original holdings could not be deleted in the MD Editor. This was fixed. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00572254 URM-98157
When using the MD Editor in Microsoft Edge, using Ctrl+F (form view) showed a single character in a box that was too small. This was fixed and the box is now larger. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00572417 00592115 URM-96122
Bibliographic records related to database electronic collections incorrectly appeared with an active icon in the Community tab of the search results, even when the bibliographic records were not activated in the Institution tab. This was fixed. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00574953 URM-99622
Duplicate validation MARC21 Holding Other Title did not work sometimes if field 852 contained subfield $$k. This was fixed. This fix will take effect after a full inventory indexing is run. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00578748 00588102 00573705 00574885 00573903 00588104 00575099 URM-95337
The bibliographic record resource types Digital File - Audio, Digital File - Data, Digital File - Image, Digital File - Text, and Digital File - Video (based on the MARC21 field 347 subfield $a) were removed. This change will take effect after a full inventory indexing is run. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00585407 URM-98884
When scanning in an item (using the Scan In or Return Items pages), field 245 subfield c did not appear. This was fixed, and now the title includes subfield c. In addition, for all requests, the title now includes subfield c. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00586383 URM-97803
The title of the links and availability section for electronic resources could not be edited. The label c.uresolver.getit2.pageTitle was added, with default value Home. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00587841 URM-96402
In some cases, the Back button on List of Items page opened the List of Holdings for a different record. This was fixed. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00588389 URM-99593
The block message that appears when a request creation failed due to a user block was created from block type + block description + block note. If the block did not have a note, there was a null at the end of the message. This was fixed. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00589435 URM-97032
When creating a new UNIMARC bibliographic record and then searching external resources to find related resources for the record, the title search field contained : and the creator search field contained ,. This was fixed and now these search fields are empty when the related fields in the UNIMARC record are empty. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00592440 URM-98385
When exporting an electronic package result to Excel, the file contained duplicates columns. This was fixed. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00603501 URM-98728
There was an error when editing a standalone portfolio linked to the Community Zone. This was fixed. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00607574 URM-100549
When an authority record had more than 5,035 $z entries, the $z entries in the 6th or greater position were not processed during the Synchronize Changes from CZ job. This was fixed. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00609292 URM-100039
When the user added a duplicate authority, heading enrichment was sometimes incorrectly performed in the 830 field with $LY instead of $9Y. This was fixed. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00610543 URM-102632
The Resource Details pop up in an external search profile did not include information about the normalization processes. This was fixed. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00612523 URM-103214
In the MD Editor, the 008 field form editor did not have drop-down menus for positions 22, 23, 26, and 28 when Type of Record = Computer File. This was fixed, The drop-downs in these positions are now populated in this case. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00613055 URM-103033
Authority Headings Rules did not work for KORMARC records. This was fixed. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00613840 URM-102638
When a Primo Publishing job (single or network) job failed because a previous instance was running, this was considered a failure, but it should not have been. This was fixed. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00614167 URM-99292
The Send Requests to Remote Storage job report now indicates if there is an error with the FTP transfer of the exported file. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00614304 URM-100378
Users could enter free text in the Interface Name drop-down list, which could cause portfolios to not be properly connected to the vendor. This was fixed. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00615286 URM-102261
In the MD Editor, when viewing a multilingual authority record, the last name (instead of the first) appeared in the record title and drafts list. This was fixed, and now the first name appears. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00618486 00613769 00568754 URM-95030
When the bibliographic record linked to the portfolio contained a cancelled ISBN (020$z) or a cancelled ISSN (022$z), Alma attempted to find matches in the Community Zone according to these invalid identifiers. This was fixed. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00621849 00641866 URM-102347
Importing UNIMARC records did not import the LDR. This was fixed. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00622377 URM-103593
GES was taking the data of a related record instead of the selected record. This was fixed. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00624530 URM-100810
A normalization rule with a condition referring to a value of a field (for example: when (exists '999.a.true')) did not work. This was fixed. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00627734 00525803 URM-88926
When running the Publishing Platform job with Exclude suppressed records checked in the Physical Holdings Enrichment section of the Data Enrichment tab, holdings records whose locations were suppressed globally were published anyway. This was fixed and now, in this case, holdings records that are suppressed on the individual holdings level, or their location is globally suppressed, are not published. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00628260 00218239 00630610 URM-62548
In the MD Editor when a controlled vocabulary popup appeared and the user wanted to close the popup using the Escape key, the popup did not close. This was fixed. - April 2019 Resource Management SF: 00630121 URM-103624
Suppressed records (Location = ‘Suppress form Discovery’ and suppressBibWithSuppressedHol = true) were published as new in FULL Primo Publishing. This was fixed, and these records are published as deleted. - Ap