Alma 2018 Release Notes
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Make the Most of December's Release
Action Items |
Display a 13 Digit ISBN Number in the PO Line Description – You can now choose to display a PO line's identifier in the format of a 13-digit ISBN, even if you do not have your ISBN catalogs in this format. |
Configuring Physical Items Sort Routines – The new fields that are available for sorting physical items allow you to more accurately sort items, especially for serials with no volumes or numbers. |
New Holdings Normalization Task – The new normalization task allows you to add an ID to the holdings record, providing you with a better way to identify these records. |
Active / Inactive Indicator Added for Digital Representations – You can now control the availability of digital representations in your discovery system, enabling you to flexibly manage your content accessibility. |
General Digitization Requests for Holdings Without Items – If you’re making use of the digitization request service, you’ll be happy to know you no longer need to have physical item records in order to use the service. As with hold requests, digitization requests can now be submitted for titles that do not have cataloged physical items. The service is available for both patron requests and the resource sharing document delivery workflow. |
Changes to PubMed Metadata Augmentation

Publishing to PubMed – Changes to FTP Configuration
As a result of discussions with PubMed and at PubMed's request, the publishing to PubMed process will be modified to use a default FTP configuration configured by Ex Libris in conjunction with PubMed. This change was carefully tested end to end by Ex Libris and PubMed, and will take place as of the Alma January 2019 release, at which time the PubMed configuration profile in Alma will contain a new Use default FTP configuration option. This option will also be applied automatically to all existing PubMed configuration profiles.
If you do not want to have this option enabled, you will be able to clear the check box on your PubMed profile. Note, however, that using the default FTP configuration will be the recommended and supported way of publishing to PubMed as of January.
The Ex Libris Identity Service
Widgets for Analytics Reports
Make the Most of November's Release
Action Items |
Support for SICI Numbers – SICI codes are a simple means to uniquely identify physical resources. This ID can now be used on the Receive New Material page for easier identification of the received resources. |
Material Type, Item Policy, and/or Copy ID Added – You can add these new fields to your item list, enabling you to see these important fields without having to open the Item Details page. |
ISBN 13 Display – You are now able to customize the search result display to show ISBNs in 13-digit format. This will assist staff members in institutions that have standardized their ISBNs to work only with 13 digits. |
Transit for Reshelving Rules – Simpler relations between libraries and circulation desks can greatly improve the efficiency of fulfillment workflows. The new option to define ‘no transit’ rules between libraries and circulation desks is designed to achieve this. |
New Input Parameter for Borrowing Request Terms of Use Rules – Borrowing request terms of use are the tool that allows you to set up your library policies for privileges, limits, and fees. The new option for using the request format as rule input enables you to set all of these policies separately for physical requested material and digitally requested material. |
Link to Privacy Policy – You can now provide your staff with access to your institution's privacy policy directly from Alma, to ensure that everyone complies with the relevant privacy standards (especially GDPR). |
Adjust the Number of Results in Lists – With this new feature, you can choose how many records to display on various lists in Alma. This should help reduce the number of pages you need to browse and make your work with lists more efficient. |
Make the Most of October's Release
Action Items |
Receive All PO Lines in a Receive Batch – Batch receiving of purchased items is now much easier with the new option of receiving all filtered in PO lines in one Receive All action. |
Copy PO Line Prices to Items – The price that is recorded on physical items can now be automatically updated from the price that is recorded on the linked PO line. |
Customizable MARC Record Forms – Institutions that catalog digital records in MARC can now customize the forms and control which fields will be populated by staff. |
Sort Holdings by Location in Primo Get It – The availability-based sorting of the holdings that are displayed in Primo can now be switched off. You can configure the holdings lists to be sorted by library and location name only. |
Filtering by Folder Name and Report Name – As institutions have built more and more Analytics objects, scrolling through the list and filtering has become a more involved process.To make this process more efficient, two new filterable criteria were added: report folder name and report name. |
Title (Filing) Field in Analytics for Sorting – It is now possible to sort reports using the Title (Filing) field in Analytics. The "regular" display title can appear in the report, while a "sort title" (used for sorting but hidden from display)—without articles such as "the," "a," or "and"—can be used for sorting purposes. |
Create Invoice API in "Preview" Mode – For those institutions integrating the acquisitions process with specific vendors, it is now possible to use an API for the creation of invoices. This method can replace the current manual and EDI creation of the invoice and streamline the process. This month, the new API is being released in "preview" mode, whereby institutions can start using the new feature. In January 2019, it will be fully released. |
Known Issues
- URM-94260 The item search in Amazon feature is not working properly in some regions. Ex Libris is currently working with Amazon to resolve this issue.
- URM-97315 The creation of a physical one-time PO line at a library that has a default acquisition location should create a PO line with one default item. However, if the new copy_POL_price_to_item parameter is set to true, a PO line is created with no items in it. This issue will be fixed in a future Alma release.
We'd also like to take this opportunity to update you on the following:
Alma Statistics (as of July 1, 2018)
- There are 901 live Alma customers, with the following top three regions:
- 495 in North America
- 97 in Norway
- 62 in Australia
- We are approaching a supersonic milestone: nearly 1 billion bibliographic records (991+ million) across all regions.
- More than 240 million API calls in the last three months, with the following top three regions:
- EU – 103+ million
- APAC – 83+ million
- NA – 55+ million
- More than 1 million digital files across all regions
Make the Most of August's Release
Action Items |
Create License Templates – If you are manually creating license records in Alma, you can now make use of license templates to streamline your work with licenses, and to achieve better consolidation of license records. |
Fund and Ledger Enhancements – Fund codes are now better emphasized throughout the UI, making it easier to use and view fund codes where relevant. In addition, reporting codes can now be used when allocating or transferring funds. |
Current and Perpetual Access Type – As part of electronic resource management, you can now define a portfolio with both current and perpetual access coverage to more easily manage and keep track of the access rights. |
F3 Support for Authority Headings – With this new feature, you can easily link between two authority records using the F3 functionality for See Also (5XX) fields. |
Uniform Title Browse – There is a new parameter that you can use to control whether uniform titles are included when you perform a Names browse in Browse Bibliographic Headings. |
Generate Representations and Inventory from Existing Bibliographic Records – This feature significantly facilitates the migration of content to Alma Amazon storage, for institutions that hold links in the 856u field to a file system. |
Shared User identifiers in a Fulfillment Network Without a Network Zone – Institutions that participate in a fulfillment network can now use a shared unique ID for users accounts, even if the institutions do not use a shared Network Zone. |
Library Name and Library Code Fields Contain Data Even When There Are No Items – If you are tracking inventory using holdings records that may or may not be connected to physical items, you'll be happy to learn that it is now possible to report on both the library and location of these holdings records.. |
Combine the Fulfillment and Physical Items Subject Areas – Reports can now be created combining information from both the Physical Items subject area and the Fulfillment subject area, using the Physical Items Details dimension as the common dimension. For example, the Number of Items from the Physical Items Details dimension can be displayed while filtering by fields in the Fulfillment subject area. |
Known Issues
- URM-94260 The item search in Amazon feature is not working properly in some regions. Ex Libris is currently working with Amazon to resolve this issue.
Next Release Sneak Preview

Make the Most of July's Release
Action Items |
Non-Preferred Terms in Repository Search – Would you like to search and find titles according to non-preferred authorities as well as preferred authorities? You can now do so using this new feature. |
Authority Control Task List Filters and Facets – This great new feature provides additional facets and filters for the Authority Control Task List, enabling you to become more efficient in your workflow by narrowing down the list to display only the updates you need to handle. |
New Call Number Type – The new No information provided call number type enables you to efficiently manage holdings and items call numbers of an unknown type using the Browse Shelf Listing. |
Full Text Extraction Supported for Digital Files – By running a job in Alma to extract the full text from an image, you can now provide users with an enhanced delivery experience whereby they can search the text of images using the recently introduced Internet Archive Book Reader. |
Short Loan Reminders – If you want patrons to receive reminders for short hourly loans, you can now set this up by configuring the new parameters that control how many minutes before and after the due time the courtesy and overdue notice for short loans is sent. |
New Field in E-Inventory Subject Area – Using the new No. of Electronic Collections (Deleted + In Repository) field in the Electronic Collection dimension of the E-Inventory subject area, you can now build a report that includes the total number of electronic collections in the repository. |
Known Issues
- Digital resource sharing requests cannot be sent properly in a fulfillment network.
Make the Most of June's Release
Action Items |
Authority Control Task List – The addition of facets and filters to the Authority Control Task List enables you to focus on relevant changes, making it easier to manage cataloging maintenance tasks. |
Using the Other System Number (035) as Matching Criteria – The addition of this new matching method improves your ability to import records whose identification is based on the other system number 035 field using the portfolio loader. |
Import Data from a Bursar System – Libraries that export patron fees to external bursar systems can now expand the bursar integration to include an import action as well. In this case, fees exported to the bursar remain active in Alma until feedback is imported from the bursar system indicating that the fee was paid. |
Normalization Rules Creation for Dublin Core Records – The additional normalization rules support in this feature allows staff to automate MD normalization for Dublin Core records at various stages in Alma. |
Inventory Actions Added to MD Editor for Dublin Core Records – Inventory information and actions are available from the MD Editor for Dublin Core records, allowing staff to perform as many digital-related actions as possible from a single location. |
Internet Archive Book Reader – The newly embedded Internet Archive Book Reader enhances delivery capabilities, enabling full-text search in image files. |
Make the Most of May's Release
Action Items |
Reply-to in Vendor Communications – Does your institution use a specific dedicated email address for communicating with vendors? if so, you will be pleased to know that it is now possible to configure a library level reply-to address for purchase orders and vendor communications. This email address is used as the From address when sending a PO line. |
Moving Portfolios – This new feature facilitates collection management, enabling you to ensure that each of your collections contains the correct portfolios. |
Normalization for Z39.50 and SRU Records – Are you providing an SRU or a Z39.50 service for other systems or integrations? Now you can use Alma’s normalization routines to refine and format the record output in order to better serve external systems and your own record policies. |
Community Zone Authority Record Copy Cataloging – For institutions that maintain local authorities, this new capability improves the workflow for copy cataloging authorities and facilitates the creation of records when starting with a Community Zone search. |
MD Import Creation of Holdings Without Items – This new feature provides better support for the creation of holdings using the MD import process. It is especially useful for repository metadata imports where item creation is not required. |
Holdings Configuration in the Get It Tab – The holdings information that is displayed in the Primo Get It tab is now fully configurable. You can determine which holdings fields are displayed, the order in which they are displayed, and how they are labeled. You can even make use of separate CSS customizations for each field, to further fine-tune the fields' display in the Get It tab. |
Local Parameter Fields in Reports – You can now report not only on bibliographic local fields but also on holdings record local fields—10 local bibliographic fields and 10 local holdings record fields. In addition to the many other Alma Analytics fields, these new fields enable you to gain in-depth insight into your catalog. |
Reports for Holdings Records with No Items – This new feature enables you to retrieve and display bibliographic records with no inventory and holdings records with no items in Alma Analytics reports. This is possible in both the Titles and Physical Items subject areas. |
Select List Size – This feature enables you to control the amount of information to view per page on certain Alma pages. This flexibility will be extended to additional pages in future releases. |
Search Main Menu Navigation Bar – Using this new search functionality, you can quickly and easily find any action you're looking for in the main Alma menu. |
Make the Most of March's Release
Action Items |
Create Holdings During Import – The MD import process was enhanced to allow you to embed holdings information in your import file. |
Using Overlap and Collection Analysis for Community Zone Comparisons – You can now run an overlap check of your electronic collections with Community Zone-managed collections. This is an addition to the previously supported option to analyze overlap between your own collections. |
Dublin Core Application Profiles – Alma Digital now provides two out-of-the-box Dublin Core application profiles, enabling cataloging and indexing of up to 50 local fields. The application profiles provide a richer and more flexible cataloging system. |
Managing Patron Records in the Network Zone – Institutions working with a Network Zone can now manage their users in a single user file that is centrally synchronized with a Network Zone-managed list, and no longer need to load users to all of the participating member institutions. |
Make the Most of February's Release
Action Items |
Change PO Line Attributes After Ordering (Part I) – A new job, Update PO Lines Limited Attributes, enables staff users to change the purchase type of an order that is not closed or canceled to another purchase type of the same inventory type and continuity. For example, now an entire set of PO lines can be changed from Database One Time to Electronic Book One Time or from Print Book One Time to Musical Score One Time. This job will be further enhanced with additional options in future releases. |
New Controlled Vocabulary (CV) Option in License Term Types – It is now possible to add a list of controlled vocabulary for customized license terms. This makes the process of adding terms more efficient and ensures the uniqueness of the data. All terms are entered by staff in a unique manner by choosing from the predefined list. |
Peer Review and Open Access – You are now able to see Peer Reviewed and Open Access visual indications in various areas of Alma, such as the search results, resource editors, and the list of items. You are also able to use the indication as a parameter in the advanced search, improving your search refinement capabilities. |
Dublin Core Forms for Patron Deposits – Institutions can now customize their end-user deposit forms for Dublin Core records. The selection of metadata, the order in which it is displayed, and the definition of mandatory fields are configurable, allowing you to create designated deposit forms per collection. |
Print a Receive Slip Automatically for Non-Returnable Physical Items – If the resource sharing service you offer to your patrons includes receiving non-returnable items for fulfilling their requests, you now have an option to print a slip for these resources when they are received at the borrowing library. The slips can be attached to the received resources. |
Configure UI Width and Font Size – As a user, you are now able to switch between different view modes. You can either view more information with a smaller font, or less information with a larger font. |
Make the Most of January's Release
Action Items |
Contributing SUSHI Accounts to The Community Zone – This new feature enables the entire Alma community to share SUSHI vendor details. Each institution can contribute operating SUSHI vendors to the Community Zone that other institutions will be able to copy and use. |
Contributing Templates and Publishing Profiles to the Community Zone – These new features continue to expand the use of the Community Zone for the contribution and sharing of general publishing profile and metadata cataloging template configurations. |
Customizable Dublin Core Record Forms – You can now customize metadata forms for staff-mediated deposit of digital records or adding digital representations. You can define the fields to be displayed, the order in which they appear, and which fields are mandatory. This is currently enabled for records cataloged using DC. |
New Digital Inventory Subject Area – This new subject area can be used to obtain the full spectrum of trends and statistics in Alma Digital, including but not limited to the number of representations, files, file views, and file downloads. These measures can also be combined with date filters. |
Loans and Requests Triggers for Webhooks – If loan and request information is used by an external application in your institution, you can now strengthen the integration between Alma and your institution's application by using the new Webhooks that will automatically update your application regarding changes in Alma's managed loans and requests. |
Main Features
Create Purchase Requests for Other Users

It is now possible to allow an Alma user that does not have the Purchase Request Operator or Manager role to create a purchase request and change the requester of the purchase request to another user. The user can search for other users from the purchase request pickup field and can set the user with the auto complete option. This option is disabled by default. To enable it, contact Ex Libris Support.
Overencumbrance and Overexpenditure Warnings and Limits
The overencumbrance and overexpenditure warnings and limits on the Funds and Ledgers rules are now functional.
For this enhancement to function properly, a data modification was deployed for all institutions that have the following setup:
- When Overencumbrance allowed is set to Yes, the field was changed to No Limit.
- When Overexpenditure allowed is set to Yes, the field was changed to No Limit.
Any value in the relevant fields, Overencumbrance warning, Overencumbrance limit percent, Overexpenditure warning, and Overexpenditure limit sum, will be set to zero. Each fund whose values were changed has a note to indicate the old values.
Display a 13 Digit ISBN Number in the PO Line Description
When an order is created for a monographic bibliographic record that has an ISBN, the ISBN appears in the Identifier field in the PO Line details section. You can now enable the display_isbn_13_in_predefined_result parameter to display the 13 digit ISBN in the PO line description, even if the original bibliographic record has only a 10-digit ISBN. If the parameter is disabled, only 10 digits are displayed. This impacts the display of the ISBN only for the PO line description and the PO line list.
Configuring Physical Items Sort Routines

When configuring the Physical Items Sort Routines (Configuration Menu > Resources > General > Physical Items Sort Routines), the following additional fields are available for sorting physical items: Chronology J (month), Chronology K (day), Material type, and Receiving date. See Configuring Physical Item Sort Routines for more information. Note that this feature requires a full inventory reindexing, which will occur during the month of December (a more detailed explanation of this process can be found here).
Control Punctuation for Headings Updates to Bibliographic Records
A new customer parameter (add_punctuation_for_heading) is available for controlling punctuation that is added or corrected when authority headings information is used to update a bibliographic record when using F3 (see Using F3) or preferred term correction (see Using the Authority Control Task List). See add_punctuation_for_heading for more information.
Polish Language Support
Alma now supports special Polish language characters for staff searches in the following areas: repository search, user search, purchase and fulfillment requests, and deposits. It also applies to browse bibliographic headings, using F3, and sorting results. This feature requires a full inventory reindexing, which will occur during the month of December (a more detailed explanation of this process can be found here). See Searching for Special Characters for more information. If you are interested in this capability, contact Ex Libris Support to configure this for your institution.
New Holdings Normalization Task
A new holdings normalization task named MARC21 Holding Fix 001 Field is now available. This normalization task writes a 001 field to the holdings record. See MARC21 Holding Fix 001 Field for more information.
Semi-Annual Reindexing
During December, the semi-annual reindexing (described in greater detail here) will be run. In the past number of months, release announcements were made for features that require reindexing in order to be fully functional. The December reindexing addresses this requirement. These features include:
- 541 $e in MARC 21 holdings records
- Uniform Title search results sorting on MARC 21 130, 240, or 245 and UNIMARC/CNMARC 200 or 500
- Series search results sorting on MARC 21 490 indicator 0 or 830 and UNIMARC/CNMARC 225
- When spaces are part of the stored data and advanced search is done using the Contains exact phrase starting with option
- When the UNIMARC 700 field has a second indicator of 0, subfield c is not preceded by a comma
- Series details from the following MARC 21 830 subfields in repository search results: $a, $d, $f, $k, $l, $n, $p, $s, $x, and $v
- The display of subfields in their original order (instead of alphabetic order) for MARC 21 authority records in repository search results
- The properly working Is Local (Electronic Collection) parameter in advanced search for electronic collections
- Adding the UNIMARC 215 $a to the Medium Type search index and UNIMARC 215 $e to the Accompanying Material search index
- Local fields in Analytics maintain the order as cataloged/displayed in the MD Editor
- Retrieving accurate search results when using the advanced search Activation Date (Electronic Collection) option with Is Empty for electronic collections
- Correct search results when a search string contains an apostrophe in an advanced search with Title parameter and using Starts With
Active / Inactive Indicator Added for Digital Representations
- Active and Inactive radio buttons were added in the following locations:
- Digital Representation Resource Editor
Active - Inactive Radio Buttons
- Staff Mediated Deposit page
- Add Digital Representation page
Staff Mediated Deposit and Add Digital Representations
- Digital import profile – Inventory tab
Digital Import Profile – Inventory Tab
- When configuring a digitization workflow (Configuration > Fulfillment > Copyright Management > Digitization and Copyright Rules), if you select digital inventory as your digitization target.
Digitization Workflow
- Digital Representation Resource Editor
- Advanced search options now include searching for active representations.
Search for Active Representations
- In the staff search, files of inactive representations appear with the suppressed icon.
File of Inactive Representation
- In the Digital Resource Editor, a new Availability column was added. The suppressed icon appears in this column for inactive representations.
Availability Column
- The GET Rep API now indicates whether the representation is active or inactive.
- For the Withdraw Digital Representations job, you can now configure the job to apply to members of a set based on whether the representation is active or inactive.
Apply only for Active / Inactive
- For the Global Representation Changes job, you can now configure the job to apply to members of a set based on whether the representation is active or inactive, and to change the representations to active or inactive
Apply Only for Active / Inactive, Change Fields to Active / Inactive
View Overdue and Lost Loan Profiles in the Fulfillment Configuration Utility
You can now view overdue and lost loan profiles in the Fulfillment Configuration Utility. A new tab is available, Overdue and Lost Loan Profiles. When selecting the patron and item, the applicable profiles appear.

New Letter for Hold Shelf Slips

When enabled, the new Ful Hold Shelf Request Slip Letter (letter code: FulHoldShelfRequestSlipLetter) is printed to the circulation desk printer when the item is placed on the hold shelf, regardless of whether a pick slip was already printed. If printing fails, the item is still placed on the hold shelf but the user receives a warning message that printing failed. This way, it is possible to configure a slip for use for on hold shelf items, that is different than the slip that is used to pick up the item from the shelf.
General Digitization Requests for Holdings Without Items

Patrons can now place a general digitization request in Primo or Alma for a holdings with no items in the same way that they can place a general hold request. The new option is also available when using the Manage Fulfillment Options for the purpose of fulfilling a resource sharing document delivery request.
For more information, see Creating a General Digitization Request.
Library Filters and Fines/Fees Sorting
You can now filter on fee owner in order to see only the fines under an individual library's responsibility. The filter is available in the Fines/Fees tab of User Details and the User Fines and Fees window when selecting a specific fine to pay in Manage Patron Services.

Anonymization of User Purge with Keep Statistics Option

A Keep Statistics and Remove Primary ID (Recommended) option is now available on the Delete User Policy page. The new option is selected by default for new customers.
Additionally, if you select Keep Statistics and Remove Primary ID (Recommended) when the prior selection was Keep fully reportable or Keep statistics, a confirmation message is displayed to indicate that user records that were previously purged using the previously selected option will also be updated, and you are asked to confirm the choice. When you confirm, a new job updates the previously purged user records.
Overdue Message for NCIP Peer-to-Peer

It is now possible for a resource sharing lending library that is using NCIP-P2P to send an automatic claim to the borrowing library when the request is overdue. The claim is sent as an email. To enable this, two new fields are available on the Resource Sharing Partner page for NCIP-P2P partners, in the Parameters tab:
- Email Address – used for sending overdue notifications
- Resending Overdue Days Interval – a whole number that indicates the number of days for recurring overdue notifications.

New Workflows for Lost and Damaged Resource Sharing Requests
Before the November release:, resource sharing loans marked as lost by a job automatically generated local fines based on Terms of Use.
As of the November release, resource sharing loans marked as lost by a job did not generate a local fine based on the Terms of Use. Instead, Alma automatically sent a notification to the lender, who could reply with a fine for the item, as required. An operator could then manually enter this fine and change the status, as required. This behavior was not desired by some customers.
As of this update release, the old functionality was restored, by default. In addition, several features were added or changed to enable customers to use the new functionality:
- The borrowing workflow step Report lost item to partner was changed to Lost communicated and Report damaged item to partner was changed to Damage communicated.
- When either step is enabled, its corresponding status appears on the Resource Sharing Borrowing Requests page. Manually selecting either status has no effect on the request's workflow.
Resource Sharing Borrowing Requests PageThe old statuses Report lost item to partner and Report damaged item to partner are depreciated, but they continue to appear on the Resource Sharing Borrowing Requests page.
- When Lost communicated is enabled, the new functionality is enabled for items marked as lost by a job: Alma does not generate a local fine based on the Terms of Use. Instead, Alma automatically sends a notification to the lender, who can reply with a fine for the item, as required. An operator can then manually enter this fine and change the status, as required.
- When Lost communicated is enabled, the Lost row action appears on the Resource Sharing Borrowing Request page for relevant requests (Email/ISO partner, item received but not yet returned). When selected, the status changes to Lost communicated, and an email is sent to the lender, as described above.
- When Damage communicated is enabled, the Damage row action appears on the Resource Sharing Borrowing Request page for relevant requests, as above. When selected, the status changes to Damage communicated, and an email is sent to the lender, as described above.
Support for SICI Numbers
The SICI number, or Serial Item and Contribution Identifier, is now available for searching PO lines and for serial EDI claims. On the Continuous tab of the Receive New Material page, you can now select a SICI code in the same way you scan a barcode to find the PO line.

COUNTER and SUSHI Improvements
- A new report status, Partially Loaded, is now used when a COUNTER file encounters a data issue (for example, invalid metric type or missing title) and the record is skipped but the rest of the records were loaded successfully. In this case, the status is Partially Loaded and the job is set to Completed with errors. This impacts both the SUSHI harvesting and manual loading processes.
- When adding a new SUSHI account in an institution, a new quick pick list search is available so that the Community Zone can be searched.
Watch the Add SUSHI Account to Vendor via Search video (1:34 min)
- When the SUSHI account is created from the Community Zone, the Special Instruction and Contact Information fields are now added to the account in addition to the Name, URL, and Agent class.
- The URLs are updated for the following SUSHI vendors:
- Gale (Galegroup)
- Project MUSE
- Britannica
Material Type, Item Policy, and/or Copy ID Added

Material type, item policy, and/or copy ID were added to the following areas:
- Item List page
- Physical Item Editor
- Physical items repository search results
- List of Items accessed by clicking the No. of Items link in the Holdings tab of the "Held By" Details page (for a member search in the Network tab)
- data exported (the copy ID) to a CSV file when exporting physical items
- the item list presented when selecting Bind Items from the List of Items page
- the Manage deleted repository page
See Working with the List of Items for more information.
Import with CSV and Excel Files
Bibliographic records may now be imported using CSV (comma-separated values) or Excel files. Properly formatted CSV and Excel files may be imported using the Repository, New Order, or Update Inventory import profiles configured with the new import options. See Importing Records with CSV or Excel Files for more information.
ISBN 13 Display
You can now select to display the ISBN 13 format of the ISBN number (or ISBN 10 or both) in the following repository search areas: All titles, Physical titles, Electronic titles, Digital titles, and Citations. Use the Configuration icon

Bibliographic Information Added to Duplicate Title Analysis Report
Material Type and Brief Level now appear in the report for Duplicate Title Analysis.

F3 and Linking 6XX Fields with the Second Indicator of 0
When you use F3 to check the authority vocabulary for the 600, 610, 611, and 630 fields with a second indicator of 0 (zero), Support can now configure the system to default to a specific vocabulary that is not the first vocabulary in the priority list of multiple vocabularies configured for your system. See Authority Priorities for more information.
Subfields Added for GND
Subfield c was added to the 040 field, and subfields e and t were added to the 382 field for the GND Authority metadata configuration profile. See Working with the GND Authority Profile and Saving the ISIL Code in GND Authority Records for more information.
SBN Italian Union Catalogue
The following changes are available for working with SBN:
- Alma field 899 search index (see Searching the 899 Field in Alma for more information).
When the local_field_899 search index is enabled, the 899 field will be searchable initially for new and updated records and for all other records after the next full reindexing.
- Normalization parameters for the SBN Central Catalog Integration profile (see Configuring the SBN Central Catalog Integration for more information).
The following normalization parameters are now available in the SBN Central Catalog Integration profile:
- Correct the data using normalization rules
- Correct authority data using normalization rules
With these parameters, records can be normalized as part of the contribution process to SBN.
Search for Representation by ID

You can now search for a representation of a digital title in the Digital Resource Editor by the ID of the representation.

Suppress from Discovery
The Suppress from Discovery check box was added to the Add New Collection page (Resources > Manage Collections > Add Top-Level Collection).

Filter Digital Representation Resource Editor History by Representation and File
The Level drop-down list was added to the History tab of the Digital Representation Resource Editor, allowing you to filter the contents of the History tab by representation and file:

Transit for Reshelving Rules

You can now set relation rules between libraries so that transit for reshelving will not be required between certain libraries, departments, and circulation desks. This reduces redundant work effort by not automatically putting items in transit for reshelving when the libraries are close to each other. This does not affect other transit types, such as hold shelf, work order, and processing.
A new link, Reshelve Without Transit Rules, is now available in the Fulfillment configuration menu. By default, a rule is created with no input parameter and an output parameter set to false to maintain current functionality.
Block Self Check Actions for Requested Items
The self check integration profile now includes an option, Prevent Requested Items Check In, to prevent checking in requested items and instruct the patron to return the item at the circulation desk.
New Input Parameter for Borrowing Request Terms of Use Rules
A new input parameter is now available in the Fulfillment Unit Rules for Borrowing Resource Sharing. The Request Format parameter allows you, for instance, to place limits or fees on physical items requests while allowing unlimited requests for digital or non-returnable items.

- You select Personal delivery as the delivery method. If this is selected, only the physical format Terms of Use is calculated when checking if personal delivery is supported.
- The Pickup location drop-down includes only places that are allowed by the Terms of Use of Physical format (even if the item does not allow for physical resource sharing requests).
- For the CreateUserFiscalTransaction NCIP message – If the partner's Create fee using parameter is set to Amount from TOU, the Terms of Use that is used depends on whether the NonReturnableFlag is present in the message (in which case a rule with an input of Digital is used) or not (in which case a rule with an input of Physical is used). See NCIP Parameters.
- In the calculation of:
- delivery fee
- resource sharing request fee
- renew fee
- user blocks
- Determining whether the link for the resource sharing request is enabled.
- The Pickup location drop-down includes only places that are allowed by the Terms of Use of Physical format (even if the item does not allow for physical resource sharing requests).
The value of the parameter determines which formats are displayed on the resource sharing request. If only one format is allowed, the format is displayed but not enabled. If more than one format is allowed, the request displays the options.
Lender Notifications for Lost/Damaged Borrowing Requests
A message can now be sent from the borrower to the lender when an item is lost or damaged. An automatic process handles the request and the inventory. Two new actions appear on the borrowing request's row actions menu, Lost and Damaged. These links are available for active requests with an item arrival date but no item return date. The Lost action is also available in the loan list in Managing Patron Services. A new field is available on the request itself, Lost/Damaged Item Fee, for a manual charge that is added by the staff for the lost or damaged item. If a fee is applied, a new status can be manually applied to the request, Lost and fee applied.
When the Lost action is selected, a pop-up window is displayed that allows the user to add a note and confirm the action. Once the action is confirmed, the request status changes to Report lost item to partner and an ISO message is sent to an ISO partner or an email is sent. If the item is on loan to a patron, the loan status is changed to Lost. If not, the process type of the item is changed to Lost. If the item is later found, the borrowing operator should manually change the item status to Found and send a general message to the lender.
When the Damaged action is selected, a pop-up window is displayed that allows the user to add a note and confirm the action. The request status changes to Report damaged item to partner and an ISO message is sent to an ISO partner or an email is sent to notify the lender that the item is damaged.
A new lending policy, Lost Item Fee, defines whether a charge should be applied when a lost item message arrives from the borrower. The default for the policy is No Lost Item Resource Sharing Fee.
Currently, borrowing requests remain in a Reported lost item to partner status. An upcoming release will enable these requests to change to a Completed status.
Real Time Item-Level Descriptions for Resource Sharing
Primo users can now see the list of descriptions of the items they want to request. They can place their resource sharing request based on a specific description. When a user performs a search in a member institution, if the description field is made visible (see Customizing Primo Resource Sharing Forms), a spinner indicator appears and a message is displayed that the system is checking for item level descriptions. When the field is visible (by default the field is disabled), the descriptions are then loaded into a drop-down list. When the values are loaded into it, the Description field becomes mandatory. If no descriptions are available, a message is displayed that no item level descriptions were found. See Displaying Real Time Item Descriptions for a Borrowing Request.
Update PO Lines Job Survey
A survey is available regarding the bulk updating of PO lines. If you are a purchasing operator/manager, please take a few minutes to complete the survey.
Copy PO Line Prices to Items
For physical one time orders, when the PO line price is changed, the price can now be copied to the item. To do this, set the parameter copy_POL_price_to_item to true. Additionally, when the PO line is saved, if the PO line's currency is different than the institution's default currency, the total is exchanged and copied to the item. The amount is copied to the item with the currency—for example, 10.00 USD. Note that the copy_POL_price_to_item parameter defaults to false, which leaves the prior functionality in place. See Configuring Other Settings (Acquisitions).
Receive All PO Lines in a Receive Batch
You can now receive all items for PO lines listed on the Receive New Material page. Set the filter to display the desired PO lines and select Receive All at the top of the page. This receives all items that are filtered on, even PO lines not displayed in the current page of results. Received Date defaults to today's date. Set this date to the desired received date for the receive process. The process is an is an asynchronous process that is executed as a system job. It attempts to receive all the items that belong to the PO Lines displayed in the current filter (up to 1,000 PO Lines). Receive All also receives all the parameters from the calling page, such as keep in department, next step, and receiving date.
Please be aware of the following notes regarding the receiving process:
- Set the filter so that you view less than 1,000 records at a time, and therefore receive less than 1,000 records at a time. More records may experience a significant processing delay.
- This process is not relevant when Shelf Ready is selected.
- The Keep in Department check box is selected for all received records.
- Any items that were previously received are ignored.
A filter was added to the Receive New Material page, Filter by owning library. This allows you to filter by the owning library or libraries of the PO line. More than one owning library can be selected.
Trial Enhancements
- An optional survey prefix message was added to the Form Configuration section of the Trial Survey Form tab. Select Add Survey Prefix to include an explanatory message that appears at the top of the survey. Enter the message in Prefix Message.
- The Trial Analysis tab has new bar charts for Multi Choice and Scale of Satisfaction questions. Yes or No questions have new pie charts. Each question now has its own collapsible section with the chart and a detailed display below the chart.
For more information, see Managing Trials.
Handling Itemless Bibliographic Records When Canceling PO Lines

When a PO line is canceled, Alma attempts to delete the item and its holdings if the holdings is then empty. You can now define how an itemless bibliographic record is handled when the PO line is canceled and the item and holdings are deleted using a new customer parameter. See Canceling PO Lines.
Option to Reassign PO Lines, Invoices, and Purchase Requests
Purchasing Operators, Invoice Operators, and Purchase Request Operators can now assign their tasks to other Purchase Operators, Invoice Operators, and Purchase Request Operators, respectively. This privilege is disabled by default for existing customers. For new customers, this privilege is enabled by default. To change this setting, contact Ex Libris support.
See Managing User Roles.
New Fields for Exported PO Lines
The XML that is generated from the Export PO Lines job was enhanced with four new fields.
- External ID of the fund
- Fiscal period of the fund
- Exchange rate used for the transaction
- Transaction amount
Allocations in The Ledger Rollover Process
New options are available for Create Allocation when adding a ledger rollover job to allow for moving the remaining balance from the current fiscal period to the next fiscal period when creating the new funds.
- Allocation Balance – This is equivalent to the previous Yes option. The allocated funds are copied with their allocations to the new ledger for the new fiscal period.
- None – This is equivalent to the previous No option. No allocations are created for the new fiscal period.
- Cash Balance – The calculation of the new allocated balance moves only the remaining balance for the new fiscal period.
- Both – The calculation of the new allocated balance is changed to include the cash balance of the ledger fund and the allocated balance.
If Allocation Balance or Both are selected, the FPC factor field appears in the Add Job window. If Both is selected and the FPC factor is populated, the factor is applied only to the allocation balance of the current fiscal period, not the cash balance.
See Rolling Over Ledgers.
Other System Number Search Indexes
The following search indexes in MARC 21, UNIMARC, KORMARC, and CNMARC were added for simple and advanced searches: Other System Number (035a+z), Other System Number (035a), Other System Number (035z). New search configuration options (other_system_number_035_az, other_system_number_active_035, and other_system_number_deleted_035) can be set to true for Simple and Advanced searches to provide access to these search options. See Configuring Search for more information.
Display Conditions for the CCC Get It Now Service
Alma now includes a display condition for existing and newly activated CCC Get It Now article-level electronic services. Before presenting the CCC Get It Now service as part of the View It, Alma checks if the display condition rules are met. Display condition rules are defined in the Community Zone knowledge base and include, for example, a requirement that the incoming OpenURL includes article-level metadata elements. In addition to this change, portfolios associated with CCC Get It Now are not published to Primo, but full-text availability for the active CCC Get It Now portfolios are published to Primo Central. See Display Condition Rules for more information.
Community Zone Now Open for Activity During Weekly Maintenance
While Community Zone maintenance is run, the following functions (previously unavailable) are now possible:
- Search from the Community Zone tab
- Export search results from the Community Zone search tab
- Activate electronic collections and/or portfolios from the Community Zone
- Link local portfolios to the Community Zone
- Link bibliographic headings using the Authorities - Link BIB headings repository job
- Synchronize changes with the Community Zone using the Synchronize Changes from CZ job
Authority Linking for UNIMARC Bibliographic 500 and 501 Fields
Authority linking using F3 was updated for the UNIMARC bibliographic 500 and 501 fields. When you press F3 from the UNIMARC bibliographic 500 and 501 fields, the following linking occurs:
- 500 $a – Links to the authority 530 subfields a, b, h, i, k, l, m, n, q, r, s, u, w, j, x, y, and z (in addition to the 230 and 430 authority fields, previously provided for linking)
- 501 $a – Links to the authority 245, 445, and 545 subfields a and t.
Integration with SBN – Additional Material Types for SBN
- SBN Bibliographic – Musica, Grafica, Cartografia, Audiovisivi, and Elettronico
- SBN Authority – Uniform Title of Musica
See Integrating the SBN Italian Union Catalogue for more information.
Updates to the Cataloging Standards
The following cataloging standard updates were implemented in Alma. These changes are apparent in the metadata configuration options and the validation in the MD Editor when cataloging records.
- MARC 21
- Bibliographic – Update No. 24 (May 2017), Update No. 25 (December 2017), and Update No. 26 (April 2018)
- Holdings – Update No. 25 (December 2017) and Update No. 26 (April 2018)
- Authority – Update No. 24 (May 2017) and Update No. 25 (December 2017)
- Field 008, position 26-27 – Added new value # - undefined
- Field 008, position 38-39 – Added new value # - undefined
General Publishing Electronic Inventory Enrichment
The Electronic Inventory Enrichment options in the General Publishing profile were expanded to include the following: PO Line, Additional PO Line, Electronic Material Type, License Code, License Name, Collection ID, and Service ID. See Electronic Inventory Enrichment for more information.
Integration with the Happiness® Gateway
Alma now supports integration with the Happiness gateway. Happiness is an external tool (sold by Fujitsu) that enables automatically creating a transliteration of fields containing Japanese text. This tool does the following:
- Translates Japanese text to Kana: 忍びの国 => シノビ ノ クニ
- Translates Japanese text to romaji (latin): 忍びの国 => shinobi no kuni
- Segments Japanese text into morphemes: 忍びの国 => 忍び の 国
See Integrating Alma with the Happiness Gateway for more information.
F3 Copy Community Zone Authority to Local or Network Environment
When editing bibliographic records in the MD Editor and using F3 to lookup an authority record, the Community Zone authority record that appears in the right pane (when you select View) can be copied to your institution as a local authority. In the Network Zone, the community zone authority record can be copied to the Network Zone as a local authority record. See Copying Community Zone Authority Records to Your Local Authority Database for more information.
GBK and BIG5 Encoding Formats for Imports
For importing records from vendors that use the GBK and BIG5 encoding formats, the import profile options were updated to include these options. This is common with Chinese vendors. See Encoding format for more information.
Call Number Duplication Validation
The Validate Local Call Number Uniqueness MARC21 validation task (previously called Validate Local Call Number Distinction MARC21) now allows you to configure which 09X fields are relevant to check for uniqueness. See Validate Local Call Number Uniqueness MARC21 for more information.
Customizable MARC Record Forms

For digital-related workflows, you can now customize forms that are used for creating MARC metadata records in Alma. The forms are used when adding a representation or depositing a record. When configuring the forms, you determine which fields are included, the order in which they appear, whether they are mandatory, as well as other field attributes. For more information, see Working with Forms.
Limit the Withdraw Digital Representations Job by Label
You can now limit the Withdraw Digital Representations job to run on set members according to the label of the representation.

Enhancements to the Internet Archive Book Reader Viewer
The following enhancements were added to the Internet Archive Book Reader Viewer:
- Copyrights declarations are now supported, including the ability to configure obtrusive copyrights.
- A new version of the Internet Archive Book Reader Viewer is now supported with a new look and feel.
Authentication Support for Alma Viewer, Universal Viewer, and Internet Archive Book Reader Viewer
The following enhancements were done concerning authentication with the Alma out-of-the-box viewers – the Alma Viewer, the Universal Viewer, and the Internet Archive Book Reader Viewer:
- The following features, previously only available for the Alma Viewer, are now available also for the Universal Viewer and the Internet Archive Book Reader Viewer:
- A Sign In link now appears if the user is not logged in to Alma. Select the link to display a login page.
- In the Alma Link Resolver Services Page (that appears when you select View It from the repository search results), the digital service link is now available if the representation has an access right restriction that is based on user details. A login page appears when selecting the representation link.
- The features listed above are now supported for external authentication (SAML, Social, and CAS) for all three viewers.
- You can now configure the viewer login page. To support this, the Patron User Authentication link was added under Configuration > Fulfillment > Patron Configurations. For more information, see Configuring Patron User Authentication.
New Default Services Rule for Universal Viewer and Internet Archive Book Reader Viewer
The Universal Viewer and the Internet Archive Book Reader Viewer display image files. To ensure that these viewers are used for the proper file types, the default display setting for these viewers was set to False and a service availability rule was added that these viewers are available for image files only. For more information, see Configuring Digital File Viewer Services.
Social Network Sharing Buttons Added To Alma Digital Viewers
You can now configure the social network sharing buttons that appear when selecting the Share link in the Alma Viewer, Universal Viewer, and Internet Archive Book Reader Viewer.

Check Item Rules for Get It Loanable Indication
When a user that is not logged into Primo performs a search, the Terms of Use rules are searched to determine if the item is available for loan. The search now checks additional parameters for more accurate results. The parameters are:
- Item Location
- Item Policy
- Material Type
- Process Type
See Items List.
Sort Holdings by Location in Primo Get It

You now have the option to use alphabetical sorting only when sorting holdings in the Primo Get It page. Selecting Yes for Use Alphabetical Sorting Only on the Locations Ordering Profile page sorts the library name and location alphabetically. The field defaults to No, which leaves the prior sort order in place.
See Configuring the Order of Locations in Primo Search Results.
Support Nedap RFID Configuration
A new RFID integration profile is now available for Nedap. If you create a Nedap RFID integration profile, you must add the Nedap RFID IP address of the relevant RFID reader in the Department Details or the Circulation Desk that use the Nedap readers: if the department is managed by a circulation desk, enter the IP address in the circulation desk (see Adding a Circulation Desk). If the department is not managed by a circulation desk, enter the IP address in the Nedap RFID IP Address field in the Department Details page (see Adding a Department).
Support Multiple RFID Profiles
Multiple RFID integration profiles are now supported. You cannot have more than one RFID integration profile per system type (Bibliotecha, 3M, Seret, and Nedap).
If you create more than one RFID profile, select the RFID system from the drop-down list when you select the RFID icon to connect. When connected, hover over the RFID icon to display which system is currently connected for RFID.
Handle Expired Booking Requests
A new Terms of Use policy is available to apply a fee to an unfulfilled, expired booking request. The policy, Purged Request Fee, defaults to no purged fee. You can configure it to the desired fee. If a request qualifies for the fee and is on the title level with multiple items having more than one Terms of Use that can be used, the lowest fee is applied. See Adding Fulfillment Policies.
A new scheduled job, Handle Expired Booking Requests, considers all expired booking requests that are not in Failed, Rejected, or Completed statuses. The job runs daily by default. The job cancels each request that meets the criteria, and anonymizes the request according to the institution's request anonymization configuration. If a purged request fee is configured, the job applies the fee.
If an expired booking request is in Pick from Shelf status, the request is deleted by the handle expiration step job.
If an expired booking request's item is in the expired hold shelf, once the user reshelves the item the request is deleted and the purged request fee is applied to the request.
Check for Duplicates When Creating Borrowing Requests
When a user creates a resource sharing borrowing request in Alma, Primo, or using an API, Alma can now check to verify that the request is not a duplicate of an already existing active request for the user. In addition to user ID, Alma checks fields such as Title, ISBN, and Volume to verify that the fields are not the same. If they are the same, an error message appears and the request is not saved. This is controlled by setting the new parameter, check_patron_duplicate_borrowing_requests, to true. This parameter is false by default. See Configuring Other Settings (Fulfillment).
In Primo, duplicate requests are blocked completely. Alma and APIs have an override option.
Assign a Default Partner
It is now possible to define a single default NCIP partner. If an incoming NCIP message cannot identify the partner, the NCIP partner selected as the default partner is used.

Digital Shipment of a Resource Sharing Request Without a Shared Network Zone
Receive the CreateUserFiscalTransaction Message for NCIP Partners
The CreateUserFiscalTransaction message can now be received. When the message is received, a request fee is created.
- Ignore Message - The message amount should be ignored. The charges for request fee and creation and receive fee will be done by the AcceptItem message (current functionality). This is the default value in order to keep prior functionality.
- Amount from message - Create the fee with the value received in the message.
- Calculate percentage from message - Create the fee as a percentage of the value received in the message. When this value is selected, the Percentage Amount field is displated and is mandatory. Enter the percentage of the value received in the message that will create the fee.
- Amount from TOU - Use the Borrowing Resource Sharing Terms of Use to calculate the fee. When the NonReturnableFlag is present, the digital format will be used as input. When the flag is not present, the physical format will be used as input.
For more information on configuring the fee, see NCIP Parameters.
Edit Criteria on Rules Tables

Until now, on rules tables, if you wanted to edit the criteria (input parameters), you had to delete the criteria and add a new one. You can now edit the criteria on rules tables, including:
- Automatic Loan Renewal rules – see Adding Automatic Loan Renewal Rules.
- Automatic Role Assignment rules – see Configuring Role Assignment Rules.
- Linked Account rules – see Configuring Linked Account Rules.
- Access Right rules – see Adding an Access Rights Policy.
- Circulation Desk Printing rules – see Adding a Circulation Desk.
- Digitization Workflow rules – see Adding a Digitization and Copyright Rule.
- Electronic Document Delivery rules – see Adding Electronic Document Delivery Rules.
- Fulfillment Unit rules – see Editing a Fulfillment Unit (this was already done in August)
- General Electronic Service Availability rules – see Configuring General Electronic Services.
- Loan Anonymization rules – see Configuring Anonymization.
- Loan Limit rules – see Adding Loan Limit Rules.
- Register New Users rules – see Configuring User Registration Rules.
- Request Pickup rules – see Configuring Request Pickup Rules.
- Rota assignment rules – see Configuring Rota Assignment Rules.
- Send Borrowing Request rules – see Adding Sending Borrowing Request Rules .
- Shipping Cost Borrower rules – see Configuring Shipping Cost Borrower Rules.
- Shipping Cost Lender rules – see Configuring Shipping Cost Lender Rules.
- SIP2 Bin Configuration rules – see Adding a SIP2 Bin Configuration Rule.
- Temporary Item Creation rules – see Configuring Temporary Item Creation Rules.
- Viewer Service rules – see Configuring Digital File Viewer Services.
New APIs
- A new API is available in preview mode for creating invoices. For details see:
- The GET Invoices API now supports the following additional search parameters: Additional PO Line Reference, Invoice Reference Number, PO Line, PO Number, PO Line Title, Vendor Name. The following facets are now also supported: status, source, owner, alert.
- API calls can now be limited by vendor using an API profile in Alma. Authorization can be limited to read only, a specific API area, or a specific environment.
Duplicate Resource Sharing Requests
In the upcoming October release, Primo will prevent patrons from placing duplicate resource sharing requests. Patrons will be blocked from submitting a request that is completely identical to an already active request. Of course, requests will be allowed if they are not identical to an existing active request—for example, a request for a different volume or issue of the same title.
Alma-Tipasa Integration
Ex Libris is working in collaboration with OCLC on setting up an NCIP-based integration between Alma and Tipasa (OCLC’s new ILL management system). When complete, this integration will enable managing resource sharing workflows that are fully integrated with Tipasa, similar to the integration with other broker systems, such as ILLiad, that are currently supported in Alma. Design work has begun, and this integration is currently targeted for release in Q1 2019.
Item-Level Resource Sharing Requesting
An ongoing effort is underway to continue enhancing the Primo resource sharing form, enriching it with more up-front information for the requester about the availability of the requested resource in the network. You may have noticed the first step that was taken in this direction in the July release with the Display Item Requestability and Loan Availability in the Primo Get It Tab option. The next phase of the development will enable exposing item descriptions in the request form. The item descriptions will be a de-duplicated list of descriptions of all of the requestable items in the network (see the mockup below). Deployment of this feature is planned soon. Stay tuned!

Comparative Collection Analysis
Comparative Collection Analysis, which is currently being developed and will be available in a future Alma release, will enable a predefined group of peer institutions to compare their collections. An institution will be able to compare its collections to the collections at other institutions with which it shares resources through resource sharing. This will help institutions focus their collection management in specific areas, and weed out items that are not often used in the institution and available from other institutions using resource sharing.
New Cost per Use Analysis
The new Cost per Use Analysis, which is also currently being developed and will be available in a future Alma release, will allow for the combining of data currently available in the E-Inventory subject area—as well as funds and expenditures—with the data from COUNTER reports. In the Cost per Use Analysis it will be possible to see COUNTER usage for records regardless of whether they have a PO line. The matching of the title from the COUNTER report to the title in Alma will also be improved.
New Evolution of Alma
Our lips are sealed for the moment...An exciting new evolution of Alma is coming your way (think ‘Smart’)... Details will be revealed at IGeLU. If you’re not attending the conference, don’t worry! We will also be updating you after IGeLU—in the production version of these release notes—about this great new advancement in Alma.
Create License Templates
A license can now be saved as a license template or a license negotiation template. Saving a license as a template saves the license summary, license terms, group settings, and administrators information for use when creating a new license or a new negotiation license. To create a template, edit the license to be used as a template and select the Save as template button at the top of a license. A new option on the Add License menu, Load from template, allows creating new licenses based on previously defined templates.
License templates may be edited and deleted from the new License Template menu option on the Acquisitions menu.
For more information, see Managing License Templates.
Fund and Ledger Enhancements
The fund code is now displayed on the funds list in the PO line and invoice. It is also displayed when the auto complete function suggests funds for adding to the PO line or invoice.
Reporting Code Enhancements
The reporting code fields, Reporting code, Secondary reporting code, and Tertiary reporting code, were added as columns on the Invoice Details page. The columns are hidden by default and can be set to visible from the columns drop-down list.
Reporting codes can now also be assigned to allocation transactions and selected when transferring funds.
Trial Enhancements
The Export option on the Analysis tab of the Trial Details page now exports a summary of the trial, with one tab each for the results of General Information and Questions. In addition, improvements were made to the graphics of the analysis graphs.
Current and Perpetual Access Type

When a resource has both current and perpetual access, there is now an available access type combination option (Current and perpetual) for electronic collections and portfolios. This option is available in the Electronic Collection Editor and the Electronic Portfolio Editor, and supported by the portfolio loader and Excel exports using the extended export option. See Access type (Electronic Collection), Access type (Portfolio), The Bulk Portfolio Information File, and Extended Export (and Tools) for more information.
Authority Control Task List Facet

The Authority Control task list is used to monitor and manage the authority control process in relation to the institution's bibliographic records. It is now possible to facet authority control messages related to bibliographic records that are linked to the Community Zone, which is helpful when you do not want to monitor the authority control process for these records. See Using the Authority Control Task List for more information.
F3 Support for Authority Headings
When you are cataloging authority records in the MD Editor, you can now use F3 from the 5XX fields to display headings information (similar to working with bibliographic records) and select a headings record to update the authority record that you are cataloging. See Editing Authority Records with F3 for more information.
Uniform Title Browse
Viewing uniform titles in Browse Bibliographic Headings can be controlled with the new repository browse_headings_use_uniform_title_in_names Other Settings parameter. With this setting, you can control the access to uniform titles from the Title headings type browse option. See browse_headings_use_uniform_title_in_names for more information.
Call Number Search with Exact Phrase
With the completion of the July reindexing, the Contains exact phrase starting with search comparison option is fully available for the following indexes under a titles or holdings search: Dewey decimal class number, LC Call Number, Other Classification Number, Other System Number, Permanent call number (holdings), and Local call numbers. See Call Number Search with Exact Phrase for more information.
F3 Bibliographic Records Tab Filter
A new filter to view only linked records is now available on the bibliographic records tab when viewing an authority record from the F3 results. See the Viewing Bibliographic Records Linked or Available for a Suggested Authority Record section for more information.
Validate Empty Bibliographic Fields
There is a new metadata configuration validation task called Validate Empty Fields in New MARC21 Bibliographic that enables you to perform a validation to confirm that the fields defined in the task configuration are empty when creating a new record in the MD Editor (or with an API, import, PO line, or quick cataloging). See Editing Validation Processes for more information.
Holdings Records Section Added to the Import Job Report
The import job report was updated to include details for holdings records when they are imported. See Holdings Records Report Details for more information.
Matching Options Added to the Import Profile
Two new matching options are available for doing a fuzzy match when importing records. See Extended Fuzzy Serial Match Method and Extended Fuzzy Non-Serial Match Method for more information.
SBN Search and Cataloging
For institutions that are integrated with SBN, Alma search options were expanded. The ElementoAutLegato section was updated, and the CercaDatiTit(3) and ArrivoLegame sections were added for the SBN bibliographic records search. With these changes, for example, you can search for bibliographic records based on authority information.
Restore Deleted Digital Records
You can now restore digital files, digital representations, and digital remote representations to the repository using the Manage Deleted Repository feature (Resources > Advanced Tools > Manage Deleted Repository).

- Restoring a digital file restores its representation, but not other files that were in that representation.
- Digital files can be restored up to 90 days from when they were deleted.
- If you restore a file or representation whose previous collection was deleted, you are asked to select an existing collection in which to place the restored file and/or representation.
- You cannot restore a remote representation if its remote instance was deleted.
Restore Collections
You can now restore deleted collections and subcollections using the Manage Deleted Repository feature (Resources > Advanced Tools > Manage Deleted Repository).

- Restoring a collection restores all of its subcollections.
- Restoring a subcollection also restores its higher level collections.
Support for Collection Import in OAI-PMH ListSets Format
Alma now supports importing collections in the OAI-PMH ListSets format. This format is available to select as the Source format when configuring Collection import profiles:

Generate Representations and Inventory from Existing Bibliographic Records
A new Generate Representation from Existing Bib job creates representations with inventory based on the URL located in the bibliographic record's 856 $u field. For more information, see Generate Representation from Existing Bib.
Support for Third-Party Viewer Embedding
Alma now supports embedding third-party viewers such as YouTube and SketchFab in Alma. This enables you to view the metadata of the file when viewing the file and include the usage of the third-party viewer in Alma Analytics reports. YouTube and SketchFab are now available as out-of-the-box remote digital repositories (Configuration > Resources > Record Import > Remote Digital Repositories). For more information, see Managing Remote Digital Repositories.
Shared User identifiers in a Fulfillment Network Without a Network Zone
Shared user identifiers can now be used for institutions in a fulfillment network not associated with a Network Zone. This allows the same user to be recognized in all fulfillment network members by the same user ID even if the members do not share a Network Zone.
New Options for the MMS ID
The MMS ID field can now be displayed in the following fulfillment lists:
- Manage In Process Items
- Approval Requests List
- Expired/Active Hold Shelf
- Edit Citations
Send a Request or Renewal Rejection Reason to the Patron

When a request or renewal is rejected, the exact reject reason can now be included in the letter that is sent to the patron, Ful Cancel Request or Ful Borrowing Info, respectively. The reason description can be configured on the Auto Locate Reject Reason or Automatic Renew Reject Reasons pages; see Configuring Request Reject Reasons and Configuring Renew Reject Reasons.
Separate Requestable for Resource Sharing Policies for Physical and Digital Requests
The Is Requestable for Resource Sharing request policy was replaced by two new policies. The new policies are Is Requestable for Physical Resource Sharing and Is Requestable for Digital Resource Sharing. If your existing Requestable for Resource Sharing policy is set to true, both of the new policies are set to true. If your current policy is set to false, both of the new policies are false. See Adding Fulfillment Policies.
If the locate process on a borrowing request is configured to check for requestable items, the locate process also examines the Allow other format check box on the request. If it is selected, the locate process examines both the Requestable for physical resource sharing and Requestable for digital resource sharing policies on the item. If the check box is not selected, the locate process examines only the policy that matches the requested format.
The Item Policy Exceptions table now includes a Format field. Once a resource sharing request is created and the item policy exception validation is selected, the requested format is verified before enforcing the exception. For existing customers with records in this table, the Format field is set to Both. See Configuring Item Policy Exceptions.
The lender side is also affected by the new policy. When a lender is configured to automatically reject requests for non requestable resources, the incoming request's format and its Allow other format setting are used to determine which of the Is Requestable for Physical Resource Sharing or the Is Requestable for Digital Resource Sharing policies should be used. These same considerations are used when the Manage Fulfillment Options screen indicates whether the lending request's items include non requestable items, and what type of Ship request (Ship Physically or Ship Digitally) is allowed.
When SRU is used to expose holdings availability (in the availableFor tag), the new policies options are used to determine whether the availability is for a physical copy, a digital copy, or both.
Edit Parameters in Fulfillment Unit Rules

Previously, the parameters in Fulfillment Unit Rules could only be created or deleted. The fulfillment unit parameters can now be edited.

Increased Attachment Sizes
The size for user attachments was increased from 10 MB to 25 MB. A message was added to the Add Attachment window to indicate the size limit.

Managing SRU and Z39.50 Integration Profiles in the Network Zone
The SRU and Z39.50 integration profiles can now be managed at the Network Zone level. See Centrally Managing Configuration Tables in a Network Zone for more information.
Central Publishing in the Network Zone
You can now publish both Network Zone and member records from the Network Zone using central general publishing. With this capability, you can publish the following: all records that are managed in the Network Zone, member records that are linked to the Network Zone, and local member records that are not linked to the Network Zone. See Central Publishing in the Network for more information.
New APIs
There is a new API for retrieving the full details of a specific fund. For details, see
Enhancement for Matching New Purchase Requests
You can now use an import profile of type Repository or New Order to define how Alma matches a newly created purchase request to a bibliographic record. The import profile must be set to active. You can define matching criteria for books and/or journals in the profile. Enter the profile name in purchase_request_import_profile (see Configuring Other Settings). If the parameter is empty, the default procedure is performed (ISBN/ISSN match, as previous). When the user edits the purchase request, the bibliographic information can now be changed by selecting the Create New Record radio button. When changing the radio button, the user will be prompted with the following confirmation message: You are about to change the linked bibliographic record. The existing bibliographic record data will be replaced. Are you sure you want to continue? For more information, see Creating a Purchase Request.
Relink a Purchase Request to Another Bibliographic Record

You can relink a purchase request to a different bibliographic record. If the purchase request is not yet approved or rejected, Relink appears as a row action on the Manage Purchase Requests page and as a page action on the Purchase Request page. Click Relink to open the advanced search page, with current bibliographic information populated. Search for a new item, select the item, and click Confirm in the confirmation dialog box. The purchase request is re-populated with the new bibliographic record information. See Editing a Purchase Request.
Add PO Line Information to Vendor Communications
You can now click the PO line number to view PO line details on the Communications tab of a vendor. Additionally, you can select the Change expected receiving date row action to change the expected receiving or activation date of the PO line and remove it from claim status.

- Order line – Click to view the PO line
- Title – Click to view the bibliographic record
- Status – PO line status
- Order line type – PO line type
- PO line owner
- Sent date – The date on which the PO line was sent to the vendor

- Order Line Reference Number
- Title
- Author
- Publication Date
- Publication Place
- Publisher
- Order Date
- Total Price
- Unit Price
- Number of Units Arrived
- Number of Units Ordered
Trial Enhancements
The following enhancements were made to trials:
- New analysis charts have been added to the Analysis tab when viewing results of a question.
- Free text lists the answers entered.
- Yes/No and single or multi choice questions will display a pie chart with a table listing the results per option and comments.
- Scale of satisfaction questions will display a bar chart and average score.
- Any question that includes a comment field has a link to open the comment list.
- You can set a question as mandatory using the Answer for this question is mandatory check box on the Edit Question page.
- You can add a comment box to a Yes-No, Scale of satisfaction, Multi choice, or Single choice question by selecting the Add comment field on the Edit Question page.
- The Analysis tab of the Trial Details now displays the two sections of the survey as it appears on the Survey Form tab - General Information and Questions.
- Export now downloads the trial analysis.
- The Select question action was changed to Add from list. See Editing Trial Information.
- A clickable information icon was added to single choice and multi choice multiple choice questions. Click the icon to view available choices.
Contact Information Field in a SUSHI Account
The SUSHI Account Details page now includes a Contact Information field.

Authority Control Task List Filters and Facets

To more easily manage the Authority Control Task List, a new filter and new facets were added to the Review and All tabs. This is a continuation of the June 2018 release's Authority Control Task List filter and facet enhancements. See Using the Authority Control Task List for more information.
Non-Preferred Terms in Repository Search

When configured, repository searches for Keywords, Creator, Uniform Title, Names, Subject, and Subject (LC) now include matches to non-preferred terms in any associated authority records. To enable this, you must enable a customer parameter (implemented in the June hot fix) prior to the start of the July re-indexing process. See Non-Preferred Terms in Repository Search for more information.
Resource Type Modifications for MARC 21

The MARC 21 resource type options were updated with many changes to include ceased print and electronic serial publications, plus digital. These resource type changes will be fully available after the July re-indexing. See The Resource Type Field for more information.
Check for Duplicate Authority Headings
When you save an authority record that you are editing, Alma now checks the repository to see if there are records with duplicate headings content. There is also a Tools option in the MD Editor to find duplicate headings content in authority records in the repository. See Creating Local Authority Records Using the MD Editor and Find Matches for more information.
Korean Author Number Generation
In addition to the previous method for generating Korean author numbers, Alma now provides the Lee Jai Chul method. This method utilizes eight different tables and logic. Using the Author Number Lists configuration, you can select which tables/logic you want to use for generating Korean author numbers. See Configuring Standard Author Number Lists for more information.
Electronic Material Type
In the Electronic Portfolio Editor, a new Electronic material type parameter was created to provide an option that addresses the portfolio material type inconsistencies that occurred from using the same material type stored with the bibliographic record when the portfolio is created in the Community Zone. The previous Electronic material type parameter was re-labeled to Electronic material type originating from Bib (to be deprecated). In addition, the bibliographic information that appears at the top of the Electronic Portfolio Editor page now includes the Bibliographic material type that is saved with the bibliographic record. The complete implementation of this change will occur in phases. See Editing a Portfolio Using the Electronic Portfolio Editor for more information.
New Call Number Type
You can now select No information provided for the call number type in the Browse Shelf Listing. The No information provided option applies to holdings records where the first indicator for the 852 field is blank, a space, or a # is entered/saved in the holdings record. See Holdings with No Call Number Type for more information.
Find Digital Titles with Related Access Rights
Access rights policies now contain a link to all digital titles with the specified access rights. To support this feature, the Find Related row action was added to the Access Rights List page (Configuration > Fulfillment > Digital Fulfillment > Access Rights).

Full Text Extraction Supported for Digital Files
Institutions can now extract a full text document in plain format from a digital file. The full text can then be searched in the image using the recently introduced Internet Archive Book Reader. To support this, the Extract Fulltext and Delete Fulltext jobs were added. For more information, see Editing Representation Metadata and Content.
Display Digital File from MD Editor
The MD Editor now includes an option of viewing the digital file in a separate tab, facilitating the editing process. To display a digital file, click the View Inventory icon, and click Deliver in the split-screen mode. For more information, see Navigating the MD Editor Page.

Add Deposit Waiver to the Bibliographic Record
You can configure a deposit import profile to save a copy of the waiver agreed to by the patron when submitting material to the bibliographic record The waiver is then available to send to the patron if the patron requests a copy at a later date. For more information, see Managing Deposit Profiles.
Translation Support for Deposit Terms of Use and Public Instructions
Alma now supports Terms of Use and public instructions for patron deposits in multiple languages. Each language must be preceded by the following syntax: --<language code>--. For example: --fr--. For more information, see Configuring Terms of Use and Managing Deposit Profiles.
Short Loan Reminders

Alma can now send notifications and block patrons for short term loans. Short term loans are any loan defined in minutes or hours. Once a short loan is created, Alma checks the associated customer parameters. If the short_loan_courtesy_reminder parameter is set, a courtesy reminder is triggered based on the due date time less the value of that parameter. If the short_loan_overdue_reminder parameter is set, an overdue reminder is triggered based on the due date time plus the value of that parameter. For both notifications, the letter will be sent if the item was not returned, is not in Lost or Claim Return status, If there was a change in the due date, the new due date will trigger the notification.
- DD_WITHIN_RANGE_DAILY - For institutions that previously had the resend_courtesy_notices parameter set to true, this value will be populated in the new parameter as the default. It allows the notification to be sent daily until the item is due.
- DD_ON_EXACT_DEFINED_DAY - For all other institutions, this is the default value. The courtesy notice is sent only on the exact day based on the number of days before due date that the courtesy notice is set to send.
- DD_WITHIN_RANGE_ONCE - The courtesy notice is sent only once on or after the days before due date as defined in the job.
Display Item Requestability and Loan Availability in the Primo Get It Tab

Alma performs a real time background check when a patron opens a request form on the Primo Get It tab, or using the blank request form to determine whether any rota partner has a requestable copy of the resource. Alma displays an indication about which partners have the item available. Alma displays a warning to the patron if a copy appears to be unavailable. To enable this, configure the Item Availability field on the Primo Resource Sharing Request form. See Customizing Primo Resource Sharing Forms.
Other Details Added to the Network Tab
Network tab search results now include an Other Details tab for each search result. The following information specific to the Network records is provided on the Other Details tab: related records, reminders, and publishing information for physical and electronic inventory. See Other Details in the Network Tab for more information.
Retrieve Users from Fulfillment Networks Based on Defined Searchable Identifiers
When the Searchable User Identifiers table was introduced, the defined user types determined which types of identifiers a user must have in order for another institution in the fulfillment network to search for this user. Now the defined user identifiers also restrict the users so that users can be fetched from other institutions only when using one of the configured ID types. Additionally, only users that have an ID defined in this table have a linked account created for them when switching context in the Primo Get It tab. For institutions that have already configured the Searchable User identifiers code table, the previous behavior can be retained for three months. Set emp_fulfillment_network_find_users_only_by_searchable_identifiers (see Configuring Other Settings) to define whether the previous behavior is used or the new behavior. Set to false to retain the prior behavior. Set to true for this change to take effect. See Configuring Searchable User Identifiers.
New Fields on the Order List Letter
The 490 field, series_statement, and 830 field, series_uniform_title, are now available on the Order List Letter (letter code: OrderListLetter). To display the new fields, add them to the XSL of the letter. For example:
Patron Purchase Request Enhancements
The Alma patron purchase request process is now enhanced with the following new features:
- A new multi-selection field, Purchase Request Library, was added to the User Details page. If one or more libraries are defined for a user, the user may create purchase requests only for the listed libraries. If no libraries are listed, the user may create a purchase request for any library. See Adding Users.
- The Purchase Request Library field appears on the Primo Purchase Request form if one or more libraries are selected for the user. When the user selects a library, the library becomes the owning library of the request.
- If a purchase request is created from a citation, the From field on the purchase request contains a link to the citation. A user must have permission to view citations in order to see the citation when clicking the link.
- When a purchase request is created for an already existing PO line, a pop-up notification is now sent to confirm that the user wants to continue creating the purchase request.
- An operator that does not have Purchase Request Operator access will not have access to edit the requester in the purchase request form.
Normalize the Historical Titles from COUNTER Loads
Titles from COUNTER loads run prior to the January 2018 release are now included in the Normalized Title field in the Usage Data subject area. The title is normalized in the same manner that Alma normalizes the titles of bibliographic records. This enables accurate matching of titles between the COUNTER reports and the Alma bibliographic records.
Inventory Tabs in the PO Line Review Page
Inventory information appears in tabs under each PO line, except for service line types. For more information on working with these tabs, see Record Lists. See Reviewing PO Lines.
- Library
- Location
- Call Number
- Barcode
- Availability - When the item is received, the indicator is green.
- Received Date
- Library
- Location
- Call Number
- Summary
- Items Received - Click to open the list of items.
- Collection Name
- Service Type
- Availability
- Activation Date
Filtering the Authority Control Task List

To more easily manage the Authority Control Task List, facets were added that enable you to filter the lists that appear on the Review and All tabs. See Using the Authority Control Task List for more information. Additional facets/filters will be implemented in coming releases.
Deleting Multiple Fields in the MD Editor

In the MD Editor, multiple fields (rows) can be deleted by selecting them with Ctrl+click and then selecting the Remove Field option (Edit > Remove Field) or Ctrl+F6. This is in addition to the existing option to mark several fields and copy/paste them as a group. See Remove Field for more information.
Using the Other System Number (035) as Matching Criteria
When using the portfolio loader template/Excel file (see The Bulk Portfolio Information File) to import records, you may now use the 035 field other system number for your match criteria (in your import profile). As announced in the May release, the portfolio loader template/Excel file handles three additional columns for the other system number. In addition, when you export a list of portfolios (Electronic Service Editor > Portfolios tab), the Excel file that is created contains up to three other system number columns when that information is available. See 035 (Other System Identifier) Match Method and Tools for more information.
Alma Link Resolver Support for Electronic Collections with No Portfolios
The Alma Link Resolver and Primo View It now support the display of electronic collections with no portfolios when certain additional OpenURL attribute-related conditions are met. See Display Condition Rules for more information. Contact Support to enable this feature for your institution.
249 Field
The 249 field (Titles for parts of compilations lacking a collective title etc. (NR)) is now configurable in the MARC 21 Bibliographic profile using Metadata Configuration. This includes the following subfields: $a – Title for part of compilation (R), $b – Other title information relating to the compilation (NR), $c - Statement of responsibility relating to the compilation (NR), and $v – Statement of responsibility relating to the title for part of compilation (R).
- Title index – 249 $a, $b
- Names index – 249 $c, $v
- Keywords index – 249 $a, $b, $c, $v
Full Text Support for Digital Inventory
You can upload a plain or ALTO fulltext file to accompany a digital file and search for the text in the file using the newly embedded Internet Archive Book Reader. For more information, see Managing Digital Resources. In addition, you can now search for fulltext format using the Advanced Repository Search under Digital File > Fulltext Format.
Normalization Rules Creation for Dublin Core Records
You can now create normalization rules in the MD Editor for Dublin Core records. The new DcDroolNormalization normalization task uses the normalization rules that you create. For more information, see Working with Normalization Rules and Working with Normalization Processes.
Inventory Actions Added to MD Editor for Dublin Core Records
You can now perform additional inventory actions on Dublin Core records from the MD Editor. To support this feature, the View Inventory and Add Representation actions were added as icons and menu items (Tools > Dublin Core) in the MD Editor. In addition, the XML View action was added as a menu item that allows you to view the DC record as an XML file. For more information, see MD Editor Menu and Toolbar Options.

Import Data from a Bursar System

You now have the ability to import files from a bursar system to update Alma on the transactions that were exported from Alma to the bursar system.The bursar integration profile includes a new import section. When this section is active, the export process sets the transaction type to Exported instead of Exported and Paid, which is set when the import section is not active. The section includes the job schedule for the import process and an option to run the import immediately. For more information, see Bursar Systems.
- A Transferred Balance summed amount is shown on the amounts summary header.
- The Status filter now includes the Transferred value.
- Search for the matching fine/fee record with the bursar transaction ID. If a match cannot be made, the internal ID is used.
- Create a new transaction with the Payment Imported type.
- Update the relevant fine/fee. If the payment is a full payment, close the fee. Otherwise, update the active amount. If the payment is an overpayment, create a credit.
Calculate an Item's Queue Place in Primo's Get It Tab

On the Primo Get It tab, a patron may now view his or her request's place in the queue before submitting the request. A Calculate Queue button appears on the Hold Request form and the Digitization Request form on the Get It tab. Clicking the button calculates whether there are any other outstanding requests for this item and returns a number that indicates where this request will be placed in the queue. A result of zero means that there are no outstanding requests. Any value greater than 0 means that the item is already requested or on loan and indicates where this request will be placed in the queue.
Configuring Fulfillment Networks
The following configuration pages are now visible to users with administrator roles: Fulfillment Member, Fulfillment Network Groups, and Institutions Relations. For more information, see Configuring Fulfillment Networks.
Support ItemRequested to Create a Borrowing Request in NCIP v1.0
Alma now creates a borrowing request when a broker system sends an ItemRequested message to the borrowing institution. This functionality already exists for NCIP v2.0. For more information, see Broker-based Resource Sharing in the Developer Network.
Expand All Tabs in a Record List

On pages with record lists that have an Expand table action menu, the option Expand: All was added to this table. Use this option to expand all tabs on the page by default (previously, only one tab could be expanded by default on these pages).

Select All Items for Itemized Repository Sets

When adding items to a repository set after an All Titles search, you can now click Add All to add all items on all results pages to the set.

Trial Enhancements
The Alma Trials workflow is now enhanced with a number of new features. The features are detailed below:
- On a PO line, the Start a Trial and Request Evaluation row actions are visible only to the assigned user of the PO line. See Reviewing PO Lines.
- When a PO line's status is either Under Evaluation or Under Evaluation (Renewal), the status is a clickable link. Clicking the link displays the trial list filtered by this PO Line. See Manually Creating a PO Line.
- The Manage Trials page allows you to edit closed trials. See Managing Trials.
- The Reminder Notification facet was removed from the Manage Trials page.
- On the Trial Details page, in the Summary tab:
- In the Details section, a new link to the survey form appears under the Participant Page URL. Clicking this link opens the survey form in a new tab.
- In the Analysis and Result section, when changing a field from a populated value to an empty value, the empty value is now saved. Previously, the populated value reappeared.
- On the Trial Details page, in the Survey Form tab:
- The Questionnaire list was divided into two lists, General Information and Questions. The available question types in both lists are:
- Scale of Satisfaction
- Yes or No
- Free Text
- Multi Choice
- Single Choice
- Single choice and multi choice questions allow you to define the responses that will be available to the user. A question code is designated and assigned to each response.
- The up and down arrows previously used for moving the questions within the list were replaced by a
icon indicating drag and drop functionality, which allows you to drag a question to a new location in the list. If there are enough questions to have multiple pages in the list, the drag and drop function works only within a single page. Dragging and dropping is also applicable only within the section where the question originated.
- The column number was removed from the questionnaire lists. The question number is used for ordering.
- The Hide portfolio tab and Hide collection tab check boxes were added to hide the corresponding tab when the survey is sent to participants.
- A new mapping table, Survey Question Multiple Choice, was added to maintain the possible answers for a single choice or multiple choice question. See Configuring Multiple Choice Survey Questions.
- The Questionnaire list was divided into two lists, General Information and Questions. The available question types in both lists are:
- On the Trial Details page, in the Participants tab:
- The Load from a set link was added to allow you to create all the users in a defined set as participants in this trial. Alma attempts to add all users in the set as trial participants. A message is displayed at the top of the page to show how many users of the set were successfully added.
- The Is Notified column now appears on the participants list. If a check mark appears in this column, the user has already received a notification. Another notification will not be sent to the user when notifications are sent out. To reset a user so that the user will receive another notification, either click Reset Notification on the row action list, or select a group of users and select Reset All Notifications from the view action list.
Purchase Request Enhancements
The Alma Purchase Request workflow is now enhanced with a number of new features. The features are detailed below:
- The tasks list (on the main menu bar) now shows you only the purchase requests that require your attention—those in the In Review status that are either assigned to you or unassigned. Selecting the task displays the Manage Purchase Requests page with a filter on the status of In Review. All purchase requests can still be seen by removing the filter.
Task List
- Three new roles were created for purchase requests, replacing the two prior roles. The new roles are Purchase Request Operator, Purchase Request Manager, and Purchase Request Operator Extended. These roles may be defined in either the institution or library scope.
- Purchase Request Operator – If defined for a specific library, the operator can see only those requests that belong to that library or those that don't belong to any specific library (the owning library field is empty). The operator can see only requests in the Assigned to Me and Unassigned tabs and cannot assign requests to others.
- Purchase Request Manager – The manager can see and assign purchase requests to other operators and managers. If the role is defined in a library scope, they may see and assign only requests in that library or that do not belong to a specific library (the owning library field is empty). As the purchase request manager assigns requests, the request is checked to verify that the assignee is either an operator or manager for this scope or in the institution scope.
- Purchase Request Operator Extended – This role only has permission to delete purchase requests. It can be assigned along with either the operator or manager roles, as needed.
When a user with one of the new roles creates a purchase request, if the user is in the scope of a library, the library is added to the request as the Owning Library. If the user is not a purchase request operator or manager, the owning library will be empty. In this case, only the purchase request operator or manager can select an owning library when editing. The list of available libraries to assign will be determined by the editing user's scope.For more information, see Purchase Requests or Managing User Roles.The prior roles, Selector and Selector Extended, will be deprecated in an upcoming release. - When a purchase request is created, only the requester is now added to the list of interested users. The approver is no longer an interested user. When an operator creates a purchase request on behalf of a requester, the operator is no longer an interested user. For more information, see Manually Creating a PO Line.
- For a network member, when a purchase request is created for a new bibliographic record, the bibliographic record is created in the institution regardless of the customer parameter, central_record_management (see Selecting Where to Create New Bibliographic Records).
- Purchase requests in Primo may now be canceled by the patron. Canceling the purchase request in Primo will set the Rejection reason to Canceled by Requester.
- On the purchase request form in Primo, the Creation Type and Title fields are required fields that may not be removed from the form. All other fields may now be customized on the Purchase Request Form Customization page (Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Purchase Request Form Customization) to define whether the fields will appear on the form and whether they are mandatory. See Customizing Primo Request Forms.
Reply-to in Vendor Communications
It is now possible to configure a reply-to address for purchase orders and vendor communications. A new email type, Order Response, was added to the organization unit contact information. The email address entered is used as the From address when sending a PO line.

Moving Portfolios

Local portfolios and portfolios activated from the Community Zone can be moved from their current electronic collection to another electronic collection one by one or using a set of portfolios. For more information, see Moving Portfolios to a Different Electronic Collection.
Normalization for Z39.50 and SRU Records

Bibliographic records in Alma that are retrieved using Z39.50 or SRU can be normalized prior to being presented using these protocols. Institutions can now prevent exposure of local bibliographic information such as local notes. This is implemented through configuration options in the Z39.50 and SRU integration profiles and normalization rules selected for this process.
Physical Item Condition Field

The physical condition of an item can now be specified using the Alma Physical Item Editor. The following physical conditions may be selected: Brittle, Damaged, Deteriorating, and Fragile. For items that have a physical condition identified, this information can be included when publishing physical inventory and can be used as search criteria when using the Alma advanced search functions. When running the Change Physical Items job, Physical Condition is available as a parameter for changing other fields.

CNMARC Record Format Enhancements
For CNMARC bibliographic records:
- The 193 field is now set up in the Metadata configuration profile as a configurable fixed length field. See Editing Fields for more information.
As a fixed length field, the Open Form Editor (Ctrl+F) option can be used in the MD Editor to open the 193 field form for editing. See Open Form Editor for more information.
- The available resource types were updated and expanded. The following additional resource types are now available: Rare – Physical (LDR 06/07), Rare – Physical (LDR 09), and Rubbing – Physical. See The Resource Type Field for more information.
- The following classification headings are now supported as source code options in Browse Bibliographic Headings: Chinese Book Classification Call Number, Chinese Library Classification, Library Classification of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Other Chinese Classification Number. The new CNMARC browse by call number classification results will be available gradually while the re-indexing process is completed in May. See the Headings Type Options table for more information.
- The Cataloging configuration label changed from CNMARC Multiple Authority ID configuration to CNMARC 6XX Multiple Heading Configuration. See Cataloging.
ISO 20775 Holdings SRU Schema
Alma's support of ISO 20775 holdings SRU schema continues to be expanded. For this release, electronic and digital resources (previously identified for future use) can now be handled; and filtering by campus with the SRU query (see below) was added.

Fixed Fields Supported in Extension Packs
In addition to data fields, extension packs can now include fixed fields such as the LDR and control fields 007 and 008. This new capability also includes data fields that have fixed positions, such as 100 $a in UNIMARC and CNMARC. This change applies to all the bibliographic, authority, and holdings MARC-based configuration profiles.

Community Zone Authority Record Copy Cataloging
New options to specify vocabulary code and originating system are available when you use one of the copy options Copy or Copy to network (in a Network Zone) for a Community Zone authority record from the Record View page. With these options, you can select a vocabulary code that is active for your institution and an originating system with which you work.

Regional Change: Preserving Local Subfields When Linking to Authority Records by ID
In the BARE environment, when preferred-term correction occurs from utilizing F3 in the MD Editor or when executing the Authorities - Preferred Term Correction job, local subfields will continue to be maintained when the authority controlled field is updated by linking to an authority record and preferred-term correction occurs.

Shortcut Keys for Alternate Graphic Representations
Shortcut keys are now available for alternate graphic representation options in the MD Editor.

Multilingual Handling of Multiple Preferred Terms with the Same Language
When you are doing preferred-term correction from the MD Editor using F3 in an authority controlled field of a bibliographic record and you select a non-preferred term, Alma checks for a preferred term to which to link. If it finds multiple preferred terms with the same language, Alma prompts you to select which preferred term to use.

General Publishing Profile Enhancements
- A dynamic file naming convention is now available for the FTP protocol option of a general publishing profile. With this capability, subsequent output files that are published will have unique file names. Now when configured in the general publishing profile, the .mrc (binary) files can be compressed and have the tar.gz extension. Contact Support to enable a related customer parameter that allows you to automatically add the .xml and .mrc extensions to the file name. For more information, see the Publishing Profile Details Page - Wizard Step 1 table.
- When configuring a general publishing profile (see Publishing and Inventory Enrichment (General Publishing)), you can now configure the Created by and Updated by fields for bibliographic records, holdings information, physical items, electronic portfolios, and digital representations.
- A Suppress from publishing field/subfield was added for holdings in order to align holdings enrichment with bibliographic record enrichment.
- You can select to NOT mark suppressed bibliographic records as deleted, if desired (by default, they are marked as deleted).
- You can remove (un-share) publishing profiles that you contributed to the Community Zone. A removed profile is no longer available to other institutions. The profile is not deleted; you can continue to use it in the Institution tab. Also, if another institution copied the profile, this action has no effect on their copy.
- For a contributed profile, sharing details are visible when viewing the profile in the Community tab.
General Electronic Service Enhanced for Newspaper
The general electronic service's linking capability was enhanced with availability rules for displaying newspaper electronic collections (with no portfolios) through the Alma link resolver. In a later release, this capability will be extended to the Primo View It feature. For more information, see Display Condition Rules. The newspaper collections related to this enhancement will be gradually loaded during May and can be activated after they are loaded.
Specific Items Display for Related Records
For related records that are cataloged using the 773 field with specific item information in $g, Alma now displays in repository search results only the specific items identified. Previously, all available items for the related record appeared in the search results. Subfield g must be cataloged with yr: and no: for this to work properly. See $g item identification labels on the Configuring Related Records for Physical Inventory page for more information.

Migrate Remote Representations to Alma
You can now migrate representations from a remote digital management system to Alma using the new Remote Representation Migration job. For more information, see the Remote Representation Migration entry in the Manual Jobs and Their Relevant Parameters section.
HANDLE Persistent Identifier Generation
HANDLE persistent identifiers can be generated in Alma for deposited content in addition to the existing option of depositing pre-generated handles. This can be done using the BibGenerateControlNumberSequence normalization task and the Control Number Configuration infrastructure.
Login Request Added to Alma Viewer and Repository Search
The ability to log in to Alma was added in the following areas:
- A Sign In link is now displayed in the Alma Viewer if the user is not logged in to Alma. Clicking the link displays a login page. For more information, see The Alma Viewer.
- In the Alma Link Resolver Services Page (that appears when you click View It from the repository search results), the digital service link is now available if the representation has an access right restriction that is based on user details. A login page appears when clicking the representation link.
Relink Digital Representations
You can relink digital representations to a different bibliographic record. To support this feature, the Relink to another bibliographic record button was added to the Digital Representation Resource Editor. For more information, see Editing Representation Metadata and Content.
Add Thumbnail from Representation Editor
You can add a thumbnail to digital files directly from the Digital Representation Resource Editor. To support this functionality, a new Thumbnail row action was added for the files of a representation. For more information, see Editing Representation Metadata and Content.
New Re-loan Limit

You can now configure a re-loan limit, preventing patrons from re-loaning items that they have just returned. You can define a new policy type, Reloan Limit, to control this. A different copy of the same title with the same material type is considered as a single item for this policy. The policy type has three possible options:
- None – There is no limit on borrowing copies of the same title. This is the prior functionality and the default.
- Parallel – The patron may not check out two copies of the title at one time.
- Other – You may define the time span (in the Unit of Measurement) in which the same item may not be re-loaned - minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months.

Holdings Configuration in the Get It Tab
Alma now offers expanded holdings information and customization options in the Primo Get It tab. A new configuration table, Primo Customized Holding (accessed from Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Holdings Display Customization), allows you to configure which of the holdings records' fields and subfields appear in the Get It tab, and allows for the labels and order of the holdings fields to be customized. The Holdings Display Labels and Order table (accessed from Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Holdings Display Labels) allows you to configure the exact labels that are used for each field, and the order by which they appear in the Get It tab. The tables are only visible if the new parameter, uresolver_enable_getit_holding_configuration (configurable from Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > General > Other Settings), is set to true. Additionally, when this parameter is set to true, the previous customer parameters that expanded the holdings, display_additional_holding_fields_in_getit and display_alternative_call_number_in_getit, become obsolete. The uresolver_enable_getit_holding_configuration parameter is set to false by default for existing customers. For new customers, it is set to true by default.
Limiting Access to User Information
You can now limit operators with certain user roles from accessing other users' information by blocking the operators' ability to search for patron information. When this function is enabled, the standard user search field is replaced by a text entry field. This means that the ID can still be entered or scanned in, but the auto complete function on the name, the Find and Manage Users pickup list, and the recent searches button are hidden. Operators with the following roles can be restricted:
- Circulation Desk roles - Manager, Operator, and Operator - Limited
- Fulfillment Services roles - Manager and Operator
- Requests Operator
Populate Additional Information for Articles from the DOI or PMID Fields

When a resource sharing request form for an article is submitted from Alma, Primo, or using the API, if the PMID or DOI is included, additional metadata now automatically augments the request. The augmentation will not be performed if the borrowing request is created from a broker system. The following fields are populated:
- Article Title
- Journal Title
- Author
- Volume
- Issue
- Pages
- Start Page
- End Page
- Publication Date
Create a Set in Alma from an Alma Analytics Report
You can now create an itemized set directly from an Analytics report, which eliminates the process of exporting from Analytics to Excel and then uploading the Excel to Alma. You choose an Analytics report for the set creation directly from the Manage Sets page in Alma. This is particularly useful if you want to globally update a set of records in Alma by first retrieving these records in Alma Analytics. For more information, see Creating Itemized Sets.
Search Main Menu Navigation Bar
You can now search all options in the Main Menu Navigation Bar in the persistent menu. The search returns persistent menu options, as well as configuration menu options, depending on which options are available to your user roles.
- Click the search persistent menu icon
or type Alt-Ctrl-F. Alternately, at the bottom of any menu area, click Click here.
Search Link in the Main Menu Navigation Bar - Enter your search term. Matching options in the Main Menu Navigation Bar, as well as in the Configuration Menu, appear. Select the relevant option.
Matching search options
Validating the ILS Migration Form
During the Alma implementation phase, you are required to complete an ILS Migration Form if you are migrating records from a legacy ILS to Alma. You can validate whether your form is missing or contains incomplete information on the Validate ILS Migration Form page (Configuration Menu > General > General Configuration > Validate ILS Migration Form). See Validating the ILS Migration Form.
Viewing Historical Requests in the Resource Request Monitor

The Resource Request Monitor now displays historical requests, including completed, canceled, and rejected requests. The Activity Status filter was added at the top of the page to allow you to display only active requests, completed requests, or both. The date facets on the page are unavailable when filtering on All or Completed.

Primo VE
The Alma Platform team continues to enhance the infrastructure that is needed in order to accommodate the high number of customers that have already migrated, or are planning to migrate, to Primo VE. There are 30 sites are already in production, with a further 70 in implementation.
New Look and Feel for Alma Release Notes
Alma Release Notes have a new look and feel, as well as some GREAT new features. You are now able to view either a single release or multiple 2018 releases on a single page using the Release filter:

VPAT (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template) Accessibility
Ex Libris contracted with an external accessibility expert company to review the new Alma UI and workflows and evaluate Alma’s accessibility for individuals with disabilities. The Alma code is now checked for accessibility using a range of visual, automated, and manual validations, which have become part of the ongoing new UI development. Based on the data and feedback received, a VPAT document on accessibility was released by Ex Libris.
New UX Survey
Many of you might have seen and filled in the new UX survey published a short while ago. If you have not yet completed this survey, please take a moment to do so. Your input is important! Note that as part of the March release you can access the survey from a button on the dashboard:

New User Interface Survey
The Alma new UI was released several months ago. We would like to know your thoughts and opinions about it.
Enhanced Display of Funds on Invoice Line and PO Line Pages
When there are multiple funds for an invoice, all of them now appear in the table on the Invoice Lines tab of the Invoice Details or Purchase Order Line Details pages. The table cell includes a link to each fund as well as some additional information about the fund ledger.

Change PO Line Attributes After Ordering - Part II

PO line attributes can now be updated after an order is created and/or sent to the vendor. The Update PO Lines Information - Advanced job, which was previously the PO Lines Limited Attributes job, updates one of the following PO line's attributes:
Update Type | Restrictions | Outcomes (Force update = true) |
Acquisition Method |
PO Line Owner |
New Indexes for PO Line Searches
The following fields were added to the advanced search and the persistent search for PO lines:
Field Name | Where Added | Search Method | Values |
Material type | Persistent Search
Advanced Search
Equals |
POL receiving notes | Advanced Search | Keywords | |
POL has interested users | Advanced Search | Equals |
POL physical inventory item barcode | Advanced Search | Equals | |
POL electronic inventory activation status | Advanced Search | Equals |
PO status | Advanced Search | Equals |
PO line type | Persistent Search
Advanced Search
Equals | Values taken from the PO Line Types mapping table |
Secondary reporting code | Persistent Search
Advanced Search
Equals | |
Tertiary reporting code | Persistent Search
Advanced Search
Equals |
Purchase Request Enhancements
The Create Purchase Request interface was changed. A new radio button, Bibliographic Information, was created to replace the Search In Repository button that previously appeared. The radio button values are Create new record, which is the default, and Use existing record. When selecting Use existing record, a quick pick list is available for the Title field while the other item fields are restricted. Once you select an existing record, you can create the purchase request from this record. Alternatively, if you want to create an item from an existing similar item, you can search on the title of the existing record to populate the item's fields, then change the Bibliographic Information radio button to Create new record. The remaining item fields are not restricted while creating a new record, so the values can then be changed.
Trial Detail Enhancements
- The breakdown of participants by group in the Analysis tab of Trial Details now reflects the actual number of participants in a trial. The new fields for this are:
- Requested - Displays the number of users who have been solicited to provide feedback
- Participants - Displays the number of users who have provided feedback
- The audit icon was added to the top of the Trial Details page.
Trial Details Page
Create Holdings During Import
Holdings records can now be enriched with information from your incoming records during the import process. New mapping options for holdings records are provided in the import profile. See Holdings Records Mapping in the Creating/Editing an Import Profile: Inventory Information section for more information.
Multilingual Preferred-Term Processing
Alma supports linking to multilingual authorities and preferred-term correction when there is no subfield 9 in the bibliographic record. For more information, see Language Configuration and Processing Preferred-Term Correction for Multilingual Records.
Multilingual Authority Records with the Same or No Subfield 9
Multilingual authority capabilities were extended to handle multiple preferred terms when $9 is the same or there is no $9 specified. See Allow_multi_preferred_terms, Subfield 9 with the Same Language Code, and No Subfield 9 Specified for more information.
Call Number Duplication Validation
When you are working with bibliographic records in the MD Editor, Alma can check for duplicate call numbers. See Managing Call Number Duplication for more information.
Merge and Combine Inventory Relations
Handling of MMS-ID based related records was improved—specifically a record related to a secondary record—in a merge and combine inventory process. With this change (in merge and combine inventory), the appropriate relationship with the primary record (instead of the secondary record) is updated for the related record as a part of the merge process. See Merging Bibliographic Records for more information.
Using Overlap and Collection Analysis for Community Zone Comparisons

The Overlap and Collection Analysis set comparison functionality added the capability to compare an institution's titles from a single electronic collection against the titles of one or more electronic collections in the Community Zone. The process matches records at the title level using identifiers such as the ISSN or ISBN and compares the coverage information at the portfolio level. This provides you with another tool to use in your purchasing analysis of electronic collections. See Working with Overlap and Collection Analysis and Overlap and Collection Analysis Job Reports for more information.
Cataloger Privileges in the MD Editor
If cataloging permission levels were enabled for your environment, new editing options are available for catalogers with a level lower than the level of the bibliographic record stored in the repository. See Working in the MD Editor with Cataloger Privileges Lower than the Bibliographic Record section on the Cataloging Privileges page for more information.
SRU ISO 20775 Holdings Support
Alma now supports the ISO 20775 holdings SRU schema for physical inventory. With holdings SRU, you get more detail on your queries. See Holdings Options (ISO 20775) on the SRU/SRW Search page for more information.
Suppressed Holdings Indication
When the Suppress from Discovery parameter is selected in the Edit Physical Location configuration (Configuration > Select a Library > Fulfillment > Locations > Physical Locations), all holdings for this location are suppressed and a suppression indicator will appear for these records. In addition, a tooltip appears in every place where there is physical inventory (holdings or item) for the location (see Editing a Physical Location for more information). Depending on the type of suppression, the following tooltips are presented: Holdings record suppressed, Bibliographic record suppressed, Both bibliographic and holdings records suppressed, or Location's holdings suppressed. See some examples below.

- Digital Collection bibliographic record suppression
- Holdings record suppressed at the location level shown in the search results holdings list, holdings simple record view, MD Editor Records list, and View Inventory
- Holdings suppression in the Physical Item Editor (holdings only and bibliographic/holdings)
MD Editor User Interface Consistency
- external search results
- viewing inventory records
- viewing record matches
- viewing versions
- viewing notes
- viewing collections
- viewing F3 (or binocular icon) Bibliographic Records tab results
- viewing related bibliographic records
- re-linking holdings results
- External search results (Tools > Search External Resources)
- Viewing inventory records (Tools > MARC Bibliographic > View Inventory)
- Viewing record matches (Tools > MARC Bibliographic > Find Matches)
- Viewing versions (Tools > View Versions)
- Viewing notes (Tools > View Notes)
- Viewing collections (Tools > View Collections)
- Viewing F3 (binocular icon) results on the Bibliographic Records tab
Note that there is no Edit button for the record that is open in the opposing split screen.
- Viewing related records (Tools > MARC Bibliographic > Related Records)
- Relinking holdings results (Tools > MARC21 Holdings > Relink to a different bibliographic record)
- Navigation row
Click the right arrow to view additional pages or click the last number to view the last page of records.
- Series information added to the record content
Dublin Core Application Profiles
Alma now provides two customizable Dublin Core profiles to which you can add local fields. These local fields can be used to contain metadata needed by your institution that is not supported by the standard Dublin Core format. For information on configuring these profiles, see Working with DC Application Profiles.
- In the MD Editor, when adding fields to a Dublin Core record (Resources > Open Metadata Editor).
- In the Record Format field, when when adding a representation (Resources > Add Digital Representation).
- In the Record Format field, when adding a new collection (Resources > Manage Collections).
- In the Target Format field, when configuring import profiles (Resources > Manage Import Profiles).
- In the Bibliographic record formats to include field, when running the Export Digital Titles job (Admin > Run a Job).
- In areas where you configure the metadata that appears in Alma:
- In Search Indexes, where you configure the fields that are searchable in the Alma repository (Configuration > Resources > Search Configuration > Search Indexes).
- In Delivery Profiles Metadata, where you configure the metadata fields that are displayed when viewing digital content in the Alma Viewer (Configuration > Fulfillment > Delivery Profiles Metadata).
Handle PI Generation and Publishing
The new Export Handles job exports digital bibliographic records in a batch file with persistent identifiers that can be used by a Handle server to display the metadata record of the file, or to display the file in a viewer. To support this feature, the new TASK_CHAIN_EXPORT_HANDLES privilege was added to the Digital Inventory Operator, Digital Inventory Operator Extended, Repository Administrator, and Repository Manager roles. For more information, see the entry for the Export Handles job in Running Manual Jobs on Defined Sets.
Deliver Representations by MMS ID
Delivery URLs can now use the MMS ID of a bibliographic record to display a representation. If the bibliographic record has multiple representations, Alma selects the representation to display according to the following order of preference:
- Derivative with the lowest PID
- First master
- First remote (HTML only)
Support Collection Thumbnails in MD Import
The Collection import profile now supports importing thumbnail images for the top-level and sub-collections. The thumbnail images and an EAD XML file that describes the collection hierarchy and the assignment of the thumbnail images must be placed in a zip file. For more information, see EAD File for Bulk Collection Import.
Recent Options in Manage Patron Services and Placing Requests

The user's previous selections history now displays the list of previous selections only when you click the clock icon.

Workflow Options for Rejected Resource Sharing Requests

You can now choose whether a resource sharing request remains in an active status even if it has been rejected by the resource sharing partner. To set this behavior, change the rs_keep_rejected_request_active customer parameter. The valid values for the parameter are None, Borrowing, Lending, and Both. When the parameter is set to None, which is the default, the request is completed and is not visible in the active requests queue. For a rejected borrowing request, Alma also sends a cancellation message to the patron. When the parameter is set to Borrowing, Lending, or Both, the request remains in the active requests queue of the appropriate task list so the staff librarian will have the option to work on the request. For a rejected borrowing request, Alma does not send a cancellation message to the patron. Note that this functionality applies only to rejections that occur after the parameter is changed. To maintain existing functionality, set the parameter to Lending. For more information, see Rejecting a Borrowing Request or Rejecting a Lending Request.
Member-Controlled Publishing to Primo of Institution Accessible Resources
It is now possible for an institution working with a Network Zone to control the publishing to Primo of all records available to the institution from either the Institution Zone or the Network Zone. Contact Ex Libris to enable this capability for both the Network Zone and member institutions. See Also publish via members on the Publishing Bibliographic Records from the Network Zone to Primo page and Member Publishing Parameters on the Publishing to Primo page for more information.
Managing Patron Records in the Network Zone
External users may now be maintained in the Network Zone and distributed to all member institutions. It is no longer necessary to run SIS for each member; rather it may be done once for all members. The update process updates existing records at each member institution, but it does not create a new record for a user that does not exist in a member institution. The user record at the member institution is automatically retrieved from the Network Zone when required, for example:
- When loaning to the patron
- When placing a request for the patron
- When the patron logs in using an external IdP

Copy Option When Selecting Text
When selecting text in Alma, a small pop-up menu with the option to copy the text appears. Select the option to copy the text; a confirmation check mark briefly appears.

Change PO Line Attributes After Ordering (Part 1)

A new job, Update PO Lines Limited Attributes, was added to update PO line attributes after an order is created and sent to the vendor. The job updates the purchase type as follows:
Update Type | Restrictions | Outcome |
Purchase Type | The PO line type must remain within the same inventory type and continuity. For example:
The type is not changed for closed and canceled PO lines.
If the PO line is within a PO, the PO line is removed from the PO and the item is set to In Review. |
- Update PO Lines Workflow
- Update PO Lines Transactions
- Update PO Lines Information
- Change PO Lines Status
- Update PO Lines Limited Attributes
New Controlled Vocabulary Option in License Term Types
When adding a new license term in Manage License Terms (Configuration Menu > Acquisitions > Licenses > Manage License Terms), you now have the option to create the term with a license term type of Controlled Vocabulary. There is also an option to add the values for the controlled vocabulary field directly in the License Term Controlled Vocabulary mapping table (Configuration Menu > Acquisitions > Licenses > License Term Controlled Vocabulary). The controlled vocabulary option allows you to define your own custom list of values for the license term field that you add.

Enhancements to the Electronic Resource Activation Task List

The Electronic Resource Activation Task List has two new columns to indicate whether the PO line has interested users and a rush status.

Delete Patron Drive Acquisition Profiles
Patron Driven Acquisition profiles now have the option to delete canceled profiles. After canceling a profile, the Delete option is available on the row action list.

Browse Bibliographic Headings User Interface
The Browse Bibliographic Headings user interface was modified to improve usability, and the Go button was re-labeled Browse.

Peer Review and Open Access
When identified in the standard MARC 21 500 and 506 fields (see below), the peer reviewed and open access information is indexed, searchable, and identified in search results.
- 500 __ $a Refereed/Peer-reviewed
- 506 0_ $f Unrestricted online access $2 star

- Search Result Icons
- Peer Reviewed
- Open Access
- Configuring Record Lists (to customize the view in search results)
- Search Indexes
ProQuest Ebook Central Integration
Institutions that would like to automatically update ProQuest Ebook Central electronic resources can now do so with Alma's Upload Electronic Holdings integration capability. See Upload Electronic Holdings from ProQuest Ebook Central for more information.
Normalization Rule Syntax
The following new syntax was added to the normalization rules:
Suppression Handling for Imported Records
A new parameter for Set Management Tags was added to the import profile. With this new parameter, you can determine the handling of suppression for existing records that are being merged or overlaid by imported records. See Creating/Editing an Import Profile: Set Management Tags for more information.
Hanzi to Pinyin Task Configuration
The user interface for the Hanzi to Pinyin task parameter configuration was improved, and the Transliterate Entire Record option was added to make configuration easier. See the Add Hanzi to Pinyin Transliterations explanation in the Task List Options table for more information.
As part of the ongoing enhancement of French UNIMARC, multiscript authority support and multiple IDs in bibliographic fields linking to separate authority records were implemented. See Working with Multiscript UNIMARC Bibliographic Records for more information.
Dublin Core Forms for Patron Deposits
You can now configure patron deposit forms for creating Dublin Core metadata records. When the patron selects a collection in which to submit the deposit, the fields of the form associated with the collection appear for the patron to fill in.
DC:Identifier Field Added to Exported Dublin Core Records
The dc:identifier field containing the MMS ID is now added to exported Dublin Core records to enhance the ability to track the record. This includes records exported by the following methods:
- Exporting Digital Titles
- General Publishing
- Publishing to Primo
Print a Receive Slip Automatically for Non-Returnable Physical Items
There is now an option on the Received Items page to automatically print a Receive Slip for a physical non-returnable item that is received from the lender to fulfill a borrowing request. Select Yes on the Automatically print slip field on the Received Items page to print the slip. Automatically print slip defaults to No. If you select Yes, this value will be remembered for the length of the session. For more information, see Receiving Items.
Define ID Types for Fulfillment Networks
Previously, libraries were able to define what type of patron user groups can participate in a fulfillment network. With this release, patrons with only specified ID types can be exposed in the linked account rules mechanism. This enables the library to limit the Fulfillment Network services to patrons that have been issued a specific ID type.
New Leganto Institution Student Usage Subject Area
The Leganto Institution Student Usage subject area allows you to create reports concerning Leganto institution student usage. For more information, see Leganto Institution Student Usage.
New Alma User Interface
As of this release, users are no longer be able to use the classic UI. For more information on Alma's new user interface, see What's New in Alma's New User Interface and The Alma User Interface.
Webhook for Change Log Updates
To better support instant publishing of bibliographic records to discovery systems, a webhook was added for changes to bibliographic records and physical items. The Webhooks integration profile has two new check boxes in the Actions tab of the profile for BIB records and Physical Items. A webhook is triggered when BIB records is selected and a bibliographic record is changed. A webhook is also triggered when Physical Items is selected and a physical item is changed. For more information, see Webhooks and the Developer Network.
Direct Link to Resolved URLs for Portfolios in General Publishing
A new field, Direct Link subfield, was added to the Electronic Inventory Enrichment section of the Publishing Profile Details. This field allows for the addition of portfolio IDs and access URLs for electronic inventory enrichment.

Configure UI Width and Font Size
You can now configure the font size and width of the UI. Select the configuration in the user menu. There are three options for font size (Small, Regular, and Big), and two layouts (Focused (normal), and Spread (wide)). When you select big font size, wide width is selected automatically.

Contributing SUSHI Accounts to the Community Zone

You can contribute a SUSHI account to the Community Zone by clicking Contribute on to the SUSHI Account Details page (accessed from the Usage Data tab in Acquisitions > Acquisitions Infrastructure > Vendors). After clicking Contribute, a confirmation dialog box appears: You are about to contribute this SUSHI account as a Certified SUSHI vendor in the community zone (CZ) area. Are you sure you want to continue? Click Confirm to continue.

Normalize the Title During a COUNTER Load
The Normalized Title field in the usage data subject area now normalizes the title that comes from the COUNTER report in the same manner that Alma normalizes the titles of bibliographic records. This enables accurate matching of titles between the COUNTER reports and the Alma bibliographic records.
Customizable Dublin Core Record Forms
You can now customize forms that are used for creating Dublin Core metadata records in Alma. The forms are used by staff when adding a representation or depositing a record.
Status Queries for Borrowing and Lending Requests
The Status Query row action was added to the borrowing and lending request task lists to send a status query to the borrowing or lending institution using an ISO message. The action is visible only for a request whose active partner is using the ISO protocol.

Pricing a Multiyear Negotiation License
In a Network Zone, you can now record price per year for multiyear licenses to allow for a price increase between years. A negotiation license with start and end dates spanning more than one year includes two new fields, Price per year and Price increase, which is a percentage. When a PO line is created for a resource that links to a multiyear license in the Network Zone, the price of the PO line is updated by the price per year for the member institution. When the PO line is renewed, the fund is checked to verify that there is enough money for the renewal based on the Price per year and Price increase fields. If the fund does not have enough, the renewal fails. If the Price per year and Price increase fields are left empty, the standard functionality is applied.

Distribute SAML Integration Profiles from the Network Zone
You can now create SAML integration profiles in the Network Zone and distribute them to the member institutions. In order to distribute the record, select Manage in Network for the profile. The Distribute Administration Network Configuration job (see Centrally Managing Configuration Tables in a Network Zone) copies any Network Zone profiles to the member institutions. The member institutions have view permissions to the distributed integration profile, but are not able to edit or delete them.
New Digital Inventory Subject Area
The Digital Inventory subject area allows you to create reports concerning digital inventory. For more information, see Digital Inventory.
Anonymization of Alma Analytics Reports
You can now anonymize fields that contain identifying information of users when creating Alma Analytics reports. Anonymizing this data enables you to make reports for statistics and trends without violating privacy concerns or local privacy-related laws.
New Alma User Interface
As of this release, the new UI is enabled as the default UI for all users, including users who have opted in the past to switch back to the classic UI. These users will still be able to switch back to the classic UI for the duration of the January release.
Export Users by Active Loans
The export user block action of the SIS integration profile (Configuration Menu > General > Integration Profiles) was renamed Export User by Condition, and now includes the ability to export users that have active loans. Select User with Active Loans to enable this option. When User with Active Loans is selected, a second, optional field, Active Loan Types,is displayed. Select one or more loan types to export only users with active loans of these loan types.

Loans and Requests Triggers for Webhooks
The Webhooks integration profile has two new check boxes in the Actions tab of the profile for Requests and Loans. A webhook is triggered when Loan is selected and a loan is created, returned, or declared lost. A webhook is also triggered when Requests is selected and a hold, booking, move, digitization, or work order request is created, closed, or placed on the hold shelf. For more information, see Webhooks and the Developer Network.
Staff Login Option for Social/Email Login

Enhancements to the Search Page
- The search results record list configuration options were changed:
For information about record list configuration, see Record Lists.
- The configuration options for all title types are now identical in the Institution Zone.
- The configuration options for all title types are now identical in the Community and Network Zones.
- MMS ID was added for all zones for all title types.
- Some visual changes were made to the Facets pane, in addition, you can now minimize the Facets pane by clicking << beside the word Facets. When hidden, a small stripe appears on the left of the screen.
Minimized FacetsYou can view the facets by hovering your mouse over the Facets stripe.Expanded Facets While Hovering MouseClick >> to restore the Facets pane.
Changes in Reading List Sets
As of the December 2018 release, most reading list sets created prior to this release continue to function. However:
- If a set had a condition based on modification date, this condition was removed from the set.
- If you edit a set created prior to this release, some of the conditions may not appear on the page. When you then save the set, these conditions are lost. Therefore, if you edit a set created prior to this release, ensure that all conditions appear on the page. If they do not, you must recreate them.
We are sorry for the inconvenience. We recommend re-creating any sets created prior to this release.
Multiple Courses for a Single Reading List - Implementation Summary
Here is a summary of currently supported and unsupported operations for multiple courses for a single reading list, in Alma and Leganto:
- Supported:
- Enabled for Alma. Enabled by default for Leganto, but can be turned off.
- Add, edit, remove reading list to multiple courses. Due back date updates to the last course ending date.
- (Leganto only) All instructors from all courses are added as collaborators to the reading list.
- Multiple courses appear on the Edit Citations and Edit Reading List pages. Sorting by course code uses the first added course code.
- Multiple courses appear in Course column on Reading Lists Tasks List page. All reading lists for this course is not functional for these lists; you can view all reading lists for a course from the Courses page.
- There is a Course tab on Edit Reading List page in which you manage all courses for a reading list.
- All courses appear in places referring to a reading list's course name (except for the Approval Requests List page, which is scheduled for Nov).
- (Leganto only) CMS LTI links and permalinks display the correct course code on Reading List and Citation pages in Leganto. You can select the correct course when creating these links.
- Primo support.
- Reading list API support.
- (Leganto only) Copyright processing is supported.
- Unsupported:
- Course rollover
- Some notifications
- Request processing
- Digitization processing
- Job reports
- Purchasing
- Pay-per-use
- Analytics
Copyright Configuration Enhancements
- All configuration options related to copyright management were moved from their old sections (Digital Fulfillment, Resource Sharing, and Courses) to the new section Fulfillment > Copyright Management. The new section includes the following configuration options:
- Digitization and Copyright Rules (formerly known as Digitization Profile Rules in the Digital Fulfillment area)
- Access Rights (formerly in the Digital Fulfillment area)
- Copyright Declaration (formerly in the Digital Fulfillment area)
- Resource Sharing Copyright Declaration (formerly known as Copyright in the Resource Sharing area)
- Copyright Publishers (formerly in the Digital Fulfillment area)
- Citation Default Copyright Status (formerly Default Copyright Status in the Courses area)
- (Leganto only) Leganto Copyright Settings (formerly Copyright Settings in the Leganto area)
- Request Type Parameter was added as a filter on the Digitization Workflow Rules List. The possible values are the values for the Request Type parameter; see Configuring Digitization and Copyright Rules.
- When a citation has a copyright request, the copyright status for the citation on the Edit Citations or Edit Reading List page now links to the request in the Approval Requests List.
- Associated with Course (All or Associated) was added as a filter on the Approval Requests List; see Approving/Rejecting a Request for Digitization.
Searching for Citations
You can search for citations in the persistent search box located at the top of most pages.

- Citation ID
- Course Code
- Course Name
- Creator - The primary ID or name of the user who created the citation
- Reading List Name
- Title - Citation name
Campus Associations for Courses
If you have defined campuses in your institution (see Configuring Campuses), you can associate these campuses with your courses. This enables you to define the number of participants on each campus for the course, which is helpful to librarians when they are fulfilling materials for reading lists associated with the course.
- When adding or editing a course (see Managing Courses), Campus appears as an additional tab. You can add predefined campuses as well as the number of participants for the campus.
Manage Course Information - Campus Tab
- When you associate campuses with your course, the number of participants for the course is the total of the number of participants defined for all campuses associated with the course. In this case, the Number of Participants field on the Course Information tab of the Manage Course Information page is disabled.
If no campuses are associated with your course, or if all campuses have no defined participants, you control the number of participants in the Number of Participants field on the Course Information tab of the Manage Course Information page (which is the current functionality).
- Campus was added as an available column (hidden by default), on the Courses, Course's Reading List, and Reading Lists Task List pages.
- Campus was added to the header information on the Manage Course Information, Course's Reading List, and Edit Reading List pages. Course was also added to Course Information on the Manage Resource Options pane when managing fulfillment options for a citation. When the number of characters is too short to display the full list of campuses, the full list is available in a tooltip.
- Campus and Campus Participants were added as columns in the Course Loader integration profile; see Configuring Course Loading. For multiple campuses, enter campus codes separated by commas. Enter participants separated by commas in the same order (corresponding to the campus codes). If you enter a campus code that does not exist in Alma, the code is still accepted; a warning appears in the job report, but the campus is created and appears in Alma with the name "<code> not found". You can edit the campus name, as usual.
- The Course API now includes a campuses element:
<campus code></campus code>
<campus name></campus name>
<campus participants></campus participants>
</campuses> - Campuses was added to Analytics.
Select List Size

On certain pages, you can now select the list size displayed in Alma: 20, 50, or 100. Note that a larger list size might result in slowness when loading the page.

- Users on the Find and Manage Users page
- Invoice lines on the Invoice Details tab when managing an invoice
- Physical items on the Active Hold Shelf Items page
- Citations on the Edit Citations page
Originating System ID for Citation Matching
You can enter an originating system ID for citations and then use this ID to help Alma locate library resources when locating citations.
- Many institutions work together with Ex Libris to migrate reading lists from a previous system to Alma. When Ex Libris migrates your data, you can supply this field for some or all citations. Talk to Ex Libris customer support about adding this field to the migration process.
- You can manually enter the field when adding a non-repository citation or editing a citation on the Edit Reading List Citation field. For more information, see Adding Citations to a Reading List.
Edit Reading List Page, Bottom
- You can enable or disable using this field as matching criteria on the Match by Fields code table. See Configuring Citation Matching Criteria.
Match by Fields Code Table
- <originating system id> was added to the reading list citation API.
Resource Sharing Requests for Citations
You can now initiate a resource sharing request for a citation. Note that, to use this feature, a) Ex Libris must enable this feature for your institution, and b) your Course Reserves Operator or Manager role must be in the scope of the resource sharing library. For more information, see Managing Citations.
- Four new citation alerts related to resource sharing were added.
- Four new customer parameters (starting with citation_rs_default_ ) were added to pre-fill certain information in the borrowing request, see Other Settings.
- Reading list (reading_list) and citation (citation) codes were added to the Resource Sharing Receive Slip Letter; for the XSL, the codes are reading_list_name and citation_id; see Configuring Alma Letters.
Citations of Type Note
Citations with the new type Note (citations whose material type is set to Note; see Configuring Citation Material Types) can be added by instructors in Leganto. They are used to provide information to the students who are viewing the reading list, and do not need to be fulfilled by the library staff.
New Authority Vocabularies - December 2018
EuroVoc (, the European Union's multilingual thesaurus, was added to the Alma Community Zone with 7201 multilingual terms. To link between your institution's bibliographic records and the new vocabulary, use eurovoc in subfield $$2 and the language code in subfield $$9. For example: 650 07 $$a union monétaire. $$9 fre $$2 eurovoc
Authorities Community Zone Updates - December 2018
The following are the Library of Congress subject authority updates for the period of October 18th through November 15th:
- Number of records updated: 85
- Number of records added: 232
- Number of records deleted: 46
- Number of records updated: 15595
- Number of records added: 24975
- Number of records deleted: 390
- Number of records added: 5
New Electronic Collections Added to the Alma CKB - December 2018
The following electronic collections were added to the Alma Community Zone from October 22nd through November 18th:
- AccessBiomedical Science
- APA Books E-Collection 2012
- APA Books E-Collection 2013
- APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology
- ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials Plus
- eBook - Health Professions 2018 [EBCHP18]
- eBook - Immunology and Microbiology 2018 [EBCIM18]
- eBook - Physics and Astronomy 2018 [EBCPA18]
- eBook - Veterinary Medicine 2018 [EBCVM18]
- Ebscohost Ebooks Comprehensive Academic Collection (North America)
- Ebscohost Ebooks Comprehensive Academic Collection Worldwide
- Ebscohost Ebooks Engineering Core Collection
- Ebscohost Ebooks University Press Collection (North America)
- Ebscohost Ebooks University Press Collection Worldwide
- Educause
- JoVE Behavior
- JoVE Biochemistry
- JoVE Bioengineering
- JoVE Biology
- JoVE Cancer Research
- JoVE Chemistry
- JoVE Developmental Biology
- JoVE Engineering
- JoVE Environment
- JoVE Genetics
- JoVE Immunology and Infection
- JoVE Medicine
- JoVE Neuroscience
- JoVE Science Education: Analytical Chemistry
- JoVE Science Education: Basic Methods in Cellular and Molecular Biology
- JoVE Science Education: Behavioral Science
- JoVE Science Education: Biochemistry
- JoVE Science Education: Bioengineering
- JoVE Science Education: Biology I
- JoVE Science Education: Biology II
- JoVE Science Education: Cell Biology
- JoVE Science Education: Chemical Engineering
- JoVE Science Education: Cognitive Psychology
- JoVE Science Education: Developmental Biology
- JoVE Science Education: Developmental Psychology
- JoVE Science Education: Earth Science
- JoVE Science Education: Electrical Engineering
- JoVE Science Education: Emergency Medicine and Critical Care
- JoVE Science Education: Environmental Microbiology
- JoVE Science Education: Environmental Science
- JoVE Science Education: Experimental Psychology
- JoVE Science Education: General Chemistry
- JoVE Science Education: General Laboratory Techniques
- JoVE Science Education: Genetics
- JoVE Science Education: Inorganic Chemistry
- JoVE Science Education: Lab Animal Research
- JoVE Science Education: Lab Safety
- JoVE Science Education: Mechanical Engineering
- JoVE Science Education: Neuropsychology
- JoVE Science Education: Neuroscience
- JoVE Science Education: Nursing Skills
- JoVE Science Education: Organic Chemistry
- JoVE Science Education: Organic Chemistry II
- JoVE Science Education: Physical Examinations I
- JoVE Science Education: Physical Examinations II
- JoVE Science Education: Physical Examinations III
- JoVE Science Education: Physics I
- JoVE Science Education: Physics II
- JoVE Science Education: Sensation and Perception
- JoVE Science Education: Social Psychology
- KB+ JISC Collections British Medical Journal BMJ Journals Online Collection 2019-2020
- KB+ JISC Collections British Medical Journal Optional Additional Titles 2019-2020
- KB+ JISC Collections Edinburgh University Press Complete Collection 2019
- KB+ JISC Collections Edward Elgar Publishing Elgar Law Journals Collection 2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences Ii Collection 2018-2021
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences Iii Collection 2018-2021
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences Iv Collection 2018-2021
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences Ix Collection 2018-2021
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences V Collection 2018-2021
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences Vi Collection 2018-2021
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences Vii Collection 2018-2021
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences Viii Collection 2018-2021
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences X Collection 2018-2021
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences Xi Collection 2018-2021
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences Xii Collection 2018-2021
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences Xiii Collection 2018-2021
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences Xiv Collection 2018-2021
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences Xv Collection 2018-2021
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Biological Sciences Collection 2018-2021
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Business and Economics Collection 2018-2021
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Language and Literature Collection 2018-2021
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Life Sciences Collection 2018-2021
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Lives of Literature Collection 2018-2021
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Mathematics and Statistics Enhanced Collection 2018-2021
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Mathematics and Statistics Legacy Collection 2018-2021
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Music Enhanced Collection 2018-2021
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Music Legacy Collection 2018-2021
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Religion and Theology Collection 2018-2021
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Sustainability 2018-2021
- LWW Health Library - Anatomical Collection
- Ministry Matters
- National Council on Public History Publications
- NetLibrary Lyrasis Shared Collection I
- NetLibrary Lyrasis Shared Collection II
- NetLibrary Lyrasis Shared Collection III
- NetLibrary Lyrasis Shared Collection IV
- NetLibrary Lyrasis Shared Collection IX
- NetLibrary Lyrasis Shared Collection V
- NetLibrary Lyrasis Shared Collection VI
- NetLibrary Lyrasis Shared Collection VII
- NetLibrary Lyrasis Shared Collection VIII
- O'Reilly Safari Learning Platform: Academic Edition
- Routledge religion online
- SAGE CNPeReading Journals
- SAGE CQ Press Annual Collection 2015
- SAGE CQ Press Annual Collection 2016
- SAGE CQ Press Annual Collection 2017
- SAGE CQ Press Annual Collection 2018
- SAGE CQ Press Congress Collection
- SAGE CQ Press Public Affairs Collection
- SAGE CQ Press Researcher Online
- SAGE IMechE Archive
- SAGE IMechE Complete Collection
- SAGE IMechE Complete Collection With Archive
- SAGE IMechE Proceedings Collection
- SAGE IMechE Proceedings Collection With Archive
- Sistema de Bibliotecas de la UNMSM
- SMA: Sports Market Analytics
- Springer Nature German Automotive
- Springer Nature Nature LYRASIS
- Springer Nature Oa Journals
- SpringerLink Books Biomedical and Life Sciences 1990-1999
- SpringerLink Books Biomedical and Life Sciences 2000-2004
- SpringerLink Books Biomedical and Life Sciences Pre 1990
- SpringerLink Books Lecture Notes In Physics 2018
- Stratfor WorldView
New External Search Resources - December 2018
The following external search resources were added to Alma Community Zone for the December release:
- DNB SRU New - This is a new version of the DNB external resource that already exists and should be used instead of the existing one (German National Library - MARC 21).
New Bibliographic Enrichment Resources - November 2018
- 30,184 MARC records from Safari were used to enrich Alma Community Zone bibliographic records.
Authorities Community Zone Updates - November 2018
The following are the Library of Congress subject authority updates for the period of September 14th through October 18th:
- Number of records updated: 122
- Number of records added: 368
- Number of records deleted: 41
- Number of records updated: 19526
- Number of records added: 29293
- Number of records deleted: 338
- Number of records updated: 7
- Number of records added: 32
New Electronic Collections Added to the Alma CKB - November 2018
The following electronic collections were added to the Alma Community Zone from September 17th through October 21st:
- Idealonline online kütüphane - Ideal Cultural Publications
- Idealonline online kütüphane - Journals
- Idealonline online kütüphane - Medicine Books
- Idealonline online kütüphane - Popular Magazines
- Idealonline online kütüphane - Proceedings and Gift
- IGI Global infosci-videos - copyright 2016
- IGI Global infosci-videos - copyright 2017
- Italian Ebooks
- SAGE CQ Press Business Stats Annual / Archive
- SAGE CQ Press State Stats Annual / Archive
- SAGE Reference Online 2015 Encyclopedia Collection
- SAGE Reference Online 2017 Handbook and Encyclopedia Collection
- SAGE Reference Online 2018 Handbook and Encyclopedia Collection
- SpringerLink Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2018
New External Search Resources - November 2018
The following external search resources were added to Alma Community Zone for the November release:
- Advocates Library (Edinburgh)
- Biblioteca Nacional de Chile (username and password required)
- National Library of Scotland (Alma)
- OhioLINK
- SKC - Union Catalogue of the Czech Republic
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong (username and password required)
- Universidad Católica de Chile (username and password required)
New Bibliographic Enrichment Resources - October 2018
- 151 MARC records from Duke University Press were used to enrich Alma Community Zone bibliographic records.
- 8,882 MARC records from Library of Congress (eBooks) were used to enrich Alma Community Zone bibliographic records.
Authorities Community Zone Updates - October 2018
The following are the Library of Congress subject authority updates for the period of August 17th through September 13th:
- Number of records updated: 52
- Number of records added: 0
- Number of records deleted: 2
- Number of records updated: 14954
- Number of records added: 22922
- Number of records deleted: 456
- Number of records updated: 76
- Number of records added: 964
- Number of records deleted: 54
- No changes were done and no new records were added by the Library of Congress during this period.
New Electronic Collections Added to the Alma CKB - October 2018
The following electronic collections were added to the Alma Community Zone from August 20th through September 16th:
- AAS-IOP Astronomy
- AAS-IOP Astronomy Release 1
- Bloomsbury Collections Anthropology 2018
- Bloomsbury Collections Biblical Studies 2017
- Bloomsbury Collections Classical Studies And Archaeology 2018
- Bloomsbury Collections Education 2018
- Bloomsbury Collections Film And Media Studies 2018
- Bloomsbury Collections Film And Media Studies Complete
- Bloomsbury Collections Hart Publishing 2018
- Bloomsbury Collections History 2018
- Bloomsbury Collections Linguistics 2018
- Bloomsbury Collections Literary Studies 2018
- Bloomsbury Collections Philosophy 2018
- Bloomsbury Collections Religious Studies 2018
- Bloomsbury Collections Theology 2018
- Bloomsbury Collections: Bloomsbury Open 2018
- Bloomsbury Collections: C.H. Beck Hart Nomos 2018
- Content-Select Global All titles
- IOP Publishing Concise Physics Release 1
- IOP Publishing Concise Physics Release 2
- IOP Publishing Concise Physics Release 3
- IOP Publishing Concise Physics Release 4
- IOP Publishing Concise Physics Release 5
- IOP Publishing Expanding Physics Release 1
- IOP Publishing Expanding Physics Release 2
- IOP Publishing Expanding Physics Release 3
- IOP Publishing Expanding Physics Release 4
- IOP Publishing Expanding Physics Release 5
- IOP Publishing Physics World Discovery
- Karger Books 2017
- Karger Books 2018
- KB+ BIBSAM Elsevier Cell Press Pta Package 2018
- KB+ BIBSAM Elsevier Journals Outside Freedom Collection Pta Package 2018
- KB+ BIBSAM Elsevier SD Collection Pta Package 2018
- KB+ JISC Collections Proquest Literature Online
- Morgan & Claypool Synthesis Collection Eight
- SAGE CQ Press Researcher Annual / Archive
- SAGE Knowledge Books Business & Management Collection Supplement (2017)
- SAGE Knowledge Complete Reference Collection Supplement (2017)
- SAGE Knowledge Kncccn18 Complete Books Reference And Navigator Collection 2018
- SAGE Knowledge SAGE Knowledge Complete Books Reference And Navigator Collection 2016
- SAGE Knowledge SAGE Video Political Science And International Relations Collection 2018
- SAGE Knowledge SAGE Video Psychology Collection 2018
- SAGE Knowledge SAGE Video Sociology Collection 2018
- SAGE Knowledge Video Business And Management Collection 2018
- SAGE Knowledge Video Counseling And Psychotherapy Collection 2018
- SAGE Knowledge Video Criminology And Criminal Justice Collection 2018
- SAGE Knowledge Video Education Collection 2018
- SAGE Knowledge Video Media And Communication Collection 2018
- ScholarVox Management
- Scholarvox Université ESPE - Couperin
- Scholarvox Université métiers - Couperin
- Scholarvox Université Santé - Couperin
- Scholarvox Université Science Humaines et Sociales - Couperin
- ScholarVox Université Sciences - Couperin
- ScholarVox Université Sciences Eco Gestion - Couperin
- TAEBDC ABC-Clio eBooks 2017
- TAEBDC AiritiBooks 2017
- TAEBDC Books@Ovid 2017
- TAEBDC Cambridge Books Online (CBO) 2017
- TAEBDC CRC netBase eBooks 2017
- TAEBDC Ebook Central 2017
- TAEBDC Elsevier ScienceDirect Books 2017
- TAEBDC Emerald eBooks 2017
- TAEBDC HyRead eBooks 2017
- TAEBDC IG Publishing eBooks 2017
- TAEBDC IGI Global InfoSci EBooks 2017
- TAEBDC IOS eBooks 2017
- TAEBDC Karger eBooks 2017
- TAEBDC Springer eBooks 2017
- TAEBDC Taylor & Francis eBooks 2017
- TAEBDC UDN eBooks 2017
- TAEBDC World Scientific eBooks 2017
- Thieme eRef
- Thieme eRef Radiology
- Thieme MedOne ComSci
- Thieme MedOne Neurosurgery
- Thieme MedOne Plastic Surgery
- Thieme MedOne Radiology
- Thieme MedOne Spine
- Verlag Österreich eLibrary
New External Search Resources - October 2018
No new external search resources were added to Alma Community Zone for the October release.
Authorities Community Zone Updates - September 2018
The following are the Library of Congress subject authority updates for the period of July 20th through August 16th:
- Number of records updated: 179
- Number of records added: 269
- Number of records deleted: 43
- Number of records updated: 15192
- Number of records added: 23257
- Number of records deleted: 651
- Number of records updated: 65
- Number of records added: 1046
- Number of records deleted: 4
- Number of records updated: 3
- Number of records added: 21
New Electronic Collections Added to the Alma CKB - September 2018
The following electronic collections were added to the Alma Community Zone from July 23rd through August 19th:
- American History, 1860-1945
- Beck-Online. Die Datenbank
- Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag eLibrary
- BWV eBooks
- BWV Zeitschriften
- De Gruyter Databases
- De Gruyter PDA Package: All Databases and eBooks
- De Gruyter PDA Package: All eBook Content, incl. OWV/AV
- De Gruyter PDA Package: All eBooks and English HSS
- De Gruyter PDA Package: All eBooks English STM
- De Gruyter PDA Package: All English Language eBooks
- De Gruyter PDA Package: All Humanities eBooks and Databases
- De Gruyter PDA Package: All Humanities eContent, incl.OWV/AV
- De Gruyter PDA Package: All SSH eBooks
- De Gruyter PDA Package: All STM eBook
- De Gruyter PDA Package: All STM eBooks and Databases
- De Gruyter PDA Package: All STM eContent, incl. OWV/AV
- De Gruyter PDA Package: Columbia Pilot Project 2016
- De Gruyter PDA Package: Harvard Pilot Project 2016
- De Gruyter PDA Package: Princeton Pilot Project 2016
- De Gruyter PDA Package:Complete Content Collection, incl. OWV/AV
- Edward Elgar Business 2010 and before
- Edward Elgar Business 2011
- Edward Elgar Business 2012
- Edward Elgar Business 2013
- Edward Elgar Business 2014
- Edward Elgar Business 2015
- Edward Elgar Business 2016
- Edward Elgar Business 2017
- Edward Elgar Business 2018
- Edward Elgar Business and Management 2010 and earlier
- Edward Elgar Business and Management 2011
- Edward Elgar Business and Management 2012
- Edward Elgar Business and Management 2013
- Edward Elgar Business and Management Handbook Subscription 2014
- Edward Elgar Business and Management Handbook Subscription 2015
- Edward Elgar Business and Management Handbook Subscription 2016
- Edward Elgar Business and Management Handbook Subscription 2017
- Edward Elgar Business and Management Handbook Subscription 2018
- Edward Elgar Business Handbooks 2016
- Edward Elgar Economics 2010 and earlier
- Edward Elgar Economics 2011
- Edward Elgar Economics 2012
- Edward Elgar Economics 2013
- Edward Elgar Economics 2014
- Edward Elgar Economics 2015
- Edward Elgar Economics 2016
- Edward Elgar Economics 2017
- Edward Elgar Economics 2018
- Edward Elgar Law 2010 and earlier
- Edward Elgar Law 2011
- Edward Elgar Law 2012
- Edward Elgar Law 2013
- Edward Elgar Law 2014
- Edward Elgar Law 2015
- Edward Elgar Law 2016
- Edward Elgar Law 2017
- Edward Elgar Law 2018
- Edward Elgar Publications
- Edward Elgar Research Reviews
- Edward Elgar Social and Political Science 2010 and earlier
- Edward Elgar Social and Political Science 2011
- Edward Elgar Social and Political Science 2012
- Edward Elgar Social and Political Science 2013
- Edward Elgar Social and Political Science 2014
- Edward Elgar Social and Political Science 2015
- Edward Elgar Social and Political Science 2016
- Edward Elgar Social and Political Science 2017
- Edward Elgar Social and Political Science 2018
- Elgar Advanced Introductions Law Collection
- Hirzel eLibrary
- Project Muse eBooks 2018
- ProQuest Albuquerque Journal
- ProQuest Bangor Daily News (Bangor, ME)
- ProQuest Banner, The (West Boylston, Mass.)
- ProQuest Barrie Examiner
- ProQuest Baxter Bulletin
- ProQuest Berkshire Eagle, The
- ProQuest Birmingham Post
- ProQuest Buffalo News
- ProQuest Canadian Regional NewsDisc
- ProQuest Charleston Daily Mail
- ProQuest Charleston Gazette
- ProQuest China Daily
- ProQuest Cincinnati Post
- ProQuest Cornwall Standard Freeholder
- ProQuest Coshocton Tribune
- ProQuest Daily Gleaner
- ProQuest Daily Journal (Vineland)
- ProQuest Daily Mail/Mail on Sunday
- ProQuest Daily News Leader, The
- ProQuest Daily Record (Morristown)
- ProQuest Daily Telegraph
- ProQuest Daily Tribune, The
- ProQuest Daily World, The
- ProQuest Dayton Daily News
- ProQuest Edinburgh Evening News
- ProQuest El Norte
- ProQuest Evening Standard (New Zealand)
- ProQuest Evening Standard, The (London)
- ProQuest Florida Times Union
- ProQuest Fort Collins Coloradoan
- ProQuest Gannett Arizona Bundle
- ProQuest Gannett California Bundle
- ProQuest Gannett Indiana Newsstand
- ProQuest Gannett Michigan Newsstand
- ProQuest Gannett Mississippi Newsstand
- ProQuest Gannett New York Newsstand
- ProQuest Gannett Tennessee Newsstand
- ProQuest Gazette-Telegraph (Colorado Springs)
- ProQuest Hamilton Spectator
- ProQuest Illinois Newsstand
- ProQuest Item, The (Clinton, Mass.)
- ProQuest Jerusalem Post
- ProQuest Journal News, The
- ProQuest Lancaster Eagle-Gazette
- ProQuest Los Angeles Daily News
- ProQuest Malay Mail
- ProQuest Marion Star
- ProQuest Marshfield News-Herald
- ProQuest Massachusetts Newsstand
- ProQuest Mid-Atlantic Newsstand
- ProQuest Montachusett Telegram & Gazette (Worchester, Mass.)
- ProQuest National Newspaper Abstracts
- ProQuest National Newspapers (8)
- ProQuest National Newspapers Abstracts 5 with New York Times
- ProQuest Nelson Mail
- ProQuest Nevada Newsstand
- ProQuest New Brunswick Telegraph Journal
- ProQuest New York Newspapers
- ProQuest New York Post
- ProQuest News Herald (Port Clinton)
- ProQuest News Herald, The
- ProQuest News Messenger, The
- ProQuest News Sentinel (Knoxville)
- ProQuest News-Star, The
- ProQuest Niagara Falls Review
- ProQuest North Adams Transcript
- ProQuest Northwest Regional Newspapers
- ProQuest Oregonian (Portland, OR)
- ProQuest Orillia Packet and Times
- ProQuest Pacific Daily News
- ProQuest Palm Beach Post (Florida)
- ProQuest Patriot-News (Harrisburg, PA)
- ProQuest Portland Press Herald (Maine)
- ProQuest Poughkeepsie Journal, The
- ProQuest Press Democrat (Santa Rosa)
- ProQuest Record, Northern New Jersey
- ProQuest Record, The (Shrewsbury, Mass.)
- ProQuest Reforma
- ProQuest Register-Guard, The (Eugene)
- ProQuest Salinas Californian, The
- ProQuest San Francisco Examiner
- ProQuest Sarasota Herald Tribune
- ProQuest Sarnia Observer
- ProQuest Sault Star
- ProQuest Scotsman & Scotland on Sunday
- ProQuest Sentinel & Enterprise (Fitchburg, MA)
- ProQuest SIRS Editorial
- ProQuest South Bend Tribune
- ProQuest Southwest Regional Newspapers
- ProQuest Spectator-Hamilton-Burlington
- ProQuest Spectrum, The
- ProQuest Spokesman Review
- ProQuest St. Petersburg Times
- ProQuest Star Press (Muncie)
- ProQuest Star-Gazette (Elmira)
- ProQuest Stevens Point Journal
- ProQuest Sun (Lowell, MA), The
- ProQuest Sunday Telegraph
- ProQuest Syracuse Herald Journal
- ProQuest Telegraph-Forum (Bucyrus)
- ProQuest Toronto Star
- ProQuest U.S. National Newspaper Abstracts (3)
- ProQuest Utah Newsstand
- ProQuest Virginia/Delaware Newsstand
- ProQuest Visalia Times-Delta
- ProQuest Waikato Times
- ProQuest Washington DC Newsstand
- ProQuest West Virginia Newspapers
- ProQuest Westchester Journal News
- ProQuest Windsor Star
- ProQuest Winnipeg Free Press
- ProQuest Wisconsin State Journal
- SAGE Complete Books, Reference and Navigator Collection 2018
- SpringerNature BTAA eBooks 2018
- SpringerNature Carolina Journals 2018
- SpringerNature CERES Journals 2018
- SpringerNature Community Plus Journals 2018
- SpringerNature MCLS Complete eBooks 2018
- SpringerNature MCLS Legacy eBooks 2018
- SpringerNature Saudi Digital Library Journals 2018
- Verlag Otto Sagner Digital Open Access
- WISO - Die Datenbank für Hochschulen
- 维普中文科技期刊库
New External Search Resources - September 2018
The following external search resources were added to Alma Community Zone for the September release:
- Auburn University
- CSIC (Alma)
- Lakehead University
- Library and Research Council EUREKA (username and password required)
- Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
- Northwestern University
- Okanagan College Library Catalogue (BKOC)
- Queen’s University (Ont.) library
- SBT - Sistema bibliotecario ticinese - canton and universitie
- Universidad de Chile (Alma)
- Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (username and password required)
- Università di Bergamo (Alma)
- University of Aberdeen
- University of British Columbia (username and password required)
- University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA)
- University of Pittsburgh (Pa.)
- University of Rochester
- University of Victoria (B.C.)
- University of Windsor
Authorities Community Zone Updates - August 2018
The following are the Library of Congress subject authority updates for the period of June 15th through July 19th:
- Number of records updated: 180
- Number of records added: 476
- Number of records deleted: 42
- Number of records updated: 20591
- Number of records added: 27853
- Number of records deleted: 443
- Number of records updated: 89
- Number of records added: 1063
- Number of records deleted: 8
- Number of records updated: 10
- Nunmber of records added: 11
New Electronic Collections Added to the Alma CKB - August 2018
The following electronic collections were added to the Alma Community Zone from June 18th through July 22nd:
- ACP Journal Club PLUS
- AICHE/CCPS - Center for Chemical Process Safety
- American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) Journals
- American College of Surgeons Publications
- American Health Lawyers Association Publications
- American Society for Microbiology eBooks 2014
- American Society for Microbiology eBooks 2015
- American Society for Microbiology eBooks 2016
- American Society for Microbiology eBooks 2017
- American Society for Microbiology eBooks Frontlist
- Aviation Week
- BiblioBoard Core Module
- BizJournals
- Bloomberg BNA Online Journals
- Bloomsbury Design Library
- Böhlau Verlag OpenAccess
- Books@Ovid - American Nurses Association Collection 2017-2018 Purchase
- Books@Ovid - LWW JBIB Book Collection 2017-2018 Purchase
- Books@Ovid - Oncology Nursing Society Book Collection 2018 Purchase
- Books@Ovid - Oncology Nursing Society Book Collection 2018 Subscription
- Boston University on behalf of the Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation
- British Herpetological Society Publications
- British Journal of Hospital Medicine
- CALI (Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction)
- Cambridge Materials Research Society Journals
- Canadian Libraries
- Ciencia y Tecnologia (ICYT)
- CountryWatch
- CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
- Dallas Morning News Historical Archive
- Digitale Sammlungen
- DOE Scientific and Technical Information (STI)
- Doody's Online Products
- EB Medicine Journals
- Ecological Society of America Publications
- Elibro colección español completa
- EuDML: The European Digital Mathematics Library
- Evolutionary Ecology Research
- F1000Prime
- Federal Depository Library Program
- Food Technology
- Gale Cengage Florida Newspaper Database - For future use
- Greenleaf Online Library (GOL) 2013
- IEEE Xplore All eBooks
- IGI Global Gateway
- Institute of Physics:NESLI2:Science Extra Platform (Option 2):2012
- Institute of Physics:NESLI2:Science Extra Platform (Option 2):2014
- IOP Publishing Archives - PALINET/LYRASIS
- Journals@Ovid Emcare with LWW Nursing Journals 2017-2018
- Journals@Ovid LWW Nursing and Health Professions Premier 2017 Revised
- Journals@Ovid LWW Nursing and Health Professions Premier 2017-2018
- Journals@Ovid LWW Total Access Collection 2018 minus Neurology
- Journals@Ovid Open Access Journal Collection Rolling
- JSTOR Security Studies
- JSTOR Security Studies Extension
- JSTOR Sustainability (journals and research reports)
- KB+ JISC Collections Royal Society Of Chemistry Gold 2017-2019 Collection Option 3
- KB+ JISC Collections Taylor And Francis Combined Social Science And Humanities And Science And Technology 2018
- KB+ JISC Collections Taylor And Francis Medical Fresh Collection 2018
- KB+ JISC Collections Taylor And Francis Medical Library 2018
- KB+ JISC Collections Taylor And Francis Science And Technology 2018
- KB+ JISC Collections Taylor And Francis Science And Technology Fresh Collection 2018
- KB+ JISC Collections Taylor And Francis Social Science And Humanities 2018
- KB+ JISC Collections Taylor And Francis Social Science And Humanities Fresh Collection 2018
- Lexis Advance DRAA
- Literature Resource Center
- Literature Resource Center - Scribner Writers Module
- Literature Resource Center - Twayne's Authors Module
- Magna
- MALMAD Oxford University Press Journals (2014)
- Mary Ann Liebert Legacy Content
- Morningstar Library Edition
- NAL Digital Repository
- Nation Archive Premium Edition
- NCPEA Publications
- OCLC Tipasa
- Oxford Constitutions of the World
- Oxford English Dictionary
- Playback: the bulletin of the British Library Sound Archive
- Pop Culture Universe
- Project MUSE - Standard & Premium (SURFmarket)
- ProQuest ABI/INFORM Collection China
- ProQuest Arizona Republic
- ProQuest Asia Intelligence Wire
- ProQuest Atlanta Journal & Constitution
- ProQuest Baltimore Sun
- ProQuest Boston Globe
- ProQuest Business Dateline
- ProQuest Central China
- ProQuest Central Korea
- ProQuest Central Student
- ProQuest Chicago Tribune
- ProQuest Cincinnati Enquirer
- ProQuest Commercial Appeal (Memphis)
- ProQuest Courier Post (Cherry Hill)
- ProQuest Courier-Journal (Louisville)
- ProQuest Daily Herald (Chicago)
- ProQuest Daily Press
- ProQuest Des Moines Register
- ProQuest Detroit Free Press
- ProQuest Gannett Midwest Newsstand
- ProQuest Gannett Northeast Newsstand
- ProQuest Gannett Southeast Newsstand
- ProQuest Gannett Western Newsstand
- ProQuest Great Falls Tribune
- ProQuest Hartford Courant
- ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Detroit Free Press
- ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Indianapolis Star (1903-1922)
- ProQuest Historical Newspapers: New York Tribune / Herald Tribune
- ProQuest Historical Newspapers: St. Louis Post Dispatch
- ProQuest Historical Newspapers: St. Louis Post-Dispatch (1874-1922)
- ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Arizona Republican (1890-1922)
- ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Baltimore Afro-American
- ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Boston Globe
- ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Cincinnati Enquirer (1841-1922)
- ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Nashville Tennessean (1812-1922)
- ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Times of India
- ProQuest HT Media Ltd.
- ProQuest International Newspapers
- ProQuest International Newsstand (Canada)
- ProQuest Kentucky Newsstand
- ProQuest Los Angeles Times
- ProQuest Middle East & African Newsstream
- ProQuest Middle East Intelligence Wire
- ProQuest Midwest Newsstand
- ProQuest Midwestern Region Newspapers
- ProQuest Morning Call
- ProQuest National Newspapers Abstracts
- ProQuest National Newspapers Expanded
- ProQuest Newsday
- ProQuest North Carolina Newsstand
- ProQuest NoticiasFinancieras
- ProQuest Orlando Sentinel
- ProQuest Press-Citizen (Iowa City)
- ProQuest Research Library China
- ProQuest South Central Newspapers
- ProQuest South China Morning Post
- ProQuest St. Louis Post Dispatch
- ProQuest Sun Sentinel
- ProQuest Sunday Times (London)
- ProQuest The Burlington Free Press
- ProQuest The Christian Science Monitor
- ProQuest The Desert Sun
- ProQuest The Guardian
- ProQuest The Observer
- ProQuest The Times & The Sunday Times (London)
- ProQuest The Times (London)
- ProQuest US Major Dailies - For future use
- ProQuest US West Newsstream - For future use
- ProQuest USA Today
- ProQuest Wall Street Journal Asia
- ProQuest Wisconsin Newsstand
- ProQuest Wisconsin Newsstand (Gannett)
- Public Health Reports
- RIA Checkpoint Academic Advantage
- SAGE Business Cases
- SAGE CQ Press Almanac
- SAGE CQ Press Annual Collection
- SAGE CQ Press Historic Documents
- SAGE CQ Press Political Handbook of the World
- SAGE CQ Press Politics in America
- SAGE CQ Press Vital Statistics on American Politics
- SAGE CQ Press Washington Information Directory
- SAGE CQ Press Weekly
- Sage Journals Online Deep Backfile (DFG Nationallizenzen)
- SAGE Research Methods Cases Part I
- SAGE Research Methods Cases Part II
- SAGE Research Methods Core
- SAGE Research Methods Datasets
- SAGE Research Methods Podcasts
- SAGE Research Methods Video I
- SAGE Research Methods Video II
- Salem Press Online
- Scholarly Digital Editions
- SDI Online
- Small Engine Repair Reference Center
- SpringerLink Books - AutoHoldings
- SpringerLink Journals - AutoHoldings
- Statistica Sinica
- Tax Analysts publications
- The Sixties: Primary Documents and Personal Narratives
- Thomson Reuters Westlaw Campus Research
- Turpion Journals Historical Archive
- UPCC Books 2011 Global Cultural Studies Collection Supplement
- UPCC Books 2011 History Collection Supplement
- UPCC Books 2011 Political Science and Policy Studies Collection Supplement
- UPCC Books 2012 Complete Collection Supplement
- UPCC Books Archive Classics Collection Supplement
- UPCC Books Archive Complete Collection Supplement
- UPCC Books Archive Complete Foundation Supplement II
- UPCC Books Archive Film, Theater and Performing Arts Collection Supplement
- UPCC Books Archive Global Cultural Studies Collection Supplement
- Wiley Online Library PALCI Backfile Collection
New External Search Resources - August 2018
No new external search resources were added to Alma Community Zone for the August release.
Authorities Community Zone Updates - July 2018
The following are the Library of Congress subject authority updates for the period of May 22nd through June 14th:
- Number of records updated: 37
- Number of records added: 2
- Number of records updated: 17491
- Number of records added: 23760
- Number of records deleted: 430
- Number of records updated: 70
- Number of records added: 1104
- Number of records deleted: 7
- Number of records updated: 1
New Electronic Collections Added to the Alma CKB - July 2018
The following electronic collections were added to the Alma Community Zone from May 21st through June 17th:
- 101communications Publications
- 1886 - Bibliothèque numérique patrimoniale de l'Université Bordeaux Montaigne
- AAMC Journals
- Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Publications
- Accounting Standards Board (ASB) Publications
- AFRO Black History Archives
- ALEX - Historische Rechts- und Gesetzestexte Online
- American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Publications
- American Association of School Administrators
- American Ceramic Society
- American College of Surgeons Publications (Freely Accessible Titles)
- American Judges Association Publications
- American Musical Instrument Society: Newsletters by Volume
- American Phytopathological Society Journal Back Issues
- American Water Works Association Publications
- Animal
- AOSIS OpenJournals
- Architecture Media
- Archivo Digital
- ArchNet Digital Library
- Argonne National Laboratory Publications
- ARIEL - The Israel Review of Arts and Letters
- Ariez Tijdschriften
- ARKIVOC: Archive for Organic Chemistry
- ARL Publikationen
- Art Canada Institute Publications
- Art, llengua societat I cultura catalanes
- ASHRAE Publications
- ASM International Journals
- ASM on Knovel
- Atlanta Historic Newspapers Archive
- Australian Mathematical Society
- Austrian Literature Online. Frauen-Werke
- Austrian Literature Online. Schöne Literatur aus Österreich: Die 1000 Wichtigsten Bücher
- Austrian Literature Online. Tirolensia Latina
- AUVSI Publications
- Baishideng "World Journal of" online journals
- Bangladesh Journals Online
- Bavarica-Volltexte
- Biblioteca Nacional de España - Hemeroteca Digital
- Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal-Biblioteca Digital
- Biblioteka Wirtualna Nauki, Kolekcja Nauk Przyrodniczych
- Bibliothèque numérique CEFAEL
- Bibliothèque Virtuelle André Desguine
- Bioflux Journals
- Boston College Publications
- Botanische Zeitschriften
- Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists
- Bulletin of the University of Michigan Museums of Art and Archaeology
- Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung Publikationen
- CaltechAUTHORS
- Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society
- Canadian Historic Newspapers
- Canadian Publications to 2013
- CASPUR - CIBER Publishing
- Catalog of Digital Historical Newspapers (NewspaperCat)
- Center For Digital Initiatives
- Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE) Publications
- Centre for Economic Policy Research Publications
- Centro Argentino de Estudios Internacionales. E-Books
- Cervantes Project
- Chemical Engineering Documents
- Chemistry of Plant Raw Material
- Chongqing University Open Access Journals
- Classical Works, Selecta, and Opera Omnia
- Co-Action Open Access Journals
- Cogent OA
- Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln
- College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences Publications
- Columbus Enquirer Archive
- Complete Works of William Shakespeare
- Conradi: Kurze Abhandlung von den Krankheiten der Zähne und deren Kur
- Conservation OnLine
- Consumer Reports
- Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse
- Council for Economic Planning and Development Publications
- Court Rolls of Ramsey, Hepmangrove and Bury, 1268-1600
- Cross Currents
- CyberLiber Books
- CyberLiber Journals
- Czech Digital Mathematics Library
- Dental Cosmos
- Dental Historic Collection
- Digital Archive Initiative Material Culture Review
- Digital Collections @ Stanford (SULAIR)
- Digital Commons @ Illinois Wesleyan University
- Digital Commons @ Macalester College
- Digital Commons @ University of Nebraska - Lincoln
- Digital Dada Library Collection
- Digital Library of Danish American Newspapers and Journals
- Digital Military Newspaper Library
- Digitalisierung und Erschließung illustrierter Kunst- und Satirezeitschriften des 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts
- doiSerbia
- EcoSal-Escherichia coli and Salmonella: Cellular and Molecular Biology
- Editrice Kurtis Journals
- EDP Open
- Elektra
- eLuxemburgensia
- EMANI - Electronic Mathematics Archives Network Initiative
- Ernst Reinhardt E-Books
- Exilpresse digital. Deutsche Exilzeitschriften 1933-1945
- facultas.wuv und Maudrich Verlag
- Feldzeitungen aus dem 1. Weltkrieg
- Ferdinand Schöningh
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Florida Marine Research Publications
- Freimann-Sammlung
- Gallica
- GDZ Sammlung Americana
- GDZ Sammlung Autobiographica
- GDZ Sammlung Digiwunschbuch
- GDZ Sammlung Itineraria
- GDZ Sammlung Mathematica
- GDZ Sammlung Rechtsgeschichte
- GDZ Sammlung Rezensionen
- GDZ Sammlung Sibirica
- GDZ Sammlung Varia
- GDZ Sammlung VD17-Nova
- GDZ Sammlung VD18 Digital
- GDZ Sammlung Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- GDZ Sammlung Zoologica
- Georgia Historic Newspapers
- German Historical Institute Publications
- German Language News and Magazines
- GIGA Journal Family
- Greenleaf Online Library (GOL) 2014
- Greenleaf Online Library (GOL) 2015
- Hagley Digital Archives
- Hamburg University Press Programm
- Handschriften mittelalterlich der ULB Darmstadt
- Harvard Law School Publications
- Hebräische Handschriften
- Herbert von Halem
- Historical Minneapolis Tribune
- Hofmeister Monatsberichte online
- HRVH Historical Newspapers
- Hypotheses
- IAMAW Publications
- IAMCR Open Access Journals
- I-Codes
- iConcept Press Books
- iConcept Press Journals
- IEEE Elearning Library
- IEEE English For Engineering
- IK: Other Ways of Knowing
- Inkunabelsammlung der ULB Darmstadt
- Institute and Museum of the History of Science Serials
- Interdisciplinary Journal of Research in Business
- International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
- International Journal of Dental Clinics
- International Journal of Developmental Biology
- Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management
- Jan Szczepanski's Lists of OA-Journals. Historic Titles
- Jiddische Drucke
- Joyner Library Digital Collections
- Judaica Frankfurt
- KoreaMed Open Access
- KoreaScience
- La Habana Elegante
- L'Emeroteca Digitale
- Litteraturbanken
- Macon Telegraph: Georgia Historic Newspapers
- Many Books
- Maori Niupepa Collection
- Mathematical Collections and Conference Proceedings
- Mathematik
- Math-Net.Ru (free access)
- medIND: Biomedical Journals from India
- Merriam-Webster Dictionary Search
- Military Legal Resources
- Milledgeville Historic Newspapers Archive
- Missouri Botanical Garden Botanicus Collection
- Museum Tusculanums Forlag e-Publikationer
- NACCL Proceedings Online
- Narr Francke Attempto Verlag E-Books
- NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) Virtual Library Books
- NASA e-Books
- NASA History Series Publications
- National Forum Journals (Free Journals)
- National Institute of General Medical Sciences Publications
- Naturalis Biodiversity Center
- Nepal Journals Online
- NFSC Portal for Journals
- NISO Publications
- NIST Engineering Laboratory Building and Fire Publications
- Academic Passes
- OECD Statistics
- Open Access FUP
- Open Humanities Press Books
- Open Journal System Heidelberg
- O'Reilly Open Books
- Orthotics & Prosthetics Virtual Library
- Österreichische Energieagentur - Austrian Energy Agency Publikationen
- Pagepress
- PALMM Textual Collections
- Partnership For Peace Consortium: Connections Online Publications
- Pensiero Scientifico Editore
- Pensoft Open Access Journals
- Pertanika Journals
- Polish Virtual Library of Science Mathematical Collection
- Princeton Seminary Journals
- Project MUSE Open Access Books
- PsychOpen
- Purdue University Press e-books
- REPÈRE - Free
- Revistas Medicas Cubana
- Revues Soutenues par l'AUF
- Richtlijnendatabase
- Sammlung für Plansprachen
- SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System Historical Scans
- SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System Proceedings
- Science and Engineering Research Support Society
- Scientific Style and Format Online
- Scripta Paedagogica Online
- Skillsoft Books Summaries
- Solid State Technology
- Southern Israelite: Georgia Historic Newspapers
- Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Publications
- Spanish Language News and Magazines
- Spiegel Wissen
- Sri Lanka Journals Online
- Sustainable Materials With Both Eyes Open
- Sustainable Tourism CRC Bookshop (Free Online)
- Synergies
- Tanner Lecture Library
- Te Ao Hou
- Termedia Journals
- Thieme Open Access Journals
- Tibetan and Himalayan Digital Library Journals
- Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy
- Tigis - Odborné lékařské časopisy
- Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 1868-1961
- TÜBİTAK Scientific Journals
- TUMS Electronic Journals
- Türkiye Bilişim Derneği
- U.S. Geological Survey Publications for the Western United States
- United Nations Juridical Yearbook
- Universitat Oberta de Catalunya E-Journals
- University of Alberta - Education and Research Archive
- University of Illinois Press Electronic Publishing
- University of Saskatchewan Department of Economics
- UNLV Digital Collections
- UVK E-Books
- Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
- Verlag Barbara Budrich
- VIAL/Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics
- Video Data Bank Essays
- Vietnam Journals Online
- Publication
- W. Bertelsmann Verlag
- Wake Forest Law Publications
- Walden University Journals
- Wall Street Journal Online
- Waxmann
- Wilderness Medical Society Journals
- Wilhelm Fink Verlag
- World Meteorological Organization Publications
- Wyoming Newspaper Project
- Yale University School of Medicine News & Publications
- Year Book Australia
- Zhurnalnyĭ zal
- Ziggurat
- साझा शिक्षा ई-पाटीको ई-पुस्तकालय (OLE Nepal's E-Pustakalaya)
New External Search Resources - July 2018
The following external search resources were added to Alma Community Zone for the July release:
- BGR - Bibliotheksverbund Graubünde
- Bibliography on Swiss History – BSG
- Gabriel Dumont Institute Library
- Helveticat – Swiss national library
- Hong Kong Polytechnic University Catalogue (username and password required)
- HSG - IDS St. Gallen
- ProQuest OASIS
- Renouvaud
- Saskatchewan Legislative Library
- SGBN - St. Galler Bibliotheksnetz
- Universidad Autonoma Madrid (username and password required)
- Universite de Liege
- University of Regina Library (Alma)
Authorities Community Zone Updates - June 2018
The following are the Library of Congress subject authority updates for the period of April 22nd through May 21st:
- Number of records updated: 80
- Number of records added: 152
- Number of records deleted: 23
- Number of records updated: 20088
- Number of records added: 24599
- Number of records deleted: 510
- Number of records updated: 64
- Number of records added: 1047
- Number of records deleted: 21
- Number of records added: 2
New Electronic Collections Added to the Alma CKB - June 2018
The following electronic collections were added to the Alma Community Zone from April 22nd through May 20th:
- ASM Online Journals
- Biochemical Journal
- Charleston Advisor
- Conference Board Research Online Collection
- Copeia Online
- Early American Fiction 1789 - 1850
- Early American Newspapers, African American Newspapers
- EBSCOhost Arte Público Hispanic Historical Collection: Series 1
- EBSCOhost Arte Público Hispanic Historical Collection: Series 2
- EBSCOhost eBook Nursing Collection
- eDuke 2018 Books
- Emerald eCase Collection
- Emerald eCase Collection - North America
- HeinOnline History Of Capital Punishment
- HeinOnline Reports Of U.S. Presidential Commissions And Other Advisory Bodies
- IDUNN Open Access Journals
- IEEE Articles On Demand
- IEEE Proceedings Order Plans POP 2010 – Present
- IEEE Proceedings Order Plans POP All 2010 – Present
- IEEE Xplore Morgan & Claypool Synthesis Ebooks Library Computer & Information Science Collection Nine
- IEEE Xplore Wiley Ebooks 2016 (IEEE Xplore)
- IEEE Xplore Wiley Ebooks 2017 (IEEE Xplore)
- IEEE Xplore Mit Press Ebooks 2017
- IEEE Xplore Now Ebooks
- Indiana University Mathematics Journal
- International journal of engineering education
- Iowa Research Online
- ITU iLibrary
- KB+ BIBSAM BrillOnline Journals 2017-2019
- KB+ BIBSAM Independent Scholarly Publishers Group Collection 2013-2015
- KB+ JISC Collections American Association For The Advancement Of Science 2018-2020
- KB+ JISC Collections American Society Of Civil Engineers Journals 2018-19
- KB+ JISC Collections Brill Journals 2018
- KB+ JISC Collections Cambridge University Press Full Collection 2018
- KB+ JISC Collections Cambridge University Press Science Technology And Medicine 2018
- KB+ JISC Collections Cambridge University Press Social Sciences And Humanities Collection 2018
- KB+ JISC Collections Jstor Sustainability 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections Karger Medical And Scientific Publishers Full Collection 2018-2020
- KB+ JISC Collections Nature Publishing Group 2018
- KB+ JISC Collections Nature Publishing Group 2018 (Pre 2018 Subscribers)
- KB+ JISC Collections Oxford University Press Full Collection 2018-2019
- KB+ JISC Collections Oxford University Press Humanities And Social Sciences Collection 2018
- KB+ JISC Collections Oxford University Press Humanities Collection 2018
- KB+ JISC Collections Oxford University Press Law Collection 2018
- KB+ JISC Collections Oxford University Press Life Sciences Collection 2018
- KB+ JISC Collections Oxford University Press Mathematics & Physical Science Collection 2018
- KB+ JISC Collections Oxford University Press Medicine Collection 2018
- KB+ JISC Collections Oxford University Press Science Technology And Medicine Collection 2018
- KB+ JISC Collections Oxford University Press Social Sciences Collection 2018
- KB+ SHEDL Cambridge University Press Full Collection 2017
- London Review of Books
- Merriam-Webster Unabridged
- Mineralogical Society of America:Master
- Neurology Collection
- New York Review of Books Archive
- Norden iLibrary
- OECD Economic Surveys
- Open Source Science Journal - OSSJ
- Portico Triggered Ebook For Participants
- Portico Triggered Ejournal For Participants
- Portico Triggered Ejournal Open Access
- ProQuest Education Magazine Archive
- ProQuest Religious Magazine Archive
- Reference Shelf
- Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism
- Thomist
- University of Calgary Press Journals
- Virginia Gazette, Part 2: 1746-1755
- Virginia Gazette, Part III: 1756-1765
- Virginia Gazette, Part IV: 1766-1775
- Virginia Gazette, Part V: 1776-1780
- VIVA Brill Online Ebooks
- VIVA Elsevier Ebooks
- VIVA IOP Journals
- VIVA Oxford Scholarship Online Ebooks
- VIVA Oxford University Press Journals
- VIVA Taylor & Francis Evidence-Based Ebooks
- VIVA University Press Scholarship Online Ebooks
- VIVA Wiley Perpetual Access Journals
- Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Literature
New External Search Resources - June 2018
No new external search resources were added to Alma Community Zone for the June release.
Authorities Community Zone Updates - May 2018
The following are the Library of Congress subject authority updates for the period of March 16th through April 21st:
- Number of records updated: 155
- Number of records added: 378
- Number of records deleted: 41
- Number of records updated: 20365
- Number of records added: 29778
- Number of records deleted: 720
- Number of records updated: 87
- Number of records added: 1519
- Number of records deleted: 21
- Number of records updated: 18
- Number of records added: 24
- Number of records deleted: 10
New Electronic Collections Added to the Alma CKB - May 2018
The following electronic collections were added to the Alma Community Zone from March 19th through April 22nd:
- American Bar Association Online Journals
- Analytical Science Collection
- APA Books E-Collection 2010
- A-R Editions Music Publications
- Association for Learning Technology Publications
- Bayle Corpus--oeuvres complètes
- BCIS Online
- Behavior Analyst Online
- Bibliothèque de la Renaissance
- Bibliothèque des Lettres
- Bloomsbury Taylor & Francis Visual Collection 2015
- Booker T. Washington Papers
- Broadcast Education Association Publications
- Cardiff University, New Readings
- Central Ornithology Publication Office
- Classiques de l'argot et du jargon
- Classiques Garnier Online
- Classiques Jaunes en ligne
- Commonwealth of Australia Gazettes
- Communication Institute for Online Scholarship
- Computing Reviews
- Corpus de la littérature médiévale (DFG Nationallizenzen)
- Corpus de la première littérature francophone de l'Afrique noire
- Corpus de la première littérature francophone de l'Afrique noire DFG
- Corpus de la première littérature francophone de l'Océan Indien
- Critique littéraire
- Dictionnaire de l'ancienne langue française et de tous ses dialectes
- Dictionnaire françois
- Dictionnaires des XVIe et XVIIe siècles
- Dictionnaires et synthèses
- Digital Library and Archives Electronic Journals
- Digital South Asia Library
- Disaster Recovery Journal
- Écrits sur l'art
- Education Publishing Company Journals
- e-Duke Journals Scholarly Collection: Standard
- Electronic Journal System of STPI
- Émile Littré: Le Dictionnaire de la langue française
- EMS Journals Archiv (DFG Nationallizenzen)
- Encyclopédie Diderot et D'Alembert
- Encyclopédie d'Yverdon
- Estuaries Research Federation
- Études de littérature des XXe et XXIe siècles
- Études et essais sur la Renaissance
- Études montaignistes
- Études romantiques et dix-neuviémistes
- Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) Reviews
- Firenze University Press Open Journals
- Fonte Academica
- Fonte Academica
- Fonte Academica
- Furetière, Dictionaire Universel
- GEPLAC Publications
- Getty Research Institute
- Grand Corpus des dictionnaires
- Grand Corpus des grammaires françaises des remarques et des traités
- Grand Corpus des littératures française et francophone du Moyen Âge au 20 siècle
- HeinOnline Revised Statutes of Canada
- Historical Newspapers in Washington
- Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center
- Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center
- Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center
- Home Economics Journals
- Home Improvement Reference Center
- Home Improvement Reference Center
- Home Improvement Reference Center
- IARIA Journals
- IBIMA Publishing Journals
- IEEE Spectrum Online
- INCE Digital Library
- Indiana History Online
- Intellect Journals
- International Atomic Energy Agency Publications
- IUScholarWorks Journals
- JISC Journal Archives
- La Curne. Dictionnaire de l'ancien français
- La Révolution et l'Empire
- Larousse, Grand Dictionnaire universel du 19e s.
- Led on Line
- Libertas Academica Open access journals
- Library Publishing Media Open Access Journals
- Masculin/féminin dans l'Europe moderne
- McClatchy-Tribune Collection
- McClatchy-Tribune Collection
- McClatchy-Tribune Collection
- Metropolitan Opera Guild Publications
- MIT Press eBooks Library: Computing & Engineering Collection
- Naace Journals
- National Association of Geoscience Teachers Publications
- Nature Publishing Group: NESLI2: 2014
- NPSIA Publications
- Office of Fair Trading Publications
- Oxford Journals 2017 Open Access Collection
- Papers Past
- Patrologia græca
- Patrologia graeca (DFG Nationallizenzen)
- Perspectives comparatistes
- PJ Online
- Portal to Texas History
- ProQuest International Newsstream
- ProQuest Irish Times- For future use
- ProQuest J.P. Morgan Research
- ProQuest Philadelphia Inquirer- For future use
- ProQuest Standard Times- For future use
- Publications of the Lepidopterists' Society
- Recherches littéraires médiévales
- Rencontres
- SAE Mobilus
- SAE Mobilus Technical Papers
- Savoirs anciens et médiévaux
- SME Journals
- Springer Nature Book Archives Millennium (2000-2004)
- Springer Nature LALC Springer & ADIS 2017 Consortium Collection
- Springer Nature LALC Springer Ebooks & Books Series Consortium Collection
- Springer Nature LALC Springer Protocols 2016-2018 Consortium Collection
- Springer Nature LYRASIS 2018 Consortium Collection
- Springer Nature MALMAD Individual Subscription Consortium Collection 2017
- Springer Nature MALMAD Nature Academic Society Consortium Collection 2017
- Springer Nature MALMAD Nature Branded Consortium Collection 2017
- Springer Nature MALMAD Palgrave MacMillan Consortium Collection 2017
- Springer Nature MALMAD Springer Full Consortium Collection 2017
- Springer Nature PASCAL Nature Archives and Scientific American Archives Collection
- Springer Nature Spanish National Consortium 2018 Collection
- Standard Rate & Data Service
- Textes de la Renaissance
- Textes littéraires du Moyen Âge
- Textile Magazines
- Textiles Intelligence
- The Historical Association
- Théorie de la littérature
- Times Higher Education
- Tobacco Control Research Publications
- UBC Online Publications
- Ubiquity Press Books (Open Access)
- Ubiquity Press Journals (Open Access)
- ULAKBIM - Mühendislik ve Temel Bilimler Veri Tabani
- ULAKBIM - Turk Sosyal Bilimler Veri Tabani
- ULAKBIM - Türk Tıp Veri Tabani
- ULAKBIM - Yaşam Bilimleri Veri Tabani
- University of North Texas Digital Library
- University of Warwick Electronic Law Journals
- UPCC Books 2016 Higher Education Collection
- Valueline Investment Survey Standard Edition
- Wageningen Academic Publishers Open Access
- Westlaw Asia
- Westlaw China
- Wiley Not in Any Collection 2018
- Wiley Online Library Database Model 2018
- Wiley Online Library Full Collection 2018
- Wiley Online Library Medicine and Nursing Collection 2018
- Wiley Online Library Opt In Titles 2018
- Wiley Online Library Science Technology and Medicine Collection 2018
- Wiley Online Library Social Science and Humanities Collection 2018
- Wilson's Reference Shelf Online
- XpertHR
New External Search Resources - May 2018
The following external search resources were added to Alma Community Zone for the May release:
- Bangor University library
- Catálogo de la Biblioteca de la UCM
- Catálogo de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Library Catalog (username & password required)
- Museum of Modern Art Library - Arcade – nyarc
- Technion Israel Institute of Technology (Alma) (username & password required)
Community Zone Updates - April 2018
- As of March, the CKB includes the following resources:
- Total packages: 8,187
- Aggregator packages: 1,639
- Selective packages: 6,548
- eBook packages: 3,566
- eJournal packages: 5,269
- Mixed packages: 352
- Full text titles: 20,122,929
- eBook titles: 17,440,287
- eJournal titles: 2,682,642
- Peer-reviewed journals: 61,195
- Total bibliographic records: 5,664,431
Alma Numbers and Statistics - April 2018
Recently, the Alma team ran some checks on Alma numbers and statistics. We were amazed at some of the results. For example, did you know that there are more than 720 million bibliographic records across all institutions in Alma?

New Authority Vocabularies - March 2018
The PUC (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) vocabulary was added to Alma Community Zone for this release. As part of this new authority vocabulary, 518370 records were loaded to the Community Zone.
Authorities Community Zone Updates - March 2018
The following are the Library of Congress subject authority updates for the period of January 19th through February 15th:
- Number of records updated: 126
- Number of records added: 246
- Number of records deleted: 19
- Number of records updated: 14814
- Number of records added: 21272
- Number of records deleted: 386
- Number of records updated: 80
- Number of records added: 752
- Number of records deleted: 5
- Number of records updated: 2
- Number of records added: 8
New Electronic Collections Added to the Alma CKB - March 2018
The following electronic collections were added to the Alma Community Zone from January 22nd through February 21st:
- Alexander Street Press Black Women Writers
- Alexander Street Press British and Irish Womens Letters and Diaries Second Ed
- Alexander Street Press Counseling & Psychotherapy Transcripts Client Narratives
- Alexander Street Press Counseling and Therapy in Video Volume 5
- Alexander Street Press Early Experiences in Australasia: Primary Sources and Personal Narratives
- Alexander Street Press Ethnographic Video Online Volume 3 China
- Alexander Street Press Ethnographic Video Online, Volume 1 (Purchasers/Subscribers Post Sept. 2015) - All Titles
- Alexander Street Press Ethnographic Video Online, Volume 1 (Purchasers/Subscribers Post Sept. 2015) - Australia
- Alexander Street Press Ethnographic Video Online, Volume 1 (Purchasers/Subscribers Post Sept. 2015) - Canada
- Alexander Street Press Ethnographic Video Online, Volume 1 (Purchasers/Subscribers Post Sept. 2015) - Outside North America
- Alexander Street Press Ethnographic Video Online, Volume 1 (Purchasers/Subscribers Post Sept. 2015) - United States
- Alexander Street Press Ethnographic Video Online, Volume 2 (Purchasers/Subscribers Post Sept. 2015) - All Titles
- Alexander Street Press Ethnographic Video Online, Volume 2 (Purchasers/Subscribers Post Sept. 2015) - Australia
- Alexander Street Press Ethnographic Video Online, Volume 2 (Purchasers/Subscribers Post Sept. 2015) - Canada
- Alexander Street Press Ethnographic Video Online, Volume 2 (Purchasers/Subscribers Post Sept. 2015) - Outside North America
- Alexander Street Press Ethnographic Video Online, Volume 2 (Purchasers/Subscribers Post Sept. 2015) - United States
- Alexander Street Press Illustrated Civil War Newspapers and Magazines
- Alexander Street Press Milgram Collection
- Alexander Street Press Music Online: American Song Outside North America
- Alexander Street Press Music Online: Classical Music Library - Australia
- Alexander Street Press Rehabilitation Therapy in Video
- Alexander Street Press Romantic Era Redefined
- Alexander Street Press Theatre in Video CRKN
- Alexander Street Press Twentieth Century Religious Thought All Titles
- Alexander Street Press Women and Social Movements International
- Bacon American Association For Cancer Research Global All Titles
- Bacon American Association For The Advancement Of Science Global All Titles
- Bacon American Association Of Neurological Surgeons Global All Journals
- Bacon American College Of Physicians Global All Journals
- Bacon American Institute Of Aeronautics And Astronautics Global All Journals
- Bacon American Institute Of Physics Couperin Societies-Titles
- Bacon American Institute Of Physics Global All Titles
- Bacon American Medical Association Couperin All Titles
- Bacon American Medical Association Global All Titles
- Bacon American Meteorological Society Global All Journals
- Bacon American Physical Society Couperin All Titles
- Bacon American Physiological Society Global All Journals
- Bacon American Society For Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Global All Titles
- Bacon American Society For Microbiology Couperin All Journals
- Bacon American Society For Microbiology Global All Journals
- Bacon American Society For Nutrition Global All Titles
- Bacon American Society For Pharmacology And Experimental Therapeutics Global All Titles
- Bacon American Society Of Civil Engineers Global All Journals
- Bacon American Society Of Mechanicals Engineers Couperin All Journals
- Bacon American Society Of Mechanicals Engineers Global All Journals
- Bacon American Society Of Plant Biologists Global All Journals
- Bacon American Thoracic Society Global All Titles
- Bacon Annual Reviews Couperin Agriculture
- Bacon Annual Reviews Couperin Biomedical
- Bacon Annual Reviews Couperin Economics
- Bacon Annual Reviews Couperin Life-Sciences
- Bacon Annual Reviews Couperin Physical-Sciences
- Bacon Annual Reviews Couperin Sciences
- Bacon Annual Reviews Couperin Social-Sciences
- Bacon Annual Reviews Global All Titles
- Bacon Association For Computing Machinery Couperin All Journals
- Bacon Association For Computing Machinery Global All Journals
- Bacon Bentham Science Global All Journals
- Bacon Biomed Central Global All Titles
- Bacon Bioone Couperin All Journals
- Bacon Bioone Global All ebooks
- Bacon Bioone Global All Journals
- Bacon Bioone Global All Titles
- Bacon Bioone Global Open access
- Bacon Bioscientifica Global All Titles
- Bacon Bmj Global All Journals
- Bacon Brepols France Istex ebooks
- Bacon Brepols France Istex journals
- Bacon Brepols Global All Titles
- Bacon Brill Global All Journals
- Bacon Brill Global Classical-Studies-Ebook-Collections
- Bacon Brill Global Open access
- Bacon Cairn Global Magazines-General
- Bacon Cairn Global Magazines-Restreint
- Bacon Cairn Global Ouvrages-Geographieenvironnement
- Bacon Cairn Global Revues-Geographieenvironnement
- Bacon Cambrigde University Press Couperin Cjo-Premium
- Bacon Cambrigde University Press Couperin Cjo-Static
- Bacon Cambrigde University Press Couperin Hss-Premium
- Bacon Cambrigde University Press Couperin Hss-Static
- Bacon Cambrigde University Press Couperin Medicalvet-Static
- Bacon Cambrigde University Press Couperin Stm-Premium
- Bacon Cambrigde University Press Couperin Stm-Static
- Bacon Cambrigde University Press France Istex Journals
- Bacon Cambrigde University Press Global All Journals
- Bacon Cambrigde University Press Global Open access
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Academie2
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Basile
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Bayle
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Bdl
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Brunet
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Corpusbayle
- Bacon Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Global All Journals
- Bacon Commonwealth Scientific And Industrial Research Organisation Global All Journals
- Bacon Compagny Of Biologists Global All Titles
- Bacon Cyberlibris Couperin Economie-Gestion-Droit
- Bacon Cyberlibris Couperin Emploi-Metiers-Formation
- Bacon Cyberlibris Couperin Sante-Science-De-La-Vie-Medecine
- Bacon Cyberlibris Couperin Science-De-L-Education-Espe
- Bacon Cyberlibris Couperin Science-De-L-Ingenieur
- Bacon Cyberlibris Couperin Sciences-Humaines-Et-Sociales
- Bacon Cyberlibris Global All ebooks
- Bacon Cyberlibris Global All Journals
- Bacon Cyberlibris Global All Titles
- Bacon De Gruyter Couperin All Journals
- Bacon De Gruyter Global All Journals
- Bacon De Gruyter Global Open access
- Bacon Duke University Press France Istex Journals
- Bacon Ebsco Couperin Academic-Search-Elite-Afh
- Bacon Ebsco Couperin Academic-Search-Premier-Aph
- Bacon Ebsco Couperin America-History-Life-With-Fulltext-31H
- Bacon Ebsco Couperin Art-Architecture-Complete-Vth
- Bacon Ebsco Couperin Art-Source-Asu
- Bacon Ebsco Couperin Business-Source-Complete-Bth
- Bacon Ebsco Couperin Business-Source-Elite-Bsh
- Bacon Ebsco Couperin Business-Source-Premier-Buh
- Bacon Ebsco Couperin Cinahl-With-Fulltext-C8H
- Bacon Ebsco Couperin Doss-Ddh
- Bacon Ebsco Couperin Econlit-With-Fulltext-Eoh
- Bacon Ebsco Couperin Education-Research-Complete-Ehh
- Bacon Ebsco Couperin Entrepreneurial-Studies-Source-Ent
- Bacon Ebsco Couperin Historical-Abstracts-With-Fulltext-30H
- Bacon Ebsco Couperin Humanities-International-Complete-Hlh
- Bacon Ebsco Couperin Lgbt-Life-With-Fulltext-Qth
- Bacon Ebsco Couperin Literary-Reference-Center-Lfh
- Bacon Ebsco Couperin Medline-Complete-Mdc
- Bacon Ebsco Couperin Philosophers-Index-With-Fulltext-Pif
- Bacon Ebsco Couperin Political-Science-Complete-Poh
- Bacon Ebsco Couperin Psycarticles-Pdh
- Bacon Ebsco Couperin Psyccritiques-Pvh
- Bacon Ebsco Couperin Psychology-Behavioral-Sciences-Pbh
- Bacon Ebsco Couperin Socindex-With-Fulltext-Sih
- Bacon Ebsco Couperin Sportdiscus-With-Fulltext-S3H
- Bacon Ebsco Couperin Vente-Gestion-Frh
- Bacon Ecological Society Of America Global All Titles
- Bacon Edp Sciences France Istex Journals
- Bacon Edp Sciences Global All Journals
- Bacon Edp Sciences Global Open access
- Bacon Emerald Couperin 120
- Bacon Emerald Couperin 175
- Bacon Emerald Couperin 60
- Bacon Emerald Couperin Accounting-Finance-And-Economics
- Bacon Emerald Couperin Business-Management-And-Strategy
- Bacon Emerald Couperin Education
- Bacon Emerald Couperin Engineering
- Bacon Emerald Couperin Health-And-Social-Care
- Bacon Emerald Couperin Hr-Learning-And-Organization-Studies
- Bacon Emerald Couperin Information-And-Knowledge-Management
- Bacon Emerald Couperin Library-Studies
- Bacon Emerald Couperin Marketing
- Bacon Emerald Couperin Operations-Logistics-And-Quality
- Bacon Emerald Couperin Plus
- Bacon Emerald Couperin Premier
- Bacon Emerald Couperin Property-Management-And-Built-Environment
- Bacon Emerald Couperin Public-Policy-And-Environmental
- Bacon Emerald Couperin Tourism-And-Hospitality-Management
- Bacon Emerald France Istex Journals
- Bacon Emerald Global All ebooks
- Bacon Emerald Global All Journals
- Bacon Emerald Global All Titles
- Bacon Emerald Global Open access
- Bacon Endocrine Society Global All Journals
- Bacon Erudit Global All Titles
- Bacon Europresse France Bibpub
- Bacon Europresse Global Bibesr
- Bacon Gallica Global All Journals
- Bacon Geological Society Of London France Istex ebooks
- Bacon Geoscienceworld Couperin All Journals
- Bacon Geoscienceworld Global All Journals
- Bacon Human Kinetics Global All Journals
- Bacon Ieeexplore Couperin Iel
- Bacon Informs Global All Journals
- Bacon Ios Press Global AAll Journals
- Bacon Istex France Istex All Tiitles
- Bacon Jstor Global Arts-and-Sciences-X
- Bacon Jstor Global Arts-and-Sciences-Xi
- Bacon Jstor Global Arts-and-Sciences-Xii
- Bacon Jstor Global Arts and Sciences xiii
- Bacon Jstor Global Arts-And-Sciences-Xiii
- Bacon Jstor Global Arts-And-Sciences-Xiv
- Bacon Jstor Global Arts-And-Sciences-Xv
- Bacon Jstor Global Business-And-Economics
- Bacon Jstor Global Business-Iv
- Bacon Jstor Global Current-Scholarship-Program
- Bacon Jstor Global Early-Journal-Content-Collection
- Bacon Jstor Global Hebrew
- Bacon Jstor Global Jewish-Studies
- Bacon Jstor Global Religion-And-Theology
- Bacon Karger Couperin All Journals
- Bacon Karger Global All Journals
- Bacon Karger Global Open access
- Bacon Lavoisier Global All ebooks
- Bacon Lavoisier Global All Journals
- Bacon Lavoisier Global All Titles
- Bacon Lavoisier Global Open access
- Bacon Leh Edition Global Bnds
- Bacon Lippincott Williams And Wilkins Couperin High-Impact
- Bacon Lippincott Williams And Wilkins Couperin Premier
- Bacon Lippincott Williams And Wilkins Global All Journals
- Bacon Mary Ann Liebert Global All Journals
- Bacon Massachusetts Medical Society Couperin Nejm
- Bacon Mathdoc Global Numdam
- Bacon Mit Press Global All Journals
- Bacon National Academy Of Sciences Couperin Pnas
- Bacon National Academy Of Sciences Global All Journals
- Bacon National Bureau Of Economic Research Global All Journals
- Bacon Npg Springer Nature Global All Journals
- Bacon Npg Springer Nature Global Open access
- Bacon Openedition Global All ebooks
- Bacon Openedition Global All Journals
- Bacon Openedition Global All Titles
- Bacon Oxford University Press Global All ebooks
- Bacon Oxford University Press Global All Journals
- Bacon Oxford University Press Global All Titles
- Bacon Oxford University Press Global Law trove
- Bacon Oxford University Press Global Open access
- Bacon Oxford University Press Global Oxford bibliographies
- Bacon Oxford University Press Global Oxford clinical psychology
- Bacon Oxford University Press Global Oxford handbooks online all
- Bacon Oxford University Press Global Oxford music online
- Bacon Oxford University Press Global Oxford reference all
- Bacon Oxford University Press Global Oxford research encyclopedias
- Bacon Oxford University Press Global Oxford scholarly editions online all
- Bacon Oxford University Press Global Oxford scholarly editions online shakespeare
- Bacon Oxford University Press Global Politics trove
- Bacon Oxford University Press Global University press scholarship online all
- Bacon Oxford University Press Global University press scholarship online oup
- Bacon Oxford University Press Global Very short introductions all
- Bacon Persée Global All Journals
- Bacon Portland Press Global All Titles
- Bacon Project Muse Couperin Basic-College
- Bacon Project Muse Couperin Basic-Research
- Bacon Project Muse Couperin Humanities
- Bacon Project Muse Couperin Premium
- Bacon Project Muse Couperin Social-Sciences
- Bacon Project Muse Couperin Standard
- Bacon Project Muse Global All Journals
- Bacon Proquest Couperin Factiva
- Bacon Proquest Couperin Fiafplus
- Bacon Proquest Couperin Iimp
- Bacon Proquest Couperin Iipa
- Bacon Proquest Couperin Lion
- Bacon Proquest Couperin Pao1
- Bacon Proquest Couperin Pao10
- Bacon Proquest Couperin Pao2
- Bacon Proquest Couperin Pao3
- Bacon Proquest Couperin Pao4
- Bacon Proquest Couperin Pao5
- Bacon Proquest Couperin Pao6
- Bacon Proquest Couperin Pao7
- Bacon Proquest Couperin Pao8
- Bacon Proquest Couperin Pao9
- Bacon Proquest Couperin Prisma
- Bacon Radiological Society Of North America Global All Titles
- Bacon Rockefeller University Press Global All Titles
- Bacon Royal Society Of Chemistry France Istex ebooks
- Bacon Royal Society Publishing France Istex journals
- Bacon Royal Society Publishing Global All Titles
- Bacon Sage Publications Couperin Hss
- Bacon Sage Publications Couperin Premier
- Bacon Sage Publications Couperin Stm
- Bacon Sage Publications Global All Journals
- Bacon Spie Digital Library Couperin All ebooks
- Bacon Spie Digital Library Couperin All Journals
- Bacon Spie Digital Library Couperin Digital-Library
- Bacon Spie Digital Library Couperin Proceedings
- Bacon Springer (Springer Nature) France Istex ebooks
- Bacon Taylor&Francis Couperin Medical-Backfiles-And-Frontlist
- Bacon Taylor&Francis Couperin Medical-Frontlist
- Bacon Taylor&Francis Couperin Ssh-Backfiles-And-Frontlist
- Bacon Taylor&Francis Couperin Ssh-Frontlist
- Bacon Taylor&Francis Couperin St-Backfiles-And-Frontlist
- Bacon Taylor&Francis Couperin St-Frontlist
- Bacon Taylor&Francis Global All Journals
- Bacon Taylor&Francis Global Open access
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Agroalimentaire
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global All Titles
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Automatiqueetingenieriesysteme
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Bioprocedes
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Boisverreceramiqueettextile
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Bruitetvibrations
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Chimieverte
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Conceptionetproduction
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Constantesphysicochimiques
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Controlenondestructif
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Conversiondelenergieelectrique
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Corrosionvieillissement
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Documentsnumeriquesgestiondecontenu
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Droitetorganisationgeneraledelaconstruction
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Ecoconceptionetinnovationresponsable
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Elaborationetrecyclagedesmetaux
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Electronique
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Emballages
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Environnement
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Etudeetproprietesdesmetaux
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Fonctionsetcomposantsmecaniques
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Formulation
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Froidindustriel
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Frottementusureetlubrification
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Genienucleaire
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Innovationstechnologiques
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Instrumentationetmethodesdemesure
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Laconstructionresponsable
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Lesecondoeuvreetlequipementdubatiment
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Lessuperstructuresdubatiment
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Letraitementdusignaletsesapplications
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Logistique
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Machineshydrauliquesaerodynamiquesetthermiques
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Maintenance
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Managementetingenieriedelinnovation
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Managementindustriel
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Materiauxfonctionnels
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Mathematiques
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Mecaniquedessolsetgeotechnique
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Medicamentsetproduitspharmaceutiques
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Mesuresettestselectroniques
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Mesuresmecaniquesetdimensionnelles
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Mesuresphysiques
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Metieringenieurterritorial
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Metierresponsablebureaudetudeconception
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Metierresponsableenvironnement
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Metierresponsablequalite
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Metierresponsablerisquechimique
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Miseenformedesmetauxetfonderie
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Nanosciencesetnanotechnologies
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Operationsunitairesgeniedelareactionchimique
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Optiquephotonique
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Physiquechimie
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Physiqueenergetique
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Plastiquesetcomposites
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Qualiteetsecuriteaulaboratoire
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Reseauxelectriquesetapplications
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Reseauxtelecommunications
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Ressourcesenergetiquesetstockage
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Robotique
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Securitedessystemesdinformation
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Securiteetgestiondesrisques
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Systemesaeronautiques
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Systemesferroviaires
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Techniquesdanalyse
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Techniquesdubatimentlenveloppedubatiment
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Techniquesdubatimentlesecondoeuvreetleslotstechniques
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Techniquesdubatimentpreparerlaconstruction
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Technologiesbiomedicales
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Technologiesdeleau
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Technologieslogiciellesarchitecturesdessystemes
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Technologiesradarsetapplications
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Thermiqueindustrielle
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Tracabilite
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Traitementsdesmetaux
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Transportfluvialetmaritime
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Travaildesmateriauxassemblage
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Travauxpublicsetinfrastructures
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Vehiculeetmobilitedufutur
- Bacon Techniques De L'Ingénieur Global Vieillissementpathologiesetrehabilitationdubatiment
- Bacon Thieme Publishing Group Couperin Chimie
- Bacon Thieme Publishing Group Couperin Medical
- Bacon Thieme Publishing Group Global All Journals
- Bacon University Of Chicago Press Global All Journals
- Bacon Wiley Couperin Database
- Bacon Wiley Couperin Full
- Bacon Wiley Couperin Medicine-And-Nursing
- Bacon Wiley Couperin Ssh
- Bacon Wiley Couperin St
- Bacon Wiley Couperin St-And-Ssh
- Bacon Wiley Couperin Stm
- Bacon Wiley Global All Journals
- Bacon Wiley Global Open access
- Churchill Archive
- eDuke Journals Scholarly Collection: Expanded
- Entomological Society of Ontario
- Il Mulino eJournals
- IngentaConnect Open Access Journals
- MedicalFinder 医書.jp 版
- Norden Publikationer (Norden Publications)
- Project Runeberg
- SpringerLink Books Behavioral Science and Psychology 2018
- SpringerLink Books Biomedical and Life Sciences 2018
- SpringerLink Books Business and Economics German 2018
- SpringerLink Books Business and Management 2018
- SpringerLink Books Chemistry and Materials Science 2018
- SpringerLink Books Computer Science and Engineering German 2018
- SpringerLink Books Computer Science Without Lecture Notes 2018
- SpringerLink Books Earth and Environmental Science 2018
- SpringerLink Books Economics and Finance 2018
- SpringerLink Books Education 2018
- SpringerLink Books Energy 2018
- SpringerLink Books Engineering 2018
- SpringerLink Books History 2018
- SpringerLink Books Humanities Social Sciences and Law 2018
- SpringerLink Books J.B. Metzler Humanities German 2018
- SpringerLink Books Law and Criminology 2018
- SpringerLink Books Lecture Notes In Computer Science 2018
- SpringerLink Books Life Science and Basic Disciplines German 2018
- SpringerLink Books Literature Cultural and Media Studies 2018
- SpringerLink Books Mathematics and Statistics Without Lecture Notes 2018
- SpringerLink Books Medicine 2018
- SpringerLink Books Medicine Dutch 2018
- SpringerLink Books Medicine German 2018
- SpringerLink Books Physics and Astronomy Without Lecture Notes 2018
- SpringerLink Books Political Science and International Studies 2018
- SpringerLink Books Professional and Applied Computing 2018
- SpringerLink Books Psychology German 2018
- SpringerLink Books Religion and Philosophy 2018
- SpringerLink Books Social Science and Law German 2018
- SpringerLink Books Social Sciences 2018
- SpringerLink Books Springer Reference De German 2018
- SpringerLink Books Springerprotocols 2018
- SpringerLINK Corp R&D AirProd Journals
- SpringerLINK Global Ind Chem Mfg Contemp AirProd Books
- SpringerLINK Global Ind Chem Mfg Contemp AirProd Journals
- SpringerLINK LYRASIS 2017 AirProd Perpetual Journals
- 医書.jp オールアクセス
New External Search Resources - March 2018
The following external search resources were added to Alma Community Zone for the March release:
- Clark Art Institute
- Harvard University (username & password required)
- Indiana University
- Library and Archives Canada (username & password required)
- The Getty Research Institute
- The Metropolitan Museum
- The Open University UK
- University of Houston
- University of Minnesota
- University of Toronto
- University of Wisconsin – Madison
Authorities Community Zone Updates - February 2018
The following are the Library of Congress subject authority updates for the period of December 22nd through January 18th:
- Number of records updated: 52
- Number of records added: 233
- Number of records deleted: 37
- Number of records updated: 11697
- Number of records added: 16999
- Number of records deleted: 257
- Number of records updated: 86
- Number of records added: 706
- Number of records deleted: 6
- Number of records updated: 5
- Number of records added: 13
New Electronic Collections Added to the Alma CKB - February 2018
The following electronic collections were added to the Alma Community Zone from December 25th through November 21st:
- ADB Online Publications
- American Association for Artificial Intelligence Publications
- American Memory: The 19th Century in Print
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global All ebooks
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global All journals
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global All titles
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Blf
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Aed
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Alk
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Alm
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Amg
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Arb
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Are
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-B17
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-B18
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-B19
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-B20
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Bau
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Bcl
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Bec
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Bfr
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Bgi
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Bhm
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Bhr
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Blm
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Bpj
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Bpr
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Bre
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Bsm
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Bsp
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Bss
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Btf
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Bvy
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Cad
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Caj
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Cat
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Cdu
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Cen
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Cer
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Cgr
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Clb
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Cld
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Clf
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Clj
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Clm
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Cme
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Cmh
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Cmo
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Cvl
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Cyl
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Dis
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Dma
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Dol
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Dtf
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Ecr
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Edg
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Edp
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Eec
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Eer
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Ees
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Efa
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Ele
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Elf
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Eli
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Elu
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Emo
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Enc
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Eno
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Eph
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Epm
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Erd
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Eri
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Esa
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Esm
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Eth
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Eto
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Fma
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Gmo
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Hcu
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Hdr
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Hef
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Hit
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Hlf
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Hpe
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Hpr
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Hps
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Htm
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Ist
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Kai
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-L17
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-L18
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Lcc
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Lce
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Lhp
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Lip
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Lmo
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Lva
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Maf
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Mat
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Med
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Mra
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Mus
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Par
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Pas
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Pco
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Phc
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Pln
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Pol
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Rbo
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Rci
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Rcl
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Rcm
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Rda
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Rel
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Ren
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Rep
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Ret
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Rlc
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Rme
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Rne
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Rnl
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Rom
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Rps
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Rsm
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Rve
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Set
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Sir
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Sme
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Sya
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Thl
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Tle
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Tlm
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Tph
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Tre
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Upr
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Urh
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Wgi
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Cg-Zum
- Bacon Classiques Garnier Numérique Global Diderot
- Bacon Numérique Premium France Istexebooks
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global All ebooks
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Degaulle
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Droitpratique
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Enseignementdelhistoire-Historiographie
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Etudedelalitteraturefrancophone
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Geopolitique
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Histoireancienne
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Histoirecontemporaine
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Histoiredelameriquedunord
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Histoiredelapsychanalyse
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Histoiredelart
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Histoiredesreligions
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Histoiredessciences
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Histoireducinema
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Histoiregenerale
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Histoiregenerale-Xixexxesiecle
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Histoiremedievale
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Histoiremoderne
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Oeuvrescompletesetetudeszoliennes
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Philosophesfrancaisduxxesiecle
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Premiereguerremondiale
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Renseignementetsecurite
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Revolutionfrancaise-Premierempire
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Sciencesdeleducation
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Secondeguerremondiale-Etudes
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Secondeguerremondiale-Sourcesettemoignages
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Sociologieethistoiredesmedias
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Usuelsetgeneralitesenhistoire-Delantiquiteanosjours
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Usuelsxixexxesiecle
- Bacon Numérique Premium Global Viepolitiquefrancaiseauxxesiecle
- Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Publications
- Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Publications
- Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Economic Research Publications
- HeinOnline Brennan Center for Justice Publications at NYU School of Law
- HeinOnline Congress and the Courts
- HeinOnline History of Supreme Court Nominations
- HeinOnline International Law Association Reports
- HeinOnline Parker School of Foreign & Comparative Law Publications
- HeinOnline Provincial Statutes of Canada
- HeinOnline Scottish Legal History
- HeinOnline State Statutes: A Historical Archive
- HeinOnline Trends in Law Library Management and Technology
- HeinOnline UNC Press Law Publications
- HeinOnline Uniform Law Commission: National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws
- H-Net Reviews
- Making of America Books
- Open Knowledge Repository
- Ovid Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Total Access Collection 2018
- Oxford Handbooks Online 2013 Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Oxford Handbooks Online 2014 History
- Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law
- Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law (OSAIL)
- Rettsdata Total
- SpringerLINK - UNIPA 2016
- Techniques de l'Ingénieur
- University of Virginia Library
- WHO/IARC Classification of Tumours
- Wildlife Online
- Wiley Online Library AGU Free Content
New Authority Vocabularies - January 2018
CSIC authorities were added to Alma Community Zone for this release.
Authorities Community Zone Updates - January 2018
The following are the Library of Congress subject authority updates for the period of November 17th through December 21st:
- Number of records updated: 195
- Number of records added: 203
- Number of records deleted: 69
- Number of records updated: 17281
- Number of records added: 27634
- Number of records deleted: 351
- Number of records updated: 182
- Number of records added: 1751
- Number of records deleted: 72
- Number of records updated: 10
- Number of records added: 16
New Electronic Collections Added to the Alma CKB - January 2018
The following electronic collections were added to the Alma Community Zone from November 23rd through December 24th:
- ACS Academic Core Plus
- Adis Journals & Newsletters
- Advertising Standards Authority
- African Journal Archive
- American Chemical Society (ACS) Open Access
- American Chemical Society Legacy Archives
- American Mathematical Society Publications (Freely Accessible)
- American Mathematical Society Publications (Freely Accessible)
- Australian Periodical Publications 1840-1845
- Bentham Science Publishers OA
- Biography Reference Center
- BMJ Journals
- Cairn eBooks Clinical Psychology
- Cairn eBooks EcoSocPol
- Cairn eBooks Education
- Cairn eBooks History, Geography
- Cairn eBooks Humanities
- Cairn eBooks Management
- Cairn eBooks Political Science, Law
- Cairn eBooks Psychology
- Cairn eBooks Social Work
- Cairn eBooks Sociology
- Cairn Journals Geography and Environment
- Cairn Magazines Abridged
- Cairn Magazines General
- Cambridge Histories 2013
- Children's Literature Review
- CINAHL Complete
- Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism
- Dana Press
- digitalculturebooks
- Directory of Open Access Journals
- DOAB: Directory of Open Access Books
- Drama Criticism
- eBook Business Collection
- eBook Clinical Collection
- eBook Engineering Core Collection
- eBook History Collection
- eBook Public Library Collection - North America
- eBook Religion Collection
- Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO)
- Eighties in America
- Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Research & Data
- Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Publications
- Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Economic Research Publications
- Federal Reserve Bank of New York Research Publications
- Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Publications
- Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Research Publications
- Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Publications
- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic Research Publications
- Fifties in America
- Human Kinetics Journals
- KB+ JISC Collections CAIRN Bouquet General Collection 2017-2019
- KB+ JISC Collections CAIRN Economics Social and Political Science Collection 2017-2019
- KB+ JISC Collections CAIRN French Studies Collection 2017-2019
- KB+ JISC Collections CAIRN Humanities and Social Sciences Collection 2017-2019
- KB+ Jisc Collections CENGAGE 19th Century British Library Newspapers (2017-2019)
- KB+ Jisc Collections CENGAGE 19th Century UK Periodicals Series I (2017-2019)
- KB+ Jisc Collections CENGAGE The Burney Collection 17th & 18th Century (2017-2019)
- KB+ Jisc Collections CENGAGE The Times Digital Archive (2017-2020)
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences I Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences II Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences III Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences IV Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences IX Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences V Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences VI Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences VII Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences VIII Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences X Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences XI Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences XII Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences XIII Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences XIV Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Arts and Sciences XV Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Biological Sciences Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Business and Economics Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Business I Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Business II Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Business III Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Business IV Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Ecology and Botany I Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Ecology and Botany II Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Health and General Sciences Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Hebrew Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Jewish Studies Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Language and Literature Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Life Sciences Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Mathematics and Statistics Enhanced Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Mathematics and Statistics Legacy Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Music Enhanced Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Music Legacy Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ JISC Collections JSTOR Religion and Theology Collection 2017-2018
- KB+ Jisc Collections Project Muse Basic College Collection (2018-2020)
- KB+ Jisc Collections Project Muse Basic Research Collection (2018-2020)
- KB+ Jisc Collections Project Muse Humanities Collection (2018-2020)
- KB+ Jisc Collections Project Muse Premium Collection (2018-2020)
- KB+ Jisc Collections Project Muse Social Sciences Collection (2018-2020)
- KB+ Jisc Collections Project Muse Standard Collection (2018-2020)
- KB+ Wheel CENGAGE The Times Digital Archive 1785-2010 and Rolling (2017-2020)
- Literature criticism from 1400 to 1800
- MDPI Open Access Journals
- Media History Digital Library
- National Geographic Magazine Archive
- New York State Newspapers
- Newspaper Source
- Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism
- Nineties in America
- Northern New York Historical Newspapers
- Nursing & Allied Health Database
- Open Humanities Press journals
- Open Textbook Catalog
- OpenStax College
- Oxford Handbooks Online 2015 History
- Oxford Legal Research Library
- Oxford University Press Law Trove
- Peter Lang ebooks
- Poetry Criticism
- ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
- PsychiatryOnline Premium Package
- Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection
- Science Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson)
- Science Reference Center
- Scribner Writers on GVRL
- Seventies in America
- Shakespearean Criticism
- Short Story Criticism
- Sixties in America
- Socialist Register
- Springer Nature Optimum LYRASIS 2017 Collection
- SpringerLink Contemporary (1997 - Present)
- SpringerLink ebooks - Engineering (2013)
- SpringerLink ebooks - Humanities, Social Sciences and Law (2013)
- SpringerLink ebooks - Mathematics and Statistics (2013)
- SpringerLink ebooks - Medicine (2013)
- Taylor & Francis Current Content Access
- Texas Digital Library
- Time Magazine Archive
- Twayne's Authors on GVRL
- Twenties in America
- Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism
- Wiley-Blackwell Journals (Frontfile Content)
- World Bank Data Catalog
- Wright American Fiction (1851-1875)
New External Search Resources - January 2018
The following external search resources were added to Alma Community Zone for the January release:
- Catalogue SUDOC PRO
- Princeton University
Additional Enhancements
- November 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00509838 URM-87404
In the Electronic Resource Activation Task List, the Edit, Edit resource, Done and Delete actions are no longer available in the Assign to Others tab. - November 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00514010 URM-87488
When an email in the vendor emails list is marked as claim, even though there is a preferred email (not marked as claim), the claim letter will be sent to the claim email.The email used is determined based on the following priority:
- a preferred email address with a claim type
- an email address of type claim
- a regular email address (not preferred and not claim)
- November 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00521268 00539981 URM-88127
The following SUSHI COUNTER Types are now available in the SUSHI harvest process:- BR4
- BR5
- DB2
- JR2
- MR1
For these types to appear in the SUSHI harvest report, you must define a SUSHI account that supports these COUNTER types. See COUNTER Report Types.
- November 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00512148 00540199 URM-87404
When creating a PO line, the barcode generation mechanism now takes the institution default if there is no library-level sequence. See Manually Creating a PO Line. - November 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00497980 URM-94307
The payment status on import payment confirmation is now mandatory. - November 2018 Resource Management URM-73179
The following changes were implemented for the ProQuest Ebook Central integration:- The PDA Vendor label was changed to Vendor in the integration profile for ProQuest Ebook Central (see Creating an Ebook Central Integration Profile for more information).
- The following errors are more clearly identified:
- errors that occur with FTP processing
- incorrect site ID for the FTP (or it does not exist in the list from ProQuest Ebook Central)
- The following lists can now be accessed from the job report:
- activated portfolios assigned with PDA
- activated portfolios with new PO line
See Viewing the Job Report for more information.
- November 2018 Resource Management URM-41184
The following keyboard shortcut was added to the MD Editor Tools > MARC Bibliographic > View in Search menu option: Ctrl+Alt+V. See View in Search for more information.Also, see the MetaData Editor Hotkey to Search for Current Record (Ctrl+Alt+V) video (0:57 min.). - November 2018 Resource Management URM-49027
You can now view the details of a PO line from the Physical Item Editor. See PO Line for more information. - November 2018 Resource Management SF: 00452059 URM-78583
The Free advanced search option for electronic collections that previously processed only at the electronic service level is now implemented for both the electronic collection level and the electronic service level advanced searches. See Free (Electronic Collection) and Free (Service) for more information. This change requires a full reindexing to take effect. - November 2018 Resource Management URM-80907
When you use F3 in the MD Editor to view a linked field and priority order is used, the correct tab now opens first. It is the tab for the vocabulary that is linked to the field from which you press F3. For example, if the authority priorities are defined as GND, LACNAF, and LCNAMES and the bibliographic record linked field is linked to LACNAF, the LACNAF tab is now the one that opens first. - November 2018 Resource Management URM-82588
Labels for the options to customize your search results and the associated tooltips were updated to be clearer and more consistent. For example, Creator / Publisher was changed to Type / Creator / Imprint.Customize View Option Labels - November 2018 Resource Management SF: 00498869 URM-85561
Inactive normalization processes no longer appear as options for enhancing a record in the MD Editor. - November 2018 Digital Resource Management URM-94525
Access Rights Rules (Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > Copyright Management > Access Rights) and Representation Label Templates (Configuration Menu > Resources > General > Representation Label Templates) were enhanced in the following ways:- The Add Parameter interface was changed to be consistent with other similar interfaces in Alma.
- You can now edit the parameters.
- November 2018 Digital Resource Management URM-95021
ArchiveSpace is now supported as a remote digital repository. - November 2018 Fulfillment
Idea Exchange URM-91630
When searching historical requests in the Resource Request Monitor, it is now possible to search by the patron's primary identifier within the Identifier search scope. - November 2018 Fulfillment URM-95608
The user_for_printing element in fulfillment letters includes the user's first, middle, and last names. The XSL for the letters must be customized to display the fields. - November 2018 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00575589 URM-95448
The loan list in the Borrowing Activity Letter (letter code: FulUserBorrowingActivityLetter) generated by the Send Periodic Fulfillment Activity Report is now sorted by default according to due date, in descending order. - November 2018 Analytics URM-94631
The Acquisitions tab was added to the Benchmark dashboard. It displays the following activities, performed in the previous year:- Number of PO lines created
- Percentage of PO lines created from APIs
- Percentage of PO lines created from EOD imports
- Percentage of PO lines created by manual entry
- Percentage of PO lines created from purchase requests
- November 2018 Analytics URM-92030
The following fields were added to E-Inventory > Electronic Collections:- No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository)
- No. of Electronic Collections (Deleted)
- No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository Linked to CZ)
- No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository Not Linked to CZ)
- November 2018 Analytics URM-88879
The following fields were added to Benchmark > KPI Measures> Inventory KPIs:- Num of electronic collections in repository linked to CZ (total)
- Num of electronic collections in repository not linked to CZ (total)
- Num of electronic portfolios in repository linked to CZ (total)
- Num of electronic portfolios in repository not linked to CZ (total)
- November 2018 Analytics URM-90628
The Bibliographic records with no items or portfolios or electronic collections or digital representations report was removed because it was replaced by the Bibliographic records with no inventory of any type report. - November 2018 Analytics
Idea Exchange URM-73072
The Journal Title field was added to the following locations:- Borrowing Requests > Borrowing Request Details
- Lending Requests > Lending Request Details
- November 2018 Analytics URM-78320
The Leganto Course Instructor field was added to Course Reserves > Courses. It displays instructors that are configured to appear to patrons in Leganto. - November 2018 Analytics URM-94808
The following out-of-the-box reports were added to the Fulfillment folder. These reports utilize fields from both the Fulfillment and Physical Items subject areas:- High ratio loans to number of items example 1
- High ratio loans to number of items example 2
- November 2018 Analytics URM-93686
A new folder, Cost Usage, was added to the existing E-Inventory subject area. The subfolders and fields in the Cost Usage folder allow you to create Cost per use reports. Currently, the Cost Usage folder is in Preview mode, allowing for possible changes and additions until January 2019. The Cost Usage folder will eventually replace the existing Cost Usage subject area.Note that the Cost Usage Instructions subfolder contains a tooltip with additional information.In moving the cost usage fields to the E-Inventory subject area, several additional reporting options were created:- Several out-of-the-box reports were also created in the folder /shared/Alma/Cost per use via COUNTER reports e-inventory and acquisitions data/Reports.
- An out-of-the-box dashboard with these reports also exists under /shared/Alma/Cost per use via COUNTER reports e-inventory and acquisitions data/Dashboards.
The following are examples of activities that can be performed with the fields of the Cost Usage folder:- Get the cost per use on PO lines of type one-time. Previously, it was possible to get cost per use only for PO lines of type continuous.
- Get the cost per use for portfolios that are part of a collection, but do not have their own PO line because the PO line is for the collection to which the portfolio belongs. Previously, it it was possible to get cost per use only for resources that had their own PO line.
- Get the cost per use for electronic books from BR reports. Previously, it was possible to get cost per use only for journals from JR reports.
- November 2018 Analytics URM-91428
The following additional scheduling times were added when scheduling reports or dashboards (Analytics> Analytics Objects > Analytics Objects List) to ensure that the ETL is completed before the job is run:- Every Monday at 09:00
- Every day at 09:00
- On the 02 of every month at 09:00
These hours are according to the server time and are adjusted for each environment according to its time zone. - November 2018 Administration and Infrastructure
Idea Exchange URM-95244
You can now select the number of results appearing on any list of results (previously, only a few lists had this feature). For some lists, the range is between 10 and 50 results. For other lists, it is between 20 and 100 results. - November 2018 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00570707 URM-94421
You can now configure a link to your institution's privacy policy. The link appears at the bottom of every page in Alma. See To configure the URL of your institution's privacy policy in Configuring the Alma Logos, Color Scheme, and Privacy Policy. - November 2018 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00519740 URM-89090
The preferred identifier on the User Details page now uses the first active identifier as defined by the preferred_identifier parameter or the primary identifier, rather than using the first identifier regardless of whether it is active. - November 2018 Administration and Infrastructure URM-91915
The new behavior of the Searchable User Identifiers will now take effect for all customers (see Retrieve Users from Fulfillment Networks Based on Defined Searchable Identifiers). The old behavior is no longer supported. - November 2018 APIs URM-94960
Two new fields were added to GET Loan API: holding_id and item_id. For details, see
- December 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00506238 URM-88301
The Invoice Status of the PO line is now set to Fully Invoiced when the ordered items is equal to or less than the invoiced items in all related invoice lines. See Manually Creating a PO Line. - December 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00487638 00490992 00519039 00181329 URM-52347
A cancellation note was added to the POLineCancellationLetter XSL file. If you have customized this letter, you must either add the column or refresh the file from the default for the update to take effect. - December 2018 Resource Management URM-93389
A new Sort Subfields Task is now available to use for sorting subfields in alphabetical order during normalization. This task can be selected for any of the bibliographic metadata configuration profiles. See Adding a Process for more information. - December 2018 Resource Management SF: 00458625 00505309 00524753 URM-82821
When you work in the Templates section of the MD Editor, there is now a search box that you can use to more quickly access an existing template. For templates that you created that are located in the Community folder, there is now the option to delete the template from the Community. See Working with Existing Templates and Contributing to the Community Zone - Rules and Templates for more information. - December 2018 Resource Management URM-88883
The removal of punctuation marks between CJK characters in browsing results is a feature that is now available for all customers without the need to request Support to activate this capability. This feature will be fully available after the completion of the semi-annual reindexing (to take place in December; a more detailed explanation can be found here). See Browsing CJK Results for more information. - December 2018 Resource Management URM-74190
For institutions that have implemented Korean repository search, punctuation marks are now removed when the data is indexed. This helps improve search results. See CJK Punctuation for more information. Reindexing is required for this to be fully implemented. (A detailed explanation of this process can be found here.) - December 2018 Resource Management URM-96200
When importing records, you can now set up a profile for files that contain tab-separated values (TSV). See Physical source format for more information. - December 2018 Resource Management SF: 00587343 URM-96464
When adding or editing a General Electronic Service, the following values can now be specified in the URL Template parameter between the curly brackets when normalizing the ISBN, ISSN, eISBN, or eISSN: rft.normalized_isbn,rft.normalized_issn, rft.normalized_Eisbn, and rft.normalized_Eissn. See Configuring General Electronic Services for more information. - December 2018 Resource Management URM-96181
The sort options for repository search results were expanded to include the following: Uniform Title - Asc, Uniform Title - Desc, Series - Asc, and Series - Desc. See Sorting Search Results for more information. Note that to be fully functional, these new options require reindexing. (A detailed explanation of this process can be found here.) - December 2018 Resource Management URM-96181
When performing an All titles repository search, the Configuration iconoptions in the search results now include the column Uniform Title that displays data from the MARC 21 130 and 240 fields. See Record Lists for more information.
- December 2018 Resource Management URM-96411
You can now search for bibliographic records that are linked, related to bibliographic records in SBN. When a bibliographic record is cataloged for a linked record with D specified in the 996 field (as in 996 $a TD), the Linked bibliographic records button appears. Select this button to access the linked SBN bibliographic record. See Finding Bibliographic Records Linked to SBN Bibliographic Records for more information. - December 2018 Resource Management SF: 00170226 00176552 00194714 00195862 00207811 00226128 00399112 00425121 00462269 00467668 00523839 00546287 00581587 00601859 00610892 URM-77058 URM-49036
The following MARC 21 resource types are new: Map - Microfiche, Map - Microfilm, and Map - Microopaque.In addition, the formula for identifying the Microforms resource type (MARC 21) changed.
See the Rules Used to Create the Resource Type Field – MARC 21/KORMARC and UNIMARC table for more information.
- December 2018 Resource Management SF: 00520184 00589843 URM-97048
The following fields can now be updated using the Change physical item job:- Alternative call number
- Alternative call number type
- Temporary call number
- Temporary call number type
- December 2018 Resource Management SF: 00501911 URM-89824
The == operator in SRU search queries on the 035 $a (MARC21, CNMARC, or UNIMARC) now yields an exact match. Note that use of a single equals sign in a search query results in case-insensitive matching. The == operator requires reindexing to be fully functional. (A detailed explanation of this process can be found here.) - December 2018 Resource Management SF: 00578567 URM-96387
In the repository search, the subfields for the MARC 21 8XX fields (Series) now appear in search results in the order in which they are cataloged (not in alphabetical order). - December 2018 Resource Management SF: 00584779 00576613 URM-95280
The publish and update times given to a bibliographic record can now reflect either your institution's time zone or GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). The default setting is for the institution's time zone. If you prefer to use GMT, contact Support to configure this for your system. - December 2018 Resource Management URM-87705
For institutions that are configured for the Hong Kong Chinese searching language, the Hanzi to Pinyin transliteration process adds the most commonly used transliteration of the word to the record. See Add Hanzi to Pinyin Transliterations for more information. - December 2018 Digital Resource Management / APIs URM-67215
The d_avail command of the GET Bib API now supports digital titles in Dublin Core format. - December 2018 Digital Resource Management URM-91956
File encryption was activated in Amazon AWS. - December 2018 Fulfillment SF: 00523110 URM-89673
Until now, when trying to renew a loan on the Primo My Account page for a user whose account was two days or less from the expiration date, the loan status was Loan cannot be renewed due to patron block. To display a more accurate description, a new label is available on the Discovery Interface Display Logic labels, The default description is the existing text, Loan cannot be renewed due to patron block. - December 2018 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00450157 00429856 URM-78180
An option to send the fulfillment note on the Resource Sharing Receive Slip Letter XML was added. To see the note, edit the XSL to include the following lines:
<b> @@fulfillment_note@@: </b>
<xsl:value-of select="notification_data/fulfillment_note"/>
</tr> - December 2018 Analytics URM-95213
The following two measures were added to the Benchmark dashboard as tiles and graphs:- % of electronic portfolios in repository linked to CZ
- % of electronic collections in repository linked to CZ
- December 2018 Analytics
Idea Exchange URM-91866
The following fields were added to E-Inventory > Portfolio:- Perpetual Coverage Information Combined
- Perpetual Embargo Months
- Perpetual Embargo Operator
- Perpetual Embargo Years
- Portfolio Access Type
- December 2018 Analytics URM-91735
The Digital File Size (In Terabytes) field was added to Digital Inventory > Digital Measures. - December 2018 Analytics
Idea Exchange URM-29199
The following folders and fields were added to the E-Inventory subject area:To see a video on creating analytics reports with URL information, see Create Analytics Reports of E-Inventory with URL Information.- Portfolio URL Information
- Portfolio Parser Parameters
- Portfolio Parser Parameters (override)
- Portfolio URL Type
- Portfolio URL
- Portfolio Static URL
- Portfolio Dynamic URL
- Portfolio Proxy Enabled
- Portfolio Proxy Selected
- Electronic Collection URL Information
- Electronic Collection Level URL
- Electronic Collection Level URL (override)
- Electronic Collection Proxy Enabled
- Electronic Collection Proxy Selected
- Service URL Information
- Service Parser
- Service Parser (override)
- Service Parser Parameters
- Service Parser Parameters (override)
- Service Dynamic URL
- Service Proxy Enabled
- Service Proxy Selected
- Service URL Type
Only information added from the beginning of the December release is included in these fields. - Portfolio URL Information
- December 2018 Analytics URM-89807
In preparation for a future release, which will include Cost Per Use in the E-Inventory Subject Area, additional infrastructure changes were made to the E-Inventory subject area of Alma Analytics. These changes will in no way affect existing reports and functionality. - December 2018 Analytics
Idea Exchange URM-60463
When item loans are anonymized, the statistical categories of the patron record now remain available. - December 2018 Administration and Infrastructure
Idea Exchange URM-76598 URM-95802
n the persistent menu's Help menu, the following items now appear for all users.Help Menu- The date of the last indexing. A full reindexing of the Alma repository is done twice a year (a detailed explanation of the process can be found here). If you want to run a full reindexing at other points in time, contact Ex Libris Support. If you are a Depositing Administrator, General System Administrator, or Repository Administrator, the date that appears here is a link. Select the link to view the indexing job report.
- A link to the most recent Alma release notes.
- December 2018 Administration and Infrastructure URM-58127 SF: 00505966 00507769 00508327 00510311 00188133 00241816
Job names and their descriptions are now translatable. - December 2018 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00576413 URM-95434
A new scheduling option is available for FTP import profiles. - December 2018 Alma-Summon Integration URM-87118
Hypertext links were added to the Subject and Creator fields on the Alma Services page. Select to invoke a Summon search using the information from the selected field.Alma Services Page Hypertext Links - December 2018 APIs URM-96644
It is now possible to retrieve and update local authorities using APIs. For details, see: - December 2018 APIs URM-19399
New APIs for the update of invoice payment status and details were released in preview mode. For details, see:
- October 2018 Acquisitions URM-86830
For SUSHI vendors, a summary section now appears at the top of the SUSHI Harvest History page. The SUSHI account name and vendor name now appear on the summary. Subscriber and Report Type are also in the summary section, having moved from the individual history lines. - October 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00542948 URM-90326
The scheduling options Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were added for weekly runs have been added to the Import Payment Confirmation job (ERP Integration File Upload). - October 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00513252 00555546 URM-89598
If the SUSHI harvesting job finishes successfully but there are vendor-related errors, the job's status is now Completed with Errors. - October 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00499722 URM-84897
Library Code and Library Name were added to the conversation body of an email sent when communicating with a vendor. - October 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00483422 00510940 URM-85929
When receiving an item on the receiving page and a hold request cannot be created for an interested user, a warning message now appears: Request cannot be created for some users. - October 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00529104 URM-85408
The Exchange rate field now displays up to 6 digits after the decimal point. - October 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00489869 URM-83885
When viewing a license from a repository search, the license now opens in view mode and returns back to resource. Additionally, when viewing a license from anywhere in Alma, such as a PO line or electronic package or portfolio, the license now opens in view mode, and not edit mode. - October 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00576003 URM-90242
When encountering errors when using COUNTER, the line number, item performance, and title are now added to the prefix of the error. For example: "Error in record 3, in item performance XX, in instance YY" precedes the rest of the error message. - October 2018 Resource Management URM-92301
The weekly scheduling option for the Publish electronic record to PubMed publishing profile (Resources > Publishing > Publishing Profiles) was changed from Saturday to Monday. Note that PubMed takes the published files on the first Monday of the month, and that full publishing mode is used to publish to PubMed. See Publishing to PubMed for more information. - October 2018 Resource Management SF: 00488117 00499898 00437732 URM-90738
In Browse Bibliographic Headings (Resources > Cataloging > Browse Bibliographic Headings), the 130, 630, and 730 Uniform Title fields are now indexed under the Title headings type. - October 2018 Resource Management SF: 00196355 URM-51807
A new and improved infrastructure for searching external resources using SRU was added to Alma. SRU targets that are added in the future will use this new infrastructure. As a result, SRU search targets that could not work previously can now be implemented. - October 2018 Resource Management URM-90274
For active import profiles where you selected FTP or OAI as the import protocol, there is a new scheduling option in the Scheduling section of the import profile for every 6 hours. This option is also available for digital type import profiles. See Scheduling for more information. Note that scheduling logic was implemented to ensure that not more than one scheduled job of the same profile runs at the same time. - October 2018 Resource Management URM-91490
The temp_enable_import_computer_generated parameter was renamed to enable_import_computer_generated. See enable_import_computer_generated for more information. - October 2018 Resource Management URM-85285
The temp_use_marc_record_holdings_template parameter was renamed to use_marc_record_holdings_template. See use_marc_record_holdings_template for more information. - October 2018 Resource Management SF: 00492326 URM-87227
Authority priority can now include UNIMARC and CNMARC authority headings (when configured by Ex Libris Support). Mixed registry vocabularies can be a part of the authority priority configuration. For more information, see Authority Priorities and Working with Authority Records. - October 2018 Resource Management SF: 00417233 URM-92664 URM-92737
A new condition, recordHasDuplicateSubfields, was added for indication rules. Two new actions, correctDuplicateSubfields and moveSubfieldsToEndOfField, were added for normalization rules. See Working with Indication Rules and Working with Normalization Rules for more information. - October 2018 Digital Resource Management URM-90217
The following enhancements were done to the Alma Viewer:Alma Viewer- The Language button was moved to the top header bar.
- The Download icon was moved to the header at the top of the center pane.
- October 2018 Digital Resource Management
Idea Exchange URM-93245
The size of the digital file now appears in the following areas:- In the View It menu when the representation has one file
- In a tool tip in the Alma Viewer when hovering over the Download icon
- In a tool tip in the Alma Viewer when hovering over files in the left pane
- October 2018 Digital Resource Management URM-68330
Three additional out-of-the box copyrights declarations (for a total of five) that appear to a user before displaying digital resources are now available for customizing. For more information, see Configuring Digital Resource Copyright Declarations. - October 2018 Fulfillment
Idea Exchange URM-88657
Loan notes are now available for letters that contain loan information. The notes can be found in the item_loan\loan_notes element in the letters' xml. To see the notes in the letter you must customize the relevant XSL. - October 2018 Fulfillment
Idea Exchange URM-88537
You can now customize the loan statuses displayed in Primo patron card on the Loan Status Name page. See Configuring Loan Status Names. - October 2018 Fulfillment
Idea Exchange URM-84974
You can now sort the calendar records on the Calendar Management page by record type, valid from (date), and valid to (date). See Configuring Institution/Library Open Hours. - October 2018 Fulfillment SF: 00510155 00518255 00520613 00536817 URM-87949
Attachment URLs and notes were added to the FulDigitizationDocumentDeliveryNotificationLetter metadata (xml) under the <url_list> and <attachments_notes_list> tags. - October 2018 Fulfillment SF: 00516760 00125900 URM-42022
The rft.pmid parameter is now available as an option for the general electronic service URL attributes and rules parameters for the PubMed ID. - October 2018 Fulfillment SF: 00382735 00009055 URM-23615
When changing a due date of an already overdue loan, an overdue fine is now created before the due date is updated (similar to the the renew process) to ensure that a potential overdue fine is not automatically dropped. The new parameter overdue_at_change_due_date is set to true by default, which enables this functionality. To return to the previous behavior, set the parameter to false. See Adding an Overdue and Lost Loan Profile. - October 2018 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing URM-90281
Move Requests of Resource Sharing Lending Requests notes now have labels Title: and Pages:, instead of Title of Article: and Page to photocopy:. - October 2018 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing URM-93680
The Resource Sharing Copyright Statuses configuration link was moved to the Copyright Management area in Fulfillment. - October 2018 Analytics URM-92017
The following fields were added in all places where the relevant folders appear:- Acquisition Method Description to the PO Line folder
- Acquisition Material Type Description to the PO Line Type folder
- October 2018 Analytics URM-91974
The following folders were changed:- Item Location was changed to Item Location at time of loan in the Fulfillment subject area.
- Location was changed to Location at time of loan in the Lending Request subject area.
- October 2018 Analytics URM-89272
You can now filter the Analytics Objects List (Analytics > Analytics Objects List) by Report Name and Folder Name. Additionally, these columns can be configured to appear on the page.For a video describing this feature, see Search Analytics Objects List by Folder or Report.Report Name and Folder Name - October 2018 Analytics URM-88973
The following fields were added to Benchmark > KPI Measures > Acquisitions KPIs – POLs:- Num of PO Lines created (by month)
- Num of PO Lines created (last 365 days)
- % of PO Lines originating from a purchase request
- % of PO Lines originating from an API
- % of PO Lines originating from an import profile of type EOD
- % of PO Lines originating from manual entry
- October 2018 Analytics URM-88338
A new community Consortia folder was added under Folders > Shared Folders > Alma containing a dashboard and the following reports that display information concerning the institutions working with the Network Zone:- Borrowing Requests – fulfilled non-fulfilled and total per institution
- Borrowing requests – multiple requests for same title
- Borrowing requests – per institution
- Borrowing requests – per institution and partner combination
- Electronic Portfolios purchased by date LC Range and held by institutions
- Items created – per institution
- Lending Requests – fulfilled non-fulfilled and total per institution
- Loans not renewed due to patron permission – per institution
- Loans – per institution
- Logins to Alma – per institution
- Percent of overdue returns – per institution
- October 2018 Analytics URM-78315
The Rolled Over From Code field was added to the following locations. It contains the code of the course from which the course was rolled over:- Course Reserves > Course
- Leganto Student Usage > Courses
- Leganto Instructor Usage > Courses
- Requests > Request for Course
- October 2018 Analytics URM-71517
The Citation Source 1-10 fields were added to Course Reserves > Reading List Citation. They provide additional fields to indicate the sources of the citation. - October 2018 Analytics URM-65059
The Title (Filing) field was added to the Bibliographic Details folder in every subject area in which it appears. It contains the title with common words such as "The" and "An" removed. This helps with sorting the title.For a video describing this feature, see Sort Analytics Reports by Filing Title - Ignoring "The", "A", and "An". - October 2018 Analytics URM-90418
The Campus Name and Participants field was added to Course Reserves > Course. It contains the the campus where the course is available and the participants of the course at each campus. - October 2018 Analytics URM-70361
The Academic Department Description field was added to the following locations:- Course Reserves > Course
- Leganto Student Usage > Courses
- Leganto Instructor Usage > Courses
- Requests > Request for Course
- October 2018 Analytics URM-79597
The following events were added as possible values to Leganto Instructor Usage Events > Instructor Usage Events > Event Type:- Instructor’s comment to library - citation
- Instructor’s comment to library - list
- October 2018 Analytics URM-70027
The Reading List Visible Start Date and Reading List Visible End Date fields were added to Course Reserves > Reading List. They contain the start and end dates that the reading list is visible to students. - October 2018 Analytics URM-85408
The Exchange Rate field (Funds Expenditure > Fund Transactions Details) now displays up to six digits after the decimal point. - October 2018 Analytics URM-94093
The Vendor Status field was added to the following locations:- Funds Expenditure > Vendor
- Licenses > License Agent
- Licenses > License Vendor
- Usage Data > Uploading Vendor
- October 2018 Analytics URM-83516
The Title Identifier field (Usage Data > Title Identifier) is now filled as follows:- If the ISSN contains at least one digit, the title identifier is: ISSN_ + the ISSN.
- Otherwise, if the EISSN contains at least one digit, the title identifier is: EISSN_ + the EISSN.
- Otherwise, the title identifier is: TITLE_ + the normalized title. (The maximum length is 800.)
- October 2018 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00496647 URM-88852
Alma now supports ECAS by enabling you to configure parameters. See CAS-Based Single Sign-On/Sign-Off. - October 2018 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00223081 00223085 00223088 00223090 00223094 00223100 00224627 00224630 URM-85872
Some accessibility issues were fixed for screen readers:- Added an identification that a page load is in progress.
- Improved identification of selected tabs.
- October 2018 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00569316 URM-93653
Due to an issue with Automatic Role Assignment Rules that did not have input parameters, existing rules without input parameters were disabled to keep current functionality. New rules can now be created without input parameters. - October 2018 APIs SF: 00557314 00566421 URM-92045
The inventory information is now included in the POST and PUT Items APIs in addition to the GET Items API.
- August 2018 Acquisitions URM-92183
On the Summary tab of the License Details page, the links for View Vendor were replaced by icons.License Details Page - August 2018 Acquisitions URM-93343
The URL of SUSHI account Taylor & Francis Ebooks was changed from to - August 2018 Resource Management URM-91674
For institutions that use linking IDs in the See also 5XX $0 (MARC 21) and 5XX $3 (UNIMARC and CNMARC) and select the See also link in the authority record, the system now uses the contains matching criteria instead of equals to locate an ID match. In some cases, this new matching criteria may present more than one record when the See also link is selected. - August 2018 Resource Management URM-90949
For institutions that have the Chinese or Hong Kong searching setup, all punctuation marks are removed during indexing when they appear within CJK text (see CJK Punctuation). This helps ensure the successful retrieval of search results. Previously, only a limited list of punctuation marks were removed during repository search. - August 2018 Resource Management URM-25974
You may now use the # symbol (to indicate empty) as a valid value for the first indicator in the 910, 911, 930, 980, 981, 982, and 990 fields and for the second indicator in the 983 and 990 fields. - August 2018 Digital Resource Management URM-87580
You can now delete collections with their subcollections in a single bulk action. - August 2018 Fulfillment SF: 00538941 00555707 URM-91519
On the Resource Request Monitoring list, requests in the workflow step of hold shelf processing now display Hold Shelf Processing. - August 2018 Fulfillment SF: 00522220 URM-89032
The library code for a fine/fee is now included in the bursar export file. For more information, see the Developer Network. - August 2018 Fulfillment SF: 00505278 00434622 URM-77309
The FulUserLoansCourtesyLetter now includes the item loan list filtered by library. FulBorrowedByLetter now displays library details instead of institution details. Due date and barcode are also now available. - August 2018 Fulfillment SF: 00453549 00482819 00372245 URM-76451
A new customer parameter, maximum_overdue_block_per_block, is available. It is used to determine whether the Maximum Period for Overdue Block policy is applied to each block or to all the blocks in total. When the Block When Overdue policy is set to a cumulative option:- If the parameter is set to true, the Maximum Period for Overdue Block policy is checked against each block separately.
- If the parameter is set to false, the Maximum Period for Overdue Block policy is checked against the total block period. If the maximum period is already blocked, then no new block will be created.
For more information, see Configuring User Blocks Due to Overdue Loans. - August 2018 Fulfillment SF: 00485787 00516629 00521395 00521457 00521923 00523292 00531807 00533530 00539465 00224031 00435124 00111314 00130597 URM-53290
On the Scan In Items and Return Items pages, a new Description column is available on the scanned items list. It is hidden by default. In addition, the Call Number field now appears in the Change Item Information even if the call number was not changed. - August 2018 Fulfillment
Idea Exchange SF: 00500765 URM-71745
When you are at a reading room desk, on the Patron Services page, the Final check-in mode field is now selected or cleared based on the last value that was selected in Manage Item Returns for the Check-in mode field (per user and desk). - August 2018 Analytics URM-91594
The Library Name and Library Code fields in the Title Details dimension of the Titles subject area now contain data even when there are no items in the holdings record. The data will become available during the month of August, after the August release. - August 2018 Analytics URM-89062
The following fields were added to Funds Expenditures > Fund Transactions:- Transaction Allocation Amount
- Transaction Encumbrance Amount
- Transaction Expenditure Amount
- Transaction Foreign Currency Encumbrance Amount
- Transaction Foreign Currency Expenditure Amount
These fields allow you to see the transaction amount according to allocation, encumbrance, and expenditure without having to apply a filter. - August 2018 Analytics SF: 00382747 URM-74907
It is now possible to combine the Fulfillment and Physical Items subject areas and use the Physical Item Details dimension as the common dimension. For example, the report is able to display the Number of Items from the Physical Items subject area and Loans from the Fulfillment subject area and add attributes and filter the results by fields from the Physical Item Details dimension of the Fulfillment subject area. - August 2018 Analytics URM-92125
The following fields were added to the Portfolio dimension of the E-Inventory subject area:- No. of Portfolio (Deleted)
- No. of Portfolio (In Repository Not Linked to CZ)
- August 2018 Analytics URM-90090
The Transactions by expenditure and encumbrance per month tab was added to the Acquisitions dashboard and is available as an out-of-the-box report. It compares the expenditures and encumbrances of the previous fiscal year to the current fiscal year. - August 2018 Analytics SF: 00518085 00546109URM-91428
A new scheduling option was added to the scheduled Analytics reports.
- July 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00470013 00222322URM-61772
The Order List and Claim letters now support the <country_display> tag in the XML to show a country name instead of the country code. The tag was added under the <user_address> tag. To see it in the letter, the tag must be added to senderReceiver.xsl as follows:<tr><td><xsl:value-of select="user_address_list/user_address/country_display"/></td></tr> - July 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00467445URM-82936
An additional daily job run was added to the scheduler for the PO line packaging job. - July 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00485776 00532848 00550918URM-86577
The secondary and tertiary reporting codes were added to the invoice's export to ERP XML. - July 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00451269 00486094 00504895 00506852 00512794 00525771 00539072 00422523URM-75273
The list of interested users in a PO Line is now sorted by the date and time that the users were added to the list. - July 2018 Resource ManagementURM-83161
A URI for HKCAN now appears in the Linked Data tab in MD Editor in the same way that URIs for LC are displayed. - July 2018 Resource ManagementURM-81220
During July, the semi-annual indexing process will be run. Any previous feature announcements (since the last re-indexing) that require a full re-indexing to be fully functional will be fully available after the July re-indexing process is completed. - July 2018 Resource Management SF: 00452735 00496028 00423211URM-81645
The ability to search by the Contains exact phrase starting with operator in advanced search was added to the Other Classification Number index under All Titles. Using this operator requires a minimum of three characters in the search value. The Other Classification Number index is created from the MARC 21 084 $a; the 084 $2 is not part of this index. This capability will be fully available after the July re-indexing. - July 2018 Resource Management SF: 00419318URM-75698
For an All Titles advanced search, it is now possible to search the Other System Number index by using the Contains exact phrase starting with operator to retrieve records whose other system number starts with a specific phrase. For example, when searching with the Other System Number index and using the Contains exact phrase starting with operator with the phrase UFI0000, Alma retrieves a record with UFI0000448 (but not a record with UFI01TESI01689). Using the Contains exact phrase starting with operator requires a minimum of three characters in the search value. This capability will be fully available after the July re-indexing. - July 2018 Resource Management SF: 00449562 00499866 00541922 00378320 00383689URM-70550
It is now possible to search for electronic collections at the service level using the new Proxy Enabled (Electronic Service) operator. Note that an electronic collection can be related to one or more services. This capability will be fully available after the July re-indexing. - July 2018 Resource Management SF: 00365472URM-70343
For an All Titles advanced search, it is now possible to search the Dewey decimal class number index by using the Contains exact phrase starting with operator. Using the Contains exact phrase starting with operator requires a minimum of three characters in the search value. This capability will be fully available after the July re-indexing. - July 2018 Resource ManagementURM-89887
Alma GND integration is now available and supported. See Working with the Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) Integrated Authority Records for more information. - July 2018 Resource Management SF: 00194252 00438395 00007778URM-21409
Alma supports the expanded OCLC control number in the following incoming MARC 21 fields: 001, 035, 010, and 7XX. See OCLC control number expansion in 2013 for more information. - July 2018 Resource Management SF: 00374175URM-78618
A new resource type of Analytic (Component Part) was added for UNIMARC and CNMARC. This resource type will be fully available after the July re-indexing. See The Resource Type Field for more information. - July 2018 Resource Management SF: 00182408 00197861 00224929 00339681URM-53360
When the new repository customer parameter temp_enable_import_computer_generated is enabled, the LDR, 005, or 008 fields are updated or created for the record stored in Alma. See temp_enable_import_computer_generated for more information. - July 2018 Resource ManagementURM-84028
The following CNMARC fields were added for local call numbers: 905 $d, $e, and $f. See Local Call Numbers for more information. These fields will be fully available after the July re-indexing is complete. - July 2018 Resource Management SF: 00532910URM-89415
For institutions working with multilingual authority records, when you select a bibliographic headings record (from the Headings from bibliographic records tab) that has no language or a different language specified in subfield 9 from the language in the record being edited, the content in subfield 9 of the bibliographic headings record will now override or replace the values in the record being edited. See Headings from Bibliographic Records Tab for more information. - July 2018 Resource ManagementURM-90011
The following positions are now defined in the UNIMARC metadata configuration for 106 $a/0: d = large print, e = newspaper format, f = Braille or Moon script, g = microprint, h = hand-written, i = multimedia (e.g. an item in regular print with a microfiche supplement), j = mini-print, r = regular print, s = electronic, t = microform, z = other form of material. - July 2018 Resource Management SF: 00549004URM-84951
In position 35 of the 008 control field, the cnr – Montenegrin language option is now available. - July 2018 Digital Resource ManagementURM-86991
Digital inventory import now supports records that contain any prefix. The prefix is normalized to the Alma dc/dcterms prefix. - July 2018 Digital Resource Management
Idea Exchange URM-89121
You can configure the copyright statement to appear to customers before they can view images in the Universal Viewer (Obtrusive Copyrights). For more information, see Adding an Access Rights Policy. - July 2018 Digital Resource ManagementURM-89952
Encoding schema and languages are now supported when importing Dublin Core records with the CSV physical source format. For more information, see CSV to Dublin Core Mapping. - July 2018 Digital Resource ManagementURM-91609
The Enable Delivery Login check box was added to Configuration > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Other Settings. Select this field to display the delivery login link from the Alma Viewer and from digital services in the link resolver. For more information, see Login Request Added to Alma Viewer and Alma Link Resolver Services Page. - July 2018 Digital Resource Management
Idea Exchange URM-87374
The Alma Digital Uploader now supports MARC metadata files in binary format. - July 2018 Digital Resource ManagementURM-89001
Translated Copyright Declarations can now be retrieved using a service. - July 2018 Digital Resource ManagementURM-90200
Plain text can now be extracted from an ALTO file using a service. - July 2018 FulfillmentURM-90105
When the Primo Customized Holding mapping table is used, sub fields $$u were shown in the Primo Get It tab as a hyperlink, but with a label, Press this link for more details. The actual URL is now shown as a hyperlink instead. - July 2018 Fulfillment SF: 00488505URM-83825
Running the status update from the Overdue and Lost Loan Profiles page will now show a confirmation message before running the update. - July 2018 Fulfillment SF: 00489656URM-83020
Previously, when changing an item's permanent location from the Change Item Information of the Scan In Items page (Fulfillment > Resource Requests > Scan In Items > Change Item Information tab), a new holding was created, but the MARC fields were not copied to the new holding. Now, the change is processed in the following manner:- If the call number field is empty
- When there are no other item in this holdings, a new holdings is created that replaces the old one, and the new holdings copies the original holdings (with no change).
- When there are other items under this holdings, a new holdings is created in addition to the old one, and the new holdings copies the original holdings (with no change).
- If the call number field is not empty
- When a new call number does not match any holdings and:
If you want to force the creation of a new holdings with the previous call number, specify the call number in the Change Item Information tab. If you do so, a new holdings is created, preserving the previous call number.
- when there is no other item in this holdings, a new holdings is created that replaces the old one, and the new holdings generates the location (852) from the new call number (either normalized or raw).
- when there are other items under this holdings, a new holdings is created in addition to the old one, and the new holdings generates the location (852) from the new call number (either normalized or raw).
- When a new call number matches an existing holdings and:
- when there is no other item in this holdings, the item is moved to the matched holdings. The original item’s holdings is deleted and no new holdings is created.
- when there are other items under this holdings, the item is moved to the matched holdings. The original item’s holdings stays the same. No new holdings is created.
- When a new call number does not match any holdings and:
- If the call number field is empty
- July 2018 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing URM-90021
The LookupUser message for NCIP v1 was modified. The partner code may now be sent in either the ApplicationProfileType tag or the FromAgencyAuthentication tag. See NCIP V.1 Specifications on the Developer Network. - July 2018 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00450664URM-79291
The following data was added to the XML of the Resource Sharing Overdue Letter To Borrower:- name and address of the partner
- code of the partner
- call number and alternative call number of the item
- permanent library of the item
- notes attached to the item
- July 2018 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00466564URM-87327
When selecting digital shipping for a resource sharing lending request, the request's Article/Chapter, Title, Volume, Issue, Chapter, Pages, Year and Note are now added to the request as a note. - July 2018 Collaborative Networks SF: 00537571URM-89725
Roles with parameters can now be distributed by the Distribute network user management configuration changes job. - July 2018 Analytics URM-85724
The Reading List Score field was added to the Reading List dimension of the Course Reserve and Leganto Student Usage subject areas. It indicates the progress instructors made in creating fulfillable and useful reading lists. - July 2018 Analytics URM-88878
The following fields were added to the E-Inventory subject area:- Portfolios linked to CZ to the Portfolio and Portfolio Details for Consortia dimensions
- No. of Portfolios linked to CZ to the Portfolio and Portfolio Details for Consortia dimensions
- Electronic Collection Linked To CZ to the Electronic Collection dimension
- July 2018 Analytics URM-88877
The No. of Electronic Collections (Deleted + In Repository) field was added to the Electronic Collection dimension of the E-Inventory subject area. It indicates the total number of electronic collections both deleted and in the repository. - July 2018 Analytics URM-88876
The Electronic Collection Creation Date dimension was added to the E-Inventory subject area. It contains date fields that you can use to create reports about the creation date of the electronic collection. - July 2018 Analytics URM-83354
The Reading List ID field was added to the Reading List dimension of the Course Reserves subject area. - July 2018 Analytics URM-86756
To enhance user privacy protection, the analytics_anonymize_user_details parameter is no longer accessible to customers. For assistance with this parameter, contact Ex Libris Support. - July 2018 Analytics URM-86455
When creating reports in the Analytics Usage Tracking subject area to display the user name, Scheduled Reports now appears for the user name if the report is system generated. - July 2018 Administration and Infrastructure URM-88694
Searching for email addresses is no longer case-sensitive. Email addresses are still saved exactly as entered (in upper, lower, or mixed case). - July 2018 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00365472 00419318 00452735 00496028 00423211URM-70343URM-75698URM-81645
You can now use the match type Contains exact phrase starting with when searching with the index Dewey decimal class number, Other System Number, or Other Classification Number. The search string must be at least three characters. This change will take effect after the full indexing in July. - July 2018 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00469937 00489492 00469937 00489492URM-88939URM-89428
In the persistent search, all recent searches appear when All Titles is selected as your search type; otherwise, only recent searches for the selected type appear. This feature is not available for non-repository searches (PO lines, funds, and so forth). The search runs immediately. When no recent searches appear, you may be able to select a previous search string using your browser history.Recent searches of all typesRecent physical titles searches - July 2018 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00449828 00482336 00516328 00533469 00391137URM-93101
For planning purposes, there is a known issue that any role with a limited scope (by library assignment) can create and edit item information for non-scoped libraries using Quick Cataloging (Resources > Create Inventory > Add Physical Item > Item Information section > Location drop-down list) or the Physical Item Editor (General tab > Location Information section > Permanent location and General tab > Temporary Location Information section > Temporary location). This will be fixed in the August 2018 release, at which point roles with a limited scope by library will no longer be able to edit item information for non-scoped libraries. When this happens, user access to other libraries when creating and editing information with Quick Cataloging and the Physical Item Editor will change. Depending on your use of these roles, you may need to modify the library assignments configured for user roles. - July 2018 APIs / FulfillmentURM-40218
The Fines and Fees Report, which reports fees that were managed at a circulation desk within a specified period of time (and can be run manually from the Fulfillment > Advanced Tools menu), can now be run and retrieved using an API. - July 2018 APIs / Resource ManagementURM-89648
<date_of_publication> was added to the output of the Get Bib, Get Holdings and Get Item APIs. - July 2018 Alma-Summon IntegrationURM-88405
The Publish Electronic Records to Summon job for Summon over Alma libraries (Resources > Publishing > Publishing Profiles), which was previously scheduled to run twice a week for each Alma global instance, was changed to once daily at 20:00 local time.
Alma Link Resolver support for electronic collections with no portfolios (described in the June release notes) is now available for all customers by default.
You can now configure an Authority import profile with the UNIMARC OAI source format. Future releases will provide options for additional OAI metadata formats.
As of July, repository searches for Keywords, Creator, Uniform Title, Names, Subject, and Subject (LC) will be able to include matches to non-preferred terms in any associated authority records. For example, if there's an authority record Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilich, 1840-1893 (MMS ID 98124867430000041) that includes Ciaikovsky as a non-preferred term, a search for Ciaikovsky will find a matching bibliographic record linked to this authority record, even though the bibliographic record itself does not include the term. To activate this new functionality, you must set enable_extender_index_linked_aut to true (Configuration > Resources > General > Other Settings) before the July re-indexing process takes place (that is, before the end of June).
The request options API now supports multiple GES and resource sharing.
- June 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00468759 00478417URM-80533
If a user doesn't have the Invoice Manager role, a new approval status, Not Required, is added and the field Approved by is empty. - June 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00481928URM-82320
If an electronic activation task is assigned to a user that no longer exists in Alma, the job completes with errors and the electronic activation task assignment is released. - June 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00484050 00315399 00445050URM-65199
When searching for a fund, if the fund code has trailing spaces and the fund code in Alma's internal database does not (or vise versa), the trailing spaces in the fund code are removed so that the fund can be located. - June 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00534669 00147000 00169646 00383785 00432419URM-52540
When a resource is ordered from the Network Zone and the PO line is created in the Institution Zone, the material type is now editable on the PO Line Details page. The process that creates PO lines for records from the Network Zone now always sets the material type (either to the existing one or to the default). When the PO line is created according to the inventory type (and the table below), the material type is editable and receives its possible values from the relevant code table. The possible options are as follows:PO Line Type Inventory Type Default Value ELECTRONIC_COLLECTION_OT Collection Book ELECTRONIC_COLLECTION_CO Collection Journal ELECTRONIC_TITLE_OT Portfolio Book ELECTRONIC_TITLE_CO Portfolio Journal ELECTRONIC_SO Portfolio Journal E_BOOK_OT Portfolio Book E_BOOK_CO Portfolio Book E_BOOK_SO Portfolio Journal E_JOURNAL_CO Portfolio Journal E_JOURNAL_OT Portfolio Journal PRINT_OT Book Book PRINTED_BOOK_OT Book Book PRINT_SO_NONMON Holding Journal PRINT_SO None Book - June 2018 Resource ManagementURM-81670
For general publishing jobs that do not complete because a dependent job is still running and they are stopped by Alma, the job report status is now identified as Aborted by System instead of Failed. The job failure reason that is provided indicates that the job is skipped due to a previous instance of the job still running.Aborted by System Job Status - June 2018 Resource Management SF: 00166068 00172109 00209752URM-60886
For bibliographic records created with Quick Cataloging (Resources > Create Inventory > Add Physical Item), the following changes were implemented:- For MARC 21 records, a 008 field is now added by default.
- Position 05 of the leader (LDR) field is now set to n (new record).
- For the Citation Type of Book, the Pages field is now mapped to MARC 21 field 300 $a instead of 773 $g.
- For the Citation Type of Article, the ISSN field is now mapped to MARC 21 field 773 $x instead of 022 $a.
- June 2018 Resource ManagementURM-76532
For authority records in vocabularies that use linking IDs in the See also 5XX $0 (MARC 21) and 5XX $3 (UNIMARC and CNMARC), clicking the See also link in the authority record search results displays the record identified by the ID that is specified in the 5XX field. - June 2018 Resource ManagementURM-87508
The list of options for the Originating system parameter in the Import Profile Details was expanded to include the following: ABC-CLIO;ABES; American Psychological Association; American Society of Mechanical Engineers;Askews and Holts; Backstage; Baker & Taylor; Beck-Verlag; BePress; Bibliothèque nationale de France; Bloomberg BNA; Business Expert Press; Casalini Libri; Catálogo Colectivo de Autoridades Bibliográfica (CCAB); Commerce Clearing House; Dewey Decimal System; Edward Elgar Publishing; Electre; Films Media Group; Films OnDemand; Gale; GOBI (YBP); Harvard University Press; HathiTrust; IGI Global; ILO Thesaurus; International Monetary Fund; IOP Publishing; JSTOR; Kanopy; Knowledge Unlatched; MARC Magician; McGraw Hill Education; Midwest Library Services; Myilibrary; National Bureau of Economic Research; OCLC Partners; OCLC WMS; OECD; Ovid Technologies Pty. Ltd; Oxford; Palgrave; Project Muse; ProQuest Ebook Central; Streaming videos; Repos. UC; Reveal Digital; Sage; Sage Knowledge; Salem Press; Schweitzer; SIAM, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics; SoundCloud; SPIE, Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineers; Springer (SPR); Springer (SPRINGER); Swank Motion Pictures; Taiwan National Central Library; Taylor & Francis (TAYLORFRANCIS); The Institution of Engineering and Technology; Total BooX; University of Oxford; World Bank; World Scientific; Worldshare Collection Manager. - June 2018 Resource ManagementURM-88645
Three additional monthly scheduling options are now available for publishing jobs, making a total of four uniquely configurable monthly options. - June 2018 Resource Management / Collaborative Networks SF: 00347456 00407094URM-65735
In the Network Zone, an additional scheduling option was added for publishing electronic records to Primo Central in order to enable you to publish the Network Zone records a day before member institution records. - June 2018 Resource ManagementURM-79562
You can ask Ex Libris to configure that the .xml and .mrc file name extensions are added to the FTP file names created when publishing with the general publishing profile. In this case, the tar.gz file name/files issues when file compression was enabled is fixed. See File name prefix and File name for more information. For existing installations, contact Support if you want to implement this change. New installations will automatically have this set to true. - June 2018 Resource Management SF: 00522520URM-87817
An option was added for normalizing authority records before contributing them to an external system such as GND or BARE. Contact Support to configure this feature for you in the Community Zone-based Authority Record Contribution integration profile. - June 2018 Resource ManagementURM-90220
Alma supports a workflow that provides integration with SUDOC, the French National Catalog. See Integrating an Alma Institution with SUDOC for more information. - June 2018 Resource Management SF: 00479799URM-85431
For records that have alternate graphic representations, search results now include alternate graphic representations when physical title searches are completed. Previously, they appeared only in all titles search results. For more information about working with alternate graphic representations, see Working with Linked 880 Fields in Bibliographic Records and alternate_graphic_representation_editing. - June 2018 Digital Resource ManagementURM-85833
You can change the schema of DCMI records using the new Change Record DC Application Profile job. For more information, see Running Manual Jobs on Defined Sets. - June 2018 Digital Resource ManagementURM-82722
You can create a process that adds the MMSID to the dc:identifier field of Dublin Core records using the new addMmsIdToDcIdentifier DC normalization task. In addition, the Qualified Dublin Core Bib normalize on SRU search process was added, which uses this normalization task. For more information, see Configuring Processes.If the SRU integration profiles are configured to use normalization rules, search results that use the SRU protocol contain the MMSID in the Dublin Core record. For more information, see SRU/SRW Search. - June 2018 FulfillmentURM-88856
The hkall parameter was added as an option for the general electronic service URL attributes and rules parameters. See Adding a General Electronic Service. - June 2018 FulfillmentURM-87709
On the Physical Location page, the labels were renamed to remove the Location from the beginning of each label. So they are now Code, Name, Type, and so forth. See Configuring Physical Locations. - June 2018 Fulfillment SF: 00515127URM-87628
On the Manage In Process Items page, the Date Received at Department column has been renamed Date Received for Department. - June 2018 Fulfillment
Idea Exchange SF: 00502427URM-86942
A Location column was added to the Loans list in Patron Services. The column is hidden by default. See Loaning Items. - June 2018 Fulfillment - Resource SharingURM-87195
On the Pick from Shelf page, for title level requests that are attached to lending requests, the following fields are now available: Volume, Issue, Chapter, Pages. - June 2018 Fulfillment - Resource SharingURM-76806
Alma now supports the use of a general message for NCIP-P2P borrowing and lending requests. See Sending a General Message With a Resource Sharing Request. - June 2018 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing
Idea Exchange URM-83496
A Partner column was added to the Resource Sharing Lending Requests Task List page. - June 2018 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing
Idea Exchange SF: 00463151URM-78651
The borrowing request statuses code table is now available for customization and translation. The customized values are displayed in Primo and in the requests list on the Patron Services page. The code table can be accessed from Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Borrowing Request Statuses. See Configuring Borrowing Request Statuses. - June 2018 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing
Idea Exchange URM-77482
On the Shipping Interface, the user's selection in the Automatically print slip field now persists during the session. See Shipping Items. - June 2018 AnalyticsURM-85886
The Normalized Source field was added to the OpenURL Context Details dimension of the Alma Link Resolver subject area. This field displays the normalized name of the source and allows for grouping together the same source which would otherwise appear separately. If you have additional ideas for normalizing other Source field values to the Normalized Source, submit them via the Ideas Exchange. - June 2018 Analytics SF: 00212092 00227366 00231413 00002395 00020694 00021727 00038616 00038829 00042114 00080424 00083548 00118240 00121639URM-19560
The Process Type Date field was added to the Physical Item Details dimension of the Physical Item subject area. It indicates the date on which the process type was changed. - June 2018 AnalyticsURM-86507
The following enhancements were made to the Analytics Objects List:- You can now search by title or description.
- You can add the Analytics Source System column (for Primo VE users).
- The following filters were added:
- Type
- Schedule
- Status
- June 2018 AnalyticsURM-87492
The Fund Description field was added to Funds Expenditure > Fund Ledger and to Physical Items > Fund Information > Fund Ledger. It contains the contents of the Description field of the fund's Summary tab. - June 2018 AnalyticsURM-85770
The Open Access and Peer Reviewed fields were added to the shared Bibliographic Details dimension. - June 2018 Administration and InfrastructureURM-81463
The Resource Sharing library field on the User Details page is now a single, multi-value field that allows you to select multiple resource sharing libraries without a limitation of five libraries. See Adding Users. - June 2018 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00476698URM-81149
Location codes now appear wherever locations do in the UI, for example in the dropdown in the advanced search and in the Physical Item Editor.Location codes in search dropdown list - June 2018 APIs / Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00505886 00513784URM-86383
The fields Chapter author, Chapter title, and Editor were added to the resource sharing borrowing and lending APIs so that they are now in line with the Alma UI. - June 2018 APIs / Resource Management URM-85982
The PUT and GET physical Item APIs were updated to support the new physical item's Physical condition field. - June 2018 APIs / Fulfillment URM-85141
In a fulfillment network, a linked patron account can now be implemented using an API.
- May 2018 Acquisitions URM-85769
Error messages are now included when using the manual load (XML format) for COUNTER report types beginning with BR. Records with an error are not loaded. See Manually Uploading and Deleting COUNTER Data. - May 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00207643 00363680 00428989URM-60408
If an invoice payment method is defined as the default value in the Payment Method code table but it is not enabled, the first enabled payment method is used. See Configuring Payment Methods. - May 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00432104URM-76206
The Default Fund pickup list in the PO Line Information tab of Import Profiles now contains a filter to show the following values:- Current Fiscal Period
- Next Fiscal Period (if it exists)
- Both Fiscal Periods (if the next one exists)
- May 2018 Acquisitions / Resource Management URM-86420
In the list of portfolios (Portfolios tab) on the Electronic Service Editor page, the title information that is displayed is more comprehensive and now contains the following 245 subfields: a, b, c, h, n, p. - May 2018 Resource Management URM-85546
The number of records you can open in the MD Editor when selecting Catalog Set on the Manage Sets page was increased from 30 to 200. See Catalog Set on the Managing Search Queries and Sets page. - May 2018 Resource Management SF: 00436462URM-76770
rft.mms_id was added as an optional parameter in the general electronic services rules and URL template. If more than one MMS ID is attached to the request, only one of them is returned. - May 2018 Resource Management SF: 00525795 00229143 00431654URM-83427
When you specify either the Physical or Mixed type of inventory operation in the import profile, there is a new advanced mapping policy option for creating only holdings records; and validation was added for when you enter your mapping criteria. For more information, see Physical Mapping – Advanced Mapping Policy and Add Holdings Mapping.For additional information, see the Import Holdings Only, Without Items video (2:00 min.). - May 2018 Resource Management SF: 00454729 00465112URM-70070URM-84646URM-80265
New syntax is available for incorporating in your merge rules. There are new add MARC and remove MARC syntax options. See Merge Rule Syntax for more information. - May 2018 Resource Management URM-45100
Extension packs created locally can be shared in the Community Zone by Catalog Administrators with the appropriate privileges. See Editing MARC-Based Profiles with Extension Packs for more information. - May 2018 Resource Management URM-83188
The GND Authority metadata configuration profile was updated based on changes provided by the Deutsche National Bibliothek. Each and every help URL was replaced with a new one. Two typographical errors were fixed for the 075 b, and three new descriptions were added to the 382 a. - May 2018 Resource Management SF: 00451959URM-80718
When the authority control field already contains an ID in subfield zero (as shown in the illustration below), you may now press F3 in that same field to view the list of all authority options (and the paperclip icon identifies the existing link). Previously, you would only be shown the authority identified in subfield zero. See Using F3 for more information.Authority Control Field with Subfield ZeroF3 List - May 2018 Resource Management SF: 00454151URM-81319
With the Add alternate graphic representation script code other settings metadata profile configuration parameter, you may choose to add or omit the script indication from $6 when 880 fields are created. See Configuring Other Settings Parameters for more information. - May 2018 Resource Management SF: 00379517URM-82645
For All Titles, Physical Titles, Physical Items, Electronic Titles, and Digital Titles searches, the UNIMARC 210 $e, $g, and $h (Place of Manufacture, Name of Manufacturer, and Date of Manufacture) are added to the search results information after subfield $d in the following manner (depending on the existence of these subfields): $$e : $$g, $$h or $$e, $$h or $$g, $$h or $$e : $$g or $$e or $$g or $$h. Full inventory indexing is required for this change. - May 2018 Resource Management URM-67121
The GND authority normalization filter type was added to the Type filter for Run a Job (Admin > Manage Jobs and Sets > Run a Job). See user-defined authority normalization jobs for more information. - May 2018 Resource Management URM-83084
The 001 type of identifier for bibliographic redirection fields (Configuration > Cataloging > BIB Redirection Fields) was changed to MMS ID. The redirection now puts the MMS ID of the non-preferred record in the destination tag of the preferred record, instead of what is in the 001. See Configuring BIB Redirection Fields for more information. - May 2018 Resource Management URM-87846
The following new author number generation routines are available when configuring Generate MARC21 Author Call Number and Generate Chinese Author Call Number task parameters: Cutter number generation 090 routine 3 (MARC 21) and Chinese author number generation 090 2 (CNMARC). See Generate MARC 21 Author Call Number and Generate Chinese Author Call Number for more information. - May 2018 Resource Management SF: 00379517URM-72693
The Portfolio Loader Template was updated to include a column for OTHER_SYSTEM_NUMBER. See OTHER_SYSTEM_NUMBER for more information. - May 2018 Resource Management / Administration and Infrastructure
Note that with a new repository search feature scheduled for the July release (and after re-indexing is complete), your existing logical sets may produce an expanded set of results for those logical sets created with All Titles, Physical Titles, Electronic Titles, and Digital Titles repository searches (bibliographic records). Depending on how you use your logical sets, this may affect publishing results. For details of the change planned for the July release, see Non-Preferred Terms in Repository Search. - May 2018 Digital Resource Management SF: 00501078URM-85786
Filtering Parameters were added to the Withdraw Digital Representations Job. For more information, see the Withdraw Digital Representations entry in the Manual Jobs and Their Relevant Parameters section. - May 2018 Digital Resource Management SF: 00501078URM-83244
The Alma Viewer now supports Microsoft Word files (.doc and .docx). - May 2018 Digital Resource Management URM-84605
You can now include additional namespaces in the OAI-DC XML when performing an OAI harvest, with no requirement to use only DC/DC terms fields. - May 2018 Digital Resource Management URM-71747
You can configure the access rights denied note separately for each language for which Alma is configured. For more information, see Adding an Access Rights Policy. - May 2018 Digital Resource Management SF: 00534288URM-75138
The Add Qualified DC BIB to Collection normalization process was added for DC records. It contains the addBibToCollection task that assigns DC records to collections. For more information, see Collection Assignment – Dublin Core. - May 2018 Digital Resource Management URM-74240
Deposit ID was added to the list of representation level advanced search fields. - May 2018 Fulfillment
Idea Exchange and
NERS Enhancement (ID #5197) SF: 00349040 00385658 00060986 00062916 00072565 00076693 00130696URM-81801
Further to the April feature that enables you to view historical requests in Resource Request Monitoring, you can now view request history for an item retrieved in search results.Search Results Other Details - May 2018 Fulfillment URM-86639
You can configure Primo to use item-level requesting by contacting Ex Libris Support. For more information, see Request Options. - May 2018 Fulfillment SF: 00495877URM-84192
There is a new daily scheduling option for the Loans - Overdue and Lost Loan job (see Configuring Fulfillment Jobs). - May 2018 Fulfillment
Idea Exchange SF: 00501078URM-76615
For fulfillment network members, the institutional drop-down list is now sorted alphabetically on the following pages:- Patron Services (identification, loan and return)
- Return Items
- Scan In Items
- May 2018 Fulfillment SF: 00507298 00522023 00222619URM-67013
A new mapping table allows you to configure the priorities for each of the different library request types. The Request Priorities mapping table (Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Request Priorities) allows you to configure priorities for each library request type. See Configuring Request Type Priorities.The Request Type and Priority columns are currently mislabeled. This will be corrected with the May hotfix on May 13, 2018. - May 2018 Fulfillment SF: 00502917URM-85810
For a reading room desk, on the Active Hold Shelf, it is now possible to add a barcode column and a description column in the Held by Patron and On Shelf (Not Final) tabs. These columns are hidden by default but available in the list customization. - May 2018 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing URM-37113
Previously, the response that Alma sent for an ItemRequested NCIP v1 message was enclosed with <Response />. The response is now enclosed with <ItemRequestedResponse />. - May 2018 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00469500 00481974 00496762 00505886 00505983 00506813 00507729 00508237 00512202 00513784 00513836 00522043 00524809 00540477URM-81944
The Start Page and End Page fields of the request are now included on the Ful Outgoing Email letter (letter code: FulOutgoingEmailLetter) and Ful Incoming Slip letter (letter code: FulIncomingSlipLetter). The letters can be further configured in the XSL to send editor and chapter details such as title and author. - May 2018 Analytics URM-70160
The Physical Condition field was added to the Physical Item Details dimension of the Physical Items and Fulfillment subject areas. It indicates the condition of the physical item. - May 2018 Analytics URM-81930
The Load File SUSHI Account URL field was added to the Load File dimension of the Usage Data subject area. - May 2018 Analytics SF: 00365177 00365177URM-67350URM-82875
Local Parameters (1-10) were added to Holding Details dimension of the Physical Items subject area and the Bibliographic Details dimension (in which there were previously only 5 such fields) in all subject areas in which it appears. These fields allow you to use customizable fields in your reports. Note that you must contact Ex Libris Support to add these fields. - May 2018 Analytics
Idea Exchange SF: 00487074URM-86353URM-84037
The following changes were made to allow you to create Analytics reports for holdings records that do not have item records:- The Number of Items field (Physical Items > Physical Item Details) was renamed Number of Items (Deleted + In Repository) and the Number of Items (In Repository) field was added.
- The Has Active Items field was added to Physical Items > Holdings Details. It indicates whether the holdings record has item records.
- The following fields were added to Titles > Title Measures to indicate the number of holdings records with item records:
- Num of Holdings (All)
- Num of Holdings (Active)
- Num of Holdings (Deleted)
- The following fields were added to Titles > Title Details:
- Has Active Digital Representations
- Has Active Electronic Collections
- Has Active Electronic Portfolios
- Has Active Holdings Records
- Has Active Physical Items
- The Inventory Breakdown report was added to the Title level overlap analysis dashboard (/shared/Alma/Titles/Dashboards).
- The Holdings records with no active items report was added to the Inventory folder.
- The following reports were added in the Titles folder:
- Bibliographic records with holdings record and no items
- Bibliographic records with no inventory of any type
- Inventory Breakdown
- May 2018 Analytics URM-81927URM-84380
The following changes were made to the Analytics Community Folders:- The Industry Statistics (to be deprecated) folder was removed.
- The prompts formerly under the Subject Area Contents folder were moved under the Usage > Prompts folder and the Subject Area Contents folder was marked to be deprecated.
- May 2018 Analytics SF: 00407124URM-84759
The Fulfillment - Patron physical item requests made while item is on loan report was added under /shared/Alma/Industry Standard Reports/DBS. - May 2018 Analytics SF: 00500106URM-86917
The Material Type Code field was added to the Bibliographic Details dimension in all subject areas in which it appears. - May 2018 Analytics SF: 00502457 00510977 00533796URM-85718
The Item Copy ID field was added to the Physical Item Details dimension of the Physical Items subject area. - May 2018 Administration and Infrastructure
Idea Exchange URM-86879
If a user tries to log in with a login link sent by email, but the user is blocked or otherwise not permitted to log in, the user will see a message to this effect after trying to log in using the link. See Primo Login Using Email. - May 2018 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00513482URM-83593
In the configuration menu, the Back to Alma link now appears in the color scheme selected for the institution. In addition, the type of environment now appears as a page subtitle beneath the Alma Configuration title.Configuration Page - May 2018 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00487779URM-84662
The Add pane on the Identifiers tab of the User Details page now contains buttons for both Add and Add and Close. - May 2018 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00469934URM-82280
Like most other sections on a page, you can now also collapse or expand the summary header using the expand/collapse arrows (/
) on the right.
- May 2018 Administration and Infrastructure URM-86365
The names of the parameters of the Thumbnail Generation job were changed and are now:- Generate
- Generate and Overwrite
- Use default
- May 2018 APIs URM-83549
The following APIs were added for handling reminders: add, edit, delete, retrieval of a list of reminders for a specific bibliographic record, and retrieval of reminder details. For detailed information on these APIs, see - May 2018 APIs URM-83431
PUT and POST APIs were added for standalone portfolios. For detailed information, see - May 2018 APIs URM-83213
The Request options APIs now include the following:- For general electronic services: service code, service name, service public name, service ordering information, URL to the service, whether the service is available for physical and/or electronic resources
- The partner defined as a service with the following information: partner code, partner name, URL (the fully constructed URL)
- May 2018 APIs URM-83213
The GET BIB API can now include the number of requests on the bibliographic record. - May 2018 Alma-Summon IntegrationURM-84923
When no URL is defined for the logo, Alma now redirects users to the view's logout URL.
- March 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00511869URM-85644
The Vendor URL was added to the following two pages (see Manually Uploading and Deleting COUNTER Data):- Uploaded Files section on the Usage Data tab of the SUSHI vendor harvest (Acquisitions > Acquisitions Infrastructure > Vendors, select Edit in the row actions list for the vendor and select the Usage Data tab).
- Usage Data Loader (Acquisitions > Import > Load Usage Data)
- March 2018 AcquisitionsURM-83478
Details about the fund now appear in the Fund column on the Invoice Details tab (for invoices and PO lines). - March 2018 AcquisitionsURM-63682URM-63684
DB2 and JR2 COUNTER types for release R4 are now supported for manual upload processes (xlsx,xls,csv,txt,tsv,xml). For more information, see COUNTER Report Types. - March 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00413832URM-78987
When an invoice/invoice line is deleted or a PO line is removed from the invoice line, Alma now checks the PO line status and whether the PO line has another invoice line related to it. If the status is active and there are no more related invoice lines, the invoice status is set to No Invoice. See Manually Creating a PO Line. - March 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00466866 00388357URM-70832
The Next Step drop-down list on the Receive New Material page (Acquisitions > Receiving and Invoicing > Receive) now displays the status regardless of whether it is defined at the institutional or library levels (previously it was displaying only the institutional level values). - March 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00412531URM-75798
New scheduling options are now available for the Export to ERP and Import Payment Confirmation jobs. Import Payment Confirmation now includes one additional run time per day. Export to ERP includes one additional run per day and an additional run on Saturdays. - March 2018 Acquisitions SF: 00461295 00481545 00501840 00507991URM-82635
To add a closed PO line to an invoice line, click the quick pick link for the PO line field and set the filter to All in order the see the closed PO line. For more information, see Creating Invoices. - March 2018 Resource Management / Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00425709URM-79927
The Alma staff search is now sensitive to special characters in Spanish. To utilize this capability, contact Ex Libris to configure Spanish and re-index your data. See Searching for Special Characters for more information. - March 2018 Resource Management SF: 00468252URM-78218
In the Location Information section of the Physical Item Editor, the Permanent Library option was removed. The Permanent Location option was enhanced with a combination drop-down list that provides both the permanent library and location options in one list. Similar to the Location Information section, the Temporary Location Information section in the Physical Item Editor implemented a library/location combination drop-down list for the Temporary Location option. See the Location Information section and the Temporary Location Information section for more information. - March 2018 Digital Resource ManagementURM-80941
You can now configure the Alma Viewer labels for each language that is configured. For more information, see Alma Viewer Labels. - March 2018 Digital Resource ManagementURM-73799
The Deposit Profiles link was renamed Manage Deposit Profiles and was moved from Configuration > Resources > Deposit to Resources > Deposit. - March 2018 Digital Resource Management
Idea Exchange URM-80941
You can now generate up to two access keys for digital storage rather than one. - March 2018 Fulfillment - Resource SharingURM-82496
A new block, Item is bound to a borrowing request for another patron, was added to the Block Preference table to prevent loaning items that were received for borrowing requests and returned. By default, such loans are blocked, but the block can be configured as "overrideable." For more information, see Editing Block Preferences. - March 2018 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing
Idea Exchange URM-80890
A summary section is now displayed at the top of the Shipping Items page. The section is visible only when displayed through the Ship Item action on the Resource Sharing Lending Task List.Shipping Items Page - March 2018 Fulfillment - Resource SharingURM-80687
A note field was added to the Loan Receipt letter (letter code: FulLoanReceiptLetter) and Return Receipt letter (letter code: FulReturnReceiptLetter) code tables. - March 2018 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 00450664URM-79291
The following data was added to the XML of the Borrower Overdue Email letter (letter code: BorrowerOverdueEmailLetter):- name and address of the partner
- code of the partner
- call number and alternative call number of the item
- permanent library of the item
- notes attached to the item
- March 2018 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing
Idea Exchange URM-79044
On the Scan In Items page, the Automatically Print Slip field now remembers the last selection made during the same session. For more information, see Scanning Items. - March 2018 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing / Resource Management SF: 00386261URM-43736
On the page for creating a new physical item, resource sharing borrowing request, or resource sharing lending request, the field OCLC Number was changed to System Control Number to be more general. - March 2018 Administration and Infrastructure / Collaborative NetworksURM-82867
For S/FTP connection, the indication as to whether the connection is managed in the Network Zone was added to the summary header on the connection page in both the member institution and in the Network Zone. - March 2018 AnalyticsURM-82028
The COUNTER Reports Loaded by Type tab was added to the Benchmark dashboard. It indicates the number of each type of COUNTER report that was loaded. - March 2018 AnalyticsURM-83568
The following changes were implemented for the Benchmark subject area:- The Usage By COUNTER Reports tab in the Benchmark dashboard now supports BR2 and JR1 reports.
- The following field names were changed in Benchmark > Usage KPIs - Counter Reports:
- Journal usage (previous calendar year) was changed to JR1 Journal usage.
- Book Searches (previous calendar year) was changed to BR1 Title Requests.
- Database views (previous calendar year) was changed to DB1 Database views.
- Database searches (previous calendar year) was changed to DB1 Database searches.
- Platform searches (previous calendar year) was changed to PR1 Platform searches.
- The following new fields were added to Benchmark > Usage KPIs - Counter Reports:
- JR1a Journal Archive usage
- BR2 Section Requests
- Number of unique JR1 COUNTER reports loaded
- Number of unique JR1a COUNTER reports loaded
- Number of unique BR1 COUNTER reports loaded
- Number of unique BR2 COUNTER reports loaded
- Number of unique DB1 COUNTER reports loaded
- Number of unique PR1 COUNTER reports loaded
- March 2018 AnalyticsURM-84959
The Status (Active) field was added to the PO Line dimension for all subject areas in which it appears. It indicates the reason the PO line has an Active status, for example, In Review, Sent, and Waiting for Invoice. - March 2018 AnalyticsURM-80777
The JR1 - Journal Usage Counter (html) and JR1 - Journal Usage Counter (pdf) fields were added to Usage Data > Usage Data Details. They indicate the journal usage in HTML and PDF formats, respectively. - March 2018 AnalyticsURM-84020
The Representation Details and File Details dimensions were added to the Digital Usage subject area. You can use the fields of these dimensions to create reports concerning the usage of representations and files.Representation Details and File Details Dimensions - March 2018 AnalyticsURM-84384
The following out-of-the-box reports were added to the Alma Analytics dashboards:- Resolver statistics by source (Usage via Alma Link Resolver)
- Resolver statistics by journal (Usage via Alma Link Resolver)
- PO lines by fiscal year and type (Acquisitions)
- Available electronic resources (E-Inventory)
- Newly activated portfolios and collections (E-Inventory)
- March 2018 Administration and Infrastructure SF: 00169005URM-49884
The privilege E_TASK_ASSIGNMENT (which enables access to the Electronic Activation Task List under Resources > Manage Inventory > Manage Electronic Resource Activation) is now part of the Electronic Inventory Operator role. This privilege enables the Electronic Inventory Operator role to use the Assign to row action. See Activating Electronic Resources and Privileges Report for more information. - March 2018 APIs SF: 00181629URM-82755
Campus (Available for) information was added to the BIB API, SRU, and general publishing AVE and AVA fields. - March 2018 APIsURM-82258
The AVA fields of the BIB API and SRU were enriched to generate the calculated summary holdings. - March 2018 APIsURM-82156
License administrator information was added to the create, update, and retrieve license APIs. For details, see
- February 2018 AcquisitionsURM-81183
The vendor URL was added on the list of columns in Manage Column Display and to the export to Excel function for the Usage Data Loader page. See Managing COUNTER-Compliant Usage Data. - February 2018 Resource ManagementURM-79929
The flexible cursor placement when editing a field functionality in the MD Editor is being re-released (previously announced in the July 2017 release notes). You can now position your cursor anywhere within a field to begin editing. Previously, the cursor would jump automatically to the end or beginning of the field, depending on the field type. Note that this feature is not supported in IE. See the MD Editor Working Example section. - February 2018 Resource ManagementURM-81185
Non-preferred terms of authority records linked to bibliographic records from the Community Zone are now published to Primo. With this change, you can now search by non-preferred terms in Primo. In addition, all bibliographic headings of Community Zone records are now available when using Browse Bibliographic Headings. - February 2018 Resource ManagementURM-67398
Alt+Shift+L was added as a shortcut for the Manage Location Information option in the MD Editor Tools menu. See Sending Location Information and Updating the UNIMARC 899 Field in Alma for more information. - February 2018 Resource ManagementURM-74040
The Run Now button in the Upload Electronic Holdings profiles has been changed to Save and Run so that you can now immediately save and run the profile in one step. See the following for more information: